is an angst and hook ridden CD that sticks to the

Distant Society’s second home made CD, “The Reconstruction”, is an
angst and hook ridden CD that sticks to the Ipod in your head like
porridge does to your ribs on a weary winter day.
When I first heard this disc I thought to myself that if these guys play
their cards right they could be the next Bowling For Soup. Or, perhaps,
the next Fountains of Wayne. A lofty goal for sure but the more I
listened to “The Reconstruction” the more I was struck by the
similarities. All three bands are basic, guitar, guitar, drums and base,
have three minute songs that sound great on the radio.
And all are driven by that suburban angst that previously was the
domain of country artists.
The angst that drives Distant Society’s music is of a more contemporary
nature. If I have any criticism of the band it is that if one listens to the
lyrics one hears phrases that talk about the eighties when it is so
obvious that Distant Society is a much younger and more contemporary
band than that. Their youth, combined with their maturity, would make
the product more real if they played into that. The two above mentioned
bands are senior citizens compared to Distant Society. Reflecting on the
good old days, back in the nineties, I buy from DS; back in the eighties, I
don’t think so.
I am especially fond of the third cut on the CD, “I am the Enemy”. If I
was their Clive Davis that would be the single and soon, very soon, it
would be pouring out of cars all over the world. The song is just, there.
The whole CD is just wicked. Wicked. Wicked. Wicked.
August 27, 2005,
The World Famous Dan Shields,