Office use Nurses Board of Victoria Legacy Limited Grants and Fellowships MARJORY TAYLOR APPLICATION AND GUIDELINE FORM 2016 Application close at 4pm Friday 18th September 2015 The fellowship is in honour of Matron Marjory Taylor (1920 - 2006). Marjory was an outstanding nurse and mentor, and the Director of Nursing at The Geelong Hospital from 1956 – 1981. On Marjory's retirement, a group of dedicated nurses established the fellowship to offer support for midwives and nurses undertaking education in the Barwon Region. In 2002 the then Nurses Board of Victoria took over the governance of the Marjory Taylor Fellowship. The Nurses Board of Victoria Legacy Limited continues to offer this fellowship today and respectfully acknowledges the ongoing commitment of the nurses in the Barwon Region, who continue to offer support for Marjory Taylor Fellowship OBJECTIVE The purpose of this fellowship is to support registered nurses and/or midwives working and living in the Barwon region of Victoria in their efforts to undertake nursing and midwifery education (courses or professional development), to advance their knowledge and skills in their particular field, or undertake research relating to nursing and midwifery ELIGIBILITY Applicants must be currently registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia and living and working in the Barwon Region to be eligible to apply for the NBVLL Marjory Taylor Fellowship. The Barwon Region is highlighted in yellow. Applications from outside this area will not be considered. Nurses Board of Victoria Legacy Limited Grants and Fellowship Application Form - 2016 Round 1 FUNDING Funding is normally for a period of 12 months. Extensions must be applied for and may be approved by the NBVLL Board of Directors. PREVIOUS APPLICANTS Those who have previously received funding through NBVLL must wait two calendar years before they are eligible to apply again. Applicants who have previously been unsuccessful may re-apply in the following round providing they still meet the eligibility criteria. SUBMISSION OF APPLICATIONS It is preferred that applications be typed, however hand written applications will be accepted. Completed forms must be printed, signed and forwarded to: NBVLL Secretariat PO Box 327 WENDOUREE VIC 3355 Applications postmarked on or before the closing date will be accepted. It is recommended that applicants keep a copy of their application until they are notified that it has been received by the NBVLL Officer. Notification of receipt will be sent via email. SELECTION PROCESS All eligible applications will be reviewed based on the information provided in the application form and must meet the selection criteria. Grants will be reviewed by at least two reviewers from the Barwon region. If further information is required in order to assess your application, you will be contacted by the NBVLL Officer. NOTIFICATION PROCESS Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their submission by mail by the end of December 2014. The decision of the NBVLL Board is final and no correspondence will be entered into. Applicants may request to be provided with feedback from the review process. CONDITIONS Please see terms and conditions at the end of this application Nurses Board of Victoria Legacy Limited Grants and Fellowship Application Form - 2016 Round 2 MARJORY TAYLOR FELLOWSHIP Value: Up to $3,000 The purpose of this fellowship is to support registered nurses and/or registered midwives whose primary place of practice is in the Barwon region of Victoria in their efforts to undertake nursing and midwifery education (courses or professional development), to advance their knowledge and skills in their particular field, or undertake research relating to nursing and midwifery. A APPLICANT DETAILS Title: Given Name: Surname: Postal Address: Suburb: State: Postcode: Residential Address: Suburb: State: BH Tel: Postcode: Mobile: Email address: NMBA Registration ID Number: Employing organisation: Position held: B GRANT PROPOSAL Please keep proposal within space provided as additional pages will not be considered. 1. Activity Title (maximum 25 words) 2. Briefly describe the activity for which you are seeking funding. Do not exceed 100 words for this section. 3. What are the aims and/or objectives of this activity? Nurses Board of Victoria Legacy Limited Grants and Fellowship Application Form - 2016 Round 3 4. Describe the timeline for the activity including the start, finish and other milestone dates. (for conference attendance detail event dates) 5. How will this activity contribute to enhancing nursing/midwifery practice in the Barwon Region? 6. How will you share the outcomes of this activity to others in the Barwon Region? D FUNDING Has any other funding been sought for this activity? Yes No If yes, please detail the funding source (name and address of each agency) and the amount requested. Have you or members of your team previously been awarded a Nurses Board of Victoria Legacy Limited Grant or Fellowship? Yes No If yes please state year, name of Grant or Fellowship and activity title. Please note applicants who have received a grant in the previous 2 calendar years are not eligible to apply. E BUDGET Prepare the budget for your activity including the cost of each item, the total amount and a brief justification. Item Total Budget Amount Justification/rationale $ Nurses Board of Victoria Legacy Limited Grants and Fellowship Application Form - 2016 Round 4 REFEREES Please provide the names and addresses of two professional referees who are familiar with your role in the area of your selected activity. Referee 1 Surname: Given name: Title: Position held: Facility/Organisation: Address: Suburb: State: BH Tel: Mobile: Postcode: Email address: Referee 2 Surname: Given name: Title: Position held: Facility/Organisation: Address: Suburb: State: BH Tel: Mobile: Postcode: Email address: G CERTIFICATION OF HEAD OF ORGANISATION If the proposed activity requires the use of your work facilities for the activity or leave to undertake the activity, please ensure this section is completed. I certify that the proposed activity is appropriate to the general facilities of my organisation and that I am prepared to have the activity carried out in my organisation or support leave from work for this activity to be undertaken. If payment for the proposed activity is to be made to your work facility, please ensure this section is completed. I certify that this request satisfies all the requirements of this organisation, and that this organisation has established financial administrative processes for assuring sound ethical practice in relation to disbursement of the grant funds. Surname: Given name: Title: Name of Organisation: Position held: BH Tel: Mobile: Email address: Signature: Date: Nurses Board of Victoria Legacy Limited Grants and Fellowship Application Form - 2016 Round 5 H CURRICULUM VITAE Please attach one page curriculum vitae that includes the following information: Details of qualifications. A brief description of the duties and responsibilities associated with your current employment. Publications and/or contribution to the profession. I APPLICANT AGREEMENT In signing this section, you certify that all details provided on this application form are true and correct at the time of applying. Signature: J Date: HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT NBVLL GRANTS AND FELLOWSHIPS? Website NBVLL website Australian College of Nursing Department of Health Facebook Google Publication/Newspaper ANF Journal Nursing Review Geelong Advertiser Other Direct Email Manager Colleague/Friend Workplace TERMS and CONDITIONS Original receipts will only be accepted. NBVLL grants and fellowships are only for the named recipient. Alcoholic beverages, or incidentals otherwise claimed via salary sacrifice will not be reimbursed. The NBVLL Board of Directors reserves the right to seek clarification for costs incurred and may request additional information from the recipient. Successful recipients are required to be a reviewer for NBVLL grants and fellowship applications in the calendar year following completion of their grant or fellowship. CHECKLIST FOR COMPLETION OF APPLICATION Before submitting your application, please ensure that you have: Completed all relevant sections of the application form Included evidence you meet the eligibility criteria. This may include a current practicing certificate or proof of employment. A one page copy of your Curriculum Vitae (CV) Indicated support from host (observational visits only) Read and understood terms and conditions of the NBVLL grants and fellowships Optional Conference brochure/program if available Nurses Board of Victoria Legacy Limited Grants and Fellowship Application Form - 2016 Round 6