UCL Université Catholique Cryopreservation of bovine oocytes and embryos de Louvain Senior scientists : Franz DESSY dessy@vete.ucl.ac.be Tel (32)10 47 37 01 Isabelle DONNAY André MOENS Anne-Sophie LEQUARRE donnay@vete.ucl.ac.be Tel (32)10 47 87 48 moens@vete.ucl.ac.be Tel (32)10 47 37 61 lequarre@vete.ucl.ac.be Tel (32)10 47 37 57 STAFF KEY WORDS FOR R&D Total : 19 Mammalian oocyte maturation Embryo metabolism and kinetics Embryo micromanipulations Genetic sorting of bovine embryos Embryo and oocyte cryopreservation Bovine Ovum Pick Up Investigators : 12 RESEARCH FIELD AND SUBJECTS The in vitro production and storage of gametes and embryos with high compe-tence to development is the key of success for several technologies including trans-genesis and assisted reproduction. It is part of research programmes involved in preservation of genetic diversity, in production of high value added products, in farm animal breeding and in toxicology-teratology. One of the limiting factors to a wider use of biotechnologies involving embryos are the poor resistance of oocytes and in vitro pro-duced embryos to cryopreservation. Three approaches are used : i. understand the specificity of in vitro produced bovine embryos to improve their quality ; ii. evaluate the damages induced by cryo-preservation on bovine oocytes and embryos ; iii. set up improved cryopreservation pro-cedures. Among the research projects are : i. the development of a culture system for oocytes mimicking the in vivo situation and allowing them to acquire full de-velopmental competence ; ii. the investigation of the links between embryo metabolism, kinetics of development, oxidative stress and sensitivity to chilling or freezing ; iii. the development of new techniques for the cryopreservation of bovine oocytes and embryos ; iv. the sorting of bovine embryos on the basis of their genotype before transfer in foster mothers. Results of those research are directly applied in our Ovum Pick-Up Centre developed in collaboration with belgian bovine breeding associations. PRODUCTS AND SERVICES ART center fot cattle breeders (assisted re-production techniques) In vitro production of bovine embryos for fundamental and applied research Genetic sorting of bovine embryos (in de-velopement) MAIN EQUIPMENT Complete equipement for cell and embryo culture (bovine, rabbit, mice, rat) Computer controlled Time lapse video re-cording system Microfluorimeter Farm facilities (cattle, sheep, pig) Controlled freeze machine Access to PCR equipment and gene se-quencing Access to confocal microscopy REPRESENTATIVE REFERENCES MASSIP A., MERMILLOD P. & DINNYES A. Morphology and biochemistry of in vitroproduced bovine em-bryos: implications for their cryopreservation. Human Reprod, 1995, 10, 3004-3011. DONNAY I., DE ROOVER R., VAN LANGENDONCKT A., AUQUIER P., BOMBAERTS P., KINNNAR T., SCHUUR-BIERS N., MASSIP A., ET DESSY F. Production d'em-bryons bovins in vitro à partir d'ovocytes prélevés sur vaches vivantes par ponction échoguidée - premiers résultats. Annales de Médecine vétérinaire, 1996, 140, 283-291. LEQUARRÉ A.S., GRISART B., MOREAU B., SCHUUR-BIERS N., MASSIP A. & DESSY F. Glucose metabolism during bovine preimplantation development: analysis of gene expression in single oocytes and embryos, Mol. Reprod. Dev. 1997;48: 216226. VAN LANGENDONCKT A., DONNAY I., SCHUURBIERS N., CAROLAN C., MASSIP A., DESSY F. Developmental kinetics of bovine embryos in synthetic oviduct fluid medium: Effects of fetal calf serum supplementation. J . Reprod. Fertil., 1997, 109, 87-93. DONNAY I., AUQUIER PH., KAIDI S., CAROLAN C., LONERGAN P., MERMILLOD P. AND MASSIP A. Vitrifi-cation of in vitro produced bovine blastocysts: methodological studies and developmental capacity. Anim. Reprod. Sci., 1998, 52, 93104. KAIDI S., VAN LANGENDONCKT A., MASSIP A., DESSY F., DONNAY I. Double staining for assessing cellular alterations of bovine in vitro produced blastocysts during a vitrification procedure. Theriogenology, 1999, 52, 515-525. DONNAY I., PARTRIDGE R.J. AND LEESE H.J. Can em-bryo metabolism be used for selecting bovine embryos before transfer? Reprod Nutr Dev, 1999, 39, 523-533. MAJERUS V., A.-S. LEQUARRE, FERGUSON E.-M., KAIDI S., MASSIP A., DESSY F.. DONNAY I. Charac-terisation of embryos derived from calf oocytes: kinet-ics of cleavage, cell allocation to inner cell mass and trophectoderm and lipid metabolism, Mol Reprod Dev, 2000, 57, 346-352. LEQUARRÉ AS., FEUGANG JM, MALHOMME O., DONNAY I., MASSIP A., DESSY F. E AND VAN LAN-GENDONCKT A. Expression of Cu-Zn and Mn superox-ide dismutases during bovine embryo development. Mol Reprod Dev, 2000, 48, 45-53. KAIDI S, DONNAY I, LAMBERT P, DESSY F AND MAS-SIP A. Osmotic behavior of in vitro produced bovine blastocysts in cryoprotectant solutions as a potential predictive test of survival. Cryobiology, 2000, 41: 106-115. KAIDI S, BERNARD S, LAMBERT P, MASSIP A AND DONNAY I. Effect of conventional controlled-rate freezing and vitrification on quality of bovine blasto-cysts produced in vitro. Biol Reprod, accepté pour publication FEUGANG JM, VAN LANGENDONCKT A, REES JF, PAMPFER S, DESSY F, DONNAY I. Delayed degenera-tion of bovine blastocysts induced by endogenous or exogenous oxidative stress: prevention by trolox or ß-mercaptoethanol. Biol Reprod, soumis pour publica-tion AWARDS MASSIP A. Pioneer Award 1999 from the European Embryo Transfer Society