International Scholarship Fund (new rule as of September 15, 2008)

General Info
In This Section
What Is Expected of A Winner ….………………………….. Page 3
How Overall Winners Are Selected……………………….. Page 3
International Scholarship Fund ……………………………. Page 3
Registration & Orientation …………………………………. Page 3
Rehearsals ……………………….……………………………. Page 3
Production/Activity/Competition “Dream” Wardrobe …... Page 3
Making Payments..…………………………………………… Page 4
Theater Policies…………………………………………………Page 5
Photography & Videography ………………………………Page 6
This Section forms
State Crown Order Form .........……………………………….Page 7
Payment Form …………………………………………………. Page
Sponsorship & Ad Sales Contributor Receipts ...………….Page 7
Still to come
Ticket & Activities Order Form
International Junior Miss Mission Statement
The International Junior Miss Scholarship Program is a program organized to encourage
positive achievement by helping to nurture and build self awareness in our youth and young
women of today. The International Junior Miss program awards scholarships to individuals on the
basis achievement throughout the weekend of competition and service throughout the year as an
International Junior Miss titleholder. Scholarships are awarded in each division up to $5000 per
division. Awards are provided for academic achievement, volunteer service and sprit of
participation. Additional scholarships are provided for excellence in talent, modeling, public
speaking and other optional categories totaling over $1000 in additional scholarship opportunities
per division bringing the grand total of scholarships offered this year at the International Finals to
nearly $40,000 per year. All scholarships are determined by the number of delegates in each
The International Junior Miss Scholarship program will host an international competition intended
to both encourage and reward the achievement of girls between 4 and 24 years of age. Our
program is unique in that we do not allow make-up on delegates ages 12 years and under.
The International Junior Miss Program is designed to give each delegate and her family memories
that they can cherish for the rest of their lives. Our schedule includes time for family, meeting
new people, self-motivation presentations, and evening community activities. We encourage a
healthy life-style, but no swimsuit competition is required for the IJM competition. Delegates will
compete in Interview Competition allowing each judge to personally speak with each delegate
about their accomplishments and future goals, personal introduction to encourage public speaking
and presentation skills, evening gown competition to keep in tradition with pageantry’s grace,
poise and stage presentation, and fun fashion in ages 13 and older to give each delegate a
chance to express their personal sense of style and fashion.
The International Junior Miss Program is pleased to have crowned six dynamic young women at
the 2008 competition. The current titleholders are Kaitlyn Bruce, International Miss; Keri Walker,
International Teen; Macall Brown, International Jr. Miss; Alexis Ruby, International Pre-Teen,
Kiera Class-Martinez, International Princess; and Megan Sowell,
International Junior Princess.
The 2009 International Junior Miss Scholarship Program will be
held July 8th – 12th at the lovely Linda Chapin Theater. The
Linda Chapin Theater is housed at the Orange County
Convention Center in sunny Orlando, Florida and has been
home to other great scholarship programs such as the Miss
America Outstanding Teen Pageant for the past three years.
For additional information, please contact the International
International Office: 904-240-4831
What is expected of the winners . . . . . . . .
If you are selected as an International Junior Miss titleholder, hold onto your seats and get ready for a fabulous
year. The International Royalty will have the opportunity to become a part of a sisterhood like no other. Each
International Queen will be invited to attend state pageants across the country as well as the opportunity to use
her International title as a vehicle to become more involved in her community. As the International Junior Miss
Pageant System grows, so does the duties and responsibilities of the International Winners. The International Junior
Miss Pageant holds its titleholder to the highest standards. We support our winners in their quest for other titles and
awards. However, while our state winners are allowed to compete in other competitions, we discourage
participating in any programs that will conflict with fulfilling their obligation to compete at the International
Pageant. Should you be crowned a State International Junior Miss Pageant Winner, you will required to return any
cash awards and prizes if you do no attend the International Pageant. If you are selected as an International
Pageant Winner, your International Junior Miss or IJM Miss title should always come first. You must get written
permission before participating in any other pageant competitions and will not be allowed to participate in any
programs that are direct conflict with fulfilling your International Junior Miss title. The best sportsmanship is always
required at our competition as well as any other competitions that you may decide to enter. Unsportsmanlike
conduct is always grounds for lose of title and prizes. International Pageant winners will receive their cash awards
in a minimum of two payments with one payment being awarded at the 2009 International Finals and the final
payment upon completion of a successful reign and the return to crown the following year’s successor.
International Junior Miss Scholarship titleholders cash awards are guaranteed as outlined in the section
INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND that can be found below. International Pageant winners are required to
make a minimum of twelve appearances throughout the year. All other cash awards are based on an average
of 20 delegates per division. Cash awards are prorated based on final numbers with no less than the fee that you
paid to enter the competition awarded.
ANMTC International Model & Talent Winners will be invited to audition for modeling assignments throughout the
year. Modeling jobs are at the discretion of the client and modeling agencies. ANMTC International does not
guarantee work for ANMTC Model or Talent Winners. Cash awards for model & talent winners along with any
other optional awards will be presented on Sunday, July 12, 2009. All cash awards are based on an average of 20
delegates per division. Cash awards are prorated based on final numbers.
How Overall Winners Are Selected . . . . .
Each judge will score each delegate between 1 - 15 points in each segment of competition. All scores are tallied
to determine the winner and alternates. Individuals that do not follow the rules will not win the pageant
competition. A violation of the rules will cost a delegate one placement for each rule violated. The panel of
judges will break all ties and have final say in rule violations. No one outside of the official judge’s panel will have
a say in selecting the winners and alternates including the International Director or International Staff/Volunteers.
A winner and four alternates will be selected if the total number of delegates is 10 or greater; a winner and three
alternates if the delegate number is between seven and ten; a winner and two alternates if the delegate number
is between five and six, one first alternate and two second alternates if the number is between three and four.
Divisions & categories under five may be combined. Delegates will move to the division closest to their age.
Delegates ages 4 & 5 will never be combined with older divisions.
International Scholarship Fund (new rule as of September 15, 2008)
Each State Delegate is required to raise money or make a donation in the amount of $100 to the International
Scholarship Fund. The International Scholarship will be equally divided by the six division winners. We will only
accept an average of 50 delegates per division at the international level. 50 delegates per division x $100 per
delegate donation (maximum entries allowed per division) equals $5000.00. All donations must be made by
check or money order and should not be included in your sponsorship payment. All scholarship donations are to
be made payable to IJM Scholarship Fund. Scholarship Payment donations and patrons list are due by June 1,
Registration & Orientation . . . . . .
Registration will be held on Wednesday, July 8th at the lovely Rosen Plaza Hotel. Registration will begin at
4:00 pm. Exact Division Registration times will be posted at the Registered Delegate Site on June 1 st.
The Welcome Banquet and Mandatory Orientation will be held immediately following registration.
Rehearsals. . . . . .
Rehearsals are very important in producing a live theater show. We ask that everyone comes to rehearsals each
morning prepared and ready to learn the stage choreography. Parents of delegates ages 4 – 12 will be required
to attend talent rehearsals only. At no other times and for no other divisions will parents and guest be allowed at
rehearsals. Delegates should dress comfortably each day. Avoid wearing “fashion” clothing rehearsals. Simple
and flexible. You may be sitting on the floor or on the stage at times which may be dusty. You should wear tennis
shoes or another type of comfortable shoe and bring your competition heels with you. You may also want to
consider bringing a light snack and bottle of water or sport’s drink. And finally, you will need a light jacket.
Official IJM State Royalty Jackets and Bags are available to order by visiting
Production, Activity & Competition “Dream” Wardrobe . . .
IJM is proud to announce that Once Upon A Dream is one of our newest scholarship sponsors for the
2009 Pageant Year. Once Upon A Dream, is a collection of motivational clothing and products
created with every woman in mind to induce a sense of pride, adventure, inspiration and worth. Once
Upon A Dream was inspired by the famous "Dear Andrea" column written by Founder & Creator,
Andrea Patrick Forte.
Opening Production: For the Opening Production Performance, you will need to order an Official
Onstage Introduction Pageant ‘Dream” tank top. You will be able to select from one of four slogans
that express your feeling of inspiration. Tank tops can be ordered online and will be shipped directly to
your home. You must wear white bottoms with your tank for the opening production number. Your
bottoms can be capri pant or long pant. Matching color accessories are allowed. No one other 2009
Delegates will be allowed to order this tank until after the competition.
Delegates ages 4 – 12 years must wear white socks and tennis shoes. Accent colors on the tennis
shoes are allowed.
Delegates age 13 years and older must wear a clear, white or silver heel ( 2 ½ inch or higher).
WonderWorks Outing/Commercial & Photo Shoot Competition: During the WonderWorks outing you
are required to wear a “Simply Wonderful” slogan tank and pair of blue denim jeans, capris, skirt or
skorts. The ‘Simply Wonderful” tank doubles as official competition wardrobe for the Commercial
Auditions and Optional Photo Shoot Competition. Parents and guest are invited to order ‘Simply
Wonderful” dream tanks.
More information regarding production, activity and competition “dream” wardrobe will be provided
in a future mailing.
Making Payments . . .
Payments made beginning JUNE 1st must be made by CERTIFIED FUNDS ONLY. We will not accept any checks
after this date. No exceptions. Please be sure to use a tracking method when you mail money orders or cashier
checks. We are not responsible for payments that are lost in the mail. You may want to consider using priority mail
with Delivery and/or Signature Confirmation. Please be sure to use the enclosed payment form when
making a payment and include the delegate’s name and division on all checks and money orders.
Please do not send any post dated checks to the pageant office. We will not hold any checks.
checks are processed and deposited immediately.
Theater Policies . . . . .
It is very important that all delegates, family members and friends of the pageant remember that
good sportsmanship is a must. Parents, YOU set the example. Only one delegate will be named the
winner. Only a few delegates will win special awards or be finalist. However, each delegate will bring
to the pageant her own special flair. These delegates are presenting themselves, performing in front
of judges and a live audience. It takes unique and special people to handle those duties. This is why
we believe that every delegate is a winner. You and your family should feel proud of this
achievement and the special recognition of representing your city and state.
Delegates, parents and guest displaying poor sportsmanship will be asked to leave without refund, will
not be invited back to the pageant and will forfeit any prizes or gifts awarded.
Dressing Rooms & Backstage Assistants: (ages 4 – 12 years)
Delegates ages 4 – 12 years are allowed to have one parent/guest to serve as their backstage
assistant. Each backstage assistant must have a ticket and must have a backstage pass. At no time
will a backstage assistant be allowed to stand at stage level or in the wings. Any backstage assistant
that do not follow the rules will be asked to leave the backstage area and return to their seats
immediately. It is our suggestion that you choose simple and elegant hairstyles and outfits that easy to
get into and out of.
Dressing Rooms & Backstage Assistants: (ages 13 – 24 years)
Delegates ages 13 – 24 years may have one parent or guest to assist them backstage during theater
“move-in” only. Once delegates are settled into the dressing room, parents/guest must leave
immediately. At no other time will parents/guest of delegates ages 13 years and older be allowed
Weekend Badges:
Everyone in attendance/occupying a seat must have a ticket in order to be admitted to the
pageant. Ticket Badges may be ordered in advance or during registration. TICKET BADGES ARE NOT
AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE AT THE THEATER. Please be sure to inform your family members and guest.
Advance Ticket Badge Prices are $45 for adults and children ages 4 – 12 years.
Upgrade Ticket badges are available for $10.00 per person. This includes early admissions to all shows.
Photography & Videography
Cameras and video recording devices are not be allowed in the theater. Theater Security will strictly
enforce this policy. Anyone using a camera , camera phone or video recording device during the
pageant will be asked to leave without refund.
The Official Photographer for the 2009 International Junior Scholarship Program is Jeremy Adamo of
Adamo Photographer. You will receive information regarding photo packages for the prior to the
International Finals. Discounts will be provided for those who order photos in advance. Delegates may
bring their camera to take pictures during weekend activities only.
The Official Videographer for the 2009 International Junior Miss Program is Videoworx Productions. You
will receive information regarding photo packages for the prior to the International Finals. Discounts will
be provided for those who order photos in advance. Delegates may bring their camera to take
pictures during weekend activities only.
Demo videos will be available soon.
Fees can be paid by retuning this form to:
Fees can be paid online by visiting
___ 4 – 6 Years
___ 7 – 9 years
___ 10 – 12 years ___ 13 – 15 years
___ 16 – 18 years ___ 19 – 24 years
Delegate’s Name _____________________________
State ___________________________________________
Phone (
) __________________________________
This payment is for:
Sponsorship Fee
Photogenic Entry (limit 3)
Talent Entry Fee (limit 2)
Casual Wear (limit 2)
Supermodel with Style Entry
Spokesmodel Entry Fee
Commercial Audition (limit 2)
Photo Shoot Entry Fee
Advertising (please attach ad forms)
Tickets (please attach ticket form)
Other: ___________________
___ @ $75
___ @ $75
___ @ $75
___ @ $75
___ @ $50
___ @ $50
___ @ $50
TOTAL $________
Fees can be paid by retuning this form to:
Fees can be paid online by visiting
___ 4 – 6 Years
___ 7 – 9 years
___ 10 – 12 years ___ 13 – 15 years
___ 16 – 18 years ___ 19 – 24 years
Delegate’s Name _____________________________
State ___________________________________________
Phone (
) __________________________________
This payment is for:
Sponsorship Fee
Photogenic Entry (limit 3)
Talent Entry Fee (limit 2)
Casual Wear (limit 2)
Supermodel with Style Entry
Spokesmodel Entry Fee
Commercial Audition (limit 2)
Photo Shoot Entry Fee
Advertising (please attach ad forms)
Tickets (please attach ticket form)
Other: ___________________
___ @ $75
___ @ $75
___ @ $75
___ @ $75
___ @ $50
___ @ $50
___ @ $50
TOTAL $________
State Crown Order Form
Name ____________________________________________________________________________________
___ Jr. Princess (4 -6 yrs)
___ Princess (7 – 9 yrs)
___ Pre-Teen (10 – 12 yrs)
___ Jr. Teen (13 – 15 yrs)
___ Teen (16 – 18 yrs)
___ Miss (19 – 24 yrs)
It is not mandatory to order a state crown, but it is a wonderful tool for promoting your state title. Our
state crowns are ordered directly from the manufacture. Each crown is made to order and takes
about six weeks for processing and shipping.
Fees can be paid by retuning this form to:
Fees can be paid online by visiting
Delegate’s Name _____________________________
State ___________________________________________
Phone (
___ 4 – 6 Years
___ 7 – 9 years
___ 10 – 12 years ___ 13 – 15 years
___ 16 – 18 years ___ 19 – 24 years
) __________________________________
This payment is for:
Name of Cardholder ___________________________________________
Cardholder’s Phone Number (
Cardholder’s Signature ________________________________________
Cardholder’s Billing Address ____________________________________
City___________________________State_______Zip Code___________
Sponsorship Fee
Photogenic Entry
Model Entry Fee
Talent Entry Fee
Supermodel with Style
Commercial Entry Fee
Monologue Entry Fee
Other: ___________________
____ I am enclosing me check or money order in the amount of $ _________________.
Please return this form along with your first sponsorship payment to:
5468 Irish Road
North Tonawanda, NY 14120
Sponsorship & Ad Sales Contributor’s Receipt
Detach and give a receipt to your sponsors. Keep the stub for your records.
Keep this stub for your records:
Contributor’s Name
Sponsor’s Name _________________________________________________
Amount Contributed $ _________________ Date: __________________
ANMTC International Delegate ________________________________
Check One: ___ Sponsorship ___ Ad Sales __ Other
__ Cash __ Check __ Money Order __ Credit Card
Thank you for your support.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Keep this stub for your records:
Contributor’s Name
Sponsor’s Name _________________________________________________
Amount Contributed $ _________________ Date: __________________
ANMTC International Delegate ________________________________
Check One: ___ Sponsorship ___ Ad Sales __ Other
__ Cash __ Check __ Money Order __ Credit Card
Thank you for your support.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keep this stub for your records:
Contributor’s Name
Sponsor’s Name _________________________________________________
Amount Contributed $ _________________ Date: __________________
ANMTC International Delegate ________________________________
Check One: ___ Sponsorship ___ Ad Sales __ Other
__ Cash __ Check __ Money Order __ Credit Card
Thank you for your support.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Keep this stub for your records:
Sponsor’s Name _________________________________________________
Contributor’s Name
Amount Contributed $ _________________ Date: __________________
ANMTC International Delegate ________________________________
Check One: ___ Sponsorship ___ Ad Sales __ Other
__ Cash __ Check __ Money Order __ Credit Card
Thank you for your support.
Sponsorship & Ad Sales Contributor’s Receipt
Detach and give a receipt to your sponsors. Keep the stub for your records.
The International Junior Miss Program was founded to give girls and
young women of all ages the opportunity to discover their dreams
and unleash their potential. Our program is designed to allow
our participants to grow and meet new friends with both different
and similar interest as themselves.
We are not a beauty pageant. We’re an opportunity
The International Junior Miss Program was founded to give girls and
young women of all ages the opportunity to discover their dreams
and unleash their potential. Our program is designed to allow
our participants to grow and meet new friends with both different
and similar interest as themselves.
We are not a beauty pageant. We’re an opportunity.
The International Junior Miss Program was founded to give girls and
young women of all ages the opportunity to discover their dreams
and unleash their potential. Our program is designed to allow
our participants to grow and meet new friends with both different
and similar interest as themselves.
We are not a beauty pageant. We’re an opportunity.
The International Junior Miss Program was founded to give girls and
young women of all ages the opportunity to discover their dreams
and unleash their potential. Our program is designed to allow
our participants to grow and meet new friends with both different
and similar interest as themselves.
We are not a beauty pageant. We’re an opportunity.