Undergraduate Marking Grid based on SEEC Guidelines – LEVEL 1 Percentage 0-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-100 Very Poor Poor Inadequate Acceptable Satisfactory Good Very good Excellent Outstanding Little or no relevant material &/or significant factual errors Insufficient relevant material &/or factual errors Some relevant material but significant omissions &/or factual errors Some relevant material and adequate understanding but some omissions. Relevant with a satisfactory level of understanding but some omissions Substantial Comprehensive Extensive and selection and knowledge appropriate utilisation of and use of material material understanding Full depth and understanding Little or no awareness &/or discussion Insufficient awareness &/or discussion Limited awareness &/or discussion Evidence of awareness but limited discussion Evidence of awareness and debate Substantial Comprehensive Fully aware awareness awareness and and able to and debate of debate of debate issues issues issues Exceptional awareness and debate Analysis: can analyse with guidance using given classifications / principles Little or no analysis Insufficient analysis Descriptive, little evidence of analysis Evidence of analysis but somewhat limited Satisfactory analysis Substantial analysis evident Synthesis: can collect and categorise ideas and information in a predictable and standard format Evaluation: can evaluate the reliability of data using defined techniques and/or tutor guidance No synthesis Little synthesis Limited synthesis Adequate synthesis evident Evidence of synthesis Good evidence of synthesis Little or none Insufficient or significant gaps Inappropriate tools used/no real evidence Evaluation evident but not throughout Consistent evidence of evaluation Detailed evaluation Little or none/ inappropriate Inadequate, limited or inappropriate Insufficient or significant gaps Acceptable application evident Awareness of complexity of context Overall Descriptor KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING Knowledge Base: has a given factual and/or conceptual knowledge base with emphasis on the nature of the field of study and appropriate terminology Ethical Issues: can demonstrate awareness of ethical issues in current areas of study and is able to discuss these in relation to personal beliefs and values INTELLECTUAL SKILLS Application ( incl. problem solving): can apply given tools/methods accurately and carefully to a well defined problem and begin to appreciate the complexity of the issues © Faculty of Health and Social Care, University of the West of England Comprehensive Extensive and analysis detailed evident analysis Considers novel solutions Comprehensiv e evaluation of relevance and significance Good Able to understanding identify and of complexity/ define context complex problems/ solutions Able to transform data/concepts Extensive evaluation Confident and flexible in identifying and defining problems/ solutions Exceptional level of analysis and awareness of complexities and contradictions Wide ranging evidence of creativity and imagination Exceptional evaluation throughout Exceptional approach to problemsolving 26.8.03 Page 1 of 2 Undergraduate Marking Grid based on SEEC Guidelines – LEVEL 1 Percentage Overall Descriptor TRANSFERABLE SKILLS Learning Resources and Management of Information: can work within an appropriate ethos, using and accessing a range of learning resources; can manage information, collect appropriate data from a range of sources and undertake simple research tasks with external guidance. Can reference material appropriately. Communications: can communicate effectively in a format appropriate to the discipline(s) and report practical procedures in a clear and concise manner PRACTICAL SKILLS Applications: can operate in predictable, defined contexts that require use of a specified range of standard techniques 0-19 Very Poor 20-29 Poor 30-39 Inadequate 40-49 Acceptable 50-59 Satisfactory 60-69 Good Unable to access or use appropriately Insufficient or inappropriate usage Inadequate usage Limited range of resources used Satisfactory evidence of range of resources Substantial range of resources used Confused and/or ineffective Insufficient and/or unclear Inadequate expression Generally clear but some limitations Clear structure and direction Clear and concise, with effective signposting of ideas Effective, appropriate and professional Excellent communicatio n and presentation Exceptional ability to communicate and structure effectively Inadequate, limited or inappropriate Unable to function effectively Insufficient or significant gaps Able to manage in defined context/ controlled situations Able to manage in defined context and increasingly complex situations Good understanding and ability to manage in complex situations Able to identify and work in complex situations Confident and flexible in approach to unpredictable and complex situations Mastery in unpredictable and complex situations © Faculty of Health and Social Care, University of the West of England 70-79 Very good 80-89 Excellent Comprehensive Extensive selection and selection and use of a range use of a range of relevant of relevant resources resources 90-100 Outstanding Excellent selection and use of a range of relevant resources 26.8.03 Page 2 of 2