Spec Min Annual Rep Form

The Miami Presbytery
The Form of Government of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) provides that the Committee on Ministry
“…shall require an annual report from every minister performing work which is not under the jurisdiction
of the presbytery or a higher governing body of the church.” (G-11.0502a) The Committee on Ministry
shall confer with each minister in non-parish position annually, and make a recommendation to the
presbytery as to whether the member should continue in the present category, be assigned another
category, or be released from the exercise of ordained office.
Ministers in Specialized Ministries - All validated ministries must comply with all the criteria
enumerated in G-11.0403, be approved by the COM, recommended to the presbytery for action (G11.0502a), and shall be subject to review and renewal annually (G-11.0411). Parish associate
relationships are not eligible for validation as a specialized ministry (G-11.0606b annotated).
Members-at-Large – “A member-at-large is a minister of the Word and Sacrament who has previously
been admitted to the presbytery or another presbytery as an active member, and who now, without
intentional abandonment of the exercise of ministry, is no longer engaged in a ministry that complies with
all the criteria in G-11.0403…A member-at-large shall comply with as many of the criteria in G-11.0403 as
possible and shall be encouraged to become a parish associate in a congregation.” (G-11.0406b)
Inactive Members – “An inactive member is a minister of the Word and Sacrament who has previously
been admitted to the presbytery or another presbytery as an active member, but is now voluntarily
engaged in an occupation that does not comply with all of the criteria in G-11.0403. The continued status
of each inactive member shall be reviewed annually up to three years. If at the end of three years the
minister has not been restored to active membership or membership-at-large, the presbytery shall delete
that person's name from the appropriate roll of presbytery and may give that person a certificate of
membership to a particular church.” (G-11.0406c)
It is the policy of the Committee on Ministry of The Miami Presbytery that minister members in validated
ministries, members-at-large, and inactive members shall provide a written description of their
employment and ministry activities demonstrating compliance with G-11.0403 accompanied by a record
of those occasions when they have performed the functions of the office of minister of Word and
Sacrament, such as baptisms, Lord’s Supper, marriages, funerals, etc.
This report, along with a current job description and current performance evaluation by a supervisor or
personnel committee, must be returned to the Stated Clerk no later than the date in the cover letter. On
the basis of these reports, the Committee on Ministry will recommend to the Presbytery whether a
particular specialized ministry be validated for an additional year or whether the COM will request the
individual to appear before the Committee on Ministry and show cause why the ministry should be revalidated.
Failure to provide a written report along with the supporting documents may lead to a recommendation
to the Presbytery to transfer a member to the Inactive Roll.
Revised February 2008
Revised February 2008
The Miami Presbytery
Name ________________________________________________________________________ Date __________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Email Address _________________________________________________________ Phone _____________________________
Current Ecclesiastical Status (please check one)
_____ minister in specialized ministry
_______ member-at-large
_____ inactive
Current employer ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Supervisor ____________________________________________ Phone ___________________________
Feel free to use additional paper if needed.
1. Report on your employment during the past twelve months (list all full or part-time positions
held, whether secular or religious, including self-employment, for which income was earned).
2. Please describe the ways in which you are meeting the five criteria of continuing membership as
outlined in G-11.0403.
a. How is your ministry “in demonstrable conformity with the mission of God's people in the
world as set forth in Holy Scripture, The Book of Confessions, and the Book of Order of this
b. How is your ministry “one that serves others, aids others, and enables the ministries of
c. How does your ministry “give evidence of theologically informed fidelity to God's Word?”
d. How is your ministry “carried on in accountability for its character and conduct to the
presbytery and to organizations, agencies, and institutions?”
Revised February 2008
e. How does your ministry “include responsible participation in the deliberations and work
of the presbytery and in the worship and service of a congregation.”
3. In what ways have you been active in the life and work of The Miami Presbytery?
4. In what ways are you actively related to the life and work of a particular church?
5. Are you serving as a parish associate in a particular church? If so, describe your responsibilities,
the contractual agreement and/or remuneration.
6. In what ways have you used time for ministry-related study and professional development?
7. Concerns/Greetings/Messages to be shared. _____________________________________________________
Signature ___________________________________________________________________ Date _________________________
Please attach the following as appropriate:
o Record of those occasions when you have performed the functions of the office of minister of
Word and Sacrament, such as baptisms, Lord’s Supper, marriages, funerals, etc.
o Current position description
o Copy of most recent performance evaluation
Send to:
Doris Arnett Whitaker, Stated Clerk
The Miami Presbytery
1541 South Smithville Road
Dayton, OH 45410
Revised February 2008