ATE Fall 2013 Business Meeting

Fall Meeting Minutes
October 4, 2013
Florence Elston Inn, Sweet Briar College
Sweet Briar, Virginia
President Jane Huffman called the meeting to order and thanked Alice Young for her service as
ATE VA President. She encouraged each person to have an individual membership in ATE VA.
Secretary’s Report-Trina Spencer presented the minutes of the Spring 2013 meeting and they
were approved as read.
Treasurer’s Report- Karen Parker stated that are our current balance is $12,849.89. Jane stated
that the board discussed our organization’s budget and conference expenses due to decreased
Karen proposed that we have a one year membership fee instead of multi-year options. This
would help with accounting procedures and help members know when they need to renew their
membership. Pat Shoemaker stated that we now have an electronic database that is capable of
generating membership renewal letters and other reports. If you get an incorrect membership
letter, please let her know.
This proposal was moved and second. Motion carried
Journal Report-Leigh Butler stated that the next issue of the journal would focus on teacher
assessment. Please let her know if you are interested in being a reviewer.
Leigh asked the group their thoughts on having just an electronic journal and/or just printing a
limited number of copies to reduce expenses. Suggestions from the membership included only
printing a journal for the authors and having people to print their own copy from the website.
Awards- Jane encouraged the membership to apply for the school partnership and student
researcher awards. Information on these awards is available on the organization’s website.
Conference- Jane announced that the spring meeting will be held on March 27-28, 2014 and a
call for proposals will go out. Herb Thompson stated possible themes and topics for the next
conference and requested ideas from the group.
Update-Herb asked board members for future conference speakers and topics. The spring
conference will have individual presentations from faculty around the state.
Constitution Review-Jane reported that our chapter is in the process of reviewing our
constitution. We have to send a copy of the constitution to the ATE to make sure we are in
compliance with the national bylaws. The procedure for revising this document include having
the membership review the changes at least twice. An electronic ballot with the proposed
changes will be sent to the membership and there will be another vote on the changes at the
spring meeting.
Alice Young stated that most of the changes concentrated on the duties and responsibilities of
our executive board. She will send the membership a document that shows the side by side
comparison of the constitution and the proposed changes.
Nominations and Elections- Jane announced that in spring 2014 elections will be held for the
following offices: Treasurer, Executive Director, and Higher Education Delegate. Please send
your nominations for these offices by January 1, 2014 to Alice.
Future meetings and conferences.
ATE 2014 Annual Meeting, Hyatt Regency, St. Louis Riverfront, February 14-18, 2014
ATE 2014 Summer Conference, Sheraton At The Falls Hotel and Conference & Event Center
Niagara Falls, Niagara Falls, NY, August 1-5, 2014
ATE 2015 Annual Meeting, Hyatt Regency Phoenix, February 13-17, 2015
Respectfully Submitted,
Trina Spencer