Invitation The Organizational Committee wishes to invite to an



The Organizational Committee wishes to invite to an International

Scientific Aspects in conference entitled:

Contemporary Education and Bringing up Children

November 2014

The suggested thematic areas are:


A parent and a teacher as a child’s guide/mentor


The world seen with a child’s eyes


The picture of a child and childhood in mass culture


A child in relation to mediumistic culture


The world of children’s play and games


Successes and dilemmas of a child’s development in its education and process of bringing up

The Scientific Committee:

The Chairman: prof. nzw. dr hab. Anna Klim-Klimaszewska (Poland), assoc. prof. PhDr. Ľudmila Belásová, PhD. (Slovakia), prof. PhDr. Mária

Kožuchová, CSc. (Slovakia), assoc. prof. PhDr. Mária Podhájecká, CSc.

(Slovakia), prof. zw. dr hab. Kazimierz Żegnałek (Poland)

The Members: проф. д-р Татьяна Владимировна Юрьева (Russia), Ph.D. (Slovakia), проф. д-р пед. наук Ревмира Сергеевна Пионова (Belarus), doc. PaedDr.

Ján Gunčaga, Ph.D. (Slovakia), doc. RNDr. Alena Prídavková, PhD.

(Slovakia), assoc. prof. Galena Ivanova, PhD. (Bulgaria), prof. nzw. dr hab. Beata Pituła (Poland), доц. д-р Биянка Торньова


The Organizing Committee:

The Chairman: dr Ewa Jagiełło (Poland), mgr ing. Vladimir Gerka (Slovakia)

The Members: dr Tadeusz Boruta (Poland), dr Krzysztof Dziurzyński (Poland), доц. к.п.н.

Татьяна Зеленова Георгиевна (Russia), dr Katarzyna Łupińska, PaedDr.

Edita Šimčíková, Ph.D. (Slovakia), PaedDr. Mária Vargová, Ph.D. (Slovakia), dr Sabina Wieruszewska-Duraj (Poland), mgr Jarmila Žolnová, PhD.

(Slovakia), mgr Agata Fijałkowska-Mroczek (Poland), mgr Elżbieta Miterka

(Poland), mgr Małgorzata Myszka (Poland), mgr Mirosława Socha (Poland), mgr Ewa Staropiętka-Kuna (Poland)


We offer a virtual form of the conference, which assures possibilities to exchange experiences and practice in a written form, this allows to get access to a larger group of the interested people.

It is possible to participate in the conference provided that you fulfill the application form and send it on the conference’s address, what is more, you are obliged to pay the conference fee by 30 th August 2014.

The conference fee: 200 zloty or 55 euro, for students 100 zloty or 25 euro.

Within the fee you will receive the conference materials in a form of reviewed publication.

The fee ought to be paid by 30 th August 2014 on the bank account:

Siedleckie Towarzystwo Naukowe

Bank Spółdzielczy w Siedlcach

The account number: 60919400070000355120000010

With foot-note „Conference – Child”

IBAN: PL60919400070000355120000010


Applications regarding taking part in the conference and the text of the article ought to be sent on the address:

The criterion of the article publication:

 Payment of the fee by 30 th August 2014

 Sending the full text by 15 th September 2014


The text of the article must be sent in an electronic form.

Format: doc, docx

Margins: left 3.5 cm, the others 2.5cm

Interline: 1.00( refers to tables, schematic diagrams and pictures)

Content: minimum 10 pages B5

Language: English, German, Polish, Russian, Slovakian

Formatting and elements of the article:

 in the left upper corner of the first page of the article: institution, name/ names and surname of the author or in alphabetical order coauthors, email address

 below the title of the article: in the middle, Arial 14 points, thickened

(in the native language, in English below)

 summary: Arial 9, italic, in the native language, in English below

 titles and subtitles of the chapters: Arial 12 points, thickened, without numeration

 the contents: Arial 10 points, both sides … (do not use hard spaces)

 paragraphs indented (size: 1.25 cm., you cannot use spaces)

 equal and constant numeration of pages – in the middle, in the bottom of every page

 turned off words division option

 quotations in italic and without inverted comas

 tables – every table should be given the number and the title (letter

Arial 10), which are registered on the left above the table. Below the table should be written the source in italic (letter Arial 10). The text in the table Arial 10, single spaces

Table 1 Domestic budget


EXPENDITURE Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Altogether


• diagram – every diagram should be provided with the number and title

(letter Arial 10), which are recorded on the left side above the diagram. Below the diagram, the source should be recorded in italic

(Arial 10).

Diagram 1 Weight of a child at the age of from 1 to 13 years old


(visited 01.03.2014)

 picture, photograph, (recorded as a file with extension jpg) every picture must be provided with number and title, letter Arial 10 recorded below the picture

Picture 1 Playing children


(visited 01.03.2014)

bibliography footnotes: directly in the text, according to the following rules:

in brackets we give the surname of the author, the year of the edition of the work, page: (Adamczuk 2011, s. 24)

in case of reference to two books of the same author edited in the same year we use the record: (Adamczuk 2001a, s. 45, Adamczuk

2001b, s. 15)

when we refer to two books of the authors with the same surnames and edited in the same year, before the names we put the first letters of the surnames e.g. (K. Adamczuk 2001, s. 41, P. Adamczuk

2001, s. 13)

in case of reference to the works of two authors, we put both surnames: (Adamczuk, Kozil 2001, s. 45)

while referring to the work written by some authors, we put the first surname and write: “ and others”, e.g. (Adamczuk i in. 2004, s. 34)

The rules of bibliography preparation:

when we refer to a book we write: Adamczuk K., (2008), Activating methods. Copyright AKS Siedlce

when we refer to a book by the two authors we write: Adamczuk K.,

Kaniak D., (2010), Cooperation, Copyright AKA Siedlce

referring to the text in complete edition we give: Adamczuk K. and others, (2005), Intelligence, Copyright ADA Siedlce

referring to the text in complete edition we give e.g.: Adamczuk K.,

Kaniak D., (2011), The method of the project, (In:) G. Jagielo (edit.),

Education and teaching, Copyright KAK Siedlce

when we refer to the text in a periodical we give: Adamczuk K.,

(2009), Games and fun child, „Edukation” nb 5

the Decree of the Minister of National Education from 22 nd 2011 changing the decree regarding safety and hygiene in public and private schools and institutions Dz.U.2011 nr 161 poz.968

in case of websites we give the date of the access, e.g.: (visited 6.01.2014)

in case of websites www we give the name of author and the title of the work, the access mode, the access record (the place, path, name), then the date of the visit, e.g.: Gruszczyk- Kolczynska E., The core curriculum of the comments. Preschool and Early education.

Volume 1,

(visited 6.01. 2014).
