Transport in Metallic and Semiconducting Dots Historically, charge quantization was discovered and confirmed experimentally earlier than quantum mechanics. The first experiment was performed by R.A. Millikan: [Physical Review I, 32, 349-397 (1911)] The quantization of charge was observed in studying the transport of oil drops in gas. Transport in Dots 1 How about the manifestation of charge quantization in the transport in materials? An earliest clear demonstration of the role of “charging” was performed by I. Giaever and H.R. Zeller when they studied small Sn particles imbedded in an oxide film. [Ref: Physical Review Letters, 20, 1504 (1968)] [Ref: Physical Review, 181, 789 (1969)] Transport in Dots 2 Tunneling, Zero-Bias Anomalies, and Small Superconductors H.R. Zeller and I. Giaever Preparation of the tunnel junction containing Sn particles. Because of the faster oxidation of Al with respect to Sn, the oxide in the space between the particles is much thicker than the oxide at the surface of the particles, as sketched schematically in the cross section of the samples. o For a Sn particle with a radius r ~ 50 A the spacing of the electron energy levels is of the order 0.1 meV or 1 0 K in units of k BT . I-V of a junction with average particle radius o r 110 A For at 1 .6 0 K . H 35 kOe all the particles are normal. It is the result of “vertical” tunneling through a layer of grains. This phenomenon is now well known as “Coulomb blockade”. Transport in Dots 3 Dynamical resistance-versus-voltage characteristics for normal and superconducting particles at T 1.6o K . For particles with o r 110 A , H c is 13 kOe so that all particles are normal at H 30 kOe . Three possible mechanisms were considered in the paper: 1. Direct tunneling through the aluminum oxide, avoiding the Sn particles. This mechanism gives a constant, voltage- and temperature-independent, background conductivity. For properly prepared junctions with a particle o radius r 30 A , direct tunneling can be made completely negligible even at 1o K and at zero bias. 2. Tunneling from one Al film onto a Sn particle, localizing the electron there and then in turn tunneling out on to the other side. This process needs an activation energy which in turn is responsible for the zero-bias resistance peak. 3. This was the mechanism mostly discussed in the paper. Tunneling from one aluminum film through a particle and out onto the other aluminum film without actually localizing the electron on the particle. The particle is only involved as an intermediate state; thus, the process is of second order. This process can conceivably become important at low temperatures and at low voltages; however, no experimental evidence has been found for this process. It is very similar in principle to Anderson’s model for tunneling involving intermediate magnetic impurity states. Transport in Dots 4 More on single-electron charging effects in single small tunnel junctions: [Physical Review Letters, 39, 109 (1987)] T.A. Fulton, and G.J. Dolan A scanning-electron micrograph of a typical sample. Junctions labeled a, b, and c are formed where the vertical electrodes overlap and contact the longer horizontal central electrode. The bar is 1 m long. Small-area tunnel junctions had low-capacitances ( C 1 fF ). T 1.7 K . S and L are junctions with small and large C. Inset: Offset voltage vs junction areas for four different samples. Typical junction area: (0.03 0.01m) 2 ; thickness-to-dielectric -constant ratio: 0.15 nm . Transport in Dots 5 Single tunnel junction ( C 10 18 F ) formed out of STM: [Physical Review Letters, 60, 369 (1988)] P.J.M. van Bentum, H. van Kempen, L.E.C. van de Leemput, and P.A.A. Teunissen This work demonstrated that the stray capacitance far away from the tunneling area does not contribute to the effective capacitance that determines the Coulomb blockade. Conditions for the observation of Coulomb Blockade In a capacitor formed out of a single Metal-Insulator-Metal (MIM) junction, the charge Q across the junction can be changed continuously. It is because that these charges are essentially “polarized charges” from the two metal “plates”. On the other hand, electrons might tunnel through the middle barrier of the junction. But when an electron does so, it tunnels in its entirety, that is, as a whole. The subsequent change in Q will then be quantized. The tunneling electron might need to overcome an energy barrier if the charging energy of the capacitor were to be increased. Transport in Dots 2 This energy is typically of order e 2C . 6 To be able to observe Coulomb blockade, two conditions must be met: (1) Thermal fluctuation must not be too large: e2 Ec k BT . 2C For C 10 15 e2 1K ; 2C F, 18 and for C 3 10 F , e2 300 K . 2C This amounts to r ~ 28 nm for grain radius and somewhat larger for disc radius, when the relative dielectric constant is assumed unity. Taking into consideration of the dielectric constant, the radius should be sub-10-nm structures in order to observe coulomb blockade at room temperature. (2) Quantum fluctuation must not be too large: The single electron tunneling time T RTC , where RT is the tunneling resistance. Quantum fluctuation due to this tunneling is small when Ec Transport in Dots RT RQ h T h 26 k 2 e 7 A single tunnel junction of capacitance C and tunnel resistance RT biased by an ideal current source The parameters C and RT characterizes the junction. The state of the junction, however, is described by Q and n , which is, respectively, the charge on the capacitor and the net number of electron tunnel from electrode 2 to electrode 1. The change in energy of the system when one electron tunnels across the junction is given by Q 2 (Q e) 2 e e E Q 2C 2C C 2 where + (-) refers to an electron tunneling from electrode 2 (1) to electrode 1 (2). Here e is the charge of an electron. At T 0 , the tunneling process is favorable energy-wise when E 0 . Therefore, coulomb blockade occurs when Transport in Dots e e Q . 2 2 8 Single electron tunneling (SET) scenario: For a finite but small current I from the current source, Q increases linearly with time ( Q I ) . Tunneling will occur at Q e 2 e such that Q changes suddenly to and the cycle continues. 2 Thus the voltage of the junction will exhibit saw-tooth oscillations, and with oscillation amplitude e . 2C The frequency of the tunneling I e events is f SET . It is interesting to note that even though the tunneling events are probabilistic, the effect of the coulomb blockade is to enforce correlations between tunneling events so that tunneling occur at uniform time intervals. The tunneling rate depends on the energy change E as well as the temperature T . It was derived by Likharev, (to be shown later) 1 E 2 e RT 1 exp( E k BT ) Transport in Dots 9 Beyond the Coulomb blockade regime, when the bias current I is large enough so that V (t ) e at all times, we have E 0 and 2C E 0 at all times also. Therefore, 1 E ; e RT 2 1 ( E ) exp( E k BT ) . e RT 2 We have assumed that E k BT . The tunneling transition rate can be expressed in terms of V , given by C (V ) 2 2e RT 2 2 e V V . C The voltage V varies within the range V To obtain the relation between I e e V V . 2C 2C and V , we invoke the requirement that one tunneling event occur in each voltage cycle, that is V e / 2C V e / 2C dV (V ) 1 , I C and we obtain V IRT e . 2C e I GT V 2C . The intercept on the voltage axis e is called the Coulomb gap. 2C Clear experimental evidence of SET oscillations in single junctions has remained elusive to date. The parasitic capacitances of the leads leading to the junction far exceed that of the junction itself. An external current source charges up the lead capacitance and tends to behave as a voltage source rather than a current source with respect to the tunnel junction. Transport in Dots 10 Derivation of the transition rate for a single tunnel junction: We consider tunneling for a metallic tunnel junction within the single-particle picture using the transfer Hamiltonian method. A constant voltage V is applied to the left electrode relative to the right. The Fermi energies E Fr E Fl eV . The charge on the left electrode is Q and on the right electrode is Q . Transition rate kr kl where Tkr ,kl 2 2 Tk ,k r l 2 1 f ( E ( E l) l Er ) , kl H t k r . The total rate, from occupied states on the right to unoccupied states on the left is given by (V ) 2 Tkr ,kl f ( Er ) 1 f ( El ) ( El Er ) . 2 k r ,k l Assuming that the tunnel matrix element and the density of states are constant, we have 2 2 (V ) T Dlo Dro dE f ( E E Fr ) 1 f ( E E Fl ) Ecm and 2 2 (V ) T Dlo Dro dE f ( E EFl ) 1 f ( E EFr ) . E cm The total current I (V ) e (V ) (V ) 2e 2 T Dlo Dro dE f ( E E Fr ) f ( E E Fl ) Ecm Transport in Dots 11 lim Ecm dE f ( E ) f ( E eV ) eV , Ecm V IRT ; and RT 2e 2 T Dlo Dro 2 . Note that in the above derivation, we have include any Coulomb blockade effect, thus RT is the junction resistance in the regime when Coulomb blockade is no longer significant. The transition rates, however, are subject to modification when the charging energy is no longer negligible. The state of the junction is characterized by the net number n of electrons tunneling through the junction from right to left. The change in energy E (n) E (n) E (n 1) . Using a “golden rule” approximation for the transition rate, the rate of tunneling of electrons back and forth through the junction is 2 . T f ( E ) 1 f ( E ) E E E if i f i f 2 ki ,k f Again assuming weak energy dependence in the transfer matrix element and the densities of states, we have 1 (V ) 2 e RT dE f ( E ) 1 f ( E E ). Ecm Using the property of the Fermi function f ( E ) 1 f ( E E ) f ( E ) f ( E E ) 1 e E / k BT , and integrating, we get 1 E (V ) 2 e RT 1 e E / kBT . Transport in Dots 12 Coulomb Staircase in double tunnel junctions [Physical Review Letters, 63, 801 (1989)] R. Wilkins, E. Ben-Jacob, and R.C. Jaklevic o Average In droplet size is 300 A . Curve A is an experimental I V characteristic. Curve B is a theoretical fit the data for CD 3.5 1019 F , CT 1.8 10 18 F , RD 7.2 106 , RT 4.4 109 . The obvious asymmetric features in curve A require a voltage shift Vs 22 mV . Curve C, calculated for Vs 0 . A small quadratic term was added to the computed tunneling rate for each junction. Transport in Dots 13 Coulomb Staircase Characteristics in Single electron transistor Total charge Q in the middle island: Q Qi Cl (VC Vl ) Cg (VC Vl ) Cr (VC Vr ) i Q VC C CiVi ne i where n is an integer, and C Cl C r C g . Rearranging, we have VC Q CiVi i C . The electrostatic energy U of the system is Qi2 U i 2Ci Transport in Dots 14 Eliminating VC , we have U Q2 1 2C 2C 2 Ci C jV j CiVi C jV j . j j i i In a more symmetric form with respect to the summation indices, C C V Q2 1 U 2C 2C i j i i j Vj . 2 i Note that U is the internal energy. But when Q is changed, via the tunneling of electrons onto or out of the island, the voltage sources will do work too. For instance, if an electron tunnels through junction j into the island, VC VC VC VC Q e VC , C C and the change in the charges Qi (for i j ) are: Qi Ci ( VC Vi ) Hence the QiVi work done by the e Ci . C i -th voltage source is e CiVi . C The work done by the j -th voltage source is eV j e C j Vj . C The total work done by all the voltage souces is: W j e (Vi V j ) i Ci . C Note that W j does not depend on Q . Transport in Dots 15 The total energy (or enthalpy) E of the system is defined as E U n j Wj j where n j is the net number of electrons tunnel into the island through junction j . The first term U is the electrostatic energy stored in the capacitor system, and the term n j W j is the net j work done by the capacitor system to its environment – the voltage sources. Without loss of generality, we let V1 0 , V2 V and the number of electrons in the island be n . The change in U in the n n 1 process is: U 2 2 ne n 1e (n) 2C U ( n ) 2C 1 2ne 2 e 2 . 2C The work done by the voltage sources if an electron tunnel into the island through junction 1: W1 e CgVg C2V e (C2V Qo ) C C where Qo C gVg Qoo and Qoo represents the shifting in the polarization charge due to naturally occurred random charged impurities near the island. Similarly, the work done by the voltage sources if an electron tunnel into the island through junction 2: ( C g C1 ) W2 Transport in Dots e Qo C1V CgV e Qo C1V C C 16 The change in E for the n n 1 process in which tunneling occurs in junction 1 is: E1 U (n) U (n 1) 1 W1 E1 e C e 2 (ne Qo ) C2V . The change in E for the n n 1 process in which tunneling occurs in junction 2 is: E2 U (n) U (n 1) 1 W2 E2 e C e ( ne Q ) C V o 1 2 Tunneling will occur when either E1 0 or E2 0 . To see the Coulomb staircase, let us consider the simpler case of C1 C2 C J , and R2 R1 . Tunneling occurs much faster in junction 1 than in junction 2. Therefore, the maximum number of electrons in the island will be determined by the condition E1 0 1 CV nmax int J . e 2 Here we consider the case Qo 0 and V 0 is above the coulomb blockade threshold. The current is determined by the tunneling in junction 2, given by I e2 (V ) Transport in Dots 17 I I 1 2 R2 1 E 2 eR2 e V C J Whenever V increases by V 1 nmax . 2 e e 2 , the number of electrons CJ C in the island will increase by 1. Subsequently, I will increase abruptly by e 2 R2C J . Except for that abrupt increase in I , the current increases linearly with V , with a slope of 1 2 R2 . This is the Coulomb staircase. The “charge” Qo , or equivalently, the gate V g also plays a very interesting role in determining the I V characteristics. Putting Qo back into the above discussion, we have I 1 2 R2 e Qo 1 V n . max CJ e 2 What happen if Qo e 2 ? Well, I increases linearly with V even when V ~ 0 ! There is no Coulomb blockade! But still there is Coulomb staircase. Transport in Dots 18 The previous V Qo analysis can be understood from looking at the energy-band diagram of the double-junction system. For a simple illustration, we let C1 C2 C J . The maximum threshold voltage for the coulomb blockade region is Vthreshold e C , where C 2C J . The characteristic energy scale for the problem 2 is EC e 2C . Consider the point A on the V Qo diagram where Qo e ; V 2Vm a x 4 EC e , two alternate ways of electron transport cycles are shown: E1 EC ; E1 3EC ; E 2 3EC ; E 2 EC ; then the energy diagram is: If an electron tunnel into the island through junction 1, then E1 EC ; E1 EC ; E 2 5EC ; E 2 3EC ; and the energy diagram becomes: However, if alternatively, an electron tunnel out of the island through junction 2, then E1 3EC ; E1 5EC ; E 2 EC ; E 2 EC ; and the energy diagram becomes: Transport in Dots 19 From the V Qo diagram, it is clear that: 1. For a fixed Qo : increasing V gives rise to Coulomb staircase. 2. For a fixed V : decreasing Qo , or equivalently increasing V g leads to the increase in n , the number of electrons in the island. 3. For a fixed V , where V is in the low bias regime, that is V Vthreshold: Current oscillates with Qo , or V g : we have the coulomb oscillations. [Physical Review B, 51, 12649 (1995)] M. Tinkham, J.M. Hergenrother, and J.G. Lu A simple quasiequilibrium model that accounts in some detail for the observed temperature dependence in the current through a SET with Al island ( V 125V ). Note the transition from 2e to e periodicity occurs in the rather temperature narrow range 240 ~ 270 mK near T * . Transport in Dots 20 The above discussion is based on a theory: the Orthodox Theory, which is proven very successful in the metallic junctions. The key is to calculate the ensemble distribution (n ) of the number of electrons on the center island. The time rate of change of (n ) is ( n, t ) (n ) (n, t ) ( n ) (n, t ) t tunn ( n 1) ( n 1, t ) (n 1) (n 1, t ) The first term on the right hand side is the outscattering term whereas the second term is the inscattering term. ( n, t ) 0. steady-state condition requires t The Thus we have (n) (n) (n) (n 1) (n 1) (n 1) (n 1) . Here (n) 1 (n) 2 (n) . We have to solve numerically for (n ) . The steady-state current is given by I (V ) e ( n ) ( n ) ( n ) e ( n ) 1 ( n ) 1 ( n ) . n Transport in Dots 2 2 n 21 [Physical Review Letters, 74, 3241 (1995)] D.C. Ralph, C.T. Black, and M. Tinkham Temperature T 4.2 K and H 0 . Dashed curve is the theoretical fit, with an offset of 100G -1 . Transport in Dots 22 [Physical Review Letters, 78, 4087 (1997)] D.C. Ralph, C.T. Black, and M. Tinkham Current-voltage curves displaying Coulomb-staircase structure for three different samples, at equally spaced values of gate voltages. Data for different V g are artificially offset on the current axis. Transport in Dots 23 [Physical Review B, 61, 46 (2000)] H. Imamura, J. Chiba, S. Mitani, K. Takanashi, S. Takahashi, S. Maekawa, and H. Fujimori Room temperature measurement. Transport in Dots 24 Differences structures: between metal and semiconductor junctions or The Fermi wavelength of the electrons in semiconductors is of the order of the limit of fabrication of artificial structures, 10-50 nm; in contrast, it is of the order of the lattice spacing in metals. Consequently, the coexistence of a discrete energy spectrum with the charging energy will be easier to study in semiconductors than in metal junctions. This coexistence expresses itself both in the I(V) characteristics and in conductance oscillations as a function of gate voltage. Even though the single particle level spacing may be significant in STM-grain tunneling experiments, it will be much smaller than the charging energy. Semiconductors offer the possibility to study the full range of EC to EC . In semiconductors also the number of free electrons can be suppressed strongly, usually with the help of gate electrodes, to the point where only a few free electrons are present. Here deviations from a simple electrostatic energy are expected. Capacitances in semiconductors are subjected to change because the potential profile (and thus the size) of the dot will strongly change during the charging of the dot with the first few free electrons. Transport in Dots 25