A Bibliography of the Procellariiformes or Petrels John Warham Department of Biology, University of Canterbury P.B. 4800 Christchurch New Zealand LIST OF KEYWORDS 1. Systematic Index SYSTEMATICS (Specific, generic, familiar and ordinal diagnoses, classification systems and keys NOMENCLATURE (including Synonymies) NEW HIGHER TAXA locations) NEW SPECIES (Genera, Sub-family & Family, incl. type descriptions and (including type description and location) NEW SUBSPECIES (including type description and location) PROCELLARIIFORMES DIOMEDEIDAE (about the order as a whole) (about the family as a whole) DIOMEDEA (about the genus in general) D.exulans (+gibsoni, antipodensis, dabbenana, amsterdamensis and chionoptera) D.epomophora D.irrorata D.albatrus D.nigripes D.immutabilis D.melanophrys D.cauta (+salvini, eremita, steadi) D.chrysostoma D.chlororhynchos (+carteri) D.bulleri PHOEBETRIA (in general) P.fusca P.palpebrata PROCELLARIIDAE (about the family in general) MACRONECTES (in general) M.giganteus M.halli FULMARUS (in general) F.glacialoides F.glacialis THALASSOICA (not indexed separately from T.antarctica) T.antarctica DAPTION (not indexed separately) D.capense PAGODROMA (not indexed separately) P.nivea PTERODROMA (in general) P.macroptera P.lessonii P.incerta P.solandri P.magentae P.rostrata P.macgillivrayi P.neglecta P.arminjoniana P.alba P.ultima P.brevirostris (=Lugensa brevirostris) P.mollis (incl. feae and madeira) P.inexpectata P.cahow P.hasitata (incl. caribbea) P.externa P.baraui P.aterrima P.phaeopygia P.hypoleuca P.nigripennis P.axillaris P.cookii P.defilippiana P.longirostris P.pycrofti P.leucoptera HALOBAENA (not indexed separately) H.caerulea PACHYPTILA (in general) P.vittata P.salvini P.desolata P.belcheri P.turtur P.crassirostris BULWERIA (in general) B.bulwerii B.fallax PROCELLARIA (in general) P.aequinoctialis P.westlandica P.parkinsoni P.cinerea CALONECTRIS (in general) C.diomedea C.leucomelas PUFFINUS (in general) P.pacificus P.bulleri P.carneipes P.creatopus P.gravis P.griseus P.tenuirostris P.nativitatis P.puffinus (incl. mauretanicus) P.auricularis (incl. newelli) P.opisthomelas P.gavia P.huttoni P.lherminieri (incl. heinrothi) P.assimilis P.yelkouan HYDROBATIDAE (about family as a whole) OCEANITES (in general) O.oceanicus O.gracilis GARRODIA (not indexed separately) G.nereis PELAGODROMA (not indexed separately) P.marina FREGETTA (in general) F.tropica F.grallaria NESOFREGETTA (not indexed separately) N.fuliginosa (= albigularis) HYDROBATES (not indexed separately) H.pelagicus HALOCYPTENA (not indexed separately) H.microsoma OCEANODROMA (in general) O.tethys O.castro O.monorhis O.leucorhoa O.macrodactyla O.markhami O.tristrami O.melania O.matsudairae O.homochroa O.hornbyi O.furcata PELECANOIDIDAE (about the family as a whole) PELECANOIDES (in general) P.garnotii P.magellani P.georgicus P.urinatrix (with monotypic genera diagnoses of generic characters are indexed under the species. Birds identified only down to genus are listed as sp.) FOSSIL SPECIES This following lists species that have been cited as procellariiform, but some may not belong here, others may have been named twice and, some,at least in their skeletons, may appear to be identical with present-day forms. FAM. TYTTHOSTONYCHIDAE Genus Tytthostonyx Olson & Parris, 1987 T.glauconiticus Olson & Parris, 1987. [Cretaceous, New Jersey.] FAM. DIOMEDEIDAE Genus Manu Marples 1946. [Middle Oligocene, South I., New Zealand.] M.antiquus Marples 1946. [Middle Oligocene, South I., New Zealand.] Genus Diomedea Linnaeus, 1758. D.californica L.Miller, 1962. [Middle Miocene, California.] D.anglica Lydekker, 1891. [Pliocene-Lower Pleistocene, Florida & England.] D.thyridata Wilkinson, 1969. [Upper Miocene, Victoria, Australia.] D.milleri Howard, 1966. [Middle Miocene, California.] D.howardae Chandler, 1990. [Late Pliocene, California.] Diomedea sp. Ono (1980) Pliocene, Japan. Genus Plotornis Milne-Edwards, 1874. P.delfortrii Milne-Edwards, 1874. [Middle Miocene, France.] P.arvernensis (Milne-Edwards, 1867-71). [Middle Miocene, France.] FAM. DIOMEDEOIDIDAE Genus Diomedeoides Fischer, 1985. D.minimus Fischer, 1985. [Middle Oligocene, Germany.] Genus Murunkus Panteleyev & Nessov, 1993. M.subitus Panteleyev & Nessov, 1993 [Eocene, Central Asia] FAM. PROCELLARIIDAE Genus Fulmarus Stephens, 1826 F.miocaenus Howard, 1984. [Middle Miocene, California.] F.hammeri Howard, 1968. [Upper Miocene, California.] Genus Argyrodyptes Ameghino, 1905 A.microtarsus Ameghino, 1905. [Lower Miocene, Seymour I.] Genus Hydrotherikornis Miller, 1931 H.oregonus Miller, 1931. [Upper Eocene, Oregon.] Genus Pterodroma Bonaparte, 1856 P. kurodai Harrison & Walker, 1978. [Pleistocene, Aldabra Atoll.] P.jugabilis Olson & James, 1991. [Recent, Hawaii.] Genus Pseudobulweria Mathews, 1936 P.rupinarum (Olson, 1975). [Pleistocene-Recent, St. Helena.] Genus Pachyptila Illiger, 1811 P.salax Olson, 1985b. [Lower Pliocene, South Africa.] Genus Bulweria Bonaparte, 1843 B.bifax Olson, 1975. [Pleistocene, St. Helena.] Genus Eopuffinus Nessov, 1986 E.kazachstanensis Nessov, 1986. [Upper Palaeocene, Central Asia.] Genus Puffinus Brisson, 1760 P.raemdonckii (van Beneden, 1871). [Lower Oligocene, Belgium.] P.micraulax Brodkorb, 1963. [Lower Miocene, South Carolina.] P.aquitanicus (Milne-Edwards, 1874). [Middle Miocene, France.] P.antiquus (Milne-Edwards, 1874). [Middle Miocene, France.] P.conradi Marsh, 1870. [Middle Miocene, Maryland.] P.inceptor Wetmore, 1930. [Middle Miocene, California.] P.diatomicus L.Miller, 1925. [Upper Miocene, California.] P.calhouni Howard, 1968. [Upper Miocene, California.] P.barnesi Howard, 1978. [Upper Miocene, California.] P.tedfordi Howard, 1971. [Lower Pliocene, Mexico.] P.felthami Howard, 1949. [Lower Pliocene, California.] P.kanakoffi Howard, 1949. [Upper Pliocene, California.] P.priscus L.H.Miller, 1961. [Upper Miocene, California.] P.mitchelli L.H.Miller, 1961. [Upper Miocene, California.] P.holeae Walker, Wragg & Harrison, 1990. [Upper Pleistocene, Canary Is.] P.nestori Alcover, 1989. [Upper Pleistocene, Pityusae Is.] P.olsoni McMinn, Jaune & Alcover, 1990. [Recent, Canary Is.] P.spelaeus Holdaway & Worthy, 1994. [Recent, South I., New Zealand.] P.gilmorei Chandler, 1990. [Upper Pliocene, California.] P.pacificoides Olson, 1975. [Pleistocene, St. Helena.] Genus Frigidafons Cheneval, 1995. F.brodkorbi Cheneval, 1995 [Oligocene, France, Lower Miocene, Germany] Genus Neptuniavis Harrison & Walker, 1977 N.miranda Harrison & Walker, 1977. [Lower Eocene, England.] N.minor Harrison & Walker, 1977. [Lower Eocene, England.] FAM. MARINAVIDAE Genus Marinavis Harrison & Walker, 1977 M.longirostis Harrison & Walker, 1977. [Lower Eocene, England.] FAM. HYDROBATIDAE Genus Oceanites Keyserling & Blasius, 1840 O.zaloscarthmus Olson, 1985a. [Lower Pliocene, South Africa.] Genus Oceanodroma Reichenbach, 1853 O.hubbsi L.H. Miller, 1951. [Upper Miocene, California.] Genus Primodroma Harrison & Walker, 1977 P.bournei Harrison & Walker, 1977. [Lower Eocene, England.] FAM. PELECANOIDIDAE Genus Pelecanoides Lacepede, 1799 P.cymatotrypetes Olson, 1985a. 2. [Lower Pliocene, South Africa.] SUBJECT INDEX Keywords associated with particular topics are grouped together. Where the title of the group is starred **, this title is omitted in the text files, except that the suffix :GENERAL is used to indicate that the topic is referred to in the citation but that the particular aspect is not adequately represented by any of the keywords under that heading. For example, PETRELS AND MAN:GENERAL covers miscellaneous aspects like attacks by petrels on man, etc., whereas FOLKLORE is short for PETRELS AND MAN:FOLKLORE. **PETRELS AND MAN:GENERAL (e.g. attacks, tameness, timidity, etc.) ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES HUMAN USE (e.g. mutton-birding, plume hunting, etc.) CAPTIVITY COLLECTIONS FOLKLORE (and vernacular names) CONSERVATION (and management, including control of predators, conservation acts, rescue programmes, relocation etc. ENDANGERED SPECIES ECONOMIC EFFECTS (of petrels e.g. on pasture, vegetation, fisheries, aircraft hazards etc. COMMERCIAL FISHING (on petrels including whaling and sealing) POLLUTION (chemical, radioactive, oil, plastics, etc.) DISTURBANCE (e.g. by banding, lights, from seals, vandalism, etc.) EXPLOITATION (e.g. effects of land development, oil platforms, clearing, grazing, mainly on land, c.f. human use) **DOCUMENTATION:GENERAL (Bibliographies, etc.) HISTORICAL ANCIENT (Published before Linneaus, 10th Ed. 1758) HISTORICAL RECENT (Post 1758) CHECKLISTS COMPREHENSIVE WORKS (on petrels) MAJOR WORKS (incl. petrels) FAUNAL WORKS (giving detailed data on petrels) LOCAL FAUNAS (listing distributional data, status, etc. on petrels) BIOGRAPHIES (and obituaries) of workers on petrels REVIEWS (and comments on publications on petrels) ILLUSTRATIONS (Paintings, drawings, photos, films and video of petrels) SOUND RECORDINGS (Lists of) RINGING (e.g. Banding reports and digests - NOT individual recoveries) SPECIMENS **TECHNIQUES:GENERAL (e.g. questionnaires) CAPTURE (and attraction) MARKING AGEING SEXING LABORATORY (e.g. analytical etc.) FIELD (observation and data collecting methods generally, tracking, nest boxes, bone excavation, food collection, beach patrolling, etc.) CENSUS (and sampling methods) SEA COUNTS PHOTO AND VIDEO (Recording, data collection, etc.) AUDIO RECORDING (and analysis) EXPERIMENTAL DATA ANALYSIS (incl. modelling) FLEDGELING IMMATURE NESTER (= Adult- used when needed to indicate adult v. immature birds) NONBREEDER (incl. pre-breeders) FAILED BREEDER MORPHOLOGY (forms as a whole or of grosser parts - externals) GENERAL BILL WING IDENTIFICATION (e.g. field characters, previous descriptions; diagnostic keys) SEXUAL DIMORPHISM (physical, behavioural, chemical, vocal incl. sex differences in age, survival, etc.) BIOMETRICS GENERAL (e.g. size) MEASUREMENTS (incl. of prey, etc.). AGE (incl. longevity and experience, age at first breeding, effects of Age etc. Age not necessarily of birds, could be of a colony or prey, etc.) WEIGHTS (incl. changes with time) ALLOMETRY EGGS (incl. size) ANATOMY CYTOLOGY AND HISTOLOGY **INTEGUMENT:GENERAL (Rhamphotheca, egg tooth, soft parts, scales, claws, preen gland) PLUMAGE (detailed descriptions) FEATHERS (incl. tracts, downs, filoplumes, structure, etc.) MOULT BROOD PATCH SMELL (of skin, feathers, colonies or eggs) SKELETON:GENERAL (e.g. bones) SKULL (incl. palate) WING MUSCLES (all, incl. tendons) NERVOUS SYSTEM:GENERAL (e.g. nerve transmission) BRAIN HEARING OLFACTION (incl. nostrils and olfactory bulb) VISION (incl. photo-reception and eye) DRINKING FEEDING:GENERAL FOODS (incl. gut contents, quantity eaten, plastic and food composition) RANGE PREDATORY SCAVENGING (incl. coming to bait, `chum', etc.) BEHAVIOUR (Foraging styles/methods on land or sea but not adult-chick feeding) FOOD AVAILABILITY (incl. location of feeding grounds) **DIGESTIVE SYSTEM:GENERAL (Digestion, gizzard stones etc.) MOUTH (and tongue, anatomy of etc.) PROVENTRICULAR OIL (Presence/absence; digestion of etc. but not analyses) ALIMENTARY TRACT (incl. proventriculus) LIVER RESPIRATORY SYSTEM consumption) (and respiration, incl.air sacs, syrinx, NOT oxygen CIRCULATORY SYSTEM (and circulation, incl. red blood cell counts) EXCRETORY SYSTEM:GENERAL Incl. Hg via feathers, bursa, etc.). KIDNEY (including osmo-regulation, etc.) SALT GLANDS FAECES (Incl. defaecation, urine, guano production, faecal flora) ENDOCRINE SYSTEM (All hormonal matters, pituitary, etc.) **METABOLISM:GENERAL (incl. thermal conductance) THERMOREGULATION (INCL. torpidity, response to overheating, etc.) BODY TEMPERATURE (c.f. Incubation:temperature) METABOLIC RATE WATER BALANCE (adult, egg and water loss) OXYGEN CONSUMPTION (gas exchange, adult and egg) FASTING FAT DEPOSITS (and Stomach Oil contents, i.e. `condition') CALORIFIC VALUES (Energy contents, tissues, eggs, food, etc.) **BIOCHEMISTRY:GENERAL CHEMICAL COMPOSITION (of petrels/petrel products, e.g. faeces, soils) STOMACH OIL (Analyses) LIPID (Including preen gland secretions, fat deposits, etc.) BLOOD (e.g. serum analyses, chromatography) PROTEINS POLLUTANTS METABOLIC PROCESSES (Carbohydrate, lipid, oxidative, steroid, enzyme, mineral, water, including nutrient transport to soils, etc.) BIOPHYSICS:GENERAL FLIGHT (Mechanics of; wing loadings, etc., but not speed) EMBRYO **ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS:GENERAL (Effects of, including vegetation, topography) ALTITUDE CLIMATE (Including general conditions, cloud cover, etc.) WIND (and sea conditions resulting, e.g. tidal waves and sand storms) CALMS (including fog) FIRE (including vulcanism) SNOW AND ICE RAIN (including flooding, melt water, slips, etc.) LIGHT (artificial, moon, sunrise/sunset, day length) SEASON (e.g. seasonal changes year to year, month to months etc. in nos. at sea)or in distributions, food, etc.) TEMPERATURE [AIR] (Including burrow and microclimates) TEMPERATURE [SEA] SALINITY (and nutrients and turbidity) CURRENTS (Including upwellings, fronts, convergences, turbulences, etc.) SUBSTRATE (Effects of soil types, terrain, etc.) WATER DEPTHS (e.g. shelf v deep sea, etc.) LATITUDE (and longitude) AIR PRESSURE IMMUNOLOGY (including immunoelectrophoresis) CYCLES:GENERAL (yearlong; seasons of "wrecks"; biennial) CIRCADIAN (including weight changes during day, activity patterns) ANNUAL (Whole cycle - breeding, moult, migration, etc.) LUNAR COLOUR:GENERAL (e.g. plumage fading, changes with age, etc.) ALBINISM AND MELANISM (Including leucism) PIGMENTARY PATTERNS (Including pink stain on albatrosses) SOFT PARTS (face, bill, eyes, legs, mouth, etc.) **LOCOMOTION:GENERAL CLIMBING FLIGHT (Style NOT mechanics of, but including speed) ALIGHTING AND TAKE-OFF (Including times of arrival and departure) SWIMMING AND DIVING WALKING AND RUNNING (Including posture) RAFTING AND FLOCKING SHIP FOLLOWING REPRODUCTION:GENERAL (e.g. costs of breeding, frequency, `sabbaticals', etc.) GAMETES (and gametogenesis) TESTIS (and cycle) OVARY (and cycle, including yolk deposits/rings) SPERM STORAGE FERTILIZATION BREEDING:GENERAL (including regulatory experience) COLONIAL (Location of colonies, TIMING (Including time of return HABITS (i.e. general accounts of factors not otherwise covered like formation of colonies, etc.) and departure, etc.) all stages) NEST:GENERAL (e.g. quality) BUILDING (Behaviour, methods, snow removal, repair, roles of sexes, etc.) SURFACE (Site, construction, shares of sexes, etc. includes ledge nests) BURROW (Site, construction, etc.) CREVICE (Site, linings, including talus) SHARING (and usurpation) BLOCKING (e.g. with vegetation) DENSITY (& central v. peripheral etc.) **PRELAYING BEHAVIOUR:GENERAL (including re-occupation and protogamic behaviour,dates etc.) PAIR FORMATION (and pair bond, assortive mating, etc.) NEST SITE TENACITY (from year to year, distance of moves and colony Tenacity) MATE TENACITY (from year to year, including divorce) COURTSHIP COPULATION (including E.P.C.) EXODUS EGG:GENERAL (including passage in oviduct) DEVELOPMENT (Embryology, weight loss, yolk rings) LAYING (Act of) LAYING PERIOD (Spread of laying by date) SURFACE (Nos. etc.) SHAPE SHELL HATCHING (Act of and dates and time taken, etc.) DESERTION COMPOSITION (Including `quality') INCUBATION:GENERAL (incl. incubator's weight loss) BEHAVIOUR (Roles of sexes, nest relief, egg care, shift lengths, etc.) PERIOD TEMPERATURE (Including egg temperature) INTERMITTENT (Temporary egg desertion, chilling, egg ventilation, etc.) CHICK:GENERAL (e.g. descriptions of) CARE (e.g. brooding, defence, guard periods) DEVELOPMENT (Growth curves, feather changes, etc.) BEHAVIOUR (e.g. nest maintenance, submissive etc.) FEEDING BY PARENTS (Including shares of sexes, frequency of meals, amounts fed etc. CHICK:PARENT INTERACTIONS (Preening, mode of transfer of food, etc.) DESERTION NESTLING PERIOD FLEDGING (= age at first flight) (Act of, and dates of) SUCCESS:GENERAL (Approximate figures not tied precisely to no. eggs laid + other factors, e.g. occupation rate, effects of age, experience and date of laying on success) BREEDING (% of pairs producing eggs) FERTILITY (% of eggs that are fertile) HATCHING (% of eggs that hatch) FLEDGING (% of eggs producing flying young) GENETICS:GENERAL HYBRIDIZATION CHROMOSOMES DNA ANALYSES **EVOLUTION:GENERAL (including inter-relationships with other higher taxa) EXTINCTION (Including by man, including local extinctions) PHYLOGENY SIZE VARIATION (Including clines) GEOGRAPHICAL VARIATION (Incl. behaviours and vocalizations) COLOUR VARIATION POLYMORPHISM GENETIC VARIATION BEHAVIOURAL VARIATION BIOCHEMICAL VARIATION SPECIATION (Including isolating mechanisms, sub-species, and relationships) SIBLING SPECIES NATURAL SELECTION ADAPTATIONS (morphological, behavioural) ADAPTIVE VARIATION (spp. diversity, etc.) CONVERGENCE ECOLOGY:GENERAL ECOSYSTEM ENERGETICS (Modelling, food consumption, etc.) ENERGY BUDGETS (Including individual energetics, time budgets, energy in eggs,etc.) COMMUNITIES (Including discussions re nos. of spp. in areas, guilds, etc.) NICHE (Including trophic relationships) NUMBERS (e.g. sea or cliff counts, flock densities NOT population estimates) BIOMASS (estimates, including biomass of food) ABUNDANCE (no precise figures or actual counts - common, rare, etc.) SURVIVAL RATES (actual figures) = 1/mortality rate MORTALITY (Include "wrecks", causes of death, etc.) COMPETITION (Intra- and Inter-specific, competitive exclusion) PREDATION (of petrels, natural, artificial or alien) POPULATION:GENERAL ESTIMATES (include censuses, local or global) STRUCTURE (life tables, sex ratios, deferred maturity, etc.) REGULATION (and reproductive rate and including dynamics and recruitment) CHANGES (Historical and recent) PALAEOECOLOGY (e.g. evolution of communities over geological time) HABITAT:GENERAL MARINE BREEDING (descriptions of, etc.) MODIFICATION (e.g. vegetation, soils, seed dispersal, etc. by petrels) BEHAVIOUR:GENERAL (e.g. activity of non- or failed-breeders) INSTINCTIVE (e.g. `sideways' throwing) DISPLACEMENT ACTIVITY LEARNING HABITUATION IMPRINTING EXPLORATORY (e.g. flocks over mainland headlands, by immigrants, nest visiting, visits to other colonies) SOCIAL (Including hierarchical, individual distance, stimulatory) FIGHTING (not necessarily between petrels and other birds) THREAT AND DEFENSE (as above) OIL SPITTING REGURGITATION (e.g. of stomach contents when handled, not in chick care) TERRITORIAL (and advertising, mate guarding) PHILOPATRIC (Including translocation experiments) SPECIES RECOGNITION INDIVIDUAL RECOGNITION (partners, chick-parent, sex recognition, etc.) COMFORT (bathing, sunning, cooling, self-preening) OCEANIC (e.g. social and displaying at sea but NOT feeding) NOCTURNAL (Include crepuscular, night feeding, etc.) DIURNAL (e.g. nest visiting by day) SLEEP (and roosting) SPATIAL ORIENTATION (Include echo-location, nest finding, landing in relation to nest) NAVIGATION AND HOMING MIGRATORY (Including circulatory patterns) SEDENTARY (Including out-of-season visits) DISPERSAL (e.g. downwind, immigration, shifts to new islands or colonies) RECOVERIES MARKED BIRDS (Individual examples, NOT banding reports) BETWEEN SPECIES (NOT competitive as in Ecology, competition, nor necessarily with other petrels) ANOMALOUS (e.g. 2 egg clutches, vagrants way out of place, etc.) DISPLAY:GENERAL SEXUAL (Including mutual preening, including vocalizations) REPERTOIRE (Include breakdown of types, functions, etc.) AERIAL (Including collisions and calling) **COMMUNICATION:GENERAL (visual signals, carrying powers) INTRASPECIFIC INTERSPECIFIC SOUND PRODUCTION (Mechanisms) VOCALIZATIONS (Descriptions, analyses, ontogeny, chorus timing, etc.) PLAYBACK (responses to recordings, imitations, etc.) ASSOCIATIONS other birds) (Mutualism etc.; plant/petrel associations; with seals and whales; **PARASITES:GENERAL (Include vertebrate and invertebrate) PROTOZOAN DIGENEAN CESTODE NEMATODE (and Anthocephalan) HIRUNDINE ARACHNID CRUSTACEAN PHTHIRAPTERAN SIPHONAPTERAN DIPTERAN INTERACTIONS WITH HOSTS (e.g. niche occupied) HOST-PARASITE PHYLOGENY (co-distributions, etc.) HOST SPECIFICITY NEST AND BURROW (and inquilines) DISEASES:GENERAL (e.g. treatment, `red tides') ORNITHOSIS (Puffinosis) VIRAL BACTERIAL FUNGAL PROTOZOAN OTHER INJURIES ACCIDENTS (and `acts of god', tidal waves, `wrecks' of live birds, collisions, etc.) **ZOOGEOGRAPHY:GENERAL (e.g. tropical v. polar, etc.) STATUS (i.e. locally and distribution on land, etc.) DISTRIBUTION AT SEA GLOBAL DISTRIBUTION (All, at sea and on land, faunal provinces) SYMPATRY ALLOPATRY DISPERSAL BARRIERS VAGRANTS 3. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX A. THE SEAS 1. ARCTIC OCEAN (from 75øN) 2. ATLANTIC OCEAN (i.e. 6+7+8) 3. PACIFIC OCEAN (i.e. 9+10+11) 4. INDIAN OCEAN [ALL] (12+13) 5. SOUTHERN OCEAN (from 60øS) 6. N. ATLANTIC (30øN-75øN) 7. CENTRAL ATLANTIC (30øN-30øS) 8. S. ATLANTIC (30øS-60øS) 9. N. PACIFIC (North of 30øN) 10. CENTRAL PACIFIC (30øN-30øS) 11. S. PACIFIC (30øS-60øS - including ocean S of Australia except Bass Strait) 12. N. INDIAN OCEAN (North of 30øS) 13. S. INDIAN OCEAN (30øS-60øS) 14. NORTH SEA 15. MEDITERRANEAN 16. BALTIC SEA 17. ADRIATIC 18. AEGEAN 19. CARIBBEAN 20. PERSIAN GULF AND ARABIAN SEA 21. BERING SEA (to 75øN, including Pribiloffs) 22. OKHOTSK SEA 23. JAPAN SEA 24. TASMAN SEA B. ASIAN & INDIAN OCEAN 25. RUSSIA (All, including Novaya Zemla, Nansenland, Servenaya Zemla, New Siberia & Kamchatka) 26. MIDDLE EAST 27. ARABIA AND RED SEA (Including Sokotra) 28. E. AFRICA (Cape Guadafui to Lorenco Marques) 29. INDIA [LAND] (includes Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh & Sri Lanka) 30. CHINA (Including Taiwan, Ryukus, Korea, E. China Sea) 31. S.E. ASIA (Burma, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indo-China, S. China Sea) 32. LACCADIVE MALDIVE ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR IS. 33. SEYCHELLES (Syria, Iraq, Israel, Lebanon, Jordan & Iran) 34. INDIAN OCEAN IS. (Chagos, Amirante, Aldabra, Cargados, Rodriguez, Comoros, etc. 35. COCOS AND CHRISTMAS IS. 36. N. AUSTRALIA (Cape York to Cambridge Gulf and N. Territory) 37. W. AUSTRALIA (N. Territory to Cape Leeuwin) 38. MADAGASCAR 39. MAURITIUS (Including Round I) 40. REUNION 41. ST. PAUL AND AMSTERDAM IS. 42. GOUGH I. 43. TRISTAN DA CUNHA 44. CROZET IS. 45. MARION AND PRINCE EDWARD IS. 46. KERGUELEN 47. HEARD AND MCDONALD IS. 48. E. ANTARCTICA C. PACIFIC OCEAN 49. ALASKA (including Kodiak Is) 50. ALEUTIAN IS. 51. KURILE IS. 52. JAPAN [LAND] (including Sakhalin) 53. W. CANADA (including Vancouver I., and to 90øW) 54. HAWAII (all islands except Leewards) 55. LEEWARD CHAIN (including Kure Atoll) 56. MIDWAY I. 57. BONIN VOLCANO AND TORISHIMA IS. 58. PHILIPPINES 59. INDONESIA (including all Borneo but NOT New Guinea) 60. NEW GUINEA (and New Britain and Bismarcks) 61. KIRIBATI (= Christmas Is.) 62. W. U.S.A. (to 90øW) 63. W. MEXICO (including Baja California) 64. W. CENTRAL AMERICA (i.e. western halves of Guatamala, Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica & Panama) 65. GALAPAGOS 66. QUEENSLAND 67. LORD HOWE I. (incl. Admiralties and Ball's Pyramid) 68. NORFOLK I. (incl. Nepean and Philip) 69. NEW CALEDONIA (& Loyalty Is. & Chesterfield Reefs) 70. FIJI IS. 71. SAMOA AND TONGA 72. SOCIETY IS. 73. PITCAIRN IS. (includes Ducie, Oeno, Henderson & Easter Is.) 74. JUAN FERNANDEZ SAN AMBROSIO 75. S. AMERICA [PACIFIC] 76. S. AUSTRALIA (Cape Leeuwin to Bass Strait including Recherche Archipelago & Kangaroo I.) 77. BASS STRAIT (Portland to Malacoota, King Is. Furneaux Group and N. Tasmania. 78. N.S.W. (including Cabbage Tree I. etc.) 79. W. TASMANIA 80. E. TASMANIA 81. MACQUARIE I. 82. AUCKLAND IS. 83. CAMPBELL I. 84. SNARES IS. 85. STEWART I. (including Foveaux Strait and Is.) 86. N.Z. SOUTH I. 87. COOK STRAIT (& Marlborough Sounds) 88. N.Z. NORTH I. (including all offshores except specified) 89. BARRIER IS. (Little & Great) (All Torres Strait and Grt Barrier Reef Is.) 90. POOR KNIGHTS IS. 91. THREE KINGS IS. 92. KERMADEC IS. 93. CHATHAM IS. 94. BOUNTY IS. 95. ANTIPODES I. 96. CAPE HORN (including Strait of Magellan and islands) D. ATLANTIC & EUROPE 97. GREENLAND 98. SPITZBERGEN (and Bear I.) 99. JAN MAYEN I. 100. ICELAND (including Westmanns) 101. SCANDINAVIA (including Denmark & Finland) 102. FAROE IS. 103. SHETLAND IS. 104. ORKNEY IS. (including Fair I.) 105. SCOTLAND (including Hebrides, St Kilda, Rona, etc.) 106. ENGLAND (including Lundy, Scilly and I. of Man) 107. WALES 108. IRELAND 109. FRANCE (& Channel Is.) 110. LOW COUNTRIES (Holland & Belgium) 111. CENTRAL EUROPE (Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Czechoslovakia, Poland & Hungary 112. BALTIC STATES (Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, etc.) 113. IBERIA (Spain & Portugal & Gibraltar) 114. BALEARIC IS. 115. CORSICA AND SARDINIA 116. ITALY (with Sicily) 117. MALTA (with Pantellaria) 118. GREECE 119. CRETE 120. CYPRUS 121. BALKANS (Albania, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Rumania, Turkey & Black Sea) 122. N. AFRICA (Tangier to Nile and to 30øS) 123. W. AFRICA (Tangier to Cape Frio) 124. S. AFRICA (i.e. Southern Africa - Cape Frio to Lorenquo Marques) 125. E. CANADA (with Newfoundland) 126. E. U.S.A. (incl. Florida Cays) 127. BERMUDA 128. AZORES 129. MADEIRA AND DESERTAS IS. (including Porto Santo) 130. SALVAGE IS. 131. CANARY IS. 132. GULF OF MEXICO (E. Mexico) 133. CUBA AND W. INDIES 134. CAPE VERDE IS. 135. S. AMERICA [ATLANTIC] 136. TRINDADE I. 137. FALKLAND IS. (including Beauchene I.) 138. S. SHETLAND IS. 139. S. ORKNEY IS. 140. S. GEORGIA 141. S. SANDWICH IS. 142. BOUVET I. 143. W. ANTARCTICA E. LARGER LAND MASSES EUROPE (= 100-121 inclusive) N. AMERICA (= 49+53+62+125+126) S. AMERICA [ALL] (= 75+135) AFRICA [ALL] (= 122+123+28+124) AUSTRALIA [ALL] (= 36+37+66+76-80) NEW ZEALAND (= 82-95) ANTARCTICA [ALL] (= 143+48) ASIA [ALL] (= 25+26+29+30) 4. PALAEONTOLOGICAL INDEX FOSSILS:GENERAL QUATERNARY (Holocene + Pleistocene) NEOGENE (Pliocene + Miocene) PALEOGENE (Eocene + Oligocene + Paleocene) HOLOCENE (= recent) PLEISTOCENE PLIOCENE MIOCENE OLIGOCENE PALEOCENE --------------