Dilek Barlas Office: SOS 259 CSHS 506 Turkish State and Society Fall 2008 Classroom SOS Z17 Thursdays 14:00-17:00 Course Description: This course aims to discuss the origins and the nature of the relationship between the state and society in Turkey. It starts with the discussion on the historical background of the role of the Turkish state and its liaison with the society. In others words, it first talks about the Ottoman background. Then it focuses on the foundation of the Turkish Republic. This course also deals with the Turkish experience of democracy from the post-WWII period to present. Political, economic and social dimensions of state-society relations are the main themes of this course. Course Requirements: Grading will be as follows: 1) Discussion Session: 20 -Essay questions: 10 -Discussion: 10 Short Paper: 30% Final Paper: 50% It is required that students do not miss the classes (If you miss more than 1 session, you will lose points for discussion) and the exams (in the case of illness, a valid medical excuse has to be submitted within 3 days of absence). Academic Integrity: Official university regulations describe academic dishonesty and sanctions against it as follows: “Academic dishonesty in the form of cheating, plagiarism, or collusion are serious offenses and are not tolerated at Koç University. University Academic Regulations and the Regulations for Student Disciplinary Matters clearly define the policy and the disciplinary action to be taken in case of academic dishonesty. Failure in academic integrity may lead to suspension and expulsion from the University. Cheating includes, but is not limited to, copying from a classmate or providing answers or information, either written or oral, to others. Plagiarism is borrowing or using someone else’s writing or ideas without giving written acknowledgment to the author. This includes copying from a fellow student’s paper or from a text (whether printed or electronic) without properly citing the source. Collusion is getting unauthorized help from another person or having someone else writes a paper or assignment”. Course Materials: Readings are available on reserve at Suna Kıraç library. Electronic copies are available at http://libunix.ku.edu.tr/search~S8?/pbarlas/pbarlas/1,1,2,B/frameset&FF=pbarlas+dilek&1,,2/in exsort Required Readings: Barlas, Dilek. Etatism and Diplomacy in Turkey. Leiden: Brill, 1998, pp: 42-111. Barkey, Karen and Mark Von Hagen, After Empire. Colorado: Westview Press, 1999, pp: 30-45. Bozdoğan, Sibel and Reşat Kasaba, Rethinking Modernity and National Identity in Turkey. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1997, pp: 15-37. Deringil, Selim. The Well-Protected Domains. London: İ. B. Tauris, 1998, pp: 1-16 and 166-177. Diamond, Larry. Political Culture and Democracy in Developing Countries. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1993, pp: 247-269. Finkel, Andrew and Nükhet Sırman, eds. Turkish State, Turkish Society. London: Routledge, 1990, pp: 139-185. Hanioğlu, Şükrü. The Young Turks in Opposition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995, pp: 200-216, Kafadar, Cemal. Between Two Worlds. California: University of California Press, 1995, pp: 19-28. Kalaycıoğlu, Ersin. Turkish Dynamics. NY: Palgrave, 2005, pp: 1-67. Mardin, Şerif. Religion, Society and Modernity in Turkey. NY: Syracuse University Press, 2006, pp: 2344 and 298-316. Migdal, Joel S., Atul Kohli and Vivienne Shue, eds. State Power and Social Forces. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994, pp: 207-231. Modern Türkiye’de Siyasi Düşünce: Kemalizm, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2000, pp: 97-112 and 235246. Naff, Thomas and Roger Owen, Studies in Eighteenth Century Islamic History, London: Pepper & Simons , Inc. 1977, pp: 27-52. Öniş, Ziya. “Conservative Globalists versus Defensive Nationalists: Political Parties and Paradoxes of Europeanization in Turkey” Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans, Vol. 9, No. 3, December 2007, pp: 247-261. ------------ and Fikret Şenses, “Global Dynamics, Domestic Coalitions and a Reactive State: Major Policy Shifts in Post-War Turkish Economic Development” will be published in METU Studies in Development 34 (December), 2007, pp: 251-286. Pamuk, Şevket. “Economic Change in Twentieth Century Turkey: Is the Glass More than Half Full?” The AUP Visiting Scholar Working Paper Series, 2007, pp: 1-32. Parla, Taha & Andrew Davison, Corporatist Ideology in Kemalist Turkey. NY: Syracus University Press, 2004, pp: 244-267. Quataert, Donald. The Ottoman Empire, 1700-1922. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000, pp: 54-74. Sunar, İlkay. State, Society and Democracy in Turkey. İstanbul: Bahçeşehir University Publications, 2004, pp: 65-133. Tekeli, İlhan -Selim İlkin. Cumhuriyetin Harcı, Köktenci Modernitenin Ekonomik Politikasının Gelişimi. İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2004, pp: 363-409. Zürcher, Erik Jan. Savaş, Devrim ve Uluslaşma, İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2005, pp: 139-155. Recommended Readings: Ahmad, Feroz Demokrasi Sürecinde Türkiye. İstanbul: Hil Yayın, 1994. ------------------ The Making of Modern Turkey. London: Routledge, 1993. ------------------ Turkey : the quest for identity Berkes, Niyazi. The Development of Secularism in Turkey. Montreal: McGill University Pres, 1964. Bilgin, Nuri ed. Cumhuriyet, Demokrasi ve Kimlik. İstanbul: Bağlam, 1997. Boratav, Korkut. Türkiye İktisat Tarihi, 1908-2002 Ankara : İmge, 2005. Buğra, Ayşe. State and Business in Modern Turkey : a comparative study Albany, N.Y. : State University of New York Press, 1994. Deringil, Selim. Denge Oyunu. İstanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları,1994. Kazancığil, Ali and Ergun Özbudun. Atatürk, Founder of Modern State. London: Hurst & Company, 1997. Keyder, Çağlar. State and Class in Turkey. London: verso, 1987. Koçak, Cemil. Türkiye’de Milli Şef Dönemi. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları1986. Kuruç, Bilsay. Belgelerle Türkiye İktisat Politikası. Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi, 1993. Ortaylı, İlber. İmparatorluğun En Uzun Yüzyılı. İstanbul : Hil Yayın, 1987. Pamuk, Şevket. Osmanlı Ekonomisinde Bağımlılık ve Büyüme. İstanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, 1994. Tekeli, İlhan -Selim İlkin. 1929 Dünya Buhranında Türkiye’nin İktisadi Politika Arayışları. Ankara: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, 1983. ------------------------------- Uygulamaya Geçerken Türkiye’de Devletçiliğin Oluşumu. Ankara: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, 1982. Toprak, Zafer. İttihat-Terakki ve Devletçilik. İstanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, 1995. Van Bruinessen, Martin. Agha, Shaikh and State. London: Zed Boks LTD. 1992 Zürcher, Erik Jan. Turkey, a Modern History. London: İ. B. Tauris,1995. Class Schedule: Week I: September 18 Introduction C. Kafadar, Between Two Worlds. California: University of California Press, 1995, pp: 19-28. Week II: September 25 Historical Background Donald Quataert, The Ottoman Empire, 1700-1922, pp: 54-74 Şeker Bayramı (Holiday) Week III: October 9 Transitional Period Çağlar Keyder, “The Ottoman Empire”, in After Empire, pp: 30-45. Week IV: October 16 Center-Periphery Relations I Halil İnalcık, “Centralization and Decentralization in Ottoman Administration”, in Studies in Eighteenth Century Islamic History, pp: 27-52. Week V: October 23 Center-Periphery Relations II Şerif Mardin, “Power, Civil Society, and Culture in the Ottoman Empire”, and “Center-Periphery as a Concept for the Study of Social Transformation”, in Religion, Society and Modernity in Turkey, pp: 23-44 and 298-316. Week VI: October 30 Questioning Modernity I Film by 11 Directors (September 11) Week VII: November 6 Questioning Modernity II Reşat Kasaba, “Kemalist Certainties and Modern Ambiguities”, in Rethinking Modernity and National Identity in Turkey, pp: 15-37 and “A Time and a Place for the Nonstate: Social Change in the Ottoman Empire during the Long Nineteenth Century” in State Power and Social Forces, pp: 207-231 Week VIII: November 13 Young Turks and Their Heritage Selim Deringil, The Well-Protected Domains. London: İ. B. Tauris, 1998, pp: 1-16 and 166177. Şükrü Hanioğlu, The Young Turks in Opposition, pp: 200-216, and Erik Jan Zürcher, “Jön Türkler: Sınır Bölgelerinin Çocukları”, in Savaş, Devrim ve Uluslaşma, pp: 139-155. Week IX: November 20 Ottoman Heritage in General Ergun Özbudun, “State Elites and Democratic Political Culture in Turkey” in Political Culture and Democracy in Developing Countries, pp: 247-269 and Erik Jan Zürcher, “Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin Osmanlı Mirası: Yeni Bir Dönemselliştirme Denemesi”, in Savaş, Devrim ve Uluslaşma, pp: 45-63 Week X: November 27 Kemalism Levent Köker, Kemalizm/Modernleşme, Devlet ve Demokrasi”, and Ali Kazancığil, “AntiEmperyalist Bağımsızlık İdeolojisi ve Üçüncü Dünya Ulusçuluğu Olarak Kemalizm”, in Kemalizm, pp: 97-112 and 235-246, and Taha Parla & Andrew Davison, Corporatist Ideology in Kemalist Turkey, pp: 244-267. Week XI: December 4 Statist Policies in Comparative Perspective Dilek Barlas, Etatism and Diplomacy in Turkey, pp: 6-28 and 76-107 İlhan Tekeli-Selim İlkin, Cumhuriyetin Harcı, Köktenci Modernitenin Ekonomik Politikasının Gelişimi, pp: 363-409. Kuban Bayramı (Holiday) Week XII: December 18 Transition to Democracy Bülent Tanör, “The Place of Parliament in Turkey” pp: 139-159, Ayşe Güneş-Ayata, “Class and Clientelism in the Republican People’s Party” pp: 159-185 in Turkish State, Turkish Society and İlkay Sunar, “Populism and Patronage: The Demokrat Party and Its Legacy in Turkey”, in State, Society and Democracy in Turkey. Bahçeşehir University Publications, 2004, pp: 121133. Week XIII: December 25 State and Society Relations İlkay Sunar and Sabri Sayarı, “Democracy in Turkey: Problems and Prospects”, and İlkay Sunar, “State, Society and Democracy in Turkey” in State, Society and Democracy Turkey. İstanbul: Bahçeşehir University Publications, 2004, pp: 65-119. Economic Policies Changes Working Paper Series, 2007, pp: 1-32. Week XIV: January 1 (New Year, Holiday) Week XV: January 8 Turkey and Globalism Ziya Öniş, “Conservative Globalists versus Defensive Nationalists: Political Parties and Paradoxes of Europeanization in Turkey” Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans, Vol. 9, No. 3, December 2007, pp: 247-261, Ziya Öniş and Fikret Şenses, “Global Dynamics, Domestic Coalitions and a Reactive State: Major Policy Shifts in Post-War Turkish Economic Development” METU Studies in Development 34 (December), 2007, pp: 251-286, and Şevket Pamuk, “Economic Change in Twentieth Century Turkey: Is the Glass More than Half Full?” The AUP Visiting Scholar