Expansion to a Distant Campus Appendix F Program Name: Personnel Responsibilities TEMPLATE (A1.08, A2.05, A2.09, A2.12) List below the program director, medical director, principal faculty and administrative support staff. Identify their responsibilities from the list provided. Indicate the name/location of the distant campus and indicate to which campus the individuals have their primary assignment (this form is designed to accommodate up to four distant campuses). Complete additional copies of this template as needed to accommodate the number of individuals involved. IF you complete more than one template, save each under a different name and indicate in the comments section that more than one template was used. Responsibilities Assigned to Main Campus Assigned to Distant Campus Assigned to Distant Campus Assigned to Distant Campus Assigned to Distant Campus Academic Advising Administration Administrative assistance Individual Name and Title (use abbreviations for title) Expansion to a Distant Campus: Personnel Accreditation activities Clinical practice Clinical site development Clinical site monitoring Coordination of instruction Curriculum development Curriculum evaluation Faculty coordination Faculty development Program evaluation Secretarial Scholarly activities Student advising/ Counseling (non academic) Student recruitment Student evaluation Student selection Teaching and instruction Other: Other: Other: Other: Comments: page 2