Biostatics Project 1 Statistical Analysis Published in Scientific Literature Fall, 2014 BIOSTATISTICS BIO 4835 Dsr. Osborne Name ____________________________ Due November 3, 2014 Project 1: Statistical analysis published in academic literature. The purpose of this project is to find articles in recently published scientific and academic journals that use statistical analysis so that you can see how statistical analysis is used in research. Scientific and Academic Journals are those which publish papers that describe original research that was done by the authors who wrote the articles. This does not include magazine articles; non-research items in journals such as notes, summaries or reviews; Science Times; and other similar sources. No credit is given for articles such as these. “Statistical analysis” means that the authors of the paper used statistical methods to analyze their data. In the Materials and Methods part of the paper there must be a section where they have identified the statistical methods they used to analyze their data. If they do not have a section identified this way, do not use the article. Do not submit biology, biochemistry or such type of papers where they used a lot of math or had pretty graphs of enzyme activity—examples like this will be rejected unless the authors used statistical methods in their research project to help draw their conclusions. There must be a statistical analysis or statistical methods section. Five articles are required which were published after JANUARY 1, 2013. 1. Use the attached template in Microsoft Word to cite the correct reference for each of the research papers, write a summary of each one and list the statistical techniques used in the research project. This will identify the papers you selected. The template must be used or no credit for the assignment. 2. Then, print the first page of the article, and the page where they describe the statistical analysis they used. This means two sheets of paper per article in addition to the template page that refers to it. No credit will be given for articles of marginal quality from dubious sources like those referred to above. No two students can share any articles. Your five papers must be different from those that everyone else uses. After your references and summaries, attach the copies of the first page and statistical analysis page from each article. Submit on November 3, 2014 in class to avoid late penalties. Use this page as a cover sheet. Biostatics Project 1 Statistical Analysis Published in Scientific Literature Name __________________________________ Fall, 2014 Biostatistics Project 1 Journal Article 1 Reference Citation: Summary of the Article: List the Statistical Techniques Used in the Research Project: After this page you need to attach the first page of the article and the page of the Materials and Methods division that contains the section called “Statistical Analysis.” Biostatics Project 1 Statistical Analysis Published in Scientific Literature Name __________________________________ Fall, 2014 Biostatistics Project 1 Journal Article 2 Reference Citation: Summary of the Article: List the Statistical Techniques Used in the Research Project After this page you need to attach the first page of the article and the page of the Materials and Methods division that contains the section called “Statistical Analysis.” Biostatics Project 1 Statistical Analysis Published in Scientific Literature Name __________________________________ Fall, 2014 Biostatistics Project 1 Journal Article 3 Reference Citation: Summary of the Article: List the Statistical Techniques Used in the Research Project After this page you need to attach the first page of the article and the page of the Materials and Methods division that contains the section called “Statistical Analysis.” Biostatics Project 1 Statistical Analysis Published in Scientific Literature Name __________________________________ Fall, 2014 Biostatistics Project 1 Journal Article 4 Reference Citation: Summary of the Article: List the Statistical Techniques Used in the Research Project After this page you need to attach the first page of the article and the page of the Materials and Methods division that contains the section called “Statistical Analysis.” Biostatics Project 1 Statistical Analysis Published in Scientific Literature Name __________________________________ Fall, 2014 Biostatistics Project 1 Journal Article 5 Reference Citation: Summary of the Article: List the Statistical Techniques Used in the Research Project After this page you need to attach the first page of the article and the page of the Materials and Methods division that contains the section called “Statistical Analysis.”