Muriele Catam Lourdes Montoya Jose Villianueva July 8, 2008 Mammal Phylogeny Our SMASH Research Explorations project was based on the biology of life. Unlocking the mysteries of organisms and their traits can become a hard enough puzzle to crack that even scientists are puzzled about. We have used a type of tool to help us come up with some relationships between organisms that were plotted on a branch-like formation, which was called a Phylogeny. A Phylogeny is basically a mapping of organisms in a particular order according to traits almost like a family tree. It also shows the evolution of the organisms over a specific period of time. A Phylogeny can't give you an exact point of how organisms are related but a clear, and educated hypothesis. A Phylogeny can be used to tell time from distant organisms, find out relationships between the organisms, or even find out approximately where their traits may have evolved. A morphological phylogeny is a type of phylogeny based on shared traits (e.g. carnassials, placental development etc) that an organism has. In order for us to have a better understanding of how this Morphological Phylogeny works we had used chocolates as an example. The seven chocolates that we have used were; Hershey's, M&M's, Kit Kat, Baby Ruth, Snickers, Dove and Twix. In order to start a Morphological Phylogeny there must be characteristics that you can group the items/organisms into accordingly. For this we had picked out three characteristics for the chocolates; filling, bar and 20% DV fat. Coming up with the traits or characteristics can lead to various possibilities so it is best to just have traits from all areas. Then we have created a table with the three characteristics to help us create our phylogeny. After we have plotted our data by examining our items we now have to find our out-group. An out-group is an item/organism that can serve as a comparison. The out-group generally doesn't fall into many of the traits because it is used as a comparison between the other items. The out-group in this scenario would be the M&M’s, it didn’t fall into the bar, filling, or the 20% DV fat. Now that we have found the out-group, we have to group the items in a necessary order according the way that we want to. In this scenario we just started with traits more general to more specific in our opinion. Grouping the items may take a lot of work because there is no 100% answer. You may have an item or an organism that may fall under another trait, which may lead to confusing circumstances. When you group the items or organisms in a branch-like formation you can look at the types of relationships that one organism has to another. As we have learned the basics of a Phylogeny, we can now turn to our main focus of this project, which was to observe and create a Mammal Phylogeny. As a group we were given nine mammals; Echidna, Elephant, bat, dog, cat, porcupine, colugo, human, and the chimp. After our group leaders had given us the basic knowledge of a Phylogeny we were off on our own to create this Morphological Phylogeny using the characteristics given to us. The traits given to us were; placental development claws or nails, large bony eye socket, carnassials (shearing teeth), spines, and gliding membrane. As we plotted our data into our character charts and started to work on the branching of these organisms, we as a group were unsure of our findings. This Morphological Phylogeny was the start of our hypothesis on how to create a close educated guess, but our group leader then introduced us to another technique rather than the use of visual characteristics. We have learned that DNA and protein can be used to create a phylogeny, and both have their advantages. A DNA sequence is constantly changing; it can just be used as a control to compare. While protein sequences change slowly, it can be more efficient to use because you can compare the information between more subjects. In order for us to see how this technique works we have used the software called Geneious. In the software we used Mitochondrial Cytochrome B Oxidase Gene, which is the Mitochondria’s specialized DNA. We also used the Hemoglobin protein sequence, which is the protein, involved in transporting oxygen throughout the bloodstream. And we used the sequence of 4 Nuclear Genes, which made up our longest sequence. The key steps into creating a phylogeny tree in Genius is to first collect and sort out molecular sequences, align the molecular sequences for comparison, construct the tree, and finally bootstrap to check for confidence. The first thing that we have done was get information of the DNA or protein sequences for all 3 of the testing sequences. For all nine of the organisms, we did this by getting the sequences online off of a website. After we have retrieved the information we went to back to the Genius software and we uploaded the 3 DNA and protein sequences for all of the organisms. Next step was to align the molecular sequences of each of the 3 types of sequence for all nine of the organisms. By aligning the sequences you can compare the similarities that the organisms share in their molecular sequence. After aligning the sequences constructing a tree is the next job. After you have clicked construct a tree you will then see the tree, and the order of the relationships of the animals. The next job is to bootstrap the data to check for the confidence you have with the shown data. By bootstrapping, the software recreates the tree many times, however many times you want. The software then checks how many times an organism was placed on a certain point to check for confidence. For example if the computer recreates the tree 100 times and out of those 100 recreations two organisms are placed together, you can have much confidence in their relationship. Once our three trees were generated we had to compare. Two out of the three trees gave us the same exact result. The least credible tree was the Tree made from the Mitochondrial sequence. This is because the tree turned out to be polytomy, which is a situation where the software was not able to give a fully resolved answer. This is shown when there are many organisms arising from one single point. This is incorrect because it is saying that all these organisms evolved at the same time. On the other hand, our protein and gene sequences gave the same result. These were both credible trees because the 4 genes had a long sequence to compare the organisms. Also the fact that we used two different sequences and had the same turn out means that we can be very confident in our results. We chose the tree made from the 4 nuclear genes as our final tree. Our final tree demonstrated many accounts of convergence. Convergence is when traits from an organisms evolved more than once in a time period. Convergence can vary on the Morphological traits or the molecular sequence of an organism, it is a situation where different organisms can evolve similar traits. For example, elephants and humans are very different animals but they have evolved similar traits, like nails. A phylogeny can have importance in determining how far organisms are, it can also answer greater questions that can help others understand the evolution of traits.