Editor: The Ineffable, Unbegotten Creator YAHUAH
© Copyright 07 - Watchman X
Matthew 10. 8: ‘Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have
received, freely give’.
Revelations 2.7 ‘If anyone is ready to listen, then listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
Only those that learn to be overcomers will be allowed to eat from the Tree of Life that awaits in the
middle of Paradise’
The Tree of Life is Yahushua (Pronounced YAH-HU-SHOO- AR) and the eating of that tree is
partaking of his company and hearing his words. Eating the fruit of the ‘Tree of Life’ is to share in
eternity and to be filled with truth and eternal light. At that point true believers will become one with
their Father again and hear the undiluted truth after thousands years ever since the Eden incident.
Revelations 2. 11: ‘He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that
overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death’.
This confirms that only the ‘overcomer’ will be granted eternal life. There is never a guarantee of
avoiding the first death, which is in our physical bodies. Sadly though incredibly few people will
qualify and this book is an exploration of just why that is. This is confusing for most Church-goers as
they are taught that Christendom is the only correct faith, just like the Muslim’s think Islam is? Well
if they were, the only true Messiah would not have prophesied this:
Luke 18. 18: ‘I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man
comes, will he find faith on the earth?’
Yet still Christendom thinks it is ‘sitting pretty’. If Christendom ‘as a whole’ was the way, the truth
and the life as it claims, Yahushua would not have made such a prophecy because Christendom is
huge! If any reader thinks they are 100% secure and safe in their faith, would it not be wise to doublecheck that seat-belt? We are on the verge of being cast into the period of time called the ‘Great
Tribulation’ and this book has come about due to this verse:
Revelations 2. 21-22: ‘And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not.
Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation,
except they repent of their deeds.
This time allowed to the churches to repent is also on the verge of coming to an end. The period
called ‘the beginning of sorrows’ is about to be replaced with the Great Tribulation. So it is vital we
all re-check our beliefs and preconceptions that we have lived with most of our lives.
The second death is of course the death of the spirit. Some prefer to think that only means eternal
separation from their Creator in Hell. The reality is though, that our Creator can at will just blink our
spirits out of existence! It would be as if we never existed! That is usually either too harsh for some,
or a wake-up call?
Revelations 2.17 ‘If anyone is ready to listen, then listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
Only those that learn to overcome, will be allowed to eat the hidden manna. Only the overcomer will
be given a white stone that bares their new name secret name’
Revelations 3. 21: ‘To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also
overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne’.
1John 5. 4-5: ‘For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that
overcometh the world, even our faith’. Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth
that Yahushua is the Son of God’?
This tells us that those who ‘believe’, also must learn to overcome – it is not a guarantee that just a
simple faith that Yahushua is the son of God is enough! We have in general, forgotten that the word
‘believe’ is a ‘doing word’ and not just another word. To believe is to take up our cross and follow
Yahushua’s example, which means we to must learn to overcome as he did. If we do not conquer our
flesh and the world, we have not followed Yahushua and are therefore in rebellion against him. We
must do as he did and there is no way around this simple fact.
John 16. 33. Yahushua speaking: “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have
peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world’.
This confirms that it is because Yahushua conquered and overcame, that we can follow his example
and path and achieve the same. If we do not start our journey along his path, we are wasting our time
saying we believe in him. To know and not to do, is not to know!
This is obviously an eternal life or eternal death question then; “Just what exactly is it that we are
supposed to overcome”? Yahushua thought it so vital to all that choose to follow him, that he makes
the fact that he also had conquered and overcome the world, his closing statement! “It is
accomplished”! However as we will see, it is not just the world that we have to overcome if we
choose to follow him. There is another vital and often overlooked ingredient of this world that we
must conquer and overcome.
Too many churches have passed this off, as just the fact that Yahushua won a victory on the cross
which achieved everything that we require to be saved. This child-like belief is in serious error and
endangers millions of believers! Indeed that victory enables us to battle evil with the authority of his
name and the power of his blood in prayer and anointing etc, but as most of Christendom knows,
many will say to him, Lord, Lord, did we not cast out demons in your name etc only to be told,
“Depart from me for I never knew you”! So speaking his name and using blood in faith is indeed
powerful which confirms that crucifixion victory to us all, however we must pick up our cross and
‘follow him’. So true victory for us and being granted eternal life has nothing to do with the
crucifixion specifically, but it has everything to do with the Mystery of Iniquity which as we shall see,
is ‘the Spirit of Jezebel’! The crucifixion was the final task, the confirmation of his other previous
victories, which were just as vital to being able to understand the Gospel of the Kingdom! His other
victories then should be known to all who choose to follow him, else how are we to really know how
to follow him or what that even means?
Christendom teaches that a simple faith in Yahushua and the fact that he was the son of YAHUAH
and came in the flesh, is enough to be granted eternal life. The fact is though, that to ‘believe’ and
have a ‘faith’ in Messiah, we must do as he did! If we do not learn to do as he did, we will simply not
be able to ‘follow’ him! And if we do not learn to follow the saviour, we will not experience eternal
The problem is though; way too many of us have allowed ourselves to be deceived by the
principalities, the powers, the rulers of darkness, and the spiritual wickedness in high places!
If you study Saul’s ‘overcoming’ verses, he only ever talks about overcoming either evil in general or
the devil, whilst Yahushua always directs overcoming towards a specific thing.
Romans 3. 4: ‘God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou
mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.
Romans 12. 21: ‘Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good’.
So once again, just what is it that we are to overcome? Is it evil in general or even just our adversary
the Devil? Yahushua gives a big clue as he draws to a close
Revelations ch 2, v 20: ‘Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that
woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit
fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols’.
It is not only the world that we must learn to overcome and conquer but this feminine ‘Spirit of
Jezebel’ as well. As we shall see later, it is referred to as being feminine due to the fact that it gives
birth! That’s a huge clue as to where this is going for those who are switched-on to such things.
Revelations 2. 26: ‘And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give
power over the nations’.
All of Chapter two is directly referring to the Spirit of Jezebel and not Satan or evil in general. This is
one of the greatest overlooked problems in the churches today! In fact it is EVERYTHING as we
shall soon see.
So what is going to happen to those of us who do not or don’t know how to, overcome or conquer the
Spirit of Jezebel? Well he tells us in the same chapter and many other places:
Revelations 2. 23: ‘And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am
he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your
So then the reward for NOT overcoming and conquering this mysterious Spirit of Jezebel, IS
Hence it’s kind of important don’t you think Church leaders? Where are your lessons to the flock on
this subject? “Oh, but we don’t know what it means”, they squirm. If we do not see or hear the
mysteries and parables, then our spirits are still in bondage! And the born-again experience we might
have had was stomped on, deceived and made of non-effect! If the so-called leader’s spirits were
truly awakened and freed from all deceptions, their spirits would teach the people instead of their
flesh from head knowledge.
If the leaders have really never known what these mysteries are (Which is possible as they are
mysteries to all that are not his!), then why didn’t they seek the Most High on the matter before? It’s
a matter of life and death after all! There are some true servants of Yahuah out there of course who
have had this revelation, but the knowledge is still not out there for either the Church or the general
population to readily teach it.
New Zealander Mr Barry Smith, Author of many fully recommended books has a chapter called ‘The
Mystery of Iniquity’ in his Book called ‘Warning’ (Referenced at the end of the book). I have found
all his books a great read and a must for anyone who hasn’t taken the rapture sleeping pill. I have no
doubt that he and his, serve the Most High, and may the Living God bless his house and keep it safe in
the days to come. I recommend reading it and praying about it yourselves.
There may be others out there of course, Im only one man and can’t read them all. My above
comments are aimed at the churches and their so-called leadership, for failing so many who would
have continued in their search if only they had not been side-swiped by their mostly unwitting
deceptions. How many millions have come in hungry, been fed mouldy bread and stale water only to
leave empty and forever thirsty and disappointed? How many would have stayed if only they had
found a full substance and truth. Instead for many of them, even the atheist’s fruit tastes equally
appealing. So back into the world they go, often with the hope that is in Yahushua destroyed!
Be assured people of the earth, our adversaries that plot our very destruction do already know, what
this particular mystery called Jezebel is. They witnessed it the first time around and even brought it
about through their manipulations in Shinar / Sumer.
The leaders of all the churches that have ignored this subject are in the greatest danger of experiencing
God’s wrath when he finally lifts his presence (Holy Ghost) from the earth. When that protection
goes (and it will very soon!) the cards will not fall where they may, but where we have built our
treasures. For those who treasure the thing’s of the spirit build them in the Kingdom of Heaven and
those that love the pleasures and riches of this world are going to go through a literal hell on earth, as
we are all put through our proving ground and final testing. This planet is all going to get burnt up in
the final cleansing and re-creation (again!).
Note: To those who think the earth was created from nothing just 6,000 years ago, it is time to wake
up, cut off your ‘Itching Ears’ and go direct to the Creator for your information. It’s time to give up
your reasons for division and arguments. The truth is on its way with all authority and power. I have
written out a Genesis 1.1-2 and the Flood expansion but put it right at the end as it’s not the primary
This book is not just a break-through for me and millions of others; it is akin to having the Most High
throw a rope down into our pits of despair, which the struggling back-slider’s can then grab a very
firm hold of. It is a book that the Most High has inspired and directly brought about, due to it being
the last days and time for an en-masse revealing of one of the greatest hidden biblical mysteries of all
time. God himself locked up these mysteries until these last days to all except the very few. The
disciples reached a stage where Yahushua could talk straight with them instead of in Parables (I have
used the NIV version of the below verse for ease of reading only. Everywhere else I use the AV/KJV.
Occasionally I may swap a word here or there but purely for the purposes of easing the read from the
olde-worldy King James speech. No meanings or contexts are altered and suggest that any reader feel
completely free to double check. For example:
The Parable of the Sower (The entire parable I suggest, should be read later - hopefully with new eyes
and understanding)
Matthew 13. 10-17: ‘The disciples came to him and asked, “Why do you speak to the people in
parables?”. He replied, “The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to
you but not to them. Whoever has, will be given more and he will have an abundance. Whoever does
not have, even what he has will be taken from him. This is why I speak to them in parables: “Though
seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand. In them is fulfilled the
prophecy of Isaiah: ‘You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but
never perceiving. For this people’s heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and
they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand
with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.’ But blessed are your eyes because they see, and
your ears because they hear. For I tell you the truth, many prophets and righteous men longed to see
what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it”.
Oh how the Churches love to think they know what Yahushua was really saying all the time. Well get
ready for a shock all ye Church-goers! Revelations from the spirit realm that have been tested under
the ‘Blood of the Lamb’, often have the affect of humbling our preconceptions. So I pray in truth,
light and holy love, that all set themselves to prayer and fasting before committing themselves to
reading the main body of this work.
So with the blessing and very strict editing of the eternal unborn Creator and source of all life, we as
one bring this Mystery out into the light where all his would-be-flock can see it and begin their very
own real fight to become a conqueror. The sooner we start, the greater our chance of success in the
little time we have left. Some may well have had this revelation already long ago and therefore are
already engaged in their own battles. I hope they have thanked him for it every day since as it has
saved my life and plucked me from my own self-made, self-climbed precipice.
Hallelujah, all Praise, all Honour and all Glory to the Most High and his Angels agreed, Amen.
So in the name of the true Messiah, Yahushua the Son of the One True Living God, who came in the
flesh, born of a virgin, walked this earth for 33 years and gave himself for us on the cross, preached in
‘Sheol’ for 3 days, then raised himself from the grave to show himself to many witnesses, then went
up to sit at the right hand of the Father. This work is also declared to you in the name of the
Unbegotten and Ineffable Father of Spirits.
(Note: It will already be obvious to anyone skilled in such things that I have no great skill when it
comes to grammar. I write as things come to me and then jumble it around to keep some kind of
directional flow going. If I shoot off at a tangent, it is because during the explanation of one matter, I
often hit something that also needs expanding on. I will always come back to the main point or flow
though. You just might have to back-track).
A message such as this has to be understandable by the broadest spectrum possible. So my use of
dictionary terminology has been kept to a minimum. More of a conversation style has emerged. I use
of the King James Version mainly because by the time I have translated the words of any version into
something that the passage actually means, it only makes a difference if their have been alterations
and mistranslations. Apart from the fact that the olde language after a short time becomes so colourful
in comparison, it’s far more enriching in that it stretches the grey-matter more. This is a very
important point that most miss. Modern translations tend to flow much quicker when read, which
suits the average novel. However, it then becomes so much easier to speed-read and that means that
your conscious mind will not always get the chance to commit the words to memory. When forced to
slow down and examine a passage and then maybe look up words in concordances and the like, the
opposite occurs and the memories become embedded not just in our memories but in our spirits and
hearts. The bible is just one of those books where you don’t want to miss a thing once you commit
yourself to reading it. Most of the time, it is the careful and slight alterations that cause confusion and
not the original words. If bibles were available in version pre-King James, I would read that one
instead. Sir Francis Bacon (Shakespeare and a 33rdo Freemason) and King James (A homosexual
Freemason) were not servants of the Most High.
So here goes and I pray you find it truly enlightening. I most certainly can not promise you will enjoy
it, just as bright lights often hurt eyes in the dark. My prayer is that those who are truly seeking to
hear the voice of the Great Shepherd will feel compelled by the Holy Ghost to press on, whilst others
may rebel against the words, hoping that they are just yet more opinions of an insignificant BibleBasher. Beware the spirit of Anti-Christ!
Either way, I have done as asked and followed the voice of my Shepherd through the darkness. If it
just helps one person find more truth and a more fulfilling and meaningful spirit-life, I shall not feel
shame before my maker, come that big day. This message was freely received and so it must be freely
given. It was received in the spirit and so no flesh shall benefit from it. Its purpose in fact is to help
reader’s put-down their flesh. Therefore those that love the flesh shall no doubt be repulsed by it! In
the process then, it shall become another method of sorting the wheat from the chaff on Yahuah’s
threshing floor.
May your futures be in truth and eternity - no matter how it comes to you? May your feet always
walk that narrow path and in the Eternal Light.
If it was left down to me as to who would benefit from it, I would choose people that are as desperate
as I once was. I have through the writing of this book discovered that the answers to my previous 12
yrs of prayer could not be answered before my appointed time. I just had to go through some vital life
experiences to reach the point where I was finally ready to humble myself and shed all of my
preconceptions and theories about what I thought was right! Impatience is often a great enemy and
my heart goes out to the ones that have so far found no answer’s to their problems. Many of which
have already accepted, are lifestyles on a fast-track to ‘Self-Destruct City’.
So I hope this book finds readers like a ladder coming down into that dark ‘Pit of Despair’, in which
we can sometimes secretly live. May the Eternal Light and Source of all Life, find you and keep you
safe, Amen.
BRIEF PERSONAL TESTIMONY (How this came about)
I am 42 years old and I grew up into a Christian home (Salvation Army). I have experienced various
Church types and schools of thought all my life. I have also studied eastern philosophies and political
ideals as well as hardcore Occultism from a Christian perspective. I have very rarely seen any articles
and have also never heard anyone talk on these two vital mysteries. There is more than a fair share of
soulish hypotheses out there as well. I have asked 90+ year old people that have been in Christianity
all of their lives and yet not one was able to answer my question as to what these mysteries were.
Eventually after 30+ years of listening to the doctrines of men, I finally decided to ask the Creator
himself for the Truth in all things and now I never give up asking. The one link I have found on the
net for anything close, I will write in a little later as I don’t want to give answers without the walkthrough. I had to read it 5/6 times just to grasp it though. Terminology and scholarly words are ok for
those in the loop, but for the average Joe, (like me) things must be kept simple (Thank you Father for
choosing the meek and humble).
Through far too many years of struggling to find the answers to my problems of backsliding into sin
and the world, I hit final crunch time. There is nothing I despise more than some aspect of my life
being beyond my control, which forces me to displease the Most High. To feel so helpless against
either an addiction or an obsession, is the very thing that drives most of us to utter despair! Speaking
personally, I could not find one person or book that held the solution. I was brought up to be a
Christian and thought I was ‘born-again’ at 12 yrs old after saying the repentance prayer. I later
discovered that I was truly born-from-above at the age of 30 (Feb 96), when I had two evil spirits
removed from me that I later found out were manipulating certain areas of my life. No one could even
answer my basic questions like, “Um excuse me, what was all that about”, or “what is all this crazy
stuff happening in my life”? I took the matter to prayer and also fasted for the first time at 30 and was
soon rewarded with a real vision, explaining what had happened to me. I had been fully-submerge
baptised. I had cast a reptilian entity from out of electronic equipment (Actually hiding within a
Christian Video tape to block a message about the Emmanuel prophecy in Isaiah!), which then
attacked me as it was cast into the pit, which has left scars on my spirit body. It’s my belief that I was
allowed to experience it as 100% confirmation of their existence). I have also had direct conflicts
with Witches, Warlocks and their craft along with multiple spirit battles etc. Fortunately they don’t
have any power over us unless we first give them the legal-right to do so. So they can only scream
and curse as they spit their hatred before they are cast into that appointed place by the power and
authority that we can all have in Yahushua and his blood, Amen and a big Hallelujah!
All of this seemingly-weird stuff and yet I could not stop myself repeatedly falling back into worldly
and sinful ways. I simply just could not hold on to that New-Creation and that promise of life more
abundant. After 12 years of hating myself for displeasing the Most High, the tears polymorphed into
self-hatred which eventually drove me to my own pit of despair. Unbeknown to me then, it was my
predestined moment in time - that time that sometimes comes only once: It was that make-your-mindup-time - holy or unholy, righteous or unrighteous - Live or Die! I have never been a character that
could settle for not knowing truth and so I simply refused to surrender to my despair without one huge
final effort. I was content that my flesh would exist in lower-mediocrity, but the Spirit has always
been for me, where-its-at. My desperate quest for an answer that would be the key to once-and-for-all
defeating myself!
One such night of prayer, resulted in my fasting and praying for three days with just water and a daily
multi-vitamin/mineral tablet. Toward the end of the 3 days, I got exhausted crying blubbering’s into
the air at one point and just went limp in my misery. I then for the first time used my mind instead of
my mouth. So I started screaming in my mind, “Father, Father, Father…I focussed every gram of my
grey matter to the task and this was it for me! If this didn’t work, that was it for my faith in this
Creator God thing, so I gave it my all and then some, all the time just shouting silent thoughts. I was
fed up with the sound of my own voice and so just focussed my mind instead. After 10 mins or so, I
calmed myself and controlled my breathing like I had learnt in eastern meditation. Before some just
think I’m going into some kind of apostasy; I had learnt the clear difference between meditation-intoself (and a flame etc) and meditation focusing only on the Voice of the Great Shepherd, the Holy
Lamb of God, mankind’s only true Saviour who sacrificed his flesh and blood for us, in a way that few
of us can ever comprehend.
After my ‘Born-from-above’ church experience, I had to give up my Martial Art training of 6 yrs. I
didn’t want to, it’s just that as I went to train the next night and walk across the threshold into the
‘Dojo’, my legs went stiff! I almost fell but I couldn’t fall forward into the Dojo either. I walked
backwards, scratched my head and took a step forward again which only brought-on a pretty intense
head-ache which made me stop. Suddenly I understood in my spirit and just turned around and never
went back. Please allow me to explain; just in case anyone reading this is both a Martial Artist and a
professing Christian. You see folks; a training hall (Dojo) is never just a place for physical training.
As soon as the dedicated area is entered, that person has entered a Temple also! Even if your type of
‘Combat-Training’, has no perceived spiritual aspects! The fact that a particular Self-Defence-style
may not even go near the subject of spirituality, bears no relevance in God’s eyes as to its un-holiness
or un-Godliness. How can that be? Answer: It’s all about the origin of all warfare!
The books of Enoch are immensely important books that all professing Christians simply must read.
It was always accepted in the Old Testament until Rome and the serpent-seed Kazar/Edomite Jews
stole the printing rights! Mankind’s true history is revealed and that’s what Rome does not want
people to know. So we have the very delicately diluted Genesis left to us and we are supposed to
know all about our history from that book alone! Enoch goes into the details of the origins of many of
mankind’s problems today. It was the fallen angel Azazel that taught all manner of warfare and
unarmed combat to mankind. Simply put, this means all ‘combat arts’ are demonic in origin! It was
secret angelic knowledge that our Creator did not want us to know about.
It does not matter how far from the original style the art may be as it’s the root and not ‘the fruit’ that
Toward the end of my desperate ‘mind-prayer’, I felt a gentle phrase probe my thoughts. Like a
whisper in the wind, that you have to really strain to hear. I focused all of my Mind and Spirit into
that wind and cried, “Please Father, speak so I can hear your voice, if that’s an Angel of the Living
God, then reveal yourself in the name of Yahushua so I can hear”! With fresh spiritual vigour, I
pushed my focus out toward the voice.
Very soon I could clearly hear the Phrase, “the Spirit of Jezebel”, ‘the Spirit of Jezebel’, gently
repeating itself until it was if the speaker knew that I had heard and it stopped. I thanked the voice
and considered it.
The spirit of Jezebel I mulled. Hmmm, I had heard that before a long time ago and after a while it
came to me. I had heard it pronounced very clearly within the ‘new-covenant’ church I had been
going to some 10/11 years before. It was at the Church that I had my born-again and deliverance
experience in and it was during a later meeting. A woman stood up with her hands raised to heaven
and spoke a prophetic warning! I couldn’t remember the warning word for word but I did clearly
remember the message. It was this: “The Spirit of Jezebel IS IN the Churches and MUST be dealt
I had always remembered that because it stood out clearly from all the other ‘Words from God’ or
‘scriptures that had been given’, even the most confident of sounding prayers shouted out loudly to the
ceiling. This was Authoritive, Strong yet pleading. I always thought of it (or related it too) what it
must have been like for the Pharasees and Saducees to listen to a 12 year old Yahushua in the Temple,
when even at 12 years old he astounded them because he spoke with great authority and knowledge.
I always knew that prophecy was real! However time went by and nothing and I mean absolutely
nothing was mentioned about it ever again! I soon left the Church altogether finally plucking up the
courage to once again continue my search for truth and that eternal light. My search within the
Christian Church had finally come to an end! No more answers were to be had in that place. I had
already drawn-out my departure in the vain hope that someone someday may have a bible study of
depth for a change, rather than just listening to so-called leader’s vain opinions. My once ‘itchingears’ had finally had enough. Strangely though, not enough of the regurgitated bible-college, scratchthe-surface clap-trap! No, it was reaching the point of having had enough of silence! I had had
enough of receiving no further wisdom, or any true Communion with my maker. My understanding
had grown a stinking mould, so I simply stopped going to church and studied either on my own or
with one great friend that I later met who felt the same way. The church had come into his home and
demanded him and his wife separate, due to what was a spiritual issue! So we continued on with him
teaching me the, ’Here a little, there a little’ principle. Being a naturally impatient kind of guy, it took
the disappearance of my youth to give it a chance. Nowadays I eagerly wait in patience, for each new
drink from the fountain of living water. I don’t scream out demands for it like the ‘Lets get it all now’
and the ‘I want that more abundant life NOW Lord (while im still drowning in my sins please),
crowd! Benny Hinn comes to mind as he and his TBN minions are the greatest proponents of that
message from the pit (More on them later).
I could not grasp the Mystery that is the Spirit of Jezebel though, even after much study. So a year
passed by during which, toward the end I had slid-back into sin yet again. After yet another night of
focussed desperate prayer this time using my thoughts only, I finally fell asleep in exhaustion. I had
prayed for the truth in all things especially concerning this Spirit of Jezebel as I had exhausted all my
scholarly methods. This time though, I had more hope as I had calmed myself and focussed only on
Yahuah and Yahushua. I fell asleep feeling somewhat rejected to be honest as I never heard that voice
again. I now believe that first voice to have been an Angel because of what happened the next day.
As soon as I woke, my first thought was Jezebel. I made breakfast and during prayer and giving
thanks for my meal, I just had this urge to start reading revelations again. This time I read with a
brand-new set of eyes, my spirit-eyes had been opened and it was such a strange feeling. I’ll try and
describe it even though words seem totally inadequate. I remember it being like one of the many
fantasy movies I had seen. Sometimes a magician-type would look into a blank book and speak
magic words or wave a wand etc and then writing would appear. Only this was one notch up from
that, in that Revelations were words that I could plainly read and yet they would seem as if I had just
never read them due to a lack of comprehension. Parables, some Prophecies and the Mysteries can be
like those blank empty pages. When the secret key or knowledge is known, our eyes are opened and
new understanding is ‘granted’ us. It like the actual words themselves, change as we read! It really is
quite something. I couldn’t read it fast enough as it was like reading a book for the first time that I
had been desperately waiting for, for 30 yrs or so! I set myself to prayer as to what to do with this
new revelation. I also begged in prayer to truly understand ‘the Trinity’, as it has always been a vague
thing for me. Ok, I knew about the three-in-one, one-in-three principle but something was definitely
missing from my understanding. So I asked for the gaps to be filled in as I wanted to learn about the
Father. I felt led to certain passages but it was still hazy. “Please Father”, I prayed. “As you know
I’m not the most intelligent of people and I humble myself to your truth Father. If there is some
preconception or misunderstanding blocking this truth, I lay all of my understanding at the foot of the
cross and ask you to cleanse it in the blood of the lamb. Please tell me in Yahushua’s name”.
It simply came to me as my spirit had just simply received it. Yahushua was/is the Father in the
Flesh! Yahushua is the physical representation of the Father; just in a limited form that we can
understand with our five senses. Our spirit can see spirits (If granted us) but our physical eyes were
able to see what the father looked like in Yahushua also. Then I was taken to these often
misunderstood verses.
John 10. 30: “I and my Father are one”.
Verse 38: “…that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him”.
Somewhat dazed, I went to the toilet to freshen-up. I said aloud more to myself than anything, “I
can’t believe I haven’t thought of that before! Why haven’t I seen that? Thank you Father for
granting me understanding”, I finished.
Immediately, I had this awesomely powerful (but not scary) voice clearly speak just three words.
That’s it, just three little words: “NOT MANY DO”.
That when I instantly knew that the first voice I had heard a year previously was an Angel. This was
the Most High, of that I was in no doubt because its presence crumpled me to the floor like a spoonfull of jelly that just fell off the table. My flesh was just utterly useless in his presence…and I knew
then the reality of how utterly abhorrent this flesh should be to us! It is a temporary shell that has
become a prison only! Before Adam and Eve sinned in the garden there flesh was not like ours today.
It was more like we imagine the ‘transfiguration’ bodies that so many Christians look forward to
receiving at the blast of the last trumpet. The flesh simply can not (Without his permission) function
in the presence of the Living God! It is Enmity against God! I hope that helps some with their
understanding of the verses that say such things. Of course Yahuah can alter that reality as and when
he desires. Can you imagine my joy at finally hearing the voice of my shepherd! Even though my
flesh was in fear and trembling after that, I just didn’t care how physically useless I was, I was just too
full of spiritual joy!
Important Note: I have read the article called, ‘Kersey Graves and the Sixteen World Saviours
(2003); by Richard Carrier. A section within that piece is called ‘Do we dare Question Deity’.
He goes into his theory that the Romans murdered all the Gnostics because of their belief that
Yahushua was not God in the flesh. And that very concept was born from Roman minds. All of this
is a very delicate (But accidental, I believe) misunderstood perception!
The Gnostics were killed because they had knowledge of the mind. They knew ways of accessing
areas of the mind that made them more aware than most, especially about the Roman deception that
the Emperor was the only god in the flesh! The Gnostics simply had to go if Rome was going to pull
off their great deception. It’s for a similar reason that Communist China is slaughtering Tibetans.
Any controlling power over the masses does what it can to destroy free-thinking! That why freespeech is coming to an end right now, under the New World Order.
The Gnostics were wrong AND Rome was wrong. Yahushua was not God (As in the entirety of the
Tri-une Godhead! Yahushua was the Father in the flesh! Yahushua was the physical manifestation
of the Father, hence ‘Virgin-Birth’ not being a problem! The Holy Ghost was separate from him until
his baptism by John the Baptist!
It’s a very slight shift onto a parallel set of tracks again. Christianity today is just a Religion that is
travelling on a parallel set of tracks but to a totally different destination!
Father had released me from my obsession, purely through opening my eyes to the root of my
problem. Now I understood the cause of my problem at last, I could now direct my energies in the
right way and waste no strength anymore in fighting it. I know more tests will come of course but It’s
like I have been granted a huge period of rest in which to fully understand it. A kind of Sabbatical for
my spirit rather than a holiday for my flesh! Oh what it is to truly be granted a drink from that
fountain of living water! Now when I am granted a drink, Whammo! It’s like being connected to a
super-charger for your Spirit. It is a SOBER experience and always one of great light and truth. It
always totally refreshes, guaranteed! One thing it most definitely is NOT, and that is being Drunk-in10
the-spirit, that pure deception way too many church-goers swig on, until they’re forced to act-out their
self-brought-on debauchery!
Anyway backtracking slightly up to this point, I had not learnt anything about the spirit of jezebel in
30 years and certainly never heard anyone talk about it (Apart from that church prophecy). It was
always a strange feeling for me concerning this subject. It was like I could see the dots, it’s just that I
could in no way see how to connect them or make sense of them. My friend told me prior to this
event, that it was because Jezebel was wrapped up in something called ‘The Mysteries’. Apparently
these many Mysteries were ‘locked-up’ until it became the right time for their understanding to be
revealed in the Last Days!
Matthew 13. 35: ‘That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I will open my
mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.
So eventually I got round to some studying for information regarding these Mysteries. Yet more
questions ensued. Then I had this experience and it’s no turning back for me ever since.
Matthew 13. 10-11: (And Mark 4. 11). ‘And the disciples came, and said unto him, “why do you
speak to them in parables”? He answered and said unto them, “because it has been granted to you
to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given”.
Question 1: ‘to them… “Who were they, which he spoke Parables to?
Answer: The multitude, every day normal people who came because they had a strong interest in
Religion like Church-goers basically.
Question 2: “because it has been granted to you…’ What had they been granted with, that enabled
their understanding or what was it about them that let Yahushua know that he could talk straight to
Answer: True wisdom can only come from the spirit and never the corrupt heart of man. The
apostle’s knowledge was a gift to their spirits for their belief in Yahushua. As a reward for awakening
we are granted access to the same wisdom which enables us to see truth also. They had already spent
much time with Yahushua and so were learning direct from the Creator in the Flesh. They were fasttracked into truth. It was because of their close relationship with Yahushua, that they had no barriers
between them apart from their preconceptions about what they also thought was true. Over time
Yahushua had helped them to unlearn just so that they could relearn. It is because many of us have
unwittingly built our houses on sand, that we have to go through the process of letting Yahuah knock
down everything we have built (Or had built for us) just so he can start laying a solid foundation from
scratch. That sounds painful I know, but I guarantee you that every single rock that is laid will bring
great joy! Their close communion with the Creator had bridged that gap in their understanding.
Speaking straight to them became a natural thing for Yahushua to do, as they gradually became more
one-with and in the Saviour and therefore the Father (Which really answers question 3).
Question 3: Just why was it that the normal church going folk were not given these lessons straight?
Answer: The average Joe or Jolene has so many preconceptions from their priests and teachers, that
they could not possibly grasp the truth even if Yahushua spoke it to them. It would have been a waste
of breath. Most bible readers merely understand the writing’s before them through there own
reasoning which is the flesh at work. Soulish or fleshly knowledge is far too often mistaken for
spiritual wisdom. It does not matter how much you argue the point that God gave us a brain so we
could work things out ourselves! That is a blatant falsehood straight from the pit! It is a deception,
sown in our minds as early as possible by the world, to deflect our coming to a full knowledge of
truth. Almost every evil thing that mankind does to its self today, is a direct result of fallen angels
teaching mankind everything that God did not want us to know! Or in another way, they taught us
everything that man was not able to come to understanding about on his own! Our physical brain is
immensely limited just as our five senses are and it is said that we only use 2% of our brains anyway!
The sooner the reader realizes that their flesh has become a prison (Since the sin in Eden) for their
understanding, the sooner they can get past it and go straight to Yahuah and Yahushua for truth.
So we were helped along by evil entities that came down to earth in the days of Jarad 6th from Adam.
Jared lived for 962 yrs. So we can work out that the fallen Angels (Apart from the Eden incident)
came down and took the women of mankind for wives, between 460 yrs after the Creation of Adam
(Gen ch2) until 1422 yrs after Adam. Sammael (Satan) was the first who seduced woman. Those
who followed him later did the same.
Instead what Yahushua left with us was a means whereby only the ones that were truly seeking him
for the truth in all things, would make any progress when it came to understanding the parables. He
wanted people to ask the Father directly by walking and talking with him and having a close
relationship with him. Until the average person does exactly that, truth will remain veiled and
illegible. The Apostles could audibly hear the voice of their Messiah and so must we!
John 10. 26-27: ‘But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you. My sheep
hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me’.
This is not just some aerie-faerie vague concept, like we would be told it is. They are the words from
our Saviour, the Great Shepherd talking! So let us never give up seeking to hear the voice of our
shepherd. Let no one in between yourself and him, absolutely no one!
Matthew 10. 37: “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me;
anyone who loves a son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
The Disciples had definitely learnt something from Yahushua that the priests were not teaching the
people! Yahushua’s teaching’s then were clearly quite different, if it meant that exposure to them
raised their knowledge of the truth! It was this exposure to undiluted truth and that purification
process that Yahushua took them through in that 3 ½ years, that enabled the Holy Ghost to indwell
them completely. It was this complete joining, that becoming one-with-Messiah, that in-turn enabled
the Holy Ghost to fully operate through them. In such a way the Creator is made manifest for all to
see and hear through his people, as man was intended to be; one with his maker, a friend of the Living
God. Not the ‘slave-automaton’ that the forces of evil would have you thinking. Of course the
disciples were predestined to fulfill that role but that didn’t make it any easier for them. Even at the
end Yahushua was distraught with them for not paying attention at Gethsemane. They slept! Zzzz, just
like the church is doing right now and most of us don’t even know it!
Will we ever truly be able to pay Messiah back? Well yes actually, we can make sure his awesome
sacrifice was not in vain concerning us! We can repay his kindness by NEVER giving up the search
for ultimate Truth. We can repay him by diligently seeking out the truth of his words and not caving
in to deceptions, dogma, divisions and Satanic infiltration of the churches. We can repay him by
standing up for his true love, by simply following him whilst he leads us on that narrow path to final
victory. We can go home to him and personally hug him and thank him for what he has done for us.
He provided another Ark for us to escape-to-freedom on (Not Raptured to safety before or during the
Great Tribulation). Do people honestly think we can escape from our sadly-needed Purification
process! Only those who have learnt to overcome and conquer the Spirit of Jezebel might be safe.
Many will give their lives for the fight, knowing no fear before man or beast. How can a man be
fearful of fleshly things when he has the Creator of those same things on our side? It is learning this
fearlessness I think, that will be part of the purification process. Some may fail and try to save their
flesh and surrender to fear. Others will die with a smile on their faces, knowing their task is
Revelations 14.12: ‘This calls for patient endurance on the part of the people of God who keep his
commands and remain faithful to Yahushua’.
Matthew 10. 38: ‘Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me”.
John 15. 18-20: ‘If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. If ye were of the
world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out
of the world, therefore the world hateth you. Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is
not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept
my saying, they will keep yours also.
Yahushua is that second-Ark to a fresh start, with the slate wiped clean (no matter what the selfish,
evil deed) and Eternal Life. It is time for mankind to wake from its slumber and take back the Truth,
for all our sakes. Time really is of the essence, so get fighting even if for no other reason than true
self-preservation. That means preservation of the Spirit, not the flesh.
Excerpt from The Book of Enoch, chapters one and two:
‘The words of the blessing of Enoch, wherewith he blessed the elect and righteous, who will be living
in the day of tribulation, when all the wicked and Godless are to be removed. And he took up his
parable and said – Enoch a righteous man, whose eyes were opened by God, saw the vision of the
Holy One in the heavens, which the angels showed me, and from them I heard everything, and from
them I understood as I saw, but not for this generation, but for a remote one which is for to come
(Enoch was shown a vision about US!). Concerning the elect I said, and took up my parable
concerning them: The Holy Great One will come forth from His dwelling, And the eternal God will
tread upon the earth, even on Mount Sinai, And appear in the strength of his might from the heavens.
And all shall be smitten with fear and the Watchers shall quake And a great fear and trembling shall
seize them unto the ends of the earth. (Hooray!).
And the high mountains shall be shaken, And the high hills shall be made low, And shall melt like wax
before the flame. And the earth shall wholly rent in sunder, and all that is upon the earth shall perish,
And there shall be a judgement upon all men. But with the righteous He will make peace, And will
protect the elect, and mercy shall be upon them.
And behold! He cometh with ten thousands of his holy ones to execute judgement upon all, And to
destroy all the ungodly: And to convict all flesh of all the works of their ungodliness which they have
ungodly committed, And all the hard things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.
“Observe ye everything that takes place in the heaven, how they do not change their orbits, and the
luminaries which are in heaven, how they all rise and set in order each in it’s season and transgress
not against their appointed order. Behold ye the earth, and give heed to the things which take place
upon it from the first to last, how steadfast they are, how none of the things upon earth change, but
all the works of God appear to you. Behold the summer and the winter, how the whole earth is filled
with water, and clouds and dew and rain lie upon it”
And so I prayed about what to do with this information. I was assigned the task of ordering it in a
fashion that others may come to understand it also. The editing of it has been a brand new experience
for me. I have written another book called Satan’s Matrix…but after assembling this one, I will have
to re-read it and subject it to the same testing in the spirit and Yahushua’s Blood. As I have worked
on this, I have asked for a totally strict editing-out of anything from my self.
Once completed, I simply refused to do anything with it until I had received solid confirmation. Not
just an urging or a mistaken quickening, as they can often be just our flesh misleading us. I simply
will not trust myself to be error-free. Every line, every sentence has been confirmed.
If it had not been, I would not dare bring myself into condemnation for misleading God’s children
away from him! We must be wary most of all…. of the Spirit of Jezebel.
Does that mean she is more dangerous than the devil? We can learn about Satan even with our limited
brains. We can learn enough so that we are not ignorant of his methods and once we are armed in
such a way, he can not touch us unless we first touch upon him. Going to sleep with unconfessed sin
is a real no-no. Thing’s would improve a lot if only people would adhere to that principle. This is one
of the keys as to how Christians can be demonised or abducted by the so-called Aliens. Going to
sleep with unconfessed sin in our lives, allows our enemies to find a doorway in.
However Jezebel is a sly and tricky ‘piece of work’, even sneakier than Satan. She uses deception
more efficiently and if given enough legal ground through the manipulation of our free-will, we can
get so mislead that we lose sight of our destination altogether. The really horrible part about Jezebel
is that we will often not even be aware that she is at work in our lives, whereas Satan can be known
about far more readily. So we can therefore blindly walk-the-plank into the ‘lake of fire’ without any
further encouragement from the Devil. Satan is often the originator of our temptations and sins but
once we fall for them, Jezebel makes us destroy ourselves without any further input from him! Now
that is what I call both sneaky and utterly deadly!
After my first day of rereading all the Parables and Revelations etc, I finally understood why I had not
been allowed this information some 10 yrs earlier. As I read with new eyes, another Mystery was
revealed. In understanding Jezebel, the Mystery of Iniquity was also unveiled, as they are twins in the
same mystery. Like I said earlier, it is not general knowledge in Christendom as to what these really
are. So without further ado, we as-one, bring to you:
The Spirit of Jezebel and her partner in crime, the Mystery of Iniquity!
And may your fight be a winning one in Yahushua name, Amen!
My first thoughts were of course the most basic of all and so as we will start there. Has it got
something to do with the Zidonian princess called Jezebel who married King Ahab, who then had the
prophets of God slaughtered?
1Kings 16. 31: ‘And it came to pass, as if it had been a light thing for him to walk in the sins of
Jeroboam the son of Nebat, that he took to wife Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal king of the Zidonians,
and went and served Baal, and worshipped him’.
1Kings 19. 2: ‘Then Jezebel sent a messenger unto Elijah, saying, So let the gods do to me, and more
also, if I make not thy life as the life of one of them by tomorrow about this time’.
She threatened to kill Elijah after hearing about the death of 450 of her prophets of Baal (By the order
of Elijah) within 24 hrs. She then goes on to have a farmer falsely accused of a crime, just so that her
husband can have him killed and take his vineyard.
2Kings 9. 22: ‘And it came to pass, when Joram saw Jehu, that he said, is it peace, Jehu? And he
answered, What peace, so long as the whoredoms of thy mother Jezebel and her witchcrafts are so
This does not mean Jezebel was a prostitute, it just means she symbolically lay in a bed with false
gods, their rituals and doctrines and of course, Idol worship’ (You made your bed, now lay in it! kind
of thing).
2Kings 9. 30-37: ‘And when Jehu was come to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it; and she painted her face,
and tied her head, and looked out from a window. And as Jehu entered in at the gate, she said, Had
Zimri peace, who slew his master? And he lifted up his face to the window, and said, Who is on my
side? who? And there looked out to him two or three eunuchs. And he said, Throw her down. So they
threw her down: and some of her blood was sprinkled on the wall, and on the horses: and he trode her
under foot. And when he was come in, he did eat and drink, and said, Go, see now this cursed
woman, and bury her: for she is a king's daughter. And they went to bury her: but they found no more
of her than the skull, and the feet, and the palms of her hands. Wherefore they came again, and told
him. And he said, This is the word of the LORD, which he spake by his servant Elijah the Tishbite,
saying, In the portion of Jezreel shall dogs eat the flesh of Jezebel: And the carcase of Jezebel shall
be as dung upon the face of the field in the portion of Jezreel; so that they shall not say, This is
If you follow the story back (1 Kings 16. 9: onwards), you will find that Zimri assassinated Elah
(King over Israel who ruled from Tirzah) and replaced him sitting on the throne of Israel. Once King,
he had the entire evil house of Baasha wiped out. This fulfilled Jehu’s prophecy about them all being
judged. His ‘method’ of becoming King was discovered and the people made a guy called Omri, in
charge of the same army that Zimri earlier commanded (They changed allegiance once they found him
out). They went to de-throne him but Zimri, seeing what was coming, burnt the King’s house to the
ground with him in it! Omri then becomes King and later his son Ahab marries ‘Jezebel of Zidonia’.
They set up sacred groves and followed Ishtar and Baal even more than Elah did. Jezebel played a
large part in this as she worshipped Ishtar/Lilith. (Ref Chapter: ‘What are the Festivals of Christmas
and Easter really about?
The Prophet Jehu later comes to where these evil Kings are and takes no prisoners, killing two
messengers that came to find out his intentions toward the Kings. He hunted down and had killed the
two King’s but when he comes close to the window where Jezebel is peering down from, he quite
rightly loses his rag. Jezebel stupidly dolled herself up and came to jeer at him. She didn’t know that
that her father-in-law and husband had just been killed.
‘she painted her face’: The Discoveries says that The Watchers disguised themselves to attract the
women. Sometime after intercourse the women wanted the Angels to change back to what they really
looked like. Due to their sin though (falling) they could no longer change back and so instead they
taught all the warfare, astronomy, jewellery and the painting of faces and the wearing of Jewellery etc.
Anyway, she makes the mistake of annoying Jehu by her teasing. What is interesting is the fashion of
her death. This will figure in our finding’s later.
Even though she is so uniquely singled out, we shall soon come to see that her name and everything
she was about, lived on in Yahuah’s (The name of the Creator) choice of symbolism. However
because it is God that has chosen the spirit’s name, the fact that she came around much later than the
Babylon events bears absolutely no relevance. The name chooser is outside of time.
Revelations 17. 1-2: ‘And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked
with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that
sitteth upon many waters: With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the
inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. So he carried me
away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of
names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was arrayed in purple and
scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand
full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead was a name written,
So the Spirit of Jezebel is a mystery of ancient Babylon and almost everything that Yahuah hates upon
the earth. Pretty much everything that the Watchers from the ‘Book of Enoch’ taught mankind, with a
few finishing touches from mans own evil to top it off.
‘have been made drunk’. Does that sound familiar Charismatic’s and Pentecostals? (Reference: the
‘Toronto Drinking Song’! What deluded madness it is!)
In Freemasonry: PURPLE signifies Imperial Royalty and Rich-ness (Not always meaning wealth).
RED or CRIMSON signifies War and Military. Roman Generals always wore red. The colour of
Blood implies Sacrifice, Struggle, Heroism as well as Charity, Devotion and Abnegation (Self-denial).
It is also through Hebrew and Adam, connected to Passions, Carnality and Cosmetics used to attract
lovers. It is the colour of Youth. Generally, it represents expansive Force and Vitality. It is the
emblem of Faith and fortitude and, in the Royal Arch of Freemasonry, of Fervency (Intense emotion –
take note charismatics) and Zeal. It has also a darker side, connected with the flames of hell, the
appearance of demons, the apoplectic face of Rage (Apoplectic – having a fit of rage and anger).
If Phoenicians are looked up in the online Wikipedia, you will read this:
Due to phonetic similarity, the Greek word for Phoenician was synonymous with the color purple or
crimson, through its close association with the famous dye Tyrian purple.
This has a lot to do with the Whore of Babylon’s colours. The King of Tyre would have worshipped
the same Phoenician gods as the rest of them, but in the Bible he is very respectful of the God of Israel
(At least so it seems….He and Sheba I think had a closer relationship with each other than Solomon,
as their combined efforts seem to have been (at least in part) responsible for Solomon’s downfall (666
Talents of gold and the esoteric throne etc). The colours are a strong indicator that could signify the
place of origin for the sacred groves and their activities.
In general: Gold means riches and Excess.
PRECIOUS STONES sometimes indicates a hypnotic affect as in how they attract the eyes and our
desires for them and a rendering of Emotions. With Emotion comes Envy.
PEARL (White means Innocence, Faith etc) with reference to the feminine, means a connection with
the Moon and the day Monday. In Ancient Babylon the un-perforated pearls signified Virginity.
When seen in dreams they represent ‘faithful friends’. Both pearl and moonstone are the birthstones
belonging to the month of June the 6th month (Coincidence 66?).
We will soon see that the greatest sin she committed was worshiping false gods and encouraging
others like her husband to do the same. Not only that but we will investigate exactly ‘which ritual’
and ‘which method’ she used to do encourage.
The Character or Personality of Jezebel
The very first thing we must understand about the Spirit of Jezebel is her nature and her most common
forms of attack upon us each and every single day of our lives! So we will start by dealing with the
obvious character traits which are displayed openly for anyone who has the eyes to see things for what
they really are.
It is not always the obvious sins that we partake of. It is actually more often the deceptions that we
have allowed to overcome us. The most deadly enemy is always the one we can not see. There is a
‘fifth columnist’ within us who changes truth to falsehood. If our foundations have unwittingly been
built on sand, we shall all simply carry on under the misconception that they have been built on rock!
If we do not re-examine those foundations now and again (Just like any property owner that is
expecting a huge storm), should we really be surprised if that house built on imaginary rock should
fall? We simply must secure ourselves if we are to survive the coming storm. If our loved ones live
in that house, are we going to delegate that responsibility to someone who calls themselves a surveyor
(Teacher or leader), or are we going to double check the validity of their statements? How do we
know if the qualifications that surveyor ‘says he has’ are not just falsified documents? Was that
pastor really called by the Most High to teach us or did they just think, hmm that looks a cushy life?
If we choose to delegate our responsibility and that storm causes the house to fall which kills all
inside, who will we ultimately blame, the surveyor or ourselves? Everything we love in the world
may be destroyed but the blame would lie on us! We therefore dare not just blindly accept anyone’s
teaching because if we do, we give ground for the deceptions to come in. Like the guy on the
doorstep wearing the false electricity board company-tag, who we then let in to our homes and get
robbed. When that happens, our entire faith has become diluted and is made utterly worthless! It’s a
lukewarm mix born of fornication between the high-minded imaginations of men, seducing spirits and
tiny snippets of truth on a painfully slow drip-feed.
If we just always continue on thinking our faith is perfect and true, we will have a real mental struggle
when truth is revealed to us that conflicts with those beliefs. Millions of faith followers can simply
not believe that ‘their God’ would allow them to fall into deception. For too long we have applied the
logic and emotions of mankind to the Creator, thinking he is the same! He will not reveal the
deceptions to us unless we seek him earnestly and diligently for them to be revealed. He will allow us
to fall into deception purely because we have ignored his warnings time and time again to test
everything whether it be of God or not. The blame lies entirely with us as individuals. He is never
going to just knock on our doors and tell us truth, especially if we are content with the deceptions and
give up seeking him. So has your pastor been handing out cushions, to make you feel more
comfortable on that church pew?
It is OUR responsibility and our jobs to seek him and knock on his door.
If we are stubborn and fixed in our beliefs, we are like a lamb that after hearing the call of the
shepherd chooses to walk back into the wilderness where the wolves lay in wait. It is like sitting in a
comfortable dark corner and seeing the bright light in the distance but choosing to remain seated in
our shadows. Coming out of darkness into a bright light is always painful for our eyes and always
requires a period of re-adjustment. It is never to be feared though because the truth always sets us
free! The revealing of these two mysteries will be like that light in the distance for many readers.
Painful to look directly at, but if we don’t get off our bums and at least take some brave steps forward
toward that light, we have only ourselves to blame when that darkness finally and inescapably engulfs
Revelations 9. 20: ‘And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of
the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass,
and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk’.
Ch 16 verse 9: ‘And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which
hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory’.
Verse 11: ’And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented
not of their deeds’.
Even though the Tower of Babel incident occurred long before the biblical Jezebel was born, it seems
as though her name is synonymous with that character in people that is the very worst of our nature.
She loved everything that ‘the Watchers’ taught and corrupted mankind with. She also symbolizes
whoredom because she made her spiritual bed with those rebellious angels. The manner of her death
was due to the manner in which she and any who follow her bad example lived their lives. Her flesh
was where she dwelt in her mind and it was the most precious thing to her, hence God deciding that
dogs should eat it. This is a perfect picture of just what the Creator thinks of all our fallen flesh
We shall start off by looking at other prophecies about the last days, specifically to do with people’s
behaviour and attitudes, in this period called the last days. Because that will give us clues as to what
to look for because make no mistake, we are in the last days right now!
2 Peter 3. 3: ‘Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their
own lusts’.
Mark 4. 19: ‘And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things
entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful’.
Thee verse for the TBN Televangelists and their kind.
I Timothy 6. 9: ‘But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and
hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition’.
This verse will become a lot more important later.
2 Timothy 3. 4: ‘Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God’.
Titus 3. 3: ‘For we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving various
lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another’.
Just what were they deceived of or by before Yahushua’s mission? I’ve never heard that from a
2 Titus 4. 3-4: ‘For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own
lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears
from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables’.
All the churches think this verse must apply to others. If that is the case then just exactly where is this
unsound doctrine? Does the outside world of the Atheist or Evolutionist have these unsound and false
doctrines? No, Christendom does!
Matthew 15. 8-20: ‘This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their
lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the
commandments of men. And he called the multitude, and said unto them, Hear, and understand: Not
that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a
man. Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended,
after they heard this saying? But he answered and said, every plant, which my heavenly Father hath
not planted, shall be rooted up. Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind
lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. Then answered Peter and said unto him, Declare unto us
this parable. And Yahushua said, Are ye also yet without understanding? Do not ye yet understand,
that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught? But
those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.
For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, and
blasphemies: These are [the things] which defile a man: but to eat with unwashed hands defileth not
a man’.
My Interpretation of the above and Yahushua’s Gospel of the Kingdom viewpoint:
“The people all come to worship and honour me with their lips, even though their hearts are
unknowingly far away from me. Because they failed to follow my guidelines, they have fallen for My
Strong Delusion. Therefore their worship and teaching’s are in vain because they are merely the
doctrines of men”. Yahushua then calls the crowd toward him and speaks, “Listen-up everyone, you
MUST understand what I’m telling you: It’s not what person puts IN their mouths that defile them. It
is the lying and deceitful words that come OUT from those mouths! Its things like false teachings or
worship which because of deceit, is rendered just a waste of time and effort. All they are is the result
of the false teachings. They failed to test everything, like I warned them; therefore they have become
their own worst enemies even though they don’t know it”! Then the disciples came up to him and
said, ‘Do you know, that you have just offended the church leaders? Yahushua replied, “Everyone
that who does not belong to the Heavenly Father, will be up-rooted. Leave them alone; their just the
deceived leading the deceived. If blind sheep follow blind shepherds, they have no choice in where
they end up”! Then Peter spoke up and said, ‘Please explain to us clearly what you mean”. Yahushua
is surprised by that and says, “Oh come on guys! Are you really trying to tell me you don’t know
what goes in your mouth just goes in your stomach and ends up in the toilet? And that the things that
really defile a person, is what comes out of their mouths? It’s because whenever a person speaks, they
also reveal what is in their hearts! That is because the heart is full of evil thoughts, murderous
thoughts, and thoughts about un-married or perverted sex, what they can steal or get for nothing,
making-up and believing rubbish and then telling lies about who God is! It is things like this that
defile someone, not whether or not they have washed their hands before a meal”!
This is one of the greatest parables that Christendom deflects toward anyone but them! Yahushua was
talking to the religious leaders of the day and he was speaking in the future-tense as well as present. If
anyone’s natural thought-reaction is to deflect it (which is a sign in itself that they are under the
Strong Delusion), they might soon be forced by God to face the possibility that they have been
deceived all their lives! The Most High is right now rooting up the seed and dividing his son’s sheep
from the contaminated herd. His spirit is right now awakening and calling out their names. As this
book is read, I highly recommend praying about any particular thing that conflict with preconceptions
or belief’s. The ‘Great Shepherd’ is calling for his children to come out and be separate. Great
Tribulation is on our doorsteps and Yahushua wants his followers safe, secure and together! If you
can not hear the voice of the Great Shepherd (Yahushua), then you owe yourselves the chance of
allowing Yahushua to speak to you and free your minds from bondage. His eternal truth and light will
peal away any deceptions but only if you seek him with your whole heart and your whole mind. It’s
just part of the test for most of us.
Matthew 24. 12: ‘And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold’.
Iniquity: meaning - Gross immorality; wickedness, a sin, unjust, harmful, unrighteousness, etc.
Matthew 7. 13: ‘Enter you in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth
to destruction, and many there be which go in that way
Who could possibly be seeking to enter in through that gate, but will not be able to? The people of
Christendom of course, who else? The ‘others’ are not trying to enter in that door, whereas most
professing Christians are!
All church going Christians that believe that the entire New Testament is 100% God’s true word are in
for a shock! I know, I used to myself. Just last year (06) in fact, I was at a ‘Creation Science’ meeting
for the ‘Answers in Genesis’ group and put my hand up declaring just that! I always wondered why I
had never heard the voice of the Shepherd though. I know for a fact now, that 99% of my prayers
were just vain imaginations and babbling of words into the air. They were just not reaching the
Father. How else could anyone be a Christian there whole life and not hear the voice of their
shepherd! If anyone else in Christendom has been in the church for many years and are still waiting
to hear the actual audible voice of their shepherd, they can expect nothing else but silence! To keep
doing the same thing and expect a different result is like a dog chasing its tail until it has a heart attack
and dies! Or a quote from somewhere: ‘Constantly repeating the same activity, whilst hoping for a
different result is madness’!
Anyway, I simply refused to go to my grave without hearing his voice! I strongly suggest anyone in
that situation, re-evaluate where/whoever they get taught from and give up listening to the blind
leading the blind! If anything or anyone (especially our own stubbornness) throws up a barrier to our
search, we should just bend like a reed in the wind and carry on around them. Don’t let their ‘wind’
blow you into a corner from which there is no escape. They are most likely deceived themselves and
simply can not aid us.
Isaiah 44. 20: ‘He feedeth on ashes: a deceived heart hath turned him aside, that he cannot deliver
his soul, nor say, Is there not a lie in my right hand?
Put no person or thing between you and the Most High. If you do, these last days will see that same
Idolatry separate you from God. Even a lifelong partner or child, as the enemy will use anything as a
weapon to make you deny the Messiah. Just ensure your loved ones are going direct to God and we
will all see each other later for an eternity! That goes for a child’s love for their parents as well (More
on this essential subject later).
How else are we ever going to see the light of the Living God guiding our feet on that narrow path?
Most people just seem to think that the ‘Narrow Path’ can be adapted or widened to suit their ideals or
perceptions of what they think the faith ought to be. The path is actually tightrope-thin, dead straight
and leads directly to that door, not a winding flexible street with side-road access! The Eternal things
do not change to suit us. This planet is going to be destroyed and upgraded to a higher level of
existence. Only the things pertaining to Spirit will endure! We must prove ourselves worthy of being
allowed to partake of that new creation. We are without excuse before our Creator.
This will be a hard read for so many people but the last days are here and all who profess a true faith
in Messiah must be ready to humble themselves. So as the Creator reveals more of the mysteries or
we see them unfold in the world, our preconceptions and beliefs are able to adapt to his truth,
especially anyone who thinks their faith, their truth to be Immovable! The danger of not keeping our
understanding of what-truth-might-be flexible, is in allowing the limitations that we set for ourselves,
to be our own worst enemy! Just like Hosea 4.6 says, ‘We are destroyed through lack of knowledge’.
The world is at the stage it is now, because most of mankind has simply ignored the guidelines that
the Creator gave us. I.e; if we don’t test the spirits that manifest themselves in the churches today, we
can only expect to be deceived! We have no excuse before the Living God for allowing evil men to
rule our planet! We as a species have surrendered this planet, over to ‘evil entities’ and power-hungry
people since our birth. We have not been the ‘spiritual warriors’ that our heavenly Father intended or
that we need to be! If only the majority followed the Creator instead of misusing his creation to fulfill
their own lusts and to pleasure their already dying flesh, mankind might well not be fighting for the
species survival today! As the next few years go by, anyone who does not spiritually fight for it,
deserves to miss out on that promise of an Eternal life with him.
These Satanic entities that manipulate the serpent-seeds (Explained later) New World Order, fully
intend in increments, to wipe out all but 500 million of earth’s population and a lot sooner than we’d
like! We must be careful here though as to where we start laying the blame, as the Creator and his
earth will do a lot of the work. So we had better stay neutral unless we accidentally ‘Blaspheme the
Holy Spirit’ (Accrediting to God what is done by devils and visa versa), hence ‘discernment’ in the
coming years is vital. So it is high time all those who profess a faith in Messiah and the One True
Living God, to smash through all the deceptions that these evil forces have diluted us with, especially
in the last 1977+ years, since the crucifixion. If we do not begin this fight-for-truth within ourselves
as soon as possible, we should fully expect the truth to skip right past us, as we doze in our self-made
assurances. For too long the manipulators of our worlds Religion’s and Government’s have gone
unchallenged by our holy men and women en-masse. Father has repeatedly sent prophets alone into
the lions den, only be ignored and hence evil is permitted to continue. Is it because such truly holy
people are a rare find these days? If it is, then we must realize that somewhere in our history,
someone slipped a blindfold over our eyes! The few that we do have are already standing up for our
species and are all fully engaged in this very real war against mankind. Many are literally walking
dead-men for revealing their evil plans, as they are compelled by the Spirit of God to WAKE US UP!
To name just a couple of them seems somewhat crass or unfair but the Warriors of the Most High
must know who there Generals are in a battle. We have servants who work endlessly on our behalf,
no doubt with little gratitude, like Sherry Shriner through her very-close relationship with ‘Father
Yahuah’ has been enabled to unveil many great mysteries and deceptions. Don Nicloff and Al Cuppet
reveal many things if only people would listen to them. There are so many more fighting almost
alone, if it were not for Angelic assistance. They are all warning us to prepare food, water and
survival packages for what the Most High has told them, is the last days. Plagues and famines will be
amongst their first weapons used against us, such as the Avian Bird Flu which is the most deadly virus
known to mankind ever! So get your chemical warfare masks at the ready.
Millions of us know it is the last days and we yet act as if anesthetized. Like mental patients after
their daily cup of pills awaiting some miraculous rescue! Just like the hundreds of thousands that
ignored Noah and Melchizedek’s warning’s for 120 years only to gather around the Ark to no avail as
the flood waters came, just like in the days of Noah and Lot. That is not Faith; it is the very
Ignorance that will destroy us! Our Eternal Father wants us to fight the greatest battle of all and he is
calling many to it right now. There is no pre or mid Tribulation rapture folks! That is an Illuminati
lie designed to keep us ‘sheeple’ (As the New World Order calls us) asleep!
The greatest war of all is against the mysterious Spirit of Jezebel which as we shall see is partner-incrime with the Mystery of Iniquity.
What we have now is people calling themselves Christian, who are maybe striving to live a perfect
life according to the New Testament. Some may have even overcome their worldliness but then they
say in their minds, “I am living a perfectly clean and holy life, therefore what is it that I could
possibly have to repent of?
Therefore those people automatically assume that the next verses are for others. So I will break it
down. Some are not going to like what they read in this book. Don’t be surprised then if whatever
you read gives offence to your preconceptions because I won’t be. I was a church-goer for 30 years.
2 Peter 2. 13-22: ‘Spots they are and blemishes, sporting themselves with their own deceivings while
they feast with you; Having eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin; beguiling unstable
souls: an heart they have exercised with covetous practices; cursed children: Which have forsaken
the right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Bosor, who loved the
wages of unrighteousness; But was rebuked for his iniquity: the dumb ass speaking with man's voice
forbad the madness of the prophet. These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a
tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved for ever. For when they speak great swelling words
of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness, those that were clean
escaped from them who live in error. While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the
servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage. For
if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and
Saviour Yahushua Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse
with them than the beginning. For it had been better for them not to have known the way of
righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto
them. But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, the dog is turned to his own vomit
again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire’.
with their own deceivings – Self-deception through believing in the falsehoods, ‘allowed’ by the
Strong Delusion.
beguiling unstable souls – Anyone who does not know truth and is therefore ‘unsure’, is easily taken
in by a teachers own beliefs in falsehoods.
forsaken the right way – Christendom has unwittingly forsaken the ‘Gospel of the kingdom’.
the way of Balaam – Seeking Enchantments and Divinations, Numbers 31. 16: ’Behold, these caused
the children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the LORD in the
matter of Peor, and there was a plague among the congregation of the LORD’. The people of
YAHUAH (Our Father) began fornicating with the contaminated blood-line women of the land and
started worshiping their Idols. The plague was both the serpent seed-line blood contamination AND
the fact that their worship of Baal was like a poison to the Children of God and had to be cut out like a
Snake-bite! That’s why in Numbers 24. 7: we read, ‘Water shall flow from his buckets, and his seed
shall be in many waters (More later explaining the ‘Serpent-Seed). Verse 14 says, ‘And now, behold,
I am going to my people. Come, I will let you know what this people (YAHUAH’s Children) will do to
your people (Worshipers of Baal) in the latter days (Now!). (The matter of Peor was committing
whoredoms in that they worshiped false gods).
Numbers 22. 7: ‘And the elders of Moab and the elders of Midian departed with the rewards of
divination in their hand; The Priests earnt there wages by claiming to hear from their god, Baal and
speaking lies!
wells without water – Bodies that follow their flesh desires and therefore have no spiritual truth.
clouds that are carried with a tempest – The flesh is like vapour in comparison to the spirit, that gets
blown around by any wind that comes its way.
those that ‘were’ clean, escaped from them - who live in error – Persons that did not contaminate
themselves by worshiping false gods, separated themselves from those that did.
they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption – Say their religion is the
only way to salvation, whilst being deceived and worshiping false gods themselves!
of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage – Listening and believing false
teachers, will entrap us into the same delusions.
For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through ‘the knowledge of’ the Lord and
Saviour Yahushua Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse
with them than the beginning – If people first overcome worldliness and carnality through knowing
about Messiah and then start believing lies, they are worse off than if they had never known of him in
the first place!
The dog is turned to his own vomit again – In thinking they are worshiping the Creator; they in fact
have unwittingly been deceived into worshiping false gods again.
Isaiah 44.20 ‘He feedeth on ashes: a deceived heart hath turned him aside, that he cannot deliver his
soul, nor say, Is there not a lie in my right hand?’
Millions will not even be able to bring themselves to the point of asking themselves,” Have I desired
the things I have heard so much, that I have allowed myself to become deceived? The deceptions are
so enticing that some can not even ask themselves the question, “Have I believed any lies”?
Rev 22:15: ‘For outside are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters,
and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie’.
If we have been deceived and liked it, we have therefore, ‘Loved a Lie’! In the Father’s eyes, those
people are as bad as the murderers etc!
So then, what could a perfect church possibly need to repent of?
It is the making of and believing in, a Lie!
It’s the Strong Delusion that the Creator Yahuah brought about, in order to test mankind from the
crucifixion time up to the end of Great Tribulation.
Now it is ‘1 second to midnight’ and time is running out fast. So we absolutely must search and find
out, once and for all if we are indeed under the Strong Delusion.
2 Thessalonians 2. 12-13: …because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
And for this cause GOD shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie’. That they all
might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness’.
OK? So it was the Creator that encouraged this great lie to occur. Is it any wonder then that mortal
man so easily falls for the delusion? There is no real shame in falling for the Strong Delusion then.
The ‘real shame’ is finding out about it and then of your own free-will, choosing to stay under its
Why would our Heavenly Father do such a thing?
To test and purify anyone who professes to have and believe in him! The ‘strong delusion’ started
very soon after the crucifixion, at the same time period Yahushua called ‘the beginning of sorrows’.
It will not end until the blast of the Angels last trumpet and Yahushua returns at the end of the Great
Tribulation. Most Christians know about an event called the ‘great wedding’ when Yahushua is
united in spiritual-matrimony to his true believers who have been washed clean of all sin. These
believers that are not only found ‘without spot and blemish’ but have also overcome the spirit of
Jezebel and conquered the world are collectively called the ‘Bride of Christ’. One major factor in all
this is that it is not just sin that we have to free ourselves from…it is all deceptions as well.
Imagine for a moment you were the wealthiest person alive. Would you just marry a person without
taking them through a few tests of loyalty? Would you not want to know that they love you more than
anything or anyone else? Now as the wealthy person, you may have experience of everything the
world has to offer but there would be just one thing missing - True Love! If there is one thing that
destroys more wealthy people than their excesses, it is the lack of true love in their lives!
Well the Messiah as the Groom, looks for his brides perfect love and he wants her wedding gown to
be spotless and unblemished. The bride must look her best! Anything less just will not do and the
wedding is off! The Father and his son – the Groom has already declared his love for us by allowing
himself to be crucified. Now that’s True Love right there folks! Love in Action!
Those that answer his call and choose to follow him must start their preparations for that wedding.
Are we spotless and blameless? Have we cleaned our wedding gowns? If we do not find out what
this Spirit of Jezebel really is, we will look like the late bride that fell into a mucky puddle on her way
to the church!
The Spirit of Jezebel is responsible for the muck spoiling our wedding gown. We must learn to
overcome her; if we want this wedding to go ahead.
If we are unknowingly deceived but still in our hearts desire to share in that eternal life, we then owe
it to ourselves to take a long look in the mirror, so we can examine our wedding outfit. Take a few
spins and lean around pulling and examining every inch of that outfit. Are we really that confident
that our gown is spotless? Or do we ask for assistance to double-check in case we missed something?
The one-person who you can really trust and rely on is the outfit maker as they designed it. They
know how it should look and so is there really anyone else you would rather trust? Are we going to
fully trust our own judgment? What if we missed something? We might think that our best friends
can help but then we think about the silly things they might have done. How they might have upset
you long ago or we might remember that actually, although you love them, you wouldn’t really trust
them with something that is as important as your wedding. We want the best if we are truly in love
with the partner we are to marry right?
Our outfit maker also wants the best for us and so they make themselves available, all we have to do is
make a phone call. The thing is that they are the best there is, so we may get the answering machine
or a busy signal. This does not mean that they are actually unable to take the call; it could simply
mean that they are testing just how much we need them!
The Seamstress is the Holy Ghost and the thing is that she has been hired directly by the Groom! So
even though the Groom should not see the Bride in her outfit before the wedding day, he keeps a very
close eye on things through his eyes and ears, the Seamstress!
The trouble is, we got just a bit tiddly at the hen-night and someone played an evil trick on us. They
exchanged the number we had for the Seamstress/Holy Spirit) on our phone, for a number of a
phoney-trickster. The trick being that they would mess up our wedding dress, thinking it funny that
we would turn up to get married looking ridiculous. Imagine walking down the isle without knowing
that the phoney seamstress had placed an ‘L’ plate on our backs!
That sadly, is what has happened to Christendom! Christendom is the Bride that confidently walks
down the isle, thinking she is perfect and spotless for her groom. Can you imagine the shock when
she starts to hear laughter from either side of the isles? Then she would look quizzically into the
groom’s face to see what’s going on. The Groom lowers his face and sadly walks back into the
vestry. The bride will be left there alone; being laughed at by onlooker’s inspired by that evil
tricksters prank.
Christendom is the bride that has no idea that she has been deceived! Some people at the back of the
church may have even seen the ‘L-plate’ early on, but chose to keep quite rather than warn the bride
before she started the final journey down that isle. Others were saddened by the sight and just hung
there heads, not able to bring themselves to stop her making a dreadful mistake!
Ok so what is the Strong Delusion? What are the great tricks being played on Christendom?
Ok we will deal with the lies first then. It has to be done this way round, so we can come to
understand it bit-by-bit. If we just jump straight to the conclusive chapter about what this mysterious
‘Spirit of Jezebel’ really is, this could seem just like any other religious book that is barely worth a
glance! This could not be farther from the truth!
This book is the enemy of deception. This is an attempt to awaken the lambs that are still crying out
from that darkness, desperate to hear the voice of their Great Shepherd. So I implore all readers to
read as it comes. Here a little, there a little as my friend used to drum into me.
The lies that deceive us the most, are all found in our churches today. Many will not find these next
chapters easy reads and that is simply because some of our lives have been entirely based on believing
these very lies! There’s a storm coming folks! We should always humble ourselves in prayer and ask
the Most High to show us the truth in all things. If we believe the thing’s below, then we have indeed
fallen victim to that phoney trickster.
We will deal with the most obvious first.
1 Kings 15. 11-13: ‘And Asa did that which was right in the eyes of the LORD, as did David his
father. And he took away the sodomites out of the land, and removed all the idols that his fathers had
made. And also Maachah his mother, even her he removed from being queen, because she had made
an idol in a grove; and Asa destroyed her idol, and burnt it by the brook Kidron.
Asa the King of Judah was a true man of God knowing evil when he saw it. So what exactly was the
Idol that he burnt? Let’s investigate.
1 Kings 15. 33-34: ‘In the third year of Asa king of Judah began Baasha the son of Ahijah to reign
over all Israel in Tirzah, twenty and four years. And he did evil in the sight of the LORD, and
walked in the way of Jeroboam and in his sin wherewith he made Israel to sin’.
We have to find out what ‘the way of Jeroboam’ was. Well one of them was this:
1 King’s 13. 33: ‘After this thing Jeroboam returned not from his evil way, but made again of the
lowest of the people priests of the high places: whosoever would, he consecrated him, and he
became one of the priests of the high places. And this thing became sin unto the house of Jeroboam,
even to cut it off, and to destroy it from off the face of the earth’.
#1: One of them was making priests and teachers out of anyone who fancied it. Spiritual
qualifications weren’t an issue! Who do we have as Church leaders mostly? People chosen by the
Most High or just people that thought, hmm, I like my faith so much that I want to dedicate my life to
it? Just like any other scholar that loves to give their opinions of their favourite subject! A ‘true
calling’ from the Creator seems irrelevant to most of them!
1 Kings 14. 8b-10a: ‘…thou hast not been as my servant David, who kept my commandments, and
who followed me with all his heart, to do that only which was right in mine eyes; But hast done evil
above all that were before thee: for thou hast gone and made thee other gods, and molten images, to
provoke me to anger, and hast cast me behind thy back: Therefore, behold, I will bring evil upon the
house of Jeroboam…’.
#2: Jeroboam made other gods and idols and turned his back on the Most High, whom he angered.
1 Kings 16. 30-33: ‘And Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the LORD above all that were
before him. And it came to pass, as if it had been a light thing for him to walk in the sins of
Jeroboam the son of Nebat, that he took to wife Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal king of the
Zidonians, and went and served Baal, and worshipped him. And he reared up an altar for Baal in
the house of Baal, which he had built in Samaria. And Ahab made a grove; and Ahab did more to
provoke the LORD God of Israel to anger than all the kings of Israel that were before him.
So whatever Jeroboam did, Ahab comes along and does even greater evil than Jeroboam! So it is safe
to assume that we can now jump to investigating the ‘even greater sin’ than Jeroboams.
Why did he do this evil? He married Jezebel the Princess of Zidonia (Sometimes called Jezebel the
Phoenician) who worshipped Baal and Ishtar. Because of Jezebel’s desires, the King started
worshipping the same false gods that she did. He worshiped Baal and Ishtar. Then he goes and
makes ‘sacred groves’. These ‘sacred groves’ were the thing considered even more evil!
Ok, so what exactly did these Zidonian people do in their sacred groves? Well the same thing that
Solomon did after he turned to evil.
Tangent topic: After his audience with Sheba (who is interestingly another person similar to Jezebel),
he receives the 666 Talents of gold and then has his esoteric throne made for him. Guess who by…A
guy called Hiram. Now whether or not the King of Tyre was actually the Hiram Abif of Freemasonry
fame, I don’t know. Hiram Abif is said to have lay the foundation stone of the Temple that Solomon
built and dedicated to the LORD. It makes sense that Sheba and Hiram would have planted this stuff
in Solomon’s palace for an occultic reason. It’s after receiving these things that he turns evil and the
timing just seems an awful big coincidence to me.
1Kings 10. 14: ‘Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore
and six talents of gold.
1 Kings 10. 18: ‘Moreover the king made a great throne of ivory, and overlaid it with the best gold.
The throne had six steps, and the top of the throne was round behind: and there were stays on either
side on the place of the seat, and two lions stood beside the stays. 20 And twelve lions stood there on
the one side and on the other upon the six steps: there was not the like made in any kingdom. (Six
Steps with Six Lions each side upon those six steps is 666).
1 Kings 11. 1-8: ‘But king Solomon loved many strange women, together with the daughter of
Pharaoh, women of the Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Zidonians, and Hittites; Of the nations
concerning which the LORD said unto the children of Israel, Ye shall not go in to them, neither shall
they come in unto you: for surely they will turn away your heart after their gods: Solomon clave unto
these in love. And he had seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines: and his
wives turned away his heart. For it came to pass, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away
his heart after other gods: and his heart was not perfect with the LORD his God, as was the heart of
David his father. For Solomon went after Ashtoreth (Astarte/Ishtar/Lilith/Diana) the goddess of the
Zidonians, and after Milcom (Molech/Mardon/Tammuz/Zeus) the abomination of the Ammonites.
And Solomon did evil in the sight of the LORD, and went not fully after the LORD, as did David his
father. Then did Solomon build a high place for Chemosh (Molech), the abomination of Moab, in the
hill that is before Jerusalem, and for Molech, the abomination of the children of Ammon. And
likewise did he for all his strange wives, which burnt incense and sacrificed unto their gods.
Same gods, just different names assigned after the confusion of languages at the ‘tower of Babel’
incident (Tangent end).
So it should be plain by now and agreeable by all, that whatever Solomon, Ahab, and Jezebel did was
absolutely evil! Are we all agreed on that? It angered the Living God terribly right?
So what did they all do, that was the same? (1Ki 11:26: ‘And Jeroboam the son of Nebat, an
Ephrathite of Zereda; Solomon's servant).
The subversion of Solomon’s Power is a mirror image of what has happened to Christendom!
Christendom has fornicated with the same things that Solomon, Ahab and Jezebel did.
They worshiped Baal, Molech and Ashtoreth, by partaking of their ‘festivals’ and ‘sacred
2 Chronicles 24:18: ‘And they left the house of the LORD God of their fathers, and served groves and
So even the ‘sacred groves’ and what was inside them were worshiped and served!
So once again, what did they do in those sacred groves that angered God so terribly?
Jeremiah 17:2: ‘Whilst their children remember their altars and their groves by the green trees upon
the high hills.
Isaiah 40:18: ‘To whom then will ye liken God? or what likeness will ye compare unto him? The
workman melteth a graven image, and the goldsmith spreadeth it over with gold, and casteth silver
Isaiah 46:6-7: ‘They lavish gold out of the bag, and weigh silver in the balance, and hire a goldsmith;
and he maketh it a god: they fall down, yea, they worship. They bear him upon the shoulder, they
carry him, and set him in his place, and he standeth; from his place shall he not remove.
What do people now carry around from A; The shop/market, to B; Homes and Churches and then set
in its place and fix it there?
Jeremiah 10: ‘Hear ye the word which the LORD speaketh unto you, O house of Israel: Thus saith the
LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen
are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the
forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold;
they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. They are upright as the palm tree, but
speak not: they must needs be borne (They have to be carried), because they cannot go (because they
can not walk). Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.
Forasmuch as there is none like unto thee, O LORD; thou art great, and thy name is great in might.
Who would not fear thee, O King of nations? for to thee doth it appertain: forasmuch as among all the
wise men of the nations, and in all their kingdoms, there is none like unto thee. But they are
altogether brutish and foolish: the stock is a doctrine of vanities. Silver spread into plates is brought
from Tarshish, and gold from Uphaz, the work of the workman, and of the hands of the founder: blue
and purple is their clothing: they are all the work of cunning men. But the LORD is the true God, he
is the living God, and an everlasting king: at his wrath the earth shall tremble, and the nations shall
not be able to abide his indignation. Thus shall ye say unto them, The gods that have not made the
heavens and the earth, even they shall perish from the earth, and from under these heavens. He hath
made the earth by his power, he hath established the world by his wisdom, and hath stretched out the
heavens by his discretion. When he uttereth his voice, there is a multitude of waters in the heavens,
and he causeth the vapours to ascend from the ends of the earth; he maketh lightnings with rain, and
bringeth forth the wind out of his treasures. Every man is brutish in his knowledge: every founder is
confounded by the graven image: for his molten image is falsehood, and there is no breath in them.
They are vanity, and the work of errors: in the time of their visitation they shall perish (During the
time-period that these Idols decked in silver and gold were worshiped, they also wore out/perished).
The portion of Jacob is not like them: for he is the former of all things; and Israel is the rod of his
inheritance: The LORD of hosts is his name. Gather up thy wares out of the land, O inhabitant of the
fortress. For thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will sling out the inhabitants of the land at this once, and
will distress them, that they may find it so. Woe is me for my hurt! my wound is grievous: but I said,
Truly this is a grief, and I must bear it. My tabernacle is spoiled, and all my cords are broken: my
children are gone forth of me, and they are not: there is none to stretch forth my tent any more, and
to set up my curtains. For the pastors are become brutish, and have not sought the LORD:
therefore they shall not prosper, and all their flocks shall be scattered. Behold, the noise of the bruit
is come, and a great commotion out of the north country, to make the cities of Judah desolate, and a
den of dragons. O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to
direct his steps. O LORD, correct me, but with judgment; not in thine anger, lest thou bring me to
nothing. Pour out thy fury upon the heathen that know thee not, and upon the families that call not
on thy name: for they have eaten up Jacob, and devoured him, and consumed him, and have made
his habitation desolate.
Bruit: Pronounced either bru.i or brut) is the term for the unusual sound that blood makes when it
rushes past an obstruction in an artery when the sound is observed with a stethoscope.
The whole of chapter 10 is a brilliant and eternally accurate description of what our Creator thinks
about these things. By adhering to these abominations, we hurt him grievously causing God to have to
bear his grief! Anyone especially any Church that is supposed to belong to the Most High is defiled
by these things spoiling his temple! Anyone doing this is considered to be scattered away from him!
The temple pastors becoming brutish meaning fleshly and natural (As in sin-nature) in the worst way!
Any Pastors that do this thing or teach it to be fine and nothing to worry about! Will not prosper and
all of their listeners will be scattered away from God!
Ezekiel 16. 17: ‘You also took the fine jewelry I gave you, the jewelry made of my gold and silver, and
you made for yourself male idols and engaged in prostitution with them’. (Fornicated with false
gods and fell into Devil Worship).
Daniel 5. 23b: ‘You praised the gods of silver and gold, of bronze, iron, wood and stone, which
cannot see or hear or understand. But you did not honor the God who holds in his hand your life
and all your ways.
Revelations 9. 20: ‘The rest of the people who were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of
the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone
and wood—idols that cannot see or hear or walk.
What type of tree did they use mostly and why?
Internet Searches are readily available to all and so we are even more, without excuse!
Twin Sycamores of turquoise were believed to stand at the eastern gates of heaven, from which the
sun god ‘Ra’ emerged every day called ‘The Big Tree on The Eastern Horizon’. The tomb of Osiris
was built in Sycamore wood, and shaded by Sycamore trees. The deceased hoped to live in the
Sycamore tree. In The Book of the Dead there are examples of a letter the deceased would write to the
Goddess of the Tree, containing a prayer so that she would provide water and air. Sycamores were
often planted near tombs, and models of the leaves of the tree were used as funerary amulets. Burial in
Sycamore coffins was a symbolic return into the womb of the mother tree goddess.
The Sycamore was regarded as a manifestation of the goddesses Nut, Isis and Hathor (Lilith). Many
representations of the arms Hathor or Nut, are reaching out from a Sycamore offering the deceased
food and water and a tray of offerings, supplying all their needs (Gifts around the tree). The Ba, or
eternal divine soul, of the deceased was often depicted (as a bird with human head) drinking from the
tree. The Sycamore was the abode of Lilith, called ‘the Lady of the Southern Sycamore’, referring to
the Sycamore growing to the south of the temple in Memphis (the northern Sycamore was at the
temple of Heliopolis, and is probably now known as the Tree of the Virgin Mary in Matareya (A lot
like ‘Maitreya’ don’t you think? (The Shiite Imam-leader many of Arabic peoples are waiting for. In
the Bible Codes as Sherry Shriner was shown, he is referred to as the ‘Hatchet-Man’).
Psalms 78. 47:’He destroyed their vines with hail, and their sycamore trees with frost.
Read chapter 78 if you wish to confirm the context of that destruction of the trees.
This is just a fragment that has become allowed into our culture because of the Strong Delusion. So it
is a result and not part of the delusion itself. The Lie that so many ‘love’ has many aspects or facets
and so we will go into detail about just ‘some’ of them. The details mentioned are not exhaustive by
any means but they will point the way to Yahushua’s lost sheep.
Many people are coming to believe also, that the ‘great lie’ has something to do with the coming UFO
invasion and the fact that the world will be deceived into going to war against the Most High at the
‘second coming’. This is error!
That will happen BECAUSE so many are unknowingly ALREADY under the Strong Delusion and
And can professing Christians who say they are following Yahushua, take part in them?
LIE #1 Breakdown: As with all of the sins known to mankind, we must go right back to its origin.
So let’s clear this entire argumentative subject up, once and for all!
According to ancient Hebrew legend the first woman was Lilith, the hermaphrodite mother of demon
children. Lilith was apparently made from the muckier ingredients of the earth. As the story goes she
rebelled against Adam when he wanted to have sexual intercourse with her. Adam wanted to ‘go on
top’ so she said, ‘Why should I not be the one to go-on-top, did not the Creator make us equal in his
dominion? They argued and she fled and started giving birth to 100 plus babies per day! She did not
need Adam’s seed to bear children as she/it was hermaphrodite. So Adam complained to the Creator
and four Arch-Angels went to retrieve her. She then strikes a bargain with the Angels, that as long as
any child is protected by a certain symbol during the first 8 days (before Circumcision), she would
leave them alone and not harm them in any way. She is then cursed in that 100 of her babies were
each day born dead! Lilith is the Consort to the Great Dragon, the Devil’s baby-maker! Lilith though
whatever her origin, certainly had nothing to do with Adam (the individual), who was placed in the
Lilith is also Diana/Astarte/Ishtar etc of the Easter and Christmas origins. Very briefly, the
worshipers of Astarte (Represented as a half Cobra - half woman serpent-hybrid) would celebrate their
mother’s fertility in ‘Sacred Groves’ deep in the forests. The Phoenicians (Which I think
encompassed Zidonia) were famous for it (King Ahab’s wife was Jezebel, the painted Queen, who
symbolically lay in a bed with Baal and Ishtar and became the names-sake of the ‘Whore of Babylon’.
Tangent topic: Just as the ‘Biblical Beast’ gets indwelt by the spirit of Anti-Christ/Satan, the female
counter-part of the Satanic trinity gets indwelt by the spirit of Lilith. Then Baal/Satan and Lilith
through using King Nimrod’s and Queen Semiramis’s bodies bring forth their ‘even more evil’
offspring, the physical manifestation Satan himself in the form of Tammuz/Molech. He then takes
charge and enthrones himself in the Babylonian Temple and declares himself to be God!
One visual representation of Molech is the Owl that stands supposedly-guarding, with its ‘All-Seeing
Eyes’ – 360 degree Night-vision. The Owl, I believe is not really standing guard at all. It is hanging
around awaiting its moment of opportunity to pounce upon its prey, i.e. be made manifest! It fits then
that this would be connected with the Bohemian Grove’s 42ft Owl called Molech Rituals, which the
New World Order and their minions partake of like Bush Snr/Jnr, Blair, Kissinger, Rumsfeld, Colin
Powell, the World’s Banking Elite like the Rockefellers and Rothschild’s etc. It is also possible that
the Owl is merely another representation of the Babylonian Phoenix that oversees everything.
Tangent end.
For the ‘sacred rituals’ the worshipers of Lilith and Sammael/Satan, would chop down a Sycamore
tree (Any tree that grew in the high places actually). It was changed to a fir tree to both aid in the
disguise of the real meaning of the Anti-Christ-Mass ritual and because it’s a fast growing tree easily
replaced. Mistletoe is involved to ask these evil entities to bless with fertility the kissing couple! The
juice from the berries is representative of sperm as it looks similar. The tree was then fixed in
position and decorated with silver and gold and red balls. The tree represents the Phallus of Saturn
(Satan’s Penis) whilst the ‘circular wreath’ usually hung nearby, represents the ‘vagina’ of Satan’s
consort Lilith. The silver and gold ‘tinsel’ represents the DNA strands in the serpent’s reproductiveseed and the ‘red balls’ of course represent the testicles. It is interesting to note that in the ‘Book of
the Watchers’ by Enoch, it is recorded that the ‘actual seed’ of the rebellious angels was like Fire
hence the red colour.
Gifts were then ‘presented’ at the base of the tree in order to receive the Blessing of Satan which is
sadly his serpent’s-seed! So by performing the action of placing parcels under the Christmas tree,
they were in fact praising Satan by bowing to his phallus! Then after ‘the blessing’, the worshipers
then collect their freshly ‘blessed by the serpent’s-seed’ Gift. In the process of collecting their
‘blessed gift’, the people have to bow in worship to the Phallus of Satan! The sharing and unwrapping of these gifts are the celebration of the Spreading of the Serpent-Seed upon the earth.
‘Spreading the Love’ someone might say!
How many Churches and so-called Christian homes allow this Abomination of God to continue unchecked? Christendom is partaking of this festival, are paying homage to – Baal, Ishtar and
Molech! Molech their son is the result of the serpent’s seed. Later on we will read how this worship
is actually a celebration of the birth of Molech (The physical manifestation of Satan upon the earth).
Not just that but how both of the Christmas and Easter festivals massively encourage and bring about
that birth!
Wherever Baal or Ishtar is found, Mithra (Molech) is not far behind. When Mithra/Molech really
comes into power he will take over the role of the King of this World. Christendom knows full well
who that is!
EASTER (Lilith/Astarte/Ishtar/Diana/Ashtoreth etc) EXPANSION
The ancient festival of Easter comes from the same cess-pit of abominations as Christmas. It is more
dedicated specifically to the fertility of Lilith/Ishtar than Christmas is. Christmas focus’s more on
Molech. The Egg from Ishtar is sometimes hidden within mother earth, seeded and then found,
shared, unwrapped and then the newly-’blessed’ chocolate is Eaten (More of that demonic love
spread around). The same goes for ‘hot-cross buns’, which are a disguised replacement for the Bread
or Cakes that used to be ‘buns-in-the-oven’, in the shape of a baby. Also, Bunny-Rabbits, the fastbreeding and fluffy little things that they are, represent the great fertility of Ishtar and her many cute
little demon-babies. Pancakes represent the same ‘Sun-disc’ as the Roman Catholic communion
wafer, when eaten on ‘Shrove or Grove Tuesday’.
Are you able to grasp just how deep Christendom has been dragged into the pit? By ravening wolves
in sheep’s clothing that teach the doctrines of Jezebel (Unknowingly is no excuse), or the evil
deceptive agents of their real deities – Baal, Ishtar and Molech – the Satanic Trinity! All because the
Church, the would-be ‘Bride of Christ’, has ignored Father Yahuah’s commandments to test
everything and have preferred to listen to lessons from blind teachers, just like the Pharasees. Like
my step grand-father used to say, “That’s why they were Sad-u-cee”.
Who can seriously deny that these ancient festivals are part of the ‘Strong Delusion’ allowed to occur
by Yahuah for the purposes of testing his son’s bride?
Did not Yahushua warn us that ‘Judgment would begin in the Churches?
1 Peter 4. 17: ‘For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin
at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?
The so-called leaders of Christendom have let down all in their flock. They are responsible for the
deceptions in the churches through inaction. They have allowed true Christendom to become a
pacifistic-mess of ancient fables. Hence it is like a dog that has turned again to its own vomit!
Revelations 2.14: ‘But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the
doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumbling-block before the children of Israel, to eat
things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication. (Partaking of Ishtar, Molech and Baal’s
doctrines and therefore metaphorically, laying in a bed and fornicating with devils!)
Have you guessed the reason for this fornication being force-fed to us yet? Have you figured out why
or what everyone is being ‘whipped-up into a frenzy’ for yet? We all being ‘fattened-up’ or ‘made
pregnant’, like the Christmas turkey. When that fat lady called the Spirit of Jezebel reaches her fullterm, she will bring the ‘cooked turkey’ from ‘out of her oven’ (Give birth) and place it neatly on the
table, which will be the placing of the Church all in one place – called the ‘One world Church’.
That ‘turkey’ will get sliced-up, split-up and devoured by the so-called ‘elite’, the ‘Serpent-seed’, their
angelic-hybrid armies and servants such as the Satanists. More detail is coming when we learn
exactly who this character Jezebel really is!
Revelations 3. 16: ‘So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out
of my mouth’.
Revelations 2. 10: ‘Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast
some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful
unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life’.
Revelations 3 .19: ‘As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent’.
Revelations 9. 20-21: ‘And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not
of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and
brass, and stone, and of wood (Statues, Relic’s, Pictures, Cross’s, Pope’s or any ‘graven image’ etc):
which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk: Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their
sorceries (Mass-hypnotism’s, Self-willing ‘seducing or familiar spirits’ into their bodies and
Communing with the Dead – talking to spirits!), nor of their fornication (Listening to the doctrines of
devils and evil or deceived men), nor of their thefts’ (Tithing/Taxing the flock and robbing them of
the truth).
Revelations 12. 6: ‘And the woman (Jezebel’s One World Church) fled into the wilderness, where she
hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore
days’. (This is the final chance given to Christendom of 3 ½ years, in which to Repent?). But…
Revelations 2. 21: ‘And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not’.
This is the Christians that hold on to their Pagan Festivals and their Roman Church beliefs till the
death. They are all therefore, the blind leading the blind because anyone else would change their
minds. Christendom is so stubborn, they will not except that there is something to repent of! They
will just not accept that they have been deceived for the entirety of their lives and so many will be
killed for making and believing a lie!
Let no-one deceive you out of eternal life with the Creator. Ask him and him alone – “Knock and the
door will open unto you, seek and you shall find”. Especially parents as they are the most likely to
try to guide their children. Everyone must search out this dilemma alone, as it is each of our
individual responsibility and between us and our Creator alone! No person of flesh can knowingly
bear the responsibility of someone else’s spiritual destination, unless the intent is to deceive of course.
So don’t let yourselves get misdirected by nice kind-sounding words, for they are just words! Your
flesh bodies hear those words and so they can only be of benefit to the flesh, which is destined to
utterly perish. Commune with the living Father of Spirits and test every single thought subjecting it to
Christ and his all-powerful blood in prayer. Physical words are not necasary as the living Father is a
spirit and is therefore best communicated with in the spirit. Ask him what you may need to repent of
and beg him to tell you the truth in all things and lift all deceptions from you in Yahushua’s name.
And this is just Christmas and Easter which is only two of the ‘Illuminati-owned’ and manipulated
‘media scams’. This is why we have the ‘shopping frenzies’ created by advertisements on our TV’s,
which is just one huge ‘mindjob’ over the population. A Satanically inspired ‘media-spell’ cast
mainly on the children, so as to manipulate their parent’s emotions, when they are supposed to be
looking out for their child’s safety both physically and spiritually. This is also training youngsters to
grow up into un-Godly, greedy, selfish people that have totally sold-out to their individual worldly
desire. All those under that spell-like influence, are willingly partaking in these abominations and
unknowingly (Not always) deceived into worshiping the satanic trinity!
Jeremiah 7.18: ‘The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their
dough, to make cakes (Buns in the oven) to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto
other gods, that they may provoke me to anger’. (No it does not matter that someone else made them,
like the local Bakery!).
From Sherry Shriner’s websites: SANTA CLAUSE
The Santa Claus story arose from legends surrounding the Catholic patron saint of storm-tossed
sailors, Nicholas. These legends in turn have their roots in still earlier pagan myths, including the
Roman Befana, the Germanic Berchta and Knecht Ruprecht, and the Scandinavian Odin. Odin was
said to have ridden through the sky in winter with a pack of elves, rewarding men with gifts. St.
Nicholas was renowned for saving three ladies who would have been sold into slavery, had he not
thrown three bags of gold thorough their window. In countries such as Holland and Germany, Santa
Claus was said to ride through the sky on a horse. Pictures show him wearing a
bishop's robes. He was sometimes accompanied by "Black Peter," an elf who whipped naughty
children. Traditionally, the feast day of Saint Nicholas was observed on December 6th and gifts were
given. Later, however, German Protestants encouraged people to instead worship the Christkindl (or
Christ child) on December 25th. The Christ Child (or an angel resembling him) was said to have
visited families on Christmas Eve, leaving gifts and toys. The term Christkindl evolved into Kriss
Kringle, a popular nickname for Santa Claus.
Anyway that’s a quick rundown on Christmas and why any professing follower of Messiah should
flee from it and throw out from the church anyone who supports it! Anyone who can not bring
themselves to give up these Satanic Festivals (It’s for the Kids, Blablabla!), are also dragging their
families or churches into great and perilous sin! Flee from such things; Come out of her children of
God. What business does light have in the darkness? These festivals have become so ingrained now,
that even this single subject, has power to divide families and start arguments between loved ones. Be
very wary of that side of things. The Spirit of Jezebel will grab hold of the slightest opportunity to
pull you back down. Then you will be no better than the worshipers of Baal! Watch out for that cow,
Jezebel! She is your worst enemy right now!
Times like that are just purification processes that we must go through, in order to overcome this
wretched, rebellious and un-godly fallen-nature! For those of you readers that the spirit of truth and
light speaks to, like Yahushua said, “Just leave them alone, they are just the blind leading the blind
and they will share the same pit eventually”! So those of you who know the word of the Shepherd
when you either hear or see it, can express it to loved ones in a sober, calm and loving way, being led
by the spirit. Those people then begin their journey of overcoming the Spirit of Jezebel and have to
ensure they do not act soulishly or fleshly/worldly. To do so would be surrendering to the spirit of
Jezebel and failing a crucial test in the overcoming process! (We will soon find out why).
So ask yourselves ‘Christians’, “What has been your part in the demanding of bringing these two
abominations into your homes and Churches”?
Any true ‘believers’, ABSOLUTELY MUST NEVER take part of these evils! Anyone who
carries on bringing their families into ‘devil worship’ can kiss goodbye to eternity with
Yahushua and Yahuah!
Those festivals (like many others) are Spiritual-Nukes that have been disguised, to be so attractive that
we then bring them into our own houses ourselves! Not only are the people that adhere to such evils,
deceived into devil worship but there worldly-natures are whipped-up into a state of frenzy. The only
thing that parents witness in reality when their children are ferociously tearing at the gift-wrappings is
sadly the Spirit of Jezebel being not only encouraged but nurtured!
Christmas is the greatest ever lesson in Carnality (Worldliness), a parent can ever teach a child! Are
we still going to teach the children to grieve the Creator! The flesh and the world are enmity against
If anyone really wants to teach their children to surrender to these deceptions, at least they should
have the decency to explain to them that, that if they do as you do, they must face the terrifying
prospect of eternal separation from the Creator and to accept that they will be judged for it.
Choosing to give up or still follow these satanic rituals will no doubt bring that ‘Sword of division’
into the families.
Revelations 2. 5: ‘Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first
works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except
thou repent’.
MI: “Remember what the faith was before these festivals and other abominations of religion were
brought in! This version of Christianity is encouraging masses of people to worship their adversary
by deception! Repent of your accepting this lie! Be like your supposed to be, or you will not be
found fit to become my bride! Anyone who takes these satanic festivals into their Christian homes
is taking part of the ‘Whoredoms of Babylon’. (Witchcraft is as the sin of fornication)
Revelations 18. 4: ‘Then I heard another voice from heaven say: “Come out of her, my people,’ so
that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues”.
Joshua 23. 16: ‘When ye have transgressed the covenant of the LORD your God, which he
commanded you, and have gone and served other gods, and bowed yourselves to them; then shall
the anger of the LORD be kindled against you, and ye shall perish quickly from off the good land
which he hath given unto you.
11 Kings 17. 9-22: ‘And the children of Israel did secretly those things that were not right against the
LORD their God and they built them high places in all their cities, from the tower of the watchmen to
the fenced city. And they set them up images and groves in every high hill, and under every green
tree: And there they burnt incense in all the high places, as did the heathen whom the LORD carried
away before them; and wrought wicked things to provoke the LORD to anger: For they served idols,
whereof the LORD had said unto them, Ye shall not do this thing. Yet the LORD testified against
Israel, and against Judah, by all the prophets, and by all the seers, saying, Turn ye from your evil
ways, and keep my commandments and my statutes, according to all the law which I commanded your
fathers, and which I sent to you by my servants the prophets. Notwithstanding they would not hear,
but hardened their necks, like to the neck of their fathers, that did not believe in the LORD their God.
And they rejected his statutes, and his covenant that he made with their fathers, and his testimonies
which he testified against them; and they followed vanity, and became vain, and went after the
heathen that were round about them, concerning whom the LORD had charged them, that they
should not do like them. And they left all the commandments of the LORD their God, and made them
molten images, even two calves, and made a grove, and worshipped all the host of heaven, and
served Baal. And they caused their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire, and used
divination and enchantments, and sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the LORD, to provoke him
to anger. Therefore the LORD was very angry with Israel, and removed them out of his sight: there
was none left but the tribe of Judah only. Also Judah kept not the commandments of the LORD their
God, but walked in the statutes of Israel which they made. And the LORD rejected all the seed of
Israel, and afflicted them, and delivered them into the hand of spoilers, until he had cast them out of
his sight. For he rent Israel from the house of David; and they made Jeroboam the son of Nebat king:
and Jeroboam drove Israel from following the LORD, and made them sin a great sin. For the
children of Israel walked in all the sins of Jeroboam which he did; they departed not from them.
Christians who profess to follow the one true messiah and do these things are as good as dead to him!
Christmas and Easter ARE devil worship; end of argument forever and ever, Amen.
Saul’s ‘Gospel of Grace and Lawlessness’
Excerpts from the Gospel of Thomas:
Jesus said, “The Pharisees and the scholars have taken the keys of knowledge and have hidden them.
They have not entered nor have they allowed those who want to enter to do so”.
Jesus said, “Damn the Pharisees! They are like a dog sleeping in the cattle manger: the dog neither
eats nor lets the cattle eat”.
There is nothing quite like introducing someone for the first time, to the concept that their beloved
‘Paul’ was inspired by the ‘spirit of anti-christ’ and motivated by ‘the Spirit of Jezebel’.
Our heavenly Father not only allowed this to occur but encouraged it via his ‘Strong Delusion’. I
have been led through the same struggles that many readers will now face. It can be a long and
sometimes painful process. Always though, the result is a true refreshing from the ‘Fountain of livingwater’. Don’t let your preconceptions get in the way of finding truth. Just pray for the truth in all
things and Father will show you as long as you are both willing to lay down your flesh before the
cross and your intent is true. Do not trust emotions of the heart! The heart will deceive if given a
chance. There is always a fight when one kingdom must surrender a living soul to another. If you
are so completely convinced that your eternal soul is 100% safe then read no further for your heart is
already in the kingdom it belongs too. If we are not willing to lay down all preconceptions and beliefs
and let the living Father rebuild our foundations on solid rock, we deserve to be deceived!
Millions upon millions of Christians simply can not get their mind around this very truth. I truly
sympathize with the older people who have been indoctrinated their entire lives. Just as in the movie
The Matrix, Morpheus apologizes to Neo for the harshness of his necessary experience. However he
then goes on to explain that the longer someone has been ‘plugged into’ the Matrix system, the more
likely it is that their minds will reject the truth. This scene is just after Neo has thrown up and been
crumpled to the floor by his true awakening (Neo’s ‘Born-Again’ experience), to the awful truth that
he had been lied to, all what he thought was his natural life! To quote ‘Cypher’ (a character from the
Matrix movie):
“Man, what a mindjob”!
Only at that moment did Neo realize what Morpheus meant when he was trying to tell him earlier
about how, “unfortunately no one can be told what the Matrix is; you have to see it for yourself”!
(This Matrix concept requires a lot more detail than I have written in this book as I barely scratch the
scratch on the surface, in this book. I have gone into a fuller detail in the book Satans Matrix. I fully
recommend watching Mr David Icke’s “The Secrets of the Matrix”. I would just advise (as im sure
David Icke would say himself), that we all come to understanding via different routes. That is
different than saying that all understanding or faiths leads to the same destination because they don’t.
That is the New Age cry of the Illuminati and their so-called ‘Enlightened or ascended masters’.
John 5. 43: ‘I am come in my Father's name, and you receive me not: if another shall come in his
own name, him you will receive. How can you believe, which receive honour one of another, and
seek not the honour that cometh from God only?
In the New Testament of the KJV There are five ‘I Paul’s and in the NIV there are nine.
John 21. 18: ‘Most assuredly, I say to you, when you were younger, you girded (bound/dressed)
yourself and walked where you wished; but when you are old, you will stretch forth your hands, and
another will bind you and take you where you do not wish’.
The Apocalypse of Peter excerpt:
“…And they praise the men of the propagation of falsehood, those who will come after you. And they
will cleave to the name of a dead man, thinking that they will become pure. But they will become
greatly defiled and they will fall into a name of error, and into the hand of an evil, cunning man and
a manifold dogma, and they will be ruled without law".
Probably the sole reason for it not being ‘canonised’, by the Roman usurps.
Usurp definition: usurped, usurping, usurps
1. To seize and hold (the power or rights of another, for example) by force or without legal authority.
2. To take over or occupy without right: usurp a neighbour's land.
3. To take the place of (another) without legal authority; supplant, to seize another's place, authority,
or possession wrongfully.
Also Saul was present if not ‘in charge of’, the murder of the Apostle Stephen!
Acts 7, 54-60: ‘When they heard these things, they were cut to the heart, and they gnashed on him
with their teeth. But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up steadfastly into heaven, and saw the
glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God, and said, Behold, I see the heavens
opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God. Then they cried out with a loud voice,
and stopped their ears, and ran upon him with one accord, and cast him out of the city, and stoned
him: and the witnesses laid down their clothes at a young man's feet, whose name was Saul. And he
kneeled down, and cried with a loud voice, Lord; lay not this sin to their charge. And when he had
said this, he fell asleep.
Matthew 16. 1- 12: ‘The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came, and tempting desired him that he
would show them a sign from heaven. He answered and said unto them, “When it is evening, ye say,
It will be fair weather: for the sky is red. And in the morning, it will be foul weather today: for the sky
is red and lowering. Oh you hypocrites, you can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the
signs of the times? (The Church is asleep) A wicked and adulterous (Fornicating) generation seeketh
after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas”. And he left
them, and departed. And when his disciples were come to the other side, they had forgotten to take
Then Yahushua said to them, “Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the
Sadducees”. And they reasoned among themselves, saying, it is because we have taken no bread.
Which when Yahushua perceived, he said unto them, “Oh you of little faith, why reason you among
yourselves, because you have brought no bread? Do ye not yet understand, neither remember the five
loaves of the five thousand, and how many baskets you took up? Neither the seven loaves of the four
thousand, and how many baskets you took up? How is it that you do not understand that I spoke it
not to you concerning bread, that you should beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the
Sadducees? Then understood they how that he bade them not beware of the leaven of bread, but of
the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.
‘The sign of the prophet Jonas’ – Have you ever been instructed as to what this really is? Just as
Jonah refused the truth and the voice of God, running in the opposite direction; so have the rebellious
Children of God turned and ran away in these last days! However the Great Shepherd promised that
he would call his sheep from out of the flock. So just like Jonah was brought back to face the truth
and his calling, true believers will be called from out of the apostate church and back into the will and
grace of their Father.
‘Do ye not yet understand, neither remember the five loaves of the five thousand, and how many
baskets ye took up? Neither the seven loaves of the four thousand, and how many baskets ye took
up? – The ‘5’ loaves and the ‘7’ loaves represented the ‘12’ apostles that would spread the gospel of
the kingdom by feeding them the ‘bread of heaven’ and bring many back into the truth. Yahushua
was ‘the Word’ that gives the ‘Bread of Life’. It was also a picture of ‘whatever a man sows, that
shall he reap’ or whenever true ‘Bread’ is given out – yet even more we shall receive!
beware of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees – Be careful when you listen to the
teachings of the religious leaders.
Acts 22. 3: ‘I am verily a man which am a Jew, born in Tarsus, a city in Cilicia, yet brought up in
this city at the feet of Gamaliel, and taught according to the perfect manner of the law of the fathers,
and was zealous toward God.
Tarsus – In Hebrew, the number 666 is identified by the Hebrew letters TRSV; T=400, R=200, S=60,
V=6 which total 666. TRSV is pronounced TARSU.
at the feet of Gamaliel – From the ‘online Wikipedia’: Gamaliel the Elder, or Rabbi Gamaliel I,
was the grandson of the great Jewish teacher Hillel the Elder. He was a leading authority in the
Sanhedrin in the mid first century. He died nine years before the destruction of Jerusalem (63 AD).
In the Talmud, this Gamaliel bears the title ‘Rabban’, a rabbinic title given to the Nasi (head) of the
Sanhedrin, of which he is the first of seven appointed leaders of that school of Hillel which earned
the title. He figures in two anecdotes as the religious adviser of Agrippa I and his wife Cypris. Of his
teaching, beyond the saying (preserved in Aboth i.16), which enjoins the duty of study and of
scrupulousness in the observance of religious ordinances…
Gamaliel I held a reputation of one of the greatest teachers in the annals of Judaism. Mish. Sorah
ix.15 pays tribute to this quality, "Since Rabban Gamaliel the Elder died there has been no more
reverence for the law, and purity and abstinence died out at the same time." While believing the
law to be wholly inspired by God, he ruled that the sabbath laws should be less rigorous and more
realistic. He also argued that the law should protect women during divorce and urged Jews to be
kind towards Gentiles.
In Acts of the Apostles, Gamaliel is described as a Pharisee and celebrated scholar of the Mosaic
Law. In Acts (5:34), citing past revolts based on the prophesied messiah such as Theudas and Judas of
Galilee, Gamaliel advises his fellow-members of the Sanhedrin not to put to death Saint Peter and the
Apostles for preaching the Gospel. His advice was acted upon, so great was his authority with his
contemporaries. He is also treated as the originator of many legal ordinances; as the father of a son,
whom he called Simeon, after his father's name, and of a daughter who married the priest Simon ben
Nathanael. (22:3), It is also stated that he was the teacher of St. Paul. In Acts 22:3 Paul tells a crowd
in Jerusalem, "I am a Jew, born in Tarsus in Cilicia, but brought up in this city, educated at the feet of
Gamaliel according to the strict manner of the law of our fathers, being zealous for God as all of you
are this day." But we are told nothing about the nature or the extent of the influence which he
exercised upon the future apostle of the Gentiles. Shabbath 30b mentions a student of Gamaliel I,
who displayed ‘impudence in learning’ a person some scholars identify as possibly referring to
Paul. Other scholars, such as Helmut Koester, are doubtful that Paul studied under this famous rabbi.
What is important is his association with him.
So he states that he is a Jew, born in Tarsus (Under Roman rule at that time) and his teacher (If he was
telling the truth) may well have been Gamlaliel, the Pharacee and originator of many of the church’s
rituals that we have today. This would explain Saul’s teaching a relaxation of the Laws.
Acts 22. 25-29: ‘And as they bound him with thongs, Paul said unto the centurion that stood by, Is it
lawful for you to scourge a man that is a Roman, and uncondemned? When the centurion heard that,
he went and told the chief captain, saying, Take heed what thou doest: for this man is a Roman.
Then the chief captain came, and said unto him, “Tell me, art thou a Roman”? He said, Yea. And the
chief captain answered, “With a great sum obtained I this freedom”. And Paul said, “But I was free
born”. Then straightway they departed from him which should have examined him: and the chief
captain also was afraid, after he knew that he was a Roman, and because he had bound him.
2 Corinthians 11. 22: ‘Are they Hebrews? so am I. Are they Israelites? so am I. Are they the seed of
Abraham? so am I’.
Acts 24. 4-5: ‘My manner of life from my youth, which was at the first among mine own nation at
Jerusalem, know all the Jews; Which knew me from the beginning, if they would testify, that after the
most straightest sect of our religion I lived a Pharisee’.
Ok Saul – Which are you, Jew or Roman? We know he was from the tribe of Benjamin and a
Pharisee. A chameleon is what he was and a agent of Rome being the lead usurper.
Genesis 49. 27: ‘Benjamin shall ravage as a wolf: in the morning he shall devour the prey, and at
night he shall divide the spoil’.
Philippians 3. 5: ‘Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, an
Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee;
Romans 11. 1: ‘I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of
the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin.
Acts 13. 21: ‘And afterward they desired a king: and God gave unto them Saul the son of Cis (Kish in
1 Samuel 9 and 10), a man of the tribe of Benjamin.
It was King Saul from the tribe of Benjamin, which disobeyed the command of Yahuah and hearkened
to the voice of men instead. He allowed the best of the spoils to be kept by the men, when
commanded to utterly destroy everything to do with the Amalekites.
A vital clue is hidden in these next two verses. Yahushua first warns not just of the leaven (Gas that
becomes trapped as bubbles within the dough) but this also:
Mark 8. 15: ‘And he charged them, saying, Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of
the leaven of Herod.
What was the ‘leaven’ of Herod’ then?
Acts 12. 1-4: ‘Now about that time Herod the king stretched forth his hands to vex certain of the
church. And he killed James the brother of John with the sword. And because he saw it pleased the
Jews, he proceeded further to take Peter also (Then was the days of unleavened bread). And when he
had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep
him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people.
Matthew 14. 3: ‘For Herod had laid hold on John, and bound him, and put him in prison for
Herodias sake, his Brother Philip's wife.
Now keep in mind that Saul had kept company with this same Herod. What does Saul do not long
Galatians 2. 1: ‘Then fourteen years after I went up again to Jerusalem with Barnabas (Another who
spent time with Herod!), and took Titus (A Greek) with me also.
Galatians 2. 11-14: ‘But when Peter was come to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he
was to be blamed. For before that certain came from James, he did eat with the Gentiles: but when
they were come, he withdrew and separated himself, fearing them which were of the circumcision.
And the other Jews dissembled likewise with him; insomuch that Barnabas also was carried away
with their dissimulation. But when I saw that they walked not uprightly according to the truth of the
gospel, I said unto Peter before them all, If thou, being a Jew, livest after the manner of Gentiles, and
not as do the Jews, why compellest thou the Gentiles to live as do the Jews?
Saul/Paul had just done to Peter the same as Herod (to vex certain of the church)! Herod killed
James and took Peter prisoner because it pleased the Jews! Then there’s John the Baptist of course.
Saul proceeds to verbally assault Peter just because he was in front of alot of Jews (And because he
saw it pleased the Jews) and he liked to please people whoever they were (See below 1Corinthians
10. 31-33). Just as Herod did evil to the true Disciples and Apostles, to please persons.
Anyone who associated with Herod then, would effectively be infected with the Leaven of Herod!
Whatever Herod’s ways and methods were, his friends would surely follow suit.
Acts 13. 1-3: ‘In the church at Antioch there were prophets and teachers Barnabas, Simeon called
Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch and Saul.
Matthew 16. 16-19: ‘And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living
God. And Yahushua answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-jona: for flesh and
blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. And I say also unto thee, That
thou art Peter, and upon this rock (Not ‘the man’ but the fact of ‘who’ Yahushua was) I will build my
church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
We will soon see more of ‘the Leaven of Herod’ in action!
It’s also interesting to note that Saul’s favourite travelling companion ‘Titus’ who is said to have been
a Greek, is the same ‘Roman General Titus’ that put down the Jewish rebellion in 70AD. The first
Jewish-Roman War (66–73), sometimes called The Great Revolt. The famous ‘Arch of Titus’ still
stands in Rome: it depicts Roman legionaries carrying off the Temple of Jerusalem's treasuries,
including the ‘menorah’. Titus set up the Cherubim, captured from the Jewish temple, over one of the
gates in Antioch. Antioch is crucial to unravelling this strangle-weed that chokes the truth of the
Gospel of the Kingdom!
So who was this Scribe called Luke, Saul’s travelling companion? Some very interesting facts are
revealed in a simple ‘Wikipedia’ online search.
This will blow some Church-going minds for sure!
LUKE: APOSTLE OR APOSTATE? (Once again from the online Wikipedia)
Luke (Christendom’s 4th gospel writer) is a Syrian of Antioch, a Syrian by race, a physician by
profession. He had become a disciple of Saul until his [Saul's] so-called martyrdom. Having served
the Lord continuously, unmarried and without children, filled with the Holy Spirit he died at the age
of 84 years. (Edit: cough cough). Some manuscripts add that Luke died ‘in Thebes, the capital of
Boeotia’. All of these facts support the conclusion that Luke was associated with Paul. Later
tradition elaborates on these few facts. Epiphanius states that Luke was one of the Seventy-(Two)
(Panarion 51.11), and John Chrysostom indicates at one point that the ‘brother’ Paul mentions in 2
Corinthians 8:18 is either Luke or Barnabas (Later rewarded with the position of ‘Bishop of Milan’.
Mr J. Wenham asserts that Luke was one of ‘the Seventy’ (See below later), the Emmaus disciple,
Lucius of Cyrene (See later) and Paul's kinsman. Not all scholars are as confident of all of these
attributes as Wenham is, not least because Luke's own statement at the beginning of Acts freely
admits that he was not an eyewitness to the events of the Gospel.
This confirms then that LUKE was NOT A TRUE APOSTLE! According to the rules set out in Acts
1. 21-22. To be an Apostle, someone had to have been a companion of Yahushua the ‘entire’ time he
walked the earth and been a witness to his ressurection!
Antioch was a major centre of worship dedicated to Apollo (The Revelation ch9 - Apollyon) and
Daphne (Diana Queen of Heaven/Lilith). Alexander the Great made altars to Zeus (Tammuz/Molech)
there around 400AD. Luke was a worshiper of the Satanic Trinity of Babylon! The Deities just
had different names. He was not a ‘Jew of Antioch’, which tried to stone Saul and Barnabus, Herod’s
Jesus is a translation of Zeus (More of a play on words really) – Concordance 2424, original word
ʼnhsou', The original coming from the Hebrew [wXwhy - meaning - Yahowshuwa; transliterated to
‘Iesous’. Phonetic spelling - ee-ay-sooce. Zeus is in both Hebrew and Greek the latter ‘A’ meaning that he is the beginning and the end; Phonetic spelling – ‘dzyooce’ very similar to ‘Iesous’ when it
comes to pronouncing it.
So Jesus is a deliberate translation alteration. Once the real name of Messiah is discovered, it is just
plain rude to keep calling him something else! How would you feel if the people who say they love
you, kept calling you a different name. His honouring ‘good intent’ through ignorance will not last
Also vital to remember is that when Satan turns up here in the flesh again, he will come as ‘Jesus’ not
Yahushua! So the sooner people make that clear definition, the better there chances of not being
deceived by the ‘false Jesus’.
Definition: Jesus = Jehovah is salvation (Note: Jehovah = ‘the existing One’, also suggestive of the
plural. The true name of the living Father is YAHUAH (the PRE-existent one!) That is the name
that he has decided we are to know him by.
The "J" in "Jehovah" is a result of Martin Luther's rendering of the Biblical Hebrew name ‫ יְ הֹ וָה‬in his
German translation of the Masoretic Text, which was already in the hands of the Pharasees. Some,
but not all modern scholars believe that the original pronunciation of the ‘Tetragrammaton’ may have
been lost somewhere in the first millennium (What a coincidence!), when the Jewish people
stopped saying the name, out of fear of violating the commandment "You shall not take the name of
YHWH your God in vain" (Exodus 20:7). By then though the Pharasees had taken control of the texts
and the oral laws, by the strange ordination of Eleazar (See topic titles ‘Eleazar’ and ‘Gameliel’).
Jesus, the Son of God, the Saviour of mankind, God incarnate (So was Zeus to them! Zeus is Tammuz
of Babylon. Satan incarnated in the body of Tammuz (See later).
Jesus Barabbas was the captive robber whom the Jews begged Pilate to release instead of Yahushua.
Also there was Jesus surnamed Justus, a Jewish Christian, an associate with Paul in the preaching of
the gospel of grace and lawlessness.
Jews also call God Adonai, Hebrew for ‘Lord’ (Hebrew: ‫)יָנֹ דֲא‬. Formally, this is plural ("my Lords"),
but the plural is usually construed as a respectful, and not a syntactic (relating to) plural. The singular
form is Adoni: "my lord". This was used by the Phoenicians for the god Tammuz and is the origin
of the Greek name Adonis. Jews only use the singular to refer to a distinguished person). Since
pronouncing YHWH is considered sinful, Jews use Adonai instead in prayers, and colloquially
(appropriately) would use Hashem (The Name). When the Masoretes added vowel pointings to the
text of the Hebrew Bible in the first century (Of course they did), they gave the word YHWH the
vowels of Adonai, to remind the reader to say Adonai instead.
Thereby getting people to redirect their worship of the Most High to Satan.
LORD refers to Yahushua but Lord refers to BAAL!
The Jesus referred to in the New Testament is none other than Zeus (Tammuz) the son of Cronus
(Nimrod of Babylon). Quite a clever switch really. The implications for Christendom though are the
worst imaginable!! Deceiving people into praising and praying to Jesus all the time instead of
YAHUAH in Yahushua’s name, is simply switched to praising and praying to THE DEVIL
Do you really think Satan cares how he receives his praise? Deception has always been his favourite
JESUS IS NOT YAHUSHUA. They are playing esoteric mind-games with Christendom and have
been ever since the crucifixion! It fits with everything that’s wrong with Christendom today! Hence
the SUN-day worship and the pagan festivals, so of course Christmas and Easter are acceptable to the
churches! They (Unwittingly hopefully) all centre around Devil worship and through Satan’s
favourite means – Deception! (Allowed by YAHUAH for his purposes to test his church).
Let’s look at a nice piece of Luke’s work…
Acts 4. 30: ‘By stretching forth thine hand to heal; and that signs and wonders may be done by the
name of thy holy child Jesus. (Saul and his scribe/s switched Yahushua for Jesus).
The account of Peter and John was a true one until Luke later adds in his own ‘Pauline’- spin. By
doing this they make it look and sound as if Peter and John were performing exactly the same
kinds of thing’s as Saul’s 72 interpreters. What Yahushua granted to the True 12 Apostles were
not ‘Signs and Wonders’. Just by adding these few words, yet another layer of deception was
brought down upon us. We would then simply assume, “Well if the ‘12’ did them, surely Saul and Co
were doing nothing different right”? Wrong.
Acts 14. 1: ‘And it came to pass in Iconium that they went both together into the synagogue of the
Jews, and so spake, that a great multitude both of the Jews and also of the Greeks believed. But the
unbelieving Jews stirred up the Gentiles, and made their minds evil affected against the brethren.
Long time therefore abode they speaking boldly in the Lord, which gave testimony unto the word of
his grace, and granted signs and wonders to be done by their hands. But the multitude of the city
was divided: and part held with the Jews, and part with the apostles (False ones). And when there
was an assault made both of the Gentiles, and also of the Jews with their rulers, to use them
despitefully, and to stone them, They were aware of it, and fled unto Lystra and Derbe, cities of
Lycaonia, and unto the region that lieth round about:
The ‘unbelieving’ Jews of Antioch recognized false ‘Signs and Wonders’ when they saw them, which
is why they knew them to be Charlatans whom served other gods! They had after all been living most
of their lives in the centre for Zeus worship! They were also well educated in the original ‘tongues of
fire’ account. And the first place he runs to – Lystra, is a Roman colony (From 6BC). Funny that a
Hebrew would feel more comfortable with Roman’s that his blood-brethren.
Tangent topic: Tongues of Fire? Or cloven tongue (like cloven hooves).
Ezekiel 3. 26: ‘And I will make thy tongue cleave to the roof of thy mouth, that thou shalt be dumb,
and shalt not be to them a reprover: for they are a rebellious house.
Very prophetic as that is what has happened to any who pray or praise in the name of JESUS! There
prayers are made ineffectual simply because of there redirection to the devil! Therefore they’re
prayers are like the babbling’s of a ‘MUTE’ person! Why? Because they are whether they know it or
not - Rebellious!
Strange Tongue
by Sherry Shriner
I was seeking the Lord on the whole issue of speaking in tongues because although it was an area I
didn't even want to deal with, I had been asked to seek Him on it. As He spoke to me I just casually
jotted down notes of what He was saying and I will list those here. Then He gave me a more formal
word on it and I have that also. Again, this is an area I didn't even want to go into because years ago I
had gone into it and He led me out of it. And those who are in it are adamant of their beliefs in it.
To me it was like, "great, more enemies." But the Lord knows I will do as He asks even though I don't
want to. My life is His. I serve the King. If you don't like what He reveals below don't come to me
about it, rather, seek HIM for the truth and as He says, He will reveal it to you Himself.
I wrote this down as He spoke to me:
-Speaking in tongue is a demonic manifestation of the ghost of the spirit, not MY Holy Ghost.
- The cloven tongues of fire (Acts) was a mimickry of the tongues of fire I used in Egypt.
- The Scriptures were manipulated, watered down, then misunderstood. I do not speak in strange
tongue to My people. I speak so they can understand Me and My Words. I do not know their strange
tongue, it comes from within their own spirit, it is not of Me but of witchcraft and guile.
- I don't require a strange language to speak to Me. In their own foolishness they bring forth words
against Me to mock and defile their own spirits.
- Meditate on and in Me does not require a prayer language concocted and conceived by the
treacherous to blaspheme Me.
- ‘Great delusion’ is upon those who seek after 'signs' other than Me. Did I not say a foolish
generation would seek after signs? This manifestation is their "sign" that they have reached My throne
room but I say unto you no one has been to My throne room and seen Me. Delusion is guile and they
call upon the devil in their strange tongue and chants and who serve a false angel of light and of My
righteousness. Do not be deceived. I am not mocked. But I am patient for them to come to Me and
seek the truth as it is in Me.
His Word to me:
"My child, I have given you much knowledge. Those who will listen will find life. There's truth in
freedom, when they set themselves free of deception, they will find truth in Me.
Hallowed by MY Name, MY Kingdom come, MY will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Yet
many call upon another Name and are living in torment and deception. The false light gives them
largeness of life, grandiose appearances and deceptions and they discern not that it is not of Me.
They will scorn you and rebuke you, they will mock you and degrade you. Stand tall my child. It is
Me they scorn and rebuke. It is Me they mock and degrade. You are My mouthpiece and have been
appointed even before your time to walk and serve Me in these days.
Does not My Word say to test the spirits? They refuse to accept My warning and they carry on in
their delusions. Tell them to repent! To repent for not listening to My words and for following after
man's. Listen to the Prophets of the Beast as they "call unto Me" in their strange tongue yet it is not I
who answers it. They serve their father the devil. And now how is this strange tongue different than
what My own people speak? Curses and vanity comes from their lips and they think they are
worshipping Me.
Did not I teach this to you years ago? To stop cursing My Name? Yes, child, because you sought
My heart and I revealed it to you. Now tell them! Do not hide or keep this from the hearers because I
know you want to. I love you child, and I know your heart. And I know you are burdened by yet even
more enemies in My camp that will arise against you.
They will call you false because they want to cling to their own deceptions. Tell them to seek
My heart for truth and I will reveal it to them. And I WILL reveal it to them. If they seek Me
they won't have a leg to stand on to persecute you. For you are My mouthpiece and messenger.
Stand against the giant’s daughter, stand against those who mock you because they will see you
standing beside Me in glory and they will know that you are of Me. Woe! To those who refuse to
hear or seek Me and come against you. Woe! I will be your strength. Let them come against ME and
do not fret child, do not fret. I am with you and they will know this.
The day of visitation is coming. The day of invitation when I will invite My Bride to share in My
Many will be left behind because guile has been found among and within them. Tell them to
repent or be left behind. And when they are left, the time to repent is still open for them. They
must be found without guile to share in My Kingdom or they will be tested as martyrs.
Do you see in the Scriptures that those martyrs for My Name are without number? Does not My
book say that white robes are given to those who come out of great persecution? What is termed as
tribulation? Watered down, My Word has been watered down so the people cannot understand the
simple truths. They need to Seek Me.
When I speak to My children their own ghost spirit arises to counter and mimic Me. Tell them
to put to death the works of the flesh. To rebuke the flesh and strive only with Me daily.
(My Edit: Their preference for the Flesh causes their soul to cling to their flesh and become their
‘spirit equivalent’, but in a far lesser form. Yahuah’s preference is that our soul should cling to our
higher spirit and the flesh to be ‘done away with’. This is again their own ‘spirit of Jezebel’ rising up
and deceiving their souls).
I do not speak in strange tongue. And their spirits are speaking strangeness to Me. Tell them.
Be not afraid, whatever a man sows, that is what he reaps. If they sow unto Me it will be eternal. If
they sow unto the flesh, it will lead to destruction. Tell Them!
Stay in Me and reveal My Words to the world. I will lead them to you. I will see and know who
comes against My servant and I will deal with them. I know your weary of the attacks and
maliciousness from your brethren, but I tell you this, MY people have ears to hear and those who
don't are Not MY Bride. Tell them to come to ME and enquire of this strange tongue and I
Myself will reveal it to them.
I love you child, be faithful in Me and don't fret. I am the Lord your God whom you serve and
whom has reserved much glory and abundance in My Kingdom for you.
Tell them!
Thus saith the LORD your God.
Tangent end:
Acts 14. 26: ‘From Attalia they sailed back to Antioch, where they had been committed to the grace
of God for the work they had now completed. Antioch becomes a central HUB, from where the
deceptions spring!
If anyone just blindly gives Luke, the benefit-of-the-doubt, they may as well just sell their souls!
He lived right next to the famous Damascus road where his buddy Saul was supposed to have had his
encounter with Yahushua! Saul coming from Tarsus had to go through Antioch on his way to meet?
(We’ll see who soon), so there is little doubt that Luke was with Saul on that ‘trip’, to write any such
accounts of ‘great lights’ or ‘blindness’! Let us not forget Luke was a great Physician and probably
the best in Antioch! (Roman controlled anyway). There are no witness accounts as to whether or nor
Saul was really blinded anyway. It is more likely that they travelled normally, as this then fits with
the fact that when they reached their destination, guess who was waiting for them?
This is an excerpt from Sherry Shriner’s web site:
Paul and Ananias (This shows the kind of perception that can only be born, of the Spirit!)
Yahushua said that true prophets can be distinguished from false prophets by ‘their fruits’. He mused,
‘Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?’ In other words, he told us to check out the story
of a so-called prophet or person of influence. If the story doesn’t add up, then the person in question
should be viewed as a false prophet. Having stated that, here is some additional information about
Paul. Firstly, Paul was linked—from the moment of his so-called conversion in Damascus—to
one of the same high-priests who had Yahushua killed. The man’s name was ‘Ananias’. (My edit:
I’ve added the verses 11 and 12 to this for clarification).
Acts 9. 10-12: ‘And there was a certain disciple at Damascus, named Ananias; and to him said the
Lord in a vision, Ananias. And he said, Behold, I am here, Lord. And the Lord said unto him, Arise,
and go into the street which is called Straight, and enquire in the house of Judas for one called Saul,
of Tarsus: for, behold, he prayeth, And hath seen in a vision a man named Ananias coming in, and
putting his hand on him, that he might receive his sight’.
It was Ananias then who restored Saul's sight after being blinded during his so-called vision of
Yahushua at Damascus.
The Bible states that Ananias complained to the Lord that Paul had ‘authority from the chiefs’ to bind
all that call on thy name" (Acts 9:14). So Ananias was apparently quite familiar with the hierarchy of
the high priests and the Sanhedrin. Ananias may have been somewhat influential himself. Possibly a
former high priest. Ananias may have been one of the high priests in the Sanhedrin who questioned
Yahushua before his execution. In the King James Version of the Bible, this man's name is spelled
‘Annas’. He was the father-in-law of Joseph Caiaphais, the high-priest who decreed that Yahushua
must die! (John 11. 49-51). In fact, Yahushua was first questioned by Annas after being arrested by
the Sanhedrin guards. Annas turned Yahushua over to Caiaphas who turned him over to Pilate for
The English translations of Antiquities, by Josephus, identifies ‘Ananus’ as a high-priest appointed to
lead the Sanhedrin a few years before Caiaphas (ref: Josephus, Antiquities, Book 18, Chapter 2). In
John 18:13, it states that Annas (Ananus) was the father-in-law of Joseph Caiaphas. So we know that
Ananus and Annas were the same person, but different authors or translators spelled their names
differently (in Antiquities versus John). So it seems highly plausible that the person known as Ananias
(from Acts 9, Saul's pal) is also Ananus/Annas.
It is highly suspicious that the same high priest who was deeply involved in the murder
of Yahushua was also linked to Paul’s conversion to Christianity (Sherry Shriner’s edit: More than
likely his co-conspirator to help Paul with his fake vision lies).
Secondly, Paul’s teachings are much different from those of Yahushua. Yahushua taught people how
to live their lives in a manner that would please God. In addition, he said in no uncertain terms that
those who practice Pharisaic teachings would not escape hell. He called them the children of the
Devil. Paul WAS a Pharisee. In addition, Paul focused on the meaning of the resurrection in an
obsessive manner that left most of Yahushua’s teaching forgotten—particularly the damnation of the
Pharisees and their followers.
Thirdly, Paul never attempted to atone for his life as a Pharisee, or his association with one of
the high priests involved in the murder of Yahushua. In fact, he boasted of his status as a
Pharisee. It should be regarded as blasphemy that an active Pharisee would spread Christianity
and may have been aided in his efforts by one of Yahushua’s murderers, high-priest Ananus.
Yahushua said of false prophets, "Ye shall know them by their fruits." I can see nothing but rotten
fruit produced from Paul. (Articles End)
Ananias was of course later rewarded with the position of the ‘Bishop of Damascus’! It must
have been in remeberance of him then…
Acts 5. 1-42: ‘But a certain man named Ananias, with Sapphira his wife, sold a possession, And kept
back part of the price, his wife also being privy to it, and brought a certain part, and laid it at the
apostles' feet. But Peter said Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost,
and to keep back part of the price of the land? Whiles it remained, was it not thine own? and after it
was sold, was it not in thine own power? why hast thou conceived this thing in thine heart? thou hast
not lied unto men, but unto God. And Ananias hearing these words fell down, and gave up the
ghost: and great fear came on all them that heard these things. And the young men arose, wound him
up, and carried him out, and buried him. And it was about the space of three hours after, when his
wife, not knowing what was done, came in. And Peter answered unto her, Tell me whether ye sold the
land for so much? And she said, Yea, for so much. Then Peter said unto her, How is it that ye have
agreed together to tempt the Spirit of the Lord? behold, the feet of them which have buried thy
husband are at the door, and shall carry thee out. Then fell she down straightway at his feet, and
yielded up the ghost: and the young men came in, and found her dead, and, carrying her forth, buried
her by her husband. And great fear came upon all the church, and upon as many as heard these
Well at least Ananias got his reward. It wouldn’t surprise me if there was a few ‘stab wounds’ and a
cover-up either.
Acts 5. 29-33: ‘Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather
than men. The God of our fathers raised up Yahushua, whom you slew and hanged on a tree. Him
hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel,
and forgiveness of sins. And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost,
whom God hath given to them that obey him. When they heard that, they were cut to the heart, and
took counsel to slay them. Then stood there up one in the council, a Pharisee, named Gamaliel, a
doctor of the law (Oh look it’s our friend Saul’s teacher again), had in reputation among all the
people, and commanded to put the apostles forth a little space (Made a space between the Apostles
and the mob); And said unto them, You men of Israel, take heed to yourselves what you intend to do as
touching these men. For before these days rose up Theudas, boasting himself to be somebody; to
whom a number of men, about four hundred, joined themselves: who was slain; and all, as many as
obeyed him, were scattered, and brought to nought. After this man rose up Judas of Galilee in the
days of the taxing, and drew away much people after him: he also perished; and all, even as many as
obeyed him, were dispersed. And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for
if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought: But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow
it; lest haply you be found even to fight against God. And to him they agreed: and when they had
called the apostles, and beaten them, they commanded that they should not speak in the name of
Yahushua, and let them go. And they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they
were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name. And daily in the temple, and in every house, they
ceased not to teach and preach Yahushua Christ.
Gamaliel seems almost decent here for a moment doesn’t he? Well he did save their lives…but he
never stopped them from A; getting a serious beating and B; when the mob told them never to
mention Yahushua again, Gamaliel never says a thing! So Gamaliel was supportive of the Pharisee
and Sadducee take on things when it came to Yahushua being ‘the messiah’ or not.
THE SEVENTY or is it the Seventy Two?
Another Wikipedia search reveals:
The 70 Disciples or 72 Disciples were early followers of Jesus, mentioned in the Gospel of Luke 10:124. According to Luke, the only gospel in which they appear, Jesus appointed them and sent them
out in pairs to spread his message. In the Western Church it is usual to refer to them as Disciples while
the Orthodox Church refers to them as Apostles. (Edit: Both are seriously wrong!)
This is the only mention of the group in the Bible. The number is ‘seventy’ in manuscripts in the
Alexandrian (such as Codex Sinaiticus) and Caesarean text traditions but ‘seventy-two’ in most other
Alexandrian and Western (Roman) texts. It may derive from the 70 nations of Genesis 11 or the
many other 70 in the Bible, or the 72 translators of the Septuagint from the Letter of Aristeas. In
editing the Vulgate, Jerome selected the reading of seventy-two.
The Gospel of Luke is alone among the first three gospels in containing two episodes in which Jesus
(Edit: Supposedly) sends out his followers on a mission. The first occasion (Luke 9:1-6) is closely
based on the mission in Mark 6:6b-13, which however recounts the sending out of the Twelve
Apostles, rather than seventy, though with similar details. The parallels (also Matthew
9:35,10:1,7-11), suggest a common origin. (Edit: Lukes merely copying to give a similar
What has been said to the seventy (two) in Luke 10:4 is referred in passing to the Twelve in
Luke 22. 35: ‘He said to them, “When I sent you forth without a money bag or a sack or sandals, were
you in need of anything?” “No, nothing,” they replied.
It was also a mimickery of the ‘72 names of God’ which are used in Jewish mysticism for meditation
purposes and derived from the Hebrew verbal utterance Moses spoke while the Red Sea parted
(Kabbalah). (Edit: As if it was a ‘spell’ from Moses rather than a miracle from Yahuah!)
Tangent topic: To fill-in all of Saul’s other useful Roman controlled Philosopher/Writer contacts.
Letter of Aristeas: (Wikipedia)
The Letter of Aristeas is a Hellenistic Jewish forgery or pseudepigrapha. Josephus (Antiquities
XII:ii passim) ascribes to a certain Aristeas a letter, written to a certain Philocrates, describing the
Greek translation of the Jewish Law to seventy-two interpreters sent into Egypt from Jerusalem at
the request of the librarian of Alexandria, resulting in the Septuagint translation.
The work is a glitteringly staid account with no plot relating how the king of Egypt, presumably
Ptolemy II Philadephus, is urged by his librarian Demetrius of Phalarum to translate the
Philocrates (Fill-ock-ra-tees): Philo (20BC-50AD), known also as Philo of Alexandria and as Philo
Judeaus, was a Hellenized Jewish philosopher born in Alexandria, Egypt. The few biographical
details concerning him are found in his own works, especially in Legatio ad Gaium, ("embassy to
Gaius" [Ceaser]) and in Josephus. The only event in his life that can be determined chronologically is
his participation in the embassy which the Alexandrian Jews sent to the Emperor Caligula at Rome as
the result of civil strife between the Alexandrian Jewish and Hellenized communities. This occurred in
the year 40. A key moment. Philo included in his philosophy both Greek philosophy and Judaism,
which he sought to fuse and harmonize by means of the art of allegory. An allegory (‘to speak in
public’) is a figurative mode of representation conveying a meaning other than the literal
(Recognize that anyone?). J.R.R. Tolkien's emphatic statement in the introduction to the American
edition of L.O.T.Rings, ‘It is neither allegorical nor topical....I cordially dislike allegory in all its
manifestations, and always have done so since I grew old and wary enough to detect its
presence.’ (Now he was a clever guy! Being a Professor of languages)
Philo's works were enthusiastically received by the early Christians (Guess who?), some of whom
saw in him a cryptic Christian. Philo's conception of the matter out of which the world was created is
similar to that of Plato and the Stoics. According to him, God does not create the world-stuff, but
finds it ready at hand. God cannot create it, as in its nature it resists all contact with the divine.
(This guy has a strong influence in the early church deceptions).
Philo’s views on ‘Virtue’ are that good ‘moral endowment’ takes precedence of teaching and
practise (Exactly what the world lives by now! “Just be a good person, that’s enough to get you
through”. I have heard that excuse for not accepting Yahushua s a saviour a few times!). Virtue here
is not the result of hard labor, but is the excellent fruit maturing of itself. The biblical character Noah
represents the preliminary stage. Noah is praised, while no really good deeds are reported of him,
whence it may be concluded that the Bible refers to his good disposition. But as Noah is praised only
in comparison with his contemporaries, it follows that he is not yet a perfect man. (Edit: This is total
garbage! Not only was Noah ‘Chemically-Pure’, he along with Methuselah, preached repentance
for 120 yrs before the flood. Book of Jasher).
Demetrius, a Cynic philosopher, born at Sunium, who lived partly at Corinth and later in Rome
during the reigns of Caligula, Nero and Vespasian. He was an intimate friend of ‘Thrasea Paetus’
and Seneca, and was held in the highest estimation for his consistent disregard of creature comfort in
the pursuit of virtue.
Publius Clodius Thrasea Paetus, Roman senator and Stoic philosopher, lived during the reign of
Nero. But his death had been decided upon. The simplicity of his life and his adherence to Stoic
principles were looked upon as a reproach to the frivolity and debaucheries of Nero, who "at last
yearned to put virtue itself to death in the persons of ‘Thrasea and Soranus’ (Tacitus). Cossutianus
Capito, the son-in-law of Tigellinus, who had never forgiven Thrasea for securing his condemnation,
and Eprius Marcellus undertook to conduct the prosecution. Various charges were brought against
him, and the senate, awed by the presence of large bodies of troops, had no alternative but to condemn
him to death. When the news was brought to Thrasea at his house, where he was entertaining a
number of friends, he retired to his chamber, and had the veins of both his arms opened.
The narrative of Tacitus breaks off at the moment when Thrasea was about to address Demetrius,
the Cynic philosopher, with whom he had previously on the fatal day held a conversation on the
nature of the soul. (Yet more secrets. He knew he was going to die and so quickly had to spill the
beans to Demetrius some vital information. My guess here is that it was some esoteric or Christian
put-down speech. Tangent End).
There you go Mr Dan Brown! Make a movie about the Roman infiltration of Christianity! There is
enough meat here for anyone.
Then we see the Leaven of Herod in action again!
The king responds favorably, including giving freedom to Jews who had been taken into captivity by
his fathers and sending lavish gifts (which are described in great details) to the temple in Jerusalem
along with his envoys. The high priest ‘Eleazar’ chooses exactly six men from each tribe, giving
72 in all; he gives a long sermon in praise of the Law. When the translators arrive in Alexandria, the
king weeps of joy and for the next seven days puts philosophical questions to the translators, the wise
answers to which are related in full. The 72 translators then complete their task in exactly 72 days. The
Jews of Alexandria, on hearing the Law read in Greek, request copies and lay a curse on anyone who
would change the translation (!!). The king then rewards the translators lavishly and they return
home. Eleazar the Serpent-Seeder ‘High Priest’ usurper, heads the translation and even chooses his
72 puppets!
The author is noticeably pro-Greek, portraying Zeus as simply another name for YAHUAH and
while worshipping idols is criticised, together with Greek sexual ethics, the argument is phrased in
such a way as to attempt to persuade the reader to change their habits, rather than just to attack them.
Indeed, the manner in which the author concentrates on describing Judaism, and particularly its temple
in Jerusalem, in glowing terms, seems designed to proselytise. However, the main concern seems to
be to argue for the superiority of the Greek Septuagint text over any other version of the
Hebrew Bible.
Early philological analysis proved the letter was a forgery. In 1684, Humphrey Hody published
Contra historiam Aristeae de LXX. interpretibus dissertatio, in which he showed that the so called
"Letter of Aristeas" was the late forgery of a Hellenized Jew, originally circulated to lend authority to
that version. The dissertation was generally regarded as conclusive, although Isaac Vossius (16181689), who had been librarian to Queen Christina of Sweden, published an angry and scurrilous reply
to it, in the appendix to his edition of Pomponius Mela.
Eleazar ben Azaria was the Nasi for a short time, when Raban Gamaliel (Saul’s teacher) was
removed from his position. According to the lore, he was eighteen when he was appointed.
This Rabbit-Hole just goes deeper and deeper into a downward spiral of evil leading straight to the
Eleazar ben Azaria or Eleazar was a Mishnaic teacher of the 4th generation, frequently cited in
rabbinic writings without his patronymic. He was of priestly descent, rich, and acquired great fame as
a teacher of traditional law. Eleazer ben Shammua was a disciple of Akiba, but owing to the
Hadrianic proscriptions of Jewish observances, was not ordained by him. After Akiba's death,
however, ‘R. Judah ben Baba’ ordained Eleazar, together with Rabbi Meïr, Jose ben Ḥalafta, Judah
bar Illai, and Simon bar Yoḥai, at a secluded spot between Usha and Shefar'am (Mysterious? We
will try to decipher what was going on later under the heading ‘Usha and Shefar’am’). The ordainer
was detected in the act and brutally slain, but the ordained escaped, and eventually became the
custodians and disseminators of Jewish tradition. Eleazar, though still very young, was elevated to
that office by the deliberate choice of his colleagues. He did not, however, occupy it for any length
of time, for the Sanhedrin reinstated Gamaliel. He was retained as vice-president nevertheless, and it
was arranged that Gamaliel should lecture three (some say two) Sabbaths, and Eleazar every fourth
(or third) Sabbath.
Whilst on a journey to Rome, in company with Gamaliel, Joshua, and Akiba, he journeyed to
Rome. Neither the object of the journey nor the result of the mission is stated, but that affairs
important as pressing were involved is apparent from the season at which the journey was undertaken:
they celebrated Sukkot aboard the ship. (More juicy secrets for Dan Brown…..)
This Eleazar had a shared control it seems of the Mishnah! His companion in these undertaking’s was
yes …Gamaliel – SAUL’s teacher! So Rome then not only had the new influence of Saul working
for them to the Gentiles but Saul’s partner’s in crime, the ‘Talmud loving’ Pharasees! The Serpentseed is rife!
The Mishnah (Hebrew fo ecruos rojam a si ("noititeper" ,‫משדה‬Rabbinic Judaism's religious texts. It is
the first recording of the oral law of the Jewish people, as championed by the Pharisees, and is
considered the first work of Rabbinic Judaism. The Mishnah was redacted around the year 200 CE by
Yehudah Ha-Nasi (‫ אהׂשנה הדואי‬/ "Judah the Prince"). Rabbinic commentaries on the Mishnah over the
next three centuries were recorded mostly in Aramaic (Oddly; largely the language of Antioch!) and
were redacted as the Gemara. The Mishnah and the Gemara together form the Talmud.
The false Edomite Jews of Revelations were at least at that time in controlling both Judaism and
Christianity! Has this rabbit-hole of evil gone deep enough yet?
Eleazar eventually presided over a college to which large numbers of students were attracted, among
whom are named Joseph or Issi ha-, and the compiler of the Mishnah, R. Judah I; thus, while his
name does not appear in rabbinic lore as often as the names of his colleagues at the ordination,
Eleazar had an ineradicable (Meaning – Incapable of being eradicated) influence on the
development of the Talmud (Link to article on the Talmud: ). Abba
Arika styles him ‘the most excellent among the sages’. His disciples once requested him to tell them
whereby he merited unusual longevity? (Mysteries, don’t you love em? My guess is that was a
indwelt by an entity! Let’s face it, anyone who had that much too do with the Satanic Talmud has
got to be influenced by pure evil! Tangent end).
Lucius of Cyrene Remember him?
Acts 13. 1-3: ‘In the church at Antioch there were prophets and teachers Barnabas, Simeon called
Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen (who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch) and Saul.
Usha and Shefar'am
So what was all the secrecy about when the high priest Eleazar was ordained? His own teacher that
ordained him even died for it, it was such an offence! It’s quite clear that their were two separate
groups that were vying for control over the writing’s of ‘the Mishnah’, as that would give them
control of the very foundations of Judaism.
Usha: (I fully recommend the online Wikipedia again).
Usha was a city in the Western part of Galilee. It is noteworthy because in the 2nd Century (c. 135),
the Sanhedrin, or rabbinic court, was moved from ‘Yavne’ (Center District of Israel in Israel) in
Judea to Usha (, and then from Usha back to Yavne, and a second time from Yavne to Usha.
The final settlement in Usha indicates the ultimate spiritual supremacy of Galilee over Judea, the latter
having become depopulated by the war of Hadrian. Usha was also important because one of the pupils
of Rabbi Akiba resided there, including Judah ben Ilai, whose original home was in Usha.
The plot thickens.
Interestingly there is a Goddess called Ushas, Sanskrit for ‘dawn’, is a Vedic deity. She is the chief
goddess (sometimes imagined as several goddesses, Dawn’s) exalted in the Rig Veda. She is portrayed
as a beautifully adorned, sexually attractive young woman riding in a chariot. She is the daughter of
Dyaus ‘Heaven’. Dyaus - His origins can be traced to the Proto-Indo-European sky god Dyeus, who
appears in Greek as Zeus, in Latin as Jupiter, in Slavic mythology as Div, and Norse mythology as
Tyr. In other words – Tammuz/Mardon/Molech etc, a.k.a the DEVIL!
The Hebrew Bible refers to Yavne as Yavne'el (Joshua 15:11), a border city between the tribal
allotments of Dan and Judah. The Romans called the city Iamnia. After the destruction of the
Second Temple in 70 CE, Rabbi Yochanan Ben Zakkai moved the Sanhedrin to Yavne. Shortly
thereafter, the ‘Council of Yavne’ met there, whence Rabbinical Judaism emerged.
The Council of Yavne or Council of Jamnia refers to a hypothetical Proto-Rabbinic council under
Yohanan's leadership, that was responsible for defining the canon of the Hebrew Bible. Heinrich
Graetz introduced the notion in 1871; based on Mishnaic and Talmudic sources, he concluded that
there had been a Council of Jamnia which had decided the Jewish canon sometime in the late 1st
century. This became the prevailing scholarly consensus for much of the 20th century. However,
from the 1960s onwards, based on the work of Jack P. Lewis, Sidney Z. Leiman, and others, this view
came increasingly into question. In particular, later scholars noted that none of the sources actually
mentioned books that had been withdrawn from a canon (Edit: Enoch, Jasher etc maybe?), and
questioned the whole premise that the discussions were about canonicity at all, asserting that they
were actually dealing with other concerns entirely.
They were onto something for sure! So yet deeper this hole goes…
Albert C. Sundberg, Jr. writes in "The Old Testament of the Early Church" Revisited 1997:
Are there alternatives to Jamnia (or later Usha)? As we have seen, it was at Jamnia that the tradition
says the Hillelites gained the ascendancy over the house of Shammai. It was the school at Jamnia that
became a substitute for the Sanhedrin of Jerusalem. It was at Jamnia that the third section of the
Hebrew canon was first named. It was the Jamnia decisions that, while not "official," came to be
generally accepted in ‘post-destruction’ Judaism (i.e, the Jewish rebellion of 70AD). It may be that we
have followed too quickly after Lewis in his attack upon Jamnia in order to foster his belief in a
Hebrew canon from pre-Christian times. But that case, as we have seen, is confounded by numerous
difficulties. With the time of canonization of the Hebrew tripartite canon now probably fixed between
70 and 135 C.E., and as a triumph of the Hillelite Pharisee in post-destruction Judaism, what
alternatives are there to Jamnia as the venue?
Shammai (50 BCE–30 CE) was a Jewish scholar of the 1st century, and an important figure in
Judaism's core work of rabbinic literature, the Mishnah. Shammai was the most eminent
contemporary and the halachic opponent of Hillel, and is almost invariably mentioned along with
him. Shammai's school of thought became known as the House of Shammai (Hebrew: tieB
iahaahi), and Hillel's was known as the House of Hillel (Beit Hillel). After Menahem the Esene
had resigned the office of Av Beit Din (or vice-president) of the Sanhedrin, Shammai was elected
to it, Hillel being at the time president. After Hillel died, around in 20 CE, Shammai took his place as
president but no vice-president from the minority was elected so that the school of Shammai attained
complete ascendancy, during which Shammai passed ‘18 ordinances’, in conformity with his
ideas. The Talmud states that when he passed one of the ordinances, contrary to the opinion of Hillel,
the day ‘was as grievous to Israel as the day when the [golden] calf was made’. (Edit: well it’s not
like we can trust the Talmud crowd is it!). The exact content of the ordinances is not known, but they
seem to have been designed to strengthen Jewish identity by insisting on stringent separation
between Jews and gentiles, an approach that was regarded as divisive and misanthropic by
Shammai's opponents.
He was just trying to sort the wheat-from-the-chaff most likely! Manahem no doubt told him of the
Kazar/Edomite ‘false-bloodline’ Jews that were trying to take over Judaism!
Hillel's grandson Gamaliel succeeded the position of president after Shammai in the year 30, but the
Sanhedrin would remain dominated by the house of Shammai until around 70. A ‘voice from heaven’
is said to have nullified the legality of the rulings of the house of Shammai, which is why
Rabbinical Judaism follows Hillel.
So not only do the House of Hillel jump on the Destruction of the Temple as a golden oppurtunity,
they declare that the lightning that YAHUAH sent to destroy the temple was a sign for another reason!
(I.e; Now the temples of the Living Father were to be in mankind and Yahushua had done away with
the need for mediators and Priests amongst mankind! For we now have a High Priest and mediator in
Yahushua Messiah! They simply did not want to lose control of their ‘religion’!
So we should by now be getting a pretty good idea of what was going on earlier in that ‘secluded spot
between Usha and Shefar'am’, during the ordination of Eleazar. It was a fight for control of Judaism.
Can any other conclusions be drawn from all this?
Shefar'am: Going to this web page will reveal the Mosaic’s in the temples of Antioch. Pure
Talmudic evil. Pictures of Cain, Pan, Lilith, the All-Seeing Eye, Sammael/Lucifer etc.
Not only that but did you recollect seeing Gamaliel yet again, Saul’s Teacher! Hillel's grandson!
If this is not enough proof for any church-going Christian, the fact that the churches beloved Apostle
Paul, was in it real deep with the Heads of Rome, Masters of the Satanic Talmud - the Pharasees. He
was a bosom buddy with King Herod, Hillel no doubt, Lucius of Cyrene, Joshua ben Hanani was a
leading tanna of the first half-century following the destruction of the Temple, Akiba ben Joseph
(Before Eleazar was ordained), Barnabus …oh Barnabus who are you really Barnabus?
Saint (Cough cough!) Barnabas was an early Christian mentioned in the New Testament. His
Hellenic Jewish parents called him Joseph but when he sold all his goods and gave the money to the
apostles in Jerusalem, they gave him a new name: Barnabas, which means huios parakleseos, ‘son of
exhortation’, or 'man of encouragement.' (Well let’s face it, he was onto a winner and stood to gain
far more like the position of Bishop of Milan!).
Saint Barnabus’s day is Celebrated on June 11th the day of such thing’s as the death of Alexander the
Great in 323 BC (Just thought that’d be interesting?). Also the day of the goddess Eos (Semiramis,
Queen of Babylon) was, in Greek mythology, the Titan goddess of the dawn (Surprise surprise). Thus
Eos, preceded by the Morning Star, is seen as the genetrix of all the stars; her tears are considered to
have created the morning dew..bla bla bla. This is a link to a lovely picture of Eos holding up her
slain son Memnon (Who is……...yes you guessed it Tammuz, after Shem chopped him up into 14
So if anyone honours June 11th, you are taking part in the Roman ceremony called Matralia in honor
of Mater Matuta Semiramis, Queen of Babylon! Anyone who pays homage to the Statue of Mary
holding her baby Tammuz, is paying homage to the same Queen! It’s especially obvious as a lot of
the time she is represented as being black! Miriam the virgin mother of Yahushua was not black.
Barnabus the man: Barnabas is called an apostle. In Acts 14:14 of these translations, he is listed ahead
of Paul, "Barnabas and Paul," instead of "Paul and Barnabas;" both men being described as apostles.
Whether Barnabas was an apostle became an important political issue, which was debated in the
Middle Ages.
Barnabas is one of the first prophets and teachers of the church at Antioch (Acts 13:1] Just like
Yahushua warned us all, many False Prophets and Teachers shall arise!) Luke speaks of him as a
‘good man’ (11:24 Well he would wouldn’t he!). He was born of Jewish parents of the tribe of Levi.
His aunt was the mother of John, surnamed Mark (Colossians 4:10), widely assumed to be the same
Mark as the person traditionally believed to be the author of the Gospel of Mark (It wasn’t). He
was a native of Cyprus, where he possessed land (Acts 4:36, 37), which he sold, and gave the
proceeds to the church in Jerusalem. When Paul returned to Jerusalem after his conversion,
Barnabas took him and introduced him to the apostles (9:27] Of course he did….they were mates
with Herod); it is possible that they had been fellow students in the school of Gamaliel (Well well,
here we go again!)
The prosperity of the church at Antioch (Well of course it is) led the apostles and brethren at
Jerusalem to send Barnabas there to superintend the movement. He found the work so extensive and
weighty that he went to Tarsus in search of Paul to assist him. Paul returned with him to Antioch and
labored with him for a whole year (Acts 11:25, 26). At the end of this period, the two were sent up to
Jerusalem (AD 44) with the contributions the church at Antioch (Of course they did. They only
had to act and look poor if they even did that?) had made for the poorer members of the Jerusalem
church (11:28-30).
Shortly after they returned, bringing John Mark with them, they were appointed as missionaries to
Asia Minor, and in this capacity visited Cyprus and some of the principal cities of Pamphylia, Pisidia,
and Lycaonia. With the conversion of Sergius Paulus, Paul begins to gain prominence over Barnabas
from the point where the name ‘Paul’ is substituted for ‘Saul’; instead of ‘Barnabas and Saul’ as
heretofore we now read ‘Paul and Barnabas’. Barnabas stood in closer relation to the Jerusalem
church than Paul. Having returned to Antioch and spent some time there, Paul asked Barnabas to
accompany him on another journey. Barnabas wished to take John Mark along, but Paul did not, as he
had left them on the former journey (Hmmm I wonder what happened there then?). The dispute ended
by Paul and Barnabas taking separate routes. Paul took Silas as his companion, and journeyed through
Syria and Cilicia; while Barnabas took his younger cousin, John Mark, to visit Cyprus
Mark the Evangelist (Greek: Μάρκος -1st century) is traditionally believed to be the author of the
Gospel of Mark and a companion of Peter (It is not the same, as that would make Mark a false gospel
as well. They are more likely getting confused with either John Mark bishop of Byblos or Mark
Bishop of Apollonia). He also accompanied Paul and Barnabas in Paul's first journey. After a sharp
(I’ll say) dispute, Barnabas separated from Paul, taking Mark to Cyprus (Acts 15:36-40). Later Paul
calls upon the services of Mark, the cousin of Barnabas, and Mark is named as Paul's fellow worker.
He is also believed to be the first patriarch of Alexandria by both the Eastern Orthodox Church and
the Coptic Orthodox Church, and thus the founder of Christianity in Africa. His evangelistic symbol is
the winged lion. In Egypt, Mark the Evangelist is said to have performed many miracles, and
established a church there (Coptic Orthodox Church), appointing a bishop (Anianus of Alexandria),
three priests, and seven deacons.
Simon the Pharisee or Simon the Zealot
Is an interesting guy. He was like an avenging priest in the Temple. The zealot element in the
original apostle group (Yahushua’s 12) was disguised and overwritten to make it support the
assimilative Pauline Christianity of the Gentiles.
Silas or Silvanus was a leading member of the first Christian community in Jerusalem and later
became a companion of Paul in his first missionary journey to Antioch, and also in Paul's second
missionary journey to Galatia. Silas is listed as a co-author or co-sender of Paul's First and Second
Epistle to the Thessalonians. He also served as Peter’s scribe, as 1 Pet. 5:12, indicates that Silas wrote
the First Epistle of Peter. He is currently commemorated in the Calendar of Saints of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America on January 26 with Timothy and the Apostle Titus (Cough cough) and
separately on February 10 by the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod.
The 72 were a fake school of false prophets and ravenning wolves that were set among the flock!
They have been tearing up Christendom for over 1900 yrs now! That’s why it was called the
‘Beginning of Sorrows’! All can break free of their bondage and lies by earnestly seeking Yahuah in
the name of Yahushua.
Ok that’s enough…It’s all just one big happy family of Control-freak bullies; that work directly for
Satanic forces in order to destroy the Gospel of the Kingdom! To HIDE THE TRUTH ! About WHO
we ARE! WHO our Heavenly Father REALLY IS and WHAT he is REALLY like!
And the really hard part for most to accept will be that it was our Heavenly Father that allowed it all to
happen to test his bride!
However the ‘gentle’ testing is soon to be over! The Church has had it’s two thousand yrs or so. It’s
crunch time folks and we are right on the edge of the ‘Great Tribulation’. That will be the end of the
‘Beginning of Sorrows’ and the end of ‘Gentleness’ for the Apostate Church!
Is anyone really prepared to take such an utterly enormous risk with their eternal Spirits!? It Life or
Death people….life or death! Anyone who now knows full well as they have been reading this and is
aware now that they are indeed under the ‘Strong Delusion’, can simply pray the deepest forgiveness
for not testing the spirits in the churches these last Centuries. It took me a while…and it was
emotional, it will be all of those thing’s and more. Let the true Yahushua teach you the Gospel of the
Kingdom, and give you your new secret name! Don’t you desire to eat of the ‘hidden manna’ or ‘the
Bread of life’? He will test the depth of your sincerity and the true intent of Heart! Don’t forget
Yahuah has had to put up with millions of church-goers blaspheming his name by speaking in tongues
and worshiping devils in his stead!
Thankfully, he is long-suffering and patient but it’s running out folks! So don’t waste your time
faking it! Loads of vain blabbering’s into the air are useless too! YAHUAH has had enough of them
from the churches as they curse and blaspheme the Holy Ghost! How many millions upon millions of
prayers have unwittingly been redirected to our worst enemies! BAAL – ISHTAR and MITHRA!
Any church-goer simply owes it to themselves to beg Yahashua to show you them the truth and lift
your soul out of deceptions and away from the seducing spirits of the enemy!
I have no power or influence in any way, shape or form. Please just ask Yahushua to lead you and if
you don’t get anything, try calming your mind and shouting out for him in your mind like I did.
Heh…it worked for me right? Our flesh likes to hear fleshly sounds, but our spirits yearn to hear the
Father of Spirits!
On we go then with this ‘Gospel of Grace’ nonsense! Don’t you think that if there were such a thing
that Yahushua would have mentioned it to his ‘12’ true Apostles?
Acts 20. 24: ‘But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I
might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify
the gospel of the grace of God.
1 Corinthians 10. 23: ‘All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are
lawful for me, but all things edify not’.
It’s that kind of deceptive teaching that encourages ‘Christendom’ to break the Holy Sabbath and
ignore all of Yahuah’s festivals.
Acts 28. 30a: ‘And Paul dwelt two whole years in his own hired house, and received all that came in
unto him, Preaching the kingdom of God,…
Yahushua’s ‘Gospel of the Kingdom’ is only mentioned 4 times, 3 of them in Matthew 4 v23, ch9
v35, ch24 v14 and once in Mark 1 v14.
Rome attributes to Saul 121 mentions of ‘grace’ in the New Testament. Compared to the 38 times
grace is mentioned in the Old Testament. Don’t you think that’s trying overly hard to drum into
Christendom’s minds and hearts a new message? The New World Order calls it a ‘Psy Op’. CocaCola would call it advertising! (I could be a couple out in the NT count but feel free to check via a
bible search websites).
Galatians 2. 21: ‘I do not frustrate the grace of God (He is talking about his gospel): for if
righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.
Galatians 3. 13: ‘Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: …‘
Galatians 5. 18: ‘But if you be led of the Spirit, you are not under the law.
Saul/Paul wants us to ignore all Laws of the Creator! Now who do you know of that would possibly
benefit from such a thing?
Matthew 5. 17: ‘Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to
destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall
in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled (End of Revelations!). Whosoever therefore shall
break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the
kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the
kingdom of heaven.
How can anyone say that these two conflicting teaching’s are compatible? If anyone does, they are
100% under the Strong Delusion, plain and simple! It can’t get any clearer.
Romans 15. 20: ‘Yea, so have I strived to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I
should build upon another man's foundation’.
My Interpretation: “Yes I have preached the Gospel but not the one that Yahushua taught, in case I
add to Yahushua’s work’! You have to stand back sometimes and just absorb things like this. The
above verse is an esoteric masterpiece of mind manipulation. He is indicating here that he also knows
of the Revelations 22.18-19 verses that talks about anyone that adds to or takes away from the words
of this gospel will be damned. So instead he thinks he can find a ‘work-around’. He states that he is
in fact preaching ‘another gospel’; separate from the message of Yahushua, in case he falls prey to
that ‘revelational’ judgment. He claims to not be ‘adding to or taking away from’ the Gospel of the
Kingdom but of course he did!
The ‘gospel of grace and lawlessness’ is a ‘Mithraic’ fable. At the very least Saul who changed his
name to Paul to hide his identity as the slaughterer of Christians, was at the very least indwelt by the
Spirit of Anti-Christ. Who else could pull off such a brilliant deception? Satan started it and then
handed it over to the SPIRIT OF JEZEBEL! (We will find out who she is soon...honestly).
Acts 20. 24-26: ‘But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I
might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify
the gospel of the grace of God (Which is not ‘the Gospel of the Kingdom’) And now, behold, I know
that ye all, among whom I have gone preaching the kingdom of God, shall see my face no more.
Wherefore I take you to record this day that I am pure from the blood of all men!!
Most likely in reply to accusations about his real serpent-seedline heritage. He is actually stating that
he is above mankind in that he is not even of the same blood as them!
For those readers who do not believe in any such thing as a ‘Serpent- Seedline’….well I would pinch
myself to check I was still breathing!
If there was such a thing, don’t you think Yahushua would have incorporated it into his Gospel of the
Kingdom? If you search every single verse that has grace in it, you will not find that God saves
through grace - Only that God is gracious! The only places you will find it saying that is in writing’s
credited to Saul.
Philippians 1. 7: ‘…and in the defence and confirmation of the gospel, ye all are partakers of my
Uhm, I’m sorry Saul, Who’s Grace?
Romans 2. 16: ‘In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my
Uhm, I’m sorry Saul, Who’s Gospel? Silly me, I thought Apostles were supposed to teach Messiah’s
gospel, the Gospel of the Kingdom! That’s just it, twelve of them did! The ‘Girder’ and the ‘Binder’,
the 13th a very clever man who claimed himself to be an Apostle, did not teach the ‘Gospel of the
Romans 3. 21: ‘But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by
the law and the prophets;
He is literally declaring that he is the ‘manifestation of a lawless God’! And he was right –Satan
1Corinthians 10. 31-33: ‘Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory
of God. Give no offence, either to the Jews or to the Greeks or to the church of God, just as I also
please all men in all things, not seeking my own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved.
Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ’.
He wants people too imitate him!! Just how gullible has Christendom been? There is only one that
walked this earth that we should seek to follow and it was never SAUL!
Galations 1. 10: ‘For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet
pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.
Saul will say anything to anyone, just so long as they believe him. Itching ears again! He pleases
who it suits him to please! Saul is also ‘exalting’ himself as well by saying that he is worthy of
imitation! Then he goes on to contradict himself:
Galations 5. 20-21a: ‘Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions,
heresies, Envyings,…
Emulation meaning: 1. Effort or ambition to equal or surpass another. 2. Imitation of another etc
Envy (or Coveting) is another thing he teaches against in the above verse. It has to be in order to
want to emulate him. No-one seeks to copy someone else unless they first covet what they have. In
the next verse he encourages it!
1Corinthians 10. 24: ‘Let no man seek his own, but every man another's wealth…
Matthew 23. 12-13: ‘And whosoever shall ‘exalt’ himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble
himself shall be exalted. But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you shut up the
kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are
entering to go in.
Anyone who preaches SAUL and his ‘buddies’ is the same as the Pharasees and Scribes! They are
teaching the same deceptions over and over again, until the church has fallen asleep in its pews. Now
they need a kick to wake them up!
Who was Saul’s favourite scribe? (Article from Sherry Shriner’s websites)
Who wrote the book of Hebrews?
In the chapter Paul the false Apostle I mentioned that many scholars believe the book of Hebrews was
not written by Paul. In spite of the fact that the message of Hebrews is similar to that of Paul's
message in that he believes the Law has been done away with, I agree with the scholars for a number
of reasons. First, unlike every other letter written by Paul, the author of Hebrews does not identify
himself. Secondly, the author's grasp of the Greek language is superior to Paul's and is very eloquent
compared to Paul. Paul regularly starts a thought-line and then losses it as he runs off on a tangent.
The writer of Hebrews follows a very systematic strait forward line of reasoning from which he does
not swerve. And third, the style of writing is significantly different than that of Paul's. Paul's style is
to continually refer to himself with the use of personal pronouns like "I", "me", "my", and "mine".
The author of the book of Hebrews refers to himself only 7 times in the entire book. Paul's selfinterest is especially evident in Romans and 1st and 2nd Corinthians where he uses personal pronouns
103,175 and 103 times respectively in these three books. The author of Hebrews coming in at only 7
times was obviously not as interested in making something of himself.
Of the possible choices for author of Hebrews there is really only one good candidate and that person
is Apollos. Apollos was a leader in the early Messianic movement (Meaning Paul and his disciples!)
and he is mentioned ten times in the New Testament. Twice in the book of Acts, and eight times by
Paul himself (He really does love talking about himself). We are first introduced to him in Acts 18:24.
Now a certain Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man and mighty in the Scriptures,
came to Ephesus. This man had been instructed in the way of the Lord; and being fervent in spirit, he
spoke and taught accurately the things of the Lord...(The commentary that Apollos "taught
accurately", comes from Luke's point of view).
Paul also speaks of Apollos as a prominent leader with an apparently significant following. His name
is mentioned right along with the likes of himself, Peter, and Jesus.
1Corinthians 1. 12: ‘Now I say this, that each of you says, ‘I am of Paul’, or ‘I am of Apollos’, or ‘I
am of Cephas’, or ‘I am of Christ’. (Not KJV)
Note the order of the names. Apollos is the closest to Paul who names himself first. Paul undoubtedly
thinks highly of Apollos because Apollos generally agrees with his doctrine. We know that Apollos
was influenced by Pauline doctrine through Aquila and Priscilla who themselves spent much time
with Paul and later "explained the way of God more accurately" to Apollos. Acts 18:18-28
If indeed Apollos was the author of Hebrews it would make perfect sense why he did not identify
himself as the author of the book. The book was written to the Hebrew people. Unlike the way most of
us use names today, the Jewish people made much of a person's name. A name was supposed to tell
you something about that person. Apollos was not named after the God of Israel or any of the
patriarchs as most non-Hellenic Jews were. He was a Greek Jew, born in Alexandria Egypt and named
after the pagan god Apollo the son of Zeus! A book with a name like Apollos attached to it would
automatically have three strikes against it in the eyes of most Hebrew people.
The rest of the article requires attention, especially for those that love ‘Hebrews’.
The first real ‘subversion’ of Messiah’s Gospel of the Kingdom, was when Saul came along after his
claimed Damascus road experience and then the followers of the true Messiah, tried to kill him for it!
Saul was lucky to escape and ran back to the safety of his Roman masters to come up with a more
effective plan. I concur with the Rev Derrek Younger, when he says that Saul was a ‘power-hungry’
man. I am adding to that statement by stating that he was driven by ‘the Spirit of Jezebel’, which in
turn deceived Christianity into ‘Another Gospel’. Rome of course used his writing’s over the next
300 yrs, to replace the writing’s of the disciples. Now though they have resurfaced and can be found
in the ‘Nag Hammadi library’, all available on the internet. I recommend downloading them or
printing them before the New World Order freaks shut the net down in order to replace it with their
‘Mark of the Beast’ access only – Supra-net.
Galatians 1.6-12: ‘I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of
Christ unto another gospel (M.I: I’m surprised that you leave my version of the grace of christ and go
back to that gospel of the kingdom): Which is not another (Yes it is another gospel. It is Messiah’s
gospel); but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ (Like you Saul).
But though we, or an angel from heaven (It’s up to us to test the spirits whether they be of God or
not. Paul is telling us not to listen to anything but him!), preach any other gospel unto you than that
which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, if any
man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed (If you don’t
follow Saul’s gospel of grace, Saul curses them). For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek
to please men? For if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ (Misdirection). But I
certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man. For I neither
received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Yahushua Christ’.
Saul contradicts his teaching in these two verses?
Romans 12.14: ‘Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not’.
Galatians 1. 8-9: ‘But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that
which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any
[man] preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed’.
Ok Saul, so which is it then? He was cursing anyone who did not want to believe in his ‘other
So when exactly did Yahushua teach Saul this ‘Other Gospel’? We are asked to believe that he learnt
it all during his Damascus road encounter, of which he does not prove in any way shape or form..
When asked for the witness accounts. He gives two different versions!
Paul the 13th Apostle ?
Acts 1. 256-26: ’That he may take part of this ministry and apostleship, from which Judas by
transgression fell, that he might go to his own place. And they gave forth their lots; and the lot fell
upon Matthias; and he was numbered with the eleven apostles’.
Twelve Apostles - Not 13 of the occult! (Which in itself is a massive clue). Twelve is the recurring
word throughout the entire bible. Rev 21. 14: ‘And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in
them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb’. 12 Pearls, 12 Gates etc. Some still think Saul
was a replacement for Judas!
Revelations 21. 14: ‘And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the
twelve apostles of the Lamb.
Acts 15. 37-40: Paul has a massive argument with Barnabus who demands they take John Mark with
them but Saul refuses. Instead they part ways and Saul takes Silas with him through Syria and Cilicia!
Many have written about this and stated that it was because John let them down or something
ridiculous like that. In Acts 12.2 John has just had his brother murdered and heard that Peter was
imprisoned. Of course he wanted to leave and see his mother and hopefully Peter. However Saul
grabs this opportunity to carry on alone with his chosen assistant. Hardly the attitude of a so-called
Copied and pasted from Sherry Shriner’s site:
" is...a fact of history that St. Paul and his successors added to, or imposed upon, or substituted
another doctrine for...the plain...teachings of Yahushua..."
H.G. Wells (1866-1946)
Saul means Underworld. Tarsus where Saul came from in Hebrew numerology is 666. His Father
was a master Priest of Mithra. He is highly likely to be part of the ‘Serpent-Seed’ takeover of
Judaism, which is a recent term that we falsely umbrella everything Jewish! Sherry Shriner’s website
with all the info on ‘Saul the Deceiver’, is all anyone will ever need:
Matthew 24 has mistakenly been taken to be talking about the end-days only! Yahushua was talking
about what would happen to his followers immediately after his crucifixion! Yahushua is prophesying
to the disciples about what would happen between the end of crucifixion and the end of the Great
Tribulation (Sometimes the end of the Beginning of sorrows).
Verses 4 to 13 are talking about the time period between the crucifixion and the end of the True
Gospel of the Kingdom Church!
Matthew 24. 4: “And Yahushua answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you”.
Why does Christendom automatically assume that this means after Saul/Paul came? Because they
have Itching Ears! They like the sound of it as it appeals to their fallen natures.
Verse 5: ‘For many shall come in my name saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
Tangent topic: Some have made the mistake of using this as a back-up that Yahushua was not the
Messiah, simply by reading it a slightly different way. Try this and see what I mean:
‘For many shall come in my name saying, I (Yahushua / Me) is the Messiah. Sounds kind of samey
but as you can see, that is the Spirit of Anti-Christ at work, in the denial of Yahushua being the
saviour! OR
‘For many shall come in my name saying (Declaring), that they are the Christ…
(Reference: An article called
‘Kersey Graves and the World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviours’).
For some, even this becomes a point of division. The top version is of course just Jezebel making it
sound appealing to our carnal ears, encouraging our belief in the Spirit of Anti-Christ’s statement!
(Tangent End)
Verses 6-7: ‘And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these
things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom
against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in diverse places. All
these are the beginning of sorrows.
The Beginning of Sorrows is the time period from the end of the Crucifixion, up to the beginning of
the Great Tribulation! The ‘Great Tribulation’ replaces the ‘beginning of sorrows’ and is the final
testing phase for the Grooms Bride! Therefore the ‘rumours of wars’ and ‘nations rising against
nations’ includes the last Struggles of the Roman Empire, before it was forced underground into
subversion for its own survival. Just as Mithraism is said to have ‘faded away’ at the end of the 4th
Century, disguising itself under the banner of the Christian Dove! It just went underground is all it
did. The Phoenix (Golden Eagle) would then be guaranteed to Rise-Again from the ashes of
destruction. Tangent topic: Hence the Phoenix/Eagle on the American 1 Dollar notes and it’s use as
a Military emblem. The US public Army has and is being perverted in order to carry out Nazi ideals!
That is why they are/have developed Bio-Chemical war-agents that specifically target a racial-type!
In this way the Serpent-Seedline Hybrids (Explained later on for the unknowing or un-believers in it),
can target every single DNA profile except their own! It is the very purpose for which America was
founded. They are being de-humanized in order to use them for the ‘War on the Saints’ and anyone
who defies the New World Order. (Tangent End).
Verse 9-10: ‘Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of
all nations for my name's sake…
This is describing the first War on the Saints (With the Lion feeding and the games that slaughtered
all those who were confessing Messiah), as well as the second War on the saints during the Great
Tribulation. Because after those two verses we have this!
Verse 11: “And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one
another”. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many’
Matthew 24. 24: ‘For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs
and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect’.
Christendom is still waiting for this to happen! It IS Christendom that shows all manner of false signs
and wonders! It IS Christendom that has deceived the very elect! Roman, Paul-led Christendom!
These #’s are excerpts from Sherry Shriner’s website for those that have no internet access (I would
prefer people go to visit her websites, as she has done so much great work in order for us all, to not be
ignorant of the Devils devices. They should be viewed by as many Christians as possible (I have only
added very slightly here and there).
General umbrella site:
Website about Saul/Paul:
B: The following two excerpts from an earlier book, "The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception" also raise
doubts as to the legitimacy of Paul's role within the early church:
by Michael Bajgent and Richard Leigh (Corgi Books, London, 1991)
‘... Paul is in effect the first Christian heretic, and his teachings, which become the foundation of
later Christianity, are a flagrant deviation from the 'Original' or 'pure' form extolled by the
leadership. Whether James, the 'Lord's brother,' was literally Yahushua' blood kin or not (and
everything suggests he was), it is clear that he knew Yahushua...personally. So did most of the other
members of the community or 'early Church,' in Jerusalem, including of course, Peter. When they
spoke, they did so with first hand authority. Paul had never had such personal acquaintance with the
figure he'd begun to regard as his 'Saviour.' He had only his quasi-mystical experience in the desert
and the sound of a disembodied voice. For him to arrogate authority to himself on this basis is, to say
the least, presumptuous. It also leads him to distort Yahushua' teachings beyond recognition, to
formulate, in fact, his own highly individual and idiosyncratic theology, and then to legitimise it by
spuriously ascribing it to Yahushua’.
"As things transpired, however, the mainstream of the new movement gradually coalesced, during the
next three centuries, around Paul and his teachings. Thus, to the undoubted posthumous horror of
James and his associates, an entirely new religion was indeed born, a religion that came to have less
and less to do with its supposed founder."
©Copyright Knowledge of Reality Magazine 1996-2003. All rights reserved.
C: Saul’s Apostleship was not accepted by others:
Of the 22 times in the New Testament where Paul is referred to as an apostle, only twice is he referred
to as an apostle by someone other than himself. These two instances came from the same person. Not
from Yahushua or any of the original apostles, but from Paul's close travelling companion and
personal press secretary Luke. Both accounts are found in Luke's record of the Acts of the Apostles,
(chapter 14:4 and14). Here Paul is referred to as an apostle along with Barnabas. By this time in the
record, Luke would have been very familiar with Paul calling himself an apostle and was no doubt in
agreement with Paul's assessment of himself. By these statistics alone, it is evident that Paul is by far
his own biggest fan... and his side kick Luke was his number two fan. This leaves no one else
anywhere in the Bible going on record as recognizing his apostleship!
D: Paul's claims of apostleship
Paul was not at all sheepish about calling himself an apostle. In fact, in nine out of thirteen of his
books, he introduces himself as an apostle of Yahushua, and in every case he states in one way or
another that his apostleship stands by divine sovereign decree.
Here is the question. Should we automatically believe the testimony of a person who makes grand
claims about themselves, when all we have for confirmation of their claim is little more than their
word and maybe a statement or two from their best friend? If so, then we should likewise confirm
those like Jim Jones and David Koresh. Unless there is obvious corroborative evidence to support
such claims made today and in the past, all of them should be taken with a very large helping of salt.
Unlike Paul, a true prophet or apostle does not have to go to such extraordinary lengths to convince
the world they are who they say they are. Even Yeshua said that if he alone bore witness of himself,
his witness was invalid. John 5:31 and of all the people who shouldn't need to have others testify on
their behalf, Yeshua was that person. Yet he had Moses, the prophets, the Psalms, John the Baptist,
the Fathers voice from heaven declaring to everyone "this is My beloved Son..." and hundreds of
those who witnessed his resurrection just to name a few. Paul had none of these. Though in his conceit
he considered himself to be God's gift to the Gentiles and tried to claim a prophecy for himself that
was given exclusively to Isaiah in
Isaiah 49. 6: ‘And he said, It is a light thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise up the tribes of
Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel: I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou
mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth.
Acts 13. 47: ‘For so the Lord has commanded us: 'I have set you to be a light to the Gentiles that you
should be for salvation to the ends of the earth’. Saul the Roman, Benjamite is claiming to belong to
the house of Jacob!
E: Paul, the greatest apostle!
Paul's view of himself didn't stop at just claiming to be an apostle. He did what he could to
communicate to his followers that he was the biggest and the best. He even had the nerve to challenge
the very apostles Yahushua had called and trained for over three years! Among the many selfadmiring quotes are these.
2 Corinthians 11. 5: ‘For I consider that I am not at all inferior to the most eminent apostles’.
Verse 10: ‘As the truth of Christ is in me, no one shall stop me from this boasting in the regions of
Achaia’. NKJV
My addition: 2 Corinthians 10. 8: ‘For though I should boast somewhat more of our authority….
Yet more self-exaltation.
Sometimes, almost as though he knew he should be ashamed of such claims, he would tie his claim to
a statement of unworthiness. Apparently he thought the gullible would embrace him as the greatest of
apostles because he was so humble.
1Corinthians 15. 9-10: ‘For I am the least of the apostles, who am not worthy to be called an apostle,
because I persecuted the church of God. But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace
toward me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all...’ (NKJV).
To the Galatians, Paul makes no pretence about how he compares himself to Peter, James, and John:
Galatians 2. 6-7 and v9 ‘But from those who seemed to be something - whatever they were, it makes
no difference to me; God shows personal favouritism to no man - for those who seemed to be
something added nothing to me. But on the contrary, when they saw that the gospel for the
uncircumcised had been committed to me, ...and when James, Cephas, and John, who seemed to be
pillars, perceived the grace that had been given to me, they gave me and Barnabas the right hand of
fellowship...’ (NKJV)
This is a serious oversight on Christendom’s part because he was only called ‘brother’ due to his
Hebrew roots, so it has nothing whatsoever to do with the real apostles thinking him any more than
that. He was even ‘excommunicated’ by them at one point! A couple of verses later, Paul takes a
cheap shot at Peter. Without Peter around to defend himself, Paul brags to the Galatians how he put
Peter in his place before the entire church of Antioch.
Galatians 2. 11-14: ‘But when Peter had come to Antioch, I withstood him to his face, because he was
to be blamed; for before certain men came from James, he would eat with the Gentiles; but when they
came, he withdrew and separated himself, fearing those who were of the circumcision. And the rest of
the Jews played the hypocrite with him so that even Barnabas was carried away with their hypocrisy.
But when I saw that they were not straight forward about the truth of the gospel, I said to Peter before
them all, "if you being a Jew, live in the manner of Gentiles and not as the Jews, why do you compel
Gentiles to live as Jews?’ (NKJV)
Once again Saul/Paul uses the ‘leaven of Herod to please the crowd of Jews! Saul goes on to describe
how hypocritical Peter was being for living a different gospel from the one that he (Paul) preached. It
is interesting to note that earlier in the book
Galatians. 1. 8-9: ‘But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than
that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If
any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.
Paul commanded his followers to damn, (curse, or doom to destruction), anyone who preaches a
different gospel than that which he had preached. According to him then, that would include damning
Peter, if not James and John also! It is obvious to the reader of the first two chapters of Galatians, that
Paul is demanding that the Galatian church follow no one but him and not even the original apostles
back in Jerusalem! I.e, He curses Yahushua and the twelve apostles for preaching the ‘Gospel of the
Kingdom’! Manipulation and control that leads to domination are the sure sign of demonic entities at
As a side note it should also be noted that Paul himself was being the real hypocrite when he
condemned Peter for accommodating Gentiles when he was around Gentiles and acting like a Jew
around Jews because in another place Paul said:
1 Corinthians 9. 19-22: ‘For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a servant to all, that I
might win the more; and to the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might win Jews; to those who are
under the law, as under the law, that I might win those who are under the law; to those who are
without the law as without law... that I might win those who are without law; to the weak I became
weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all men that I might by all means save
some’. (NKJV).
A little later in the same letter Paul said:
1Corinthians 10. 31-33: ‘Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory
of God. Give no offence, either to the Jews or to the Greeks or to the church of God, just as I also
please all men in all things, not seeking my own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved.
Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ’. (NKJV)
So here we have Paul claiming to be greater than any other apostle. He insulted Peter, James, and John
by saying they only "seemed" to be pillars of the church and they were nothing to him. He bragged
about how he told off Peter, and he subtly curses the apostles by telling the Galatians to consider
accursed anyone who differs with him. All this, while in fact, he was being the greatest hypocrite of
all! If anyone else had even begun to do and say the things that Paul did we would have recognized
their incredible conceit and rejected them a long time ago. Solomon said it well;
Proverbs 27. 2: ‘Let another man praise you, and not your own mouth; a stranger, and not your own
F: Role of Women in (Paul's) Church
This was one of Paul's masterpieces, beating women down; contrary to the way Yahushua treated
women. He taught his apostles the same as he did and exhorted the women to do the same things as
the men. Yahushua practiced equality. I guess Yahushua was mistaken in having FEMALE
prophetesses and queens if we believe Saul!
Now look what lie pie the church has bit into.
The Bible speaks of how women are to conduct themselves in worship.
1 Corinthians 14. 34-36: ‘Let your women keep silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to
speak; but they are to be submissive, as the law also says. And if they want to learn something, let
them ask their own husbands at home; for it is shameful for women to speak in church, for Adam
was formed first, then Eve’.
This command of God is not hard to understand. But some want to ignore it and do what seems right
in their own eyes. (Almost funny, there's no discrimination in Yah's eyes. Eve was Adam's helpmate,
not a footstool! In marriage the man rules, but in God's house HE rules and ALL are equal in HIM).
The Bible explains why women are to keep silent and why they are not permitted to speak in church.
It was because ‘Adam was formed first, then Eve’. This is the way God has specified that it will be
God speaking to Eve in Genesis 3:16 says, ‘Unto the woman He said…your desire shall be to your
husband, and he shall rule over you’. The reason women are to be submissive and not speak in the
worship of the church is that God has specified that the man is to rule over the woman. Many people
do not approve of what God has done, but this is still God’s business. (Because it was turned into a
LIE! And God didn't do it! Paul did!) As we read in
Romans 9. 20: ‘But indeed, O man, who are you to reply against God? Will the thing formed say to
him who formed it, why have you made me like this’?
Who are we to question God? (Not questioning God isn’t the issue here; it's exposing Paul's Lies!)
Also in 1 Timothy 2:11-13: ‘Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. And I (PAUL) do not
permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence, for Adam was first
formed, then Eve’. Paul's word is very clear. It says it is not to be permitted. In other words it is
forbidden. When we do things that are forbidden by Paul, it is sinning against Paul.
Rebuke Paul and follow YAHUSHUA!
When a woman gets up before the church to teach, preach, lead prayer, or lead singing, she is in
violation of what God (PAUL) has commanded. She is perverting the worship of (God) Paul. As a
result of this rebellion, God is not worshipped in spirit and in truth. As we have already seen, worship
becomes vain or useless when we follow the desires of men instead of what God wants. To ignore
what God has said has horrible consequences. Now go back and read this and change the name of God
to Paul and you'll see the apostasy! This teaching was never taught by the apostles! Only Saul-PaulSatan who hates women! Just like his father did and does for the Messiah, Yahushua was born of a
G: The Prophecy concerning Peter (I recommend reading the rest of this work as it puts it into far
greater context).
In the last chapter of Johns' gospel, Yahushua made a prophecy concerning Peter, which has a definite
connection to the subject at hand. Yeshua said:
John 21. 18: ‘Most assuredly, I say to you, when you were younger, you bound yourself and walked
where you wished; but when you are old, you will stretch forth your hands, and another will bind you
and take you where you do not wish’ (NKJV).
Question: If these few words concerning Peter’s future were all we had to go on, what could be
determined from them? It could not include more than two things. One, Peter would be taken where
he did not want to go. And two, it was not a good sounding prophecy. But wait! The narrative comes
to the rescue with the interpretation of this prophecy in the very next sentence.
John 21. 19: ‘This he spoke, signifying by what death he would glorify God’.
It first should be noted that these words of interpretation are not the words of Yahushua, but are the
commentary of the writer, John. It can be deduced from the remaining context that this interpretation
concerning Peter’s martyrdom was generally accepted by all.
Here is the question. How could the disciples possibly get the idea of "death" from Yahushua’s
words? It may not have been a good sounding prophecy, but it certainly doesn't give the picture of
Peter dying. Tradition tells us that Peter was crucified up side down, but this is only a tradition. Even
if this were true, one can find even less of this picture in Yahushua’s words. Many translations read,
" will stretch out your hands..." This is a classic example of how accepted traditional
interpretations can play a very large albeit damaging role in the translating process. The Greek word
translated ‘out’ primarily means to stretch out in front toward something. The King James Version
translates this most correctly, ‘...thou shalt stretch forth thy hands…’. This is hardly a picture of a
crucifixion. Also, the chronological order of the events listed in the prophecy would be backwards if
this were a picture of a crucifixion. This is easy to see when one reads one of today's popular
paraphrased versions which reads, ‘...when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another
will dress you and take you where you do not want to go’. It is hard to imagine someone dressing
Peter while he is on a cross and then taking him some place that he doesn't want to go. I'd figure he
was there already! If this were a picture of a crucifixion, Yahushua would have put it in the proper
chronological order as he did in the fist part of his statement when he said to Peter, ‘...when you were
younger, you girded yourself and walked where you wished...’. Notice how strange it would sound if
Yahushua had said, ‘when you were younger you walked were you wished (naked), and then dressed
yourself’. If this were a picture of a crucifixion, Yahushua would have said to Peter, ‘...when you are
old, another will gird you and take you were you do not wish, and you will stretch out your hands.’
My additional just to clarify: Stretching forth ones hands and arms is just what someone does when
someone is being dressed. Wherever any crucifixion scenario originates from, is absurd!
Back to Galatians 1. 6-12: This is Saul covering his tracks as the followers of Yahushua have spotted
this ‘Other Gospel’. He not only asks us to believe in this ‘new’ gospel but that it is from his
‘Damascus road’ experience of which he gives two vastly differing accounts when he relates it!
First account:
Acts 22. 6-12: ‘And it came to pass, that, as I made my journey, and was come nigh unto Damascus
about noon, suddenly there shone from heaven a great light round about me. And I fell unto the
ground, and heard a voice saying unto me, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? And I answered,
Who art thou, Lord? And he said unto me, I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom thou persecutest. And they
that were with me saw indeed the light, and were afraid; but they heard not the voice of him that
spake to me. And I said, What shall I do, Lord? And the Lord said unto me, Arise, and go into
Damascus; and there it shall be told thee of all things which are appointed for thee to do. And when I
could not see for the glory of that light, being led by the hand of them that were with me, I came into
Damascus. And one Ananias, a devout man according to the law, having a good report of all the
Jews which dwelt there (Im sure he did!).
2nd Account: Before King Agrippa, Caesar of Rome (Saul’s teacher Gamaliel was the religious
adviser of Agrippa I and his wife Cypris’. See how it all fits together to help perpetuate the circle of
lies? The above version says ‘only Saul fell’.
Acts 26. 12-18: ‘Whereupon as I went to Damascus with authority and commission from the chief
priests, At midday, O king, I saw in the way a light from heaven, above the brightness of the sun,
shining round about me and them which journeyed with me. And when we were all fallen to the
earth, I heard a voice speaking unto me, and saying in the Hebrew tongue, Saul, Saul, why
persecutest thou me? It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. And I said, Who art thou, Lord?
And he said, I am Yahushua whom thou persecutest. But rise, and stand upon thy feet: for I have
appeared unto thee for this purpose, to make thee a minister and a witness both of these things which
thou hast seen, and of those things in the which I will appear unto thee; Delivering thee from the
people, and from the Gentiles, unto whom now I send thee, To open their eyes, and to turn them from
darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins,
and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.
The obvious differences in the re-telling of his Damascus road experience are there for all to see. 1st
it was only him that fell and then it is ‘all of them that fell’! The 2nd especially, Saul really goes for it
in front of Agrippa (his friend); fully elaborating his own vain imagining’s.
Tarsus was a land dedicated to the Phoenician deities of Baal, Ishtar and Mithra. Saul means
Underworld and he was of course a Hebrew free-born into Roman dominion and a Benjamite
Pharisee! He simply replaced Yahushua’s Gospel of the Kingdom for Christianities parallel faith of
Roman devil worship - Mithraism.
It’s interesting also that the only places in the New Testament where ‘Signs and Wonders’ is
mentioned, is A: When Yahushua is warning about them being a false thing not to be relied upon
OR in Books accredited to Saul!
Matthew 24. 24: ‘For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs
and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect’.
Mark 13. 22: ‘For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall show signs and wonders, to
seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.
John 4:48: ‘Then said Yahushua unto him, Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe.
Rome and Saul uses the phrase in Acts 2 .19, 22, 43, ch4. 30, ch5. 12, ch7. 36, ch14. 33, Romans 15.
9, 2 Corinthians 12. 2, 2 Thessalonians 2. 9, Hebrews 2. 4. ( ‘11’ places. With the emphasis in the
Book of Acts from chapter 2, when the Apostate Church of Rome took over, which is a very clear
point in time, for the deceptions usurping the True faith!)
Saul was the number one guy working for his Roman masters regarding the slaughtering of the ‘true
believers’. I wonder how many Esene’s Saul murdered. We can all guess the character traits of a man
in such a position of authority in the Roman set up. His father was a Master of Mithraism. High
Priest’s of evil deities are usually Hybrid blood-liner’s, so they have the psychic ability to commune
with their pantheon of deities, really the fallen angels or other masquerading demonic entities. This is
why churchianity follows Paul’s Doctrines instead of Yahushua’s doctrine.
Saul was the first false Prophet!
Many were offended, betrayed and hated one-another during the first war on the saints. Many would
have been turned over to the authorities by their Orthodox Teachers and families who feared the
Romans, Pharasees and Saducees more than God! The same will happen again during the second war
on the saints!
‘…and many false prophets shall rise and deceive many’. Means that as soon as the first war on the
saints is over, all the teachers that follow the Roman-manufactured New Testament and their pagan
festivals; will become the false prophets of Rome and deceive many!
Christendom (In general) today is unknowingly creating the false prophets that deceive everyone they
speak to! Now that is a hard cookie to crumble!
Have you thrown the book at a wall yet or punched the Monitor? The Spirit of Jezebel easily triggers
rebellion in deceived hearts. I fully expect any Church-going reader (especially leaders) to be literally
fuming by now!
The ones that get the angriest will be the same ones that are helping the Spirit of Jezebel the most!
The explanation for the above statement is on its way, when we find out who this Spirit of Jezebel is.
Verse 12: ‘And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
It is only due to the fact that there is so much evil in the world, that the love for the Gospel of the
Kingdom, the Holy one of Israel and his commandments, has faded away to eventually become the
Apostate Church!
Verse 13: ‘But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
My Interpretation: He that sticks to the Gospel of the Kingdom and ‘endures’ those that ‘love the
lie’ of the gospel of grace and lawlessness shall be saved! This then leads to:
Verse 14: ‘And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all
nations; and then shall the end come.
Yahushua himself is prophesying that it is only that Gospel of the Kingdom and not any other gospel,
which will be told to the world. Then Yahushua takes us up to the point when the devil shows
Verse 15: ‘When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the
prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoever reads this, let him understand)
Just exactly what is the Abomination of Desolation? It is the Devil manifest in the flesh.
Back to verse 11: “And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate
one another”. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many’.
We Christian-minded folk have never really gotten to the bottom of this one as to how this could
really happen (Loved ones betraying each-other). I concur here with the Reverend Derrek Younger:
Reference his google-video message called, ‘The BEAST’. Only such a thing as this could possibly
cause such a division within those ‘Christian-minded’ folk.
The division is between them that are willing to lay down all their preconceptions and beliefs that the
entire ‘Holy Bible’ is 100% the ‘Word of God’, asking the Father what is correct and them that refuse
to do that and continue to ‘make and love the lie’!
The awakening from the Strong Delusion that is going on right now is the very thing that will bring
about the coming division between what were at one time, very like-minded family and loved ones.
Already it has begun to divide many people’s understanding and these things always begin in the
Heart (Dangerous ground if someone is not ‘right with Yahuah’). From there, they move either into
the soul (for those that refuse it) or the spirit (for those that are willing).
Imagine the scenario where a son or daughter takes the route of the Essenes and Yahushua’s Gospel of
the Kingdom rather than their parents ‘belief-system’ in the Saul-Gospel of Grace-led Church. The
religion of Satanic and Roman manufacture, that was permitted to happen for the Father’s own
Rome and Saul (Influenced at the very least by Satan) ripped up the Ten Commandments like the
Sabbath and loving no other God but Yahuah, along with the festivals and some vital Laws that we are
still supposed to be keeping! So once again for the hard of heart…Yahushua taught:
Matthew 5. 17: ‘Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to
destroy, but to fulfil’. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall
in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least
commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but
whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I
say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and
Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven’.
So the Ten Commandments are still absolutely vital to a believer! As are the festivals that are to last
until the end of ‘TIME’ itself. Then all things will be fulfilled to the end of Revelations.
Revelations 22. 14: ‘Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree
of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city’.
Ok then, so what is so bad about the ‘Gospel of Grace and Lawlessness’?
Christianity has over time, been twisted into a religion of PACIFISTIC Live-and-let-live ‘sleeperagents’ for Satan! The numbers were growing faster than they could be killed (Even Lions can only
eat so much!) and so they switched things, to teach them a fake character or persona that they were to
embrace! Rome simply needed to stop the rising tide of anti-government teaching’s in the Gospel of
the Kingdom (Later we will look at the origin of King’s and Judges and the rulers of this world).
Christianity was ‘Dumbed-Down’. Instead of fervently seeking the Living God and the audible sound
of the Great Shepherd’s voice, we sit back and relax, instead relying on God’s good Grace and Mercy!
“Well we do have pre-destination you know. All have already been chosen way ahead of time, so
what can we really do to change the final outcome. Let’s just let God’s will be done on earth as it is in
Heaven bla-bla-bla”!
If they knew the Father’s Will – they would not give heed to familiar and seducing spirits with their
lying ‘signs and wonders’! Let alone ‘Blaspheme the Holy Spirit’ by attributing satanic lies to the
It’s that ‘pacifist attitude’ that has sent Christendom to sleep in the naive hope of the PRE or MIDTribulation Rapture lie! It is that pacifism that allows evil entities to dominate this planet and bring
forth their Satanic Trinity, again! We are all responsible for allowing evil men to rule this earth.
Pacifism is hugely responsible for the wars that western societies just watch on TV! By doing
nothing, Christendom passively encourages this evil!
Pacifism lets ‘the Spirit of Jezebel’ run riot! Direct action can also be standing your ground! It by no
means indicates being aggressive! We are commanded to stand, in the Armour of God.
2 Corinthians 11. 21-22: ‘Are they Hebrews? So am I. Are they Israelites? So am I. Are they the seed
of Abraham? So am I (No you weren’t Saul – You were a Roman controlled, Serpent-Seed oppressor
and usurper of Yahushua’s ‘Gospel of the Kingdom’.
What are the ‘gifts’ of the Saul-led church today then?
The false gifts are a combination of the soul-manifestation from paying heed to our flesh’s desires and
the giving over of the ‘free-will’ to familiar and seducing spirits who give the copy-cat abilities.
We all know that Satan can mimic the ‘miracles’ of Yahuah up to a certain point. They are just
twisting’s of the truth!
Yahushua taught the disciples all about the Mind and Spirit of man and through this knowledge they
learnt to overcome and conquer that same flesh that the apostates use. Upon becoming ‘perfect’, they
then became worthy of having the Holy Ghost indwell them. Their bodies truly became a temple of
the living God; through that ‘putting-down’ of their fleshly whims and desires, they became reunited
with their Creator and became ‘gifted’. They also did all things in the name of Yahushua and not
It was the Holy Spirit in-them, which enabled the miracles to happen. It was ‘a gift granted’ by the
living Father and nothing of ‘themselves’ was ever used to ‘perform’! Just as ‘Tongues’ is instigated
by the persons own ‘beginning it’ or ‘starting it off’ through the desire to speak like that, so are many
By taking up their cross and following Yahushua’s Gospel of the Kingdom and giving up the things of
this world, they performed real miracles using the universal power and authority of his name.
Yahushua is the ONLY name that has the effect in the spirit realm, although people have indeed cast
out demons in the name of Jesus.
Satan does not heal BUT he can take away that which he caused in the first place! So we should not
be at all surprised if satanic entities are cast out in the churches today. How many times have those
‘deliverances’ been tested in the spirit? It is so easily just part of the charade to deceive the masses.
Remember the Two Egyptian Magicians who copied Moses when his Staff turned into a snake etc.
The results had the ‘appearance-of’ being exactly the same, right up to a point where their occultic
power could no longer keep-up with Yahuah’s. Moses ‘staff-snake’ ate the other two snakes then. So
we must be aware that the appearance of miracles can go a long way in looking as if they are from the
Father. This is why testing every spirit is absolutely vital for our own safety!
Can we honestly say to ourselves, “we know that was from Yahuah”, when we are at he same time,
unwittingly worshiping Satan and disobeying his Commandments?
The weird thing about ‘Sunday-worshiping’ Christianity is that they do not even keep the Sabbath
regulations on that Sunday anyway! They drive for miles, pay for goods and services, Cook their
‘Sunday-lunches’ and even labour at their various tasks! So Christendom seriously needs to wake-up!
Only when the apostasies are left behind and we cleanse ourselves of these evil deceptions, do we
truly stand a chance of having any discernment whatsoever! We must take the faults from out of
ourselves first, before we can judge anything with accuracy.
Matthew 7. 1-5: ‘Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you shall be
judged: and with what measure you mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou
the splinter that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the timber that is in thine own eye? Or
how will you say to your brother, Let me pull out the splinter out of your eye; and behold a timber is
in your own eye? You hypocrite, first cast out the timber out of your own eye; and then shall you
see clearly to cast out the splinter out of your brother's eye.
Only when this is done 100%, can we say we are worthy to judge others. It is not even us that do the
judging (Or it shouldn’t be at least). It is the Holy Spirit in us, which bring’s darkness into the light
sometimes kicking and screaming!
When we have reached such a point, it is the Holy Ghost in us that enables the perfect ‘knowing’ of
the Father’s will. So it is not the righteous person that judges but the Creator through us.
When the teachings of Yahushua are strictly adhered to, man is able to access that part of him that had
once been laying-dormant. The ‘spirit body’ inside us all, that is re-born from above once again into
truth and eternal light and life. The 12 Apostles spirit’s once again walked and talked with their
Maker and true Communion was had. Similar to that time long-ago in Eden before the fall.
Yahushua revealed to them that they had these great gifts within them all along if only they would
obey the Father’s will.
The Kingdom of God being ‘within us’ is achieved when that Holy Ghost comes to reside in our very
own Holy Temples!
As long as our spirit remains dormant or disobedient though, the Holy Ghost can not be accessed.
It was only after the woman disobeyed Yahuah that Adam was placed over her in authority and then
only if he was a ‘righteous’ husband and therefore the ‘head of the household’. Just as we are
supposed to pray for our governments but as long as they are in obedience to the Creator! If they are
in blatant disobedience to him, we should NOT follow them or even obey them without at least
making our point!
Any ‘gifts’ Adam and Eve might have had back then, no doubt aided them in the tending of the earth
and ensuring the continuity of harmony. So Satans ‘putting to sleep’ of our spirits also meant the
slacking of our natural inclinations toward the planet, at least as a whole. It’s no coincidence that the
very same people that tend to fight for earth issues are usually people that have done some soulsearching and are at least familiar with some form of spirituality or faith concept as they are
commonly likeminded folk. So it is that the more spiritually aware a person becomes, the more love
for this planet they should develop.
Becoming aware of just how powerful the Most High’s ‘Strong Delusion’ really is, often makes such
an impact on us, we sometimes associate such experiences with visual memories. Let me give an
example of how I felt, when the Ineffable Father gave me my ‘moment of clarity’.
In the movie Predator, there is a scene when one of the soldiers stealthily grabs his buddy around the
mouth to stop his possible noise reaction when grabbed. The soldier slowly turns his pals head to look
up into the trees and holds it still, so he can focus on a certain point. Eventually the man can see the
transparent humanoid form hiding in the trees and disguising itself via a ‘cloaking device’, which
makes him appear invisible when glanced at. The truth about the creature is revealed to him as he
says, “I SEE IT, I SEE IT!”
The first attempt at the spreading of the ‘doctrines of devils’ and ‘Jezebel’ was met by the well
educated Israelites in Antioch and the attempt was spotted and thwarted. The people that lived there
with the Romans must have recognized Saul’s Mithraic spin! It was soon after this that it was decided
that the seeds of deception would be sown amongst the lesser educated Gentiles. The people of the
Roman Empire that would readily accept Saul’s tale because Mithraism was already in their psyche,
therefore it would be pleasing to their ‘itching ears’. It’s no wonder then that some of them thought
Saul and Barnabus were ‘Baal’ and ‘Mithra’ then. Along with the much later Council of Nicea
overseen by Constantine and his mother, these events have thoroughly perverted Christendom. It will
remain in a state of ‘perverted fornication’ until the deceptions are realized and one by one, people are
released from the ‘Bondage’ that their minds have been encouraged to settle into. Literally the
Christian church has been imprisoned with ‘bars no one can see’, a prison for their minds. Hence one
of the most lethal thing’s a searching person can do is…
A: Discover the Christian faith and learn the little about Yahushua that we have been left with and
start believing in Pauline doctrine and then
B: Settle in a place that ceases to answer many of the questions that may arise from their spiritual
It has the appearance of usefulness whilst in reality; anyone who stops there and then comes to believe
that every word of the Bible is 100%, the inspired finished work of the Creator, has willingly sat down
and chained themselves into invisible bondage. Discovering and even accepting the messiah should
only be the beginning, which is no doubt related to why so many believers quickly become stale with
the lack of continuous gains in wisdom and then leave. For me this exactly describes what has
happened in reality. As the Church has fallen further and further into apostasy, the more repugnant it
has become to even the ‘non-spiritual’.
The church then cries ‘revival’ purely to motivate all their souls into action and scheme for ways to
gets the pews filled up, tax the people again (As if they aren’t taxed enough) and whip-up the Spirit of
Jezebel. Always the signs and wonders come with the so-called revivals. The church system has been
built on sand and many of them have made themselves slaves to the system and that means the world.
Most ‘tithing’ speeches are just exercises in the false doctrines of emotional-head-games. The
inevitable result of hiding the truth from the flock is that the sheep will lose interest, backslide into the
world and eventually either fall by the wayside or give up Christianity and move on in their search,
possibly into even worse errors. All the church has to do to increase the amount of bums on seats, is
teach the truth! No matter what their so-called peers say or do.
A huge problem today is the fact that nearly all of the church leaders have come through some form of
‘Christian’ education programme like Seminaries and Colleges etc. Can you imagine some passionate
truth loving person going into a Christian programme and declaring that Saul was an Anti-Christ? Do
you honestly think they might be allowed to teach in their ‘systems’?
Any churches attached to the 501c taxation programme are just providing government databases on
the details of all financial supporters etc within that church. It’s just a nice list of names ready to be
picked up by the black-baggers in the middle of the night, when Martial Law arrives over the western
world. Assuming they survive the initial de-population attacks like the Magellan’s plague and the
Avian Bird Flu. How many Christians are really preparing for the ‘War on the Saints’? Incredibly
few sadly. Trillions of Fish are already dying all over the world, so that the populations will not be
able to fish for food. Are you preparing to be able to survive for some months and keep your loved
ones alive and free of danger from airborne viruses?
A sheep that stays as close as possible to the shepherd has little reason to fear the wolves. Only the
ones hanging around the fringes usually get picked off by the predators. Any church that signs-up to
a government system like the taxation laws, are in very serious jeopardy. I for one will never again
give funds to any such place. They are parasites feeding off of communities that only think - they
need them! Nobody needs a church that is providing information (mostly unknowingly) to the
intelligence communities, so they can all be rounded up and slaughtered – Baahaah baaahh! It is
merely a building that houses either a wolf or a blind shepherd, which is deceiving through either the
‘doctrines of devils’ or the ‘doctrines of Jezebel’.
Saul, Christmas, Easter, Saint-days are celebrations to the ‘false gods and disciples’ of the Apostate
church set up by Rome, Paul and his minions, like the ‘Seventy-Two of Luke’ - full of the spirit of
anti-christ. The Strong Delusion is the most important and yet least talked about subject within the
church today and for obvious reasons. Firstly because as a species, we simply don’t like humbling
ourselves, admitting we don’t have all the answers and that we are often wrong. Also the idea that the
wool has been pulled over our eyes and the fact that we may have to admit to falling for it, is quite
simply embarrassing.
What would you rather be? Totally content whilst drowning in deception’s (that ultimately lead people
to walk-the-plank into the ‘Lake of Fire’), or simply pray fervently to the Creator that he reveal these
things to you so you can confess to ‘believing a lie’ and be released into the continuous search for
truth. Once again, that is why those that get unplugged from the system look upon that ‘whore of
Babylon’ with disgust, while at the same time cry out in love, hoping to pull people from its inevitable
crash and burn.
The ‘Nag Hammadi Library’ is the only other place I know of, where we can glimpse more of the real
teaching’s of Yahushua. Once anyone starts to read these once hidden works, they will pick up a very
different theme to the Paul-led Church of Rome. The writings are not to be feared just because some
unwise person comes back with the useless comment, “Well, I wouldn’t go there if I were you as they
are not ‘Canonised’. Wake up people! Canonisation IS just part of the process of manipulation
that led to our control.
Who are these mysterious historical figures that have done this? The ‘serpent seedline’ and the
‘Descendants of Cain’ is who, in order to deceive and destroy us.
As Mr David Icke states, they have gotten so good at this manipulation and control, that they now
have us ‘policing’ and manipulating ourselves! We are the ones bringing all this judgment upon
ourselves! For becoming pacifist’s in the faith! The Gospel of Grace and Lawlessness is straight
from the pit and that is where it intends to take all who choose to follow it!
Such books as Enoch and Jasher are absolutely vital to a ‘followers’ understanding of our true
history, as they give the solid rock foundation for further truth’s to be laid upon. Where better to start
than the first corruption of mankind? Relying solely on the book of Genesis is what causes so many
divisions and arguments among what should-be like-minded folk. Why settle for a poorly translated
account in Genesis? (By that I mean that the English language fails miserably compared to the
Hebrew. If we are so naïve as to leave out this essential history of mankind, our entire faith could
easily be built upon mere sand. This can be a real hurtful experience as realizing the very group that
you have gone out on a limb to believe in, has let you down. How many memories do Christians have
of early ridicule from friends and family for their conversion? How many times has Christianity as a
collective, failed to answer the ridiculers jibes with truth? The ‘concepts of truth’ born from our fallen
minds is no answer. Preachers and Teachers must stop adhering to the ‘Vain Philosophies’ that are
programmed into them as they go through the seminaries and colleges. What is the use of having the
highest qualification among men, if you cannot answer the most basic questions of the faith? If you
cannot explain what really happened in Eden, the origin of various sins or about the angelic taking of
woman to corrupt the DNA of man etc, then you have a soft foundation with which to explain the rest.
Can you back-up the global flood and Noah’s ark or give a reason for the historical acts of genocide
by the Israelites and explain how that really can be a holy thing? (Not today’s slow genocide of the
people called Palestinians). That’s just pure evil at work through Luciferian-Talmud/Kabbalah-loving
Edomite Jews. (The false Jews of Revelations). What about the story of Jonah?
So do we continue to listen to blind preachers, many of who deny many of the miracles or events of
the bible? Find out if your pastor etc is a freemason for example and if he is, then he is a ravening
wolf who has sworn oaths to Lucifer! Kick them all out of the churches! What business has light
with darkness? They are just the blind leading the blind and straight into the pit!
The sad thing is though, that if the same churches do not repent of believing in the Lie and falling for
the ‘Strong Delusion’, they are no better than the freemasons as all have unwittingly been worshiping
Lucifer! So get right with the Most High and take the Timber out of the churches eyes…and then you
will be fit to judge these false teachers and ravening wolves!
If you are in a position of teaching the Christian faith and cannot answer the above basic questions,
your faith is in vain as you are just a product of the ‘serpent seeds lies, which makes you a ‘broken’
tool in the hands of an anesthetized church. If we ever think even for a moment, that we have
discovered all the ‘necessary’ parts of truth, we have allowed our thinking to become the sticky flytrap that brings our quest to a standstill. We then become imprisoned within our own fleshly minds
and therefore add to this ‘Matrix effect’. The groundwork might have been laid by the serpent-seed,
but by the surrendering of our Free Will to the false Doctrines, we become individually responsible.
If someone willingly walks into a cell, turns the key, gives it to the jailer and then sits down only to
remain silent, they lose the right to then shout at the judge and complain!
If we were all to search and listen for the voice of the true shepherd, he would guide us around such
obstacles and literally open our eyes to the pitfalls. If anyone says that having a simple belief in
Yahushua and his sacrifice is sufficient for salvation, they are pushing their luck. That might be
sufficient for children and innocents as they have an excuse for their lack of knowledge. But as a
person goes through life, the more ‘without excuse’ they become. If living our entire lives calling on
the name of Jesus and maybe performing the ‘gifts’ of Saul (Filled with the Spirit of Anti-Christ and
Jezebel); ends in hearing words from ‘Yahushua’ such as, “Depart from me you children of
iniquity, for I never knew you”, nothing will ever be as painful as that moment, for such an
intentionally God-fearing person.
Matthew 7. 21-23: ‘Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of
heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day,
Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy
name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart
from me, ye that work iniquity.
Who is currently prophesying, doing many wonderful works and casting out Devils in the name of
Jesus right now?
Only Christendom of course!
Why does church always assume and even teach that this means someone else?
Oh yeah…their blinded by deceptions!
Fleshly and soulish emotional responses to this are irrelevant. Truth is truth and the Creator has
Most of Matthew 7 is Yahushua talking about this very subject. Those that have their roots in the
message of Messiah will bring forth good fruit. Those that have their roots in deception do not
belong to the Tree of Life; therefore they are discarded like rotten fruit. A pear tree can not grow
Oranges, it’s that simple. Our Maker has made set his structure, immovable and on solid rock. Why
should he shift that structure to suit us? We can scream and scream and scream until we’re sick, but
the truth is the truth. It’s often harshest on the people that have adopted the ‘live and let live’ attitude
to life. The ones that like to think they can sample a little of this, taste a little of that and everything
will be fine just so long as you keep thing’s in moderation. Usually the same type of mentality that
thinks good morals are sufficient to get us through any form of Heavenly judgement for the lax way
we have lived our lives!
We must humble ourselves and accept that this is our maker’s way. I for one am joyous that there is
such a thing as a solid immovable foundation for anything in this world. That foundation is an
infinitely large life-raft on which the true Messiah desires us all to jump on. If we just jump on the
first life-raft that comes along, we should not be surprised if a beast rise from the sea and crushes it in
Research and the in-depth study of your faith, can only take you so far. If we rely solely on our five
senses or limited brains to figure things out, we are only relying on our fallen natures. The spirit is
like a seed that must be ‘living-watered’ and shone on by ‘eternal light’ if it is to be allowed to
propagate. False doctrines strangle our spirits that are trying to reach beyond this physical shell we
love so much. Thanks to the ‘Eden Incident’ and the ‘great serpent’, our flesh is nothing but a
temporary prison. Don’t let it become one that entraps our souls and takes it into the lake of fire!
Matthew 13. 22: ‘He also that received seed among the thorns is he that heareth the word; and the
care of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the word, and he becometh unfruitful.
One common trait of the church today is the, “Just have a simple faith in the Saviour and that is
sufficient, just relax and take this ‘rapture sleeping pill”. It is this subtle mind game that dumbs down
the church-goers to a point where we can’t even hold decent question/answer discussion groups any
more. Even the small house groups get ‘led’ by someone that thinks they have a superior right to give
their opinions. Open up the floor for a change! Examine every query and never belittle anyone’s
honest enquiry! Can we all instantly know for what purpose that person might be asking the question
for? Only they might know and their maker.
So imagine the scenario once again of the very powerful message that the Christian Church has been
deceived since its birth and then progressively more deceived as time went on.
Now that is a message that will divide father’s from sons, daughter’s from mother’s and cause all
manner of once loving people into an aggressive force, especially when inspired and ‘fired-up’ by the
One World Religious Leader! The whipping up of emotions and the Soul that‘s going on now, is the
very same method they will use after the One World Church people have been ‘micro-chipped’. Then
the Beast will be able to fully control the emotions of his flock via the sending of messages to those
chips which trigger off the desired effect in his flock. Anger, aggression and all out hatred! I see this
as the only real possible way that ‘loving families’ could be split apart and destroyed. Do you find
this hard to believe?
The latest chips are so small (Nano-technology); they can be seen being held in the small pincers of
ants! They are invisible in the syringes so people won’t know they are being ‘chipped’, like the
Inoculations vs Bird Flu etc. Never ever take that by the way, its death in a syringe! They are even
trying to convince people now that ‘Mercury’ is good for the Brain!! Many young Schoolgirls etc
have been inoculated in the States vs Bird-Flu and after only 21 days, some are already starting to get
very sick! It may even be affecting young ladies ability to re-produce!
The truth of Matthew 10.32-42: “Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess
also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also
deny before my Father which is in heaven. Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came
not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the
daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes
shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of
me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And he that taketh not
his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he
that loseth his life for my sake shall find it. He that receiveth you receiveth me, and he that receiveth
me receiveth him that sent me. He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a
prophet's reward; and he that receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive
a righteous man's reward. And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of
cold water only (Instead of Living Water) in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in
no wise lose his reward”. (They will get what’s coming to them in other words).
My modern translation of the last two tricky verses is:
Verse 41: ‘Whoever listens to a teacher, who has just been recommended by another teacher, can only
receive the information that this teacher is privy too. Therefore they should not expect to receive any
more truth, than that teacher has!
Verse 42: “And whoever gives, even a little cup of their very-diluted little piece of the truth, I assure
you, they will indeed receive their just punishment in the end”. (All the churches think they are telling
the truth of course and so their flocks live lives of programmed deceptions. Hence they do not
recognize their need to repent. What do we have to repent of? Were right!
The verses concerning the future dividing of family and loved ones are through these very decisions.
So ask yourselves again, “Just how is mankind, especially Christians, going to reach a point where
they would rather hand over their child to the authorities, than not join the One World Church? Here
is the answer to that question; from the new perception:
John 16.2: ‘They shall put you out of the churches: yes, the time will come, that whoever kills you will
think that they are doing God a service’.
Just as they did in the early-days when Saul was picking people up to feed to the Lions.
Christendom will be ‘doing it for GOD’ in their own deceived minds! The Bible has many incidents
where it shows the Creator does NOT need our help!
The true ‘Bride of Christ’, will come to conflict against the ‘One-World Church’. That is inevitable!
So if any church-goer out there thinks them in a faith that answers all of their questions, they have
made their choice already. If you have questions, do not fear asking your teacher for his version of an
answer. If they either refuse or cannot answer your question, do not simply let your search for truth
melt away, find the courage to step outside of that little box (that Prison for your mind) that has been
prepared for you carefully over thousands of years. Pray directly to YAHUAH in the name of his Son
YAHUSHUA, and ask for the truth in these matters as well as others.
I never heard his voice until I used my mind more than my lips! Just what the Church of Rome
and the Apostate Saul (And his false disciples) don’t want you to do!
Let flesh speak to flesh and spirit speak to spirit.
No man is to be your mediator between you and the Living Father as the temple came down after the
crucifixion. Yahushua the true Messiah (who was not just an enlightened man as the New-Agers and
there so-called ‘ascended masters’ would have you believe!) became our only mediator and High
Priest between us and the Father. Do not let the doctrines of men tell you that you need a person to
forgive your sins and talk to the Most High! If you do not give up and you keep on seeking and
knocking at his door, you will hear the voice of the Great Shepherd and not some ravening wolf that
has stolen their way into the church in order to spread the deception and strong delusion.
Just be aware, that after many years of blaspheming his Holy name and the Holy Spirit (Even by total
accident or deception!), the Father is most likely to test your sincerity and humility. It may take a
while…but if you give up…just because of soulish emotional impatience! Don’t expect to hear from
the Great Shepherd!
Patience is a characteristic of the Spirit. That is why impatience is a thing of the world and an enemy
of truth! Do not let impatience steal your already ‘bought-and-paid-for’ eternal life! Never, never
give up. It’s a matter of life and death!
Ezekiel 34.11: ‘For thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I, even I, will both search my sheep, and seek
them out’.
John 10.16: ‘And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall
hear my voice; and there shall be one fold and one shepherd’.
John 10. 26-27: ‘But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you. My sheep
hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me’.
John 21. 15-17: ‘so when they had dined, Yahushua saith to Simon Peter, Simon (son of Jonas), lovest
thou me more than these? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto
him, Feed my lambs. He saith to him again the second time, Simon, [son] of Jonas, lovest thou me?
He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my sheep. He
saith unto him the third time, Simon, [son] of Jonas, lovest thou me? Peter was grieved because he
said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me? And he said unto him, Lord, thou knowest all things;
thou knowest that I love thee. Yahushua saith unto him, Feed my sheep’.
My Interpretation: Teach the young and teach the old (Possible explanation for the third comment
from Yahushua: ‘and even after the future event that you don’t yet know about Peter’ (when you deny
me three times) I still want you to go and teach them all! I have never heard any real explanation for
that strange conversation Yahushua had with Peter. This is certainly one attempt at it. I feel led to
write it and it has been tested in the spirit in the best way I know how.
The Most High is waking people up all over the earth. Unlike the charismatic’s and Pentecostals etc,
our party will be a sober one and not one that causes us to bark like dogs and act like animals in the
zoo. The true Bride of Christ shall drink from the Fountain of Living Water and the vine from the
fruit of the ‘Tree of Life’. Not seducing spirits that satisfy our fleshly desire for lying Signs and
If we do not make this decision of our own ‘free will’ very soon, the events of the coming Tribulation
guarantee us that Satan’s minions will force us to make a decision one way or the other, at a time that
is most inconvenient to us! The sooner we make a decision as to which side of the fence we will
stand on, the greater our chance of learning to be an overcomer. So I urge you all to have the
courage to drop everything you have learnt about Christendom and just get on your knees about it.
We kneel to show a willingness to serve and follow the Father’s will. After that, it is under HIS
‘invitation’ that we then ‘stand, walk and talk’ with our Creator.
ALL Religion’s are of no use to us! There is only one way to learn how to overcome the spirit of
Jezebel. That is to have a one-to-one relationship with the Father of Truth. We must learn to
continually walk and talk with the Living God if we are to have any hope of becoming a conqueror
and overcomer. Just as the population of the earth had only evil thoughts ‘continually’ before the
global flood, any who wish to be saved must seek him just as continually. We must become the exact
opposite of what they were like back then.
Why is it so important to be an overcomer and a conqueror?
Far too many Christians are relying on a so-called pre or mid-tribulation Rapture, which is an
absolutely deadly ‘Sleeping Pill’ in the churches at this moment. It is straight from the pit! Designed
to make the pacifist mentality just lay back, relax in their deceptions and then, lose their ‘Messiahclaimed’ right to eternal life.
Revelations 2.10 ‘Fear none of the things which you will suffer: Behold the devil will throw some of
you into prison so you can be tried and tested; and you will suffer Sever Afflictions for 10 days: If
you are faithful unto death, then I will give you a crown of life’.
Something struck me as I wrote this: That is that millions will complain in prayers to God in the
Tribulation, “How can you do this to us bla bla bla”.
Well, imagine for a brief moment that you have had to put up with your Creation being abused for
untold eons. Billions of your ‘mankind’ has for unknown thousands of years worshipped devils and
fought wars spilling unimaginable amounts of blood on the earth. If the Creator came to Cain after he
slew Abel, don’t you think the Creator feels it when every single person or animal is needlessly slain?
He has also had to put up with billions of people who call themselves ‘Christian’ and believers in his
son, blaspheming him with strange tongues and saying it is him when it is devils. Giving him ‘lip
service’ instead of righteousness.
Is not just 3 ½ years of mankind suffering a pittance in comparison? I for one think it totally fair and
just. It has come the time to prove all who say they follow him once and for all! No excuses – we
either take up our cross and put nothing between us and him or that’s our lot. How many parents have
been forced to put their children out from their homes due to rebellion or disobedience?
Our Creator is going to perfect his church through hardship and suffering. Only those who have both
become overcomers of both satanic influences, the Spirit of Jezebel AND kept his Commandments
stand a chance of being saved and yes, that does mean keeping HIS SABBATH which based on the
Solar calendar and not the Gregorian calendar which varies accordingly. Of course the Most High
will know all of his in any event. His grace and mercy are reliant on his patience with us though. If
we want to stay in the Creator’s good graces, we must stop ‘doing-a-Jonah’!
Revelations 14. 12: ‘Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of
God, and the faith of Yahushua’.
Revelation 20.4: “…and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Yahushua and
for the word of Yahuah (Gospel of the Kingdom), and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his
image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads or in their right forearm….”
Link to the Mark of Cain explanation:
Also a link to a very interesting depiction of Philo – mentioned above: (He bears the same distinctive mark on his helmet!)
Concerning Beheading:
If anyone doubts the government’s intention to use guillotines, I have copies of their documentations
and they are currently available on the internet. This link will let you know just how far their settingup has gone. Passed by the Georgia House of Representatives – 1995/1996 Sessions. As you will
see, this legislation called HB 1274 – Death penalty, guillotine provisions and has been in place since
95/96. Whether or not this is only for America (which is Babylon re-born – or the Phoenix risen from
the ashes), I do not know.
The next link will take you to: HB 1085 – Death penalty; televised executions!
As you will see, these people plan to televise executions using ‘Public school ‘educational’
television stations’ as well as the Private networks! Truly the 4th and Last Reich reborn!
It may well be just America, but I would not put it past the UK and Europe to follow suit due to them
really controlling the US anyway. It has been reported that there are at least 30,000 of them in storage
in Atlanta (This was some time ago now) and that they are being manufactured in Japan. The reasons
given for beheading instead of other forms of death will quite simply be ‘useful body parts or food’!
(Yes it will get that bad before the end comes). Do an Internet Search for Janet. C. Phalen’s literally
death-defying work at uncovering the New World Order’s plans to depopulate via the water supply.
The ‘T-Valves’ are linked to a central computer, where they can program in any amount of chemical
to any amount of houses almost anywhere in the US. (I have no info about any other country). I think
she also found the Government documents pertaining to the new method of execution. The fact is that
they exist and have ‘already’ been passed.
Will you proclaim to evil men (or creatures) your faith in Yahushua? Or will you deny him before
men and accept the Mark of the Beast, just so you or your loved ones can eat or drink to save your
flesh from death? It will be far easier (and more pleasurable!), to put your flesh to death now and gain
eternal life, than to save your flesh but die the ‘second death’.
Matthew 10.32: ‘Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my
Father which is in heaven’.
verse 39: “He that finds his life shall lose it: and he that loses his life for my sake shall find it”.
Pray for repentance and declare yourselves to, to be child of the Light. Pray that the chains of
bondage be broken and that the Father keep you from all deceptions. Pray for the truth in all things
and walk in the light. Do not look back like Lots wife did as she pondered on what things she would
be missing and glanced back to her utter ruin. Give no thought to what you will be leaving behind;
instead focus on the eternal Father and his eternal light, which leads to safety upon that narrow path to
Quote from ‘Gandalf’ (Lord of the Rings): “All we have to do; is decide what to do with the
remaining time that is given to us”.
The Illuminati have already broken up the family unit via the ‘Woman’s Lib movement’ and the socalled ‘Education System’; the ‘Mark of the Beast’ is just taking it to the max. All of this is
achievable right now with the current technology of the latest chips. For the sake of simplifying
things; Secret scientific experiments within the arena of the Military Industrial Complex, studied the
energy wave patterns sent to the brain when the individual emotional states and body movements were
triggered. In that way they could record their exact frequencies to the brain. Using this method they
can now duplicate these frequencies and send them out en-masse (Via Satellite) through the Mark of
the Beast and whoever has one will be under the total control of the Satanic Trinity. Who do you
think will have power over those satellites? Men or the Prince of the Power of the Air, who was cast
out into the first and second heavens (Earth and Space).
This information is fast getting old-hat for a lot of folks. Many still find these things hard to believe,
which is easy if all you have done all your life is watch TV, believe the Media, read the Illuminati
controlled Newspaper’s and been educated from the very small ‘public arena of Science’. The
Sciences of the Illuminati are studied under the guise of Government Top Secret and ‘Black Op’-style
experiments. Another name for them is the ‘Black Sciences’. It has a great deal to do with esoteric
and fallen angelic knowledge. The Illuminati are doing en-masse in secret, what Adam and Eve did
with the great Serpent. They are listening to the advice of the ‘Great Dragon’ and his minions,
encouraging mankind to also eat of the ‘Tree of Knowledge’. Anything that mankind was not able to
find out on his own, like the highest tech available to them, did not come from the minds of men.
Then they spoon-feed out to the world, their latest droplets of high tech gadgetry. Only what they
don’t mind us knowing about though, just to keep us distracted and amused!
Will we ever know the cost in damage to the psyche of man, caused by the introduction of certain
technologies? Certainly it has increased the power of Jezebel…Anyone who thinks they must always
have the latest and greatest has fallen for it ‘hook-line and sinker’.
The ‘Mark of the Beast’ is merely one of the final extensions of that evil fallen-angelic knowledge.
Possibly not the most powerful of evil achievements, but in the field of Mind Control it’s the ultimate.
Whatever motivates their cold-dark traits are probably just their evil master’s false promises. Some
not all, of these fallen angels are spirits that can take on solid-form at will. Others like the reptilian
variety are trapped in another dimension (What we know as the ‘Spirit Realm’ may be one of them.
The planet Neburu / X / Rahab etc could be another one as they are called through dimension portals
by the Illuminati-hybrids). They are identified through blood and DNA testing before birth. That
suggests that they are missing the middle ingredient that mankind has, the Living Soul which was only
formed when the ‘Breath of the Creator’ was blown into the nostrils of man.
To use Watchman Nee’s analogy (And I may well have to re-examine his work now?): Imagine the
flesh as a handful of red dye. Now imagine the Spirit as water in a glass. When the red dye comes
into contact with the water, a new product is formed, Red Liquid - the Living Soul. That was the
Creator placing a tiny bit of himself, into that physical vessel. The breath of the Creator then, is a
miniscule remnant-piece of the Creator himself! His breath became our SPIRITS! That is one
aspect the Church of Rome does not want us to remember!
That’s right folks! We all have a tiny piece of our Creator in us. Of course we do, where do you think
man got his spirit body from, evolution?
Even the 12 apostles had the dogma of the Pharasees and Saducees programmed into them all their
lives. That is why they struggled to grasp what Yahushua was trying to tell them most of the time like
some of the Parables. Even though they walked and talked with Messiah for 3 ½ years and were on
the fast-track to truth, it took them a while to understand it. Is it any wonder when our Creator is an
Infinite being who made an Infinite Universe?
Some think that Adam and the first woman were created at a maximum capacity of knowledge, or
perfect in every attribute or ability. If we truly knew what was lost and gained at the first sin, then we
might be able to say what they could do and what they couldn’t do, but we don’t so why speculate.
None of it can be based on logic as we don’t know the parameters. The closest we can come to
guessing their original abilities, is subtracting everything we think that mankind would not have come
to the knowledge of, without outside help from ‘The Watchers’.
The Essenes were the monks for the Semitic Jews. The Pharasees and Saducees were partly
(Especially after the take-over) Kazar / Edomite bloodline or Serpent-seed Jews. The false Jews of
Until any more truth is shone on the subject, I will ‘for now’ concur with Watchman Nee’s book the
Spiritual Man (Christian Fellowship Publisher, Inc. New York. Available from 11515 Allecingie
Parkway, Richmond, Virginia 23235, USA). If the Spirit of Man consists of the Intuition, Wisdom
and Communion, then the ‘Fallen’ Angels have twisted negative versions of those same three traits.
Keep in mind that the Angels are Spirits. That means that they not only came from the mind and
breath of the Creator, they have no flesh of their own and therefore no Living Soul (Unlike mankind,
they were not given their own flesh-bodies). The descendants of Cain are different. They received
the fiery-spirits into their bodies from the fallen angels directly. So it’s a kind of substitute spirit that
enables them to have a Soul ‘of a kind’. The problem is that the fallen characteristics from the angels
have been passed on also and corrupted their souls to some degree. That does not mean they are out
of reach from being ‘saved’ though.
Genesis 4. 5-7: ‘But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and
his countenance fell. And the LORD said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance
fallen? If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the
door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him.
So even though Cain’s father (As we will soon delve into) was the ‘Great Serpent’, he could still be
acceptable! However they are not made in the image and likeness of Yahuah or Yahushua, they are
made in the image and likeness first of their father - Sammael the Serpent (Satan), then Cain whose
descendants took to dwelling in the under-parts of the earth.
They even lost their image, hence the ‘bump in the night tales’ and their creatures. However as the
above verse confirms, Cain was acceptable as long as he did not sin. He just couldn’t help himself it
seems. It was not just ‘his’ nature to do such a thing as murder; it was his father the devils.
So here is a theory: The fallen Angels version of Intuition might be a type of ‘beastly instinct’, a kind
of ‘anti-intuition’ if you like, that drives them to satisfy all manner of carnal lusts. Wisdom may have
become just animalistic-reactionary aggression.
So we can easily see how foolishness can turn into a pattern of acting-without-thinking or acting
without any thought for the consequences of their actions. Hence the ‘Bohemian Grove club’s
ceremony at the feet of a 42ft Owl idol called Molech, in a ritual they call ‘The Cremation of Care’.
Yes, a great deal of (Not all by any means) the ruling Elite that governs us are Satanists who actively
perform Satanic rituals, in order to teach them to care less about mankind! (Human sacrifices in other
words). And some people wonder why the Leaders of the world can so readily go to war without
being even the slightest bit concerned for the damage done. The cost in human lives is just about as
irrelevant as you can get with these evil ones, which disguise themselves as people! War to them is
just human sacrifice! They are the descendants of the fallen angels, kept alive only due to their
obsession with inter-marrying with those of the same evil blood! They are the very distant sons and
daughters of the union between fallen angels and women, mostly by ‘rape’!
The Watchers had not lost their beautiful looks it seems as there is information saying that they
changed form to look like people as a disguise and then they could not change back once they had
mated. The origin of teaching mankind about the beautiful gems in the earth was that the women
should make jewellery with them in order to look more attractive to the Angels. The Annukai are the
race (More likely the ‘Priesthood’/ Judges to Nimrod) that escaped that flood judgement via their
flying discs. There are Sumerian accounts saying that they ‘watched’ the global catastrophe from
space- the abyss.
They were called the Watchers during the time of Enoch (the 7th from Adam). However, just as the
name given to the whore of Babylon is ‘Jezebel’, the timing bears no relevance to what they are
The Creator being omnipresent and infinite is of course, multi-dimensional. The fallen have as many
different forms as the good angels do probably, because the fallen ones come from them of course.
They were cast out of their previous habitation; meaning not just the places of residence but the
characteristics of light, goodness and truth. Not all lost their looks when they fell; but they did lose
the personas or characteristics. Rev 9. 14-15 tells us that four were imprisoned under the river
Euphrates (Worst offenders most-likely).
Tangent topics:
It’s interesting to note the top-secret Military base being built besides the Tigris River. It’s not
exactly built in a safe area being in range of enemy missiles etc, so it makes me wonder if the BlackScience teams are not down there trying to break through to these four imprisoned angels?. It could
also have something to do with digging up the 2/3rd’s of the Tower of Babel that was buried
underground at its destruction. I’m not entirely sure if that is the actual location of the tower’s
remains but it sure is close to the place of imprisonment! Whatever device was on top of that tower
(Babel) is not really known. We tend to think of Nimrod firing a Bow and arrow! That could easily
have been simplified language for something else that the fallen angels built, like high-tech weaponry
like nukes with dimension-portal access to heaven!
Talking about different dimensions and the dwelling places of fallen ones; where do think Sheol or
Hell might be? (Not that they live there but the descendants of Cain live nearby because of the warmth
created throughout the earth. Siberian miners recorded Hellish sounds coming from one of their
incredibly deep excavations and the recordings are both compelling and disturbing. If you are not
squeamish you can hear them at: . (Quite unsettling so beware).
Tangent end
REVELATIONS Chapter 9 and APOLLYON (The Satanic Rapture)
The only ‘pre or mid’ tribulation ‘rapture’ the Bible supports is the ‘Satanic Rapture’ of Revelations
chapter 9! This is my hypothesis.
Revelations 9. 1-11: ‘And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth:
and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit’.
My Interpretation (And it is just that): As soon as the fifth Angel announces that the time is right; An
Angel (Possibly Satan [more likely Cain though] looking like a comet), will come and blow a huge
crack in the earth’s crust, to a great depth.
V2: ‘And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great
furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit’.
MI: When that happens, so much smoke and hot debris will spew out, that the sun will be blacked out
and the air will become very toxic. Basically its Hell itself is spewing forth onto the earth.
V3: ‘And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the
scorpions of the earth have power’.
MI: Locusts is a biblical term for demons, so from the deepest parts of the subterranean world come
out the demons/Alien’s and the ‘Descendants of Cain’. They also come out of the Deep Underground
Military Base’s (D.U.M.B’s), like the anticipated ‘mutants’, ‘super soldiers’ and the Military
Industrial Complex’s fleet of Black helicopters and UFO’s! This will be the ‘satanic rapture’.
V4: ‘And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green
thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads’.
MI: Yahuah makes sure that they only hurt the people not of the ‘144,000’.
V5: ‘And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five
months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man’.
MI: Some form of torture or injecting toxins through inoculations? Aliens will walk the earth
mingling with the seed of men just like Daniel prophecies. This will be such a huge wake-up call for
all those people that don’t even believe in such creatures! It’s kind of hard to deny something exists
when it’s in your face.
V6: ‘And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death
shall flee from them’.
MI: Says it all really – People will wish they could die but they won’t be able to, which is going to
look like a Zombie movie.
V7: ‘And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads
were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men’.
MI: The flying craft will be encased in armour, just like ancient Cavalry were! The uppermost parts
of these vehicles will be glowing brightly, which could be UFO lights or helicopter blades. The pilots
will look like people, possibly the Nordic-aliens or hybrid’s.
V8: ‘And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions’
MI: As is, maybe vampire-like. Goodness knows there is a massive amount of vampire related stuff
on our TV’s at the moment. All trying to tell us that they could be ‘good’ after all and not to fear
them! Like the new series ‘Blood-Ties’.
V9: ‘And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as
the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle’.
MI: The armoured black helicopters whose blades will sound like masses of horses.
V10: ‘And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was
to hurt men five months’.
MI: The helicopters are equipped with high tech weapon. For some time now they have been testing
microwave weapons that heat up the skin. They are doing it in the name of ‘crowd control’.
V11: ‘And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the
Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon’.
MI: There is no reason to indicate that the star in verse one, is the same as the giver of the keys. Some
of the Jehovah’s witnesses think this is Arch-Angel Michael according to the Wikipedia. The ‘Angel
of the bottomless pit’ that bring’s his hoards out from the depths of the earth in Rev 9, is either the
spirit of Cain or Satan. This makes his minions then, the Descendants of Cain and the Nephilimhybrids that became the disembodied spirits due to the global flood.
For example: If all the descendants of Cain were wiped out in the flood, then all of those
‘disembodied spirits’ may well inhabit the newly made ‘clone’ bodies hidden in the D.U.M.B
laboratories and the same mutants that we are being softened up to accept in the movies. Medical
Boards and the like have already begun broaching the subject of their integration into our societies!
Our Father’s Generals are watching closely all the activities that he wants us to know about. The war
is well and truly on and the ‘silent invasion’ that always precedes a war is well under way.
The One-ness principle Mr David Icke talks about, works the same way for both sides of this war.
The Creator gathers or attracts our spirits back to him via the spreading of the Gospel of the Kingdom.
Evil gathers or attracts spirits and souls to it to it through bloodlines and deception. It’s the end result
that justifies evil’s means. Man is ‘without excuse’, so if we end up at a location that we spent our
entire lives trying to avoid, it’s too late then to complain about being deceived. We have our physical
life and time to figure that out. People that die in innocence are we’re told are given a lot of leeway
and let’s hope so. So evil will use any means possible to gather ‘universal energies’ like our
collective ‘conscience’, to bring to its kingdom more energy and power. This power is then
distributed in the most effective means it knows how to achieve its goals.
There is no such thing as ‘Neutrality’! All forms of thought adhering to any so-called neutral stance,
is merely a further deceptions from the evil forces. If we won’t serve them willingly, they will try to
make us serve them ‘un-willingly’. If that fails, they would rather us miss the truth than come to a full
knowledge of it. So as long as we do not oppose them by being in the service of the Creator, they
don’t mind where we end up. All deceptions will end up in the same pit!
This is why our Heavenly Father wants us to make our minds up as to which side of the fence we will
stand. Living a life of ‘lukewarm-ness’ is not beneficial to anyone or anything! Yahushua says this
about sitting on the fence…
Revelations 3. 14-21: “To the angel of the church in Laodicea write:
These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation. I know
your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because
you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. You say, ‘I am
rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched,
pitiful, poor, blind and naked. I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can
become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put
on your eyes, so you can see. Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent.
Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in
and eat with them, and they with me. To those who are victorious, I will give the right to sit with me
on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne. Whoever has ears,
let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”
‘I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father
on his throne’ strongly confirms that we can become ONE-WITH Yahushua our Saviour!
Laodicea in Syria, also Laodicea ad Mare (Laodicea on the Sea), which was the port of Antioch, now
Latakia, Syria.
The church of Laodicea was the central hub of Saul/Paul-line doctrine! If that is not further proof for
all the readers who have read the above information on Saul/Paul and yet still refuse to repent of
‘Believing a Lie’, this is the final nail in Paul’s coffin! All of these area’s that were infected by the
leaven of the Pharasees and Herod, are lukewarm stink-holes of fornication! All of the so-called
‘saints’ from the Seventy Two, were false prophets and teachers! Rome rewarded all of their efforts at
stopping the rising tide of true Christendom by making them Bishop’s! All are serpents who speak
with forked tongues and the tongues of lukewarm-ness.
I want everyone to read these next two verses, with the new thought in your head that everything in
creation is linked through almost everything else! Throwing a pebble into the sea sends ripples of
unseen energy further than we can know. Therefore a kind and holy act to a brother, sister, bird or
beast, could have ramifications of incredible and unperceivable depth. Yahushua is giving us an
insight into what this ‘one-ness’ means in the respect of how by effecting one single person, we can
effect the one-ness of his creation. So it’s nice to find biblical scripture that fits what a man (Mr Icke)
who is outside of any form of faith has discovered. Eventually, truth itself will find the ones that are
looking for it. “Knock and the door will open for to you, Seek and you WILL find”. Certain verses
like the ones below can only be comprehended when having this one-ness principle in mind.
Matthew 25. 35-45: Yahushua speaking. “For I was an hungry, and you gave me meat: I was thirsty,
and you gave me drink: I was a stranger, and you took me in: Naked, and you clothed me: I was sick,
and you visited me: I was in prison, and you came unto me”. Then shall the righteous answer him,
saying, Lord, when did we see you hungry, and feed you? Or thirsty, and gave you drink? When did
we see a stranger, and took you in? Or naked, and clothed you? Or when did we see you sick, or in
prison, and came unto you? And the King shall answer and say to them, “Absolutely I tell you, every
time you have done it to one of the least of these my brethren, you have done it to me. Then shall he
say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, you cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for
the devil and his angels: For I was hungry, and you gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me
no drink: I was a stranger, and you did not take me in: naked, and you didn’t give me clothes: sick,
and in prison, and ye visited me not. Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when did we see
you hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not provide for your
needs”. Then shall he answer them, saying, “Absolutely so I’ll tell you again, every time you did not
do these things for the least of mankind, you were not doing it for me also!”
From the ‘Gospel of Mary/Miriam’ - Yahushua speaking:
The Savior said, "All natures, all formed things, all creatures exist in and with one another and will
again be resolved into their own roots, because the nature of matter is dissolved into the roots of its
nature alone. He, who has ears to hear, let him hear."
Mr David Icke (Not a believer in Yahushua) explains this very thing in his videos ‘the secrets of the
Matrix’. Everything that is made of physical matter is merely particles made up from photons and
neutrons etc. When these are looked at, they are actually hollow being just differing forms of energy.
So the destruction of one set of ‘matter’ can be merely returning it to its original form to be re-used in
the universe as something else.
This very concept is what Religion has programmed out from man’s psyche for thousands of years.
People like the Tibetans may or may not have heard the Gospel of the Kingdom, but they sure do live
a purer life than most westerners. They understand such principles are essential for living in harmony
with all of creation, which of course generates love and peace. The exact opposite of anything the
fallen angels and their half-breed boys-with-toys, want us to have! This is why it can readily be said
that religions are the cause of all wars. Not strictly true because it is the evil forces behind the scenes
(Like the Jesuit’s), that not only manufactures religions and divisions through dogma’s, but continue
to manipulate their sheeple believers.
One aspect of this walk which is very pleasing to our spirits; is that the more we learn of light and
truth as, the more defined the ‘narrow path’ becomes. It continues to get narrower as it gets more
obvious to us. If you were to look down at your feet you will find yourself ‘metaphorically’ on a very
broad roadway. It may vary in size when you are young from seemingly infinite, to somewhere where
its edges are in sight. Some are born into environments that restrict the early informative years and so
start off on an even wider path. As we all go through our lives, we might come across opportunities to
lessen the width of that path. Some seem to never experience anything in their entire lives that would
narrow this path, whilst some are born into an atmosphere that deliberately attempts to widen it.
Some people even pick up on sensations that something is not quite right but they can’t put their
finger on it. That feeling often comes about when evil entities are at work. It’s all about surrounding
consciousness’s and spiritual energies or entities. The lower the level of spiritual awareness, the
broader the road is made for each of us.
We all have been plunged into a desperate struggle of which our first task is just getting our heads
above the waters of deception. Then we can take our first breath, just like Neo in the Matrix movie
when he wakes up in the tank with all the tubes sticking in him. It’s interesting to note that the largest
of these tubes is the one tube plugged into Neo’s brain to create the holographic images that he called
‘life-experiences’. The real horror for some is that this is not real life, hence the true ‘Architect of the
Universe’ (Yahuah), sending Yahushua our true messiah to patch ‘the glitch’ in the Matrix’s
mainframe. All we have to do is ensure we eat the right doctrines from the Tree of Life and let the
source of all light and life, show us just how deep the rabbit hole goes.
The spirit of Jezebel has the abilities to give false prophecies and produce all manner of false
manifestations, such as the standard Paul-led church’s gifts. Revelations 12.9 confirms that it is the
‘Great Dragon’ (Satan) that ‘deceives the whole’ world. That means that the leader of these evil
entities that constantly seek to dominate us, is the ‘initial’ deceiver. We then do the rest ourselves
with Jezebels encouragement! One of the single most important scriptures in the bible is:
Hosea 4.6: ‘My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I
will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God,
I will also forget thy children’ (Back-up for keeping some of the Laws).
This verse or prophecy goes hand in hand with
Matthew 7.20-29: ‘Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Not every one that saith unto me,
Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in
heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in
thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works? (It can only be
Christendom!) And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work
iniquity. Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a
wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the
winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. And every one
that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which
built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and
beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it. And it came to pass, when Yahushua had
ended these sayings, the people were astonished at his doctrine: For he taught them as one having
authority, and not as the scribes’.
We all know what it’s like to bump into someone who really knows his subject down to the smallest
detail. They always say stuff that goes over our head’s or amazes us. Well Yahushua was like that, an
absolute genius at preaching TRUTH! The Messiah was in the best way I know how to explain, just
like the character ‘Neo’ after his resurrection. Neo saw everything in the Matrix’s computer code
format. Everything to Neo became just like various forms of energy pulsing around in forms of
written code that the ‘Architect of the Matrix’ wrote. He saw everything in its original and most pure
and natural form. The Messiah was 100% ONE with and in control of his entire surrounding’s. He
could literally see either darkness or light in people. This would explain so many things that the
Christian teachers simply have no answer for. Why? Because it’s been hidden from them and any
who listen to their deceptions! One of those questions is:
How did Yahushua achieve or gain the reward of the power over death by resurrecting himself?
Feel free to write your answers here: ___________________________________________________
This will be a short chapter as we all know that resurrection is life after death in eternity with the
Creator, however…
From ‘The Gospel of Philip’, Yahushua speaking:
“Those who say that the Lord died first and then rose up, are in error; for he rose up first and then
“Those who say they will die first and then rise are in error. If they do not first receive the
resurrection while they live, when they die they will receive nothing! So also when speaking about
baptism they say, “Baptism is a great thing”, because if people receive it they will live”.
“While we are in this world, it is fitting for us to acquire the resurrection, so that when we strip off
the flesh, we may be found rest and not walk in the middle. For many go astray on the way. For it is
good to come forth from the world before one has sinned” (A good explanation as to why the boy
Yahushua was kept hidden away by the Esene’s
Christendom today does not even have that in its ‘reasoning’. So for most it will take some ‘gettingtheir-heads-around’. Yahushua’s word is final though, so if we do not have a mind to accept this, we
must simply climb outside that limited devil-made box called - religion! We must go to our Father
directly. Wouldn’t you like to live a resurrected life before you die? Only then will we be able to
truly walk fearlessly, without a care for this world and our flesh.
“Philip the Apostle said, “Joseph the carpenter planted a garden because he needed wood for his
trade. It was he who made the cross from the trees which he planted. His own offspring hung on that
which he planted. His offspring was Yahushua and the planting was the cross. But the Tree of Life is
in the middle of the Garden. However, it is from the Olive tree that we got the chrism, and from the
chrism, the resurrection”.
“The chrism is superior to baptism, for it is from the word ‘chrism’ that we have been called
‘Christians’, certainly not because of the word ‘baptism’. And it is because of chrism that ‘the
Christ’ has his name”.
CHRISM meaning - 1; A consecrated mixture of oil and balsam, used for anointing in church
sacraments such as baptism and confirmation, also called holy oil. 2; A sacramental anointing,
especially upon confirmation into the Eastern Orthodox Church.
We should then seek baptism as soon as possible after accepting our Saviour. Then there will be no
delay in the commitment to making the Old-creation pass away. As our new-creation comes up out of
the waters, we can more readily begin the process into perfection and be granted the Resurrection into
Eternal life!
Before we physically die!
Only the ones who have been un-plugged from the Illuminati and their masters mind-job, stand a
chance of being safe from the Beast when he comes to power and then begins to ‘try them’
(Revelations 3.10). Only those who make the right choice before the Beast is revealed, may not have
to go through the horrendous ‘War on the Saints’, which will be the process that will make us either
deny Messiah to save our fleshly-lives or stand firm in your faith to the death! That is NOT going to
be bearable for many and they will just simply say anything to avoid a bullet in their heads, especially
their loved ones!
On which side of the fence are we going to be standing on when that fateful day arrives of the Holy
Ghost leaving the earth, which is currently holding back these evils?
Time is short folks, the ‘End-Days’ Clock is well and truly ticking. Pray in your hearts and minds that
the Heavenly Father - through his son Yahushua, show you the truth in all things. Ask him to take
away the Strong Delusion and take you into his fold. Repent of any foolishness that may have
allowed the evil deceptions into the churches and repent of ‘believing their lies’ and the doctrines of
Yahushua denied his physical whims and said ‘No’ to the world and all its pleasures. He did this
because it was natural for him to do so. He was only following the Father’s will. In becoming perfect
and overcoming his flesh and the world, Yahushua became-One with his Father who sent him. We
can become one with our High Priest and mediator also!
He then received the Baptism in water as a symbol of his commitment or anointing and was granted
the Holy Spirit. His flesh had once again become-one with the Spirit of the tri-une Godhead. When
joined in such a way, also knowing the Father’s ‘will’, resurrection was inevitable! Through that
union - the Father granted his Son the power over life and death. Yahushua set the example for all of
us and showed us how to follow him.
He was and IS the leader and all people’s Great Shepherd of the Father’s flock. The Way, the Truth
and the Life, there is no other way but him, by how we can reach the Father.
Yahushua stands symbolically in the same doorway that Noah did on the ark, deciding what can come
aboard or not. Just like in the ‘Book of Jasher’ story of that event, their was 175,000 people
surrounding the Ark desperate to get on-board. Noah denied them access due to them ignoring his
and Methuselah’s 120 yrs preaching repentance previously! Noah did not select the animals, Yahuah
did. The young animals turned on their older parents and drove them away, which amazed Noah.
Then the older creatures turned on the crowd and drove them away from the Ark, dispersing them as
the waters came!
Matthew 24. 37: ‘As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man’.
Yahushua had to die to-self and overcome his worldly desires, setting the example that he wants us all
to follow. Yes he was born of a virgin but that was to guarantee avoiding the contamination of the
Serpent-seed bloodline (Some say also the ‘Sin-nature’ but that is theory, whereas the blood-line is
established). Also to ensure he came direct from the Father like Adam. Yahushua was called the
Second Adam, meaning he was the second man ever to live that came direct from the Father’s own
hands. Any other way and Messiah would have not been who he was. As he grew up with the
Esene’s though he was taught the physical-principles necessary in which to accomplish this victory
over his flesh. He obviously excelled at such things because according to Esene history, Yahushua as
a boy passed the highest trials of their order, at the tender age of 7, which earnt him the right to wear
the white robes of the Semitic (Sethite) priesthood. Miriam (Mary) and Magdelene were Esene’s also
and like many young women within that order, they were all awaiting one of them being picked for
the birth of the Messiah. What a great honour for any women! We can not begin to know there
excitement at such an expectation.
As soon as Messiah was baptized he had fulfilled previous prophecies and become fully sanctified.
This paved the way for an indwelling of the Holy Ghost into his newly sanctified Temple which was
his body or ‘heart’. He had brought his flesh under submission to his spirit, just as we too must learn
‘Spiritual Discipline’. Part of Messiah being who he was, was that the Creator is 100% Fair and If
anyone went up to meet him on Judgement Day and started screaming, “But you don’t know what it’s
like, what would you know about the struggles and desires of this world? It’s not fair for you to judge
us if you have not experienced it yourself” and other such whinging’s.
Well that’s why Messiah did not have his full Godly capabilities before his baptism! He deliberately
made himself go through his life as a normal man that learnt to conquer through his Esene training.
It’s hard to imagine he wasn’t born immune to sin, but that would simply not have been fair.
Yahushua had learnt to keep his body pure, through the same trials and tests that face anyone. The
‘tests’ that were not naturally brought about through daily life, were later brought to him by the Great
Serpent during that 40 days of final testing. Yahushua put himself on the fast-track to conquering!
The Messiah had to learn to conquer not just his self and the world but he had to also overcome ‘the
Spirit of Jezebel’! He did it to pave the way and lead, like a shepherd leads his flock or like a good
father teaches his sons. Yahushua set the example of loving our neighbour’s and loving our enemies!
That is just one of the perfect principles that shows us how this ‘one-ness’ can affect everything
around us, such acts of unconditional love that sends unseen ripples of great power out into Creation.
Messiah acknowledged and made the symbolic commitment that the ‘old creation’ must pass away,
like we wash our hands of dirt before we eat. He became pure enough to be in-dwelt by the Father’s
presence the Holy Ghost as his flesh had symbolically been buried and dealt with. When he became
joined with the Holy Ghost he was rejoined to his higher-self and then just as millions of religious
people have experienced, he had a spiritual battle on his hands immediately afterwards. That 40 day
period of fasting, was Yahushua’s time of Great Tribulation that ultimately perfected him! His final
period of purification!
The major difference between Yahushua’s baptism and every one else’s was that people are baptised
into a washing away of sin, whilst Yahushua’s was for his ordination into the position of High
Priest…he was already free of sin having conquered his flesh way before. This is a great explanation
from Sherry Shriner.
Yahushua's baptism
Considering the fact of Yahushua's 50% priestly bloodline and the concept of him being both king and
priest, something interesting he said at his baptism needs to be viewed in a new light. Bear in mind
that it is the king’s responsibility to execute judgment from the throne, and the priest’s responsibility
to execute righteousness by officiating at the altar. This is not to say that the King has no need of
righteousness or the priests of judging a matter. It simply means that each has their responsibility
before God and the nation to see that their respective divine mandates are executed.
When Yahushua came to John and asked John to baptize him, John immediately recoils at the thought.
Then Yahushua came from Galilee to John at the Jordan to be baptized by him. And John tried to
prevent him, saying, "I have need to be baptized by you, and are you coming to me?" But Yeshua
answered and said to him, "Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all
righteousness." Matthew 3:13-15
John was accustomed to baptizing people in response to their repentance of sins. It was a symbolic
public declaration of a new birth into a new life of righteous living. He knew Yahushua had no need
of such a baptism because he had no sin to turn from! It is Yeshua's answer to John's protest that is
interesting here. He said, “it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness”. Yahushua indicated to
John that this was not to be the usual type of baptism. His baptism was to "fulfill all righteousness". I
believe Yahushua's baptism was a type of anointing into the priesthood where righteousness is to be
fulfilled. And this baptism was to be done by John, a Levite, the son of Zacharias and Elizabeth who
were full-blooded Levites (Article end).
Messiah become complete again, just like he wants us all too! We can learn to become one with
creation and the Creator! The Father is Omnipresent (in all things at all times, except for hell
(Hades/Tarterus) You can’t go half –way with this Christendom.
more truth about the ‘Trinity’ was revealed.
The cruncher for me was when
Yahushua is the ‘Image’ of the Father….So we would comprehend what the Father looked like to our
limited 5 senses. Next verse is My Interpretation just for ease of language sakes. Feel free to check it
John 14. 9: ‘Yahushua said to him, have I spent so long-a-time with you, to still have you not know
me, Philip? He that has seen ‘me’ has seen the Father; so can you still say then, Show us the
Yahushua was/is the image and likeness of the Father, in-the-Flesh!
John 5. 37: ‘And the Father himself, which has sent me, has borne witness of me. You have neither
heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape.
This means that even though they could see Messiah, they still had not seen what the Father looks like
in his ‘complete natural spirit form’. This is not saying the Messiah is not the Image or likeness of the
Father, because they could only see Messiah in their limited 5-sense capacity.
John 1. 18: ‘No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the
Father, he hath declared (explained) him.
This is another reference to man not being able to see the fullness and complete Father. But this…
John 6. 46: ‘Not that any man has seen the Father (In his ‘fullness’), save he which is of God, (except
the ONE that is from God) he has seen the Father.
Yahushua was and is the Image and likeness of the Father, just in a more understandable form for our
five senses….the Father in the Flesh! So ALL faiths can come to him who made Adam (the
individual) with his own hands, once their ‘religions’ are discarded!
We must go direct to the Father of all our spirits, who is called YAHUAH – Not Adonai, Jehovah or
Krishna or Lord or God or Buddha or Allah or any other concoction like ‘ascended master’, from the
minds of devils and deceived men!
We must go through Yahushua because Yahushua IS THE FATHER! Yahushua was brought into
being to give us something to grasp a hold of and begin to understand him.
We must therefore come to a ‘belief’ in Yahushua and of who he really was! Ask him to reveal
himself to you if you don’t believe it. That goes for absolutely anyone on the planet! Ask in the right
way and ask for him to peal away the deceptions we have all allowed ourselves to be subject too. It is
high time we destroyed these Illuminati (serpent seed Bloodliner’s) deceptions over us all.
YAHUAH sent his only begotten son, to be the once and for all-time, sacrifice to buy all of our
Living-souls their freedom! All praise to the sacrificial Lamb of the Most High, for only he is worthy
– Amen.
Apparently the Islamic temples have around their tops, written, ‘the Father has no need of a son’. I’m
not 100% on that but it’s something similar. However once the Muslims understand that the Messiah
was in fact the father in the flesh, there is no more reason to conflict in their minds. Yahushua was
just a lesser form of that same One true Living God –Amen! And the reason was to correct the ‘Sin
that entered the world through Eve (Arabic: ,‫ حواء‬Hawwa) in the Garden of Eden! Patching the glitch
in the Matrix!
Anyone truly born into the ‘Kingdom through the ‘Gospel of the Kingdom’, is given the power to
become ‘Sons of God’. This does not mean we get a free-look at the fullness because we did not
come from God; we came from Adam, whilst some came from Cain (Serpent-seed).
As opposed to being born into the ‘Kingdom of God’ through the ‘Gospel of Grace and Lawlessness’.
Saul and Luke the Syrian Doctor, only ever mention the ‘kingdom of God’ and never the ‘Gospel of
the Kingdom’!
If anyone wants to check, here are some verses to look up. There are only ‘7’ left to us that mention
the ‘Gospel of the Kingdom’. 3 in Matthew, 2 in Mark and 2 in John. Matthew 5. 43, ch9. 35, ch24.
14, Mark 1. verses 14 and 15, John 3. 3 and 5. (It is mentioned elsewhere in this book as to how
many and where Saul’s/Rome’s are. 31 are in the book of LUKE alone! That is no accident, just a
mind overload like advertising on TV.
Messiah truly became the complete 3-in one, one-in 3 GODHEAD at the moment he past his final test
with the devil (Except we could only see Messiah in that limited sense). Not as some may think, at
the point of his baptism or even more wrong…at the point of his raising himself from the dead and
showing himself to witnesses!
Whether or not the Holy Ghost would have stayed with Messiah if he had failed the 40 days of
temptation by the devil, is beyond us I think. We similarly think of some kind of separation between
ourselves and our Creator, when we sin. Could it have been any different for Yahushua? I lean more
to the notion that Yahushua simply could not fail because he was at that time is such complete union
with his Spirit (Holy Ghost) and Father. This was a demonstration to all; of just what man can
achieve, if only man would do as he did! So that is one of the missing keys then for Christendom
today. So much has been hidden from the Church, that they no longer have enough of ‘the Gospel of
the Kingdom’ in the New Testament, to clearly mark the differences between the differing Gospel’s.
We can seek Yahuah directly through Yahushua and ask him to teach us it…Here a little, there a little.
Time is running out though and so the more people that start learning, the better there chances of
coming out from under the Strong Delusion before we are all cast into the Great Tribulation. The
serpent bloodliner’s are doing their best to manipulate World War 3, by using the Kazar/Edomite
bloodline Zionist’s in Israel. The very few true Jews their at the moment (Around 5%) have to wake
up to the fact that they are being led by the false Jews of Revelations and a Satanic Talmud and
Kabbalah lover’s! They love lies because their true Father is the originator of all lies!
John 8. 37-58: ‘I know that you are Abraham's seed; but you seek to kill me, because my word hath no
place in you. I speak that which I have seen with my Father: and you do that which you have seen
with your father. They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If
you were Abraham's children, you would do the works of Abraham. But now you seek to kill me, a
man that has told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham. You do the deeds
of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.
Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, you would love me: for I proceeded forth and came
from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me. Why do you not understand my speech? Even
because you cannot hear my word. You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you
will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no
truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
And because I tell you the truth, you believe me not. Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say
the truth, why do you not believe me? He that is of God heareth God's words: you therefore hear
them not, because you are not of God. Then answered the Jews, and said unto him, Say we not well
that you are a Samaritan, and has a devil? Jesus answered, I don’t have a devil; but I honour my
Father, and you do dishonour me. And I do not seek my own glory (Unlike Paul): there is one that
seeks and judges. Verily, verily, I say unto you, If a man keep my saying, he shall never see death.
Then said the Jews unto him, Now we know that you hast a devil. Abraham is dead, and the prophets;
and you say, If a man keep my saying, he shall never taste of death. Are you greater than our father
Abraham, which is dead? and the prophets are dead: who do you make yourself? Jesus answered, If I
honour myself, my honour is nothing (Paul honoured himself a great deal!): it is my Father that
honoureth me; of whom you say, that he is your God: Yet you have not known him; but I know him:
and if I should say, I know him not, I shall be a liar like unto you: but I know him, and keep his
saying. Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad. Then said the
Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham? Jesus said unto them,
Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, ‘I am’.
Tangent topic: WWW III is NOT Armageddon! It is the New World Order’s ‘false’ Armageddon,
to bring in the false Anti-Christ’s and sweep millions up into yet more deception! The west will be
given their Beast religious and political leader’s whilst the east will be given their ‘Maitreya’, another
Anti-Christ full of evil and hatred for all mankind. People only have to look at his head to see that he
is not even of our species! He is a ‘hybrid’ just like the ancient races before the global flood, maybe
‘Annukai’ (Maybe Cain [or spirit of] himself!). Just look up the ancient skulls found from that time,
like the Mayan/Inca findings. He is no different than the western Beasts and all they are doing is
trying to divide and conquer mankind so they can bring in their true master – Lucifer manifest in the
flesh, to reign from Zion pretending to be God! By their fruits, we shall all know them! There is no
love in them and they will only be pretending to care about their ‘sheeple’ followers. Armageddon
does not occur until ‘after’ the 1,000 year reign of the true Messiah and Satan is released from his
prison for the final conflict. They fully intend to create a massive divide between all west and east,
maybe by destroying the Islamic temples in Jerusalem. They also intend to slaughter the American
Army purely so that America will have no one to defend it when Russia and China invade. The
Mexicans may be taking over the ‘southern states through violence whipped up by the intelligence
agencies, but the New World Order knows full well that that area of land is going to disappear in
catastrophe’s and kill most of them anyway! So the angry Mexicans will indeed receive their reward
for believing the lies told them by their political leaders. All this time the New World Order
Satanist’s will be underground in their D.U.M.B’s of which there are around 1500 of world-wide, all
linked together by their anti-gravity trains.
If any American soldiers truly care for their families and loved ones, they should simply find out who
their really ‘good and true’ leaders are and follow them instead of the so-called Commanders who
fully intend to send them to their deaths in Iran. Then go home in force to defend their ‘Home Soil’
against the NWO and protect their ‘homelands’ borders at the same time taking out the Aliens in the
DUMB bases once and for all claiming back OUR God-given planet! Send all the Alien/fallen angel
hybrid scum back to the Abyss where they belong! If they don’t – say goodbye to America – It’s that
simple! The silent Invasion of America has been going on for many decades now and it is being
destroyed by 5th columnists, the NWO’s hybrid assassins, like the Nazi CIA and NSA. Most of our
governments are manipulated by Alien/Illuminati hater’s of mankind. They rape this planet and
destroy anything of love, goodness, light and truth. Remember the Creator’s commandment – You
shall not Murder! They do not care in the slightest about anyone who is not of their ‘family’, so take
their orders at your detriment and your loved ones detriment! Am I preaching ‘Anti-Law or AntiGovernment’? NOT in the slightest! If our governments followed what is good and what is right for
all of us, following the Creator’s guidelines instead of their own greed and lust - We might stand a
chance of having governments that are worth having – harmonious and actually caring about what
they call the ‘Sheeple’ who are ripe for the slaughter! Even the American Army is being filled with
violent criminals to encourage the atrocities wherever they go and stir up the hatred against the west.
True American Soldiers simply need to stop believing the Illuminati lie of a ‘War on Terrorism’ (That
they created in order to bring about Oil gains and this WW3 lie) and they need to reclaim their
homeland for true Honour and Duty against the real invader – the New World Order! Of course these
words of ‘Defence’ against their tyranny will most likely get a ‘knock on my door’ but mankind needs
to make a stand for what they know is right! And stop burying their heads in the sand just because it
does not affect them directly – YET! Any of those feeling’s are pure illusion and all part of the game!
Tangent end.
When we become ‘born from above’, and commit ourselves to the Creator. We should then start to
purify ourselves from the world and our flesh. That purification process is the conquering and
overcoming of ‘the Spirit of Jezebel’. Upon winning that battle, we will be found pure enough to be
indwelt by the Holy Ghost and attain the resurrection ourselves! Many may be granted the earlier
opportunity to experience it but that is no guarantee of it staying with us if we sin. Yahushua showed
us the way and he just desires that we all take up our own version of his cross and follow him without
fear from the judgment of men, who cannot kill our eternal spirits. Do not try to save the flesh for it is
an adversary to the Most High and totally unredeemable!
If we come to a new understanding of this ‘oneness’ concept, we can at last make sense of so many
scriptures that have previously been incomprehensible to us!
Matthew 6. 28: ‘And why take you thought for clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they
grow; they toil not, neither do they spin’.
Imagine being Neo (From the Matrix) after his resurrection and seeing a lily. The complexity of
colours and beauty in your eyes could easily be far more than rich clothes (So much for Armani).
What would you rather have in all honesty, a temporary perishable outfit to cloth the dying flesh, or
the ‘ultimate-Designer’s label’ that never wears out? So even the wealthiest clothing would have
seemed dull in the reality that Yahushua could see when he became-one with his creation. For those
that have not seen the movie ‘The Matrix’, I strongly advise a viewing, as it will greatly help the
understanding of what has happened to us. We are the Most High’s supervisors of his Creation, but
we have instead through pacifism, handed over the keys to our kingdom! Next is my interpretation
again. Please feel free to check it.
Matthew 13. 10: ‘And the disciples came, and said to him,” Why do you speak to them in parables”?
He answered and said to them, “Because it is given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of
heaven, but to them - it is not given. For whosoever has, to him shall be given, and he shall have
more abundance: but they that do not have, even that shall be taken away. Therefore I speak to them
in parables: because even though they have eyes, they see not; and even though they have ears, they
do not hear or understand. Those are the type of people that fulfil the prophecy of Isaiah, which
says, By hearing you shall hear, and shall not understand; and your eyes will see, and shall not
perceive: For this people's heart is turned gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and they have
closed their eyes; in case at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and
should understand with their heart, and should be converted (From religion to truth), and I should
heal them. But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear. For verily I say
unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which you see, and
have not seen them; and to hear those things which you hear, and have not heard them”.
The Gospel of Thomas
Yahushua said, “I disclose my mysteries to those who are worthy of my mysteries”.
Yahushua said, “Whoever drinks from my mouth will become like me; I myself shall become that
person, and the hidden things will be revealed to him”.
Many Parables become understandable like:
Matthew 9. 16-17: ‘No man puts a piece of new cloth onto an old garment, for that which is put in/on
to fill it up, draws strength from the garment, and the tear is made worse. Neither do men put new
wine into old bottles: just in case the bottles break, and the new wine runs out, and the bottles perish:
but they put new wine into new bottles, and then both are preserved.
All of the parables in Luke are mere copies! (Emulations) Isn’t that the best way to slip-in unnoticed, especially as it was made the 3rd gospel book and not the 4th.
Now if we have absorbed any new light and truth by this point, the above parable becomes legible at
last from the angle that it was meant!
MI: “You can not put a new faith (Gospel of the Kingdom) on top of an old one (Babylon). The new
faith will create a controversy that will not agree with the old faith, eventually causing division. Noone should put the new faith onto the old, in case the information from both causes confusion and
destroys that faith. When you discover a new truth, don’t try to make it fit over lies or deceptions.
Then the truth will always be with you’.
Revelations 22. 18-19: ‘For I testify unto every man that hears the words of the prophecy of this book,
If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this
book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take
away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in
this book.
The above two verses only talk about the book of revelation and not the entire bible! Why is that?
Should not it be the same for the entire bible?
If it was, then the Roman deceptions that Father allowed to happen via the Strong Delusion would not
have happened! They had to change thing’s in the bible to bring in the deceptions! So Father would
not have condemned them for such a thing as he encouraged it! This is why Matthew, Mark
(possibly), John, Jude (maybe James, 1/2 Peter, 1/2 John) and Revelations made it through the 1st and
2nd Canonisation process. The devil was limited to what he could authorise the Council of Nicea etc
to do.
So what should you do then, if you think you hear the call of the shepherd’s voice in your heart or
spirit (Not your heads)? Like Neo, you may feel that something’s not quite right? Like a ‘Splinter in
your mind’, calling you out of the Strong Delusion and deceptions. That inner-voice may well be the
Great Shepherd (Yahushua) calling to the spirits/hearts of his children, the true Bride of Christ! What
does it say?
Revelations 18. 4-8: ‘Then I heard another voice from heaven say: “Come out of her, my people,’ so
that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues (The seven
churches of revelation); for her sins are piled up to heaven, and God has remembered her crimes.
Give back to her as she has given; pay her back double for what she has done. Pour her a double
portion from her own cup (The ‘her’ mentioned hear, is Jezebel’s apostate churches). Give her as
much torment and grief as the glory and luxury she gave herself. In her heart she boasts, ‘I sit
enthroned as queen (The Jezebel Church thinks themselves absolutely correct, therefore…). I am not
a widow (The would-be ‘Bride of Christ’ can not possibly be dead to the Groom can they?
Therefore…); I will never mourn (Yahushua won’t have a reason too as they are not his sheep! They
are the ‘Sheeple’ of the satanic trinity of Babylon).’ Therefore in one day her plagues will overtake
her: death, mourning and famine. She will be consumed by fire, for mighty is the Lord God who
judges her” (Are we not told that Judgment shall begin at the church?).
Already church-going readers might be choking on their communion. The message of this book
(Even snippets of it) will hit some like a sledge-hammer. The ones in the greatest danger are the ones
that have been smiling mockingly as they read, or laugh at the absurdities they think is now in-theirfaces!
These messages from the Most High, will divide as was prophesied by Messiah.
The Gospel of Thomas, Yahushua speaking:
Jesus said, “Perhaps people think that I have come to casy (bring) peace upon the world. They do not
know that I have come to cast conflicts upon the earth: fire, sword, war. For there will be five in a
house: there'll be three against two and two against three, father against son and son against father,
and they will stand alone”.
Matthew 10.34: “Think not that I am come to send peace on the earth: I came not to send peace, but
a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her
mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a mans foes shall be they of his own
household. He that loveth father and mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth
son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And he that taketh not his own cross, and
followeth after me, is not worthy of me. He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his
life for my sake shall find it”.
MI: ‘Don’t think that I came to bring peace. I came with a sword in my hand to divide and separate
the wheat from the chaff. The world will be my threshing floor!
What is God’s Sword?
It is ‘the Gospel of the Kingdom! And it is sharper than any 2-Edged Sword!
Hebrews 4.12: ‘For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword,
piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a
discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart’.
That’s Saul’s Book some may think? It’s not is the simplest answer. This is a link that will lead you
through this:
Anyway it is confirms in Revelations 2. 12: ‘And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; These
things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges;
Personally I think the writer of Hebrews was either of these: (Info from the online Wikipedia)
PHILO (Known as Philo of Alexandria and Philo Judeaus, was a Hellenized Jewish philosopher born
in Alexandria, Egypt) OR the man that conveniently came from Rome to Corinth and met SAUL after
the Athens trip with Silus and Thomas, AQUILA (Wikipedia)
AQUILA: He was a Jew from Rome, who with his wife Prisca or Priscilla had settled in Corinth,
where Paul stayed with them (Acts 18:2-3). They became ‘Christians’ and fellow-workers with Paul,
to whom they seem to have shown their devotion in some special way (Rom. 16:3-5). See also
Acts 18:18-19; 1 Corinthians 16:19; and 2 Timothy 4:19.
Aquila was responsible for (with his wife Priscilla) solidifying Apollos in the faith. They also lived
in Ephesus. It’s very intersting to note that Saul stayed with Aquila and Priscilla for an entire 18
months in Corinth! Priscilla was also said to have been a ‘tent-maker’ like Saul was. So do you think
they made tents for 18 months? If not him then it may well have been APOLLOS.
APOLLOS: Apollos was a highly educated Alexandrian Jew, who came to Ephesus (probably in
54AD), was instructed more accurately (! Hardly possible as none of them even met Yahushua!) in
the gospel there by Aquila and Priscilla and afterwards settled in Achaia, where he showed himself
useful to the Church by speaking and teaching with power and success. Apollos may have captivated
his hearers by teaching "wisdom," as P. W. Schmiedel suggests, in the allegorical style of Philo
(Philosophy which is what Hebrews is), and he was evidently a man of unusual magnetic force.
What a great companion for Paul who was indwelt by the spirit of Anti-Christ and motivated by the
need to dominate! Just as Nimrod had been indwelt by the spirit of A/C and gave birth to one who
was named Apollo (Apollyon). Already there is a spirtual-family resemblance!
The best lies as we are told are ‘snuck-in’ amongst real truth. That does not mean that we should
waste our time trying to decipher Hebrews as it is a book designed to waste your time and energy!
Hebrews stink’s of philosophies.
Have you never thought about what happened to all the names of the so-called witnesses? They didn’t
want endless ‘witness proof’ arguments after all, so no named witnesses are ever given by Saul.
When our spirit bodies are truly alive we have access to it’s attributes like wisdom, Intuition and
communion (though the heart not our heads). Armed with these we can in faith, efficiently test the
spirits. Deciding in any other way, is just the ‘spirit of jezebel’ rising up to rob us of our overcoming.
Once we pray with the true intent of our spirits, hearts and minds, instead of our soulish desires
(Which get ignored), then we can get our prayers answered at last! Ask for discernment and wisdom
to know the difference between Soul and Spirit and there functions. Pray for an education in the
real you. Ask Father to counsel you into becoming everything that you should be in the spirit,
knowing his will. We must look for the Kingdom of the Father, through Messiah’s teachings ONLY
and then we can be provided with all the necessary tools to get the job done”!
John 10 .1-18: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but
climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. But he that entereth in by the door is
the shepherd of the sheep. To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his
own sheep by name, and leadeth them out. And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before
them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice. And a stranger will they not follow, but will
flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers. This parable spake Yahushua unto them: but
they understood not what things they were which he spake unto them. Then said Yahushua unto them
again, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep. All that ever came before me are
thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them. I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he
shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to
kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. But he that is an hireling,
and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and
fleeth: and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep. The hireling fleeth, because he is an
hireling, and careth not for the sheep. I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of
mine. As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep.
And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my
voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd. Therefore doth my Father love me, because I
lay down my life, that I might take it again. No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I
have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of
my Father’.
MI: V1: ‘Honestly I’m telling you the truth. Those people that try to enter into the ‘bride chamber’
by any other means, are like burglar’s breaking-and-entering!
V2-3: ‘The people that come in through the door instead of the window will have the door opened for
them by the Doorman because they are V.I.P’s. The rest of the wedding guests come toward the
sound of the VIP’s and as they come in, they will be introduced by name.
V5: ‘The Bride will not go towards the chamber if she does not recognize the voice of the Groom.
She will run away from the stranger’.
V7-11: ‘Honestly I’m telling you the truth. I (Yahushua) AM that only doorway! Every single faith
that came before me, are just like burglar’s who would come in and rob you of this truth. My bride
will not listen to them though. Belief in me (Yahushua) is the only way mankind can be saved and
brought into the chamber to rest. The burglars only break in to steal, cause damage and murder. I
came so that everyone can have a true and complete Spirit-Life. I AM the husband that laid down his
life to save his bride.
V12-15: ‘Your Priests and Teachers will not lay down their lives for you when danger comes. They
will run, leaving you to your fate. I AM the Husband/Groom and I know my Wife/Bride and she
knows me, just like my Father and I know each other. So it will be me that fights and dies for her!
V16: ‘There’s alot more guests on the invitation list that haven’t arrived yet. So I must go and fetch
them so we can start the wedding.
V17-18: ‘My Father loves me because I overcame and sacrificed my physical life and preferred to
have a Spiritual one with him instead. Nobody murdered me! I willingly sacrificed myself because
I knew I had the power to resurrect myself afterwards. I was just carrying out my Father wishes’.
The next verses are from ‘The first Apocalypse of James’ (James the Just) and it is Messiah speaking.
“James, do not be concerned for me or for this people. I am he who was within me. Never have I
suffered in any way, nor have I been distressed and this people has done me no harm”
How many times do we ponder on the physical pains Yahushua suffered during his trial and
crucifixion? He was beyond the flesh and therefore beyond the cares of this world. It is not to be
focussed on, as that is what the ‘Spirit of Anti-Christ’ wants us to do. For satanic powers focus on it
because they foolishly see the crucifixion as a victory! But believers should focus on the real victory
and the redemption of his blood sacrifice.
Hopefully this helps some clarify what Yahushua was saying. The King James readers learn to love
the KJV over time and patience. For them, no other will do like finding your perfect partner. Even
the KJV has been tampered with though and in no small way.
Just to clarify that the Church is indeed a very long way off, we have this from our Saviour….
“Names given to the worldly are very deceptive, for they divert our thoughts from what is correct to
what is incorrect. Thus one who hears the word ‘God’ does not perceive what is correct but perceives
what is incorrect. So also with ‘the Father’ and ‘the Son’ and ‘the Holy Spirit’ and ‘life’ and ‘light’
and ‘resurrection’ and ‘the Church’ (Ekklesia) and all the rest – people do not perceive what is
correct but they perceive what is incorrect, unless they have come to know what is correct. The
names which are heard are in the world [missing – could be more than one word] deceive. If they
were in the Aeon (Eternal Realm), they would at no time be used as names in the world. Nor were
they set among worldly things. They have an end in the Aeon (i.e. Once we reach eternity, those
names are not applicable anymore. So should we not try to avoid them now?).
So why parables?
Matthew 13. 35: ‘That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I will open my
mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.
(Only those with open eyes and ears will see truth).
If there one thing that I can honestly say was drummed into me every time I made an enquiry about it,
it was this.
Genesis 3. 5: ‘…but God knows that in the day ye eat of it, your eyes will be opened, and ye will be as
Gods, knowing good and evil
The church gave me the reply: The serpent lied to the woman, WE ARE NOT GODS, don’t even go
Many of us just shrug it off and think, well of course Im not a God, I’m a person, and just carry on,
never thinking about it again. Anyone who has ever pressed the issue with a church leader will soon
get ‘smiled sweetly at’ or even made to feel like their ‘just asking nonsense questions’. Church
leaders can be like Dobermans guarding their Dogma!
Have you spotted the mistake though in how they read that verse? Most read it like this…
The Serpent said ‘…you will be like God!
Ok let’s explain with more questions and we will come to the answer together. Lots of version’s use
the singular here and it reads ‘…you will be like God! That means we really have to get to the bottom
of what should the absolute original say? Is it Singular or Plural? This is vital.
The Hebrew word used is elohiym (#430 in the Strong’s Concordance).pronounced El-o-heem. It is
the PLURAL of #433 ‘elowahh’, pronounced el-o-ah. It means gods in the ordinary sense but not
specifically to the tri-une Godhead; occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates; and
sometimes as a superlative:-Angels, Judges and the Mighty.
The only correct versions then are the KJV and the Webster’s.
Every other version has been changed to encourage our thoughts away in a straight line and as fast as
possible from the truth!
What am I getting at? If it is Gods, then the Church is completely wrong in supporting a stance
against this teaching! If we believe that the dogmas are right, then we are nothing more than flesh and
bones, with something called a spirit inside of it which changes somehow into a more pure form once
it leaves us. Baloney! Absolute garbage and here’s why…
Question: Have you ever heard a preacher explain what Yahushua was talking about in this verse?
This is one clash between Yahushua teaching truth and the other Jews that were hanging around the
temple in Solomon’s porch one winter, during the ‘feast of dedication’ (Most likely not as they avoid
it like the plague).
John 10. 30-38: ‘I and my Father are one. Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him.
Yahushua answered them, Many good works have I showed you from my Father; for which of those
works do you stone me? The Jews answered him, saying, “For a good work we stone thee not; but for
blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God”. Yahushua answered them, “Is
it not written in your law, I said, “ye are gods” unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture
cannot be broken; Say you of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou
blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God? If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not.
But if I do, though you believe not me, believe the works: that you may know, and believe, that the
Father is in me, and I in him’.
Imagine Yahushua walking into your church today and saying this!
My Interpretation:
Yahushua: “I have become one with the Father”. Then the religious people grabbed anything they
could get there hands on, to throw at him.
Yahushua: “So which one of my good deeds are you going to kill me for?
Jews : “Were not going to kill you for anything you did, were going to kill you because you said you
are ‘One-with-God’ and that’s the same as saying you are God, so we are going to kill you for
Yahushua: “Hang on a minute; it’s written in your own scriptures, I told you that ‘you were Gods’
that would receive the Word (Messiah) of God. Are you trying to twist the scriptures and tell me it
does not say that? So let’s just confirm what you’re telling me. The one that the Father sanctified and
sent into this world, you are calling unrighteous and a liar? If I don’t do the work of my Father then
don’t believe me! If however I do the works of my father and you still don’t believe me, then at least
believe in the works themselves. Maybe then, you might believe that the Father and I are one”.
A Sherry Shriner recently taught (which confirmed within a couple of weeks of me writing this), here
is the link:
Reincarnation is a Luciferian perversion of true ‘Incarnation’!
The rebellious angels were called the Sons of God. They are also referred to in history as the Gods that
came down, the Gods that dwelt with us etc. All Angels in the service of the Most High are also
called ‘Sons of God’. What this really means is that mankind are just like the Angels! We are a
spirit just as they are a spirit! The only difference is that we are temporarily housed in this flesh
body! Also while we are in this body, we also have the ‘Living soul’. Until we perfect ourselves, that
‘living soul’ obeys the whims of the flesh. We are all ‘spiritual babes’ until perfected.
The Serpent’s victory in Eden merely put our true-selves, our spirit-bodies to sleep. That is why
Messiah had to come, so we would have a way and a means to awaken those spirits bodies. Once we
are awakened by a humble prayer, both for forgiveness for our sins and committing ourselves to a
belief (Doing) in Yahushua as - the way, the truth and the life, we receive access the Creator. The
Father (Yahuah) is the only un-created being in existence. He is called the Unbegotten, The Ineffable,
The Eternal Light and Source of all Life etc but as he was not born – he had no one to cause him to
have a name. He is NOT known as the Unknown God from Acts 17.23.
Acts 17. 22-23: ‘Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars hill, and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive
that in all things ye are too superstitious. For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an
altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him
declare I unto you.
Is there any better place for the Anti-Christ to stand when delivering a speech than ‘MARS hill’?
Now that’s Mr Robert Schuller’s SELF-LOVE right there, as ‘Mars’ was another name for Molech,
the devil incarnate.
People must try to get there heads around Saul’s supposed ‘Road to Damascus conversion’ story. He
had NO witnesses and when it is mentioned it is only ever Saul that talks about it! His gives his two
different accounts and the best of all in a performance for the crowd (The ‘leaven of Herod’ at work
again). Saul was a pleaser of itching ears and a chameleon. This choice to follow a Roman tentmaker, not brought up in the truth but educated in Mithraism, is a huge part of the ‘Strong Delusion’.
Yahuah allowed Saul to rise to power to fulfill his own purposes. Much of which was to bring about
this process of decision making for the people who say they follow him! It is a sorting out the wheat
from the chaff, and the Great Tribulation will be the Most High’s threshing floor!
Matthew 25.41: ‘Then shall he say also to them on the left hand, Depart from me, you cursed, into
everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels’.
This verse is directly talking about the final judgement but the words and the effect are the same for
whoever follows Paul instead of Yahushua, joins the One World System or denies Yahushua. It will
be this kind of decision about Saul/Paul that separates his Bride from the Apostate Church. Many will
simply find it too hard to accept that Paul was a deceiver who had ‘gifts’ imparted to him from the
spirit of anti christ! It is because he manifested the ‘supposed gifts’ that most of the church-folk that
follow him, are exhibiting the same signs and wonders! If you follow the lessons of the hypnotist,
eventually you may well learn the skills of hypnotism, especially self-hypnosis! The gifts of Saul
were parlour tricks performed by seducing spirits empowered by the spirit of Anti Christ.
John 4. 48: ‘then said Yahushua unto him, “except you see signs and wonders, you will not believe”!
That is exactly what has happened in the churches today.
Say to a preacher just for fun! Yahushua said ‘We are gods’! Have fun watching them squirm. Not
only is Yahushua stating that whoever said that long ago; was actually him! He is stating we are all
Gods! Listen to the ‘hot-air’ that most of them spew back at you when this question is put to them…
So what did Yahushua mean by that? Did he mean that we are all Gods just like the Creator? Of
course not! Have you tried creating a universe lately? (Illuminati blood-liners can keep there hands
down as well…we all know they like playing earth like it’s a chess board).
Well, again this is where Gen 3 .5 is so important. If it is ‘God’ in the single then Yahushua would
have been telling a lie in John 10! It should be obvious to all that Yahushua never meant ‘like the
So if you have a bible that is calling the Messiah a Liar! (I.e; it says God) It could do with a
baptism in FIRE (Full submersion). Don’t be surprised if you hear screams either. Demonic entities
have been released when Mormons have burnt their ‘Under-garments’ before and some bibles are no
different. Especially the NKJV which uses for its symbol the three-point flowery shape like 3
outlined petals. This is the numbers ‘666’ all facing inwards so that the top half of the number wraps
around its neighbour. Anything with pictures of ‘Doves’ in it should be burnt as that is the ‘Spirit of
Anti-Christ’ and a true believer’s adversary. The ‘Good-News’ is really ‘Good-Bye’, and the ‘LivingBible’ is as useful as the Egyptian Book of the Dead’! What we could really do with is a pre-KJV
(Better still a translation before the ‘Council of Nicea’ got their hands on it). So even a pre KJV is
tainted but less so. The further we get from the Gospel of the Kingdom, the more powerful a
separation we have from our heavenly Father.
What Yahushua did mean was…that we are Sons of God in exactly the same way that the Angels
are! A fully regenerate person should be like Adam before the fall! That is our target, to regain what
was stolen from us, by that Great Dragon.
In the ‘Aramaic Targum of Jonathan’ we have this in verse 5:
“for it is manifest before the Lord, that in the day that you eat of it, you will be as the great angels,
who are wise to know between good and evil”.
Angelic being’s are often called Gods. That does not mean they are like the Creator at all. It means
something far more vital if we are ever to free ourselves from these Illuminati cataracts over our
Ask yourself this question; what is an Angel (In any form)?
Answer: A Spirit. They are created from the Mind and Breath of the Unborn Creator.
What is mankind? Answer: Mankind is a combination of ingredients from the earth to make our flesh
bodies, mixed with the Breath of God – our spirits. When that occurs we have a ‘living soul’ created
which is unique in this universe. So the only differences between us and Angels, is purely that we
have this body of flesh to house our spirits in. Unfortunately this also restricts our experiences to the
material 3D environment (See, Touch, Taste etc).
It is crucial we understand this because we have an unknown amount of people walking around this
planet that just do not know that they are incarnate Angels in the flesh, sent here with no previous
memories, for a specific purpose or calling. That might not go for everyone but many have felt
something out of place all their lives and never known this hidden secret. Rome has done its best to
hide it from us. Some of us are Angels in flesh bodies! Let that sink in for a while and repeat it a
few times. Some of us are Angel’s in a flesh body. This body has just become a prison for our spirits.
We are Spirits in flesh and bone bodies…that’s all.
The verses in this chapter can at last, make total sense.
“Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being
yourselves also in the body”.
Just because this comes from Hebrews does not mean everything in it is a lie. The best lies are told
within great truths remember. Anyway we do not know who wrote them for sure and as Luke did,
many are stolen works from the apostles, re-written with philosophical or Mithraic spin.
When people share there stories of ‘near-death’ or ‘out-of-body’ experiences, they never say that they
left there bodies and then changed into a new form! They always say that ‘I’ or ‘my spirit’ just left
my body! Nothing changed accept one thing, they left their prison called flesh. None of them want to
come back to it either as long as they had a good experience no doubt.
It was never intended to be a prison; that’s just what the serpent and his minions did to us! He robbed
us of our perfect communion, intuition, wisdom, innate love and ‘one-ness. Our enemy did this and
we can repay Satan ‘his kindnesses’ by becoming truly ‘born from above’ into the eternity that is our
Creator. Of course that can annoy Satan quite a bit so get ready for some flack afterwards but don’t
worry, just ask Yahushua for help and he will guide us through anything. If anything real nasty
happens, it usually means there is still unconfessed sin that we might have truly forgotten about. Just
ask him to reveal any such forgotten sins that will require a ‘full-rinse’ in the ‘Blood of the Lamb’. If
we stay true to the spirit and stop obeying the whims of our flesh, no evil can conquer us. Evil can not
touch us unless we first touch it! We can also become one with Yahushua our ‘high priest’, knowing
perfectly the Father’s will just like the good Angels.
So let the evil soldiers of the New World Order pull their triggers and light there ovens; all there doing
is sending us home! I suggest reading the story about how some were of old put in a huge oven so hot
it crisped the stoker’s, whilst the LORD stood amidst them. So don’t fear people who can only
destroy the flesh, but instead fear him who can destroy the spirit! Isn’t that common sense? Do we
want to live forever or what? I know I do. Don’t worry about the evil men that will come and try to
make you deny the Messiah. You will see them one day being held by an Angel on each side, before
our Father. We will witness them being judged for what they do, as they are thrown into the lake of
fire for all eternity. Some of us may even be saddened at the sight of their Judgment, but many won’t.
Ok so if Yahushua already tried to tell us that “we were Gods” in the Old Testament, where is it?
Psalm 82 ‘God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods (What’s this if
it not Gods Angels?). How long will you judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked? Selah.
Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy. Deliver the poor and needy: rid
them out of the hand of the wicked. They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in
darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course. I have said, You are gods; and all of you
are children of the Most High. But you shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes. Arise, O
God, judge the earth: for thou shalt inherit all nations.
Yahushua confirms that in becoming one of the Most High’s children, we become like the Gods just
like the Angels are.
It stands to reason then that if we are not truly born from above; our spirits remain dormant or dead to
him, and so WE MUST BE BORN AGAIN INTO HIM ABOVE, the Father of our spirits.
Well all Christendom knows that message at least. The problem though is that millions upon millions
have not been born into the Kingdom of God, they were misdirected into being born into the AntiChrist’s Church of Baal and Mithra, who also worship Ishtar in the festivals! Oh how easy it is for
satanic entities to mimic the born-again experience with lying Signs and Wonders. Many of us have
had dramatic experiences of deliverance etc (like I did). However Satan can cure diseases because it
was him that caused them in the first place (After we had partaken of him). So he sure can tell a
couple of his seducing spirits to make a dramatic exit from someone’s body, only to try and come
back later.
How many people even think of praying and fasting for the purposes of testing that occurrence? It’s
so easy to be blown-away by them, that our flesh/soul rises up in excitement and we could perceive
the event incorrectly. Some though are true and clearly the Most High at work. It is just wise to
check is it not? Just in case we get born into a kingdom under the King of deception and the Father of
This is the simple reason why the Church leaders that Yahushua was speaking to, could not
comprehend what he was saying. They wanted to stone him for saying; The Father and I are one.
Also in Gen 3. 5: ‘…but God knows that in the day ye eat of it, your eyes will be opened, and ye will
be as Gods, knowing good and evil
Both God and Gods in this verse use the same #430 Elohiym. In this instance though, the first ‘God’
is used in the sense of being the Supreme God. The second means the ruling Angels, therefore the use
of the plural form is still correct.
Commit yourselves to pray and fasting about such things as this. We have been anesthetized for so
long, we have just simply forgotten who we are! Don’t you want to know if you are an angel in the
flesh? We have but to commit ourselves to asking him.
From ‘the Gospel of Philip’ (Messiah speaking).
“But truth brought names into existence in the world for our sakes, because it is not possible to learn
it (truth) without these names. Truth is one single thing; it is many things and for our sakes to teach
about this one thing in love, through many things. The Rulers (archons/evil angels) wanted to deceive
man, since they saw that he had a kinship with those that are truly good. They took the name of those
that are good and gave it to those that are not good, so that through the names they might deceive him
and make bind them to those that are not good. And afterward, what a favour they do for them! They
make them be removed from those that are not good and place them among those that are good.
These things they knew, for they wanted to take the free man and make him a slave to them forever.
“Fear not the flesh nor love it. If you fear it, it will gain mastery over you. If you love it, it will
swallow and paralyze you”
“It is always a matter of the will, not the act”
And a good verse for Muslim’s (or anyone) who thinks, Yahushua was merely an enlightened man is
“Adam came into being from two virgins, from the Spirit and from the virgin earth. Christ therefore
was born from a virgin to rectify the fall which occurred in the beginning”
True believers and followers of the ‘Gospel of the Kingdom’ are the spirit children of the Creator!
Awaken all and give Praise, Honour and Glory to the Most High, our Eternal Father in Yahushua’s
name, Amen.
This point will no doubt be yet another of strong cause for useless Division amongst churches and
families! So it must be dealt with in prayer to the Father in Yahushua name, and him alone. Let NO
MAN DECEIVE YOU from your reward which is eternal life, especially a church leader who is
highly likely to be under the Strong Delusion.
So obviously we are not gods! But just as the Angels are, ‘some’ of us are angels in the flesh, called to
a great purpose. The remnant comes to mind, of which there are two groups of 144,000.
Well what do you do then if it looks like your going to get into a strong argument about this within
your own family? Follow Yahushua’s advice of course!
“Leave them alone. They are the blind following the blind. If a blind man follows another, they can
expect to fall into the same ditch”.
Matthew 24. 24: ’For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs
and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
For many years now, I have always thought this to be just the ‘cream of the crop’ ‘Christians’. Father
has revealed and confirmed via more than one person that this group is the ‘Elect Angels’, which have
been incarnated into flesh bodies for the Last Days! Many of them would not even call themselves
This is an excerpt from:
St. John, who was Lazarus the Essene, reveals these secrets in the Book of Revelation when an Angel
comes and tells him: "I will show you the mysteries of the woman." Then he talks about the great
prostitute and about the spouse for the wedding of the lamb. The great prostitute is the soul that has
given birth to the personality, the ego, separated from the Very-High and doing as it pleases.
Revelations 2.20-22 ‘Notwithstanding I have a few things against you, because you suffer that woman
Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication,
and to eat things sacrificed to idols, and I gave her space (time) to repent of her fornications and she
repented not’. Behold I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into GREAT
TRIBULATION, except they repent of their deeds’.
This verse does in fact confirm the Esene information. We have read that the gifts that manifest
themselves within the modern Christian churches today, are gifts born from our own rebellious flesh.
They are the results of a unified and focussed energy that is put out, especially when the crowd is
whipped up into self-indulgent frenzy of Emotion. Emotions are soulish when not checked by the
disciplined spirit. To surrender your free will over to an emotional state or individual, is the key
which enables many of today’s charlatans to hypnotize and place seducing spirits into the flock (It is a
familiar spirits business to know all about you, for the purposes of deception!). What is going on
mainly in the TV-evangelist arena is no different than when Sheba visited Solomon. The idol
worshipers would dance, sing and bang instruments to attract the spirits which would then inhabit
them and make them behave like animals. Blasphemies would come out of their mouths in unknown
languages as well.
Reference to Sherry Shriner’s work again on a form of Energy Vampirism called ‘Looshing’. This
looshing is behind the mystery of man being turned into a battery (Ref: The Matrix movie). The
Illuminati’s minions gather like-minded people together and then their collective flesh-bestial nature
provides a form of energy that evil spirits then feed off (Empowering them and their buddy spirits to
be more effective in this Spiritual War). A very good radio program called, ‘The Edge’ has many
fascinating guests giving up-to-date information out. I recommend listening to a lady by the name of
Sienna Lea, in a program dated 03/02/07 (UK Style). She works amongst the top scientific minds
who are now studying new finding’s in the area of ‘Consciousness’. Much of cutting edge science is
now looking for the unseen 96% of this universe. They have discovered data that says this earth is
being drained of energy and mainly from us. Every evil thing that would be against us and the
Creator generates a negative energy on which the entities exist on. By generating evil in us (deception
is a more effective method), they turn mankind into minus (negative)-Batteries. The Creator is pure
Positive as are all the spirits that he operates through. When angels lost their first habitation, it wasn’t
just their place of residence, it was their positive natures also and so they became entities of the
JUDE 1.10: ‘But these speak evil of things which they know not: but what they know naturally, as
brute beasts, in those thing’s they corrupt themselves’.
This is scriptural confirmation, that it is the fleshly brute in us all that will generate a beastial
character or persona. Now we are getting somewhere.
So ‘the Spirit of Jezebel’ is in fact, the rebellious collective nature, of mankind’s very own
fleshly, worldly desires that drag down our souls. Our unruly flesh is what generates this Spirit
of Jezebel! It’s our rebellious ‘desires’ that IS the spirit of Jezebel.
Our own fallen natures are bringing about, ‘the same ones’ that will attempt to destroy us all!
And that is why most of the church’s today, are a putrid blend of the most ancient religions and the
worst possible desires of mankind’s deceived hearts.
The entire Health, Wealth and Get-it-now Gospel, is yet another gospel and doctrine of devils and
seducing spirits.
2 Thessalonians 2. 3-13: ‘Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except
there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth
and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in
the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. Remember you not, that, when I was yet with you,
I told you these things? And now you know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.
For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of
the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his
mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the
working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of
unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might
be saved. And for this cause GOD shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie’.
That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness’.
This is yet another verse that the church leaders (whether through deception or intent), always tell the
flock is meant for somebody else! Of course they can’t really tell you ‘who’ that may be, apart from
pointing their fingers at Mormons, Jehovah’s Witness’s, Roman Catholic’s or 7th Day Adventist’s etc.
Yes (Good) Leaders of the flock! You have failed to be ‘good-shepherds’ and keep the church safe
from the ravening wolves within Christendom.
“If you judge others, you yourselves will be judged by the same rules. First look at the faults in
yourselves and your own churches and then, you might be worthy to judge the other faiths or
wrong’s of this world”.
This interpretation on the Spirit of Jezebel has been tested in prayer, careful fasting and meditated
over a great deal, as I do after writing anything of spiritual purpose. I know no other way of doing my
bit to save readers from absorbing further errors. We have enough on our plates without more books
being written by opinionated or egotistical people that deceive others through the lusts of their own
flesh. The Spirit of Jezebel can manifest itself through the written words probably even more
effectively than speech, as we tend to individualize our own perceptions.
The false prophets who will rise and deceive many are none other than anyone in today’s religions!
Just ask yourself how many so-called prophets are in the churches today and then ask yourself how
many prophets did Yahuah use at any one time? The Churchianity of Saul’s version is the awakening
of the flesh which puts the soul into bondage. It teaches us to walk in rebellion to the Creator and his
Therefore the copy cat version of the true ‘born from above’ experience is therefore actually being
‘born from within’!
At this moment in our lives, we can only blame the intents and motives of our hearts, for the results.
Sometimes though, it is the deceptions that ‘wow-us’ into further blindness. If through humility and
the acceptance of the true Messiah’s message (Not ‘Maitreya’. Muslim’s beware of him!), we pray a
prayer of repentance the motives of our Hearts are literally read and noted down by Angels who then
keep a record or show the results to the Father. He then decides via our sincerity whether or not to
make himself known to that person or let them fall into whatever they are getting themselves into.
Don’t expect true results, if the motives are born-of-self and our worldly desires. If the latter is the
case, we deserve to fall for the ‘Strong Delusion’ and suffer the consequences.
Here’s just one query I have for fans of Saul. If like in 1 Corinthians 13. 2, Saul states that he knows
all of the mysteries. Why then does he never explain them, except the parallel story ones that he
makes up like Romans 11? He either never knew or he wanted to misdirect, is why. In verse 13 he
has had a strong early morning coffee or something. “I magnify my Office”, meaning he wants others
to think more of him because of his position, which he made for himself! None of the apostles did
After these born-again experiences that some have and many never feel anything and therefore feel
rejected, it seems that there is a variable period of time allotted to us, like a space of middle-ground
that we can stand on and view the surrounding terrain. This space of time is granted us to decide
which way we shall go with our new information. We can either seek the Creator and ‘his’ angels for
guidance into truth, or we can listen to the ‘doctrines of Jezebel’ and therefore become the very people
that ‘Heap unto themselves teachers of false doctrines, because of Itching ears’.
Many true believers that are within the church right now are also being pulled into this Paul/Rome or
Yahushua/Freedom struggle. The middle ground will as time quickly progresses, become thinner
and thinner until all that is left is make your mind up time. Are we going to seek out the hidden
‘Gospel, or are we going to keep reading the Pauline ‘spew’. I guarantee the reader that if they follow
Paul instead of Yahushua (No it’s not the same thing!), they will be crying out from the flames before
too long!
Due to the en-masse ignorance of the subjects within this book (and more), many so-called Christian
pastors are no better than the likes of ‘Anton Szandor LaVey’, the writer of the satanic bible! How
can they be when they too are preaching the ‘Gospel of Anti-Christ’? Is that not the same? The only
difference is that one is Overt (in plain sight) and the other is Covert (Hidden).
Revelations 2. 21-29: ‘And I gave her space (We’re in that SPACE NOW!) to repent of her
fornication; and she repented not. Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery
with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds (It can’t be any clearer than that
folks! Repent of ignorantly worshiping Satan and Co! If you do not, you will be cast into the horrors
of the Great Tribulation!). And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know
that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to
your works. But unto you I say, and unto the rest in Thyatira, as many as have not this doctrine, and
which have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak; I will put upon you none other burden. But
that which ye have already, hold fast till I come. And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works
unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations: And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as
the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father (Potter’s clay
can not be re-made once it is shattered. The overcomer’s will be granted the power to destroy devils
utterly and completely - forever!) And I will give him the morning star (Father will give us the
Devil!). He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
It should be clear by now. This division between the ones ‘loving the lie’ of the Strong Delusion and
those that Yahushua draws away from it, will become as time moves on - enemies!
A mother who dearly loves her daughter for example, is not just going to throw her daughter to the
lions because she chooses ‘the latter’...unless controlled by the Mark of the Beast or she thinks she is
doing it for God! The mother would hopefully sit down and have a meaningful discussion with her
and listen to what her daughter has to say. This will eventually be across the board with every kind of
friend or family member amongst those who follow any faith. The Most High is calling many people
from all around the globe from all nations into his flock and out of the Jezebel churches! The Most
High is of course, no respecter of persons! It matters not what your skin colour is or your faith. The
Creator is above all such nonsense from the minds of devils and men. We are all ONE people - the
species of mankind, unless you’re of the ‘serpent seed’ or a hybrid descendant of Cain of course.
Times like those will become the great time of revival away from apostasies that is prophesied of. A
revival that just brings more innocents into the Anti-Christ church system – is no revival! The ones
that are not under the control of the Mark of the Beast and yet still fully reject this message, are likely
to be the ones that agree to the One World Religion (Western world anyway). Many of them will not
feel forced to make this crucial decision, until they are asked to roll up their sleeves for the ‘marks’
injection! So inevitably we will come to a ‘For or against vote’. Every single person will be
responsible for their own vote unless they are chipped by then, in which case they will be responsible
for that as well.
I can already see hundreds of thousands of Church goers arguing to till the cows come home, their
side of the tale and their belief system’s. Maybe because they feel hard-pushed to humble themselves
and ask the Creator if such things could possibly be true! Many people are in love with their ‘headknowledge’ and therefore themselves. Once again we must be prepared to lay down all our
preconceptions and belief’s. The older or longer spent in the faith, the harder that might be.
Anyway, that’s just one of the ways the cookie will crumble. Like one friend of the Most High
Sherry Shriner says, “As options come and go, decisions on how to go about thing’s can change”, (Or
words to that effect). Only one thing seems ‘fixed’ and that is the short amount of time the devil has
to pull of his ‘Master Stroke’ – As ‘Freddie Mercury’ chose to say! (See Queen’s Esoteric Emblem
The spirit of Jezebel’s characteristics should then be well known to any of us who has experienced
what it is to be full of self or egotistical. If we are honest with ourselves, we can all make our very
own list of selfish-traits. Any trait that serves an individual’s gain is of the Beastial-Self, like being
quick to anger. The blame lays firmly within our own backyard, hence our flesh being an untrained
beast that requires ‘Spiritual discipline’. Without this discipline, our outer-shell then plays host to all
manner of its ridiculous worldly whim’s with things like ‘obesity’ being a classic example. When the
beast barks or growls, we jump to its whims as a natural reaction to it. Most of mankind in the socalled ‘Civilized’ nations are busy running around like chickens with their heads cut off, merely
fulfilling the desires of their flesh and their ‘vain imaginations’.
This is why learning to ‘fast’ is such a spiritually valuable thing for believers to partake of.
So it follows then that any false doctrines that are destroying the would-be ‘Bride of Christ’, are
seeded by devils but propagated by the Churches very own rebellious behaviour.
So just to confirm where were at: The ‘Spirit of Jezebel’, is actually our rebellious collective selves.
In doing our-own-thing, we rebel against the very nature of the Gospel of the kingdom!
This is why many are being woken-up and leaving the ‘many mansions of the whore’. Once free of
the Anti-Christ’s bondage, it is easy to see which belong to the Father and Yahushua and those which
belong to the houses of men who heap unto themselves teachers due to their itching ears. Father
wants us to sanctify ourselves so our flesh can be transformed into a temple for the Holy Ghost. We
are then literally our very own temples dedicated and sanctified to the Creator. The Christian Church
that sprung from Antioch, pulled the veil down over our eyes at the birth of the New Testament.
Those that are awakening are those that are having this veil (or this Matrix) removed from their vision
like cataracts.
The biggest enemy is an unknown one to most, especially most church goers, as they seem totally
unaware of its existence! No wonder that enemy gains in strength like a steam-roller going down a
hill. This unknown enemy is the single greatest threat, while all the time the devil takes the flak and
false accusations and he is glad to do so!
If the God-fearers are focussed on him as their enemy, then their most deadly threat, the 5th Columnist
‘Assassin of souls’, is smashing them to pieces without them even being aware of it! So keep looking
at the devil for the reason for your destruction and this mysterious assailant will sneak up and rob you
of an eternal life with the Creator.
That 5th Columnist inside assailant is our selves! We are all collectively ‘the spirit of Jezebel’.
Why are we an even greater danger to ourselves than the devil?
Because if we all walked in the light instead of Satans shadow, he wouldn’t stand a chance! If a well
educated 5yr old can bounce him around fearlessly, imagine what the species of mankind could do to
his plans. This is why it takes him so long to set anything up…it takes a long time to ‘dumb-down’
and deceive a populace of 6 Billion!
Jeremiah 17. 9: ‘The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it’?
Revelations 12: 1-5: ‘And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun,
and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: And she being with child
cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered. And there appeared another wonder in heaven;
and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.
And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon
stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was
born. And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her
child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.
The purpose of these health, wealth, prosperity and self-love gospels today, are purely to encourage
the population of the world (especially church-goers) to whip-up their desires. Apostate Pastor Benny
Hinn and his ilk preach, “Lord I want that abundance now! Why wait people when we can have it all
right now”! Flee from him children of the living God, as he is a lead ‘Beast prophet’ using every sign
and wonder in the book. A liar and a thief of souls! He is a member of the Knights of Malta, a nasty
bunch of satanic Freemason-types. Here is a quick list of these false teachers and self-proclaimed
prophets that we can all avoid.
Link to info on Benny Hinn:
Kenneth Copeland, Pat Robertson, Robert Schuller (Along with his Mentor Norman Vincent Peale),
Jack & Rexella Van Impe, T.D. Jakes, Joel Osteen, Rod Parsley, Rodney Howard-Browne, Jesse
Duplantis, Billy Graham all at TBN etc.
Once these doctrines are installed into the mind of an individual, it’s easy to manipulate their selfish
desires that well-up and take over. It is the unification of all those tiny pieces of ‘Beast-nature’ that
come together and give birth as a collective conscience and its going to be achieved through the One
World Church. Mankind is right now using its own worst traits to keep-fed this horrendous ‘beastproducing’ she-spirit in the world.
The prophecy tells us that this man-made spirit of consciousness is seducing people into sin and it
being the last days that means now! Jezebel is tricking the would-be ‘bride’, into the sin of
It has too to bring forth ‘the child’.
Symbolically lying down in a bed and sleeping with her, produces the child, the ‘MAN of SIN’ or
‘the man born of sin’.
Revelations 12. 1-5 becomes more meaningful as we now have a clearer picture of just what this spirit
of Jezebel actually is.
Revelations 2. 21: ‘And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not.
We are right now in that short space of time that is given to us to repent and unless Christendom
accepts that they are under the strong delusion they will indeed, ‘repent not’!
These are all verses worth studying because they tell us the how a lie can come about, who the lies
come from and what the cost is for believing such a lie.
Revelations 3. 3: ‘Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent.
If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I
will come upon thee’.
MI: Remember what ‘I’ taught you and hold on to that truth tightly. Repent of believing anything
other than ‘I’ taught you’.
2 Thessalonians 2 .3: ‘Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except
there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition’.
All of Christendom and beyond knows we are on the verge of seeing the manifestation of the Beast.
So what does that logically mean? It means that the ‘Falling Away’ (the Great Apostasy!) has
happened and is already happening! It’s as clear as day to those who have been ‘Born-from above’
and freed from the Strong Delusion. Those who have instead been born-again into the Church of
Baal and Mithra however, have merely had their flesh and souls elevated and not their spirits!
Is it any wonder then that Yahushua will struggle to find faith on the earth when he returns? Just
because that verse comes ‘only’ from Luke, it does not mean he did not steal the information from
listening to the real apostles.
The so-called ‘Gifts’ of Saul’s New Testament, are nothing more than self-empowered spiritmanifestations of our flesh, that wills-in Seducing and Familiar Spirits!
How can that possibly be true some might think?
This spirit of our flesh is the spirit of Jezebel, who enslaves our ‘living souls’. That manifestation
then plays host to ‘lying signs and wonders’. By our own free will, we can bring in ‘legions’ of
deceiving familiar and seducing spirits. Once we have surrendered our free-will, over to those desires
for such gifts within us, we have at the same time fulfilled the desires of our flesh. Many will
immediately rebel against this and naturally so. It is because we have had these manifestations for so
long now, that we have fallen in-love with them! The Charismatic laughter-in-the-Spirit; is nothing
more than what happened to some Idol-worshipers that also sang and danced their soulish songs to
their version of Baal and Mithra, like Sheba’s followers.
What use is the pure-intent of our hearts, when it is deceived and misdirected to the adversary? There
are plenty of emotional soulish songs in the churches. This is singing praises to the satanic trinity of
Babylon - whether they like it or not! Fathers Strong Delusion allows it to take place. High states of
emotion are just more ‘looshing’ to feed and empower unseen spirits. The more tears the better, the
more tongues the better, the more slaying in the spirit the better etc.
Jeremiah 17. 9: ‘The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it’?
Churchianity is unknowingly nurturing the ‘pregnancy’ of ‘the Spirit of Jezebel’, which will give birth
to one of their greatest enemies – The Beast!
So carry on you Sabbath-Commandment-breaking Church! Carry on nurturing the pregnant Spirit of
Jezebel! Just don’t bother screaming out to the Father when the Beast that you helped-make, starts
slaughtering you and your loved ones! The Sun-day Church followers therefore make themselves the
enemies of the True Bride of Christ! The Bliss of Ignorance will quickly vanish in the Tribulation!
These Scriptures read very differently when the spirit is awake:
Amos 6: ‘Woe to them that are at ease in Zion (Comfortable in the Churches), and trust in the
mountain of Samaria (Babylon), which are named chief of the nations (The Satanic Trinity are in
charge of the world), to whom the house of Israel came (that the Church went to)! Pass ye unto
Calneh (Likely the City of Shinar; Jasher 7. 42-45), and see; and from thence go ye to Hamath the
great (Syria/Lebanon): then go down to Gath of the Philistines (Israel/Jordan): be they better than
these kingdoms? Or their border greater than your border? Ye that put far away the evil day, and
cause the seat of violence to come near (Enthroning the Beast?); That lie upon beds of ivory, and
stretch themselves upon their couches, and eat the lambs out of the flock, and the calves out of the
midst of the stall (The decadent ravening wolves that destroy Yahushua’s flock); That chant to the
sound of the viol, and invent to themselves instruments of music, like David (That make up all manner
of new songs and music); That drink wine in bowls (That drink from Jezebel’s ‘Cup of Fornication’ ),
and anoint themselves with the chief ointments (and give themselves the best false-gifts): but they are
not grieved for the affliction of Joseph (Won’t get upset when their Brothers suffer. I.e. One World
Church vs the true Bride). Therefore now shall they go captive with the first that go captive (They
will end up prisoners just like the ones they deceived), and the banquet of them that stretched
themselves shall be removed (They will not be invited to the great banquet that the overcomers will
attend). The Lord GOD hath sworn by himself, saith the LORD the God of hosts, I abhor the
excellency of Jacob (Works of their hands), and hate his palaces (Their Churches): therefore will I
deliver up the city with all that is therein. And it shall come to pass, if there remain ten men in one
house, that they shall die. And a man's uncle shall take him up, and he that burneth him, to bring out
the bones out of the house, and shall say unto him that is by the sides of the house, Is there yet any
with thee? And he shall say, No. Then shall he say, Hold thy tongue: for we may not make mention of
the name of the LORD. For, behold, the LORD commandeth, and he will smite the great house with
breaches, and the little house with clefts. Shall horses run upon the rock? Will one plow there with
oxen? for ye have turned judgment into gall, and the fruit of righteousness into hemlock: Ye which
rejoice in a thing of nought, which say, Have we not taken to us horns by our own strength? But,
behold, I will raise up against you a nation (The satanic rapture), O house of Israel (Christendom),
saith the LORD the God of hosts; and they shall afflict you from the entering in of Hemath unto the
river of the wilderness’ (Until the church-folk flee into the wilderness).
Back to Revelations then: ‘And she brought forth a man-child’ goes then into chapter 13 which
overlaps chapter twelve somewhat and describes the antics of the Beast. This is where my findings
lead me to a different understanding than Reverend Derrek Younger of which I hold in high regard
concerning his search for truth. He has stated the ‘concept’, (not necessarily his belief) that the
‘church’ might be the Beast. He is not far off is he then… with the woman (Jezebel churches) giving
birth to the Beast. The Spirit of Anti-Christ then is different to the Spirit of Jezebel. The Spirit of
Anti Christ indwells the ‘Man-Child’. Therefore it is the Beast that is given his seeming miraculous
powers by the spirit of anti-christ. So it is Satan himself that will give the Beast his ‘miraculous
power! All of them recognizable by the Apostate Church of course. I bet he will even speak in
tongues! Except he will know what blasphemies he speaks.
Here comes an even more painful reality: Any that accept and believe in these false doctrines has
their faith made of ‘non-effect’ - a waste of time and effort! It will end in rejection from the presence
of our Creator, “Depart from me for I never knew you”!
They fornicate amongst themselves and from their soulish desires will spring forth a spokesman, the
Beast. The more awakening that goes on that leads people out of the Beast Church system, perhaps
the longer time we may be granted with which to save as many as possible. The result of Church
‘unity’ then is the One World Church and the giving birth of the fruits of its labour. The church is on
self-destruct, full-steam ahead. This brings it home really as to why the judgment will begin at the
‘House of God’ (Them that call themselves ‘believers’). Most of his are aware of just how much his
patience is near an end. (Written 14.03.07).
Through deception’s in the so-called Christian church then, it has been ‘side-tracked’. It is also safe
to say that any such deceptions would have been brought about very slowly so as not to jar the psyche
of those would-be followers of Yahushua. If it was to be a quick deception it would have been to
obvious. Christians can argue until the cows come home but the churches true history is available
now for all to study. Man is without excuse in this day and age. Not to Seek, is not to Find!
Revelations 12. 4b is very interesting. “…and the Dragon stood before the woman which was ready
to be delivered, in order to devour her child as it was born”.
I believe this means two things. The first is a symbolic or Metaphorical recollection of when the
Serpent first seduced Eve and then hung around to direct Cain to murder his ‘fraternal-twin’ Abel,
which lead to judgement and being ‘cast out’ into the wilderness. Also that the Great Dragon (or
Serpent) was hanging around for the result of that first union. That will be the ‘Child of Fornication’,
a symbolic ‘Cain’. Cain was the first ‘man-child’, born of sin.
Then the deceived church will be attacked by the Dragon in the ‘War on the Saints’ (Revelations
13.7). The woman is the collective would-be ‘Bride of Christ’, the church going worshipers of
Mithraism, that have today digested a lie, laid down in a bed with the spirit of Jezebel and are
producing a child together. The very same people are of course all ‘penned-up’ like sheep and will
then be highly identifiable. They are not the Great Shepherd’s (Yahushua’s) sheep and they have not
heard his voice or repented of their believing a Lie! They have not learnt to resist or conquer that
‘spirit of Jezebel’, that resides in all un-regenerate man. So you see folks, it is the very same group
that are blindly awaiting ‘the pre/mid-tribulation Rapture’, that will produce the child – that man of
Revelations 12. 5: ‘And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron:
and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.
But the heavenly Father will still be merciful and give the ‘One World Jezebel Church’ a chance to
Verse 6:’ And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they
should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.
Wilderness descriptions other than a desert:
1: deprived of the aid and protection of others, especially of friends, acquaintances, kindred
2: of a flock deserted by the shepherd
3: of a woman neglected by her husband, from whom the husband withholds himself
What is interesting here is that this then happens right on the verge of the last 3 ½ years! So the
Jezebel church will have to fend for itself in this place or places. And that it is because of this:
‘And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon
fought and his angels. And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the
great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole
world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
That he takes out his anger on the Jezebel church who remain on the earth!
‘…Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great
wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. And when the dragon saw that he was cast
unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child.
Read the rest to find out what happens to the ones that gave birth to the Beast…
THERE IS NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN (and the Serpent Seed Bloodline)
Revelations 17: 1-2: ‘And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked
with me, saying unto me, “Come hither; I will show unto thee the judgment of the great whore that
sitteth upon many waters: With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the
inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication”.
The Kings of the earth are not always Royalty, they are the Rulers! The two are not always the same.
There are many Kings or Presidents who give the public appearance of having the power but in reality
they are totally controlled by people above them. (i.e. The Clinton’s and the Bush’s, but the Queen of
England on the other hand could be the other way around, i.e.: They publicly have the appearance of
being a lesser power than the government; but in secret have more power than all the Politicians put
together. This may be due to their being the descendant hybrid bloodliner’s of the ‘Sons of God’
(fallen ones) and the hybrid offspring that they installed in positions of kingship and judgment over
the entire world from Shinar (Sumer) under Nimrod, Semiramis and Molech. When they dispersed
over the globe, they merely took the same laws and rituals. Also they now had their own people’s
version of the names of their deities. Hence Diana, symbolized by the Dove was Semiramis Queen of
Babylon who was inhabited by the spirit of ‘Lilith’. More likely Eve actually, as the Babylonian
Trinity was merely a mirror of the Satan/Eve and Cain original Trinity. The Queen of Babylon is not
the ‘Whore of Babylon’! She was merely the wife of ‘the first Beast’. She was the ‘Queen-Beast’ to
rule as his second in Command, at least until their son came about.
It was only ‘after’ Nimrods election, that he quickly became the most evil man on earth, through
the joining of his flesh and the spirit of Anti-Christ (Satan-although that is a generalized title and not
his/her real name).
This was the Spirit of Jezebel (The fullness of the peoples desires), that great ‘Whore of Babylon’,
giving birth to the ‘Man of Sin’. The people were so pleased with him in that he led them to
numerous victories in battle, which they hoisted him up as their ruler.
The very act itself of electing a ‘One World Leader’, was mankind giving-birth to ‘The BEAST’
of their time.
So Nimrod was their One World Leader. He ruled over all peoples except for the Shem-ites, who
although under his rule (legally speaking), they did not follow his laws or edicts. Nimrod was 40 yrs
old when ‘Elected by the people, for the people’. All his life before that moment, Nimrod had led a
life of worship and praise to the Most High. It is at the moment of election though or very soon after,
that he becomes possessed by the devil!
The peoples ‘spirit of Jezebel’ having given birth to the One World Leader had unknowingly given
birth to their ‘Man of Sin’ or more accurately – the Man ‘born of the people’s sin!
So Nimrod and Semiramis became the worst of mankind, in becoming the embodiment of the people’s
worldly desires. They were worshipped as gods because they had been elevated to that position by
their electors. When that happened they became idols for the people and that meant the devil that had
planned all this (By introducing ‘warfare’ to them), could actually ‘possess’ Nimrod and then give
him the ability to do all manner of false signs and wonders. It was because the other fallen Angels,
Annukai/Hybrids knew exactly where Nimrods power came from, that they too bowed down to him!
Otherwise it would be odd that the fallen Angels and anyone else that was there worshipped him as
The people were wowed by the same signs and wonders that Christendom is today. The people of
course assumed that the power came from Nimrod himself. A lot of the lying signs and wonders were
no doubt generated by the ‘aliens’ (‘Gods who came down’) high technology. It is interesting to note
here also, that Nimrod came from the Bloodline of the ‘Sons of God’ through Ham’s seed. Many
people have asked the question, “Just how did the corrupt bloodline survive the global flood? While
were at it, did you know that there was a pre-global-flood – flood!
Jasher 2.6: ‘And the Lord caused the waters of the river Gihon to overwhelm them, and he destroyed
and consumed them, and he destroyed a third part of the earth. Notwithstanding this, the sons of men
did not turn from their evil ways, and their hands were yet extended to do evil in the sight of the Lord’.
This is an answer to the archaeological confusion about, was the flood global or not? Archeology has
always said there was a large flood in that part of the world and this can easily misdirect people away
from the truth of the ‘global’ flood. So the easy answer is that there were two floods. The first I
believe was the flood mentioned in the ‘Epic of Gilgamesh’.
Anyway moving on with the above question: Surely all the corrupted bloodlines were wiped out
weren’t they? No, is the quick answer. I will go through it thought-by-thought with you. It involves
a study of the Ancient Hebrew legend texts, early Genesis and the Book of Jasher. The answer I
believe is connected to this question:
If all evil was wiped out in the flood; why on earth would Ham later on sneak into Father’s tent and
proceed to sodomize him, only to go and brag about it to his brothers?
Genesis 9. 18-27: ‘And the sons of Noah, that went forth of the ark, were Shem, and Ham, and
Japheth: and Ham is the father of Canaan. These are the three sons of Noah: and of them was the
whole earth overspread. And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard: And he
drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent. 22 And Ham, the father of
Canaan, saw (A ‘doing’ word like – they ‘knew’ each-other) the nakedness of his father, and told his
two brethren without (bragged). And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their
shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were
backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness. And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what
his younger son had done unto him (I’ll bet he did!). And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of
servants shall he be unto his brethren. And he said, Blessed be the LORD God of Shem; and Canaan
shall be his servant. God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan
shall be his servant (Shem is made top-man).
There can be only one answer, which is Noah was the only individual who was ‘chemically pure’ just
like Genesis 6. 9 states.
Hams bloodline then leads through his son Canaan to the Canaanites (Hence Sodom and Gomorrah
becoming dens of depravity). So as Ham and his wife ‘went forth and multiplied’, their seed became
more perverse and generally evil. So the clue is in the question again, “Why would HAM rape his
‘drunk’ and sleeping father”?
Yes, Noah was got sozzled… and it’s no wonder after taking the wildest boat ride imaginable!
(Genesis 9. 21). What’s the first thing a lot of folk do when in a frightful near accident for instance?
That’s right; hit the booze to calm-their-nerves.
The only explanation I can think of is that Ham was already contaminated, either by the ‘Watchers’
and their Nephilim hybrid offspring, but definitely through his wife. Only Noah was commanded to
‘Go hide thyself’. I am going to have to assume here that the readers already have a basic knowledge
of the Genesis 6 account. It should be very basic knowledge for anyone in Christendom or whoever
has read it. Sherry Shriner has two excellent radio talks on ‘The Days of Noah’. Here are the links to
the four parts in order. Just copy and paste into the address bar if on a PC.
Genesis 6 .9: ‘These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect (meaning
Chemically pure) in his generations, and Noah walked with God. And Noah begat three sons, Shem,
Ham, and Japheth. The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.
And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon
the earth.
This clearly singles Noah (Named ‘Menachem’ by his father Lamech) out from absolutely everyone.
This is confirmed in the Book of Jasher again in chapter 5 verses 13-18. It says there that it was
because Noah was perfect that the Lord commanded him to take a wife and bare children to
repopulate the earth with. Noah had previously come to the conclusion that there was no point in
having children as he knew the flood was coming. However when he was aged 498 yrs old he married
Naamah. This is where it misses out on the birth of Ham in Jasher, only mentioning Japheth and
Shem. There is an indirect reference to Ham in Jasher 5. 35:’Then Noah took the three daughters of
Ellakim, son of Methuselah, for wives for his sons, as the Lord had commanded Noah. So all three
sons were born perfect…that is assuming that Naamah was herself clean but it does not say that she
was. There is no story about what the sons got up to in their time before the flood except for most
likely building the Ark. So it was the Sons and their wives pre-flood antics that corrupted them. Even
Shem was not ‘chemically pure’ meaning free of the d.n.a contamination, through the Fallen Angels
hybridisation processes. However he made the choice to follow the Creator instead of the newlymade man-god – Nimrod.
Tangent topic: Yes, the Book of Jasher is scripture! As is Enoch and all the other true 12 apostles
accounts. They were just hidden and subverted. The people that say those books were not ‘inspired’
are being ridiculous! Both Enoch and Jasher hold far more accurate accounts of the early earth than
genesis and are therefore absolutely necessary to anyone searching for truth. Still, you can believe the
‘beast’ system of Rome if you like. How do you think the ‘canonised’ 66 books came about? Along
with the 13 books accredited to Paul which give us some prime occultic numbers (Tangent end).
Note: Noah’s wife by the way for those who have not read Jasher was Naamah (or Nahmah) the
daughter of Enoch 7th from Adam. Not Naamah daughter (or sister) of Tubal-Cain. In the ‘Book of
Jubilees’, Noah’s wife is named Emzara, so whether or not that is the same name in a different
language, I don’t know. The book of Jubilees is a good read with a great deal of useful info but there
are contradictions when compared to Jasher, like the manner of Cain’s death. Jasher says it was a
hunting accident, Jubilees says a house fell-in on him. I lean toward the Jasher account as it was used
as a reference by King David (2 Samuel 1. 17-18 and by Joshua in Joshua 10. 13), “Is not this written
in the book of Jasher”?
Maybe something has been tampered with again? Just as the serpent seedline wanted to keep Cain’s
real father hidden, they may have wanted to hide what really occurred with Ham?
From ‘the Gospel of Philip’, concerning Cain’s real father. Yahushua speaking again:
“He who has been created is beautiful (Satan), but you would not find his sons noble creations. If he
were not created but begotten, you would find that his seed was noble. But now he was created and
he begot. What nobility is this? First adultery came into being (Eve’s sexual seduction), afterwards
murder. And he was begotten in adultery, for he was the child of the serpent. So he became a
murderer, just like his father, and he killed his brother. Indeed, every act of sexual intercourse which
has occurred between those unlike one-another is adultery”.
This totally explains why this gospel was thrown out by the serpent seeders. Ham is not mentioned in
Jasher until ch7 v1. We know Japheth was the firstborn ch5 .17 as long as Jasher 7 .1 is correct; ‘and
these are the names of the sons of Noah: Japheth, Ham and Shem…’ It certainly would seem to
indicate that the second born son was indeed Ham if that is the order of birth of course. If that is the
case, where is his mention earlier in chapter 5? It’s just odd to miss out a crucial name in Hebrew
Also we have the Book of Jasher saying in chapter 2 verse 26: ‘…whilst they were walking in the
field, Cain the son of Adam advanced towards them…’ (Step son as he grew up with Adam and Eve,
up until he was cast out into the wilderness by Yahushua).
Jasher 3. 14: ‘And it was in the 56th yr of the life of Lamech when Adam died; 930 yrs old was he at his
death, and his two sons, with Enoch and Methuselah his son, buried him with great pomp, as at the
burial of kings, in the cave which God had told him.
So Cain was present at Adam’s funeral as well. This account is another contradiction with Jubilees as
that book says that Adam and Eve had another/or ‘9’ sons in total and so Jasher is to be preferred.
Genesis 7. 1: ‘And the LORD said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark; for thee have
I seen righteous before me in this generation.
This can be read two ways. One is ‘…,”Noah, come and bring your family into the ark; for you all
have been found righteous”…or ‘…”Noah come and bring your family into the ark; because you have
been found righteous”.
I believe it to be the latter version as that then confirms Jasher 5.13 and Genesis 6.
So there is a mystery as to why Ham started either fancying guys as well as girls! It was far more than
just a homosexual tendency though, it had to be! He raped his unconscious father and that is pure
evil! Ham I believe had been a ‘bad-boy’ before the flood, as had Japheth as we will soon discover.
Japheth obviously had more respect for his father though.
If we follow the logic then; either Noah knew this before boarding the Ark or Ham did something
either in secret, maybe even raped himself? It is more likely though that evil came to him through his
wife, as spirits can transfer themselves through intercourse. That might explain why the details were
left out in Jasher but it does not explain why there is no-mention of his birth. Unless the stories were
so closely written that they could not easily be separated?
The ‘Descendants of Cain’ were of course hybrid’s but they had all been wiped out, unless they found
places to hide underground, which is unlikely as much of the flood waters came from the subterranean
chambers. It is possible that a remnant were taken aboard the Annukai’s flying craft out and taken
from the earth to ‘watch’ the flood from above. They came back to earth after the flood-waters had
lowered. After that, the ‘chambers’ would have been more available for the descendants of Cain to
dwell in.
So Cain was the result of the adulterous-union between Sammael/Samjazza (Many different name’s) the Great Serpent and Eve. She was not even called ‘Eve’ until after their Seduction in the garden.
Jasher 1.12 reads poorly with verse 13, which is interesting in itself as it mentions Eve’s 3 daughters,
which is useful when it comes too answering the question, “Where did Cain get his wife”? Adam
and Eve’s three daughters are named in
Jubilees 4. 9: ‘...And Cain took Awan his sister to be his wife and she bore him Enoch at the close of
the fourth jubilee.
Eve’s other daughters were Azura and Noam.
Jasher 1. 9-13 read quite oddly. This is immediately after she was seduced by the Serpent into
intercourse and then straight away, she (possibly even the serpent) continued to have intercourse with
Adam. I will use a small letter just in front of the topic for expansion references.
Jasher 1. 9-13: ‘And the Serpent, which God had created [was] with them in the earth, came to them to
incite them to transgress the command of God which he had commanded them. And the Serpent
enticed and persuaded the woman to eat from the tree of knowledge, and the woman hearkened to the
voice of the serpent and she transgressed the word of God, and took from the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil, and she ate and she took from it and gave also to her husband and he ate’. And Adam
and his wife transgressed the command of God which he commanded them, and God knew it, and his
anger was kindled against them and he cursed them. And the Lord God drove them that day from the
Garden of Eden, to till the ground from which they were taken, and they went and dwelt at the east of
the Garden of Eden; and {A} Adam knew his wife Eve and {B} she bore two sons and three daughters.
And she called the name of the firstborn Cain, saying; {C} I have obtained a man from the Lord, and
the name of {D} the other she called Abel, for she said, {E} “In vanity we came into the earth and in
vanity we shall be taken from it”.
Expansion A (p120): and Adam knew his wife Eve…confirming Genesis 4.1’s text meaning Adam
knew his wife for the first time! There is nothing to suggest that it should read, ‘And Adam new his
wife again and ….In fact…
Genesis 4.25: ‘And Adam knew his wife again’…confirms that this was only the second time that
Adam had had intercourse with Eve; not for the third time, as many churches would have you
believe these days.
Expansion B: She bore two sons and three daughters – This does not indicate a birth to Quintuplets.
Adam never lays claim to being Cain’s father, ever!
Adam’s wife was not called ‘Eve-Mother of all living’ until after the sinful union. Adam’s sin in the
garden was having intercourse with his fallen and corrupted helper!
The origin of Lilith is a mystery still. Confirmation has not come to me or anyone else I am in contact
with concerning her origin, so it’s all to easy to speculate. The Hebrew legend story of her being
Adam’s first mate is making a mockery of God’s perfect creation. Lilith (A fallen being) is the
mother of all ‘demonic-hybrid’ children and therefore they are not living in the same physical-sense.
Therefore Lilith’s children are not granted a living soul (at least the same type), which explains their
coldness. It has always seemed strange to me that our current version of Genesis shuts right down on
the mentioning any women born. As the legend goes, Lilith did not need to have intercourse with
Adam to make babies. She would however have been ‘un-suitable’, which enforces again my belief
that it could not have been the Most High that made her! Unless Lilith was merely a name change, to
suit her newly-changed nature. Like I said, speculation can come all to easy and can mislead us.
Expansion C: Means she obtained a child ‘because of’ or ‘due to’ an Angel of the Lord (i.e.
Expansion D: ‘the other’ means that the second one was not obtained from ‘an Angel of the Lord’. It
was different.
Expansion E: “In vanity we came into the earth and in vanity we shall be taken from it”. Wow, what
a prophetic statement! Is this the first ever bible prophecy then as Abel was still alive at the time? As
it was due to their vanity (desire to be more than they were) that he was born and due to his (Abel’s)
vanity that he was killed! Soon after the offering’s incident, Abel drove his cattle over Cain’s newly
ploughed field which annoyed him a just-a-tad. He basically came around gloating about his offering
being accepted when Cain’s was not. (Jasher1. 15-17). Personally I think Abel was a bit ‘puffed-up’
and had no reason to come trampling over that part of the land. Cain was already ‘miffed’ at not
having his sacrifice accepted and so ‘I’ think Cain just snapped in a moment of rage.
Genesis 2. 23: ‘And Adam said; ‘This’ is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh: She shall be
called woman, because she was taken out of man.
The phrase ‘This is now’ is an exclamation of joy – “At last! This is of the same flesh as ME”.
Darby’s – ‘This time, it is bone of my bones’. Amplified – ‘This creature is now…’ etc.
One thing we always have to be aware of is the serpent-seed infiltration, in that they gained access to
the original Oral Laws and the original texts (Masoretic). This was most likely at the same time that
the priest Eleazar was secretly ordained, which caused a right-old scrap. The Edomites infiltrated and
we know that they changed Genesis 4.1 – to hide the origin of the serpent seed. The Dead Sea Scrolls
confirm that Genesis 4. 1 was tampered with. The Aramaic Targum, pseudo-Jonathan (Which is an
Aramaic translation - pre-Roman/Saul subversion) reads:
Genesis 4. 1: “And Adam knew his wife Eve, who was pregnant by Sammael (Satan/Samjazza), and
she conceived and bare Cain, and he was like the heavenly beings, and not like the earthly beings,
and she said, I have gotten a man from the angel of the Lord”.
They needed the access to make such alterations so they could cover their slimy trail. So we must
especially be wary of any text that seems ‘out-of-place’ or contradicts the words of Yahuah and
Yahushua. At the same time we must take the matter to our Father to confirm any such things or we
could waste hours upon hours going through pointless speculative studies that are destined to come to
nought! Sadly and because of this evil infiltration, even the best Hebrew scholars in the world can be
misdirected from the truth because they may be studying ‘altered’ texts! Also it is why any ancient
scrolls they might find, usually conflict with what we read today. This is why so many people
actually deny the very existence of the ‘Serpent-seedline’!
I will give an example of how it could be easy to slip up. The funny thing about this kind of example
is that we may also ‘slip-up’ and stumble into truth (Not in these examples though). We must be
aware also of the Holy Ghost leading us, hence the importance of spiritual confirmation. I will
embolden the key words we will then use them as an example.
Genesis 1. 26: ‘And God (the rulers) said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let
them have dominion over……..
Genesis 1. 27: ‘So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and
female created he them.
Genesis 1. 28: ‘And God blessed them and said unto them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and ‘replenish
(To fill or make complete again) the earth and subdue it…
It’s interesting to a non-Hebrew speaker who just relies on the Interlinear’s to give numbers for every
word or meaning. Here for example there is no number given for the word ‘them’. Now of course
that does not mean anything in itself but if we were to take away the ‘them’s’, and now replace it with
the word ‘him’….we have a very different account of the genesis record!
Genesis 1. 26: ‘And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let him have
dominion over……..
Genesis 1. 27: ‘So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and
female created he him.
Genesis 1. 28: ‘And God blessed him and said unto him, “Be fruitful and multiply, and ‘replenish’ the
earth and subdue it…
This then makes drastic changes to our understanding of what and who Adam really might have
been! Simple changes can transform our perceptions and that is what Paul and his 72 minions did
with the Gospel of the Kingdom.
Some of the fiercest defenders of the Hebrew texts are actually the serpent-seeder’s themselves
because they are desperate to keep their hybrid-identity hidden (or occultic). So I have learnt not to
get involved in pointless arguments. Let Yahuah lead you every time and not the voice of men,
especially some scholars who love their minds more than the Most High.
Yahushua was the least Religious person to ever walk this planet! If we are to follow him, we too
must give up Religion, which according to Messiah is just a life of morals to get by on, like helping
the widows and the poor. That of course is not to say that those things are not the kind of deeds that
we should be doing, but they must be done with the right intent of heart – not to purchase heavenpoints! Religion is a demonically-inspired methodology which causes mankind to be cut-up into
little sections, where they can be manipulated and controlled! Not just that but it is a way of them
keeping records on every person that has ever been members of it, (Branders and shearers of sheeple).
How many people in churches these days not only never read their bibles but expect to learn
everything about the Most High or our true history from the pulpits? That thinking is asking someone
to chain up your mind into a little box, no matter how much knowledge those priests/pastors think
they have. The truth is that if they knew truth, they would not even be part of that system! No
man has the spiritual authority to forgive sins – especially Roman Catholic priests! Yahushua
forgave sins because he was not of man. He was born of a virgin (Just like Adam was born of the
virgin earth) and was ‘Incarnate’, hence being called the 2nd Adam. Confessions are a total waste of
time! Pray to Yahuah through Yahushua our ‘only High Priest’ for forgiveness – not people.
The bible studies that most have are just yet more versions of listening to the same leaders that lead
the churches and their chosen topics for discussion. They are just yet more forms of dumbing down,
whether intentional or not. Just ask a pastor to talk about the serpent-seed topic or why are there so
many wars in the world today? 99% will just fob you off with lame excuses or their own limited view
of such matters. Also 99% of the time, they are Paul instead of Yahushua teachers. Why is that?
Because they simply can’t understand a lot of what Yahushua was saying, just like the religious
leaders of that day and even the apostles early on. The Strong Delusion from God is not called
‘Strong’ without good reason! Just like Yahushua told the apostles later on after they asked him why
he spoke to the leaders in parables, Yahushua says, “To you I speak straightly because you have
Ask yourself this simple question. If there is a parable that I don’t understand, why don’t I understand
it? I tell you truly, it has nothing to do with the level of knowledge from scholarly methods. True
understanding can only come from the awakened Spirit and not the old-creations heart and minds.
Only the born-again spirit can perceive the eternal unseen! Leave the perishable things that are seen,
to the fleshly mind. Verses like, “The heart is wicked above all else, who can know it?” And “Subject
every thought unto Christ, to see whether it be of God or not”, confirm that we should not fully trust
any imagination or feeling! If it is not tested in the spirit, we can expect deception to be our next
visitor. Man is often his own greatest enemy in that respect and the puffed-up mind is to be detested.
Even though the above comes from Corinthians, it is still true just as long as we are subjecting those
thoughts to the correct God! Don’t forget, even Satan can quote scripture as he knows the bible back
to front and inside out. Why shouldn’t he as he wrote most of the NT through his servant Saul and his
The Serpent Seed Genealogy
Genesis: 5. 1-2: ‘This is the book of {a} the generations of Adam. ‘In the day’ that God created man,
in the likeness of God made he him; Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called
their name Adam, in the day when they were created. And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years,
and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth.
If Cain were of the generation of Adam, don’t you think his name would be listed under Adams
genealogy? Also the fact that there is a very clear statement that SETH looked like him! (Adam).
This one looks like me and acts like me! If Seth were no different than Cain, No such comment
would be made.
Cain’s immediate descendants have the –ael in their names, which is a huge clue in itself. The serpent
copied a few names like Enoch and Lamech. Such as the generation list in Genesis 4. 17-22. the ael’s
are in honour of their father Sammael (Satan).
CAIN’s descendants: Enoch (The 1st from Cain) – Irad - Mehujael – Methusael - then the Canaanite
version of Lamech (5th from Cain, not Methuselah’s son Lamech 9th from Adam). Then Lamech’s two
wives Adah who has Jabal, then Zillah who has Tubal-Cain. Note the copying of Enoch and Lamech
to further aid in the disguise.
ADAM’s descendants: Adam – Abel – Seth - Enos(h) – Cainan - Mahalaleel (no ael’s in the Seth
bloodline) – Jarad – Enoch 7th from Adam, (Jude 14, Genesis 5. 1-18 and Luke 3. 37-38 have no sign
of Cain in that bloodline which also confirms Enoch 37. 1-2.
Cainan 3rd from Adam is an interesting figure.
Jasher 2.11: ‘And Cainan grew up and he was 40 years old, and he became wise and had knowledge
and skill in all wisdom, and with his wisdom he ruled over spirits and demons”.
The above verse also confirms the existence of non-humans and the close relations they had in those
days. They really did wander around the earth amongst all manner of weird creatures. Centaur,
Minotaur, Medusa, Unicorn, Sylph, Fauns, Faeries, Nymph, etc were Nephilim as was the post-flood
Grendel and Beowulf from the Beowulf legend. So they really did have a land full of the Ancient socalled Greek-legends. I won’t go into all the reasons why it’s obvious that our ancient past involved
higher technology than we have today, other people have proved that time and time again. The very
fact that there is not certain documentary film’s circulating proves again who is in control of what the
public gets to hear about. That’s why the Internet is a vital line of communication for truth-seekers.
Make the most of it while it’s still available to the general public, the Super (or Supra-net) is on its
way. Eventually no one will be able to use it unless they have the Mark or there a skilled hacker! The
death of free-speech is not far off.
For a look at what the ancient Sumerian tablets talk about, use this link:
Either way, just like his grandfather Lamech, Ham became evil of heart. I for one will never accept
that such a perverse thing as homosexuality does not always have a ‘spiritual root problem’, whether it
comes from the 3rd or 4th generational source or originates with them due to the introduction of it into
their lives and they tasted instead of resisted temptation. Many youngsters are molested and confused
as to whether or not they enjoyed the sensations or not. Revelation 21.8 and 27 is the final word on
that subject with no argument valid. Nobody is born genetically homosexual! That is a Luciferian lie!
How can anyone argue any other point? They are surrendering directly to the Spirit of Jezebel within
them! If they do not learn to conquer it (just like any heterosexual’s high sex-drive antics), they fall
just as short as the rest of mankind. Hetro-sexual persons having sex outside of marriage are no
different with respect of the danger and sin that they are in. Marriage sanctifies the act of pro-creation
meaning that the act of becoming one-flesh is made clean. Revelations is clear to all, any who do not
learn to overcome and conquer their own ‘Spirit of Jezebel’, simply will not make it!
Deep down in our hearts we all know it’s wrong. It’s us that have bent the Creator’s guidelines, to
pleasure our desires. Yahuah’s guidelines for safety have never changed. Even children that have
been brought up in single-sex parent homes know it’s not natural. They just over time, learn not to
think about the rights and wrongs of it. They are de-programmed from knowing right and wrong by
growing up in such an environment and only the strong minded attempt to make their lives different.
They have to bend to it or suffer the loss of a parent. Sex outside of marriage is simply satisfying our
desires and lusts. As bible readers know, the flesh is enmity against God! Are you his enemy or his
ally? Theirs is no middle ground folks and if anyone thinks they have found some…their in for one
heck of a shock.
To have a partner who also walks in truth and light following the Eternal Creator is a true blessing
from above. Such couples tend to stand out, as of course they would never seem fully normal to our
current mostly western society. Such couples are rare, as most find something to conflict about
eventually. Marriage conflicts are often over no more than, giving in to our own little piece of
Jezebel. Maybe that’s the reason why some priesthood’s advocate celibacy? To marry or not to
marry, that is the question. Biblically speaking, no one should have sex before they are wed and
according to Genesis, people may not be supposed to leave their parents until they do (Gen 2. 24).
I personally believe that the pleasure side of sexual activity was a ‘gift’ to us, as a reward for
following his guidance and getting MARRIED! What a concept for the world! If it was not the case,
then Adam and Woman were not supposed to have intercourse at all! They only did so before they
were thrown out of the garden for doing just that. Then woman was called Eve ‘the mother of all
living’. So the first two acts of intercourse were actually a sin worthy of being cast out. It could just
as easily be a part of the ‘sin nature’ and fallen mans lot that such a thing as fleshly pleasure occurs at
During that time, getting married and staying faithful was literally a matter of ‘life or death’,
especially for the Shemites (Semitic ‘clean-blood’ Tribes). The Creator was protecting his own
children from Adam and Eve right down through the Sethite (pre-flood) and eventually the Shemite
(post-flood) bloodline. I don’t know the time of origin for the ‘Esene Way of Life’ but I bet it was not
far off from what the Sethite and S(h)emetic Yahuah-fearing people followed such as the ‘Order of
Melchizidek’, which as he was a corrupted man (According to Genesis) could have been dubious.
The reason for staying faithful now and during the years when all these Lab-rat freaks start showing
up, will not be any different to the pre-global flood days.
There are already a lot of stories surfacing about the preparation within the Medical and
Governmental circles to make new laws concerning the new life-forms soon to be introduced to the
planet. All manner of weird life forms will soon be wandering around and intermingling! They have
been grown using cloning technology in the top secret ‘Deep Underground Military Base’ labs or
D.U.M.B.S. All manner of vial creatures are said to soon be ready to show itself to the world. What
enables them to function is most likely possession by the disembodied spirits. Either way, you can bet
they will be cold emotionally, and dark of intent! As in the days of Noah….they will be marrying and
giving in marriage etc, may well not just be talking about men to women, it could just as easily be
about mankind to beast or Creature! So if you do not want to be attacked (Or even seduced) by these
‘things’, just as people were in the days of Noah, stick close to your husband/wife and follow
Yahushua closely. Only a true faith in him will keep people safe in those times (As well as ‘Orgone
Blasters’). That’s no guarantee we won’t be sorely tested though.
Revelations 9 is about the Satanic Rapture led by Abaddon/Apollyon, is just one of the many things
the Illuminati look forward to, the release of their ancient brethren! That’s why there making bodies
for the disembodied spirits as well as the rising of the descendants of Cain from their subterranean
underworld cities. Sherry Shriner has a great site with all the serpent seed details at:
Being a true spirit upon the earth, Sherry also has the philosophy of ‘Feely given, freely give’. Part of
denying the fleshly fallen nature, is that we do not strive for financial freedom! That doesn’t mean
anyone likes being taken advantage of though. She is a General is the army of the Most High and all
true followers of Yahushua should try to help her in helping others. There struggling to build a safe
haven for true believers in these last days, but due to a due to lack of support, have halted it at least on
the size they were hoping for. The very people that will need this kind of facility before to long
should of course be supporting her. Beware of the many places that are being set-up by Intelligence
agencies with the express purpose of gathering up nieve Christians who will get herded into the
trucks, trains, Prison Camps and then the NWO’s Ovens.
Tangent topic: Talking about Financial-Freedom, bless their little Amway cotton socks. Their ‘FeelFelt-Found’ method is just a revamped ancient way of manipulating people’s minds through
suggestion! It’s hypnotism in a slightly lesser form that focuses on manipulating others free-will. I.e;
One of the Abominations listed in Deuteronomy 18 (One label can encompass many areas of skill).
Robert Schuller and his mentor Norman Vincent Peale are both a minimum of 33rd degree Freemasons
and know full well they got their info from the ‘disembodied spirits’ that were killed in the floods.
Robert Schuller even mentions it in his book ‘Self-Love’. All these activities do is encourage
mankind into desires that elevate their flesh and speed-up Jezebel’s pregnancy. The spirit of Jezebel
was born in Eve, when she started desiring what the serpent seemed to be offering!
Another interesting thing to take note of is Adam and Eve’s replies to Yahushua when he asked them
what they had done. Woman replied “The Serpent deceived me and I ate, so it was the Serpents
fault”. Adam said, “The woman that you gave me, it was her fault”! How mankind has not changed a
bit eh? Tangent end.
BIBLICAL GENEALGY CHART (Wives in brackets except for Lilith who is supposed to be
Sammael’s consort ‘breeder’ of currently unknown origin)
Satanic Trinity
Sammael / Eve
and Cain
Abel slain
(Adah the
(Zillah The Lover)
(slain by his
father Lamech)
Naamah, either
daughter or
sister of Tubal
(The Golden
(Indwelt by the
Spirit of Satan
and the 1st Man
of Perdition)
(Indwelt by
Spirit of Eve/Lilith)
Ham <
The Devil
in the flesh
The Babylonian and satanic trinity of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz were Serpent-Seeder’s, just
like all other so-called Royal bloodlines and Illuminati types. (They were just copy-cat set-ups of the
original Satan, Eve and Cain trilogy). This links of course to the verses that say it was only Noah that
was pure and not his entire family and their wives. Ham although born of a ‘clean-seedline’, must
have corrupted himself before the flood. There is no other explanation for his vile behaviour.
Some may think, “Well if that was the case, why was he aboard the Noah’s Ark”? As we will see in
the Genesis flood account chapter later, a great many corrupted animals were taken aboard as well, so
why would people be any different? Noah could not restart the nations on his own and so others were
necessary to re-propagate life. The fact that it was only Noah that was pure, is backed up again in the:
Book of Jubilees 5. 19-20a: ‘He will show mercy to all who turn from all their guilt once each year.
And as for all those who corrupted their ways and their thoughts before the flood, no man's person
was accepted save that of Noah alone; for his person was accepted in behalf of his sons, whom God
saved from the waters of the flood on his account; for his heart was righteous in all his ways,
according as it was commanded regarding him, and he had not departed from aught that was
ordained for him.
Nothing here about the rest of family, even his wife.
Noah’s wife Naamah was the daughter of the great Patriarch and ‘Friend of God’, Enoch the 7 th from
Adam. Not Naamah daughter of Tubal-Cain (Jubilees says her name was ‘Emzara’, so it could just be
a different language?).
Shem, Ham and Japheth married Methuselah’s three granddaughters whose father was Eliakim,
Methuselah’s 2nd son.
Genealogy of Nimrod: Noah, Ham, Cush, Nimrod.
Nimrod’s (the first Beast) son was Mardon/Molech/Marduk/Tammuz etc who was chopped-up into 14
pieces by Shem son of Noah and thrown into the river Nile. Semiramis then found and somehow
fixed all of those pieces together again, apart from his penis. He must have looked like Frankenstein’s
monster I guess. Semiramis replaced the lost penis with a golden one which represented the Serpents
seed. Ever since then the phallus has been worshiped and celebrated out in the open for all-ofChristendom to see, in the form of Obelisk’s and the Zidonian festivals like the Christmas ‘phallicsymbol’ tree. Tammuz represented then the Firstborn ‘Man-child born from Sin’. We can only hope
that the same ‘chopping’ thing happens again .
Only after wearing the special stolen garment from his father Cush, did Nimrod start to hunt all
manner of beasts and conquer all the surrounding kings and their armies through warfare, hence being
called either ‘a Mighty Hunter’ or ‘a hunter of the Mighty’. When Nimrod had accomplished this
task, he rose to take command of all of his four older half-brothers men as well. When Nimrod was
40, some of the Cushites were taken control of by his Uncle Japheth’s seven sons, Nimrod’s cousins.
(Jasher 7.2 and 7.34 – 38). He raises a small army of around 540 men and went to battle as their
leader. He takes some of the Japhite children captive and returns home triumphantly. The important
people gather together and make Nimrod their King. This is the original event that the last days
‘rising of the Anti-Christ’ are based upon.
The gathering of those peoples was the first ‘real’ appearance of the Spirit of Jezebel (The Eve
incident was more of an individual desire thing). Their ‘fleshly and soulish desires’ inspired them to
set up Nimrod as their King. So Nimrod goes through a transformation from being a Creator-fearing
man who kept the laws and made alters and sacrifices to God, to the peoples ‘elected leader’. Nimrod
became the first Beast, the first man-child born of the worst desires of men’s fallen hearts.
The first thing Nimrod (Inspired by Satan) does is form a Government and then he set his electors up
in various positions of authority over the people. In the last days the ‘whore of Babylon’, The Jezebel
apostate church, will similarly give birth to ‘our times’ Man of Sin. His first proclamation as their
Ruler is to build a large city in the land of Shinar, also calling it Shinar. The Beast sets up his One
World Government and His One World Religion, which is the last days Beast setting up his power
base. This is America as the US is the ‘Second Babylon’.
All the peoples of the earth came to pay him homage and worshipped him as their God. Jasher 7.46
then goes into the fact that he rose to be the most evil man that had existed since the flood waters
receded. He made idols and caused all under his authority to worship them. He rebelled against the
Creator and taught all his wicked ways to his subjects which was at that time most of the world except
for the Shemites. Nimrod ruled with a ‘Rod of Iron’. His son Tammuz/Mardon grew up to be even
more evil than him and we will find out why.
Then we have the story of Terah the son of Nahor. Nahor was the great grandson of the famous
Peleg. Peleg was the great, great grandson of Shem, the son of Noah. So Terah was a Semite, whose
wife gave birth to Abram. So Abram is firmly established to be around whilst all this evil of Nimrod,
Semiramis and Tammuz is spreading complete evil in the land.
Around this time was when all the so-called Aliens came back to earth and became the authority
figures, like judges and king’s. Jasher 4.18 together with Genesis 6.4a: ‘and also after that’, confirms
that the evil rulers and judges were in fact the fallen Angels and they once again set about the taking
of men’s wives. So Genesis 6.2: records the first time it occurred, Genesis 6.4a the after-flood events.
Jasher 12. 52 and 60 are huge clues as to who exactly Nimrod’s advisors were at that time.
Verse 52: ‘And a wise servant of the king, who’s name was Anuki (Of the Annukai no doubt?),
answered the king saying, “This is nothing but the evil of Abram and his seed which will spring up
against my lord and king in the latter days”.
If that is not scriptural proof right there that the fallen Angels and the Annukai have always known
about the Serpent Seedline, I don’t know what else will enlighten you? (Where do you think
J.R.R.Tolkien got his inspiration from for Lord of the Ring’s? Remember the wizard Saruman’s Elite
soldier Orcs the ‘Uruk-Kai’?
This is vital information for all those people that deny the serpent seed line exists because of the
sexual seduction of Eve by the Great Serpent Sammael.
Also during this time, Nimrod built four other cities that were not named until after the event that
happened at the famous tower (Jasher 11.2). The tower was never quite finished when Yahushua and
some of his Angels came down and confounded the language. This is why the Illuminati have the
triangular capstone atop their NWO Pyramid logo (US 1 Dollar Bill). The building of the Tower
could represent the re-building of the Temple on ‘Mount Zion’ and the capstone (The All Seeing Eye
of Lucifer) awaits his return to the earth to once again set up his ‘Old World Order’ – revamped. His
sitting on the throne in the temple is the capstone being placed on top of the pyramid as the final
finishing touch.
The Tower (a Ziggurat of sorts, now used as a European Union symbol) was built out of waterproof
materials (Fired Bricks and Bitumen) and it was higher than the flood waters were. Many people
make the mistake of thinking that there were huge mountains back in those days. The Global flood
only receded when the Creator caused them to rise and the ocean floors to drop. The Mountains of
Ararat did not exist in the same way before the flood. The tower of Babel may well have been a
Luciferian twisted copy of the Pyramid at Giza (Which very interestingly and recently discovered,
could very well be ‘The Pillar of Enoch’). The other pyramids and Ziggurats certainly were, as well
as possible places for the Annukai’s UFO’s to land? The High Places where all the groves were built.
Genesis 11. 4: ‘And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto
heaven (Abode of the Stars); and let us make us a name (Reputation for glory and a designation of
God), lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
Anyway Nimrod climbs atop his almost completed Tower very puffed up and proud of his
achievement and ‘shouts his anger at the Most High from right next to the temple of Molech that was
on the top and fires a missile into the heavenlies. This is one link I have found to a story about
Nimrod and his Queen.
The story is wrong in many places though. For instance Nimrod was never ‘God’s anointed’ King!
Not Yahuah’s anyway but he was the Elohiym’s anointed king (the fallen angels)! We don’t know
what that ‘missile’ was or the means of it being fired, as that story in particular is not to be trusted.
We imagine a bow and arrow but in truth, how pathetic would that have been? It is far more likely to
have been a High Tech Weapon made by the fallen Angels and Annukai, given to Nimrod and placed
upon his new Tower. It’s also possible that either the new and not-improved Nimrod or Tammuz
opened a ‘dimension portal’, that started at the tower and ended in the highest parts of the Heavenlies
and that would certainly be cause for Yahushua to come down in force and disperse the people, saying
”Behold, the people are one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now
nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and
there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. So the LORD
scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.
Therefore is the name of it called Babel…’
Hardly the kind of comment and action we would expect from a firing of a bow and arrow is it! It is
far more likely to have been a very high-tech device using angelic knowledge.
Tangent topic referred to earlier: Just what is that top secret circular fortress that the American’s
have built in Iraq right where Ancient Babylon once stood? Could they be digging up the old tower of
Babel (Overthrow in Jubilees) that sunk into the ground by two thirds? Are they looking for some
ancient powerful artefact like a ‘Stargate’, which may have been how Nimrod fired ‘an arrow’ (Far
more likely a high tech missile of sorts). Or are they trying to dig out the four Angels that were bound
under the Euphrates? Tangent end.
I have read that the Ancient Sumerians were the peoples of the land of Shinar. This then corroborates
with all the new information coming from the Sumerian tablets. They are full of the stories of the
Annukai and other ‘aliens’. The Book of Enoch states that they are not allowed to infect or harm
mankind unless mankind first ‘sits at the table with them’ or ‘partakes of their activities’.
The High Priests of Baal then have a prophetic vision concerning the seed of Abram destroying the
corrupt seed from all four corners of the earth.
The Satanic Trinities ‘primary candidates’ are: Sammael/Satan, Eve and Cain! Whether there is one
or just what is the connection between ‘fallen’ Eve and Lilith is, has yet to be fully revealed.
The legend of the Golden Fleece
The Book of Jasher in chapter 7 explains what happened to the sacred clothing that Yahushua made
for Adam and Eve after they discovered they were naked in Eden. After the death of Adam and Eve
the garments of ram’s wool were given to Enoch the son of Jared. Upon Enoch being taken up to
heaven the sacred clothing was given to Methuselah his son and after that they were given to Noah
and taken aboard the Ark. After the flood had receded and they all went out from the ark, Ham stole
the garments and hid them from his brothers. Ham then later and in secret gave the LORD God-made
clothing and gave them to his son Cush. When Cush was young he had four sons. In those days the
descendants of Ham numbered 730 men, (Jasher 7.14). When he was older he married another wife
(Jasher 7.23) and they bare a son called Nimrod. Cush loved Nimrod a great deal because Nimrod
looked after him in his old age. Most likely the others didn’t put in much of an appearance like us
with our elderly. When Nimrod was 20, Cush placed upon him the ‘Rams Fleece’ (Which could have
been the Creator ‘replacing’ some of what Adam used to have before the fall?), which made him
strong and gave him great power, hence Nimrod becoming a ‘mighty hunter before the Lord’, or a
‘hunter of the mighty’. Both adequately describe the rest of his life. From Jasher 7. 30 onwards, we
have the tale of the strength he gained because of putting the garments on and then the battles he led
for the next twenty years.
Either the spirit of Eve or Lilith indwelt Semiramis the Queen of Babylon just as the spirit of Anti
Christ (Satan) indwelt Nimrod the King (The man of Sin). Both spirits then cause the bodies of the
King and Queen to produce the final ‘Son of Perdition’. At that time the spirit of Satan transfers from
the once King into his own newly formed flesh just for him, becoming Satan manifest in the flesh!
So all eyes on America folks, the 2nd Babylon.
The spirit of Eve / Lilith and Queen of Babylon combo became the Goddess Diana of Roman fame
and Diana is always linked with the Dove symbol. This is because the Spirit of Anti-Christ and the
Announcement of the Birth of the Beast, are entwined in their ultimate destiny. The devil only ever
gains power over mankind when the spirit of Jezebel gives birth to an elected One World Leader.
This reveals that the devil does have knowledge of this Jezebel mystery of course. If the symbolism
was there at Shinar, you can bet that’s why it was incorporated into the future symbolism of the One
World Church movement. Hence the symbol of the Dove being used as a biblical symbol and sign
that a 5th Columnist assault (Silent Invasion) is well under way! The Dove is a major symbol within
Christianity today and all because they believe the manipulated text that says, “And the Spirit of God
descended upon the Son of Man like a Dove”! In reality it was ‘a Voice that came out of a cloud’!
The cloud changing to a dove was the Spirit of Anti-Christ descending onto Christianity in order to
usurp the ‘Gospel of the Kingdom’ and stimulate the fertility of Jezebel. All who follow the true
messiah must learn the tricks of our enemies to avoid being destroyed through lack of knowledge.
Here is the real version: ‘and there was a cloud that overshadowed them: and a voice came out of the
cloud, saying, this is my beloved Son: hear him’.
The wording was manipulated for there own esoteric understanding. The fact that they have used the
dove symbolism ever since with Christianity proves there involvement since its birth in Antioch with
Saul/Paul’s help. Anywhere we see that church and NT symbolism, we can know that the Spirit of
Jezebel is being stimulated to speed up its metaphorical pregnancy, to the point where she is desperate
to give birth to the beast, hence the term ‘Fertile Ground’ (i.e. the minds and hearts of man).
Where else is the dove used in true history that indicates it is the Holy Ghost? Maybe someone can
inform me? No, it does not have anything to do with the birds that flew from the ark and eventually
didn’t come back! (See the chapter on ‘Queen’s Emblem’ to see what that so-called Dove really is).
Evil men specialize in using mans history and twisting it to deceive us. They love nothing more than
to put the truth right in front of us where we can’t see it. It amuses them greatly. It probably gives
them something to laugh about, around the tables at the ‘Bohemian Grove Club’.
The writing of the New Testament was their window of opportunity to sneak up behind us and slip a
bag over our heads. The next steps we will take will see us taken into a very dark place (no, not
Guantamano). We will see the satanic forces desires come to fruition for sure. The ones that are
being deceived initially by them and their ministers are now deceiving themselves through that little
piece of Jezebel in us all. It is ourselves then that will be hugely to blame for allowing this ‘finalcollective’ of Jezebel, to cause us to be the ones that cry out in the last days, “But Lord, did we not
cast out demons in your name”? Only to hear, “Depart from me for I never knew you”.
Christendom certainly fits the profile of those being deceived into ‘believing a lie’. Finding out that
your entire lives has been spent believing a fabrication is going to feel bad I know. All because we as
a whole, settled into a faith, stopped asking questions and failed to test every spirit whether they be of
God or not! So many come to the point of accepting the saviour and settle in a church thinking that’s
where they will find truth and right they are, to expect these things! Unfortunately, it often causes a
subtle confusion, which can bring about a strange sensation of something not being quite right. Yet
mostly and sadly, the ones that get this ‘splinter in the mind’ feeling end up ‘here a little there a little’,
surrendering to the false prophets and teachers. Those that are truly born from above are given the
opportunity to tread that narrow path to truth, but way too many have settled down into bondage and
the vain imaginations of men.
Religion is a quicksand and all who truly seek truth and are willing to give up their preconceptions,
should get out while they still can and flee for their lives. We all need to break those chains of the
invisible bondage, that is called the Strong Delusion, which we have unwittingly allowed to be
brought down around us.
This is why the false church leaders (even if they do not know they are deceived) will take most of the
blame and punishment. Ignorance is no excuse before the LORD. What is Ignorance? A failing to
continue in the search for truth! It is coming to rest at a point where the mind is content, and refusing
to go further! Religion is nothing but a ‘stumbling-block’. The Most High is infinite and therefore we
should continue learn about him our entire lives. To rely on a set number of people (or even the
modern-day Bible) for the entirety of our spiritual knowledge, is placing our minds inside a tiny box
of understanding. No matter how large we think we have made that box (source of information), we
are yet still setting for ourselves limitations, which the Creator is trying to free us from!
Reverend Derrek Younger has some very interesting video messages all viewable on:
He shares a concept about what the revelational ‘Beast’ might well be and it’s one worth taking
serious note of. However the Most High has revealed this Mystery of Iniquity because it is ‘the last
days’. I don’t think it is just me who has received this knowledge of course, but he only let me know
through an un-ending and desperate assault on his ‘door-knocker’. If it was a person instead of the
Great Shepherd behind that door, I might well have heard, “Ok ok, I’m coming just stop that bleeding
racket - you’re giving me a headache’! I just reached the point of desperation where it became an all
or nothing event.
So when Yahushua warned, “Even now, the Spirit of Anti-Christ is in the world”, he was talking of
Saul, Rome and their plan to tear Christianity to pieces like the Lions. Those that were well educated
in their faith could defend it when Saul tried to sell them his version. They knew something was up
right then and tried to stone him for his un-sound doctrines. Where was Saul’s Positive Mental
Attitude then eh? He scarper’s with his tail between his legs and ends up preaching his Mithraic copycat faith to the Gentiles, who suck it up like chicken soup on a cold day. Saul was incidentally
‘excommunicated’ from the church by Peter and Co.
It is this ‘subversion’ point that I fear ‘Mr David Icke’ has so far either missed or decided to shrugoff. The Creator and that Eternal light is the very thing that Mr Icke is searching for (Even though he
seems to think it just some story) and yet he unfortunately seems to fly right by it in the hope of
something more? There is nothing past the Creator, who brings everything into being through his
mind and his own light. David Icke has seen past the fake New Age supposed ‘ascended masters’ and
false Christs and yet appears to refuse the only true ‘king of the Universe’ there is. He has so far
found so much more than the average searching person due to his brave search and through great
pains as many know, but how much intellectual dancing around the point of origin can anyone do
before they just burn-out or get misled? He reached the point of willingness to lay down all his
preconceptions many years ago and that in itself is probably the largest obstacle to truth anyone can
know. He has become a leader whether he chose to or not and now finds himself in a position of great
influence and holds the ears of a great many searching souls. It’s no wonder really as he teaches more
truth than hundreds of thousands of false teachers, as the people are fed up with their lies and
hypocrisy. So I pray that Yahushua reveal himself to him as he has the ears of millions. If he
unfortunately ends up misleading those millions then his reward will be no different than all the other
false teachers. Especially as it might well be through nothing more than a continuous unending
curiosity, that doesn’t know when to stop.
We will only learn certain secrets of the universe direct from the Creator himself. There is so much
that we can not possibly comprehend whilst imprisoned in this fallen flesh. It is this already dead
flesh (in the Creator’s eyes) that destroys billions purely because they think that all there is; is
everything they can contact through their five senses. Mr David Icke has gone beyond that barrier,
but Metaphysics does not hold the whole truth just like any subject matter. Yahushua is the way, the
light and the truth, there is no other way we can reach the kingdom of Eternity – absolutely none!
The Creator has decreed it so and who are we to try and argue the point? High-mindedness will not
save a single soul!
Just as the Serpent knew that Messiah was going to be born from the seed of Adam, he knew to
attempt to stop Messiah’s birth, by corrupting the ‘Seed of Man’. He also would have had forknowledge of Christianity in its true form and therefore it would have been easy for him to make up
parallel faiths, with which to misdirect the masses who might follow the only true Messiah. Hence the
Babylonian trinity set up by the fallen angels down through their hybrid bloodlines. I concur once
again with David Icke’s findings on the origin of the Royal or Illuminati bloodlines. They came from
the unholy union between the ‘Sons of God’ and the inter-breeding with the women of mankind. This
is why most of them worship darkness and why many of them have ‘psychic’ abilities. It is their
greatest secret and they are hopping mad that it has come out and after all their attempts to hide it,
well now we know! What sounds ridiculous or absurd is actually one of the greatest ever occultic
secrets. One problem is that it sounds so far-fetched, it will only be accepted by those who are willing
to humble themselves and unlearn all the lies of this limited world and learn afresh from the source of
all light and truth. Mankind has learnt from the school of deception for way to long! It is time for us
all to awaken and learn to be still and listen for the voice of the Creator and his great-shepherd that
will lead us upon that narrow path to paradise and eternity in that light.
Like Reverend Derrek Younger states in his Google-Video’s: “If you preach Christianity some will
hate you. However if you teach this! (Truth of Messiah’s ‘Gospel of the Kingdom’), the whole world
will hate you. Yahushua said “You will be hated of everyone for his names sake” and “Don’t be
surprised if the whole world hates you. Remember that they hated me first. Is the servant greater
than the Master then, that they should escape the same treatment? Those who do not take up their
cross and follow me are not worthy of me ”
Those who were not well educated in the Old Testament and other books such as Jasher and Enoch,
accepted Saul’s new doctrines a lot more readily and his version grew amongst the Gentiles, aided by
the slaughter of them that believed in Yahushua’s real teachings, like the Esene’s.
Genesis tells us that Cain was cursed and that Yahushua set a mark upon him that would set him apart
from the rest of mankind. It was after receiving this mark that he complained to God that the people
would hunt him and kill him. His appearance was already very different to Adam, Eve and Abel’s as
his father was, let’s face it hideous (Not always a pretty angel of light), and so his place of habitation
was also changed. The Book of Jasher adds credibility to part of his appearance having included two
horns upon his head, as he was mistaken for a deer by Lamech 5th from Cain who was almost blind in
his old age. The account of Cain’s death in itself is a testament to how his appearance was animal-like
as when his young helper (Tubal-Cain) alerts him to what they thought was an animal, tells Lamech
where and when to shoot. After discovering his error (as they all knew about the promise that if
anyone killed Cain they would be cursed themselves), in his horror Lamech slams his hands together
accidentally killing Tubal-Cain. It is possible that his hands came down on both of the ears at the
same time and literally killed him through pressure waves. It is after all, a Martial Arts manoeuvre
grouped under the term ‘stunning blow’ in ancient martial art texts and is well capable of killing a
child. Don’t forget Lamech the son of Mehusael, was of course a hybrid himself and he had access to
the secrets of warfare that the fallen angel - Azazel taught in those days. However that manoeuvre
usually requires the intent to do just that and so it may just have been a very close ‘clap’ right next to
his ear. Let’s remember just how large some of those hybrids were back then, for all we know he
could have been 12ft tall or more, so just the act of slamming his hands in a fast motion could have
simply bashed the youngster to death. This account also adds to the legend of PAN the Horned God
and fits with many other known historical facts and archaeological depictions of Cain as being
‘horned’ like a deer. Lamech’s wives try to kill him after that but fail.
Sherry Shriner has an article on the ‘Mark of Cain’ and her findings indicate that it was a cross on his
forehead. This also fits with many other symbolic meanings of the origin of the cross, especially in
the emblem drawn up by the late Mr Freddie Mercury, which the rock band ‘Queen’ used as their
emblem (See later chapter). Use this link to read about the Mark:
So back to Cain and Co before he died. Cain and his family were sent away. The book of Jasher can
be relied upon just as much as the rest of the Bible because the wisest man that ever lived - King
Solomon, used it as a reference book. That’s good enough for me. To get anywhere near the truth, we
have to look at the Hebrew. English is far too inadequate a language to know what Genesis really
says. To help us confirm where the descendants of Cain actually live right now, we shall delve into
So the descendants of Cain and the other hybrids truly became Vagabonds and the Criminals of the
Night. Monsters that go bump in the dark and kidnap people in their sleep never to be seen again.
The ancient US Indians used to raise a hand to let their fellows know they had five fingers instead of
some of the hybrid’s six and not to fear them, as they did the race of Cain. So the native Indians
always knew about the so called Alien Grey’s (Ant people) and many other creatures like Bigfoot etc,
just like the legend of the giant birds they nick named the Thunderbird, (Pterodactyls). The last one
seen was shot by early white man pioneers if the ancient photos are true (I have put them in the other
book ‘Satan’s Matrix’). The smaller ones are still sighted in remote places of the earth, as Venezuelan
villagers have sightings for example in remote areas. It sounds as if the Solomon Islands are a real hot
spot of UFO and Giant activity, as they are still a strong part of the villager’s culture!
Now we have the re-emergence of the Alien greys (Ant people). I have read ‘whistle-blowers’ reports
from the D.U.M.B’s saying that the small ‘Alien Greys’ that we here so much about, are no more than
smaller Insectoid-type creatures that wear that appearance like a suit. Not only do the big black eyes
operate as ‘multi-light spectrum goggles’ but as they are deep subterranean being’s, they can not bear
the light on the surface. Hence my thoughts on the Satanic rapture of Revelations 9 and the fact that
they only make an appearance when the sun is blocked out via the subterranean ash that spews out
from the split in the earth. The small grey’s are ‘manufactured’ and slaves to the tall greys and
reptilians. The Reptilian’s come in green and white (possibly 7 species) and are the cold-aggressive
soldier-types, with the elite being the Nordic’s and Plaedians. The only species above them are the
Draconians who are only answerable to Satan himself. It would seem that the so-called ‘Nordics’ are
the Watchers of old as their leader is called ‘Samjazza’, therefore the same set up as before has not
changed. The people that think there are ‘benevolent’ Aliens are under the assumption that there is
such a thing as neutrality between the forces of good and evil. All the ‘Nordics’ and ‘Plaedians’ are,
is a lot more intelligent and masters of deception. They are violent struggles between their differing
factions, as they both want to be in the ‘seats of power’ in the ‘end days’.
It’s unclear as to why the surviving Watchers kept their appearance. Azazel and three others were
imprisoned for teaching warfare and other abominations to mankind, for a period of time (till the last
days in fact), whilst some seemed to escape that fate. Hence the TV program, ‘Stargate SG-1’ writing
in Thor and others as Alien Grey’s etc. Remember that Hollywood (Holy-wood) is also both
manipulating and manipulated, to create movies that serve both as propaganda and readying the
populace about certain coming realities, like the so-called x-men types mutants, especially the series
‘Heroes’, which is propaganda for the hybrid ‘Indigo’ and ‘Star’-children. They plant the seeds in our
psyche where it can grow to a point when eventually they can show up for a face to face with mankind
and be more acceptable in our societies. One thing that could well happen just as it has with the
‘Vampire’ fans, is that people actually start queuing up to have their DNA changed willingly just to
get freaky abilities! Can you imagine that? Just like before the flood, people were queuing up to be
(or have) a ‘hybrid’. “Just as in the days of Noah!”
Personally, I would prefer the cocking of a shotgun, a choice phrase like “You ain’t from around hear
are yuh boy?” and a swift “Get off my land!”
Genesis 6.7: ‘I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast
and the creeping thing and the fowls of the air’.
I once heard a wise man say, “What the scriptures do not tell us often tells us more than what the text
actually says”. It could well be then that these informative verses have a double meaning to them.
For instance, many times if Yahuah wants to tell us something, he will alert us to it by the very fact
that it’s not there! This kind of thing regularly occurs to scholars of the bible and so I will run through
some examples and that will inform us as to what died and what might have survived the global flood!
But then we have this verse to consider:
Genesis 6. 17: ‘And behold, I even I do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh
wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven, and every thing that is in the earth shall die’.
Jasher 5. 21: ‘And all the sons of men who knew the LORD, died in that year before the LORD
brought evil upon them; for the LORD willed them to die, so as not to behold the evil that God would
bring upon their brothers and relatives, as he had so declared to do.
I even I do bring a flood…’ is a direct confirmation of the Jasher 5. 21 Verse, in that the Creator does
bring evil, as well as love! So keep this in mind when we go through the Great tribulation folks.
Back to Genesis 6.7: ‘I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man
and beast and the creeping thing and the fowls of the air’.
Face (6440 in the Strong’s; meaning – Always the face, forefront, upside, mouth of or front.
That means only the surface. That also means then that any ‘subterranean’ life-forms, could have
escaped IF there was such a thing a subterranean anything before, as the flood-waters did come from
subterranean chambers but it does not say that every part of those chambers was full of water. That is
quiet different, so there is a fair chance that there were some small pockets at the very least where
some lucky survivors of the descendants of Cain could have escaped to.
Beast here is the same word as used in genesis 7.2 meaning the Mute or dumb four-legged animals
and cattle and beasts.
Creeping thing (7431 in the Strong’s; meaning – Reptile or any other rapidly moving animal that
creeps or crawls.
Fowls of the air (5775 in the Strong’s; meaning – Every feathered bird that covers itself with wings.
Pterodactyls do not come under the above just like many of the ancient legendary beasts like the
talking hybrids such as bi-pedal goat/horse-men - Fauns and Centaurs. There are many more that
people can find in historical stories.
The Book of Jubilees says that after the Eden incident, the Creator silenced the speech of every beast
and animals, confirming yet again that a great deal of the so-called legendary creatures could talk.
Jubilees 3. 28: ‘rising of the sun from the day when he covered his shame. And on that day was closed
the mouth of all beasts, and of cattle, and of birds, and of whatever walks, and of whatever moves, so
that they could no longer speak: for they had all spoken one with another with one lip and with one
Then there are the unclean and mute ‘hybrids’ that were taken aboard the Ark. God obviously
thought that the Centaurs and creatures that most of us think of, were just stories were an abomination,
especially the ones that could talk. That was because they were not part of the Genesis two creation
of animal life. For instance the Pig, was not the Creator’s animal. It is a result of crossbreeding,
which is most likely why surgery often makes use of pig parts rather than an Apes. If (Macro-pure
chance) Evolution were true, it would be Ape parts used.
Genesis 7. 2: ‘...and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female.
So what were the unclean and mute hybrids taken on the Ark? Many creatures come to mind like
the weird duck-billed platypus, maybe even the Dodo? We know unclean (Online Blue letter Bible
concordance #02891) meant ‘chemically impure’, so this is not exactly a leap of faith!
This is where I jump in with a theory that I have not heard anyone mention before. Have you ever
thought whether or not creatures like the Tyrannosaurus Rex, Sabre-Tooth Tiger and all the other
flesh-eaters were natural animals made by the Creator? Can you imagine such fearsome beasts
wandering around in harmony with all the other life in a ‘perfect’ creation? It has been proven that
Lions can live quite happily if brought up from birth to live on vegetation, like hay or straw plus we
have biblical references saying that the lion will once again lay down with the lamb…that’s not
metaphorical folks. Tyrannosaurus-Rex has always seemed to me to be a ‘hybrid giant’. It’s not as
easy to picture the Sabre-tooth tiger laying down with a lamb is it. So my theory is that some (If not
all) of the flesh-eating Dinosaurs were made by the rebellious angels of chapter one.
T-Rex for example would not have fitted into the category of Unclean Beast, because it was Bi-pedal.
Therefore it comes in the category of an abomination that the Creator did not want to save. Certainly
at least some of the Dinosaurs were around then. Anyone who believes and expects others to accept
that all dinosaurs only existed Billions of years ago with no proof whatsoever, are just as fanciful as
the believers in faeries! We have the story of ‘Bel the Dragon’ in Jasher, the Leviathan and Behemoth
of Job etc, even the stories of the first ‘Chin Emperor’ who had pet Dragons! It is recorded that this
man had a special Dragon-Breeder/Husbandman. Of course the Emperor would have been a hybrid
serpent-seeder just like all the other Rulers and King’s that the fallen Angels had set up over mankind.
It is likely then that the family and descendants of Cain indeed became subterranean twisted versions
of humanoids that have existed within our earth ever since then. Hence all the world-wide ‘creatures
of the night’ stories down through our history. Just as some examples of certain Dinosaurs could have
been taken away from the earth as well. Survival of the flood by some of them was via their angelic
fathers who carried them away onboard there flying craft (The ancient Symbol found in various tombs
etc, of a disc with wings each side of it, is a flying disc (U.F.O/flying Saucer).
When the flood subsided the rebellious angels (like Genesis tells us) returned to the earth. As the
numbers of mankind grew again, so did the threat to their existence and so the Descendants of Cain go
into the depths of the earth where it is warmed by the earths centre which is likely ‘Sheol’ the lake of
fire. They live in underground cities in the lower regions of the earth, where the cities are warmed by
hell itself. So they still exist and we shall see them in the not to distant future, no doubt blowing
some unbelieving minds for sure.
What is their objective in deceiving the masses then?
That’s simple; it’s all in order to rob the Creator of our living-souls and rule this planet as they did
thousands of years ago under the same Babylonian and ‘pre-Adamite’ set-up. They have been and are
achieving this through the divisions of races, religions and politics etc. Over time and enough wars
for profit, they fully intend to bring together again, the one-like-mind of the Jezebel Spirit churches
and all in order to give birth to that ‘man-of-sin’ - the Beast, just like they did at Babylon.
So evil’s intention seems to be twofold, A: the hiding of man’s true nature from himself, so as to stop
him from coming to the knowledge of any truth (they might tease you with some of it but they refuse
to let us have all of it!), and B: The eternal separation between the ‘Father of spirits’ and that small
part of the ‘Father’s breath’, our Spirits. They hate us because they hate the Creator and we remind
the fallen ones of him. Also most of us are not of their Gen ch1 v26 design, and they have been trying
to ‘dumb us down’ ever since, just like they did their Adamic species! (Note: When confirmed, I will
add a chapter to the end of this book, basically writing Genesis chapters 1 and 2 out in it’s truer
original form, when read in English anyway).
Simply put then, what we now have being played out before our eyes, is the pure envy, jealousy and
bitter spite of a once exalted being, which has already lost one great war. If we were to follow the
findings of David Icke and his mentors; it is being played out mostly, in the 96% of this universe that
is beyond our five senses. I for one commend David Icke for his brave search for truth, even though
we eventually come to a point when I am led to take a different route.
We are the ‘spoils of war’ then, between the good (positive) and the evil (negative). The Father of all
spirits wants to give us eternal life and Satan/Evil want to separate us from that right and take us to the
same place he knows he is going to end up at – The Lake of Fire!
The rebellion of Lucifer/Sammael/Samjazza that brought about the first angelic war could well have
lasted any length of time as it was outside-of-time. The forces of Light outnumber the forces of
Darkness by two to one though, plus of course the Creator can make as many as he wishes.
Earth was indeed created from nothing at some point in the infinite past just like Genesis states.
Anyone that says the planets are only 6-12,000 yrs old because that’s as far as the biblical record
reveals to us, is deliberately placing upon themselves, goggles of immense limitations when it comes
to searching for truth. Genesis does not say that Creation from nothing occurred 6,000 yrs ago. Too
many creationists are blinded to the possibility of there being any kind of separation within the
opening chapters of Genesis 1 and 2, purely because of their fear of ‘Evolution’.
Their argument focuses on a supposed gap between chapter one verses 1 and 2, when there is none!
So any arguments are a total waste of time and between fleshly minds alone. What they should be
thinking about is the Gap between the first two chapters, not the verses! This has been revealed to
many but as it is not directly any use to ‘saving souls’, confirmation only seems to come in the fact
that he has revealed it to a few. The fact is that after the initial Creation of our universe, it was the
angelic’s that started life on earth by triggering certain key-steps in the evolution of life! Gen 2 deals
with the creation of Adam the individual and the first woman. There were however already Gentiles
upon the earth of lower intelligence designed by the angelic’s for the purposes of having a workforce
as Mr Stitchen’s Sumerian accounts indicate. Gen 2 also caters for different animals that were created
in the garden and brought to Adam so he could name them. Animal life already existed outside of that
garden through the makings of Gen 1. Hence no doubt, why the Dinosaurs mostly ‘reptilian’ in nature
and some very large, which equates to the ‘Giants’ later and again made. I will not go into details
here as this very subject is not ‘concretely’ confirmed. However it is all readable once the limited
goggles are taken off. The ‘Rulers and Judges’ (Angels) made life and then the Supreme Pre-existent
one, created perfect life-forms later, putting Adam in the garden where he created the animals.
The supposed verses 1&2 gap creates in their minds the dreaded ‘Gap theory’. The Gap theory is
often used by bible readers who also wish to believe in Evolution Theory. Only 5% of the funding
going into science goes into the public arena. The remaining 95% goes mostly to the ‘Esoteric
Sciences’ of A: Hiding scientific discoveries from the world and destroying knowledge, B:
Researching the various hateful methods of controlling the world or C: The Military Industrial
Complex’s D.U.M.B lab experiments as well as building secret space projects to have methods of
escape from the coming catastrophe. The Black Sciences rule in other words.
The evolutionists want the gap theory and the creationists do not. Both need to just get on their knees
for a change as both schools of thought are seriously flawed. Young-earth creation-scientists and
bible believing evolutionists are just more examples of products of the world and of self. Instead of
getting on their knees to be released from the Strong Delusion and the Jezebel churches, they exalt
their minds against the truth. They preach against these things and yet are guiltier of it than they
know. High-mindedness is what stops most of them. They are so in love with the subject-matter and
their own scholarly methods, they don’t even consider whether or not they are under the Strong
Delusion! Most attend churches of some kind that only encourage their delusions and they seem
totally unprepared to lay down their preconceptions and beliefs for Yahuah to teach them anything.
Almost every church they belong to is under the strong delusion and so they live by the Paul and
Jezebel’s doctrines rather than Yahushua’s.
For example; anyone who continues to worship on a Sunday is under the Strong Delusion 100%. If
they were not, they simply would not worship on the first day of the week and disobey the Fathers 1 st,
4th and 7th Commandments! Anyone and that really does mean anyone, who worship’s on a Sunday is
deceived into praising and worshiping Baal and Mithra and so they immediately break the greatest
commandment of all:
“Thou shalt have no other gods before me”.
That’s why it’s called deception folks! It does not matter one little bit, how their intents are to
worship the Creator as their worship is unwittingly ‘redirected’. They have unknowingly turned like a
dog unto its own vomit – in that they are following Anti-Christ manipulations. They have left there 1st
love and like Jonah, they are running in the opposite direction or running on a ‘tread-mill’.
“Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the
seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son,
nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within
thy gates: For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and
rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it”.
And because they are following the doctrines of devils and Jezebel, they are also breaking the 7th
“Thou shalt not commit adultery”. This is not just sexual! It is mingling with Jezebel’s and false gods
It is because they follow the world and its ways that they go to the apostate churches meeting’s at all.
They think the ‘ways of the world’ are anything that is outside of the churches! It is not, the churches
are run ‘by’ the world, just a different ‘faction’ of it.
Evil has succeeded in causing division in what should-be, like-minded people pooling their resources
to discover the very truths that the rulers hide from us. There are so many really useful things these
great scientific minds could be doing. Instead they try to use their ‘science’ to convert people from
unbelief to a belief in the apostate church! It would be better for those neutral listeners to remain
ignorant of the deceptions that their teachers are under, as they are helping no one! They are merely
fulfilling their own lusts and letting the people heap unto themselves teachers because of their itching
Anyone in an apostate Sunday-worshiping Christmas and Easter-loving church, are totally wasting
their efforts if all they convert people to is the ‘strong-delusion’ and false gods! When Satan returns
in the flesh, he will not come as Satan but as God and as Jesus! Hence the usefulness of calling
Yahushua by his real name. Satan will come as ‘the Christ’!
All true followers of Yahushua should be preparing for the biggest fight of their lives and yet
Christendom carries on, just like ‘In the days of Noah’, as if they are relying on the false Pre/Mid
Tribulation rapture. No wonder it was prophesied (Not by Luke that’s for sure) that Yahushua would
be hard pressed to find many of true faith on the earth.
Sure they can carry on teaching their various limited views to an already indoctrinated churchianity.
If all they ever research is the knowledge that NASA allows them to know about, then what hope do
the ignorant have. If they do that, then they have already decided to operate within the limited
parameters set by the Illuminati control-grid. Don’t waste time paddling around in the drip-fed puddle
that is public science. We have faith and belief in a thing that we can not see and therefore cannot
experience within the realm of our five senses. The flesh must die! In the Father’s eyes, it is already
The Gospel of Thomas
Yahushua said, “Whoever has come to know the world has discovered a carcass, and whoever has
discovered a carcass, of that person the world is not worthy”.
Yahushua said, “Damn the flesh that depends on the soul. Damn the soul that depends on the flesh”.
Anyway, back to the ‘spirit of Jezebel and the spirit of Anti-Christ’. Fornicating with the spirit of
Jezebel is mingling spiritual knowledge with the doctrines of devils and people. Blending truth with
lies and blending the Messiah with the Babylonian trinity and their religions!
‘Blaspheming the Holy Ghost’ is attributing the things of Yahuah to Baal, Mithra and Ishtar. Like the
so-called ‘gifts of Saul’.
No Creator fearing person can escape the truth that the ‘Holy Bible’ is merely the remains of what
Rome and its master either didn’t mind us knowing about or wanted us to think. If I hear one more
Christian say, “Oh we shouldn’t read that because it’s not inspired or canonised, I’m sure I will
throw-up all over them!
Enoch was given a tour of the universe and wrote 365 books! I call that INSPIRED! All the apostle’s
books as well as Jasher and Jubilees should be read. Is it any wonder then that the churches think
themselves to be the ‘Bride of Christ’ that is awaiting a pre/mid-tribulation rapture that’s not
supported anywhere in scripture! Is it any wonder that they fulfill all the prophecies that Yahushua
warned us about? If only they would realise that Yahushua was talking about them! The sickest of
them all are the Beasts prophets who teach the health, wealth and prosperity gospel, straight from the
pit. Satellite Preachers that live a life of luxury, whilst they take money from the very people that
need it the most and only offer healings to those who donate! Need I go further? The verse “By their
fruits you shall know them” gets ignored.
So Fornicating with the Spirit of Jezebel, is the swallowing of, listening too and then believing in
‘falsehoods’ whether they come from devils or the minds of people. The eating of things sacrificed
unto idols also means of things like Easter Eggs, Hot Cross Buns and any sweets/foods coming from
Christmas gifts. This also applies to the Roman Catholic Sun-disc wafers done in memory to the Sungod of Rome and even Pancakes that are eaten on Shrove Tuesday (More like Grove Tuesday!), which
is Rome’s special confession day. Eating from the Tree in the midst of paradise is a metaphor for
hearing direct from the Creator his own words, so we can indeed then, metaphorically eat someone’s
words, whether it be the messiah’s or false doctrines. The matter of Trees being a metaphor for
people is confirmed in Isaiah 56v3 as well as Revelations).
One of the most obvious deceptions is when the self-proclaiming Christian’s turn their nose up at
Pagans when Christians themselves are ‘practitioners’ of Paganism every time they take part in
Christmas, Easter or Halloween. Even competitive sports and the Olympics which has it’s origin in
the pre/post flood offspring of the Watchers and the ‘Mighty-Men’ of legend like Hercules. All
performed awesome displays of strength and athleticism in honour of their angelic fathers. Are you a
high-level sportsman obsessed with reaching a physical goal all your life? It’s all just to distract
mankind from the importance of the spirit. Yahushua said that physical prowess profits very little,
meaning that it is only useful to keep the body healthy because it is the ‘vessel’ of our spirits.
Every single one of mankind has within them a small part of the actual breath of the Creator, even the
Serpent-seed which come from Sammael (the great serpent) which was but a creation from that same
breath and mind, the ‘Father of Spirits’. Yahushua taught that ‘the Kingdom of God is within you”.
All man and his institutions have done since then via so-called Christianity is to tell man that this is
not so and that it is ‘the’ lie that the serpent told woman, or that this was a heretical Gnostic belief and
therefore wrong. It is NOT! Yahushua said the Kingdom is within us. Ignore that at your peril!
Adam was created to be a ‘little above the Angels’ in authority and station on earth. We do not know
if that relates to his abilities or merely a position of authority ‘over’ the angels when tending the earth.
Personally I think it only relates to his being made specifically as the ‘head supervisor’ of the Garden
of Eden and not the entire planet as that type of ‘dominion’ is only ever talked about in Gen1. This
would have been after the ‘King of this World’ had already ruled here for some eons; hence the preAdamite (Both types) races were purely Angelic.
Mr Zachariah Stitchen has done some great work on our Ancient earth and his efforts point to
evolution triggered in stages by the alterations of ancient mans DNA to make them more useful as
slaves when mining for minerals like gold. Who can really know, except for the angels and the Most
High? Too much truth has been destroyed and hidden from us to make any conclusive absolutes of
earth’s past. We can get close enough to see it in the distance though. We as a species MUST relearn to use our spirits as a whole, to combat the evil forces. We must do all we can to once again
become what we were always supposed to be – the tenders of this earth on behalf of the Creator,
instead of allowing evil entities to literally ‘rape’ and ‘abuse’ her.
When Rome’s version of Christianity increased, Yahushua’s and the Essenes version decreased. The
balance scales were enormously weighted in the favour of the ‘Spirit of Anti-Christ’ ever since the
crucifixion. Is it not obvious WHY the Essenes vanished? Rome persecuted them and used them as
Lion food!
A new understanding of the Strong Delusion (Also the ‘stolen words of Yahushua in that they were
taken from one book and appropriated for another by the servants of Rome)
2 Thessalonians 2. 3-13: ‘Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except
there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth
and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in
the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. Remember you not, that, when I was yet with you,
I told you these things? And now you know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.
For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out
of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of
his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the
working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of
unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might
be saved. And for this cause GOD shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie’.
That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness’.
“Whatever you do, do not let anybody no matter who they are, deceive you. The ‘Second-Coming’
will not take place until the Apostate Church gives birth to the Man of Sin. When the Beast is finally
revealed and he actually sits on his throne declaring himself to be GOD! I already told you this, don’t
you remember? So now you know what it is that holds back that time when they will announce the
beast. The ‘mystery of Iniquity’ that is; that ‘The Spirit of Jezebel’ isn’t a demonic power; it is really
Mankind’s very own beastial soulish nature! And that it is already at work in the world, in man! It’s
just that the Holy Ghost is currently holding this ‘time of announcing’ back. However, when the
Father’s patience runs out, he will take his spirit away from the earth. It is this absence of the Holy
Ghost that allows the Spirit of Jezebel (the very worst traits of mankind) to announce its leader. That
man will be the Beast who pretends to be God himself! He will sit on his throne in the temple
prepared for him by his Zionists worshipers, who will worship him as God because the Spirit of the
Beast is their Father the Devil! He will get his come-uppance. When I return, I will blow him away
with the power of my return that will surround the entire planet. I will sort the Devil out after I have
dealt with the Beast. He’s the one that’s been giving the beast all those abilities so he can perform his
magic tricks. It was because I needed to sort the wheat from the chaff, that I allowed the devil to
deceive you all, via any method at his disposal. So you see, Im using the Devil to sort out for me,
who is really mine and who are really his, once and for all! So anyone that believes the false teachers
that you willingly listened too came under my Strong Delusion and fell for the deceptions of their
masters, the satanic trinity.
One example of an attempt to explain this ‘Mystery of Iniquity’ falls far short and is an obvious
product of man’s thought process is linked here:
Compare his view to the fact that the Mystery of Iniquity is both ‘the Spirit of Jezebel’ and things like
the ‘Fallen Angel/Reptilian Agenda’ at work and come to your own conclusions! This is not ‘havinga-go’ at Mr/Rev Ian Paisley, it is merely pointing out the difference between man’s fallen thought
process and receiving things through the spirit after prayer and fasting. (Note on fasting: Too long a
period of fasting can easily take a person into deception as their faculties weaken. Test absolutely
everything. Personally, I have received prayer answers by the end of the second night).
Destroy the faith from within…
Fifth Columnist tactics became the new order of the day. Babylon (itself a recreation of the preAdamite Luciferian set-up) eventually became Rome which was the New World Order of its day just
like it is, the New World Order of this day, only covertly. It is the Phoenix on the verge of rising once
again; the old order re-born to inflict its evil on mankind yet again for the last time. The 4th Reich of
Babylon with its symbol of the Golden Eagle (Phoenix) the spiritual-bird of Lucifer, spreading his
wings of influence over the planet. This is probably connected to the ancient Illuminati ‘House of the
Falcon’ that was or is the ruling house of the Annukai. So Rome does it’s best to destroy all
knowledge of truth it can find, whilst at the same time putting together a new book for their Empire,
The New Testaments 66 Books with 13 of them accredited to Paul. They had to re-direct the masses
and affect the very minds of man. They had to reshape this new faith called Christianity into a
philosophical diluted mess, which is perfect blending of Babylon, Mithraism and Torah fulfillment.
Only the real seekers of truth would come to see the trick. Rome as an institution would survive no
matter what, under the guise of another’s banner! Rome literally ‘hijacked’ not only Christianity, but
Germany and now America through the serpent seed. Then Rome or at least every value and ideal of
Rome would carry on its existence, surviving in the shadows away from prosecution. Pretty much
like the English/British Illuminati have done to the Unites States of America. So they took Rome
underground – at least to the ‘unseeing eyes or the ‘non-Illumined ones’. It would also be easy to
manipulate the masses from the Vatican by installing someone at the head of that New Testament
faith, by saying the Pope has something to do with Peter being the Rock and he can be their public
face. The real power of the occult though is of course never in plain sight; hence the Jesuit’s being the
real power-house in that den of iniquity. Their just giving people something to look at whilst they
really get down to what’s important in the background away from prying eyes, like their Satanic black
mass rituals underneath the Vatican. They left a little about Yahushua, after they changed his name
from that to Zeus and decided that Saul’s philosophy pals and their Mithraic writing’s were the way to
go. That way the Roman citizen’s could all be content because many of the reasons for argumentative
splits were dissolved.
Never mind then that Christians are not allowed to read the writing’s of most of the Apostles or God
forbid Miriam’s (Mary) or Miriam Magdalene the Esene (Not a prostitute!). Hence the friendship
with Messiah, she most likely grew up with him as a boy (or at least knew of his arrival) within the
Essene facilities. They don’t want us to read what Yahushua actually taught those twelve men in the
three and a half years. All that good stuff about man’s real nature and the Mind and what can be
achieved through loving everything around us and living in harmony (One-ness).
Some people say that it was around that time that they invented the Islamic faith as well. The origin
of Islam seems to be on the face of it, a double sided coin and one that only shows one side of itself to
whoever perceives it. Whoever wants one particular view merely flips the coin. That original agenda
was to split masses of populations apart and cause powerful divisions that would set the stage for the
Illuminati’s New World Order plans. Hence the inevitable attack on Iran, to play out their pretend
Armageddon and cause the beginning of the world’s depopulation plan. The Arabic nations will take
the blame whilst it is in fact, the NWO freaks that are behind it all, along with the pretentious Aliens.
Certainly on the face of it anyway, it seems as if even Islamic faiths have enough problems with their
own divisions. I would not put it past the Illuminati to be the cause of the Islamic splits in order to
weaken them as a whole, whilst in their own countries; they are bringing the ‘Christian Faiths’
together to form the One World Church and political system. It’s logical that the Beast as it’s leader
will want a weakened enemy before he shows up to spread his spew.
All-the-world’s-a-stage folks as they force it to conform to their desires. They have gradually added
more evil dogmas and political evil’s (Patriot Acts 1&2 etc) to weaken any chance mankind’s unity.
One thing the Christian faith is fantastic for is scaring people away from examining any other
possibilities. If anyone shows signs of having ‘Powers of the Mind’ or ‘secret’ knowledge, they will
call them ‘Sinners’ and performers of witchcraft and other damnable sorceries, hence the Inquisition
and its hunting down of anyone who had possible links to a better understanding of the truth of
So brothers and sisters of the world, you can see how the Illuminati can cause the world two form into
few remaining faiths (Hence the genocide of the Tibetan’s and Vietnamese Buddhists etc), and cause
one side to come to unity and their enemies into division! The Hindu’s will be easily dealt with, in
their minds anyway, therefore there no threat to the agenda. That’s another reason why the Muslims
over in those ‘Hindu’ lands are trying to convert (By any means) as many of them as possible, whilst
all the time being manipulated by the Nazi CIA. This will lead to the Son of Perdition’s ultimate
stage of power and control over the world.
Without accepting that there was a pre-Adamic species/the individual, race of Angels that used to
interact with all the planets before we were created, we have no timeframe for the Luciferian
rebellion. People seem to try to squeeze Satan’s rebellion into a ridiculously small timeframe
sometimes. The truth is it took way longer than we have even existed for! Yahuah did not just blink
his eyes and say ‘stop’! People’s arguments about whether or not Angels can actually eat and drink
and become solid are ridiculous and the arguments only occur due to a lack of understanding about
their very nature. This is where Mr David Icke’s information from the African Shamanic Leader
‘Crado Matwa’, is very helpful indeed. Angels were all created as being’s of light. That means there
bodies are made up of the protons and photons (and any other –ons) that make up Light itself. Couple
this with the very detailed information about what the original Hebrew says in Genesis about the
Spiralling effects of space as it comes closer to the Earth.
( (the article on Existence).
Genesis actually tells us about the structure of the universe but the English language is totally
inadequate for getting across that information, and we have the reason for the existence of Time itself
and the very interesting notion that it is this spiralling around and down into our atmosphere that
bring’s anything that is made up of those light particles to become more solid as it gets closer and
slows down. At the moment these beings of Light stop moving in that ‘Travel mode’, they become
solid entities themselves and it could easily be just a matter of choice. So when light particles
themselves slow down, they can be used to make solid things. Therefore as the Creator is himself the
origin of all Life and Light, we can come to the conclusion that every single thing in the Created
Universe is also made up of particles of Light that have just been brought to a solid state through the
lack of motion within itself. So ‘light Speed’ or more can only be achieved when the object moving is
‘dematerialized’ (made a non-physical object). This is done says the Area 51 scientists, through
manipulating secret universal energies to create the desired effect. When an object like a flying saucer
dematerializes, it has entered another dimension outside of Time, Space and Matter. Therefore they
disappear to our five senses but that does not mean that they are not right where they were when they
dematerialize. Many UFO spotters are now using Infa-red cameras and spotting them just sitting there
invisible. Many people have assumed that because they are (or were) naturally spiritual being’s, they
dimension-shift to the spirit realm hence there invisibility. Maybe one day we will find out for sure?
These are the aliens that travel around between the various planets. Earth just happens to be their
focal point as our atmosphere is the 1st heaven. Basically then, the theory would follow that our Solar
System is all made from the same material, light particles that the Creator slowed down and used to
mould things as he saw fit.
Free interaction with the spirit realm was a possibility before Adam and woman ‘fell’. Certainly they
would have been capable of instant communion with the Creator. Unlike the Angelic version of the
Adamic race from chapter one, we were not designed to be ‘workers for gold and other goodies’. The
Creator made Adam and Eve for the tending of the Garden east of Eden and not necessarily the ‘entire
earth’ as the ‘Gentiles’ were already out there, but they were also natural extensions of the Fathers
will. Harmony and not the subjection and dominance of the Gen chapter One race, was the Father’s
We are said to be the guardians of this unique planet and we are allowing the forces of evil to destroy
both it and us from under our noses. Why? Because all of those that care have been divided and split
into factions that care about this little part or that little matter. All the small parts like individual
Environmentalist movements can really all come under one umbrella then, which is likely a sacred
duty to look after the planet. Yet as long as we remain divided, we will never have the strength to
combat the likes of secret world leaders and their secret military high tech weapons. Their domination
of us through things like the obsession with fossil fuels etc should have come to an end around 30-40
yrs ago. Quite simply it’s never going to happen because whilst all those that care about such things
whine and moan about the state of the planet, they still drive around in their petroleum and diesel
Vehicles saying, “Well, what can we do about it?” As a mass, we are too scared as a population to
have a revolution in every major country. Although some Europeans like the French and Hungarians
seem to have no problems with getting rid of their corrupt governments! Good for them- as long as it
is done without ‘murder’ and ‘unnecessary’ aggression. I find it quite amazing sometimes that the
police in these situations are not outraged as well by their so-called leader’s corrupt actions and don’t
just join the people. They are after all citizens as well. The trouble is some of them truly seem to
enjoy the violence as they get to use all there new ‘Crowd-control’ gadgetry, like ‘Bully-boys’ with
toys! Satanism is rife within Authoritive bodies world-wide. It has to be if they are to manipulate,
control and dominate.
We can start by backing up people like the London Computer guy ‘Gary McKinnon’, who spent two
years searching through secret government computer files in the search for the truth about ‘Free
Energy’ and so-called E.B.E’s (Extra-Biological Entities). Whilst the financial masters like the
Federal Reserve owners, try to get his man imprisoned for life where he can no longer spread the
truth. This man no doubt feels alone in his struggle and yet his search gave mankind the information
they need to end this ‘Fossil Fuel’ addiction once and for all. If we had access to the ‘Free Energy’
that they reverse engineered from shot down Flying Saucers, they would not have the grip required to
enforce their 4th Reich Fascism over us. By controlling Power they control Nations, when they
control food, they can control people via famines and starvation. That is just a very small part of their
agenda. It is not yet clear as to the ‘Disclosure Project’ he found as that group has come forth publicly
trying to tell the world about the UFO’s and Aliens. What is not clear is whether or not they are
pawns of the Military Industrial Complex and their agenda to gradually let the public get used to the
concept before the UFO/Alien Invasion. In 2008 America will have introduced their National ID card
system. Behind every picture of the owner is a colour coded system that basically goes Black –Instant
death, Red – torture for info then kill, down to Yellow –re-educate and if compliant put back into the
system and Green which means compliant sheeple who will take the Mark of the Beast without fuss.
Make no mistake people: The manipulators of the Spirit’s of Jezebel in the churches (Like the
‘Beasts’ prophets mentioned earlier) are the ones that are knowingly trying to bring about the birth of
the Man of sin. They behave the way they do to deliberately stimulate the ‘pregnancy’ of Jezzy
through our fleshly desire’s, to bring that birth to its conclusion. That conclusion that they are all
desperate to achieve, is the announcement of their One World Leader, the Beast of Revelation!
They are in secret, laughing at the churches today. They laugh at its lack of strength, its lack of
character and its lack of courage with which to defend itself against the ‘thought enslavement’ and
total domination. I have never heard preaching’s or read writings on this feminine spirit that seems
hell bent on our deception into eternal damnation. It should be no surprise either, because it is the
church that is doing its best to usher in their Beast (At the very least the church of the Second Babylon
anyway). It looks as if Mr Ratzinger could fulfill the prophecies of Malachi, by becoming the first
non-ordained Pope, thereby become one of the False Prophets of Revelations. So of course they
won’t tell you what the Spirit of Jezebel is! Most of the leaders do not have there eyes or hearts
opened to such a mystery as the Spirit of Jezebel and Iniquity, due to the deceptions that blind them. I
for one can’t remember the last time I heard of a real pastor who gets on his knees daily, asking for all
deceptions to leave him and for the truth in all things. I truly hope they are still out there?
The Illuminati etc think in opposites just like Mr David Icke points out in his excellent series, ‘Secrets
of the Matrix’. I whole-heartedly urge people to watch this as soon as possible. Just remain aware
that he has come to his current understanding through his own experiences, as do we all. He has
searched for truth a great deal more than 99% of humanity and deserves the attention of anyone who is
on the path of searching for truth. You will learn more about the reality of our universe from him,
than any Church today! It’s just that he has taken the New Age view that all the Religious leaders
(including Yahushua) in our history like Ghandi, Buddha and Krishna etc are all just christ-energies
that show up from time to time to try to reveal the truth to mankind. That is the New Age foundation
stone and such a master move from the evil forces at work to side-track mankind. The true Messiah
warned us that plenty of false Christ’s would show up, all the way up to the end.
So any of the writing’s of Yahushua and his apostles that would conflict with Mithraism, were not to
be made available to the masses, enter the birth of Roman Christendom. The word ‘Church’ comes
from the Roman Goddess Circa. The flock would enter the temple to be manipulated and controlled
by the priests. The masses were kept dumbed down and only the priests and rulers could know the big
picture. So when they deemed it necessary they could create new faiths all over the world and further
dilute the truth with the intent of keeping the sheeple divided. The longer they can keep us ignorant of
the real truth, the longer they have to implement their evil master’s plan for world domination. The
Babylon church leaders and rulers of this world are the very ‘children of evil’ and so they think that
buys them a ticket to safe-ville while their evil plan is let loose upon the rest of us. The US for
instance has 43,000 Baptist ‘Freemason’ Ministers alone who have all sworn oaths to Lucifer! The
silent invasion began quite some time ago now, especially within the political realm. Many have been
‘Soul-scalped’ and are now hosts to demons (Mainly ‘Reptilian’ entities).
They have a far greater technical knowledge of the universe and can disguise themselves by shifting
their forms through some kind of particle adjustment. They ‘wear’ human appearances like a suit.
Our vision capabilities are very limited when taking into account all the different spectrums of light
that exist. We can only therefore see something that exists in the immensely limited physical realm.
The Nephilim/Reptilians natural state can therefore just exist in a different spectrum of light. The
barriers between the 3rd and 4th dimensions are breaking down and before long we will all see things
as they really are and we will see the Giants once again walk the earth just like they did in Noah and
Joshua’s day. Following Mr David Icke’s findings that all matter is energy in one form or another
and all energy is light in either a positive or negative way. Taking it even further from there, all light
comes from a source and we call that source the Ineffable, the Unbegotten Father, the Eternal Light
and source of all life.
It is even scientifically logical as all ‘energy’ must have a source or point of origin.
This would account for the thousands of monster stories that follow man wherever he goes all down
through history with my personal favourite being the Beowulf legend. Grendel was very possibly one
of the last surface-dwelling monster-hybrids to be hunted down by man. Its hide was impenetrable to
all weapons, which meant it took a wrestling manoeuvre to defeat the creature. When hunted to its
underwater lair (backing up its reptilian nature), Grendels mother was only killed by a weapon made
by the Nephilim’s knowledge. That was the ‘Giants’ Sword that dissolved after having the creature’s
blood come into contact with it. Angelic blood would dissolve and vanish due to its true nature of
existing on another plane (The ‘life’ is in the blood!). Some Hybrids were obvious due to their
appearance or grotesque features or twisted forms of nature, whilst others are and were more manlike
in appearance apart from their size, Trolls and the Giants of the Solomon Islands etc. A great man of
God called ‘Red Elk’ is a native American Indian who says that the Sasquatch/Bigfoot are the last of
the original races of man and it’s my bet that they belong to the Genesis One creation called Adam.
The Annukai are just one faction of the Nephilim and it was their descendants that were installed as
the heads of tribes and nations of men. The royal households were therefore all from a bloodline of
Nephilim hybrids that merely have the same appearance as the rest of mankind. Their true nature
however is very different. They have mainly negative emotions whilst faking things like concern for
mankind, whilst working their own agenda in secret. These have mainly become the world’s rulers,
taking mankind on its path to destruction whilst they suck the earth dry of resources. They are doing
this because they know the earth is going to ‘cleanse’ itself very soon. This ‘cleansing’ will be helped
along of course and it is commonly estimated to occur within the next five years, i.e. 2012). It will
also be the ‘second coming’ event.
Some of these evil rulers are the ‘Drug Lords’ like George Bush who are only to happy to create the
addictions to generate more wealth for their ‘Black projects’. They destroy very easily what they do
not care about, hence the Bohemian Grove’s members ‘Cremation of Care’ Ceremony. They actively
practice the destruction of that part of themselves that might start to care about the harm they do in the
world. Anything like useless emotions must go as there is no place for ‘Love’ in the New World
Order and its Utopian future. So it’s no surprise that the evil members of that so-called ‘Elite Club’ of
‘Anti-Man’ control freaks are allies of the fallen angels and descendants of Cain. Some of mankind
have chosen to be the servants Lucifer, to bring about their brave new world and naturally so as he is
their father. The fallen angels have tried to control and dominate man since his birth and they do it
through Government’s and Royalty. This is why MI5/6 and the CIA (Nazi’s) install Governments
that are useful to them all over the world. Why else are the US military in around 100 other countries
at the moment. Manipulating the control of populations to keep us divided so they can conquer us.
This is why they are using their trillions from drug funds (more than oil) to build Space Stations in
secret, so as to have a refuge to run to when the crap hits the fan, which is another reason why they
have the Military Industrial Complex making all manner of UFO’s. NASA’s job is to hide the truth
from the Sheeple, as most of the shuttle launches are done in secret from Australia (Shipping to and
fro minerals for secret projects.
We will not have room saved for us, on the Ruler’s space-craft (The M.I.C’s flying saucer fleets).
Another reason to keep the knowledge of Free Energy from us is so we can’t escape and follow them
to their lairs. Secrecy of their mode of travel is therefore ultra top secret. There’s only so much room
on their boat’s folks and mankind is not invited anyway. We in general as a species are simply asleep.
It’s way past the time for setting the Watchmen and defending the truth to reveal any false doctrines in
the churches or any other faiths. The steam-roller is on its way and we have all been too drowsy to
halt it. Anyway it has been foretold by the Creator himself, so we are just going to have to ‘suck it
up’ and make the best of already damaged goods. All we can do now is set the pickets. Truth,
wherever it is found and in whatever form, must be defended at all costs if we as a species are to have
anything remain of us at all. The prophecies say that only a remnant will be saved and that is because
the masses are deluded and misdirected away from truth. Millions simply will not lay down their set
beliefs or come to a realization of the mind tricks and deceptions over them. The majority are under
the strong delusion! We must re-learn who we really are and once again re-learn from our individual
walk and talk with the Creator.
I wonder where mankind would be right now without the injection of dogmas handed down to us from
these secretive evil minds. Yahushua warned us that the world was ruled by principalities and powers
and wicked men in high places that make secret pacts with the rebellious angels. One such pact being
the covered up is the alien abductions in exchange for technology. They don’t mind serving them as
long as they survive the devastations to come and continue to be stinking rich. I wonder if they have a
McDonalds on Mars yet. The evil men that have chosen to serve the forces of evil have no future
either! All they are doing is bleeding the earth dry in order to have to surrender it all to their masters
again, just like it was in ancient times with the mining. The control of Diamonds is no different than
the control of Oil. The truth is that there is a huge abundance of resources still in the earth. So much
so that the control freaks have decided to limit our supply purely so they can control the value of such
things on the stock market. The new film ‘Blood Diamonds’ is an excellent learning curve and it
shows just how ripe for judgment this world is. Anyone who gets angry at the Creator in the near
future for allowing all of these impending horrors to occur to us, definatley should watch that movie!
Then you will see just how rebellious and ignorant we have (In general) been. This is also why the
Venezuelan President is now an enemy of the US (or at least the owners of the Federal Reserve). Like
Saddam Hussein, if anyone releases too much oil onto the market, the prices drop losing the control
freaks billions. It is simply ‘cheaper’ financially to go to war! It’s not like they actually care about
such things as ‘life’ is it. In their minds we are all dead anyway! That sadly, is not far off actually.
Most of mankind is inherently good if left alone from the manipulations. We can only guess how the
evil mind works…”Those idiot sheeple, hahaha, they will still be arguing about whether or not Paul
was a real Apostle or the first real instrument of the Anti-Christ to notice their own demise. They will
still be arguing about irrelevant nonsense like ‘Global-warming’ to even be able enough to stop us.
They will be so busy learning about our Trinity from the puppeteers at TBN to use their own brain.
All of our mass distractions like gadget toys, fashion and nice cars etc are keeping them so occupied
hahaha, there all going to be utterly useless to them soon hahaha”. – The freaks!
Yahushua gave his own flesh and blood so that we could be saved in the greatest rescue mission of all
time. His disciples discovered truth by believing in and following what he said was ‘the only way’.
Many will search on that broad path and not find salvation. His way was narrow but the only way in,
just like the one single door on Noah’s Ark. Just as Noah once stood at the entrance of his great
floating box, Yahushua stands at the door on His Ark. He wants as many as possible to be saved from
the coming Judgment as possible, if only mankind would seek him diligently and daily. Only those
that are the exact opposite of the pre-flood people will have a true hope. Just as they only thought evil
continually, any who wish to avoid disappointment should seek him ‘continually’. All will go through
the great Tribulation of the Last days but only a remnant will be saved to see Yahushua’s great return
to reclaim this planet and all that are his. Then after the thousand year reign of Yahushua, the dead in
Christ will be raised into new bodies. Hopefully, that will be the biggest ‘rapture’ of all.
The planned en-mass UFO invasion will occur sometime before the second coming as a fake Return
of the Messiah and it will really be the ‘full-on’ Anti-Christ with his fake crystal pyramid city around
Mount Zion. The very same Leader of the so-called Nordic Aliens who has mislead millions in the
UFO cults, like Billy Meier’s who saw such incredible thing’s. He was the perfect protégée for the
UFO movements. They took an innocent farm boy of 4 and plugged him so full of incredible info that
the ‘UFO’s are cool’ clubbers, will hang on his every experience. Aliens will always manipulate the
few, who can then manipulate millions without even knowing it. Just like Joseph Smith who was told
by an ‘angel of light’ where to find the so-called sacred book of Mormon. What an adventure for a
twelve year old who obviously didn’t know a thing about ‘testing the spirits’, who afterwards quickly
rose through the ranks of Freemasonry. Hence the rituals of Freemasonry being the same as the
Church of Latter day Saints, right down to the Square and Compass clothing. One wears aprons; the
other wears white undergarments in mimicry of the fig leaves that Adam and Eve wore. Pure occultic
So the Nordic aliens take Mr Billy Meiers on their ships and travel space and time in their
dematerialized faster-than-light ships and they showed him dinosaurs and all the stages of evolution
on other planets etc. They even showed him what’s going on at Mars with the Military Industrial
Complex’s Colony plans. They showed him some of the ancient structures on moons and planets
from pre-Adamic civilization. Planets that now show signs of the ancient battles that occurred during
the quenching of Lucy/Samjazza’s first rebellion against the Creator. Just watch the videos on him on
The ‘Pindar’, our adversary directly communicates with the Jesuit General, the Black (As in secret)
Pope ‘Hans van Kovenbach’ within the secret chambers of the Vatican?
One of the banner’s of this fast growing Unifying Church is white with three red circles on it. The
three red circles are an esoteric code for three figure sixes that have their tops facing towards the
centre and spread out slightly. The top of the ‘6’s existing in the minds of the esoterics only, just like
the symbol we have today on the ‘New King James Bible. Some watchmen have already noted its
arrival and are following its progress, hence the report of its possibilities.
So what we have in the Churches (Temples of Circa) is a False Apostle Paul-led version of
Christianity. One thing the Churches are definitely not is the ‘Bride of Christ’ all ready to be caught
up to safety before all the judgment and ‘War on the Saints’ occurs. Judgment is fast coming to the
Churches and the faith’s leaders are responsible for misleading the flock of Yahushua’s sheep. “My
Sheep hear my voice” said Yahushua. I would begin to seriously search for a one on one encounter
with the Living God in Yahushua’s name and ask him to speak to you. Don’t go to a Priest or Pastor,
just get on your knees, be tranquil and focussed and pray in your Heart, Mind and Spirit to commune
with the Creator in the name of Yahushua. Keep knocking at the door and don’t stop till he answers.
The waiting may well be the Creator just testing the true intent of the seeker. Don’t give in to our
innate weaknesses like impatience and anger. Learn to ‘Fast’ and be quiet and still. Don’t become a
vegetarian just to attain ‘enlightenment’; protein has a great value in our bodies concerning energizing
the spirit body somehow and ‘second grade’ proteins are useful but just don’t cut it on their own. Just
avoid anything with blood in it and don’t touch Pork. The blood once eaten, contributes to our
animalistic fallen beastial-natures. The reason for the ‘anti-pork’ thing is that it is an ‘unclean’ animal
– in exactly the same way and only Noah was ‘chemically pure! The pig was not made by the
Creator! It is a remnant of the first angelic animal kingdom, which explains why Legion had his
demons cast into a herd of pigs which then went running off a cliff. Yahushua did not care about the
pigs! Haven’t you ever wondered why only the pig parts are useable in human transplants etc? It’s
because they have a mixture of corrupt ‘human’ DNA. Eating such things as Pork and blood has
unfathomable consequences within us. The word ‘Hu-man’ in welsh means ‘serpent-man’, further
giving away the first creations designers.
So don’t stop seeking and knocking. It’s worth the wait people, so hang on to that door knocker as if
your life depended on it! Because in fact, it does!
Can anyone think of any greater threat to humanity than a Dictatorship like Communist China? The
depth of mind control they are willing to inflict on their citizens is literally mind-boggling. Murdering
young people for healthy organs to the highest bidder on the Medical black market is as low as
mankind can get. That even beats making a pact with the so-called Aliens. Maybe there hu-mans
rather than mankind – who knows eh? Maybe their ‘soul-scalped’ hence their hatred of people and
anyone who opposes them?
NASA the public-face space entities real job is to put up a smoke screen so that once again the
‘Sheeple’ don’t get to see the real truth (Thank God for whistle-blower’s). There is a special
department at NASA that airbrush out the thousands upon thousands of moving lights and Alien craft
around our planet. Enoch wrote of what God taught him about the Watchers and the Luminaries,
many great truths about our solar system that no one could ever know unless taught by God. Did you
think that your tax’s go towards such wonderful endeavours such as the betterment of society and the
curing of diseases? Well you’d be wrong folks. We might well be paying the wages of the very
people whose job it is to keep the truth about space from us! Probably not though, as their funding
rarely comes from such public sources when dealing with their secret agenda set ups. The last thing
they need is the Rank and File plebs called ‘Congress’ to know anything about Area 51 and 1500
world-wide D.U.M.B’s like the ‘Dulce New Mexico Base’. Like the global Drug Trade being run by
MI6 who in turn control the CIA and the Bush Cartel. Did you never wander why the ‘War on Drugs’
was the most silent of all wars? The only ones that get caught are the government’s competitors and
those out of the loop. Almost all large drug arrests are merely for show folks and not even the scratch
on the surface.
So according to a brave man named Phil Schneider (Who sadly gave his life trying to get the
information out in the public) the Aliens were first discovered by the ‘white-man’ in the America’s in
1909 (The natives always knew about them) by a US Calvary squad hunting down some bandits so the
story goes, which led them deep into a cave system where they encountered the grey’s. Later on the
Grey’s (More likely the Nordic-types) meet up with the Nazi’s somehow, (maybe through Aleister
Crowley) and start to teach them about Rocket Propulsion and then the first man-made flying-saucers
and rockets appear. That may well have been the first attempt of the Samjazza-led aliens to resurrect
their phoenix, under the Banner of their Golden Eagle. Hitler, who had Edomite/Kazar Jewish-blood
in his genealogy (to the shock of his fans lol) was the first real attempt to bring to fruition their
Utopian New World Order. Controlled and manipulated into power by the ruling monetary elite
(serpent seed Jews).
For those that don’t know, many abductees are held underground in prisons by the tens (more likely
the hundreds) of thousands. 1 Million Adults and 300,000 children go missing every year folks.
Their food in storage basically, for the fallen angel hybrids/descendants of Cain. Certain organs when
mixed into goo and bathed in, is apparently the way some of the Hybrid-types can renew their health
by having their bodies absorb nutrients. It is said that once a person becomes terrified, the Serotonin
that is released in times of great fear and stress, makes our blood a desirable commodity! Hence
eating people alive is not that ridiculous (Gross to us but not ridiculous)! So they want to kill us all
and yet they need to keep a certain amount alive to be their food supply in the coming great famines
and plaques, which they know are coming to the earth very soon, because they designed them. It’s
highly likely the alien greys are all subterranean in nature judging by the large black eyes. They hate
light, which kind of destroys the New Age Movements theory about them being here for good and the
cleansing and purifying of the earth, (Depopulation that means, including New Agers). The
Descendants of Cain’, (As most Bible readers and others already know) were cursed by God to be the
Vagabonds and Villains of the earth. They were banished from the surface by God as a judgment for
committing murder and the spilling of Abel’s blood onto the earth. This is actually a fascinating and
mostly totally unexplainable occurrence by ‘Churchianity’. It is a pointer to the fact that our planet is
in itself a living breathing organism. I think the creatures of the earth that do not have a spirit or the
breath of God (as we see it at least), like Insects and Arachnids and maybe birds, are actually onewith-the-Earth. In which case they are the earth! Therefore they share the Earth’s spirit! They all
rely on each other and benefit each other in some way. It is said that the alien greys have a ‘hivemind’, which would back-up their Insectoid origin. Hence being part of the locusts in Rev Ch9.
Another great mystery that the church has never been able to explain is this: Just what was Yahushua
doing when he drew lines and marks in the earth with his fingers?
John 8. 1-8: ‘Jesus went unto the mount of Olives. And early in the morning he came again into the
temple, and all the people came unto him; and he sat down, and taught them. And the scribes and
Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst, they
say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses in the law
commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou? This they said, tempting him that
they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as
though he heard them not. So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto
them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. And again he stooped down,
and wrote on the ground.
I have never heard an explanation for this, even from people that have been involved in Christendom
for over 60 yrs or so. Try asking the question to your preachers and see how their faces screw up
because they do not have an answer!
My theory is this: To discover what was going on we have to look at the very nature of the earth
itself. The first clue is the Cain murdering Abel incident.
Genesis 4. 10: ‘And he said, “What hast thou done? The voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me
from the ground”.
Joshua 22. 34: ‘And the children of Reuben and the children of Gad called the altar Ed: for it shall be
a witness between us that the LORD is God.
Joshua 24. 27: ‘And Joshua said unto all the people, Behold, this stone shall be a witness unto us; for
it hath heard all the words of the LORD which he spake unto us: it shall be therefore a witness unto
you, lest ye deny your God.
It is clear from these verses that the earth itself can bear witness and of course that witness would be
to its Creator!
Yahushua saw what was going on with the crowd and knew he was going to get involved. He then
mysteriously starts running his fingers in the earth. Messiah was actually communing with the earth
itself! The earth obeys every command of its maker and so Yahushua simply asked the earth to be a
witness for him as to what these people were doing and what the woman had or had not done! Just as
the earth itself cried out to its maker after Abel’s blood was spilt on it, which brought the Creator to
investigate. The Creator is one with his Creation and so when Yahushua became flesh, he simply
came into contact with it with the hands of God. After that Yahushua stands up knowing everything
that had really gone on and knew exactly what to say to the crowd, of whom the earth itself had been a
witnessed to their own sins. The crowd soon reeled away, most likely stunned that there own shame
was brought to the surface simply by bringing truth out into the light of day.
One very interesting point is that the Esene’s as often as possible would go barefoot and commune
with nature itself, through meditation, prayer and ritualistic movements that are recorded in Egyptian
hieroglyphs. Physical contact and a one-ness with nature is a vital part of an Esene’s life. That means
it should be vital for us as well! This oneness truth is a long hidden secret from most of mankind. If
mankind was allowed to become one again with any of creation and in any serious numbers, we could
literally move mountains and not just ‘by faith’ but by the collective consciousness of man all
focusing on a single goal. Imagine what could happen if even one entire nation was to all meditate
and pray to the Eternal Creator at the same time. Communing with Creation and asking it what it
needs to heal itself? Its way too late now though in reality, as the earth travails and groans in pain
with all the abominations that it is forced to put up with. It wants out! And so it too, looks forward to
its new creation (Actually yet another, Re-Creation or like the New Ager’s say, a recycling!) and once
again becoming one with mankind.
Who is largely responsible for what damage is done to the earth then? Anyone who has the power to
drain the earth (Rape the earth actually) of all its resources.
Two of the most informative videos around today are Aaron Russo’s and Alex Jones’s work on the
total control of the world by the Elite Bankers who own the Federal Reserve. The Rockefellers and
Bilderberger’s etc:
We must remember that every time we refer to the fallen angels or their offspring as Aliens, we make
a mockery of the truth. The truth is that the Angels existed long before us and they used this planet
for interplanetary travel and trade. They were under the Creator’s rule for un-told eons as they exist
outside of time until they too are bound in this flesh (Incarnate) to perform certain tasks.
Reincarnation is a satanic twisting of Incarnation. They are the Masters of the Universe and the sons
of God just like ‘true’ followers of Yahushua are. We just don’t know it because we have been
programmed to not think of such things. Well it’s high time we woke up to whom we are and climbed
out of the serpent seedlines little boxes that they have imprisoned us in. We are already imprisoned in
this dying flesh, so we really shouldn’t let them imprison our minds as well.
Who do you think the conversation was between when it says in Genesis, “Let US make man in our
own image”? Some have speculated that this was the Tri-une parts of the Creator talking amongst
himself! Can you imagine a three way discussion between the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost?
That was the Angels who used God’s Creation and therefore already existing ingredients, to make the
thing’s in chapter one.
The fallen angel’s knowledge of our physiology through the use of advanced bio-mechanics explains
so much of the secret technology around today. They have instruments that can paralyze people just
through light and sound - like all the millions of UFO Abductees have stated. They have obviously
had thousands of years of experimentation on mankind and their hatred of the race of ‘mankind’ is
shown in the terror caused to their victims. Alot of the time though, these abductions are from the
Military Industrial Complex and flown by a mixture of Black-Op NSA agents and various demons
that travel within our atmosphere. They have the knowledge of how to alter the visual spectrum so
they can’t be seen by our limited 5 senses. Hence many UFO spotters are now using Infa-Red lenses,
to spot the ones that just sit up there spying and scheming. They travel in different spectrums of light
only appearing when they seem to let their guard down. Well it’s not them letting their guard down at
all! It is the barrier between this dimension and the 4th dimension breaking down as this planet comes
closer to the next re-creation. The Sun is changing the spectrums of light over this planet and the
result is us being able to witness with our own eyes, things that have always existed, just beyond our
natural vision.
The first lesson I learnt was that by becoming aware of this ‘Spirit of Jezebel’ within us all and
challenging it directly, we must be 100% submitted to the Father. If it is only 99.9%, Our Old self
will find a way back into our lives eventually. It is exactly like how Satan walks around the hedge
like a prowling Lion, always looking for a gap in the hedge. Our fallen nature will find that 0.1% to
ensnare the flesh and then the soul. Our own little Jezebel attacks our free will head-on. Her power of
‘Suggestions’ through both thoughts and Images is more powerful than the devil’s in many respects.
Therefore the subjection of every thought to our Creator in prayer, fast becomes our only defence
when taking on this ‘Spirit’ directly and we do inevitably have to confront it. Be assured that every
single hard won victory will bring you a reward of eating more and more from the Tree of Life and
truth. Even in failure do not lose hope because every failure is a lesson in itself, in the way that we
learn more than ever about the weakness of our flesh and its natural desire to make us fail. It is the
battle that matters and we must do our utmost to obtain our freedom! Just as I believe ‘Thomas Alva
Edison’ wrote once in his process of inventing the first commercially practical incandescent light
bulb, when he failed a thousand or so times. “I have not failed; I merely discovered many ways that it
would not work” (or words to that effect).
Don’t we owe it to ourselves? Some of us can not get past another barrier in our minds, which is
forgiving ourselves for our failures! This is yet another invisible prison for our minds, which is what I
have come to call ‘Catholic Guilt’. It is wallowing in our self-made quick-sand, which creates our
very own sense of purgatory. We can reach a state of punishing ourselves for our own stupidity,
which is just as harmful as the sin sometimes. If we harm anything even ourselves, we impact the
oneness of creation with yet more negativity. Learn to discard division wherever you find it in
yourself. Learn to love your neighbour and do unto others as you would have them do to you. Find
the courage to make an act of kindness to an enemy. Such an act takes great strength but the reward
of the effects can be staggering, due to such a positive energy being put out into creation as a whole.
Even the true intent of such an action can have such a miraculous effect on our own minds, that may
well benefit you for life and therefore it can be a very ‘liberating’ thing. There is of course no
guarantee that the receiving party will see the act as you do, but the important thing is that we have
freed ourselves of any negativity. What the other person does with it is their responsibility.
Matthew 12. 36-37: Jesus speaking: “But I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak,
they shall give account thereof in the day of judgement. For by thy words thou shall be justified, and
by thy words shall you be condemned”.
If any attack of Jezebel is felt, whether it’s in the flesh or in the primary battleground of the mind, start
praying immediately for spiritual assistance to cast the thoughts down at the foot of the cross and ask
that they be washed in the blood of the lamb. The Armour of God mentioned in Ephesians 6 is real
armour in the spirit realm, and given to us for our own protection. Especially useful in the case of
thought protection is the ‘Helm of Salvation’. We can pray that it protect our minds from outside
influences, which leaves us to deal with any thoughts that arise from within our flesh or the lower
aspects of our souls. The flesh can easily entrap our soul ultimately destroying it, but the spirit can
save it through Yahushua’s sacrifice. Simply pray your version of the guide below,
“Father – I lay down every imagination at the foot of the cross and in faith ask you to wash them in
the Blood of the Lamb. I rebuke the ‘Spirit of Jezebel’ within my self and choose of my own free will
to discipline my flesh with my Spirit. Strengthen my spirit please father, as teach me to conquer that
rebellious jezebel spirit within me. I accept that I can not use my ‘self’ to conquer my self and so I
ask you as my great councillor to teach me and correct me. I accept that a perfect Father will chastise,
rebuke and correct me as a rebellious child. I acknowledge that my flesh must be put down and that
the flesh is destined to be either destroyed or transformed. Help me to ‘die to self’ Father so that I
may victoriously go through your Great Tribulation that is for the purpose of my purification. Teach
me to be an overcomer and a conqueror so that I may yet see the ‘return of your glory’. Teach my
spirit the truth in all things Father and keep me from evil and temptation in Yahushua’s name, Amen”.
Occupying the mind or body with a positive or spiritual activity is always beneficial when we feel
ourselves slipping. I have found it expedient that this be more than one activity as boredom can
quickly become a frustrating enemy as well. This ‘Second Coming’ may not be the visual
representation of Jesus as Captain leading the Lords host on horses that most expect. There is going
to be a great war in the ‘heavenlies’ and that most likely means the abyss of space. Who knows,
maybe even Yahushua has his own fleet of UFO’s? I prefer to think it will be not be like that though
although the fallen ones do rely on them a tremendous amount.
Pray also that any memories of sins that you might have forgotten about, be brought to the front of
your mind so that you can confess them there and then. Also ‘generational curses’ that we most-likely
are not even aware of. The Essen’s examine their past to see where either good or bad choices were
made and to re-balance any faults that may have arisen from their earlier actions. I had to re-balance
my opinionated soulish behaviour, after my ‘born-from-above’ experience. I rammed ‘Churchianity’
down too many throats and caused more damage than good. Now I have to rescue them from the
quicksand that I may have led them into! I have personally but unknowingly led people to the
ravening wolves and vipers in our Churches! I have repented of it and try to correct it every day but
does that mean I won’t be held accountable? Maybe if I can get the scales rebalanced or in the favour
of truth. This was a powerful verse when I read it:
2 Samuel 24. 17: ‘And David spake unto the LORD when he saw the angel that smote the people, and
said, Lo, I have sinned, and I have done wickedly: but these sheep, what have they done? let thine
hand, I pray thee, be against me, and against my father's house’ (sorry dad!)
Most of the time, we can only come to a 100% knowledge of the harm we might have caused in our
past, when these things are asked for in prayer. It used to be one of the requirements of the old laws,
that a person should not make sacrifice for remission of sins until such evils we may have done to
others was dealt with first.
If any sin AT ALL comes to mind after that, repent of them and ask that they washed away by the
blood of Yahushua, so the enemy can not find legal ground. If you do not ensure that 100% of your
sins are confessed and washed away, not only evil but that spirit of Jezebel in us all will eventually
find it and use it against us. Ask the Ineffable Father to hedge you about with angels during such
inward struggles and reveal any gaps in your hedge that you might not be aware of. At least if we
know we are free of un-confessed sins which affords us such privileged protection, we can get on with
dealing with the struggle between our spirits and our flesh. Just as Satan and Yahuah’s kingdom’s
battle over our ‘living souls’, so must we as individuals. If we don’t fight for them, can we really
expect the Creator to bother? We must learn to put down our rebellious flesh’s whims. If we do not
learn to overcome our own fallen nature, we will simply fail to overcome and conquer. Our own
version of the beast is guaranteed to be made manifest within us. That is our responsibility and we
should not accuse the devil for a fault which is our own. However like was written earlier, it is the
devil that deceives the whole world, through things like the initial thoughts that may be introduced to
us. If we first take care of any possible interference from him and his minions like familiar and
seducing spirits, we stand a far greater chance of claiming vital victories. With each new
strengthening of our spirits, we can receive many insights or personal revelations. Father is
longsuffering and very patient with us, especially if we are resisting temptation and striving to
overcome our fallen nature. If he sees us trying our best, he will be very gracious and merciful. Our
Creator is after all, the true God of Love!
Just because to us, a sin may be hard to recall, it in no way makes it hard for our adversary and
accuser to discover. In the spirit realm, people such as ‘Mary K Baxter’ has witnessed that our sins or
intents of our heart are recorded. Everything for us and against us is logged in books by angels. So
if there is even one single thing in the ‘against us’ column, we are guaranteed the enemy knows about
it and can gain legal access to it. A section of Enoch talks about how and why demonic forces can be
allowed to affect us. They can only do so if we first partake of their offerings or we take part in the
activities that ‘the Watchers’ began in the first place. Hence discovering the origin’s of things being
The Book of Enoch should be read by all who profess themselves to be follower’s of Yahushua. It
tells us that it was the Watchers, the 200 highest ranking Fallen Angels that taught women to paint
their skin and dress their bodies in Jewellery in order to seduce and entice. Therefore, make-up and
Jewellery was originated and worn purely to look attractive to the fallen Angels! So all of you
preachers out there that teach against things like ‘martial arts’ for its demonic origin had also better
start preaching about inappropriate make-up and the wearing of jewels for the purposes of vanity, as
they have the same origin!
The woman, who has the strength to deny her these worldly things and truly follows Yahushua, will
be greatly blessed. The husband who buys his wife, jewellery or make-up could easily be creating a
stumbling block for her. The spirit of Jezebel can easily use people to adorn their partners in these
things, which can make us ‘idolise’ them. If we put any thing between us and our Creator, we have
made for ourselves an idol, no matter what it is! So love your ‘marriage-partner’ but love the Creator
more. We will not know until that horrid ‘final-crunch’ time, which way our individual spirits will
take us. Joining in marriage means we become One Flesh and not One Spirit (Very important).
Most Christians are ignorant of the Devil’s schemes through a lack of knowledge. How much more
so, are we ignorant of the schemes of Jezebel, who has the power to hurt us far more than Satan! It
was the lust of the flesh that overcame the fallen Angels in the first place (Enoch 6.2), which confirms
yet again that angelic spirits can become flesh!
Blessed is the husband who denies his wife the excesses of the world, for a husband that dresses his
wife in the things of darkness does so to himself, being one-flesh with her. This works both ways of
course. Blessed is the woman who denies her self, even if she is un-married. The use of worldly
methods to entice a partner is to fall prey to the devices the fallen ones and Jezebel. To use such
methods of seduction is to make ourselves an abomination before the Most High. Therefore those of
us that make ourselves a harlot with Jezebel shall share the same fate. A husband who encourages his
wife to take part of that spirit is no husband and visa-versa. The power of the spirit of Jezebel, is very
often, not discovered until such things as these basic denials of self and our flesh are tried.
Are we not instructed that the flesh and the world, is the enemy (Enmity against) of the spirit and
therefore the Most High whom we serve?
If people survive long enough to see the second coming physically, they may well only see the effects
of the planetary change along with its magnetic Pole Shift, like a global version of the ‘Northern
Lights’. All Creation will be doing is ‘cleansing and purifying’ itself on the Creator’s time schedule
and in his way. This is where the satanic entities that exist mostly in a different dimension, have
manipulated the concepts of the New Age Movement. We must remember that the darker life-forms
have access to this information as well, only far more accurate than most of us. It is easy to
manipulate such concepts to put us all on a ‘parallel set of tracks’, just like it did with religion. We
must sift through the many various schools of thought with only the Creator being our guide and never
man, ourselves and especially not aliens and there lying ascended masters! We can not afford to be
scared away from such words as energy, vibrations, higher-self, and crystals and such terms as the
‘the Cleansing Purification Cycles of Mother Earth’ etc. As far as Crystals are concerned, it’s the user
that decides what and how they are used for and for what purposes. Any Christian who has been
programmed to fearful of crystals is going to have a real problem with Heaven, as it is the primary
stone there in every form and type.
It says that NOT ALL the corrupt ‘Animal-life’-HYBRIDS were destroyed.
My study of Hebrew words comes from using the Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance with an
Interlinear Bible by Mr Jay P. Green Sr and the online Blue Letter Bible.
Hebrew Word: TAWHOWR; Concordance No 2889, pronounced – taw-hore.
Uncontaminated, Pure and chemically perfect!
Genesis 7.2: ‘Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of
beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female.
Beast here in the Hebrew is B’hemah. Pronounced – be-hay-maw: meaning – MUTE Animals, Cattle
or any large QUADRUPED - 4 legs.
When I first read that, the first thing to jump into my mind was, Centaur- The half-Man, half Horse
creature that could talk normally. Not hard to guess which ‘gene-goo-vat’, they came out of. So the
term Mute is used because there had to be a clear definition between the ones that could talk and the
ones that could not!
So we clearly have the above verse stating that Chemically Impure Beasts were taken onto the Ark.
Genesis 7. 3: ‘Of fowls also of the air by sevens, the male and the female; to keep seed alive upon the
face of all the earth.
I always wondered why there was seven of every type of flying bird and seven of every clean nontalking four-legged beast on board. The odd one out (I.e.; without a mate), becomes necessary later
on when they first step out of the Ark:
Genesis 8. 20: ‘And Noah built an Alter to the Lord: and took of every clean beast and of every clean
fowl (flying bird), and offered burnt offerings on the alter’.
That left three couples of the clean non-talking animals and only one couple of the unclean beasts.
The unclean beasts were not fit for sacrifice due to that contaminated blood. It has always seemed
weird that God would keep them alive to me.
So, according to the Genesis account, that was also the end of the ‘DODO’. It was non-flying, two
legged beast. Does that mean the Dodo was a hybrid concoction? I always thought a bird that can’t
fly is something that’s been designed purely for food, especially one as large as the Dodo.
Also interesting to note, concerning the pre-flood’ time is that Noah and Methuselah preach
repentance for the 120 years. Mans life-span had been shortened to 120 years also in Genesis 6.3b
‘…yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years’. That was a pre-flood declaration and so it
seems as though GOD was 100% fair to all of mankind. He gave everyone on the planet their entire
life-time to repent!
Jasher 5. 7: ‘Speak ye and proclaim to the sons of men…
Only the sons of mankind were preached to and not the descendants of Cain, OR the Gentiles!
A point worth making here is that there were then at least one couple of every non-talking hybrid
creature to come out of the Ark. That just seems to slip millions of minds of even the creation
scientists. They would be the cause of so many accounts of encounters with weird creatures that have
lived on the fringes of mankind all through our history.
We just have to live with the fact that we as a species have been thrown in the middle of this war
between the Creator and the rebellious angels. The fallen angel requirement of serotonin seems to be
a possible reason for the ‘Azazel’ teaching weapons and warfare to men, for which he was (maybe not
anymore!) locked up under the Euphrates. One interesting notion that has been put-out-there is that
the 9/11 New World Order slaughter, was actually a deep Occultic sacrifice in order to release that
devil Azazel. Certainly there did appear a giant demonic-looking face in the smoke at one point. It
only appeared in the papers for a day though and has not been spoken off or re-surfaced since. The
front-page history would have to be searched to get hold of a photo maybe. It can be seen in video
clips here. Many faces appear in the smoke but only in the faked CNN footage. They have been made
part of the computer generated smoke and flame ‘animation’ and are sometimes at different angles
like upside down for example. There is even an upside down ‘Alien Grey’ head early on.
CHURCH MUSIC TODAY (Where did it come from?)
Origins of the cult of Apollo (All info from the online free – Wikipedia. So please excuse any
terminolgy that may require a dictionary. Also I have not studied music and so other people may
pick-up on this better than me).
It appears that both Greek and Etruscan Apollos came to the Aegean during the Archaic Period (from
1,100 BCE till 800 BCE) from Anatolia (Shinar/Sumer area’s). Homer pictures him on the side of
the Trojans, not the Achaeans, in the Trojan War and he has close affiliations with Luwian Apaliuna,
who in turn seems to have traveled west from further east. Late Bronze Age (from 1,700 BCE - 1,200
BCE) Hittite and Hurrian "Aplu", like Homeric Apollo, was a God of the Plague, and resembles the
mouse god Apollo Smintheus. Here we have an apotropaic situation, where a god originally bringing
the plague was invoked to end illness, merging over time through fusion with the Mycenaean
"doctor" god Paieon (PA-JA-WO in Linear B); Paean, in Homer, was the Greek physician of the
gods. In other writers the word (Paean) is a mere epithet of Apollo in his capacity as a god of
healing, but it is now known from Linear B that Paean was originally a separate deity (So supposedly
was Zeus!).
Homer left the question unanswered,so that the whilst Hesiod separated the two, and in later poetry
Paean was invoked independently as a god of healing. It is equally difficult to separate Paean
(Or Paeon) in the sense of "healer" from Paean in the sense of "song." It was believed to refer to
the ancient association between the healing craft and the singing of spells, but here we see a shift
from the concerns to the original sense of "healer" gradually giving way to that of "hymn," from
the phrase Ιή Παιάν
Such songs were originally addressed to Apollo, and afterwards to other gods, Dionysus, Helios,
Asclepius, gods associated with Apollo. About the fourth century BC the paean became merely a
formula of adulation; its object was either to implore protection against disease and misfortune, or to
offer thanks after such protection had been rendered. It was in this way that Apollo became recognised
as the God of Music.
Adulation: Meaning - Excessive flattery or admiration or Excessive ‘ingratiating’ praise).
Ingratiating: Meaning - To bring (oneself, for example) into the favour or good graces of
another, especially by deliberate effort or purposefully contrived to gain favour!
Hmmm, recognize that anyone? So on we go to further unravel modern church music…
The most famous paeans are those of Bacchylides (Bacchus god of wine! Hence the ‘Toronto
drinking song’) and Pindar (Lucifer). Paeans were sung at the festivals of Apollo (especially the
Hyacinthia - A 3-day early summer thing), at banquets, and later even at public funerals. In later times
they were addressed not only to the gods, but to human beings. In this manner the Rhodians celebrated
Ptolemy I of Egypt, the Samians Lysander of Sparta, the Athenians Demetrius, the Delphians Craterus
of Macedon.
Musically, the paean was a choral ode, and originally had an antiphonal character, in which a leader
sang in a monodic style, with the chorus responding with a simple, informal phrase; however, later in
its development, the paean was an entirely choral form. Typically the paean was in the Dorian
mode, and was accompanied by the kithara, which was Apollo's instrument. Paeans meant to be sung
on the battlefield were accompanied by aulos and kithara.
The KITHARA was an ancient Greek musical instrument in the zither family. In Latin it is spelled
cithara, and in modern Greek the word kithara has come to mean guitar.
ODE (Classical Greek: ὠδὴ) is a form of stately and elaborate lyrical verse. A classic ode is
structured in three parts - the strophe, the antistrophe and the epode but different forms such as the
homostrophic ode and the irregular ode exist.
English ode
The initial model for English odes was Horace, who used the form to write meditative lyrics on
various themes. The earliest odes in the English language, using the word in its strict form, were the
magnificent Epithalamium and Prothalamium of Spenser. In the 17th century, the most important
original odes in English are those of Abraham Cowley and Andrew Marvell. Marvell, in his Horation
Ode on Cromwell's Return from Ireland, used a simple and regular stanza (aabb, two four-foot lines
followed by two three-foot lines) modelled on Horace, while Cowley wrote "Pindarick" odes which
had irregular patterns of line lengths and rhyme schemes, though they were iambic. The principle of
Cowley's Pindaricks was based on a misunderstanding of Pindar's metrical practice, but was widely
imitated, with notable success by John Dryden.
With Pindar's metre being better understood in the 18th century, the fashion for Pindaric odes faded,
though there are notable "actual" Pindaric odes by Thomas Gray, The Progress of Poesy and The
Bard. The Pindarick of Cowley was revived around 1800 by Wordsworth for one of his very finest
poems, the Intimations of Immortality ode; irregular odes were also written by Coleridge. Keats and
Shelley wrote odes with regular stanza patterns. Shelley's Ode to the West Wind, written in fourteen
line terza rima stanzas, is a major poem in the form, but perhaps the greatest odes of the 19th century
were written by Keats. After Keats, there have been comparatively few major odes in English. One
major exception is the fourth verse of the poem For the Fallen by Laurence Binyon which is often
known as "The ode to the fallen" or more simply as "The Ode".
Modern Paean
Paean is now used in the sense of any song of joy or triumph. A particularly cogent Paean is that
composed in the later twentieth century by the British composer, Kenneth Leighton, a work that is
both triumphal and ascerbic and that poses questions to the listener that are both challenging and reenforcing in the spiritual sense. It also describes a poetic foot of four syllables, one long and three
Kenneth Leighton was Professor of Theory at the Royal Marine School of Music in Deal, Kent
(1952-53) and Gregory Fellow in Music at the University of Leeds (1953-56). In 1956 he was
appointed Lecturer in Music at the University of Edinburgh, where he was made Senior Lecturer and
then Reader; in 1968, he returned to Oxford as University Lecturer in Music and Fellow of Worcester
College. In October 1970, he was appointed Reid Professor of Music at the University of Edinburgh, a
post which he held until his death in 1988. In 1960 he was awarded the Doctorate in Music by the
University of Oxford, and in 1977 was made an Honorary Doctor of the University of St. Andrews for
his work as a composer. He was made an Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Music in 1982.
The works of his early maturity show a continuing desire to explore new forms, and to increase and
crystallise his contrapuntal mastery with ever greater expressive force. The tremendous emotional
tension he produced was always organically generated and devoid of empty gesture. Later scores
displayed a greater concern with vertical methods, but with no diminution of his command of
counterpoint. With the pieces of his last years, it became increasingly noticeable that a more relaxed
and positive element had entered into his compositions, a new lyrical vein: not a reduction of strength
or purpose, more a shedding of some of the intense retrospection which was such a feature of some of
his scores from the late 1960s onwards. This broadening of emotional range can only make us
regret that he did not complete the Fourth Symphony which he was contemplating at the time of his
death. His contribution to the Anglican church music repertoire is frequently performed. As a
composer who is clearly impressed with spiritual values, works such as Paean (for organ solo)
express a cosmopolitan spirituality that transcends pure Christianity, much as Holst's Planets
orchestral suite hints at the Kabbalah and approaches the realms of mystical esotericism.
Make of it what you will…
It seems to me (Purely from reading the Wikipedia) that this guy who was (let’s face it) obsessed with
these ancient musical methods, influenced Church music ever since the sixties. His musical melodies
etc were based on the same stuff that was used specifically for music performed in worship of the
devil and Co.
Much of the church music today is exactly as described above and so it goes along with every other
ancient cleverly disguised babylonian re-hash! There truly is, ‘Nothing new under the sun’. That
explains why such music is so readily accepted (With guitars and drums etc) in the Churches of Baal
and Mithra, who also pay homage to Ishtar and xmas and easter!
Isn’t is a strange coincidence that the only place in the bible where the phrase ‘spiritual songs’ comes
up is in Saul’s work with Luke the Syrian physician!
Ephesians 5. 19: ‘Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and
making melody in your heart to the Lord
Our hearts are wicked and deceived remember and not to be trusted! Also ‘Lord’ here for Saul and
Co means ‘Baal, Jupiter or Mithra’! And…
Collosians 3. 16: ‘Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing
one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace (His/Saul’s grace mind you,
not Father’s) in your hearts to the Lord.
Come out from the ‘Whore of Babylon’ – If you do not want to anger the Living God and feel his
wrathful judgment, for it will surely come in the last ditch effort to purify his bride!
This Entire Book is a warning from the Most High, to all who say they follow his Son Yahushua and
yet live in deception under his Strong Delusion.
Flee from the Church of Jezebel, all who would be called ‘Lambs of the Great Shepherd’. Discard the
‘itching ears’ of the flesh. It is time for the Yahushua to teach as many as will listen, his ‘Gospel of
the Kingdom’. Are you ready to listen?
Even if you have no interest in their music, this is an amazing look into the world of esoteric occult
symbolism. There really is no point trying to make sense of this section of the book, without access to
the blown up pictures of this Emblem, as you just won’t see things. Obviously then, access to an
internet linked computer will be necessary as well. This is the web-link to see the picture I was
looking at when examining this. Many other pictures do not show the original detail.
If saved to a computer it is best viewed with a photo/camera program. ‘Nero PhotoSnap’ is clear.
Each part of the picture will have to be ‘Zoomed-in-on’ or blown up, maybe by ‘magnifying glass’.
The picture below is a representation of it and not the actual picture itself required for Downloading
and examination.
This is the rock-band Queen’s emblem. It is a fascinating depiction of esoteric symbolism. The
online Wikipedia says this about it:
The Queen logo, also known as the Queen Crest, was designed by Mercury (who had a diploma in
Illustration and Graphic Design from Ealing Art College in London) shortly before the release of
their first album. The logo features the zodiac signs of all four members: two lions for Leo (Deacon
and Taylor), a crab for Cancer (May), and two fairies for Virgo (Mercury). The lions are embracing a
stylized letter Q, the crab is resting atop the Q with flames rising directly above it, and the fairies are
sheltering below each lion respectively. There is also a crown inside the Q and the whole logo is overshadowed by an enormous phoenix.
I have never read anything on this emblem but I found it striking and so examined it closer. As many
esoteric depictions have been ‘cracked’, I have read enough to learn their symbolic language. This
came to me after a powerful prayer session. Tex Marrs is excellent at this as is Barry Smith and so
many others. It would be nice to receive confirmation from such men. I have never studied any other
similar emblem either. Making use of previous studies, I then set to studying the emblem closely. I
have absolutely no idea what anyone else has written or said about this emblem apart from the above.
So if it ‘clashes’ with anyone else’s thought’s or studies? Try not to compare. If they do compare,
take it as a confirmation in the spirit of its truth. Just pray about it yourselves and see what comes to
you from the Most High. I’m not even going to bother to look up other attempts to describe it. It
came to me in the spirit freely. So I freely give in Yahushua’s name, Amen.
What is amazing (Will become so after you read this) is this fact: ‘shortly before the release of their
first album’ – means this was done pre-1973! The Wikipedia says this: In 1973, Queen released their
first album. Freddie was born in 1946 and so he was 27 maximum. This emblem took a very long
time to design as well, if indeed he did come up with it on his own?
If it truly was Freddie Mercury’s own work (And I have no reason to doubt it), then his own personal
knowledge of the Occult and Biblical prophecy was astounding! Personally I would not be surprised
if some ‘encouragement’ was involved, whether it was physical but especially spiritually! Now we
know for sure that Freddie Mercury was not exactly a churchy-type, so his knowledge has to be ‘selfdiscovered’, or ‘Bloodline educated’.
What I see: We’ll deal with the most obvious first. Then just follow our eyes around as we go.
The LARGE BIRD looking down upon the Crab and crown is the Phoenix of course. The ultimate
power that is in charge of everything! The ‘satanic trinity’ of Babylon that is destined to rise again.
His wings encompass all below and he is of course the devil himself, that old ‘Anointed Cherub’.
Revelations 12. 3: ‘And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon,
having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.
7 Heads depicts the 7 churches of Asia as in the Revelations letters. I don’t know how many Royal
families there are but I would not be surprised if there are 7 of them.
Revelations 17. 9-12: ‘And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven
mountains, on which the woman sitteth (7 Churches that Jezebel is in right now). And there are
seven kings: five are fallen(We know this to be the 7 era’s of dominance); , and one is
(Underground Rome), and the other is not yet come (The risen-again Rome) and when he cometh, he
must continue a short space (Possibly Ratzinger who is not going to last long). And the beast that
was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition (This is the risen
from the ashes Roman empire and it’s new leader the ‘Beast’). And the ten horns which thou sawest
are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the
beast. (The rulers of Europe that have those 7 churches within them. Some have been split-up making
more than there were initially. I haven’t even looked at how many nations are now in the EU or
anything else Euro. Others will obviously know).
Revelations 13. 1: ‘And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea,
having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of
The crab denotes that the English Royalty is the head of the Church of England (Protestantism and the
Apostate church!). The devil’s seven churches of Asia come under the authority of the Queen of
England. Hence the Seven Heads of Seven Churches.
The CRAB is the revelational Beast. As we will have shown earlier, ‘the Beast’ rises up out of the
water that is on many coasts (Hence it being represented as a Sea-Shore Creature). The Beast that
rises up from the ‘sea of man’ will be the long-awaited One World Church Leader and the new head
of the Apostate Church (That was set up by Saul and the Spirit of Anti-Christ, through his 72 Serpentseed minions!). The Crab will also denotes its ‘sideways’ movement (Meaning deception) and if you
look at the crab’s eye’s, one is red and one is white. This denotes his ‘Dual’ personality. He will look
like a man but he will be indwelt by the spirit of the Anti-Christ, the devil himself. This is how he
will perform the ‘Signs and Wonders’ that will rally the Church-goer’s to his cause!
The mouth of the crab has what looks to be the letters ‘V’ and ‘L’ in them. Victoria’s Line perhaps?
Unsure on this as yet but we’ll look again at this.
The crab also has the Seven Apostate Churches of the Asian continent firmly in his grasp (Satan will
have total control of the One World Church!
The Claws are amazing!! If you follow both pincers, it looks like they are both holding the central
crown on either side. Now something sneaky…
If you stand back from the picture and tilt your head to the right…look to the top right of the crab (Its
left shoulder). You may see what I see?
A nasty ‘red crab’ coming out of the darkness behind and riding on the shoulders of the main central
crab! This is the ‘real-power’ behind-the-crab.
Now look just how long that sneaky red crab’s arms are now…It’s left (Our right) is actually on the
crown and not the central crabs at all! It just has the Illusion of being the crown holder whilst (hidden
in the shadows) the real master is the red crab-Devil again!
Its right pincer then has the shape of four-fingered ‘ET-Style’ hand! That seems to be reaching out to
the Lion King but maybe in a more of an influential fashion?
This then makes the central crab’s right pincer (what we first thought was supportive) actually…..
Look what now comes out from the Lion King when we go from it rather than to it, like the pincer
arms……we can see an upside-down arm reaching out to the funny red hand of the red crab devil,
with it’s palm outstretched like it is receiving what the devil is offering!
Now stand back from the picture and blow up the picture on those two hands as much as possible.
You might have to gently let your eyes blur a bit just to see this….A white Ghost-SKULL, going out
from the hand of the devil!
Now that could be the Ghost or ‘Spirit’ of Anti-Christ? However this is even more significant as the
fact that it is a skull….points toward the ‘Skull and Bones Society’.
This mean that the Lion King is not just a possible member of that society but he is hand-in-hand with
the devil? He definatley has a ‘Hand-in-the-Skull’. Notice that the jaw area of that skull is bright red.
This is not a picture that has colour just for the sake of it! It may indicate speaking demonic things
but what is that in the upside-down palm coming from the lion? See the red with the tiny ball of
orange colour at the bottom of that ghostly-skull. My guess so far, is that the arm/palm is being given
a scroll from the crab. Then that little bit of orange would indicate the end of an expensive or
decorative scroll holder.
This could well be then…a ‘Binding-Contract’ with the devil.
We can also see a white line going straight down from the Shadowy red crab’s mouth, directly to the
‘L’ of the central-crab’s mouth. This could indicate the direct line of descendancy from the devil to
Victoria and Albert and therefore the current Royal family (Not a shock to some).
The mouth of that central crab is not even a mouth. It looks like a key to me as the ends of it are
different in shape slightly. This could be either the ‘Key to the Kingdom’ or the Key to the bloodlines
and descendancey?
The Red Crab is made a lot more obvious here in this incredible picture that replaces the Central
Crown with a Raven! Picture top left, I suggest saving it to a pc and then blowing it up again. Link: and then this:
And again here where it shows more clearly a red devil sat on top of the Red Crab praising the
So Freddie is the Raven right smack in the middle of all this ‘activity’. This is an incredible website
actually. Take a look around…It supports everything below… I find it hard to believe that the
Website owner does not in fact know all this himself with all the demonic faces all over the back-drop
etc. I may well send him a copy of this just in case he doesn’t. It’s gonna blow a few minds for
sure…it did mine. It’s called drinking the ‘Living Water’.
Then we have the Two Lions of equal size on either side.
THE LION ON THE RIGHT is looking directly at the 7 churches that the beast controls (The seven
mountains from verse 9). Also note the tails slightly more elevated position. The tail reaching very
slightly higher, this represents a ever-so-slightly higher power and authority. Not only that, but the
straighter tail denotes she is more ‘focussed’ upon her task. The parameters of her mission are
narrower. We will see her task revealed below if you haven’t guessed already? She is the counter-part
to the lion on the right but not in any way a physical partner, as we will see.
The rear-leg position is forward, revealing what initially looks like ‘teats’ on the under-belly.
Now this is great……All Praise, all, Honour and all the Glory to Yahushua.
Blow the pic to maximum. As you stare at this area, adjust your head and turn it to your left. As you
bring your vision around to the under-side or belly of the right-side Lion, you will see a tiny face
appear with two small dots for eyes and the down-turned mouth. This represents the ‘Child’ that is
waiting to be born!
So the right side beast is in fact a Lioness that is pregnant and about to give birth! This Lioness, then
represents the ‘Spirit of Jezebel’ that is waiting to give birth to the ‘Son of Perdition’, the devil
incarnate! You will see that the baby is surrounded in flames depicting that it is in fact from Hell
Not just this, but look what is inside the mouth of that baby….A tongue, the forked tongue of the
Great Serpent! It is even green denoting its ‘reptilian’ origin. This tongue will deceive with immense
power and the very elect will fall for it. (Get out while you can Charismatic’s and Benny Hinn lovers)
The Lioness is facing directly at the churches and her red eye denotes her being an evil spirit entity.
The red tongue denotes that she will seduce the seven churches with her demonic doctrines!!
Revelations 12. 18-20: ‘And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira write; These things saith the Son
of God, who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire, and his feet are like fine brass; I know thy works,
and charity, and service, and faith, and thy patience, and thy works; and the last to be more than the
first. Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel
(The lioness), which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit
fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. (Easter eggs or bunnies, Hot-cross buns, which is
actually the flame baked ‘Son of Perdition’ that comes from Jezebel’s, ‘Bun-in-the-oven’, Christmas
gifts and maybe pancakes, Saint-day foods etc).
The Spirit of Jezebel is speaking to the churches and encouraging them to give birth to her son,
Sammael/Zeus/Molech/Tammuz - a.k.a the Devil incarnate!
Now with the picture up the right way, tilt your head to the left 30 degrees. Above the baby, also on
the underside is a ghostly head! This shows the demonic activity within or at the Heart of Jezebel’s 7
churches! When blown up to max it looks like the front-half of the ‘blue-serpents’ mouth open as if
speaking. Jezebel’s doctrines of Vipers poisoning the true faith!
Wrapped around the Lioness Jezebel, is what looks to be a blue vine coming up and around from
below. Look at the top tip though…the head of the serpent with its eye on Jezebel. It also represents
the Serpent’s seduction of Eve. Now we will look at the strange red blotch under that blue snakeshead.
If we focus or eyes directly under the Lioness’s mane. We can then see hiding under the mane and
therefore ‘within’ the lioness, is another smaller red-crab! It looks like the red crab is wearing the
mane like a wig. Look where its right pincer is…right around the blue-serpents neck! Green dots
over this entire emblem denotes the ‘reptilian’ spots and blemish’s throughout both mankind and the
world! The 3 green dots on that small red-crabs right pincer, could be significant as are the 3 black
dots on the temple of the left side fairy.
The Jezebel Spirit then; that Whore of Babylon is on the Left-hand side of the devil crab. Indicating
that the lioness holds a position like a wife or consort! (Makes sense as we will see).
The crown on the lioness’s head has the appearance of royalty but really indicates the Purple colour
of royalty. This is Jezebel’s Zidonian colours (The Zidonians were the Christmas and Easter
The Red colours in the crown combines the colour of Crimson (Jezebel’s other colour (Rev 17:4) and
the Phoenix’s feathers.
The Lioness female identity is further disguised by the addition of the long hair! Normally only Male
Lions have Manes right? This lions Mane is not a mane though; it is the long hair depicting a woman.
It’s useful to the designer that only the lioness’s profile is shown, as we can not then see if it is
supposed to be a full male ‘mane’ or not.
The feathers that penetrate both lions heads represents the mental communion and domination that the
Phoenix-Devil has over his two lions.
Take a look at the tip of the lioness’s tail…It may well actually be the arm and hand of Jezebel
because…….It is a little demon with its head cocked downwards, sitting in what could be the Golden
cup of fornication with devils!! So Jezebel’s hand holds the golden cup. That is not all though! This
little white devil is only there to be a slightly more obvious cover for something else…Look at the
Horns of that little white devil…It is in fact a golden crescent shape. Now turn the picture upside
That little white devil becomes another ghostly skull with demonic red eyes! The golden crescent is
right in front of his mouth stating that he is ‘speaking the doctrines of the Muslim’s Moon-god- Allah!
Sorry Muslim’s…but the sooner you all realize that it is not only Christendom that has had the wolpulled-over-it’s-eyes…but it is the Muslim faith as well! The two largest faiths in the world have
been totally manipulated into false devil worship! And that is provable. The Jesuit’s set up
Mohammed to bring about the enemies of the future Roman church and therefore massive amounts of
blood-shed to us all! Mankind has to wake up from these ‘Matrix-style ‘mind-jobs’ the satanic forces
and Illuminati bloodlines have brought down over our eyes! If we do not free ourselves, we will only
be fodder for their wars and agenda to reduce the planets population by 95%! Please do not allow
your emotions to be manipulated into wars that destroy mankind and benefit these evil entities.
Mankind should come together, as one, to fight these evils and rid our planet of them once and for
all!! No more secret governments and Intelligence agents running around blowing people up to blame
on one side or another. We must stop being pawns! This is OUR WORLD NOT THEIRS! The
Creator made it for US, NOT THEM!
Revelations 17. 4: ‘And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold
and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness
of her fornication:
The fact that both lions are standing on Plant vines represents the fact that both Creatures are upon the
earth (Hence the Phoenix reigning from above and looking down from the Abyss which is space, the
second heaven).
The fact that the crescent moon is in the same cup as Christendom, when it comes to ‘fornication’
with the doctrines of devil’s…means we’ve all been-had! The Muslim’s version of the Messiah is
none other than the demonic-Hybrid ‘Maitreya! He is the Muslim’s revelational-Beast, just as
Christendom’s Beast will be their One World Religious leader. The Head of the 7 churches of
Europe. There could be three false prophets. Pope Ratzinger, Someone like Benny Hinn and then
Maitreya…all saying we should slaughter each other in the name of God!! Ridiculous really isn’t it?
The problem will be their immense ability to fool people through false miracles and therefore they
will, ‘wow- the –crowds! (Sheeple rather).
Time to wake up maybe?
THE LION ON THE LEFT is obviously male with its full mane. We will look at the same areas.
Looking at the central-belly area then, with your head angled 70-80’ish degrees to the left, the
different colouration reveals a Devilish Head again! (Surprise surprise eh). Notice it’s ‘Big-brother’
eye looking at the belly area (We’ll come to that in a moment). Not just the eye though but the large
black and red pointy tongue that comes out from the left side of the devils head. It cleverly tries to
disguise the red and black belly area by making the whole underside look like some red under-belly
The belly of the Lion: If we do the same thing as we did with the baby under the Lioness, only this
time move our heads in the opposite/right direction. We can bring our heads around to look at the red
bits again from its proper angle. The red blobs depict a lion-cub lying calmly under its bigger
brother’s protective body! It is demonic as well judging by its colour.
The Tail is wavy which shows its wider parameters or influence maybe, along with it’s slightly lower
status than the Lioness. (Well the Churches of ‘the Spirit of Jezebel’ are the Bride of Satan after all!)
Notice the tip of that tail…now look at it upside down by bending your head to the left…Can you see
the Red ‘All-Seeing-Eye’ of Horus the devil….It has the smallest black dot for a pupil.
On both tails there are lower smaller appendages, two for the Lion King and Three for the Lioness. I
do not currently see what they are…perhaps the reader would like to guess? Maybe lineage?
The lions eyes are red of course being demonically possessed and the mouth, oh dear here we
go….wow… I almost hope I’m wrong to be honest! Well not really …
The bottom row of teeth form a ‘W’ and each of the outer points of that ‘W’ point to the two upperteeth. The two upper-teeth, could represent the link in the Bush family bloodline to the Royal family
of England and therefore the relationship between them. Elizabeth I I then, is over the W of the Bushfamily in authority.
George Herbert W-alker-Bush
So could it be then be ‘Daddy Bush’ is the Lion King? Well he did announce the ‘New-WorldOrder… The only other option is to look at the line of Queen Elizabeth.
If Prince William was to be King instead of Charles, that may point to a serious ‘Diana-Style
accident’ for the Queen and Charles? I don’t follow royalty enough to know if Charles has any
intention of becoming King or not. (No…I’m not a prophet; Just another esoteric de-coder I guess.
Im wondering if the Queen, Charles and the Head of the Church of Rome (The false prophet
Ratzinger- the non-ordained Pope), may all be involved in an accident where later on, the Beast will
then come and resurrect the false prophet. Then people will love him especially those 7 churches.
That will establish a lot of prophecies at once. William as King of the Royal household and Head of
the Protestant Church! And Ratzinger as the Head of the Roman Catholic – Jesuit controlled Vatican!
Also the establishment of the One World Christian church’s leader, the revelational beast. Possible,
not definite.
The Crown on the Lions Head is well disguised indeed! I see from Mr Alex Jones excellent work on
the Bohemian Grove, that they use a tiny character on their magazine covers. This little character is
actually hidden within the crown itself! (Representing the possession of the Lion).
Alex Jones revealed that the demon’s name is ‘PJ' in his excellent video called, ‘the Secrets of the
Bohemian Grove’. It looks like PJ is carrying a torch in his left hand. I don’t know enough about PJ
to know what his torch might be, apart from the method of lighting for the ‘human-effigies’ at the
Bohemian Grove? If that is the Demon of Child-sacrifice and abortion, then PJ is another figure of
Molech – to whom the worshipers would make there children ‘pass-through-the-fire’!
Deuteronomy 18. 10: ‘There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his
daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter,
or a witch…
The Owl is the Spirit of Anti-Christ or the Beloved Dove of the Apostate church. This is why the
Roman perverts changed Yahushua’s Baptism encounter with a ‘voice from a cloud’ to the ‘Spirit
descending on him like a Dove’! PJ then could well be the physical representation of the Owl. The
Owl or A/C stands around awaiting its incarnation, just like when it inhabited Nimrod and just as
Nimrod produced the devil incarnate, Molech. PJ on top of the Lion King’s head, could mean he
actually is the PJ…the devil incarnate. PJ – means I don’t know what really but I’ll take a wild guess.
P for Prince of the power of the air and J for Jehovah, the A/C god of the Mormon Church!
(The name of our heavenly Father is YAHUAH, not J(Y)ehovah. Just like Yahushua is the name of
the Messiah and not Jesus!)
So…Prince William…the devil? Oh come on - Sheesh. Please no, I’m English. Not so sure it could
be so obvious really. I think ‘Wills’ and Harry are just clever decoys to throw people of the scent.
Hence Diana having to have two boys. Charles hated her probably because she wasn’t a ‘pure-blood’!
She was just a sacrificial porn in the games of the ‘would-be’ gods. She was a means to an end.
The NWO are trying to organize a War between so-called Christendom and the so-called followers of
the one-true-god!
How on earth do you think they could possibly let Diana have a Muslim child? Then her son and
Dodi’s son would be direct family! Forcing an uneasy and very inconvenient, truce between the two
opposing forces! They have not spent the last two-thousand years building this false house-of-cards,
just to have Charles ‘impure-consort’ ruin it all in a fling of true love!
Two thousand years of planning and satanic manipulations, all gone-to-poo!
Absolutely no ones life is that valuable…
I don’t think so.
That simple fling of Diana’s could have robbed them their entire promised utopia. Time is very short
you see and the devil knows it. This planet is not far off going ‘Bye-bye’. If Diana and Dodi
happened 20 yrs ago or so, they might have let it go ahead as long as they stay away from the
cameras. Unlikely though. Diana knew they wanted her dead and she felt so alone because she had
no one to tell her weird story too. Who would believe her about the royal bloodliners being the
serpent-seed? Rulers left hear by the ‘Watcher’s of Enoch’, to ‘keep-shop’ until the time was right.
All this lovely ‘Loosh’ power they gain from slaughtering 5.5 Billion people may (In their demented
minds, give their father a fighting chance! Hahaha haha….sorry folks, had to laugh. Honestly guys, a
creation beating its creator - Doh!
Anyway, you get the picture folks…there just trying to get us all to kill each-other. Chinese and
Russians invading America whilst the US Military is fighting a dumb-ass war in the Middle-East! No
US troops to defend their own country! Nukes let off by the NWO and their Zionist Mossad cronies!
Poison the water and let off the Bio-weapons. “Kansas is going ‘Bye- bye’ folks. This year is
‘Prepare’ year! It really is that close! Anyway on with the emblem and these satanic ‘rock-god’
If I am right about the letter’s V and L being in the crab’s mouth, then Victoria’s Line would denote
that William came down through Victoria, Elizabeth I, Elizabeth II and Charles.
Inside the mouth of the Lion King (Or Oberon - the ‘Serpent-seed’ King), is the ‘tongue’ of the devil.
Take a look at Prince William’s Coat of Arms:
The head of that right-side Lion is more ‘Ape-like’. Its eyebrows are more pronounced here. I don’t
know if that actually indicates anything or not. Just worth pointing out just in case any reader notices
The Flue-De-Lye’s atop his crown is the symbol of the four-winged ‘Anointed-Cherub’, Lucifer
himself. Two wings are folded upwards to meet above his head, whilst the lower two fall to each side
like a dress.
If you go to this link:
You will see on the right side column, 4th picture down, the ‘Anointed-Cherub’. Now glance one
lower and to the left, to look at the ‘Medieval Tiles’ design. Top right is the symbol that means the
anointed cherub which of course is Lucifer, Son of the Morning. The basic outline shape is the same.
The tile even has the sparkly bits shooting out from between the wings.
The fact that this websites name is ‘Draco- lair’, is no surprise either!
Maybe the red in the mouth denoted ‘evil-eyes’ looking out from the darkness inside? There is a
devils face just under the mouth on the throat. This could indicate that the Speech the Lion King will
be the devil speaking? Further down on the heart area we have another ghostly figure disguised as
fur. It’s like a wavy mist-ghost if you know what I mean. Heart of the devil?
If the Lion King really is the future King William, then the red lion cub would be ‘little brother’
Notice that the Male Lion has both front-paws firmly standing on the central crown! In fact the Lion
King’s Left front leg is blended in perfectly with the Central-Beast-Crab’s right pincer! So it seems
that the Lion King and the Beast will work very closely together and either share or support the crown
or royalty?
This then bring’s us back to the Lioness’s feet. Her front right foot can not be seen which could mean
that both her front paws are on the head of the Fairy that also sits on the earth!
Well who are the ‘Faerie-folk’ of legend? Th fairy on the right only looks like a fairy! It actually
represents the fabled ‘Descendants of Cain’. The subterranean (mainly) creatures that go bump in the
night. It looks like a fairy but in fact it has a ‘male’ demonic face with fangs. Notice how it wears
also a golden crown upon its head! Not only that but it looks like Insectoid prongs coming out of its
forehead? And it has long hair like a woman. Its wings are upright and ready to spring into action as
well as being more red than the other fairies! Notice the ‘Red Cross’ under its ‘rear-end’. The
downward part is the tail! The red-ness of that tail indicates…
Revelations 9. 3: ‘And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given
power, as the scorpions (Demons) of the earth have power.
…that they are like the tails of the scorpion (Scorpions is another biblical name for demons!) Notice
also the gold under the wings, the same colour as the helmet…this is its armour! It’s more likely to be
natural body armour than worn.
This fairy on the right is none other than the Locusts from Revelations!
Revelations 9. 7-10: ‘And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on
their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men. And they had
hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions. And they had breastplates, as it
were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses
running to battle. And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and
their power was to hurt men five months.
Also the colour of its face is green again. This indicates their serpent and reptilian ancestry!
Notice also how the fairy kneels down in total subservience to their leader, which is Appolyon or
Apollo. He is either the Devil or the Spirit of Cain himself. The head of Cain though is of course the
Back to the Fairy on the left then…
Notice how the Lion Cub under the Lion is resting its head in direct contact with the fairy on the
Now this fairy is feminine and her wings are in the relaxed position. She sits seemingly gazing on
without having much to do with anything. This indicates that the fairy on the left is just a ‘puppet’.
She wears golden armour again, has green skin but her face is ‘two-toned’. She does show green atop
her head except she is not wearing a helmet or a crown. This fairy is wearing a ‘Tiara’ with little
hints of green at the forefront of it and leaving a trail of Illuminati bloodline behind her! The Tiara
means that this fairy only has the lesser position within the hierarchy of things.
This Emblem has been around since before 1973, which is obviously long before ‘Diana’ even came
If we did not have any more clues, it would be easy to assume that this was in fact about the English
Trio of Diana, William and Harry. I.e; we could go on and on formulating all manner of theories like:
This could easily represent the ‘goddess Diana’ who is often depicted as the Roman Warrior Goddess
like ‘Britannica’. Hence the armour being just for show and not real defence. Then we would easily
fall into loads of theories about William and Harry like the above.
However, Mr Freddie Mercury left a clue in one of his songs called ‘The Fairy Fellers Master Stroke’.
The last section especially, makes reference to the two fairies on the emblem!
Album - Queen II (1974) The Fairy Fellers Master-Stroke
he's a fairy feller
the fairy folk have gathered round the new moon shine
to see the feller crack a nut at nights noon time
to swing his ace he swears, as it climbs he dares
to deliver...
the master-stroke
ploughman, 'waggoner will', and types
(Waggoner will? Is that referring to the ¬
politician with senatorial pope - he's a dilly-dally-o
¬ Royal Coach and Prince William?)
pedagogue squinting, wears a frown
(Pedagogue–One who instructs in a dogmatic manner ¬)
and a satyr peers under lady's gown, dirty fellow
(¬ The pedagogue of the Synagogue)
what a dirty laddio
(This fairy is a pervert)
tatterdemalion and a junketer
(tatterdemalion – dirty ragamuffin ¬)
there's a thief and a dragonfly trumpeter - he's my hero (¬ Look up junketer, its amazing) (Ham/Cain)
fairy dandy tickling the fancy of his lady friend
(Take note of the fairies right hand)
the nymph in yellow 'can we see the master-stroke'
what a quaere fellow
soldier, sailor, tinker, tailor, ploughboy
waiting to hear the sound
and the arch-magician presides
he is the leader
oberon and titania watched by a harridan
mab is the queen and there's a good apothecary-man
come to say hello
fairy dandy tickling the fancy of his lady friend
the nymph in yellow
what a quaere fellow
the ostler stares with hands on his knees
come on mr. feller, crack it open if you please
(Homosexual Drug dealer)
Oberon is the King of the Fairies = devil (Possibly Cain), Titania – goddess Diana/Lilith
representing the King and Queen of Babylon. Harridan- A woman regarded as scolding and vicious.
So if we know where Babylon is, we can suss-out who is nick-named Oberon, Titania and Harridan.
Ostler from Hostler = means the creatures that keep the engine going or the cogs turning. This is the
‘Descendants of Cain’.
Babylon today is America…many arguments for it being any other country just fall short of the
mark. The US was set-up for this very purpose, to ensure the rising of the Phoenix and their 4th and
last Reich!
This then fits the songs lyrics. George Bush is known to be at least one of the biggest Drug-Dealer in
America. He was approached over 20 yrs ago now, in order to make use of his Oil-Shipping routes.
Ever since then, the Black-Ops military have been used as drug-traffickers. The audio is very hard to
find these days and I can not find a current link to the audio of the interview of Darlene Novinger vs
Bush: Her husband, Father and she have all been murdered for making public the information. She
was sadly murdered (making it look like cancer) in 2003. I have the audio myself but I do not want to
endanger my friend who may be setting up the website where this book may be downloaded.
The Fairy on the left is a homo-sexual. And that the Fairy on the right is saying “Come-on, let’s gowe’re ready!
So is ‘George. W. Bush’ the Fairy on the left?
Is ‘Mab’ another name for ‘Bab or Babs’? I.e. ‘Barbara Bush’?
Harridan – Hilary Clinton! Why? Because she is the ‘Queen-Witch’ of US Satanism! Also she is
of a different faction that is vying for power. They all want to be top-dog when their Master walks the
earth in-the-flesh!
If you turn your head almost upside down and look at the red colouration that the left fairy sits on…It
looks like another ‘red-baby-head’ with its two-eyes and a mouth. The red line higher up on the left
leg is strangely phallic in shape, which could of course indicate that this fairy is indeed endowed with
the ‘Serpent’s-Seed’. Notice also that this fairy has light coloured hair.
This would make the little Red-lion-‘cub’, tucked under the Lion-on-Left’s belly – JEB Bush!
Because of the connection being a direct one! He is just along for the ride, making big bucks from the
NWO’s evil plans. I.e; He got the construction contract to take away all the rubble from the 9/11
Twin Towers slaughter/demonic-sacrifice. I don’t know if Jeb’s hair is dyed or not but it is light in
Notice also that one of her wings goes across and in firm contact with the Lion Kings rear legs.
Both Fairies are looking directly; not at the central crown itself, but the small cross on top of it!
The small cross atop the Central Crown represents the ‘Mark of Cain’! See this link to Sherry
Shriner’s Bible code finding’s on the Mark of Cain:
This reveals their true ‘Blood-line’ as the distant ‘descendants of Cain’. Hybrid blood-liners that go
all the way back to Shinar/Sumer where the fallen angels took woman and inter-bred with them
(Corrupting mankind’s DNA).
The Cross has never ever been the mark of Yahushua’s Crucifixion. It denotes both the Mark of Cain
and the Satanic Trinities (In-their-eyes) Victory over Messiah in actually crucifying him! It has
always been a satanic sacrifice to ‘Tammuz of Babylon’ i.e. the Devil. This is why the deceived
Christians of the Apostate Sun-god-worshiping church, are fooled into wearing it! The cross is a false
idol of wood! This is why the Church of Rome must ‘kiss’ the cross all the time. It also represents
the ‘Mark of Cain’ (see later) and the ‘Descendant’s of Cain’, i.e. the Hybrid blood-line. The red
colour depicts Demonic activity or presence. This becomes more apparent as we go on.
Hence the red cross of ‘St George’ of England heading the Serpent seed of Queen Victoria and Prince
Albert, starting the VL line…
As for the 5 flower emblems reaching up and the 5 lines/arms coming down, these could represent the
Revelations 17. 3:’So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit
upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
The ‘seven heads’ are perhaps then the 7 points above the beast-Crab! The seven heads are the seven
mountains which I pretty sure are the Seven Churches!
He used a different version’s of the same emblem for example: On his Vinyl cover for ‘A Day at the
Races’, seen here:
Red devil in flames praising the Phoenix/Swan. Variations that may well mean something?
And on a cover for ‘A Night at the Opera’, linked to here: (Save picky and enlarge)
Fairies are different colours and there is no crown in the centre. Plus the Phoenix is a Swan (The real
reason for the Dove [A/C] and the flames on top of a more obvious red crab.
After reading this article you will look at the cover for ‘Innuendo’ with a whole new light! It’s
amazing as well. Count the planets in his hands. The trickster who throws a slippery banana down to
mankind, while he is to busy looking at all the tricks etc. Readers can have a lot of esoteric spotting
fun here.
This website has some fascinating Lyrics or Poetry work by Freddie. I believe they reveal who his
master was. You will have to see and judge for yourselves:
The Wikipedia says this about the Album ‘A Night at the Opera’.
A song written by May and Mercury called "And Baby will Fall" (Never heard it but it would not
surprise me if it was a song about the Faeirie on the left?) was originally slated to end the album until
it was decided that 'God Save The Queen' be the conclusion. Further, songs titled "Woe" (written by
May and Mercury), "All for Nothing" (written by Deacon), and "Any Given Day" (written and sung
by May) were also recorded.
I believe this song is dedicated to the Lioness ‘Jezebel’? That makes the Lion on the right then not a
Lion at all! It is a Ravenning WOLF crept into the church by stealth!
Sweet Lady
Words and music by Brian May
You call me up and treat me like a dog
You call me up and tear me up inside
You've got me on a lead
Oooh you bring me down you shout around
You don't believe that I'm alone
Oooh you don't believe me
Sweet lady sweet lady
Sweet lady stay sweet you say
You call me up and feed me all the lines
You call me sweet like I'm some kind of cheese
Waiting on the shelf
You eat me up you hold me down
(On-a-leash obeying our flesh)
(Jezzy always makes us mad at ourselves)
(Jezzy pulls us to-and-fro)
(Jezzy’s doctrines)
I'm just a fool to make you a home
Oooh you really do and you say
Sweet lady sweet lady
Sweet lady oooh c'mon stay sweet
My sweet lady
Though it seems like we wait for ever
Stay sweet baby
Believe and we've got everything we need
Sweet lady sweet lady (X3 bla bla)
(Keep the faith Christendom and ‘Baby’ will come)
What about this song’s lyric’s…Do they now point to Freddie laughing at all the deceived Apostate
Church? I am sure Mr Mercury knew all about Paul and Co; Read this…
Death On Two Legs (dedicated to ...) (Edit: You know who my guess would be)
You suck my blood like a leech
You break the law and you preach
(Preaching to break God’s commandments)
Screw my brain till it hurts
(Preacher’s nonsense)
You've taken all my money
And you want more
(They sure do)
Misguided old mule with your pig headed rules
(Deceived Religion)
With your narrow minded cronies
(They believe there right)
Who are fools of the first division
Death on two legs
(Dead yet we live)
You're tearing me apart
Death on two legs
You've never had a heart of your own
(Our heart is deceiving and wicked)
Kill joy bad guy big talking small fry
You're just an old barrow boy
(Pushing a the same weight around)
Have you found a new toy to replace me?
(Rome instead of Yahushua)
Can you face me?
But now you can kiss my ass goodbye
Feel good are you satisfied?
(Have you drunk from Jezzy’s cup enough?)
Do you feel like suicide?
(And still you feel empty inside?)
(I think you should)
Is your conscience all right
(Is it?)
Does it plague you at night?
(many have unanswered questions)
Do you feel good feel good?
You talk like a big business tycoon
(Laughing at the Televangelists)
You're just a hot air balloon
(There words are just hot air)
So no-one gives you a damn
You're just an overgrown schoolboy
(The Church is)
Let me tan your hide
(Needs it)
A dog with disease
(Ravening Wolf)
You're the king of the 'sleaze'
(Worst of the bunch)
Put your money where your mouth is
(They never give up their wealth)
Mister know-all
(Christendom thinks it has the answers)
Was the fin on your back
Part of the deal? (Shark)
(When they sold their souls)
Death on two legs
You're tearing me apart
(Making believers worship ‘two’ masters!)
Death on two legs
You've never had a heart (you never did) of your own (We trust our deceived hearts too much)
(Right from the start)
Insane you should be put inside
You're a sewer rat decaying in a cesspool of pride
Should be made unemployed
Then make yourself null and void
Make me feel good I feel good
(Since Paul’s Apostate church took over)
(Well what can I say)
(We should kick them out of the churches)
(Then what would they do for a living?)
(Freddie’s laughing at the church’s fate)
The Prophet's Song is amazing with lines like…” Return like the white dove” and “Late too late all,
the wretches run, these ‘kings of beasts’ now counting their days, from mother's love is the son
estranged. Married his own his precious gain, the earth will shake in two will break, and death all
round will be your dowry! Then we have “Oh oh oh oh and two by two my human zoo” and “Oh flee
for your lives who heed me not, Let all your treasures make you fear for your life, Deceive you not the
fires of hell will take you.
It ends in this newly amazing sign-off from Freddie: “God gave you grace to purge this place and
peace all around may be your fortune.
If you like this kind of thing, you will (after reading this Book the Spirit of Jezebel and the Mystery of
Iniquity’), see these song’s lyrics reveal a totally new perspective! I’m obviously not going to print
them all but the interested (previous-fans?) persons can have fun with this and put their once-lovedBand into a new (Eternal) Light!
Princes Of The Universe
(Probably the Serpent-Seed’s favourite song!)
My Fairy King
(Lucifer as he is even named ‘Son of Heaven’)
God Save the Queen’s
The Invisible Man
Son and Daughter
The Night comes Down
Mad the Swine
(Especially as it’s basically a ‘channelled’ song. It’s a bonus track/1st Album)
Father to Son
White Queen
Ogre Battle
(A song for ‘the Descendants of Cain!)
The Fairy Fellers Master
March of the Black Queen (A song about Semiramis, Queen of Babylon)
Seven Seas Of Rhye
(Another ‘channelled song)
Flick Of The Wrist
(Someone telling us what its like)
Lily Of The Valley
(A prayer to Lucifer basically)
In The Lap of the Gods (and revisited)
Let Me Entertain You
All God's People
There going to be more of course…
As this song is relevant to this book; here are all the words for the last time:
Every drop of rain that falls in Sahara Desert says it all
It's a miracle
All God's creations great and small
The Golden Gate and the Taj-Mahal
That's a miracle
Test tube babies being born
Mothers, fathers dead and gone
(Reference to Cloning?)
It's a miracle
We're having a miracle on earth
(Reference to Jezebel’s pregnancy)
Mother Nature does it all for us
The wonders of this world go on
The hanging Gardens of Babylon
Captain Cook and Cain and Able
Jimi Hendrix to the Tower of Babel
It's a miracle it's a miracle it's a miracle
It's a miracle
The one thing we're all waiting for is peace on earth - an end to war
It's a miracle we need - the miracle
The miracle we're all waiting for today
(Announcement’s of the Beast’s)
If every leaf on every tree could tell a story that would be a miracle
If every child on every street had clothes to wear and food to eat
That's a miracle
If all God's people could be free to live in perfect harmony
(To ‘the Descendents of Cain’)
It's a miracle
We're having a miracle on earth
Mother Nature does it all for us
(I.e; the ‘Sin Nature’ in us all!)
Open hearts and surgery
(Wonders of this world go on)
Sunday mornings with a cup of tea
(Mocking the Churches Sun-Day)
Super powers always fighting
But Mona Lisa just keeps on smiling
(Lilith/Babylonian Queen)
It's a miracle it's a miracle it's a miracle
(Wonders of this world go on)
It's a miracle it's a miracle it's a miracle
It's a miracle
The one thing (the one thing) we're all waiting for (we're all waiting for)
Is peace on earth (peace on earth) and an end to war (an end to war)
(Serpent-Seed Victory)
It's a miracle we need - the miracle
The miracle peace on earth and end to war today
That time will come one day you'll see when we can all be friends (X4) (Nephilim/Hybrids family)
The Album Queen Rocks released in 1997 reveals a depiction of the ‘End of Revelations’.
Let’s see if you can recognize this Pose by the Band? The Album covers for a CD for ‘Another One
Bites the Dust’! It is quite staggering really. Link:
Is it all coming together now? Although I’m surprised the Guitarist on the right (Brian May?) isn’t
looking inwards.
Now listen to the Song, We are the Champions with a whole new set of ears!! Let’s see if you pick
up on the same real ‘disguised-theme’ that I do….It seems to me Mr Mercury was not singing about
the average Joe Bloggs….I hope you can now pick up on a new Freddie Mercury like I have.
Who is he really singing to, if not mankind?
His buddies the ‘Descendants of Cain’, his hybrid brethren. He pulled-the-wool over all of our eyes!
Now we know more about why these ‘Rock Legends’ are referred to as Idols, Gods and are literally
‘Worshipped’ as the feed of their massively deceived fodder mankind.
They get worshipped by the lower down the food-chain people of the earth. This is why they make
such perfect use of the Media who are in cahoots with them. (Especially Electra)
And for how many years have old preachers been trying to tell us that the modern wave of music, was
demonic in origin?
So what do they really take advantage of when they are getting worshipped by their fans?
Their hybrid-demonic spirit, then feeds off the energy created when worshiped. Not just them but the
invisible spirits are like flies on poo! They call this ‘Looshing’, as Sherry Shriner reveals on her
websites. Loosh talks, everything else walks – it is the currency on which the evil entities thrive. The
more they generate, the more their master rewards them.
It empowers their spirit which is then of benefit to the demon realm. They are ‘Energy-Vampires’,
working for our adversaries!
There is going to be a lot more found but this is going to get some people going for sure.
WORDS OF MESSIAH from the Nag Hammadi Library
The Apocalypse of Peter
"But others shall change from evil words and misleading mysteries. Some who do not understand
mystery speak of things which they do not understand, but they will boast that the mystery of the truth
is theirs alone. And in haughtiness they shall grasp at pride, to envy the immortal soul which has
become a pledge. For every authority, rule, and power of the aeons wishes to be with these in the
creation of the world, in order that those who are not, having been forgotten by those that are, may
praise them, though they have not been saved, nor have they been brought to the Way by them, always
wishing that they may become imperishable ones. For if the immortal soul receives power in an
intellectual spirit -. But immediately they join with one of those who misled them."
"And there shall be others of those who are outside our number who name themselves bishop and also
deacons, as if they have received their authority from God. They bend themselves under the judgment
of the leaders. Those people are dry canals."
The Apocryphon of James
“So will you not cease loving the flesh and being afraid of sufferings? Or do you not know that you
have yet to be abused and to be accused unjustly; and have yet to be shut up in prison, and
condemned unlawfully, and crucified without reason, and buried as I myself, by the evil one? Do you
dare to spare the flesh, you for whom the Spirit is an encircling wall? If you consider how long the
world existed before you, and how long it will exist after you, you will find that your life is one single
day, and your sufferings one single hour (Great verse for the young-earth creationists). For the good
will not enter into the world. Scorn death, therefore, and take thought for life! Remember my cross
and my death, and you will live!" But I answered and said to him, "Lord, do not mention to us the
cross and death, for they are far from you." The Lord answered and said, "Verily, I say unto you, none
will be saved unless they believe in my cross. But those who have believed in my cross, theirs is the
kingdom of God. Therefore, become seekers for death, like the dead who seek for life; for that which
they seek is revealed to them. And what is there to trouble them? As for you, when you examine death,
it will teach you election. Verily, I say unto you, none of those who fear death will be saved; for the
kingdom belongs to those who put themselves to death. Become better than I; make yourselves like
the son of the Holy Spirit!"
The Apocryphon of John
"He is the invisible Spirit, of whom it is not right to think of him as a god, or something similar. For
he is more than a god, since there is nothing above him, for no one lords it over him. For he does not
exist in something inferior to him, since everything exists in him. For it is he who establishes himself.
He is eternal, since he does not need anything. For he is total perfection. He did not lack anything,
that he might be completed by it; rather he is always completely perfect in light. He is illimitable,
since there is no one prior to him to set limits to him. He is unsearchable, since there exists no one
prior to him to examine him. He is immeasurable, since there was no one prior to him to measure him.
He is invisible, since no one saw him. He is eternal, since he exists eternally. He is ineffable, since no
one was able to comprehend him to speak about him. He is unnameable, since there is no one prior to
him to give him a name.
He is immeasurable light, which is pure, holy (and) immaculate. He is ineffable, being perfect in
incorruptibility. (He is) not in perfection, nor in blessedness, nor in divinity, but he is far superior. He
is not corporeal nor is he incorporeal. He is neither large nor is he small. There is no way to say,
'What is his quantity?' or, 'What is his quality?', for no one can know him. He is not someone among
(other) beings, rather he is far superior. Not that he is (simply) superior, but his essence does not
partake in the aeons nor in time. For he who partakes in an aeon was prepared beforehand. Time was
not apportioned to him, since he does not receive anything from another, for it would be received on
loan. For he who precedes someone does not lack, that he may receive from him. For rather, it is the
latter that looks expectantly at him in his light. For the perfection is majestic. He is pure,
immeasurable mind. He is an aeon-giving aeon. He is life-giving life. He is a blessedness-giving
blessed one. He is knowledge-giving knowledge. He is goodness-giving goodness. He is mercy and
redemption-giving mercy. He is grace-giving grace, not because he possesses it, but because he gives
the immeasurable, incomprehensible light”.
Psalms Chapter 78 talks about Israel’s exodus and yet it is a mirror of what will happen in the Great
Tribulation as well. Imagine the scene just after the future separation of the people that have ‘believed
and loved a lie’ and been part of the Jezebel One World Church, when they are led into the
wilderness. The next verse is not supportive of the Pre-Trib Rapture. It just means the Shepherd will
lead his real ‘Bride’ to safety, just like the exodus.
Revelations 3. 10: ‘Because thou hast kept the word of my patience (Yahushua the Word, inspires the
father’s patience with us, just as the spirit intercedes on our behalf), I also will keep thee from ‘the
hour of Temptation’, which shall come upon the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
Some think the ‘Hour of Temptation’ means the entirety of the Great Tribulations 3 ½ yrs. I feel led
to believe it indicates this below verses period of time as ‘the hour’ is a lot shorter than ‘the times,
time and a half a time’, indicating the 3 1/2 yrs. Especially as it does not happen to the ones that have
kept the word of his patience (i.e., followed Yahushua and not Saul)
Revelations 2. 10: ‘Fear none of those things which thou shall suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some
of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation Ten Days: be thou faithful unto
death, and I will give thee a crown of life!
Psalms 78. 17- ch80 v 13: ‘And they sinned yet more against him by provoking the most High in the
wilderness. And they tempted God in their heart by asking meat for their lust (Still some of the saved
ask for worldly things!). Yea, they spake against God; they said, Can God furnish a table in the
wilderness? (Even some of the saved don’t believe God will provide for them!). Behold, he smote the
rock, that the waters gushed out, and the streams overflowed; can he give bread also? can he provide
flesh for his people? Therefore the LORD heard this, and was wroth: so a fire was kindled against
Jacob (The good-seed), and anger also came up against Israel; Because they believed not in God, and
trusted not in his salvation: Though he had commanded the clouds from above, and opened the doors
of heaven and had rained down manna upon them to eat, and had given them of the corn of heaven.
Man did eat angels' food: he sent them meat to the full. (He sent them every desire to further test
them). He caused an east wind to blow in the heaven: and by his power he brought in the south wind.
He rained flesh also upon them as dust, and feathered fowls like as the sand of the sea: And he let it
fall in the midst of their camp, round about their habitations. So they did eat, and were well filled: for
he gave them their own desire; They were not estranged from their lust (They didn’t refrain from
gorging themselves on their worldly desires). But while their meat was yet in their mouths (While they
were enjoying the fruits of their lusts), The wrath of God came upon them, and slew the fattest of
them, and smote down the chosen men of Israel (God kills them all starting with the worst of them,
even though they were the chosen flock. This may be the same as some being given over to the ten
days final testing to the death!?).
For all this they sinned still, and believed not for his wondrous works. Therefore their days did he
consume in vanity, and their years in trouble. When he slew them, then they sought him: and they
returned and enquired early after God (As soon as they get slung in prison they start searching for
God again!). And they remembered that God was their rock, and the high God their redeemer.
Nevertheless they did flatter him with their mouth, and they lied unto him with their tongues (The
prayers are vanities and brown-nosing just because they face death!). For their heart was not right
with him, neither were they stedfast in his covenant (Due to their previous frenzy of worldly lusting,
they messed up too much). But he, being full of compassion, forgave their iniquity, and destroyed
them not: yea, many a time turned he his anger away, and did not stir up all his wrath (Even though
they annoy him a lot! God is still merciful). For he remembered that they were but flesh; a wind that
passeth away, and cometh not again (That our bodies are a one-time deal). How often did they
provoke him in the wilderness, and grieve him in the desert! Yea, they turned back and tempted God,
and limited the Holy One of Israel (Even after all that, they still do wrong in the eyes of the LORD
and therefore limited how much God could help them). They remembered not his hand, nor the day
when he delivered them from the enemy. How he had wrought his signs in Egypt, and his wonders in
the field of Zoan. And had turned their rivers into blood; and their floods, that they could not drink.
He sent divers sorts of flies among them, which devoured them; and frogs, which destroyed them. He
gave also their increase unto the caterpillar, and their labour unto the locust. He destroyed their
vines with hail, and their sycamore trees with frost (Sacred groves and their idolatrous Christmas
Trees). He gave up their cattle also to the hail, and their flocks to hot thunderbolts. He cast upon
them the fierceness of his anger, wrath, and indignation, and trouble, by sending evil angels among
them. He made a way to his anger; he spared not their soul from death, but gave their life over to the
pestilence; And smote all the firstborn in Egypt; the chief of their strength in the tabernacles of Ham
(any houses that followed the ways of the serpent-seed, the corrupt blood-liners): But made his own
people to go forth like sheep, and guided them in the wilderness like a flock. And he led them on
safely, so that they feared not: but the sea overwhelmed their enemies. And he brought them to the
border of his sanctuary, even to this mountain, which his right hand had purchased. He cast out the
heathen also before them, and divided them an inheritance by line, and made the tribes of Israel to
dwell in their tents. Yet they tempted and provoked the Most High God, and kept not his testimonies:
But turned back, and dealt unfaithfully like their fathers (Like the ones they left behind in the One
World Church): they were turned aside like a deceitful bow (They fall prey to the same deceptions as
before). For they provoked him to anger with their high places, and moved him to jealousy with their
graven images (probably xmas again or statues of the Virgin Mother – Lilith). When God heard this,
he was wroth, and greatly abhorred Israel: So that he forsook the tabernacle of Shiloh, the tent which
he placed among men (This stupidity causes God to leave their presence); And delivered his strength
into captivity, and his glory into the enemy's hand. He gave his people over also unto the sword; and
was wroth with his inheritance (God was mad with Yahushua’s Bride). The fire consumed their
young men; and their maidens were not given to marriage. Their priests fell by the sword; and their
widows made no lamentation.
Then the LORD awaked as one out of sleep, and like a mighty man that shouteth by reason of wine (It
makes it sound like God was having a power-nap?). And he smote his enemies in the hinder parts: he
put them to a perpetual reproach. Moreover he refused the tabernacle of Joseph, and chose not the
tribe of Ephraim: But chose the tribe of Judah, the mount Zion which he loved. And he built his
sanctuary like high palaces, like the earth which he hath established for ever. He chose David also
his servant, and took him from the sheepfolds: From following the ewes great with young he brought
him to feed Jacob his people, and Israel his inheritance. So he fed them according to the integrity of
his heart; and guided them by the skilfulness of his hands. O god, the heathen are come into thine
inheritance (Doctrines of Saul have snuck back into the Bride?); thy holy temple have they defiled
(The Devil has sat himself in the Temple of God claiming to be him); they have laid Jerusalem on
heaps. The dead bodies of thy servants have they given to be meat unto the fowls of the heaven, the
flesh of thy saints unto the beasts of the earth. Their blood have they shed like water round about
Jerusalem; and there was none to bury them. We are become a reproach to our neighbours, a scorn
and derision to them that are round about us (Everyone hates the Bride).
(The Bride gets really desperate to see the return of their Messiah/Groom). How long, LORD? wilt
thou be angry for ever? shall thy jealousy burn like fire? Pour out thy wrath upon the heathen that
have not known thee, and upon the kingdoms that have not called upon thy name. For they have
devoured Jacob, and laid waste his dwelling place. O remember not against us former iniquities: let
thy tender mercies speedily prevent us: for we are brought very low. Help us, O God of our salvation,
for the glory of thy name: and deliver us, and purge away our sins, for thy name's sake. Wherefore
should the heathen say, “Where is their God”? (Because of their previous stupidities limiting God) let
him be known among the heathen in our sight by the revenging of the blood of thy servants which is
shed. Let the sighing of the prisoner come before thee; according to the greatness of thy power
preserve thou those that are appointed to die; And render unto our neighbours sevenfold into their
bosom their reproach, wherewith they have reproached thee, O Lord. So we thy people and sheep of
thy pasture will give thee thanks for ever: we will shew forth thy praise to all generations. Give ear,
O Shepherd (Messiah) of Israel, thou that leadest Joseph like a flock; thou that dwellest between the
cherubims, shine forth. Before Ephraim and Benjamin and Manasseh stir up thy strength, and come
and save us. Turn us again, O God, and cause thy face to shine; and we shall be saved. O LORD
God of hosts, how long wilt thou be angry against the prayer of thy people? Thou feedest them with
the bread of tears; and givest them tears to drink in great measure. Thou makest us a strife unto our
neighbours: and our enemies laugh among themselves. Turn us again, O God of hosts, and cause thy
face to shine; and we shall be saved.
Thou hast brought a vine out of Egypt: thou hast cast out the heathen, and planted it. Thou
preparedst room before it, and didst cause it to take deep root, and it filled the land. The hills were
covered with the shadow of it, and the boughs thereof were like the goodly cedars. She sent out her
boughs unto the sea, and her branches unto the river. Why hast thou then broken down her hedges, so
that all they which pass by the way do pluck her? The boar out of the wood doth waste it, and the
wild beast of the field doth devour it. Return, we beseech thee, O God of hosts: look down from
heaven, and behold, and visit this vine; And the vineyard which thy right hand hath planted
(Messiah’s chosen), and the branch that thou madest strong for thyself. It is burned with fire, it is cut
down: they perish at the rebuke of thy countenance. Let thy hand be upon the man of thy right hand,
upon the son of man whom thou madest strong for thyself (Begging the Father to send Messiah). So
will not we go back from thee: quicken us, and we will call upon thy name?
Turn us again, O LORD God of hosts, cause thy face to shine; and we shall be saved.
2 John 1. 9-11: ‘Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ (Gospel of the
Kingdom!), hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the
Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither
bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.
Matthew 10. 8: ‘Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have
received, freely give’.
So in the name of the true Messiah, Yahushua the Son of the One True Living God, who came in the
flesh, born of a virgin and gave himself for us on the cross, then under his own power (which was
granted him by the Father) and authority after preaching in Hades for 3 days, did raise himself from
the grave, did show himself to witnesses, then went up to be at the right hand of the Father.
This work is also declared to you in the name of the Unbegotten, the Ineffable, the Eternal Light
and our Heavenly Father of Spirits. May you all hear the Voice of the Great Shepherd, in
Yahushua’s name, Amen.
In Light and Truth, in YAHUAH and YAHUSHUA, who is the Image and likeness of the Father and
the Father-in-the-Flesh!
Watchman X
Good luck to you all as we go through the coming great Tribulation for our purification. There is only
one place left forEleazar truth-seekers and that is straight up!
Earlier Contact References:
Mr Barry Smith’s Catalogue of books from:
International Support Ministries
Pelorus Bridge Rai Valley 7156 NEW ZEALAND. Telephone: 64 (03) 571 6046
Facsimile: 64 (03) 571 6135