New Public Transport Network Southern Consultation Brochure

New Public Transport Network
Southern Consultation
Adapted in accordance with Section 69 of the
Copyright Act 1994 by the Royal New Zealand
Foundation of the Blind, for the sole use of persons
who have a print disability.
Produced 2013 by Accessible Format Production,
RNZFB, Auckland
This edition is a transcription of the following print
Published by Auckland Transport
Copyright Auckland Transport 2013
Note from the transcriber
All route information given in this document has
been supplied by Auckland Transport.
Transforming Auckland’s
public transport network
Over the next few years Auckland
Transport is moving to a simpler
and more integrated public
transport network for Auckland.
This will deliver a New Network of buses and trains
that will change the way people travel – including
the need for some passengers to transfer at key
interchanges. In return the New Network will allow
more passengers to simply ‘turn up and go’ rather
than planning trips around a timetable. It will offer
flexible travel options over large parts of the city,
making public transport more useful for a range of
travel purposes.
The map on page 2 shows the proposed new
frequent routes for the whole of Auckland. This
Frequent Network will have trains and buses
timetabled at least every 15 minutes from 7am to
7pm, seven days a week. They will be supported by
a network of Connector routes timetabled at least
every 30 minutes along with Local and Peak
services, to ensure Aucklanders continue to have
access to public transport and good connections to
the Frequent Network.
Due to the scale of change, consultation and
implementation for the New Network has been
broken into several phases. We are starting with
South Auckland’s network, which is the focus of this
consultation brochure. More details on the proposed
services for South Auckland are on page 3 and our
website at
Consultation runs from Wednesday 19 June to
4pm Friday 2 August 2013.
As you read through these changes, please keep in
mind that we are aiming to create a network that is
both useful and convenient for more people in
South Auckland.
We have tried to design the best possible network,
and we hope to improve on it with your input. Tell us
how you think we could improve the New Network
to best meet the needs of people who live, work or
play in South Auckland.
Other parts of Auckland will be consulted on over
the next few years and detailed route maps for
those areas will then be available. At this stage we
are only seeking feedback on the Southern network.
How to find out more
Visit our website to view individual route maps and
suburb guides for key areas of South Auckland,
read answers to frequently asked questions and
watch our video. This document has been
translated into Maori, Tongan, Samoan, Korean,
Hindi, Punjabi and Chinese and is available on our
website. We are also holding Open Days near you
and encourage you to come along. For details go to
page 7.
Page 2
Consulting on the New
Network for public transport in
South Auckland
Why are we proposing changes to
public transport?
Now is the time for a new way of thinking about
public transport in Auckland. If Auckland is to cope
with the expected growth in population, public
transport must become the transport choice for
more Aucklanders. Bold changes need to be made
to provide a better level of service, respond to
public demand and provide better connections to
the places Aucklanders want to go. Simply putting
more buses on the existing network is not an option.
We have to fundamentally change the way bus
services operate, to provide more frequent services
and a simpler more connected network.
Electric trains are on their way. This gives us the
opportunity to redesign bus services to complement
rail and improve bus operations across the whole of
The current bus network is complex, mostly
infrequent and in many places, duplicates what
trains do. It is inefficient to operate and does not
always provide a suitable alternative to the car, or
give ratepayers, taxpayers and customers the best
value for money.
The proposed New Network is based on a principle
already working in many North American and
European cities, which have networks of high
frequency services that are designed to work
together through easy connections.
A frequent, well-integrated network with services
timetabled at least every 15 minutes is considered
to be more useful for most people than a jumble of
infrequent routes. We are following that principle as
we work towards making Auckland the world’s most
liveable city.
This principle was included in Auckland Transport’s
Draft Regional Public Transport Plan which was
consulted on in October 2012. More than 700
submissions were received, and there was strong
support for the proposed new public transport
network. It was endorsed for local consultation by
the Auckland Transport Board in March 2013.
Transcriber's Note:
Two diagrams are given. The first labelled
"Direct Service Option: Many infrequent
overlapping routes (Auckland Now)", the
second labelled "Connective Network
Option: fewer routes, more frequency
(Auckland Future)"
Direct Service Option shows 3 Residential
areas, and 3 Activity areas. These six
locations are connected by 9 overlapping
routes. It has the caption: 9 routes operate
at 30 minute frequencies.
Connective Network Option shows the same
number of Residential and Activity areas, but
these are connected by only 3 overlapping
routes. It has the caption: 3 routes operate
at least every 15 minutes.
End of Note.
End of Diagram
The current network tries to connect many locations
with many other locations at low frequencies, as in
the left image. We are moving to the model on the
right which has fewer routes but higher frequencies.
The point at which the lines intersect in the right
hand diagram illustrates where an interchange
would be. For example, bus to train interchanges
like Otahuhu or Manurewa, or a bus to bus
interchange like Otara. This means that to make
some trips, connections between services will be
required, but the inconvenience associated with this
will be minimised by the provision of good
interchange facilities, improved frequencies and
integrated ticketing (with integrated fares to follow).
End of Box
Title: Auckland Frequent Network 2016
(Proposed). Routes are subject to change as
part of local consultation processes.
Transcriber's Note: The Map shows
several different proposed new transport
routes for the whole of Auckland. End of
End of Map
Page 3
What does this mean for South
The proposed network for South Auckland will
include different types of services as follows:
Frequency and Hours of Operation
In South Auckland, the train line and four Services:
key bus routes will form this Frequent
30, 31A/B
service layer.
Bus services
*), 32,
At least every 15 minutes between 7am
and 7pm, seven days a week.
Peak frequency will typically be every 10- footnote
15 minutes.
Services will operate at lower
frequencies outside these hours, every
30 minutes or better.
Train services
There will be trains at least every 15
minutes between 7am and 7pm, seven
days a week, from Puhinui, Papatoetoe,
Middlemore and Otahuhu to Britomart. At
a later date there will be trains to and
from Manukau and Papakura at least
every 15 minutes between 7am and
7pm, seven days a week. There will be
trains to and from Onehunga every 30
Frequency and Hours of Operation
Connector The Frequent Network will be
complemented by Connector bus
services at least every 30 minutes,
between 7am and 7pm, seven days a
week – connecting people to town
centres and work and/or the Frequent
Peak frequency will typically be every 20
31A, 31B,
33A, 33B,
309, 313,
325, 353,
363, 364,
365, 366,
372, 377
Services will operate at lower
frequencies outside these hours, typically
every 60 minutes or better.
Taken together, Frequent and Connector
services form the backbone of what we
have called the All-Day Network, which
includes services operating between
7am and 7pm, seven days a week.
Outside these hours services will operate
but at lower frequencies.
The two
make up
Frequency and Hours of Operation
the AllDay
for South
Local and
The All-Day Network will be supported by Local
two other types of bus service:
314, 319,
Local services will serve areas not on
324, 371,
Frequent or Connector routes. These
services will link into the All-Day Network 373, 376,
at connection points such as train
stations and town centres. Services will
generally be every 60 minutes. Peak
frequency will typically be every 30
Peak period services will only operate
during weekday peak period (generally
7am to 9am, and 4pm to 6pm). May vary
for industrial area peak services.
Peak services generally operate one way
only – towards the city or key
destinations in the AM peak and in the
301, 311,
Frequency and Hours of Operation
PM peak back to the local area. For
example the 301 will go from Mangere to
the city in the morning and from the city
to Mangere in the afternoon. The 352
and 368/369 services however will go
both ways during the morning and
afternoon peak period.
Footnote *: Where you see A/B services they are
Connector services that will be timetabled to create
a 15 minute frequency along the common route,
before splitting off to different destinations. For
example the 31A from Mangere to Otara continues
to Flat Bush and the 31B continues to Botany every
30 minutes. End of Footnote.
End of Table
Travel within South Auckland
 All the current bus services in South Auckland
will be replaced by the New Network which will
provide local connections and introduce four
new Frequent bus routes.
 A new Frequent service to Auckland Airport.
 Improved services between Mangere,
Papatoetoe and Otara.
 Three new services in Papakura, one of which
will service Hingaia/Karaka Lakes.
 Three services serving the Wiri, East Tamaki
and Auckland Airport industrial areas.
 Smaller buses are likely to be used on Local
and Connector routes in areas such as
Papakura and Manurewa.
 Most streets with a bus service will still have
services taking them to a key town centre or
connecting them with the Frequent Network.
 We are providing areas in South Auckland that
are not close to train stations with direct and
frequent connections to rail at Otahuhu,
Papatoetoe, Manurewa and Papakura.
 Te Mahia and Westfield train stations are
proposed for future closure due to low
Travel to and from the city
It is proposed that buses would no longer run from
South Auckland all the way into central Auckland,
except for two services from Mangere. Passengers
would be required to make local bus to train
connections at Papakura, Manurewa, Manukau,
Papatoetoe, Otahuhu or Onehunga.
From Britomart, passengers can connect with
frequent inner city services to get to their final
destination, for example the University of Auckland
and AUT. By the time these changes are made,
new electric trains will be coming into service,
enabling more passengers to be carried by rail. We
believe that the time taken to transfer from bus to
train will be outweighed by the shorter train journey
times for most passengers. For example, a peak
time bus takes approximately 45 minutes to get to
Britomart from Otahuhu compared to the train,
which only takes 24 minutes.
 Two new bus to train interchanges are
proposed, one at Otahuhu Train Station and at
a later date one at Manukau Train Station
 Bus services will connect to these and other
train stations for onward travel, particularly to
the city centre.
 New timetables will be developed with an
emphasis on increased service frequencies
and improved coordination and timing with train
services. This will be a phased implementation.
See table above for more detail.
What are the benefits of the New
 Increased frequencies – Frequency is
freedom. High frequencies enable passengers
to adopt a more flexible “turn up and go”
approach, rather than planning trips around the
timetable. More frequent services along more
direct routes could save time for existing
passengers and make it more usable for
potential passengers.
 All-Day Service (7am to 7pm) – By offering
services that will operate more frequently over
a larger part of the day, seven days a week –
passengers will be able to consider public
transport for a greater variety of trips and have
the ability to travel any time, not just to and
from work.
 Flexibility – Because of the All-Day service
and the increase in service frequencies, the
New Network will provide greater flexibility and
choice for passengers.
 Simpler network – Fewer route variations and
more frequent and regular services will result in
a simple, easy-to-understand network which
will encourage more people to use bus
 Increased access to frequent services – The
New Network will increase the number of South
Auckland residents within 500m of a Frequent
service from 12 per cent to 30 per cent.
What are the trade-offs?
 Along with our proposed New Network come a
few new challenges, which are to be expected
when changes of this scale are made. To
improve public transport, we need to make
some bold changes. We cannot provide for
every current bus journey without requiring
some people to transfer. We understand not
everyone will be in favour of the proposals.
Some of the trade-offs include:
 No direct services to central Auckland
(including express buses) along Great South
Road or the Southern motorway – these buses
can better be used creating more frequent
connections to rail services.
 Replacing some bus services that take you
direct from your home to your destination with
generally more frequent services which may
require a transfer. While transfers may not be
desirable, they are essential to both frequency
and simplicity and they also enable access to a
much wider set of destinations.
 Some bus stops will no longer be used. As a
result some people may need to walk further to
access public transport.
Page 4
The following section provides an
overview of what these proposed
changes mean for each key suburb
within South Auckland.
Detailed guides for local suburbs are available
on our website
 A new Frequent service between Onehunga,
Mangere, Auckland Airport, Papatoetoe Station
and Manukau
 Travel from Onehunga to the city will be via
services along Manukau Rd (302, 312) or along
Queenstown and Pah Roads (301, 309). Levels
of service will be similar to what operates
currently on these roads
 The 301 service will operate from Mangere
(peak-only) and will travel via the motorway
and the 309 service will run along Beachcroft
Avenue. Both routes will then run along
Queenstown and Pah Roads
 People wishing to travel to Mangere can take
the 309 via Mangere Bridge (similar to current
305 route) or the Frequent service (30) along
Coronation Rd and Bader Dr
 Those wishing to travel further south can make
connections to other services at Mangere Town
 All other services in this area will remain the
 Frequent services from Mangere Town Centre
to Onehunga, Auckland Airport, Papatoetoe
Station, Manukau, Otara, Otahuhu and Sylvia
Park. Otara services continue either to Botany
(31B) via East Tamaki or Flat Bush (31A) via
Ormiston Rd
 Travel to the city from the eastern side of
Mangere (Massey Rd, Buckland Rd,etc.) and
Favona will be via bus to Papatoetoe or
Otahuhu stations and then via train
 Travel to the city from the western side of
Mangere (Kirkbride Rd, Bader Dr, Robertson
Rd, etc.), and Mangere Bridge via either:
o Direct bus (301 peak only along motorway,
309 via Onehunga and Beachcroft Ave)
o Frequent bus (30) and train from
 To get to Manukau, people can either catch the
Frequent 31 service to Papatoetoe Station and
transfer to the Frequent 30 service or use the
313 service which will operate at least every 30
 New local service (324) through parts of
Favona not currently served – connecting to rail
at new Otahuhu interchange
 Connections to other parts of Auckland can be
made at Onehunga, Otahuhu and Manukau
 Service (314) to Middlemore Hospital (west
side) from Mangere Town Centre
 Very frequent services between Otahuhu Town
Centre and a new bus-train interchange
proposed at Otahuhu Station
 Frequent connections with Sylvia Park,
Mangere Town Centre, Hunters Corner,
Manukau and Manurewa
 Weekday only service (319) along Great South
Road between Otahuhu Station, Penrose and
 No through buses to the city. All trips to the city
will be via train
 Westfield Station proposed to close
 Frequent service to Mangere via Papatoetoe
Station (31A/B)
 Journey to the city via bus to train connection
at Otahuhu or Papatoetoe Station
 Connector services to Otahuhu, Botany via
East Tamaki, Flat Bush via Ormiston Rd and
Manukau via Chapel Downs/Clover Park
(Diorella Dr)
 Connections to other parts of Auckland can be
made at Otahuhu, Papatoetoe, Botany or
 No change to the 575 service to Middlemore
Hospital and Botany via Highbrook
 One service (364) connecting all three
Manukau Institute of Technology (MIT)
 Frequent connections to Mangere and
Auckland Airport
 Frequent service (33A/B) along Great South Rd
to Otahuhu Town Centre and bus-train
interchange and to Manukau and Manurewa
 Services to Otara continue either to Botany
(31B) via East Tamaki or Flat Bush (31A) via
Ormiston Rd and to Onehunga, Manukau and
 Journeys to the city via train
 Frequent service (30) to Onehunga via
Papatoetoe, Auckland Airport, Mangere Town
Centre and Mangere Bridge
 Frequent service (33A/B) along the Great
South Road to Otahuhu, Hunters Corner and
 Journeys to the city via train
 Services to Weymouth, Takanini and Papakura
 At Manukau buses will be directed to a
proposed bus-train interchange at Manukau
 A peak only circuit (368/369) in both directions
between Manukau and Wiri industrial area
 A peak-only service (352) between Manukau
and Panmure via East Tamaki industrial area
 Current 580 will not change – Chapel Road to
 A Frequent service will start from the new
interchange at Otahuhu Station then via Great
South Road and Manukau with two branches in
Manurewa – one to Papakura (33A) via Great
South Road and the other to Weymouth (33B)
via Clendon Shopping Centre
 Motorway express bus services that start in
Papakura and go via Manurewa to be
discontinued - journeys to the city via train
 At Manurewa, buses will use the interchange
rather than the Southmall stops on Great South
 Service (365) extended from Randwick Park to
Papakura via Porchester Rd
 Wattle Downs service (363) will only go to
Manurewa and not to Manukau. To get to
Manukau change onto a Frequent bus (33A/B)
at Manurewa
 Service between Manurewa, Clendon, Homai
and Manukau (similar to 454) – extended to
Otara/MIT via Tui Road
 The Gardens and Everglade Drive (366) –
same as current 466 but extended to new
Manukau interchange
 Te Mahia Station is proposed to close. For
journeys to the city people will need to access
alternative bus stops on Great South Road, for
a bus to the interchange at Manurewa and
connect to a train.
 In addition to a Great South Road service (33A)
between Papakura, Manurewa, Manukau and
Otahuhu, there will be a new service (365) on
the eastern side of the railway line from
Papakura to Manukau via Porchester Road,
Randwick Park, Manurewa interchange and
Russell Road
 Connections to other areas within Auckland
can be made at Otahuhu, Papatoetoe, or
 New service (371) created between Papakura
and Takanini Station via Old Wairoa Rd,
Cosgrave Rd and Bruce Pulman Park
 The feasibility of a new station in the Glenora
Road/Walters Road area (proposed by local
interests) has been assessed, but such a
station would not be built within the timeframe
for implementing this new network
 There would no longer be any direct bus
services to the city, including those via the
motorway. Journeys to the city would be via
 Papakura bus services would only operate
locally. People will be able to connect with a
train or take a Great South Road bus service to
Manurewa, Manukau or Otahuhu
 Services to Papakura interchange from Keri Hill
(372), Red Hill (373), Rosehill and Pahurehure
 New service (365) on the eastern side of the
railway line from Papakura to Manukau via
Porchester Road, Randwick Park, Manurewa
interchange and Russell Road
 New service (371) created between Papakura
and Takanini Station via Old Wairoa Rd,
Cosgrave Rd and Bruce Pulman Park
 New service (378) from Hingaia / Karaka Lakes
 Service (376) retained between Papakura and
 We will make no changes to Pukekohe to
Papakura bus services until we have consulted
with the Franklin community except that we will
no longer continue any of these services to and
from Auckland via the motorway (i.e. 475
services will no longer become the 477x at
Papakura). People wishing to travel to
Auckland will need to either use the train from
Pukekohe or transfer to the train at Papakura)
Pages 5 - 6
Southern Consultation Map
This map shows all the new services proposed for
South Auckland.
Some of the current routes which are not part of this
consultation are shown in grey.
What routes are being changed?
All the current services listed below will be replaced
under this proposal:
 29F, 59F, 80
 300’s – 304, 305, 305X, 315, 324, 327, 328,
332, 334, 336X, 338, 344, 347, 348, 351, 354,
359, 375
 400’s – 409, 428, 435X, 446, 447, 454, 455,
456, 466, 457, 457X, 470, 471, 472, 473, 474,
477X, 483, 484, 486, 486X, 487, 487X, 497,
 500’s – 561, 566, 568
What routes are not included within
the South Auckland consultation?
 Current services that are not being changed at
this time but do operate within the consultation
area: 008, 009, 010, 011, 302, 312, 361, 392,
479, 500, 502, 512, 522, 532, 575, 580, 589,
717 and 757. Any changes to these services
will be part of a future consultation.
 Services to and from Pukekohe, Waiuku,
Tuakau and Port Waikato will be consulted on
at a later date.
 Airbus Express between Auckland Airport and
the city is not affected by this proposal.
 School bus services in general are not being
reviewed as part of this consultation. It is our
intention to review school bus services once
travel patterns from the New Network have
been established. Any changes to school
services will be consulted on separately.
 There are currently two Nite Rider services
within South Auckland. When the proposed
changes are implemented there will be
equivalent services to what is currently
Transcriber's Note: The Map has been
omitted. Route information for the Proposed
2016 Network is given below. End of Note.
End of Map
Frequent Services
At least every 15 minutes, 7am – 7pm, 7 days a
week. Lower frequencies early morning and
30 - Manukau To Onehunga Via Airport
Manukau Interchange, into Davies Avenue, (Left)
into Manukau Station Road, (Left) into Leyton Way,
(Left) into Ronwood Avenue, (Right) into Lambie
Drive and into Carruth Road, (Left) into St George
Street,(Right) into Shirley Road, into Papatoetoe
Interchange, (Right) into Coronation Road, (Right)
into Detro St, (Right) into Rangitoto Road, (Right)
into St George St, into Station Road, (Left) into
Wyllie Road, (Right) into Puhinui Road, (Left) into
Hape Drive, (Right) into Laurence Stevens Drive,
(Left) into George Bolt Memorial Drive, (Left) into
Andrew McKee Avenue, (Right) into Domestic
Terminal, Auckland Airport,(Right) into Andrew
Mckee Avenue, (Left) into George Bolt Memorial
Drive, (Left) into Tom Pearce Drive, (Left) into Ray
Emery Drive, into International Terminal,
Auckland Airport, into Tom Pearce Drive, (Left)
into Leonard Isitt Drive Extension, into Leonard Isitt
Drive, (Left) into John Goulter Drive, (Right) into
George Bolt Memorial Drive, (Left) into Landing
Drive, (Right) into Airpark Drive, (Right) into Richard
Pearse Drive, (Right) into Ascot Road, (Left) into
Kirkbride Road, (Right) into Idlewild Avenue, (Right)
into Bader Drive, (Right), into Mangere Town
Centre Bus Stop, (Left) into Bader Drive, (Right)
into McKenzie Road, into Coronation Road, (Right)
into Rimu Road, (Left) into Rimu Road Onramp
Northbound, into South-Western Motorway, (Left)
into Onehunga Offramp Northbound, (Left) into
Onehunga Harbour Road, into Onehunga Mall, into
Onehunga Station, (Right) into Princes Street,
(Left) into Galway Street, (Left) into Church Street
(Left), into Upper Municipal Place, into Onehunga
Transport Centre.
30 - Onehunga To Manukau Via Airport
Onehunga Transport Centre, into Upper Municipal
Place, (Right) into Pearce Street, (Right) into Lower
Muncipal Place, (Right) into Church Street, (Right)
into Galway Street, (Right) into Princes Street, (Left)
into Onehunga Mall, into Onehunga Station,
(Right) into Neilson Street, (Left) into Gloucester
Park Road, (Left) into Onehunga Onramp
Southbound, into South-Western Motorway, (Left)
into Rimu Road Offramp, (Right) into Rimu Road,
(Left) into Coronation Road, into McKenzie Road,
(Left) into Bader Drive, (Right) into Mangere Town
Centre Bus Stop, (Left) into Bader Drive, (Left) into
Idlewild Avenue, (Left) into Kirkbride Road, (Right)
into Ascot Road, (Left) into Richard Pearse Drive,
(Left) into Airpark Drive, (Left) into Landing Drive,
(Right) into George Bolt Memorial Drive, (Left) into
John Goulter Drive, (Right) into Leonard Isitt Drive,
(Left) into Leonard Isitt Drive, (Right) into Tom
Pearce Drive, (Left) into Ray Emery Drive, into
International Terminal, Auckland Airport, into
Tom Pearce Drive,(Right) into George Bolt
Memorial Drive (Left) into Andrew Mckee Avenue,
(Right) into Domestic Terminal, Auckland Airport,
(Right) into Andrew Mckee Avenue, (Left) into
George Bolt Memorial Drive, (Right) into Laurence
Stevens Drive, (Left) into Hape Drive, (Right) into
Puhinui Road, (Left) into Wyllie Road, (Right) into
Station Road, (Left) into Shirley Road, into
Papatoetoe Interchange, (Right) into Coronation
Road, (Right) into Detro Street, (Right) into
Rangitoto Road, (Left) into St George Street, (Right)
into Carruth Road, into Lambie Drive, (Left) into
Ronwood Avenue, (Right) into Davies Avenue, into
Manukau Interchange.
31A - Mangere Town Centre To
Ormiston Via Otara
Mangere Town Centre Bus Bay, (Right) into
Bader Drive, into Buckland Road, (Left) into Portage
Road, (Right) into Station Road, (Left) into Shirley
Road, into Papatoetoe Interchange, into Shirley
Road, (Right) into Great South Road, (Left) into
East Tamaki Road, into Otara Interchange, into
East Tamaki Road, (Right) into Preston Road, (Left)
into Ormiston Road, (Right) into Shepherds Lane,
31A - Ormiston To Mangere Town
Centre Via Otara
Shepherds Lane, (Left) into Ormiston Road,
(Right) into Preston Road, (Left) into East Tamaki
Road, (Right) into Otara Interchange (Right) into
East Tamaki Road, (Right) into Great South Road,
(Left) into Shirley Road, into Papatoetoe
Interchange, (Right) into Station Road, (Left) into
Portage Road, (Right) into Buckland Road, into
Bader Drive, (Left) into Mangere Town Centre Bus
31B - Mangere Town Centre To Botany
Town Centre Via Otara
Mangere Town Centre Bus Bay, (Right) into
Bader Drive, into Buckland Road, (Left) into Portage
Road, (Right) into Station Road, (Left) into Shirley
Road, into Papatoetoe Interchange, into Shirley
Road, (Right) into Great South Road, (Left) into
East Tamaki Road, into Otara Interchange, into
East Tamaki Road, (Left) into Hills Road, (Right)
into Johnstones Road, (Left) into Pearl Baker Drive,
(Right) into Valder Avenue, (Left) into Springs
Road, (Right) into Smales Road, (Left) into Chapel
Road, (Left) into Ti Rakau Drive, (Left) into Te
Irirangi Drive, (Left) into Town Centre Drive, into
Botany Town Centre Bus Stop.
31B - Botany Town Centre To Mangere
Town Centre Via Otara
Botany Town Centre Bus Stop, into Town Centre
Drive, (Right) into Te Irirangi Drive, (Right) into Ti
Rakau Drive, (Right) into Chapel Road, (Right) into
Smales Road, (Left) into Springs Road, (Right) into
Valder Avenue, (Left) into Pearl Baker Drive, (Right)
into Johnstones Road, (Left) into Hills Road, (Right)
into East Tamaki Road, (Right) into Otara
Interchange, (Right) into East Tamaki Road,
(Right) into Great South Road, (Left) into Shirley
Road, into Papatoetoe Interchange, (Right) into
Station Road, (Left) into Portage Road, (Right) into
Buckland Road, into Bader Drive, (Left) into
Mangere Town Centre Bus Bay.
32 - Mangere Town Centre To Sylvia
Park Via Otahuhu
Mangere Town Centre Bus Bay, (Left) into Bader
Drive, (Left) into Orly Avenue, into Thomas Road,
(Left) into Massey Road, into Mangere Road, (Left)
into Walmsley Road, into Otahuhu Interchange,
(Right) into Station Road, (Right) into Mason
Avenue, into Avenue Road, (Left) into Atkinson
Avenue, into Mount Wellington Highway, (Right)
into Sylvia Park Entrance 1 to Sylvia Park Bus
32 - Sylvia Park To Mangere Town
Centre Via Otahuhu
Sylvia Park Bus Stop, (Left) into Mount Wellington
Highway, into Atkinson Avenue, (Right) into King St,
(Right) into Avenue Road, into Mason Avenue,
(Left) into Station Road, into Otahuhu Interchange,
(Right) into Walmsley Road, (Right) into Mangere
Road, into Massey Road, (Right) into Thomas
Road, into Orly Avenue, (Right) into Bader Drive,
(Right) into Mangere Town Centre Bus Bay.
33A - Papakura To Otahuhu Station Via
Great South Rd
Papakura Interchange, into Railway St West, (Left)
into Broadway, (Right) into Great South Road, (Left)
into Weymouth Road, (Right) into Manurewa
Interchange, (Right) into Selwyn Road, (Right) into
Station Road, (Left) into Great South Road, (Left)
into Manukau Station Road, (Right) into Davies
Avenue, into Manukau Interchange, (Right) into
Ronwood Avenue, (Left) into Great South Road,
into Atkinson Avenue, (Left) into Avenue Road, into
Mason Avenue, (Left) into Station Road, into
Otahuhu Interchange.
33A - Otahuhu Station To Papakura Via
Great South Rd
Otahuhu Interchange,(Right) into Station Road,
(Right) into Mason Avenue, into Avenue Road,
(Right) into Atkinson Avenue, into Great South
Road, (Right) into Ronwood Drive, (Left) into Davies
Avenue, into Manukau Interchange, (Left) into
Manukau Station Road, (Right) into Great South
Road, (Right) into Station Road, (Left) into Selwyn
Road, (Left) into Manurewa Interchange, (Left) into
Weymouth Road, (Right) into Great South Road,
(Left) into Broadway, (Right) into Railway St West,
into Papakura Interchange.
33B - Weymouth To Otahuhu Station
Via Great South Rd
Weymouth Terminus, into Waimai Avenue, (Left)
into Lane Road, (Right) into McInnes Road, (Left)
into Ocean View Road, (Left) into Roys Road, (Left)
into Weymouth Road, (Left) into Roscommon Road,
(Right) into Wordsworth Road, (Right) into
Rowandale Avenue, (Left) into Weymouth Road,
(Left) into Manurewa Interchange, (Right) into
Selwyn Road, (Right) into Station Road, (Left) into
Great South Road, (Left) into Manukau Station
Road, (Right) into Davies Avenue, into Manukau
Interchange, (Right) into Ronwood Avenue, (Left)
into Great South Road , into Atkinson Avenue, (Left)
into Avenue Road, into Mason Avenue, (Left) into
Station Road, into Otahuhu Interchange.
33B - Otahuhu Station To Weymouth
Via Great South Rd
Otahuhu Interchange, (Right) into Station Road,
(Right) into Mason Avenue, into Avenue Road,
(Right) into Atkinson Avenue, into Great South
Road, (Right) into Ronwood Drive, (Left) into Davies
Avenue, into Manukau Interchange, (Left) into
Manukau Station Road, (Right) into Great South
Road, (Right) into Station Road, (Left) into Selwyn
Road, (Left) into Manurewa Interchange, (Right)
into Weymouth Road, (Right) into Rowandale
Avenue, (Left) into Wordsworth Road, (Left) into
Roscommon Road, (Right) into Weymouth Road,
(Right) into Waimai Avenue, into Weymouth
Connector Services
At least every 30 minutes, 7am – 7pm, 7 days a
week. Generally 20 minutes at peak. Lower
frequencies early morning and evenings.
For route information on services 31A, 31B, 33A
and 33B please go to Frequent Services
309 - Mangere Town Centre To Civic /
Queen St
Mangere Town Centre Bus Bay, (Right) into
Bader Drive, (Left) into Robertson Road, (Left) into
Walmsley Road, Miller Road, (Right) into Wallace
Road, (Left) into Muir Avenue, (Right) into Yorkton
Rise, (Right) into Kiwi Esplanade, (Right) into Boyd
Avenue, (Left) into Wallace Road, (Right) into
Church Road , Rimu Road, (Left) into Rimu Onramp
Northbound, Southwestern Motorway, (Left) into
Onehunga Offramp Northbound, (Left) into
Onehunga Harbour Road, into Onehunga Mall, into
Onehunga Station, (Right) into Princes St, (Left)
into Galway St, (Left) into Church St, (Left) into
Lower Municipal Place, (Left) into Pearce St, (Left)
into Upper Municipal Place, into Onehunga
Transport Centre, (Left) into Church St, (Right) into
Beachcroft Avenue, (Right) into Queenstown Road,
Pah Road, Manukau Road, Broadway, (Left) into
Khyber Pass Road, (Right) into Symonds St, (Left)
into Karangahape Road, (Right) into Queen Street
Terminus Outside Civic Theatre.
309 - Civic / Queen St To Mangere
Town Centre
Outside Civic Theatre, Queen St, (Left) into
Wellesley St West, (Left) into Mayoral Drive, (Right)
into Queen St (Left) into Karangahape Road,
(Right) into Symonds St,(Left) into Khyber Pass
Road, (Right) into Broadway,(Right) into Manukau
Road, Pah Road, Queenstown Road, (Left) into
Beachcroft Avenue, (Left) into Church St, (Right)
into Upper Municipal Place, into Onehunga
Transport Centre, (Right) into Pearce St, (Right)
into Lower Municipal Place, (Right) into Church St,
(Right) into Galway St, (Right) into Princes St, (Left)
into Onehunga Mall, into Onehunga Station,
(Right) into Neilson St, (Left) into Gloucester Park
Road, (Left) into Onehunga Onramp Southbound,
Southwestern Motorway, (Left) into Rimu Road
Offramp, (Right) into Rimu Road, Church Road,
(Left) into Wallace Road, (Right) into Boyd Avenue,
(Left) into Kiwi Esplanade, (Left) into Yorkton Rise,
(Left) into Muir Avenue, (Right) into Wallace Road,
(Left) into Miller Road, Walmsley Road, (Right) into
Robertson Road, (Right) into Bader Drive, (Left) into
Mangere Town Centre Bus Bay.
313 - Mangere Town Centre To
Manukau Station Via Papatoetoe
Mangere Town Centre Bus Bay, (Right) into
Bader Drive, (Right) into Robertson Road, to
Henwood Road, to Skipton St, (Left) into Haddon
St, (Right) into Raglan St, (Right) into Woburn St,
(Right) into Portage Road, (Left) into Claude
Avenue, (Right) into Ferndown Avenue, (Left) into
Pah Road, (Left) into Wyllie Road, (Right) into
Station Road, (Left) into Shirley Road, into
Papatoetoe Interchange, (Right) into Coronation
Road, (Right) into Detro St, (Right) into Rangitoto
Road, (Left) into St George St, (Right) into Wallace
Road, (Left) into Puhinui Road, (Right) into Plunket
Avenue, (Left) into Wiri Station Road , (Left) into
Davies Avenue, into Manukau Interchange.
313 - Manukau Station To Mangere
Town Centre Via Papatoetoe
Manukau Interchange, into Davies Avenue, to Wiri
Station Road, (Right) into Plunket Avenue, (Left)
into Puhinui Road, (Right) into Wallace Road, (Left)
into St George St, (Right) into Shirley Road, into
Papatoetoe Interchange, (Right) into Coronation
Road, (Right) into Detro St, (Right) into Rangitoto
Road, (Right) into St George St, Station Road,
(Left) into Wyllie Road, (Right) into Pah Road,
(Right) into Ferndown Avenue, (Left) into Claude
Avenue, (Right) into Portage Road, (Left) into
Woburn St, (Left) into Raglan St, (Left) into Haddon
St, (Right) into Skipton St, Henwood Road,
Robertson Road, (Left) into Bader Drive, (Left) into
Mangere Town Centre Bus Bay.
325 - Mangere Town Centre To
Manukau Station Via Otahuhu And
Mangere Town Centre Bus Bay, (Right) into
Bader Drive, Buckland Road, (Left) into Wickman
Way, (Right) into Tennessee Avenue, (Left) into
Farmer St, (Right) into Vine St, (Left) into Massey
Road, Mangere Road, (Left) into Walmsley Road,
into Otahuhu Interchange, (Right) into Station
Road, (Right) into Mason Avenue, Avenue Road,
(Right) into Atkinson Avenue, Great South Road,
(Left) into Bairds Road, (Left) into Gilbert Road,
(Right) into Otara Road, (Left) into East Tamaki
Road, into Otara Interchange, (Right) into Bairds
Road, (Right) into Preston Road, (Left) into Flat
Bush Road, (Right) into Dawson Road, (Right) into
Te Irirangi Drive, (Left) into Diorella Drive, (Right)
into Redoubt Road, Manukau Station Road, (Right)
into Davies Avenue, into Manukau Interchange.
325 - Manukau Station To Mangere
Town Centre Via Otara And Otahuhu
Manukau Interchange, Davies Avenue, (Left) into
Manukau Station Road, Redoubt Road, (Left) into
Diorella Drive, (Right) into Te Irirangi Drive, (Left)
into Dawson Road, (Left) into Flat Bush Road,
(Right) into Preston Road, (Left) into Bairds Road,
(Left) into East Tamaki Road, (Right) into Otara
Interchange, (Right) into East Tamaki Road,
(Right) into Bairds Road, (Right) into Otara Road,
(Left) into Gilbert Road, (Right) into Bairds Road,
(Right) into Great South Road, Atkinson Avenue,
(Left) into Avenue Road, to Mason Avenue, (Left)
into Station Road, into Otahuhu Interchange,
(Right) into Walmsley Road, (Right) into Mangere
Road, to Massey Road, (Right) into Vine St, (Left)
into Farmer St, (Right) into Tennessee Avenue,
(Left) into Wickman Way, (Right) into Buckland
Road, Bader Drive (Left) into Mangere Town
Centre Bus Bay.
353 - Manukau Station To Botany Town
Centre Via Preston Rd
Manukau Interchange, Davies Avenue, (Right) into
Ronwood Avenue, (Left) into Great South Road,
(Right) into Reagan Road, (Left) into Preston Road,
(Right) into East Tamaki Road, to Springs Road,
Harris Road, (Right) into Greenmount Drive, (Right)
into Ti Rakau Drive, (Right) into Te Irirangi Drive,
(Left) into Town Centre Drive, into Botany Town
Centre Bus Stop.
353 - Botany Town Centre To Manukau
Station Via Preston Rd
Botany Town Centre Bus Stop, Town Centre
Drive, (Right) into Te Irirangi Drive, (Left) into Ti
Rakau Drive, (Left) into Greenmount Drive, (Left)
into Harris Road, to Springs Road, to East Tamaki
Road, (Left) into Preston Road, (Right) into Reagan
Road, (Left) into Great South Road, (Right) into
Ronwood Avenue, (Left) into Davies Avenue, into
Manukau Interchange.
363 - Manurewa Interchange To Wattle
Downs To Manurewa Interchange
Manurewa Interchange, (Right) into Weymouth
Road, (Left) into Coxhead Road, (Right) into Wattle
Farm Road, (Right) into Turnberry Drive, (Left) into
Scotsmoor Drive, (Left) into Hadley Wood Drive,
(Right) into Carnoustie Drive, (Right) into Tington
Avenue, to Coxhead Road, (Right) into Weymouth
Road, (Left) into Selwyn Road, (Right) into
Manurewa Interchange.
364 - Manurewa To Otara / Mit Via
Mahia Rd
Manurewa Interchange, to Selwyn Road, to
Rogers Road, (Left) into Christmas Road, (Right)
into Puriri Road, (Left) into Rimu Road, (Right) into
Mahia Road, (Right) into Glenveagh Park Drive,
(Left) into Weymouth Road, (Left) into Palmers
Road, (Right) into Finlayson Avenue, (Right) into
Roscommon Road, (Left) into Burbank Avenue,
(Left) into Rowandale Avenue, (Right) into Browns
Road, (Left) into Great South Road, (Left) into
Manukau Station Road, (Right) into Davies Avenue,
into Manukau Interchange, (Right) into Ronwood
Avenue, (Left) into Great South Road, (Right) into
Pembroke St, (Left) into Tui Road, (Right) into Huia
Road, (Right) into East Tamaki Road, Otara
Interchange, to East Tamaki Road, (Left) into
Bairds Road, (Right) into Otara Road, (Right) into
Alexander Crescent, Terminus at Bus Stop
outside Sir Edmund Hillary Collegiate on
Alexander Crescent.
364 - Otara/Mit To Manurewa Via Mahia
Terminus at Bus Stop outside Sir Edmund
Hillary Collegiate on Alexander Crescent into
Alexander Crescent, (Right) into Clyde Road,(Left)
into Otara Road, (Left) into Bairds Road, (Right) into
East Tamaki Road, (Right) into Otara Interchange,
(Right) into East Tamaki Road, (Left) into Huia
Road, (Left) into Tui Road, (Right) into Pembroke
St, (Left) into Great South Road, (Right) into
Ronwood Avenue, (Left) into Davies Avenue, into
Manukau Interchange, (Left) into Manukau Station
Road, (Right) into Great South Road, (Right) into
Browns Road, (Left) into Rowandale Avenue,
(Right) into Burbank Avenue, (Right) into
Roscommon Road, (Left) into Finlayson Avenue,
(Left) into Palmers Road, (Right) into Weymouth
Road, (Right) into Glenveagh Park Drive, (Left) into
Mahia Road, (Left) into Rimu Road, (Right) into
Puriri Road, (Left) into Christmas Road, (Left) into
Rogers Road, Selwyn Road, (Right) into Manurewa
365 - Papakura To Manukau Station Via
Porchester Rd
Papakura Interchange, Railway St West, (Left) into
Broadway, (Right) into Great South Road, (Right)
into Subway Road, (Left) into Porchester Road,
(Left) into Airfield Road, (Right) into Takanini School
Road, (Right) into Popes Road, (Left) into
Porchester Road, (Left) into Hyperion Drive, (Right)
into Limond St, (Right) into Riverton Drive, (Left)
into Magic Way, (Left) into Alfriston Road,
Weymouth Road, (Right) into Manurewa
Interchange, (Right) into Selwyn Road, (Left) into
Lupton Road, (Right) into Russell Road, (Right) into
Browns Road, (Left) into Dalgety Drive, (Left) into
Homai Interchange, (Left) into Dalgety Drive,
(Right) into Kerrs Road, (Left) into Druces Road,
(Right) into Wiri Station Road, (Left) into Davies
Avenue, into Manukau Interchange.
365 - Manukau Station To Papakura
Station Via Porchester Rd
Manukau Interchange, Davies Avenue, Wiri
Station Road, (Left) into Druces Road, (Right) into
Kerrs Road, (Left) into Dalgety Drive, (Right) into
Homai Interchange, (Right) into Dalgety Drive,
(Right) into Browns Road, (Left) into Russell Road,
(Left) into Lupton Road, (Right) into Selwyn Road,
(Left) into Manurewa Interchange, (Left) into
Weymouth Road, Alfriston Road, (Right) into Magic
Way, (Right) into Riverton Drive, (Left) into Limond
St, (Left) into Hyperion Drive, (Right) into
Porchester Road, (Right) into Popes Road, (Left)
into Takanini School Road, (Left) into Airfield Road,
(Right) into Porchester Road, (Right) into Subway
Road, (Left) into Great South Road, (Left) into
Wood St, (Left) into Railway St West, into
Papakura Interchange.
366 - Manurewa To Manukau Station
Via The Gardens
Manurewa Interchange, (Left) into Selwyn Road,
(Left) into Weymouth Road, (Left) into Alfriston
Road, (Left) into Stratford Road, (Right) into Hill
Road, Charles Prevost Drive, (Right) into Hill Road,
(Right) into Dennis Avenue, (Left) into Grande Vue
Road, (Right) into David Avenue, (Right) into Orams
Road, Eugenia Rise, (Left) into Everglade Drive,
(Left) into Redoubt Road, Manukau Station Road,
(Right) into Davies Avenue, into Manukau
366 - Manukau Station To Manurewa
Via The Gardens
Manukau Interchange, into Davies Avenue, (Left)
into Manukau Station Road, to Redoubt Road,
(Right) into Everglade Drive, (Right) into Eugenia
Rise, Orams Road, (Left) into David Avenue, (Left)
into Grande Vue Road, (Right) into Dennis Avenue,
(Left) into Hill Road, (Left) into Charles Prevost
Drive, Hill Road, (Left) into Stratford Road, (Right)
into Alfriston Road, Weymouth Road, (Right) into
Manurewa Interchange.
372 - Papakura Interchange To Keri Hill
Papakura Interchange, to Railway St West, (Right)
into Broadway, (Right) into Clevedon Road, (Right)
into Willis Road, (Right) into Kelvin Road, (Left) into
Sheehan Avenue, (Left) into Dominion Road, (Left)
into Clevedon Road, (Left) into Broadway, (Left) into
Railway St West, into Papakura Interchange.
377 - Pahurehure To Papakura
Pahurehure Terminus, Great South Road, (Left)
into Taonui St, (Left) into Tatariki St, (Right) into
Edinburgh Avenue, (Left) into Rosehill Drive, (Right)
into Chichester Drive, to Elliot St, to Broadway,
(Right) into Railway St West, into Papakura
377 - Papakura Interchange To
Papakura Interchange, to Railway St West, (Left)
into Wood St, (Left) into Elliot St, Chichester Drive,
(Left) into Rosehill Drive, (Right) into Edinburgh
Avenue, (Left) into Tatariki St, (Right) into Goodwin
Drive, (Left) into Park Estate Road, (Left) into Great
South Road, into Drury Terminus.
Local Services
Generally every 60 minutes and 30 minutes at
314 - Mangere Town Centre To
Middlemore Hospital West
Mangere Town Centre Bus Bay, (Right) into
Bader Drive, (Right) into Mascot Avenue ,(Left) into
Friesian Drive, (Left) into Massey Road, (Right) into
Tidal Road, (Left) into Portage Road, (Left) into
Buckland Road, (Right) into Graeme Avenue,
(Right) into Earlsworth Road, (Right) into Gray
Avenue, (Left) into Orakau Road, into Middlemore
Station ( Western Side ).
314 - Middlemore Hospital West To
Mangere Town Centre
Middlemore Station ( Western Side ) into, Orakau
Road, (Right) into Gray Avenue, (Left) into
Earlsworth Road , (Left) into Graeme Avenue ,
(Left) into Buckland Road, (Right) into Portage
Road, (Right) into Tidal Road, (Left) into Massey
Road, (Right) into Friesian Drive, (Right) into
Mascot Avenue, (Left) into Bader Drive, (Left) into
Mangere Town Centre Bus Bay.
319 - Otahuhu Station To Ellerslie
Station Via Saleyards Road
Otahuhu Interchange, (Left) into Saleyards Road,
(Right) into Portage Road, (Left) into Great South
Road, (Right) into Kalmia St, into Ellerslie Station.
319 - Ellerslie Station To Otahuhu
Station Via Saleyards Road
Ellerslie Station, Kalmia St, (Left) into Main
Highway, (Left) into Great South Road, (Right) into
Portage Road, (Left) into Saleyards Road, (Right)
into Otahuhu Interchange.
324 - Mangere Town Centre To Seaside
Park Via Otahuhu
Mangere Town Centre Bus Bay, (Right) into
Bader Drive, (Left) into Robertson Road, (Right) into
Mckinstry Avenue, (Left) into Garus Avenue, (Right)
into Archboyd Avenue, (Left) into Bicknell Road,
(Right) into Lenore Road, (Right) into Gadsby Road,
(Right) into Harania Avenue, (Right) into Favona
Road, (Left) into James Fletcher Drive, (Right) into
Tui St, (Left) into Kaka St, (Left) into Walmsley
Road, into Otahuhu Interchange, (Right) into
Station Road, (Right) into Mason Avenue, Avenue
Road, (Right) into Water St, (Left) into Trenwith St,
(Left) into Frank Grey Place, (Right) into Princes St
East, into Seaside Park Terminus.
324 - Seaside Park To Mangere Town
Centre Via Otahuhu
Seaside Park Terminus, to Princes St East, (Left)
into Frank Grey Place, (Right) into Trenwith St,
(Right) into Water St, (Left) into Avenue Road,
Mason Avenue, (Left) into Station Road, into
Otahuhu Interchange, (Right) into Walmsley Road,
(Right) into Kaka St, (Right) into Tui St, (Left) into
James Fletcher Drive, (Right) into Favona Road,
(Left) into Harania Avenue, (Left) into Gadsby
Road, (Left) into Lenore Road, (Left) into Bicknell
Road, (Right) into Archboyd Avenue, (Left) into
Garus Avenue, (Right) into Mckinstry Avenue, (Left)
into Robertson Road, (Right) into Bader Drive, (Left)
into Mangere Town Centre Bus Bay.
371 - Takanini Station To Papakura
Takanini Station, to Station Road, (Right) into
Takanini School Road, (Left) into Airfield Road,
(Right) into Porchester Road, (Left) into Walters
Road, (Right) into Cosgrave Road, (Right) into Old
Wairoa Road, (Left) into Porchester Road, (Right)
into Subway Road, (Left) into Great South Road,
(Left) into Broadway, (Right) into Railway St West,
into Papakura Interchange.
371 - Papakura Interchange To Takanini
Papakura Interchange, to Railway St West, (Left)
into Wood Street, (Right) into Great South Road,
(Right) into Subway Road, (Left) into Porchester
Road, (Right) into Old Wairoa Road, (Left) into
Cosgrave Road, (Left) into Walters Road, (Right)
into Porchester Road, (Left) into Airfield Road,
(Right) into Takanini School Road, (Left) into
Station Road, into Takanini Station.
373 - Red Hill To Papakura Interchange
Red Hill Terminus, to Redcrest Avenue, (Left) into
Dominion Road, (Left) into Red Hill Road, (Left) into
Gibbs Crescent, (Left) into Brooke Road, (Right)
into Red Hill Road, (Right) into Dominion Road,
(Right) into Redcrest Avenue, (Left) into Settlement
Road, (Right) into Opaheke Road, (Right) into Great
South Road, (Right) into Wood St, (Right) into
Railway St West, into Papakura Interchange.
373 - Papakura Interchange To Red Hill
Papakura Interchange, to Railway St West, (Left)
into Wood St, (Left) into Great South Road, (Left)
into Opaheke Road, (Left) into Settlement Road,
(Right) into Redcrest Avenue, into Red Hill
376 - Drury To Papakura Interchange
Drury Terminus, to Great South Road, (Right) into
Wood St, (Right) into Railway St West, into
Papakura Interchange.
376 - Papakura Interchange To Drury
Papakura Interchange, to Railway St West, (Left)
into Wood St, (Left) into Great South Road, into
Drury Terminus.
378 - Papakura Interchange To Karaka
Harbourside Loop
Papakura Interchange to Railway St West, (Left)
into Wood St, (Left) into Great South Road, (Right)
into Beach Road, Hingaia Road, (Right) into
Harbourside Drive, Capriana Drive, (Left) into
Milano Boulevard, (Left) into Pararekau Road, (Left)
into Hingaia Road, Beach Road, (Left) into Great
South Road, (Right) into Wood St, (Left) into
Railway St West, into Papakura Interchange.
Peak Period Services
301 - Mangere Town Centre To Civic /
Queen St
Mangere Town Centre Bus Bay, to (Left) into
Bader Drive, (Right) into Mckenzie Road, to
Coronation Road, (Right) into Rimu Road, (Left) into
Rimu Road Onramp Northbound, to Southwestern
Motorway, (Left) into Queenstown Road Offramp
Northbound, (Right) into Queenstown Road, to Pah
Road, to Manukau Road, to Broadway, (Left) into
Khyber Pass Road, (Right) into Symonds St, (Left)
into Karangahape Road, (Right) into Queen St, into
Terminus Outside Civic Theatre.
301 - Civic / Queen St To Mangere
Town Centre
Outside Civic Theatre, Queen St, (Left) into
Wellesley St West, (Left) into Mayoral Drive, (Right)
into Queen St, (Left) into Karangahape Road,
(Right) into Symonds St, (Left) into Khyber Pass
Road, (Right) into Broadway, (Right) into Manukau
Road, Pah Road, Queenstown Road, (Left) into
Queenstown Road Onramp Southbound,
Southwestern Motorway, (Left) into Rimu Road
Offramp, (Right) into Rimu Road, (Left) into
Coronation Road, Mckenzie Road, (Left) into Bader
Drive, (Right) into Mangere Town Centre Bus Bay.
311 - Mangere Town Centre To The
Mangere Town Centre Bus Bay, (Left) into Bader
Drive, (Left) into Orly Avenue, Thomas Road,
(Right) into Massey Road, Kirkbride Road, (Left)
into Westney Road, (Left) into Timberly Road,
(Right) into Verissimo Drive,(Right) into Landing
Drive, Terminus near Airpark Drive.
311 - The Landing To Mangere Town
Landing Drive, (Left) into Verissimo Drive, (Left)
into Timberly Road, (Right) into Westney Road,
(Right) into Kirkbride Road, Massey Road, (Left)
into Thomas Road, Orly Avenue, (Right) into Bader
Drive, (Right) into Mangere Town Centre Bus Bay.
352 - Panmure To Manukau Station Via
East Tamaki
Panmure Terminus, Pilkington Road, (Left) into
Pleasant View Road, (Left) into Jellicoe Road, (Left)
into Queens Road, (Right) into Church Crescent,
(Left) into Pakuranga Road, (Right) into Ti Rakau
Drive, (Right) into Harris Road, (Right) into Cryers
Road, (Right) into Highbrook Drive, (Left) into
Business Parade South, (Left) into Kerwyn Avenue,
(Right) into Springs Road, to East Tamaki Road, to
Preston Road, (Right) into Reagan Road, (Left) into
Great South Road, (Right) into Ronwood Avenue,
(Left) into Davies Avenue, into Manukau
352 - Manukau Station To Panmure Via
East Tamaki
Manukau Interchange, into Davies Avenue, (Right)
into Ronwood Avenue, (Left) into Great South
Road, (Right) into Reagan Road, (Left) into Preston
Road, (Right) into East Tamaki Road, to Springs
Road, (Left) into Kerwyn Avenue, (Right) into
Business Parade South, (Right) into Highbrook
Drive, (Left) into Cryers Road, (Left) into Harris
Road, (Left) into Ti Rakau Drive, (Left) into
Pakuranga Road, (Right) into Church Crescent,
(Left) into Queens Road, (Right) into Pilkington
Road, into Panmure Terminus.
368 - Wiri Industrial Loop Clockwise
Manukau Interchange into Davies Avenue, to Wiri
Station Road, (Left) into Ash Road, (Left) into Kerrs
Road, (Right) into Dalgety Drive, (Right) into Homai
Interchange, (Right) into Dalgety Drive, (Right) into
Browns Road, (Right) into Roscommon Road,
(Right) into Bolderwood Place, (Left) into Mayo
Road, (Right) into Langley Road, (Left) into Wiri
Station Road, (Right) into Roscommon Road,
(Right) into Cavendish Extension, to Cavendish
Drive, (Right) into Lambie Drive, (Left) into
Ronwood Avenue,(Right) into Davies Avenue, into
Manukau Interchange.
369 - Wiri Industrial Loop
Manukau Interchange into Davies Avenue, (Left)
into Ronwood Avenue, (Right) into Lambie Drive,
(Left) into Cavendish Drive, to Cavendish
Extension, (Left) into Roscommon Road, (Left) into
Wiri Station Road, (Right) into Langley Road, (Left)
into Mayo Road, (Right) into Bolderwood Place,
(Left) into Roscommon Road, (Left) into Browns
Road, (Left) into Dalgety Drive, (Left) into Homai
Interchange, (Left) into Dalgety Drive, (Left) into
Kerrs Road, (Right) into Ash Road, (Right) into Wiri
Station Road, Davies Avenue, into Manukau
Page 7
How to have your say
Find out more at an Open Day
Saturday 13 July: Papakura Crossroads Church,
25 Broadway 10am to 5pm
Monday 15 July: Manurewa Library, 7 Hill Road
10am to 7pm
Tuesday 16 July: Mangere – Moana-nui-a-Kiwa
Leisure Centre, 14 Waddon Place 12pm to 7.30pm
Wednesday 17 July: Papatoetoe Town Hall, 5 St
George Street 10am to 8pm
Thursday 18 July: Manukau Room, Auckland
Council Civic Building, 31 Manukau Station Road
10.30am to 8pm
Saturday 20 July: Otara Market (Community
Centre), Newbury Street 7am to 4pm
Thursday 25 July: Otahuhu Recreation Centre,
Fairburn Reserve, 30 Mason Avenue 10am to
Saturday 27 July: Onehunga Community Centre Jackson & Yates Rooms, 83 Church Street 10am to
How do I provide feedback?
We welcome your feedback on the proposed
changes by 4pm Friday 2 August 2013.
Please complete the feedback form provided in the
English version of the consultation brochure, or
online at
Feedback must be submitted in English only.
You can also attend an open day, and complete a
feedback form in person.
If you are visually impaired, or have difficulty
completing forms due to a disability, you can call us
at 09 366 6400 and our call centre staff can
complete the form on your behalf.
What happens after consultation
Your feedback is important to us and will be
considered along with a wide range of other
considerations. We fully expect that the final
network will be improved by your involvement
 All responses will be summarised and reported
on in general but not responded to on an
individual basis. A consultation summary will be
sent to those who requested one
 We will then make any changes and produce a
consultation report with the recommended final
Southern network for approval by Auckland
When will these changes be made?
It is anticipated these changes will be implemented
by early 2015, subject to the outcome of this
consultation and subsequent appointment of bus
operators through a competitive process.
Timetables will be available prior to implementation
to allow people to plan their travel and a
comprehensive information campaign will be carried
out prior to any services changing. Other parts of
Auckland will be consulted on in the future and
eventually Auckland will have a New Network
Page 8
Feedback Form
If possible Auckland Transport's preference is for
you to provide feedback online at as you
will have more space to respond and be able to
include attachments. However, if this is not
possible, please fill out this feedback form and send
it back by Friday 2 August 2013.
If you are visually impaired, or have difficulty
completing forms due to a disability, you can call us
at 09 366 6400 and our call centre staff can
complete the form on your behalf
Transcriber's Note: The fields in the
following feedback form have been omitted.
If you wish to complete a feedback form
please either:
Phone the call centre staff on 09 366 6400,
Complete the form online at
Or have someone fill out the feedback form
supplied with the original brochure. End of
Current Travel Habits
Question 1
Are you currently a public transport user?
Yes (go to question 2)
No (go to question 7)
Question 2
Are you reliant on public transport for any of your
activities, e.g. do not own, or cannot drive a car?
Question 3 (tick all that apply)
What modes of public transport do you usually
travel by?
Question 4 (tick all that apply)
What times do you usually travel by public
Before 9am
Between 9am – 3pm
Between 3pm – 7pm
Between 7pm – 11pm
After 11pm
Question 5
How often do you usually travel by public transport?
Daily (inc weekends)
Daily (weekdays only)
3-4 times a week
1-2 times a week
2-3 times a month
Once a month
Less than once a month
Question 6 (tick all that apply)
What activities do you currently use public transport
to access?
Commuting to/ from work
Work related travel (other than commuting)
Visiting friends/ family
Sports/ leisure/ hobby
Hospital/ medical
Other (please specify)
Question 7
What are the main reasons why you do not use
public transport?
Feedback on the New Network
Question 8
Using the New Network, can you get to where you
need to if these changes are made?
Yes (go to question 10)
No (go to question 9)
N/A (go to question 10)
Question 9
If you can't get to where you need to if these
changes are made, which journey/s can't you
(Please include details of this journey, e.g. street
names/ numbers, landmarks, suburbs. Please be as
precise as possible to ensure we can identify your
desired journey)
Question 10
Will the New Network encourage you to use public
transport more often?
Yes (more) (go to question 11)
The same (neither less or more) (go to question 12)
No (less) (go to question 12)
Unsure (go to question 13)
Question 11
Why will the New Network encourage you to use
public transport more often?
Question 12
Why won't the New Network encourage you to use
public transport more often?
Question 13
Are there any reasons why you are unsure whether
the New Network will encourage you to use public
transport more often, e.g. lack of information?
Question 14
If the New Network is implemented as proposed,
how often do you think you will travel by public
Daily (inc weekends)
Daily (weekdays only)
3-4 times a week
1-2 times a week
2-3 times a month
Once a month
Less than once a month
Question 15 (tick all that apply)
If the New Network is implemented as proposed,
what activities do you think you will use public
transport to access?
Commuting to/ from work
Work related travel (other than commuting)
Visiting friends/ family
Sports/ leisure/ hobby
Hospital/ medical
Other (please specify)
Question 16
Overall to what extent do you support or oppose the
proposed New Network?
Strongly support
Strongly oppose
Don’t' know
Question 17
What do you like about the proposed New Network
and why?
Question 18
What don’t you like about the proposed New
Network and why?
Question 19
Is there anything about the New Network you would
change to better meet your travel needs?
Please be as precise as possible to ensure we can
identify your desired changes e.g.
 Change the xx route to go down xx road
 Increase the frequency of xx route because…
 xx connection point should be moved 100m
down xx road
 xx connection environment should be improved
with a shelter
 xx connection point is not a suitable location
Question 20
Any further comments?
Personal Information
For your submission to be considered you must
include your full name together with a postal
address. This is to ensure we can confirm the
validity of submissions. Please also provide your
email address and phone number in case we need
to contact you with any queries about your
submission. If you would like to be sent regular
email updates on the New Network please indicate
so below.
Privacy: Auckland Transport recognises privacy is
important to all people. You can be assured that
any personal details you share with us will be
treated with strict confidence and will not be
released to the public or third parties.
Title (circle one) Mr Mrs Ms Miss Dr other
Full name
Which organisation are you submitting on behalf of
(if any)?
Phone (daytime)
Phone (evening)
Postal Address
Email Address
I would like to receive email updates on the New
What's your age?
15 years and under
Prefer not to say
What is your gender?
Are you: (tick all that apply)
Employed full time
Employed part time
School student
Tertiary Student
Not Working
End of New Public Transport Network Southern
Consultation Brochure