Supplementary information for: Smellie et al. Northern Victoria Land Late Miocene glaciovolcanic sequences Bull.Volc. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Late Miocene volcanic sequences in northern Victoria Land, Antarctica: products of glaciovolcanic eruptions under different thermal regimes [Supplementary information] J.L. Smellie*, S. Rocchi, P. Armienti *Corresponding author. Affiliation: University of Leicester, Department of Geology, University Road, Leicester LS1 7RH, UK; E-mail: Descriptions of the principal outcrops visited In the following descriptions, each locality is described in terms of local subsequences (or local units; LU) each of which is separated by a prominent stratigraphical break. Each LU consists of the products of an individual eruption and in the following descriptions the LUs are numbered chronologically upward from the exposed base; subdivisions within LUs (corresponding to lithofacies associations; e.g. lobe-hyaloclastite; subaerial lava—autobreccia, etc) are identified by letter from base up (a, b, etc). Where appropriate, further subdivision is into beds, again numbered from base up. The system of numbering is for descriptive purposes only and not intended to imply correlations of sequences or beds between localities, which are typically separated by a few to several tens of km of unexposed ground. Summary sketch vertical sections of the individual sequences are shown in Figure 1, with the LUs and/or bed numbers indicated. The locations of the outcrops described are shown in Figure 1 of the main paper. Shield volcanoes Coulman Island Coulman Island was examined by helicopter on its western side. The island is almost wholly inaccessible because of continuous serracced cliffs. Only the basal few tens of metres at a single unnamed locality (T5.1) were examined in detail, situated at the SW corner where McIntosh and Gamble (1991) began their section. The locality was illustrated by Hamilton (1972, fig. 26A). It consists of a basal, closely jointed, thick (> 55 m), flow-foliated finegrained mafic lava (LU1a) with internal patches of coarse breccia overlain conformably by c. 40 m of thin (typically 0.5-1 m) grey sheet and lensoid highly vesicular lavas separated by similar thicknesses of maroon scoriaceous autobreccia surfaces (LU1b). The junction with the basal lava is marked by c. 50 cm of yellow-orange, zeolite cemented, coarse sandy volcanic breccia formed of scoriaceous and fine-grained lava clasts. The upper surface of LU1b is planar and seems uneroded. It is overlain by a new sequence (LU2a), possibly 50 m thick, composed of blocky-jointed mafic sheet lavas mainly 1-3 m thick (up to 8 m) encased in khaki-yellow-coloured glassy and crystalline pebble-grade monomict volcanic breccia. The lavas are fine-grained to aphanitic and predominantly non-vesicular, with irregular shapes and closely spaced sheet-like joints, and they disintegrate into breccia around their margins. The new sequence appears to dip slightly more steeply than the basal surface and apparently oversteps it. It changes up conformably into an inaccessible sequence composed of thin sheet lavas and pink autobreccia (LU2b) that is about 30 m thick, which extends virtually to the crest of the spur (c. 200 m), but then changes up, across a gently undulating sharp surface, into a conspicuous thin yellow layer, which is probably the base of a new sequence (LU3a) 1 Supplementary information for: Smellie et al. Northern Victoria Land Late Miocene glaciovolcanic sequences Bull.Volc. 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 with features very similar to LU2a. LU3 appears to extend to the top of the ice-covered backing cliffs here. A very large block lying at the base of the cliffs may be derived from LU3a. It is composed of highly porphyritic mafic lavas (units 1 and 2 are aphyric), interbedded with fines-free breccia composed of granule to block-sized angular to slightly abraded clasts, glassy chilled pillows and possible grading. Daniell Peninsula Basal exposures at Cape Jones (T5.16) comprise c. 20 m of poorly exposed lavas with reddened autobreccia and local maroon agglutinate (LU1). The same(?) unit is better exposed in the western half of the cliffs where it forms a basal unit of subaerial lavas and autobreccias with a locally eroded upper surface (Figure 2). LU1 is overlain by khaki brown stratified indurated polymict lapilli tuff (LU2) that thickens eastward from c. 10 m to form much of the cliff at the eastern cape. The top surface of LU2 is uneven, sharply defined and eroded. Bedding is crude and on a dm scale, with rare dune bedforms and sag structures beneath blocks. The upper metre commonly shows slumping and small-scale faulting and parts are wavy laminated. About 2 % of the lapilli are oxidised and many of the blocks show evidence of abrasion. LU2 is extensively intruded by grey jointed lava encased in marooncoloured baked lapilli tuff. The intrusion forms most of the section at the eastern cape itself. LU3 (c. 200 m thick) overlies LU2 and is mainly composed of very gently east-dipping thin sheets and irregular lenses of blocky jointed lava and “megapillows” encased in cogenetic, massive, fines-free, glassy coarse breccia (lobe-hyaloclastite; LU3a). At its base, the breccia contains lenses of well sorted coarse to fine sandstone showing discontinuous wavy laminations. It also locally contains numerous highly vesicular lava clasts, some up to 4 m across, sparse oxidised scoria and vesicular bombs(?). The lava dips decrease up-section to horizontal and they are succeeded by a thinner (up to c. 50 m) cogenetic sequence of subaerial horizontal sheet-lava flows (LU3b). LU4 is very similar to LU3 but is thinner (c.100 m), inaccessible and extends to the top of the exposed section. The surface between LU3 and LU4 is subhorizontal and looks uneroded. A single prominent bluff was examined on the north side of Mandible Cirque. The basal crags are c. 600 m high and are composed of at least two different felsic sequences separated by a conspicuous erosional unconformity and there may be additional unconformities higher in the section. The sequence below the prominent unconformity is exposed toward the east end of the cliffs (T5.14). It extends laterally about 500 m and is cut out by the unconformity at both ends, before reappearing briefly at the eastern extremity. The unit comprises, from base up, a grey foliated fine-grained lava dome (bed 1a) that becomes pervasively fractured upward, forming jigsaw breccia that changes up into 2-8 m of massive crystalline breccia formed of angular lava blocks (bed 1b). The breccia is variably blocky to sandy, and pale grey to maroon-brown in patches, whilst the topmost 1.5 m is discoloured brown-orange along a highly uneven upper contact. It is sharply overlain by conspicuous bright yellow, crudely stratified very coarse sandy diamictite 8 m thick (bed 2) with numerous abraded polymict felsic lava blocks, up to 2 m in diameter, dispersed in the basal 12 m; cobbles up to 20 cm in diameter are scattered throughout and may become smaller upward. Bed 2 is succeeded across a sharp horizontal locally erosive surface by 8 m of crudely planar stratified, buff yellow, very coarse sandstone varying to granule-grade breccia (bed 3). It contains pebble-rich trails up to 30 cm thick traceable c. 10 m, and dispersed polymict subangular—angular pebble-sized clasts, including prominent yellow fiammé-like flattened pumice. The stratification dips gently eastward and progrades on internal nonerosive surfaces. The stratification often looks cyclic, with each of the sediment packages 1545 cm thick becoming more thinly stratified upward. Small-displacement (dm scale) normal and reversed faults are common. Beds 2 and 3 seem to mantle the underlying dome 2 Supplementary information for: Smellie et al. Northern Victoria Land Late Miocene glaciovolcanic sequences Bull.Volc. 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 topography and they show a progressive upward colour change from pale to darker yellow or buff. Bed 3 is overlain by a monomict glassy to aphanitic blocky breccia 0.5 to 1 m thick (bed 4a) that is the base of a deep brown closely jointed lava dome (bed 4b). The breccia locally penetrates the massive dome rock up to 8 m and it wraps over the top of the dome, where the clasts are crystalline rather than glassy. Wedges of the hyaloclastite breccia also intrude downward and locally mingle with bed 3. The dome is at least 30-35 m thick. It is overlain sharply and unconformably across an eroded surface by crudely stratified yellow sandy gravel (bed 5) that contains numerous dispersed fragments reworked from the underlying brown dome. Similar rock also locally intrudes down into the dome along fractures. The contact is the prominent angular unconformity that separates the lower and upper sequences. Where accessible, its surface is not exposed. Bed 5 is 2 m thick where examined but swells to nearly 20 m further west before thinning markedly again. It is overlain by 2-4 m of massive, coarse, felsic hyaloclastite breccia with glassy blocks up to 1 m in diameter (bed 6a) that shows conspicuous yellow coloration within 0.5 m of its base and top. The overlying dome (bed 6b), at least a few tens of metres thick, is pale red-brown and finely foliated. It is formed of pervasive jigsaw breccia affecting at least the basal 15 m. The entire western cliff face at the Mandible Cirque locality (T5.2) is composed of numerous spectacularly exposed, superimposed pale grey sheets of felsic lava that together form the upper sequence. Its basal surface is the prominent unconformity described above, that can be traced from the centre to the east end of the cliffs, and which contains a prominent deep “U”-shaped trough. The lowest exposures at T5.2 consist of bright green-yellow coarse glassy hyaloclastite breccia similar to “bed 6a” (described above). The hyaloclastite breccia is 8-15 m thick and it wraps around a grey and red-brown finely foliated dome 22 m tall by 60 m in length similar-looking to “bed 6b”. The dome and breccia are gradational and the breccia is discoloured orange or yellow within 0.5 m of the dome lithology. Many of the breccia clasts retain foliation and fold structures also seen in the massive dome. At its west end, the breccia is in steep (c. 70°) contact with a similar hyaloclastite breccia that extends up and overlies the first breccia. Traced further west, the new breccia shows a very coarse crude shallow east-dipping discontinuous stratification 2-6 m thick. The breccia is reddish-brown locally and it laps onto and overrides a new dome to the west that is at least 50 m thick, offwhite and sugary textured. The dome is finely foliated and contains irregular zones of fractured and brecciated rock. It is intruded by at least two thin (30 cm) dykes composed of bright yellow pumiceous lapilli tuff and tuff. The dome continues west for c. 150-200 m but was not examined to its limit. It is capped by 2 m of brown coarse breccia and the overlying inaccessible cliff section is composed of alternating, foliated, off-white to pale grey felsic sheets c. 8-10 m thick and rusty brown carapace breccias. The upper quarter of the cliff face contains spectacular coarse glassy breccias similar to those at the base of the section, and pale grey felsic lava sheets thicker than the breccias. The ridge-forming sequence directly above the Mandible Cirque cliffs (T5.13) appears to be continuous with underlying exposures. It is badly exposed, mainly scree and snow covered, and few field relations were observed. The ridge is formed of further felsic domes/lavas and sugary-textured coarse breccias except at the north end where they are draped by a sequence of thin dark grey mafic sheet lavas. Similar relations (i.e. lower pale– coloured felsic domes/lavas overlain by thin mafic lavas) were observed by binoculars on the adjacent ridge 4 km to the northwest. There is no evidence for a caldera fault between the felsic and mafic sequences. The > 400 m mafic section exposed at Cape Phillips (T5.32; Figure 3) consists of at least eight discrete local units, each comprising a distinctive association of contrasting lithofacies. The upper, usually thinner lithofacies association in each local unit is composed of continuous, even-bedded, subhorizontal crystalline grey lavas with maroon-coloured 3 Supplementary information for: Smellie et al. Northern Victoria Land Late Miocene glaciovolcanic sequences Bull.Volc. 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 autobreccias. It gradationally overlies a thicker lithofacies association of aphanitic sheet, lensoid and irregularly shaped lavas encased in abundant massive, chaotic or crudely stratified coarse lithic and glassy breccia (probably the “marble cake palagonite breccia and lava” described by Hamilton, 1972). The LUs are individually 50-100 m thick and are mainly bounded by sharp, planar, apparently non-erosional surfaces on which any bedding in the breccia-dominated lithofacies is either parallel to or gently onlaps the underlying subaerial lava-dominated sequence. Although the LUs appear to be sheet-like, several wedge out laterally. The Cape Phillips sequence also contains a conspicuous thick stratum of bright yellow felsic lapilli tuff intruded by very irregular sheets of aphanitic grey, closely jointed lava (LU6a), and there is also a well-exposed section cut across a crudely stratified marooncoloured cinder cone at the base of the cliffs (LU1). The predominantly mafic sequence at Cape Daniell (T5.29) is constructed from at least five LUs in the basal 600 m of the 800 m section exposed there (the upper 200 m was unexamined). The lithofacies associations are very similar to those at Cape Phillips and Cape Jones but they dip homoclinally at c. 15° to the WNW. The individual LUs are variably 65230 m thick. The junction between the two lithofacies associations in each LU (i.e. the passage zone) is gradational and usually planar (dipping), parallel to the enclosing subsequence boundaries, but in a few instances it is uneven on a scale of several metres. The Cape Daniell section also contains a conspicuous stratum of crudely stratified gravelly hyaloclastite breccia (LU4a). It is bright yellow-coloured within several metres of numerous dark grey, highly irregular intrusive masses of closely jointed aphanitic to fine grained lava with poorly-formed pillows locally. The lava is intensely fractured marginally and disintegrates into the enclosing breccia (see Hamilton, 1972, fig. 28g). 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 Hallett Peninsula Localities were examined at Redcastle Ridge (T5.26, T5.30), eastern Edisto Inlet (T5.25, T5.28) and northern Cotter Cliffs (T5.19, T5.20), together with helicopter observations around almost the entire peninsula. Mount Harcourt is well exposed in tall cliffs on its south side but it is inaccessible except for a mafic section exposed at Redcastle Ridge c. 12 km to the north (Figure 4). There, the basal unit (T5.26), up to an elevation of c. 70 m a.s.l., at least, comprises chaotic to poorly stratified yellow lapilli tuff. The stratification is highly deformed and heavily intruded by multiple grey mafic lava sheets that show spectacular evidence for peperitic mingling at their upper and lower margins. The lapilli tuff changes upward cryptically into poorly exposed blocky-, platy- and finely columnar-jointed (entablature) fine-grained lava with highly irregular sheet-like shapes alternating with bright yellow gravelly hyaloclastite (T5.30). Lapilli in the breccia are not uncommonly highly vesicular. The breccia passes up across an unexposed planar gradational contact (passage zone?) that dips south at c. 10° into irregular alternating grey crystalline platy lava sheets and maroon scoria and autobreccia. The lava—scoria—autobreccia section is onlapped, across an apparently uneroded surface, by a younger sequence of platy-jointed crystalline lava sheets individually a few tens of metres thick and much thinner grey and reddened autobreccias that dip at < c. 8° to the north and which also rest on a much thicker lithofacies association of chaotic lavas and hyaloclastite breccia (lobe-hyaloclastite), most of which is inaccessible. The junction between the sheet lavas and underlying lobe-hyaloclastite also dips gently northward initially but then bends round to dip very gently to the south and the section is onlapped by further (younger) platy jointed crystalline lavas and reddened autobreccias that are almost flat to gently north-dipping which appear to be continuous with the sequence at Mt Harcourt. The impression given is of at least three successively erupted volcanic centres, the oldest situated in the north (with a vent in Edisto Inlet) and the youngest at Mt Harcourt. The basal and middle sequences may be > 300 m (including basal lapilli tuffs) and > 200 m thick, 4 Supplementary information for: Smellie et al. Northern Victoria Land Late Miocene glaciovolcanic sequences Bull.Volc. 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 respectively (estimated). Field relations between Mt Harcourt and Cape Wheatstone, and inferred from patchy outcrops at the head of Arneb Glacier suggest that the Mt Harcourt— Recastle Ridge centres are all older than Hallett Peninsula. At locality T5.19, on the east coast of Hallett Peninsula, > 200 m of felsic pumicerich lapilli tuff is intruded by irregular very thick mafic sheets. Conversely, at T5.20, about 8 km north of T5.19 (northern Cotter Cliffs), three mafic sub-sequences were examined in a section c. 250 m in height. The basal sub-sequence (LU1) is well stratified and mainly formed of clastic rocks. It was only examined briefly. The lowest beds comprise a pale grey felsic dome/lava (bed 1a) and overlying coarse lithic breccia (bed 1b). The breccia is overlain by a sequence (beds 2-6) of conformable felsic lava-sourced beds, beginning with c. 2 m of bright yellow lapilli tuff or conglomeratic sandstone (bed 2) showing crude planar stratification to base but massive above. The lapilli tuff/sandstone also infills cracks between blocks in the underlying breccia. It is formed of finely pilotaxitic non-vesicular grains of felsic lava, together with angular and abraded accidental grains of mafic lava, obsidian(?) and rare fine-grained quartz-biotite-muscovite tectonite, which are much more common in the base of the bed. Bed 2 is overlain conformably by c. 1 m of dark green-grey monomict felsic tuff-breccia formed of angular finely pilotaxitic (aphanitic) non-vesicular blocks (bed 3); c. 1 m of yellow and rust-coloured, planar stratified, polymict pebbly breccio-conglomerate (bed 4); and c. 1 m of dark grey-green tuff breccia (bed 5) similar to bed 3 but with a 10 cm-thick weakly welded(?) base. LU1 is capped by 20 m of monomict (felsic) tuff-breccia (bed 6; cf. bed 3) that is rust coloured in the basal 0.5-1.0 m, then variably grey-green, grey-brown and (forming most of the deposit) cream-coloured to top. The coloration reflects a crude faint planar stratification. Clasts in bed 6 are predominantly non-vesicular and pilotaxitic (aphanitic) and the deposit contains a variable proportion of ash matrix. Bed 6 is composed of clast-supported aphanitic breccia to top. The upper surface of bed 6 is sharp and planar. Above LU1 at T5.20 is a second sub-sequence (LU2) composed of 40-50 m of lobehyaloclastite, comprising irregular and crudely sheet- or lens-like non-vesicular lavas 2-4 m thick and 20 m long and gravelly to blocky hyaloclastite breccia with numerous whole and broken pillows up to 1.5 m in diameter (LU2a). The pillows have thick (to 8 mm) glassy rims, and many of the larger ones are tadpole shaped. In places individual hyaloclastite layers are up to 5 m thick, massive and intruded by very irregular lava masses extending vertically over c. 20 m. The hyaloclastite also contains a small proportion of coarsely vesicular maroon clasts and the finer, gravelly layers locally show crude, discontinuous planar stratification with bed thicknesses of a few cm to c. 0.5 m. LU2a is overlain gradationally by about 30 m of thin planar sheet lavas with maroon aa surfaces (LU2b) that are then overlain sharply by a third sequence comprising > 50-70 m of lobe-hyaloclastite (LU3). At least five local units are exposed on the east flank of Edisto Inlet between localities T5.25 (Roberts Cliff) and T5.28 (2 km north of Salmon Cliff). Despite ice-covered gaps in exposure, observations at the two localities examined directly, and by helicopter for the intervening outcrop (Salmon Cliff), have enabled a correlation of the major local units over at least 7 km of coastline and a unified notation is used in the descriptions here (LU1-LU5). The basal outcrop at Roberts Cliff comprises c. 30 m of bright yellow stratified mafic lapilli tuffs (LU1), which was described and illustrated by Harrington et al. (1967) and informally named the Roberts Cliff tuffite formation. Although the outcrop is probably a very large, fractured in situ block, with stratification dipping at 70° to slightly overturned, its upper surface appears to be very little eroded. The overlying sequence (LU2a) consists of interbedded dark grey, conspicuously feldspar phyric, non-vesicular fine-grained mafic lavas with grey and black, rarely slightly oxidised aa surfaces and interbedded coarse breccias. Fine impersistent stratification is present within a few metres of LU1, in gravel-grade monomict hyaloclastite breccia with pillows showing tiny normal radial cooling joints. The breccia also contains 5 Supplementary information for: Smellie et al. Northern Victoria Land Late Miocene glaciovolcanic sequences Bull.Volc. 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 conspicuous yellow lapilli tuff clasts derived from LU1 (cf. Harrington et al., 1967) together with highly vesicular grey and less common maroon scoria. The breccias higher up in LU2a are formed by a mixture of finely crystalline, aphanitic and glassy clasts, plus sparse maroon scoria. They are thin (1-4 m), monomict deposits and are commonly khaki stained. Some show crude planar stratification. At c. 70 m a.s.l. there is a much thicker lava (> 10 m), bulbous and lens-shaped, with prominent subvertical coarse columnar joints that change up into variably orientated thinner columns (cf. colonnade and entablature. The lava marks the base of LU2b and the rest of the section, up to 140 m a.s.l., is dominated by further thick, lensoid, colonnaded lavas with dark grey aa surfaces. At 140 m, there is a change up into conspicuously planar, much thinner (1-2 m), sheet lavas, paler grey, coarse grained and coarsely vesicular, with thin (few dm) grey and maroon aa surfaces (LU2c). Its top is at c. 170 m a.s.l. The surface is gently convex-up over a horizontal distance of several hundred metres and is apparently uneroded. The overlying sequence (LU3a) comprises chaotic massive hyaloclastite and irregular aphanitic and fine-grained lava sheets and lenses but was not examined closely. Salmon Cliff exposes sub-sequences LU3 and LU4 but was not visited. From helicopter observations, the top surface of LU3b is very well exposed at Salmon Cliff and is convex-up and apparently uneroded (it is parallel to the underlying lavas, which are apparently not cross-cut). LU3 is at least 300 m thick in its thickest exposure (estimated; base unseen) and is overlain by chaotic lavas and breccias (LU4a) that were examined at the next locality to the north (T5.28). However, the local top of LU3b has dropped to 138 m a.s.l. at T5.28. The mafic lavas in LU3 are sparsely feldpar-phyric. LU3b extends down to c. 100 m a.s.l., where it changes gradationally down into relatively poorly exposed irregular lava lenses/sheets and breccia (LU3a). The top surface of LU3b is quite well exposed in places at T5.28. It is uneven on a scale of 1-2 m related to the presence of resistant massive lava and less resistant autobreccia and looks very little eroded. The surface is overlain by LU4a, initially comprising a few metres of clast-supported, polymict volcanic breccia that is pale khaki brown, indurated, and massive to poorly stratified. The clasts in the basal breccia in LU4a appear to be derived from mafic lavas in LU3b but they also include platy foliated pale coloured tephriphonolite fragments characteristic of LU4, some of which are sugary textured, plus rare black glass. The remainder of LU4a is formed by chaotic irregular lobes, lenses and pillow-like masses of platy non-vesicular tephriphonolite lavas 2-20 m thick showing prominent sheeting and blocky joints. They disintegrate around their margins into massive, monomict, fines-free, finely crystalline, aphanitic and glassy breccia. The top 4 m of a prominent 20 m thick lava in LU4a (c. 40 m above the basal unconformity) is frothy and autobreccia clasts are oxidised (base of LU4b? c. 175 m a.s.l.). Above that is c. 65 m of thin (2-6 m) sheet lavas with conspicuous autobreccia that is rarely oxidised or show rare khakicoated rims (LU4b). The top of LU4b is at 224 m a.s.l. but is unexposed. The succeeding 60 m comprises a new sequence (LU5a) of poorly exposed fine-grained irregular sheets or lobes of platy lava similar-looking to those in LU4 (i.e. tephriphonolite or benmoreite?) but are 1015 m thick. They show well-developed sheeting- and blocky joints and glassy rims and are interbedded with thick (commonly 10 m), massive sandy-gravelly hyaloclastite breccia formed of blocky hyalopilitic lava fragments, dispersed pillows and sparse pumice and a few oxidised vesicular lava clasts. Some clasts show slight abrasion but platy fragments dominate. Adare Peninsula Cliff-top exposures on the west side of Cape Adare (T5.31) were examined at an elevation of c. 285 m. They consist of an 8 m-thick mafic lava, very fine grained to glassy, with a well exposed 4 cm-thick glassy uneven base and well developed blocky joints. The jointed lava forms upward-pointing apophyses separated by similarly sized screens (crude 6 Supplementary information for: Smellie et al. Northern Victoria Land Late Miocene glaciovolcanic sequences Bull.Volc. 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 ramp structure or flow-top folds?) of black frothy lava that are capped by faintly maroon coloured scoria. The lava may be dipping at c. 50° to the west. It rests on pale grey, frothy microvesicular aphanitic mafic lava rubble. The plateau surface contains abundant maroon scoriaceous autobreccia rubble in the regolith. Helicopter observations indicate that the cliffs below are formed of multiple flat-lying sequences individually c. 100-200 m thick. Each is composed of a lower chaotic unit of lava and breccia (likely lobe hyaloclastite) overlain by thin sheet lavas and autobreccia, thus resembling the sub-sequences visited at several localities further south (described above). The sheet lava units are typically < 30% the thickness of the chaotic breccia/lava units. The plateau has numerous erratic boulders (first noted by Hamilton, 1972) and very large blocks measuring up to 4 m in each dimension, mainly pale green fine-grained quartz-rich metasandstone (Robertson Bay Group) but also green platy felsic lava and some very coarse granite. Inland Suite (principally small isolated monogenetic volcanic outcrops) Outcrops in the Mt Finch area (T5.21-24) consist of highly degraded remnants of subaerial cinder cones formed of black and red (oxidised) scoria and bombs, and subaerial lavas and autoclastic breccias. Two outcrops (T5.21 & 22) rest unconformably on basement granodiorite whilst the third (T5.24) comprises two tiny isolated exposures (< 50 m wide each) in the middle of Gruendler Glacier. The Tucker Glacier outcrop (T5.33), situated c. 2 km northwest of Crater Cirque, comprises, from base up, (1) a polished and striated granodioritic basement surface that generally dips at 10 to 30° toward Tucker Glacier (the striations trend up and down glacier); (2) very poorly exposed diamict composed of abraded and facetted Robertson Bay Group (RBG) metasandstones and rare granodioritic cobbles and boulders in a white mud matrix; (3) c. 1 m of rust-coloured massive lapilli tuff or gravelly volcanic sandstone; (4) up to 6 m of massive, lapilli-grade, fines-free lithic and glassy breccia (hyaloclastite) containing chaotic lobes and pillowy aphanitic lava masses; and (5) > 40 m of non-vesicular, dark grey fine-grained lava with prominent wavy and fanning small prismatic columns (entablature). At one locality the small (15-25 cm wide) columns in the lava are subhorizontal orientated and crop out on a vertical rock face overlooking Tucker Glacier. The outcrop designated informally by Harrington et al. (1967) as the Herschel Tuffaceous Moraine is a sedimentary sequence situated on the west flank of Edisto Inlet c. 3 km northeast of Luther Peak (T5.27). It crops out in a small discontinuous crag about 70 m long that trends obliquely up the cliff slope in a southerly direction and is c. 20 m thick. The upper surface of the underlying RBG bedrock is polished flat and shows prominent parallel striations with chatter marks. At its type locality (Harrington et al., 1967, fig. 40), the sequence has two major parts: a lower, thinner, white and brown diamict-dominated section (beds 1-4, below), and a much thicker upper section dominated by rusty sandstone and blocky gravel breccia. The two sedimentary sections are in gradational contact. From the base up, the section comprises: (1) A conspicuous layer of white, massive muddy boulder diamicton and diamictite 1->4 m thick, with polymict, abraded, facetted and rarely striated RBG metasandstone clasts dispersed in 60-70 % muddy matrix that drapes the steep underlying basement slope; where the basal white diamict is thickest, it shows crude boulder trains, some of which are truncated upward along internal sharp joints that have striated surfaces; (2) 0-1 m wedge of fawn-brown, massive gravelly—boulder diamicton with close-packed to dispersed, angular RBG clasts up to 60 cm in diameter; dispersed rusty highly vesicular glassy mafic lava lapilli are prominent in the upper half and up to 70 % silty—sandy matrix that is dominated by cuspate and blocky poorly vesicular mafic glass; some of the fine matrix shows faint wavy-deformed laminations; this bed 7 Supplementary information for: Smellie et al. Northern Victoria Land Late Miocene glaciovolcanic sequences Bull.Volc. 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 reappears upslope to the south where it is c. 3 m thick, slope-parallel and changes progressively up-dip into crudely stratified coarse angular breccias and thin rusty coarse sandstones; clasts in the breccias are both imbricated and slope-parallel; (3) 4 cm of impersistent, rusty laminated siltstone with very coarse sand grains, dispersed angular RBG-derived pebbles, abundant mafic glass and rare felsic pumice; (4) 1 m of grey-brown siltstone with prominent fissile jointing and thin beds of wavydeformed very coarse sandstone, and scattered angular cobbles and boulders that also sometimes occur in silt-matrixed clusters; the deposit is dominated by poorly to moderately vesicular mafic glass fragments; it becomes sandier and better stratified upward, with laminations draping the cobbles and boulders in the top 30 cm; the coarse clasts lack sag structures but they penetrate laminations; the stratification onlaps bed 3 before bed 4 wedges out to the south; and (5) c. 16-18 m of rust-coloured, thinly bedded very coarse volcanic sandstone and granule conglomerate, in beds 1 cm to a few dm thick separated by mm to 1 cm-thick beds of parallel laminated silt. Beds are laterally continuous on a scale of 30 m (outcrop width) and some show amalgamation. Outsize RBG blocks up to 1 m in diameter are common and conspicuous and lack impact structures, and there are nests of imbricated platy RBG metasandstone. Higher up, stratification is coarser and less obvious and there are more numerous lenses, up to 2 m thick and 10 m long, of closepacked angular RBG blocks. Traced laterally to the south, sandstone beds wedge out by lapping onto the basal diamicton but others higher in the section are essentially slope parallel. Slumping affecting several metres thickness of sediments, is particularly prominent in the upper part of the section. The upper section outcrop rises upslope to the south where it becomes dominated by sand-matrixed, coarse, platy, blocky RBG gravel. Lithofacies descriptions and interpretations The volcanic outcrops in the HVP have been divided into eight primary volcanic lithofacies and six sedimentary lithofacies. Two broad compositional groups are distinguished. They are referred to here as mafic, which also includes basalts, basanites, hawaiites, mugearites and tephriphonolites (collectively designated “m” in the lithofacies codes used below), and felsic, which includes trachytes and (less common) rhyolites (“f” in the lithofacies codes). Figure 1 illustrates the types and proportions of the major lithofacies present in the major outcrops, and selected lithofacies are illustrated in Figure 5. Table 1 summarizes the lithofacies notations used, and indicates which lithofacies are illustrated. Detailed descriptions and interpretations are provided below. Volcanic lithofacies Coherent mafic lava (lithofacies mL) Two types are distinguished, both common in almost every outcrop visited or observed. The first (designated mLs) is mid-grey fine to coarsely crystalline mafic lava with coarsely spaced irregular or polygonal joints. The lithofacies forms relatively thin (typically 0.5-1 m, seldom exceeding c. 2 m) planar horizontal to gently dipping sheets and lenses that alternate with a similar or lesser thickness of grey or maroon breccia (lithofacies mBm(cr); Fig. 5a). The second lithofacies (mLj; Fig. 5b) is typically darker grey, fine-grained to aphanitic and poorly to non-vesicular, often with glassy rinds 1 cm thick. The mLj lavas form sheets up to 20 m long, or have very irregular shapes. Thicknesses of a few metres are common (up to c. 50 m) and some are megapillows measuring 2-4 m in diameter. Joints are 8 Supplementary information for: Smellie et al. Northern Victoria Land Late Miocene glaciovolcanic sequences Bull.Volc. 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 well developed and more conspicuous than in lithofacies mLs; they are closely spaced and typically blocky in appearance. Some joint surfaces show up to 3 successive chilled (glassy) zones (i.e. multiple chilled surfaces). Less commonly narrow curviplanar prismatic columns of entablature type are present, rarely associated with a much thinner basal colonnade of coarser-spaced columns. The lithofacies often transforms around its margins, through a zone of intense jigsaw fracturing, into monomict aphanitic to glassy breccia (lithofacies mBm(gl)). Lithofacies mLs, with its crystalline nature, coarsely developed jointing (cooling fractures) and close association with relatively thick maroon (oxidised) autobreccia (lithofacies mBm(cr)) consists of subaerially emplaced mafic lava flows of aa type. The lavas show no evidence for rapid chilling (e.g. glass, blocky jointing, entablature) caused by interaction with water, and essentially dry conditions and emplacement on gently dipping volcano slopes are inferred. By contrast, the much finer grain sizes, glassy rims and patterns of cooling fractures (blocky joints; entablature) in lithofacies mLj and association with hyaloclastite lithofacies mBm(gl) & mBm(bl)) are unequivocal evidence for more rapid cooling than lithofacies mLs. Wet conditions are inferred, with multiple chilled surfaces forming by intermittent progressive fracturing along joint surfaces due to ingress of water (cf. Kawachi and Pringle, 1988), analogous to chattermarks on polygonal cooling-joint surfaces (cf. DeGraff et al., 1989; Grossenbacher and McDuffie, 1995). Coherent felsic lava (lithofacies fL) The coherent felsic lava lithofacies is uncommon and was only visited at Mandible Cirque (T5.2 & 14), where it forms a spectacular succession at least 900 m thick, and at the base of locality T5.20 (Cotter Cliffs, E Hallett Peninsula), although other examples were observed during helicopter fly-pasts of E Hallett Peninsula. The lithofacies is invariably encased in monomict felsic lava breccia (lithofacies fBm). It comprises high and moderateaspect ratio (i.e. height to width) platy-jointed sheets of felsic lava measuring a few tens of metres in thickness and c. 50–200 m in length. The outcrops are variably grey, cream or brown and are often thinly foliated, with foliations locally deformed into folds on a dm scale, including isoclinal. The foliation wraps around the lava outcrops. In thin section, the lava varies from aphanitic, with prominent spherulitic, snowflake (i.e. micropoikilitic) and granophyric textures, to finely crystalline. The crystalline examples are also rarely associated with foliated obsidian margins or layers. Lithofacies fL forms a series of superimposed felsic lavas, which are interbedded with felsic lava breccia (fBm(cr) & fBm(gl)) at locality T5.2 and by other lithofacies at localities T5.14 and T5.20. The variable aspect ratios suggest that domes, lavas and/or coulées might be present (collectively called sheets here) but they were observed in cross section only (strike sections). The sugary textures are present in examples showing spherulitic, snowflake or granophyric textures, and are indications of devitrification of felsic glass, probably at relatively warm temperatures (> 200-300°C) and the perlite is consistent with a wet environment (Lofgren 1971a,b; De Rosen-Spence et al. 1980; McPhie et al., 1993; Akay and Erdogan 2001; Tuffen et al., 2008). The crystalline examples lack signs of any original glass, consistent with slower cooling, although those examples are also sometimes associated with obsidian margins or layers. The eruptive environment is not clearly defined by features of the lithofacies itself but can be inferred from associated breccia lithofacies (fBm, below). Massive mafic breccia, clast-supported (lithofacies mBm) Two types of massive clast-supported mafic breccia are distinguished and are as common as lithofacies mLs and mLj, which they accompany. In the first (mBm(cr)), the angular clasts are grey and red (oxidised), mainly 1-5 cm in diameter but varying up to 20 cm, and highly vesicular to non-vesicular with a variable amount of very coarse sand-size 9 Supplementary information for: Smellie et al. Northern Victoria Land Late Miocene glaciovolcanic sequences Bull.Volc. 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 matrix (Fig. 5a). The second breccia type (mBm(gl); Fig. 5b,c,d) consists mainly of darker grey finely crystalline, aphanitic and glassy blocky-angular clasts a few mm to 2 cm in diameter, mainly non-vesicular, and up to 25 % larger clasts (typically up to 15 cm, some up to 50 cm); locally < 5 % of lapilli-sized clasts are red in colour and vesicular and may be accompanied by more coarsely crystalline lava fragments (Fig. 5c). Pillows may also be present. mBm(gl) is typically chaotic, associated with abundant irregular lava masses and rare megapillows (lithofacies mLj) or else shows crude metres-thick large-scale planar stratification defined by the parallel orientation of interbedded short lava sheets and lenses. In strike sections, the stratification is horizontal, whilst in rarer dip sections, it is inclined gently (< 10°) and oversteps onto a sharp basal surface. The third breccia type (mBm(bl)) comprises angular glassy lapilli and blocks mingled with massive lapilli tuff in a prominent zone 1 m wide surrounding mafic intrusions (lithofacies mLj) in stratified lapilli tuffs (lithofacies LTs). The crystalline nature and often-prominent oxidation colours seen in lithofacies mBm(cr), and gradational contacts with crystalline lava (mLs) indicate that they are subaerially emplaced autobreccias associated with aa lava. By contrast, the predominantly aphanitic to glassy fines-free breccias with dispersed pillows (lithofacies mBm(gl)) are hyaloclastite breccias (sensu White and Houghton, 2006) associated with emplacement of water-cooled lavas (lithofacies mLj), with which they are in gradational contact and from which they formed by mechanical spalling and likely local steam explosions (cf. Kokelaar, 1986). The coarse scale of the crude homoclinal stratification seen in dip sections, with beds extending several tens of metres and overstepping a sharp basal surface, is suggestive of the large-scale foresets in hyaloclastite breccias of lava-fed deltas, although there are important differences too (e.g. presence of oxidised and crystalline vesicular clasts, generally more chaotic nature and greater proportion of associated lavas). The third breccia type (lithofacies mBm(bl)) is clearly associated spatially and genetically with intrusive lava sheets in stratified lapilli tuffs, and is interpreted as blocky peperite (cf. Skilling et al., 2002). Stratification in the associated lapilli tuffs is absent within the peperitic zone, suggesting that it has been destroyed, probably by associated highly localised hydrothermal activity caused by intrusion of the lava into the lapilli tuffs while they were wet. Stratified mafic lava breccia (lithofacies mBs) This lithofacies is a less common, more obviously stratified version of lithofacies mBm(gl), mostly comprising fines-free fine to coarse gravelly hyaloclastite breccia with crude dm- to a few metres-thick beds that extend a few metres to a few tens of metres downdip and may show wavy deformation (Fig. 5e). Bed surfaces are rarely well defined and the beds may show narrow reverse graded bases and/or normal-graded tops. Khaki-yellow discoloration of clast rims is locally prominent and minor red (oxidised) and crystalline vesicular lapilli are present similar to mBm(gl). The crude stratification and grading in fines-poor gravelly breccia, and close association with interbedded water-cooled lava and coarse hyaloclastite breccia (lithofacies mLj and mBm(gl)), suggest a subaqueous setting, remobilisation of unconsolidated in situ hyaloclastite breccia and transport as concentrated or hyperconcentrated density flows (Mulder and Alexander, 2001). The finer breccias beds are often in a structural position analogous to distal run-out deposits linked up-dip to coarser hyaloclastite breccia, similar to bottomset beds in lava-fed deltas, despite the presence of crystalline and/or oxidised clasts. Massive felsic lava breccia, clast-supported (lithofacies fBm) Two types of felsic lava breccia are present. The first (fBm(cr)) is dominated by angular blocks of non-vesicular massive and foliated crystalline lava up to 40 cm across and minor coarse sandy-gravelly matrix. Some examples also contain fragments of foliated 10 Supplementary information for: Smellie et al. Northern Victoria Land Late Miocene glaciovolcanic sequences Bull.Volc. 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 obsidian and pumice. The lithofacies wraps around or forms a cap on coherent lava (lithofacies fL), and it also occurs as patches or irregular apophyses up to 8 m long within the lava. Contacts with coherent lava are gradational. The breccia is rarely deep maroon-brown or yellow-coloured to top (Fig. 5j) but more commonly is the same colour as the associated lava (i.e. pale grey or brown). The second type (fBm(gl)) is bright yellow-green to pale purple in colour, dominated by angular black, lilac and yellow-green non-vesicular perlitised obsidian blocks up to 30 cm across (mainly 0.5-5 cm; Fig. 5f). Contacts with adjacent coherent lava (fL) are gradational to relatively sharp. The coarse sand/granule matrix is finesfree and formed of angular non-vesicular obsidian, usually showing well-developed perlite textures. Some obsidians show mm-scale foliation and the breccia is intruded by numerous irregular apophyses of foliated sugary-textured rock sourced in the associated lava sheet (fL). The yellow-green coloration is due to pervasive clay alteration of the perlitised gravelly clasts. Rare crude discontinuous breccia beds dip steeply away from adjacent lava flow fronts. Uncommon irregular layers of breccia mingled with sandstone are interstratified with sandstones for a few metres beneath some lavas. Both fBm(cr) and fBm(gl) are autobreccias related to associated felsic lava sheets. However, the crystalline nature of the clasts, rare maroon coloration and pumice, sandy— gravelly matrix and absence of evidence for water chilling in fBm(cr) indicate that it formed subaerially. Pumice is scarce and might have been explosively erupted ahead of the degassed lava and caught up in the sheet effusion rather than being a frothy lava top. By contrast, evidence for water chilling is abundant in the glass-dominated fBm(gl), which is a felsic hyaloclastite. The associated perlitisation suggests that the lava interacted with water whilst still hot (McPhie et al., 1993; Davis and McPhie, 1996; Tuffen et al., 2008). The rare bedding suggests avalanching of oversteepened piles of clasts at subaqueously-emplaced lava flow fronts. The presence of layers of hyaloclastite breccia within stratified sandstone has two possible origins: (1) as avalanches of basal autobreccia interbedded with coeval sandstones by resedimentation; or (2) water trapped in unconsolidated sands beneath an advancing lava sheet has flashed to steam, leading to intimate intermingling of glassy fragments and sand grains. We favour the first explanation, i.e. coeval deposition/redeposition of breccias and sediments ahead of an advancing lava, because: the breccia layers have a sandy matrix identical to the enclosing sediments; relatively fine stratification in the latter is not disrupted as would be expected by an origin by vigorous intrusion during water flashing to steam within wet sediments); an origin linked to steam flashing and intrusion would also cause breccias/sediment mixtures to penetrate up into the overlying lava (cf. bulk interaction explosivity of Kokelaar (1986); see also Smellie et al., 1998, fig. 9), which was not observed; and isolated clasts of glassy felsic lava are present “floating” in layers of the sediment implying co-deposition, not intrusion. Massive felsic breccia, matrix-supported (lithofacies fBmm) White, cream and grey-green-coloured beds 1-20 m thick were examined at a single locality: T5.20 (northern Cotter Cliffs, E Hallett Peninsula). The beds alternate with stratified felsic lava-sourced volcanic sandstone and granule conglomerate (lithofacies Ss), have sharp surfaces and are formed of abundant blocky, non-vesicular to poorly microvesicular, aphanitic to finely crystalline lava clasts up to 35 cm in diameter and up to c. 20 % fine— medium tuff matrix (Figs 5g,h). The thickest deposit, which may extend at least 150-200 metres along strike, locally shows variations in coarse-clast concentration that mimic bedparallel colour variations and are suggestive of a crude internal planar stratification. The thinner beds have reverse-graded bases and normal-graded tops and are associated with local reddish-brown discoloration extending up to 10 cm into the adjacent sedimentary beds (lithofacies Ss; Fig. 5h). 11 Supplementary information for: Smellie et al. Northern Victoria Land Late Miocene glaciovolcanic sequences Bull.Volc. 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 The association of monomict aphanitic felsic lava blocks and lesser fine matrix, and discoloration of the tops of underlying beds suggest an origin as block and ash deposits linked to collapses of local domes and/or lava flow fronts, whilst the reddish-brown discoloration of adjacent bed surfaces possibly suggests deposition while still hot. Stratified lapilli tuff (lithofacies LTs) This lithofacies includes both mafic and felsic units. They frequently form steep conelike edifices, now exposed in cross-section (e.g. Hamilton, 1972, fig. 28D). The lithofacies is composed of indurated grey-brown to yellow and khaki-yellow stratified lapilli tuff, in thick deposits many tens to a few hundred metres thick (e.g. basal outcrop at Redcastle Ridge; Cape Jones) and as much thinner (< few tens of metres) conspicuous pale layers heavily intruded by dark grey mafic lava (lithofacies mLj; e.g. Cape Phillips; cf. Hamilton, 1972, figs 28E-H). Grain size is mainly 1 mm to 1.5 cm, comprising poorly to highly vesicular mafic or felsic glass and tachylite, with c. 5 % larger lithic lapilli and blocks (polymict, angular, rarely abraded fine-grained lavas, some oxidised) up to 80 cm in diameter rarely associated with sag structures. Beds are c. 1 dm thick, massive or planar laminated and are crudely to well defined, extending laterally up to 20 m. They are poorly to moderately sorted depending on a variable proportion of fine tuff matrix (palagonite altered), often wavy-deformed with locally numerous minor faults. Felsic counterparts were visited only at T5.19 and T5.20 (both northern Cotter Cliffs) and Cape Phillips. At T5.20, the lapilli tuffs are interbedded with massive felsic lava breccia (lithofacies fBmm). The abundance of blocky-angular glass grains, their very variable vesicularity and relatively fine grain size, palagonite alteration, variable sorting, planar fine stratification and sag structures, are characteristic of products of phreatomagmatic explosions involving variable water/magma ratios (e.g. Houghton et al., 1999). Interaction with groundwater or surface water (i.e. seawater or lakes (pluvial or glacial)) is a prerequisite and the scarcity or absence of non-juvenile clasts indicate that explosions took place high in the vent, presumably in the tuff cone itself or shallow prevolcanic basement, consistent with a watersaturated edifice (e.g. Sohn 1996; White et al., 2003). The products are mainly fine-grained pyroclastic density current deposits and probably some minor fall. Stratified mafic scoria and bomb deposits (lithofacies mLP(b)) Monomict planar stratified deposits form a pale to dark pink-coloured bisected conelike outcrop at the base of the crags at Cape Phillips. The stratification is parallel to the outward-dipping surfaces of the outcrop and is formed of alternating coarse and fine moderate to highly vesicular scoria and 10-40 % bombs, some with sags. Many clasts are maroon coloured. Clasts are mainly a few mm to 1 or 2 cm in diameter. Beds are crudely defined, clast-supported, steep-dipping (44°), up to a few dm thick and extend down-dip < 10 m. Some beds up to 2 m thick are formed almost entirely of dense intact and fragmented bombs. A few small granitoid clasts are present. The steep-dipping clast-supported fines-free gravel-grade beds composed of oxidised finely crystalline scoria and bombs probably formed by avalanching grain-flows during construction of a subaerial cinder cone, which is exposed in cross section. The alternation between scoria and bomb beds suggests switching between Hawaiian and Strombolian eruptive conditions (cf. Houghton et al., 1999). Sedimentary lithofacies Massive diamicton and diamictite (lithofacies Dmm) 12 Supplementary information for: Smellie et al. Northern Victoria Land Late Miocene glaciovolcanic sequences Bull.Volc. 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 Polymict diamicton and diamictite form basal massive beds 1-4 m thick overlying local basement at two localities (W Edisto Inlet (Herschel Tuffaceous Moraine) and Tucker Glacier; Fig. 5i). The basement surfaces show prominent striations, some with chattermarks, and are glacially smoothed. The lithofacies is a chaotic assemblage of coarse clasts dispersed in up to 60-70 % white clay matrix. The clast types reflect the local basement lithology and comprise Palaeozoic Robertson Bay Group (RBG) metasediments and granodiorite (at W Edisto Inlet and Tucker Glacier, respectively). The clasts are angular to subrounded (mainly subangular), a few mm to 35 cm in diameter. They are commonly facetted and rarely striated. In places, the diamict rarely contains ill-defined trains of coarse clasts that are sometimes truncated by shear-like joints (Fig. 5i). A second distinctive type of massive diamicton, which overlies massive white clay-matrixed diamicton at W Edisto Inlet, forms a discontinuous brown layer 1-3 m thick at W Edisto Inlet, comprising angular pebbles, cobbles and blocks of RBG metasediments up to 60 cm in diameter variably close-packed and dispersed in up to 70 % silty—fine sandy matrix. The matrix is mainly formed of cuspate and blocky poorly vesicular mafic glass. The white clay-matrixed massive diamict lithofacies, with facetted and striated abraded clasts, internal shear planes, rare boulder trains and association with striated and glacially moulded basement surfaces, is interpreted as basal tillite (lodgement), deposited beneath wet-based (erosive) glaciers that were strongly coupled to their bed. Conversely, the angularity of the coarse basement-derived clasts in the brown-coloured massive diamicton at W Edisto Inlet does not suggest derivation and transport of clasts beneath a glacier and is more consistent with a supraglacial depositional setting. However, the mafic glass in the matrix occurs as individual shards. They were not derived by erosion of a lithified deposit and presumably formed during coeval explosive phreatomagmatic eruptions. Therefore, we suggest that a glacier surface was locally covered by angular blocky supraglacial moraine, then draped by fresh ash from a coeval mafic eruption. Both deposits were subsequently mixed together and redeposited in a meltwater lake (cf. overlying lithofacies Ssg) during one or more debris flow events as the glacier surface decayed. Stratified diamictite (lithofacies Dms) Stratified polymict diamictite 8 m thick is prominent at Mandible Cirque (T5.14). It sharply overlies maroon-brown massive felsic lava breccia (lithofacies fBm(cr); Fig. 5j). The deposit is yellow in colour and contains clasts of grey and maroon-brown abraded felsic lavas up to 2 m in diameter (mainly < 20 cm) that define a weak, crude, discontinuous planar stratification. They are set in up to 70 % yellow silty—sandy glass-rich matrix with a wavy fabric formed of flattened and undeformed felsic pumice and shards. The lithic clasts are angular—subangular, and some protrude from the bed top. The crude stratification and protruding bed-top clasts in this diamictite lithofacies indicate multiple depositional events and significant matrix strength, respectively. It probably formed by deposition from pulsing or multiple debris flows. The sequence immediately above that with the diamict contains a prominent erosional unconformity with “U”-shaped valleys and water-rich terrestrial conditions consistent with a glacial setting. The abraded felsic lava-derived lithic debris is similar to material carried at the base of a wet-based glacier and melted out, reworked and redeposited either in a subglacial or proglacial setting near an ice front. The abundant glass in the matrix indicates that felsic eruptions were coeval with the glacial environment. Stratified volcanic sandstone and granule-pebble conglomerate (lithofacies Ss) Eight metres of stratified, polymict, yellow-coloured gravelly sandstones and granule conglomerate rich in fine sand matrix are also present at Mandible Cirque (T5.14) above the 13 Supplementary information for: Smellie et al. Northern Victoria Land Late Miocene glaciovolcanic sequences Bull.Volc. 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 stratified diamict (lithofacies Dms; Fig. 5k), whereas they form much thinner, more sand-rich and beds (c. 1 m thick) at northern Cotter Cliffs (T5.20). They are dominated by subangular fragments of non-vesicular finely crystalline felsic lava, including pumice and obsidian, but also contain a minor proportion of crystalline mafic lava and (at T5.14) metamorphic basement clasts. Abrasion of clasts is common and ubiquitous. Fiamme-like flattened pumices are also locally conspicuous at T5.14, up to 8 cm long and 1 cm thick and parallel to bedding. Planar stratification is prominent but crude. At T5.14, the stratification also occurs as dipping discontinuous pebble trails that prograde across internal non-erosive surfaces and some of the sediment packages a few dm thick become more prominently planar stratified upward and look cyclic (Fig. 5k). The polymict nature, ubiquitous clast abrasion and stratification characteristics suggest that the Mandible Cirque beds were transported by traction currents and/or hyperconcentrated flows sourced in a coeval felsic volcanic provenance. It is unclear if the beds are volcanic or sedimentary. The dipping stratification resembles foresets of sandwave bedforms, driven either by dilute pyroclastic density currents or prograding in a fluvial channel, although the pumices must have been waterlogged to be transported as fluvial bedload. The presence of fiamme need not imply a pyroclastic origin for the host sediment. Although fiamme are most commonly recognised in welded pyroclastic facies, including fall deposits and those of pyroclastic density currents, fiamme may have a variety of origins including diagenetic (e.g. Bull and McPhie, 2007). From the presence of associated undeformed pumices, it is likely that fiamme formation was by local compaction rather than hot welding, perhaps as a consequence of loading by overlying coeval felsic lava domes. Laminated siltstone and sandstone with dropstones (lithofacies Ml(d)) Up to 1 m of grey-brown weakly laminated fissile siltstone with cm-thick medium to coarse sandstone layers showing wavy deformation occurs in the W Edisto Inlet outcrop. It also contains scattered angular pebble- to boulder-sized lonestones of RBG metasediment that sometimes occur in mud-matrixed clusters. The outsize clasts penetrate the laminations, although sag structures are poorly seen, and the laminated sediment drapes them in turn. The deposit becomes sandier and better stratified upward and passes gradually up into planarbedded sandstones (lithofacies Ssg). The sandstones are formed mainly from poorly to moderately vesicular mafic glass fragments with cuspate to blocky shapes, and some tachylite. The sandstones are dominantly vitroclastic, formed from fine mafic tephra generated in phreatomagmatic eruptions and resedimented. The outsize clasts are angular and none show striations, polish, ice moulding or other textural evidence for glacial erosion, suggesting that they have not been transported as basal glacial debris (cf. Dowdeswell et al., 1985; Benn and Ballantyne, 1994). The combination of thinly interbedded siltstone and sandstone layers, dispersed lonestones and discrete mud-matrixed clusters of lonestones suggests a combination of fine material dropping out from suspension, rain-out from floating ice (including dropstones and lumps of till?) and sedimentation by sediment gravity flows (turbidites). Similar deposits are found in ice-marginal lakes and glaciomarine settings, although glaciomarine deposits typically contain biogenic material (especially diatomaceous ooze) and show abundant bioturbation (e.g. Hambrey 1994; Benn and Evans, 1998). Both are absent here and a (glacio-)lacustrine setting is favoured, consistent with interpretations of other lithofacies (Dmm, Dms, Ssg and Bcp) in the same section. Graded-stratified volcanic sandstone and granule conglomerate (lithofacies Ssg) Rust-coloured, thinly bedded very coarse volcanic sandstone and granule conglomerate form a sequence c. 18 m thick at W Edisto Inlet (Fig. 5l). The sequence has a 14 Supplementary information for: Smellie et al. Northern Victoria Land Late Miocene glaciovolcanic sequences Bull.Volc. 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 wavy slightly erosional base on laminated siltstone (lithofacies Ml(d)) and is interbedded with lenses of cobbly—blocky breccia (lithofacies Bcp). The beds are massive to less commonly normal graded, often with sub-central pebble concentrations, and are 1 cm to a few dm thick separated by mm to 1 cm-thick beds of parallel laminated fine sand—silt. Individual beds are laterally continuous on a scale of 30 m (outcrop width) and amalgamation is common. The grains are dominated by palagonite altered mafic glass and tachylite, mainly non- to moderately vesicular, rarely highly vesicular, and showing slight abrasion. Minor subangular basement clasts (fine-grained quartzo-feldspathic and phyllitic metasediments (RBG) are also present. Large (metre-scale) overfolds verging downslope are locally present and are depositionally overlain by other lithofacies (Bcp). The continuous bedding, sharp erosive bases, normal grading, abraded clasts and association with thin planar laminated siltstone caps are characteristics of sediment deposited from cohesionless turbulent sediment gravity flows in ponded water (a likely meltwater lake). The graded sandstone beds resemble sandy turbidites (Ta, Ta-b; Lowe, 1982), whilst the presence of massive coarser sandy—gravelly beds, with or without laminated caps and showing normal grading confined to their upper parts suggest that a sediment concentration threshold was exceeded and they were deposited from hyperconcentrated flows (cf. Mulder and Alexander, 2001). The folds observed are synsedimentary and attest to steep depositional surfaces and occasional sediment slumping. Clast-supported polymict breccia (lithofacies Bcp) Seen at a single locality (W Edisto Inlet), this lithofacies comprises lenses and discontinuous beds of clast-supported cobbly—bouldery breccia formed of non-volcanic basement clasts (RBG) up to 80 cm across interbedded with beds of volcanic sandstone (lithofacies Ssg) and with minor sandy matrix of the same. The deposits become more abundant in higher parts of the outcrop, towards the underlying basement surface. Imbricated and bed-parallel platy clasts are locally present. The bedding is steep and essentially parallel to the underlying bedrock surface (c. 30-40°). Isolated outsize RBG blocks up to 1 m in diameter are common and conspicuous in the associated sandstone beds (Ssg). They mainly lack impact structures and are regarded as a single-clast end member of the lithofacies; a few have sag structures (cf. Fig. 5l). As in lithofacies, Ml(d), the coarse clasts lack any obvious evidence for glacial erosion. They thus appear not to have been transported as basal glacial debris. The abundance of angular clast-supported blocks of the local basement, in steep-dipping lenses and short sheets, is consistent with formation as mass flow deposits transported by grain flow during short-lived avalanching events on steep slopes (cf. Lowe, 1982; Mulder and Alexander, 2001). The breccia lenses are interbedded with sandstone turbidites (lithofacies Ssg) in a sequence with basal tillite (lithofacies Dmm) and a glacially modified basement surface. They are interpreted as subaqueously deposited scree deposits that accumulated in an ice-marginal lake. The cobbly-bouldery isolated single clasts might be dropstones, although sag structures are very rare and indistinct. However, the coarse grain size of the host sediment (very coarse sand- and granule-grade) might have prevented recognisable sags developing more widely. Moreover, because of the steep underlying slopes, they might also have tumbled and rolled into position and simply represent runout of subaqueously emplaced far-travelled single clasts related to the scree collapse events that formed the associated breccia lenses and interbeds. References 15 Supplementary information for: Smellie et al. Northern Victoria Land Late Miocene glaciovolcanic sequences Bull.Volc. 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 Akay E, Erdogan B (2001) Formation of subaqueous felsic domes and accompanying pyroclastic deposits on the Foça Peninsula (Izmir, Turkey). Int Geology Rev 43: 661-674 Benn DI, Ballantyne CK (1994) Reconstructing the transport history of glacigenic sediments: a new approach based on the co-variance of clast shape indices. Sed Geol 91: 215-227 Benn DI, Evans DJA (1998) Glaciers and glaciation. Arnold, London Bull KF, McPhie J (2007) Fiamme textures in volcanic successions: Flaming issues of definition and interpretation. J Volcanol Geotherm Res 164: 205-216 Davis BK, McPhie J (1996) Spherules, quench fractures and relict perlite in a Late Devonian rhyolite dyke, Queensland, Australia. J Volcanol Geotherm Res 71: 1-11 DeGraff JM, Long PE, Aydin A (1989) Use of joint-growth directions and rock textures to infer thermal regimes during solidification of basaltic lava flows. J Volcanol Geotherm Res 38: 309-324 De Rosen-Spence AE, Provost G, Dimroth E, Gochnauer K, Owen V (1980) Archean subaqueous felsic flows, Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec, Canada, and their Quaternary equivalents. Precambr Res 12: 43-77 Dowdeswell JA, Hambrey MJ, Wu R (1985) A comparison of clast fabric and shape in Late Precambrian and modern glacigenic sediments. J Sedim Petrol 55: 691-704 Grossenbacher KA, McDuffie SM (1995) Conductive cooling of lava: columnar joint diameter and stria width as functions of cooling rate and thermal gradient. J Volcanol Geotherm Res 69: 95-103 Hambrey MJ (1994) Glacial Environments. UCL Press, London Hamilton W (1972) The Hallett Volcanic Province, Antarctica. USGS Prof Pap 456-C, 1-62 Harrington HJ, Wood BL, McKellar IC, Lensen GJ (1967) Topography and geology of the Cape Hallett district, Victoria Land, Antarctica. NZ Geol Surv Bull 80: 1-100 Houghton BF, Wilson CJN, Smith IEM (1999) Shallow-seated controls on styles of basaltic volcanism: a case study from New Zealand. J Volcanol Geotherm Res 91: 97-120 Kawachi Y, Pringle IJ (1988) Multiple-rind structure in pillow lava as an indicator shallow water. Bull Volcanol 50: 161-168 Kokelaar BP (1986) Magma-water interactions in subaqueous and emergent volcanism. Bull Volcanol 48: 275-289 Lofgren G (1971a) Experimentally produced devitrification textures in natural rhyoliticglass. Geol Soc Am Bull 82: 111- 124 Lofgren G (1971b) Spherulitic textures in glassy and crystalline rocks. J Geophys Res 76: 5635- 5648 Lowe DR (1982) Sediment gravity flows: II. Depositional models with special reference to the deposits of high-density turbidity currents. J Sedim Petrol 52: 279-297 McIntosh WC, Gamble JA (1991) A subaerial eruptive environment for the Hallett Coast volcanoes. In: Thomson MRA, Crame JA, Thomson JW (eds) Geological evolution of Antarctica. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp 657-661 McPhie J, Doyle M, Allen R (1993) Volcanic textures. A guide to the interpretation of textures in volcanic rocks. University of Tasmania, Centre for ore deposit and exploration studies, Hobart, Australia Mulder T, Alexander J (2001) The physical character of subaqueous sedimentary density flows and their deposits. Sedimentol 48: 269-299 Skilling IP, White JDL, McPhie J (2002) Peperite: a review of magma-sediment mingling. J Volcanol Geotherm Res 114: 1-17 Smellie JL, Millar ILM, Rex DC, Butterworth PJ (1998) Subaqueous, basaltic lava dome and carapace breccia on King George Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. Bull Volcanol 59: 245-261 16 Supplementary information for: Smellie et al. Northern Victoria Land Late Miocene glaciovolcanic sequences Bull.Volc. 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 Sohn YK (1996) Hydrovolcanic processes forming basaltic tuff rings and cones on Cheju Island, Korea. Geol Soc Am Bull 108: 1199-1211 Tuffen H, McGarvie DW, Pinkerton H, Gilbert JS, Brooker RA (2008) An explosive— intrusive subglacial rhyolite eruption at Dalakvísl, Torfajökull, Iceland. Bull Volcanol 70: 841-860 White JDL, Houghton BF (2006.) Primary volcaniclastic rocks. Geology 34: 677-680 White JDL, Smellie JL, Clague D (2003) A deductive outline and topical overview of subaqueous explosive volcanism. In: White JDL, Smellie JL, Clague D (eds) Explosive subaqueous volcanism. AGU Geophysical Monograph 140: 1-23 17 Supplementary information for: Smellie et al. Northern Victoria Land Late Miocene glaciovolcanic sequences Bull.Volc. 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 Figure captions Figure 1. Summary sketch vertical sections of the individual sequences examined at selected localities in the Hallett Volcanic Province. The differentiation into local units, each separated by a sequence boundary, and (in (b)) numbered beds, are also shown. A proposed correlation between T5.25 and T5.28, NW Hallett Peninsula, is also shown and the local units are numbered accordingly. Figure 2. View of Cape Jones with photo-interpretation of the main geological local units (LUs). Only LUs 1-3 were examined directly. The shaded unit within LU 2 is intrusive mafic lava coeval(?) with LU2. The cliff face is c. 300 m high. Figure 3. Photo-interpretive view of Cape Phillips, looking northwest, with the main geological local units distinguished. Only the basal 3 LUs were examined directly. The boundaries of most of the individual LUs are parallel and sub-horizontal but some wedge out laterally. Most surfaces appear to lack any evidence for erosion but some (e.g. base of LU5 and LU7) appear locally erosive. However, the sequences lack glacial and fluvial deposits. Note the prominent cone-like shape of LU1 (a well-preserved cinder cone). The cliff face is c. 450 m high. Figure 4. Sketch section of Redcastle Ridge looking east, showing the principal geological local units and their relationships. The section is about 3.5 km long and rises 500 m from left to right. At least three eruptive centres are present and become younger in a southerly direction. The youngest appears to be continuous with Mt Harcourt. Each centre is composed of a lower chaotic section of water-cooled breccia and lava (lobe-hyaloclastite) and an upper section of relatively continuous, gently convex dipping, planar subaerial sheet lavas. The stratigraphically lowest outcrop, at the northern tip of the ridge (T5.26), is a tuff cone sequence. It may represent the core of the lowest shield volcano or else is an unrelated smaller and older centre. Figure 5. Photographs showing selected lithofacies in the Hallett Volcanic Province. Mafic lithofacies: (A) subaerial lava and oxidised scoriaceous autobreccia (lithofacies mLs & mBm(cr); T5.28); notebook is 17 cm long; (B) typical massive association of irregular water-cooled lava masses and hyaloclastite breccia (lithofacies mLj & mBm(gl); T5.1); rock face is c. 25 m high; (C) massive hyaloclastite breccia (mBm(gl)) with admixed vesicular oxidised clasts (above pencil; T5.20); pencil is c. 15 cm long; (D) massive hyaloclastite breccia (mBm(gl)) lacking oxidised clasts (T5.28); pencil is c. 15 cm long; (E) stratified fine gravelly hyaloclastite breccias (mBm(gl)), viewed looking approximately toward source (i.e. strike section; T5.16); pencil is c. 15 cm long. Felsic lithofacies: (F) blocky felsic hyaloclastite breccia (fBm(gl)) underlying felsic lava (not seen) and overlying stratified sandstone (Ss; lower left side; T5.14); notebook is 17 cm long; (G) coarse ash-poor felsic breccia (lithofacies fBmm); top of thick block and ash deposit; notebook is 17 cm long (T5.20); (H) block and ash deposit (fBmm), showing crude reverse and normal grading to base and top, respectively; discoloration of the adjacent sandy conglomerate beds (lithofacies Ss) might indicate hot emplacement of the block and ash bed; the hammer is 40 cm long (T5.20); Sedimentary lithofacies: (I) polymictic basement clasts weathered out of white muddy diamictite, showing prominent abrasion and facetting (lithofacies Dmm; T5.33); pencil is c. 15 cm long; (J) crudely stratified polymict diamictite (lithofacies Dms) resting unconformably on reddish felsic lava autobreccia (fBm(cr); T5.14); notebook is 17 cm long; (K) finely stratified 18 Supplementary information for: Smellie et al. Northern Victoria Land Late Miocene glaciovolcanic sequences Bull.Volc. 855 856 857 sandstones prograding across a basal reddish-coloured conglomerate (lithofacies Ss; T5.14); notebook is 17 cm long; (L) Stratified sandstones (lithofacies Ssg) deformed by impact caused by large lonestone (dropstone; left side); pencil is 4 cm long (T5.27). 19 Supplementary information for: Smellie et al. 858 859 860 Northern Victoria Land Late Miocene glaciovolcanic sequences Bull.Volc. Table 1. Lithofacies notation and summary lithofacies descriptions for late Miocene volcanic and sedimentary outcrops in the Hallett Volcanic Province. Lithofacies1 Primary volcanic lithofacies (monomict, volcanogenic) Mafic sheet lava Felsic sheet lava Massive mafic breccia, clast-supported Stratified mafic breccia Lithofacies Code2 mL fL mBm mBs Characteristics Illustration Two types: mLs - fine to coarsely crystalline lava sheets; coarse jointing; mLs - Fig. 5A; mLj - finely crystalline and/or aphanitic lava sheets and irregular masses; glassy rims; blocky & hackly jointing, entablature Grey, cream or brown crystalline lava with conspicuous sugary texture; relatively thick (typically few tens of metres) with high to moderate aspect ratio (thickness to width); often finely foliated; foliation may show strong deformation (tight folds, including isoclinal); non-vesicular Three types: mBm(cr) - fine to coarsely crystalline clasts, grey or red (oxidised); mLj - Fig. 5B mBm(gl) - predominantly aphanitic and/or glassy clasts, sometimes associated with intact and/or broken lava pillows; crystalline and red (oxidised) clasts also present, sparse to locally abundant; mBm(gl) - Fig. 5B,C,D mBm(bl) - coarse fragments of blockyangular non-vesicular glass in lapilli tuff matrix; found within 1.5 m of margins of intrusive lava (lithofacies mLj) As mBm(gl), but in crude planar beds dm to m thick, massive or with reverse graded bases and/or normal graded tops; laterally discontinuous mBm(cr) - Fig. 5A; Fig. 5E 20 Supplementary information for: Smellie et al. Massive felsic breccia, clast-supported Massive felsic breccia, matrix supported Stratified lapilli tuff Stratified mafic scoria & bomb deposits Sedimentary lithofacies (polymict; abraded clasts common) Massive diamicton/diamictite Stratified diamictite Stratified volcanic sandstone and granule- fBm fBmm LTs mLP(b) Dmm Dms Ss Northern Victoria Land Late Miocene glaciovolcanic sequences Bull.Volc. Two types: fBm(cr) - fine to coarsely crystalline clasts; and fBm(gl) - predominantly glassy clasts Abundant blocky non-vesicular to poorly vesicular aphanitic felsic clasts; up to c. 20% fine-medium glassy tuff matrix; beds 1-20 m thick; reverse graded bases and normal graded tops; local discoloration of associated sedimentary beds Planar stratified yellow lapilli tuff; mafic and felsic deposits; small proportion of accidental and accessory clast; clasts mainly blocky variably vesicular glass (mafic) or pumice (felsic); variable fine tuff matrix; commonly intruded by very irregular sheets of mafic lava (lithofacies mLj), which may bake and discolour (redden) adjacent tuffs Monomict stratified pink—red lapilli deposits; bisected cone outcrops with radially outward-dipping beds; highly vesicular scoria and bombs; rare small granitoid clasts (at T5.32) fBm(g) - Fig. 5F Polymict, massive; two types Dmm - white clay matrix; abraded (incl. striated & facetted) non-volcanic clasts; crude trails of coarse clasts; internal shear surfaces; overlies striated/polished/moulded basement bedrock; Dmm - Fig. 5I Dmm(gl) - brown diamict with angular basement clasts and abundant fine mafic glass matrix Polymict; weak stratification; abraded felsic lava clasts; matrix rich in felsic pumice and shards Thin planar stratification; felsic; abraded Fig. 5G,H Fig. 3 (unit 1) Fig. 5J Fig. 5K 21 Supplementary information for: Smellie et al. pebble conglomerate Laminated siltstone & sandstone with dropstones 861 862 863 864 865 866 Ml(d) Graded-stratified volcanic sandstone and granule conglomerate Ssg Clast-supported polymict breccia Bcp Northern Victoria Land Late Miocene glaciovolcanic sequences Bull.Volc. clasts; rare basement clasts and fiamme-like pumice (T5.14) Weakly laminated fissile siltstone with cmthick coarse sandstone layers; angular lonestones with rare sags Massive coarse sandstone and lesser parallel laminated fine sandstone; dominated by vesicular blocky mafic glass; continuous massive and graded beds; common amalgamation Cobbly and boulder non-volcanic breccias; lenses and single clasts (no sags); interbedded volcanic sandstone (lithofacies Ssg); imbrication common; steep bedding Fig. 5L 1 - “mafic” includes basalt, basanite/tephrite, hawaiite, mugearite, tephriphonolite; “felsic” includes trachyte, rhyolite 2 – lithofacies codes: L – lava; B – breccia; LT – lapilli tuff; LP – lapilli; D – diamicton/diamictite; S – sandstone; M – mudstone (siltstone); compositional prefixes: m – mafic; f – felsic; descriptive suffixes: m – massive; s – stratified; m – matrix supported; l – laminated; g – graded; c – clast supported; p - polymict; suffix modifiers: (cr) – crystalline; (gl) – glassy; (bl) – blocky; (b) – bombs; (d) – dropstones 22 Supplementary information for: Smellie et al. Northern Victoria Land Late Miocene glaciovolcanic sequences Bull.Volc. 867 23