RS1a (2007) NERC PROJECT STUDENTSHIPS APPLICATION (RESPONSIVE MODE AND DIRECTED) Please indicate the category of studentship requested (please delete as appropriate) Responsive Mode Project: Yes Directed Project: No Name of Directed programme (if applicable): Department where award will be held: Institution’s Name: ENV University of East Anglia Full Postal Address: School of Environmental Sciences University of East Anglia Norwich NR3 4PL Departmental E-mail Address: Head of Department’s Name: Prof Jacquie Burgess Please complete this form for each student, in not less than 10 point typescript and submit with the grant application. The general conditions and regulations relating to NERC studentships are set out in the current edition of the NERC Studentships handbook and it is implicit in the submission of an application that they are accepted by the institution. The handbook can be found at: PART 1 – TO BE COMPLETED BY THE INSTITUTION (The institution must also complete part 3) 1. PROJECT DETAILS Title of Project: Impact of higher trophic-level complexity on the stability of marine plankton assemblages Summary Of Research Programme (up to 1.5 pages): A brief description of the proposed research is required, including details of research training. Any associated research grants should be mentioned with reference numbers, if available. Marine plankton assemblages form the base of marine food webs. They play a major role in the earth’s climate, and guarantee the availability of a vital part of human food resources. These food webs are dynamic systems, and the stability of plankton assemblages may not only depend on external environmental factors, but also on the interactions with higher trophic levels. The importance of higher trophic-level complexity for plankton assemblages is still poorly understood, since interactions are difficult to quantify, and vary over temporal and spatial scales [1]. Recent studies in food-web ecology suggest that higher trophic levels can impact food-web stability through asymmetries in interaction strengths [2,3]. It has been argued that patterns in energy flow and biomass structure play an important role in this, because they keep the strength of potentially destabilising positive feedbacks low [3,4]. The current Ph.D. studentship will study the impact of higher trophic levels on phytoplankton assemblages. Associated proposal G634605 will evaluate stability of phytoplankton assemblages by taking the approach of Neutel of quantifying feedbacks originally based on soil ecosystems [3,4,5] to the realm of marine ecosystems, focussing on model sensitivity and data analysis. This attached studentship is an integrated part of this and will focus on a more theoretical and generic exploration of the importance of higher trophic-level complexity and energy-flow structure on stability of the lower trophic levels. The project will 1. take a generic phytoplankton-assemblage model as the core model, 2. assess higher trophic level complexity by subsequently adding predatory compartments of up to three larger size classes, 3. utilise a 1-D version of the model to examine the dynamic consequences of the addition of predator groups and 4. incorporate the effects of lifehistory patterns and simple behaviour. It is the explicit aim of the project to separate (de)stabilisation that may only affect the higher trophic levels themselves, from the effect of added complexity on the core plankton web. The student will start by extracting annual average network properties from contrasting sites within the global generic PlankTOM-10 model, taking part in and learning from the work of the PDRA (see G634605). The sites will be chosen on the basis of contrasting regions of production and higher trophic level biomass and identified through literature studies and analyses of the model output and could include contrasting areas such as the shelf areas of the north-east Atlantic, the Southern Ocean, a coastal upwelling region and lower production regions of the ocean gyres. Next, the student will analyse these contrasting networks and examine the effects of addition of predatory links, and assessing energy flows using allometric scaling relations to parameterise the vital rates for different types of predators [6, 7]. This will require adjustment of the balance of flows around the major prey groups that close the upper levels of the network to ensure the network flows are consistent. In the next step, dynamic models will be explored. This work will be based mainly on the 1-D versions of the PlankTOM-5 and -10 models, but will also consider the 1-D NEMURO-FISH model (through links provided by Dr Sergio Vallina at UEA). The analyses will consider whether addition of predator classes has a significant effect on the overall stability of the food web network, with a particular focus on the interaction effects on the lower-trophic levels. The PlankTOM models will be driven by environmental variables for the same contrasting regions considered in the first step (see above). Part of this analysis will consider the effect of reducing or increasing population sizes or predation rates of the higher trophic-level compartments. This will allow us to simulate simple scenarios of over-fishing or climate change, and assess their impacts on lower trophic-level (i.e the core models for phytoplankton assemblages) resilience. As a final stage the effects of life-history patterns and behaviour will be explored. This will be done by incorporating temporal heterogeneity in predator feeding rates, and by incorporating spatial heterogeneity through its effects on functional responses. In all of these steps, stability of the core (lower trophic level) model will be evaluated, in relation to complexity, biomass structure, asymmetries in interaction strengths, and loop-weight versus looplength spectra. During the project the student will be closely involved in the associated project (G634605). The student will be mainly working with the Research Co-Investigator Anje-Margriet Neutel, at the British Antarctic Survey. The student will benefit from the knowledge of higher trophic level marine ecology at BAS, and in particular of that of the Co-PI, Eugene Murphy (who is PI at BAS). The student will be working in an environment of excellent empirical expertise and learn from various specialists in animal marine physiology and ecology within the BAS core Program DISCOVERY 2010, which Prof Murphy leads. The group includes experts working on higher trophic-level predators such as species of fish, marine mammals and seabirds, who will be able to provide basic data and knowledge on modelling of higher trophic-level species. There will be close contact and cooperation with the main PI, PDRA, and students in the group of Prof. Corinne Le Quéré. The project combines applied ecosystem ecology with more fundamental community modeling, and the student will learn a number of different approaches and modelling techniques, combining dynamic modelling (PlankTOM model), steady-state and community matrix analysis, and allometric scaling theory. The quantification of feedbacks to analyse stability is a new approach and the student will be part of the development of this approach in the marine environment. References [1] Holt R. D. & Lawton, J. H. The ecological consequences of shared natural enemies. Ann. Rev. Ecol. Sys. 25: 495-520 (1994) [2] Rooney, N., McCann, K., Gellner, G. & Moore, J.C. Structural asymmetry and the stability of diverse food webs. Nature 442, 265-269 (2006). [3] Neutel A. M., Heesterbeek, J.A.P., van de Koppel, J., et al. Reconciling complexity with stability in naturally assembling food webs. Nature 449 (7162): 599-602 (2007). [4] Neutel, A. M., Heesterbeek, J. A. P. & de Ruiter, P. C. Stability in real food webs: Weak links in long loops. Science 296, 1120-1123 (2002). [5] de Ruiter, P. C., Neutel, A. M. & Moore, J. C. Energetics, patterns of interaction strengths, and stability in real ecosystems. Science 269, 1257-1260 (1995). [6] Yodzis, P. & Innes, S. Body size and consumer-resource dynamics. Am. Nat. 139, 1151-1175 (1992). [7] de Roos AM, Schellekens T, van Kooten T, et al. Food-dependent growth leads to overcompensation in stage-specific Biomass when mortality increases: The influence of maturation versus reproduction regulation. Am. Nat. 170 (3): E59-E76 (2007) Proposed Start Date of Award*: 2. 01 October 2008 The award must fall within the duration of the research grant NERC SERVICES / FACILITIES REQUIRED (e.g. Radiocarbon, Stable Isotope, Remote Sensing Data) If ‘Yes’, please give details. Has an application for this work been made to the relevant facility? Estimated Cost £ Y N N 3. Name of all supervisors (including any CASE) Present post Length of research experience Number of students currently being supervised who are in the: 1st year Prof. Corinne Le Quéré Professor at UEA Dr Anje-Margriet Neutel Biosphere Complexity Analyst at BAS Professor Eugene Principal Murphy Investigator BAS Core Programme 4. 2nd year 3rd year 3rd year+ TOTAL 15 years 1 4 2 0 7 13 years 0 0 0 0 0 23 years 0 0 2 1 3 Recent publications by supervisor(s) relevant to research area: Berlow, E., Neutel, A. M., Cohen, J. E., et al. (2004). Interaction strengths in food webs: Issues and opportunities. Journal of Animal Ecology 73, 585-598. Croxall J.P., Trathan P.N. & Murphy E.J. (2002). Environmental change and Antarctic seabird populations. Science, 297 (5586): 1510-1514. De Ruiter, P. C., Neutel, A. M. & Moore, J. C. (1994). Modelling food webs and nutrient cycling in agro-ecosystems. Trends in Ecololgy and Evolution 9, 378-383. De Ruiter, P. C., Neutel, A. M. & Moore, J. C. (1995). Energetics, patterns of interaction strengths, and stability in real ecosystems. Science 269, 1257-1260. Hassink, J., Neutel, A. M. & De Ruiter, P. C. (1994). C and N mineralization in sandy and loamy grassland soils: the role of microbes and microfauna. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 26, 1565-1571. Hill, S.L., Murphy, E.J., Reid, K., Trathan, P.N., & Constable, A.J. (2006) Modelling Southern Ocean ecosystems: krill, the food-web, and the impacts of harvesting. Biological Reviews, 81, 581-608. Murphy, E.J. (1995). Spatial - Structure of the Southern Ocean Ecosystem: Predator-Prey Linkages in Southern Ocean Food Webs, Journal of Animal Ecology, 64: 333-347. Murphy, E.J. & Reid, K. (2001) Modelling Southern Ocean krill population dynamics: biological processes generating fluctuations in the South Georgia ecosystem. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 217:175-189. Murphy E.J., Trathan, P.N., Watkins, J.L, Reid, K, Meredith, M.P., Forcada, J., Thorpe, S.E., Johnston, N. & Rothery, P. 2007b Climatically-driven fluctuations in Southern Ocean ecosystems. Proc. of the Royal Soc. B: Biological Sciences Neutel, A. M., Roerdink, J. B. T. M. & De Ruiter, P. C. (1994). Global stability of two-level detritus-decomposer food chains. Journal of Theoretical Biology 171, 351-353. Neutel, A. M., Heesterbeek, J. A. P. & De Ruiter, P. C. (2002). Stability in real food webs: Weak links in long loops. Science 296, 1120-1123. Neutel A. M., Heesterbeek, J.A.P., van de Koppel, J., et al. (2007). Reconciling complexity with stability in naturally assembling food webs. Nature 449 (7162): 599-602. Priddle, J., Boyd, I. L., Whitehouse, M. J., Murphy, E. J. & Croxall, J. P. 1998a Estimates of Southern Ocean primary production - constraints from predator carbon demand and nutrient drawdown. Journal of Marine Systems 17, 275288. Trathan, P. N., Forcada, J. and Murphy, E. J. 2007 Environmental forcing and Southern Ocean marine predator populations: effects of climate change and variability. Phil Transactions of the Royal Society B 362. doi:10.1098/rstb.2006.1953. 5. Relevance of this application to the proposed or any current research grant (give reference number if known). Please provide any additional comments which Council should take into account when considering this application, including how you expect the project to contribute (if at all) to national wellbeing, wealth creation and/or public service, indicating any potential end user outputs. This studentship will complement the sensitivity analysis to model complexity in the tied NERC application G634605. It will provide a theoretical analysis of the impact of higher trophic-level model complexity on phytoplankton-assemblage stability. This studentship would benefit from the on-going development in the main project (G634605) and add substantial value to it, because it will provide insight into how much biological structure is needed to understand ecosystem functioning. The studentship will also benefit from the close links with a large group of scientists working on Southern Ocean ecosystems, including expertise at all trophic levels in the food web. The modelling results will provide a basis to guide empirical research programs in that they will pin-point the gaps in empirical knowledge, and map out the properties and spatial and temporal scales for which we can expect an impact of higher trophic-level organisms on core ecosystem functioning and stability. PART 2 – TO BE COMPLETED BY THE CASE PARTNER(S) 6. CO-OPERATING BODY (CASE) DETAILS - to be completed by the CASE partner(s) where applicable Name and Address of Co-operating (CASE) body: 1. 2. Co-operating (CASE) Body Supervisor (s) Title: 1. Initials: 1. Surname: 1. Department 1. Current Position 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. Tel: 1. Fax: 1. E-mail: 1. 2. 2. 2. Description of work to be undertaken by the student at the premises of the CASE body and its role within the project: Nature and frequency of contacts between the CASE body, student and supervisor (must be maintained throughout the duration of the award as appropriate to the demands of the project): Financial and other contributions from the CASE body (NOTE: CASE bodies must make a minimum contribution of £1000pa towards the student’s maintenance, and it is expected that any additional support that is required for the student’s travel and subsistence whilst working at the CASE body’s premises will be provided by the CASE partner). Total value of funds to student for whole award Has this company/organisation co-operated on a previous CASE studentship? £ Y N PART 3 – TO BE COMPLETED BY THE INSTITUTION 7. CLASSIFICATION SCHEME FOR NERC SCIENCE Please classify your proposal under the four headings of: Science Area - Secondary Classification - Science Topic and ENRI (Earth & Natural Resource Issues). Science Area (%one or more as relevant, totalling 100%) Atmospheric Earth Freshwater 40 Marine Secondary Classification (tick any as relevant) Terrestrial Polar N Polar S Cross Research Council Cofunded ENRI (% as relevant, totalling 100%) Biodiversity 40 60% Science Based Archaeology 60 See table below for codes Science Topic (%one or more as relevant, totalling 100%) Code Code Code Code 3 5 6 10% Earth Observation 30% Environmental Risks & Hazards Natural Resource Management Global Change Pollution & Waste 60 % SCIENCE TOPICS: SUMMARY LIST For a list of definitions see: Code Science Topic Code Science Topic Atmospheric kinetics Ocean – atmosphere interactions 1 27 Behavioural ecology Ocean circulation 2 28 Biogeochemical cycles Palaeoenvironments 3 29 Boundary layer meteorology Palaeobiology 4 30 Climate and climate change Physics and chemistry of Earth materials 5 31 Community ecology Planetary science 6 32 Conservation ecology Pollution 7 33 Earth engineering Population genetics and evolution 8 34 Earth resources Population ecology 9 35 Earth surface processes Quaternary science 10 36 Ecosystem-scale processes and land use Radiative processes and effects 11 37 Ecotoxicology Regional weather and extreme events 12 38 Environment and health Science-based Archaeology 13 39 Environmental biotechnology Sediments and sedimentary processes 14 40 Environmental genomics Soils 15 41 Environmental informatics Stratospheric processes 16 42 Environmental microbiology Survey and monitoring 17 43 Environmental physiology Systematics and taxonomy 18 44 Geohazards Technology for environmental applications 19 45 Glacial and cryospheric systems Tectonic processes 20 46 Hydrogeology Tropospheric processes 21 47 Hydrological processes Upper atmosphere processes and geospace 22 48 Land - atmosphere interactions Volcanic processes 23 49 Land - ocean interactions Water in the atmosphere 24 50 Large scale atmospheric dynamics and transport Water quality 25 51 Mantle and core processes 26