Electronic Supplementary Material (ESM) S1. Full model description and analysis ....................................................................................... 2 S1.1. Model equations ............................................................................................................... 2 S1.2. Stoichiometric constraints and composite parameter derivations .................................... 4 S1.2.1 Plants .......................................................................................................................... 4 S1.2.2 Detritus ....................................................................................................................... 4 S1.2.3 Decomposers .............................................................................................................. 5 S1.2.4 Herbivores .................................................................................................................. 6 S1.3. Equilibrium analysis ........................................................................................................ 8 S1.3.1 C-limited decomposer equilibrium: ........................................................................... 9 S1.3.2 X-limited decomposer equilibrium: ......................................................................... 10 S2. Effects of herbivore feeding behaviours and physiological characteristics ...................... 11 S2.1. Equilibrium stocks according to herbivory scenarios: ................................................... 11 S2.2. Signs of the effects of herbivory nutritional processes on equilibrium stocks: ............. 14 S3. Physiological alterations to plants by herbivores ................................................................ 15 S3.1. Increased root exudation following defoliation ............................................................. 15 S3.2. Alteration of plant biomass allocation to root tissues .................................................... 17 S3.3. Alteration of plant nutrient content ................................................................................ 18 S3.4. Alteration of plant secondary compound content .......................................................... 19 S3.5. Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 19 S4. First-order mineralization ..................................................................................................... 20 S5. Functional responses .............................................................................................................. 21 S6. References in ESM ................................................................................................................. 26 1 S1. Full model description and analysis S1.1. Model equations The equations of the model are presented in Table S1.1. Table S1.1: Model equations Producers: Decomposers: Detritus: Ingestion Uptake Senescence ì dX P ï = uX I - hxH X P - lP X P ï dt í Ingestion Senescence Fixation ï dC P = ua X I - a hxH X P - lPa X P ï î dt Decomposition Mineralisation/Im mobilization ì Loss ï dX D C d 1 m -d = Min[m M , rX I ] - lD X D + Min[ mCM , rX I ] ï ï dt m m -d d m í Decomposition ï Loss ï dCD = c Min[m CM , d rX ] - l b X I D D ïî dt m m -d Decomposition Loss ì Defecation Senescence ï dX M C d C = lP X P + (1- aX )hxH X P - Min[m M , rX I ] - lM M ï ï dt m m -d m í Decomposition ï Defecation Senescence Loss ï dCM = l a X + (1- a )a hx X - Min[mC , m d rX ] - l C P P C H P M I M M ïî dt m -d Mineralization/Im mobilization ì Input Uptake Excretion Loss ï dX I 1 m -d = I X - lI X I - uX I + (1- nX )aX hxH X P - Min[ mCM , rX I ] Inorganic resource: í d m ï dt î Table S1.2 shows all the variables and parameters used in the model, as well as the values used to generate the results of Figs. 2 and 3. The parameters are matched to the case of forest and shrubland insect herbivores. 2 Table S1.2: Symbol definitions Class Variables Stoichiometric parameters Ecosystem parameters Symbol XP CP XD CD XM CM XI α Definition c lP lD lM lI C:X ratio of detritus C:X ratio of herbivores C :X ratio of detritus from herbivores Decomposer C:X TER Herbivore C:X TER Uptake rate of XI by plants Uptake rate of XI by XI -limited decomposers Uptake rate of plant detritus by CM-limited decomposers Uptake rate of herbivore detritus by CMlimited decomposers Uptake rate of total detritus by CM-limited decomposers Decomposer gross growth efficiency for C Production rate of detritus by plants Loss rate of decomposers from ecosystem Loss rate of detritus from ecosystem Loss rate of XI from ecosystem IX xH h Supply rate of XI X stock in herbivores Ingestion rate of producers by herbivores aX Herbivore assimilation efficiency for X 0.7 g. m-2.day-1 g.m-2 (g.m-2)1.day-1 dim. aC Herbivore assimilation efficiency for C 0.6 dim. nX nC nXmax Herbivore net growth efficiency for X Herbivore net growth efficiency for C Maximum nX varies varies 0.95 dim. dim. dim. nCmax Maximum nC 0.6 dim. φ δ u r a j m Herbivore parameters X stock in plants Carbon stock in plants X stock in decomposers C stock in decomposers X stock in detritus C stock in detritus Stock of inorganic X C:X ratio of plants C:X ratio of decomposers Values Units varies 7.37 g.m-2 g.m-2 g.m-2 g.m-2 g.m-2 g.m-2 g.m-2 g.g-1 g.g-1 varies 5.49 varies 24.57 10.14 0.34 0.09 g.g-1 g.g-1 g.g-1 g.g-1 g.g-1 day-1 day-1 1.6 10-3 day-1 0.008 day-1 varies day-1 0.3 4.8 10-6 3.3 10-3 8.4 10-4 3 10-4 dim. day-1 day-1 day-1 day-1 0.03 0.3 3 10-5 Ref. Driving factor Cleveland & Liptzin 2007 Function of α Elser et al 2000 Function of α Calculated Calculated Barber 1995 Lovett & Ruesink 1995 Cebrián 1999 Lovett & Ruesink 1995 Calculated Moore et al 2005 Cebrián 1999 Hunt et al 1987 Cebrián 1999 Christenson et al 2002 Chapin et al 2002 Cebrián 1999 Cebrián 1999 Carisey & Bauce 1997 Karasov & Martínez del Rio 2007 Calculated Calculated Carisey & Bauce 1997 Carisey & Bauce 1997 3 S1.2. Stoichiometric constraints and composite parameter derivations Our model incorporates stoichiometric constraints on the elemental composition of the compartments (homeostatic constraint) and on the fluxes of elements exchanged among them (mass-balance constraint). These constraints are reflected in the parameters and functions of each organic compartment: S1.2.1 Plants Their C:X ratio α is held homeostatically constant. As a result, all related fluxes of C and X in and out of the compartment are in a ratio equal to α (see table 1.1). S1.2.2 Detritus The C:X ratio of detritus is m = detritus by decomposers is m = lP hx H (1 - aX ) a+ j , and the uptake rate of lP + hx H (1 - aX ) lP + hx H (1 - aX ) lP (1 - aC )hx H a+ j. lP + (1 - aC )hx H lP + (1 - aC )hx H The implicit assumptions behind these equations are: - Plant- and herbivore-produced detritus are well mixed and are not discriminated by decomposers, such that the C:X ratio and decomposition rate of detritus reflect their relative proportions. - There are no losses of plant material from the ecosystem besides from herbivory (in scenarios I, IE, IED and IEDA): losses of plant material in terrestrial ecosystem are mainly through leaching, runoff, sorption and accumulation in refractory organic pools in soil [1, 2]. All these processes occur when plant material is already part of the detritus compartment. In aquatic ecosystems though, living primary producers can be lost through water convection. This case is not covered by our model, but was included in a version of our model more tuned to aquatic systems. The results were qualitatively similar. 4 - C and X lost from decomposers ( l D X Dand lD bX D) do not enter the detritus pool and are lost from the ecosystem entirely: Dead decomposer biomass is generally very labile and accessible to the microbial community and so, cycles internally to the microbial community very fast [3]. This is why we did not add it to the detritus pool. As we explained above, our definition of the microbial decomposer pool is rather loose and includes all of bacteria, fungi protozoa, dead and alive and their direct predators. However, there is a fraction of the dead decomposer biomass that is not recycled internally and that contributes to the refractory soil organic pool. This is our loss term from the decomposer pool. In any case, a flux of organic matter from decomposers to the pool of detritus would likely not affect the relation between plant nutrient content and the impact of herbivory on nutrient availability, as long as its elemental composition is independent from the elemental composition of plants. - Likewise, there is no contribution from the carcasses of herbivores to the pool of detritus. The importance of the contribution of carrion to soil organic matter is still disputed [4-6]. So we ignored it to keep an already complex model as simple as possible. At any rate, addition of such a flux would not affect the main conclusions of the model, as long as the elemental composition of cadavers is independent from the elemental composition of plants. S1.2.3 Decomposers Decomposer C:X TER (TERD) is equal to d = b c (~24.57 using parameter values in table S1.2), where c is the net gross growth efficiency of decomposers and β their biomass C:X ratio. When δ>μ, the mineralization/immobilization flux is negative, and hence decomposers mineralize the inorganic nutrient XI. In contrast, when δ<μ, the mineralization/immobilization flux is positive, and decomposers immobilize the inorganic nutrient XI (Figure 2, main text). 5 The decomposition rate depends on the availability of its two resources (detritus and inorganic nutrients) according to Liebig’s law of the minimum, i.e., growth depends only on the availability of detritus C when mCM < m d rX I and only on XI availability when mCM > m d rX I . m -d m -d S1.2.4 Herbivores aX n Xmax g , where γ is the C:X The C:X threshold elemental ratio (TER) for herbivores is h = aC nCmax ratio of herbivores, nCmax is their maximal net growth efficiency for C and n Xmax is their maximal net growth efficiency for X. When the plant C:X ratio is smaller than the herbivore threshold elemental ratio η, herbivore growth is limited by C availability. In contrast, when the plant C:X ratio is larger than η, herbivore growth is limited by X availability. We assume that herbivores use the limiting element most efficiently, which means that in the first case the net growth efficiency for C nC = nCmax , while in the second the net growth efficiency for X nX = nXmax. Herbivores need to keep their elemental composition constant, i.e., dCH dX = g H , and hence the dt dt herbivore C:X ratio must be equal to the plant C:X ratio, corrected by C and X assimilation and net growth efficiencies. Mathematically, one needs to set g = aC nC a . This equation is valid aX n X aC nCmax max max when a = h (where η is TERH), yielding g = max h (remember that nC = nC and n X = n X aX n X nC nCmax when a = h). Combining the two preceding equalities yields a = max h. Therefore, when nX nX 6 herbivore growth is C-limited (α<η and nC = nCmax ), then n X = herbivore growth is X-limited (α>η and nX = nXmax) then nC = a max n . In contrast, when h X h max n . a C The C:X ratio of the herbivore-produced detritus φ is equal to the plant C:X ratio, corrected by the assimilation efficiencies: j = 1 - aC a ( 1 - aC and 1- aX are the fractions of ingested C and X 1 - aX respectively that are not assimilated). 7 S1.3. Equilibrium analysis The equilibrium analytical expressions for detritus C stock level (CM*) and X stock levels of inorganic resources (XI*), producers (XP*) and decomposers (XD*), for the model are listed in Table S1.3. Because the stoichiometries of all organic compartments are fixed, any change in an organic X pool, is matched by a similar change in the linked C pool, with a proportionality factor equal to the C:X ratio of the affected compartment. E.g., a doubling of the XP pool corresponds to a simultaneous doubling in the CP pool. Hence, the analysis of one of the 2 pools is sufficient for each organic pool. We chose the pools XA, CM, XD and XI. Table S1.3: Equilibrium analytical expressions Equilibrium values X I* = C-limited decomposers X P* = X I* = X-limited decomposers X D* = IX , æ lP + hx H (1 - aC ) m m - d hx H (1 - n X )aX ö lI + u + uç a ÷ lP + hx H lM + m md lP + hx H ø è u 1 lP + hx H (1 - aC ) * 1m * CM , CM* = u X I*, X D* = aX I lP + hx H lM + m lP + h d lD IX u , X P* = X I*, hx H (1 - n X )aX lP + hx H lI + u + r - u lP + h r m X I*, CM* = lD m - d u lP + hx H (1 - aC ) md a -r lP + hx H m -d * XI lM 8 The local stability of these equilibriums and the persistence of the various ecosystem components are analysed below. (The Jacobian matrix J has variables in the order XA, CM, XD and XI in what follows) S1.3.1 C-limited decomposer equilibrium: é -(lP + hx H ) ê ê( lP + hx H (1 - aC ))a J=ê 0 ê ê ê hx H (1 - n X )aX ë 0 0 -(lM + m) m 0 d m -d -m md -lD 0 ù ú 0 ú 0 ú ú ú -(lI + u) ú û u Two eigenvalues are equal respectively to –(lM+m) and –lD. The two other eigenvalues are solutions of the equation l2 + (lP + hx H + lI + u)l + (lP + hx H )(lI + u) - uhx H (1- nX )aX = 0. We can calculate the determinant of 2nd this degree Rewriting the determinant as equation: shows that it is always positive. The first solution The second solution is thus always negative. is also negative because . All the eigenvalues of J are negative. Hence the equilibrium is always stable when feasible. This equilibrium is feasible if decomposers are limited by C, i.e. rX I* > Table S1.3, the condition becomes r > u m -d * . Using mCM md lP + hx H (1 - aC ) m m - d a. lP + hx H m + lM md 9 S1.3.2 X-limited decomposer equilibrium: é -(lP + hx H ) ê ê[ lP + hx H (1 - aC )]a J =ê ê 0 ê êë hx (1 - n )a H X X 0 0 -lM 0 0 -lD 0 0 ù ú ú ú ú ú -(lI + u + r)úû u md -r m -d m r m -d Two eigenvalues are equal respectively to –lM and –lD. Two other eigenvalues are negative solutions of the equation l2 + (lP + hx H + lI + u + r)l + (lP + hx H )(lI + u + r) - uhx H (1- nX )aX = 0. We can calculate the determinant of this 2nd degree equation: Rewriting the determinant as shows that it is always positive. The first solution is thus always negative. The second solution is also negative because . All the eigenvalues of J are negative. Hence the equilibrium is always stable when feasible. This equilibrium is feasible if decomposers are limited by X, i.e. rX I* < Table A3, the condition becomes r < u m -d * . Using mCM md lP + hx H (1 - aC ) m m - d a . One can check easily that lP + hx H m + lM md * this condition is sufficient to guarantee that CM > 0 in Table S1.3. 10 S2. Effects of herbivore feeding behaviours and physiological characteristics This appendix analyses the model as a function of the scenarios of herbivory, in order to yield the signs of the effects of the herbivore nutritional processes on equilibrium stocks. S2.1. Equilibrium stocks according to herbivory scenarios: Table S2.1 presents the analytical expressions of inorganic X equilibrium levels under the 6 scenarios (0, I, IE, IED, IEDA and IEDAG) for both C-limited and X-limited decomposers: Table S2.1: Equilibrium analytical expression of inorganic X stock level for the different scenarios Scenario: 0 I IE IED IEDA IEDAG CM-limited decomposers XI-limited decomposers IX a a -d l I + u + u( a) l M + a ad IX lP a a -d l I + u + u( a) l P + hx H l M + a ad IX æ l a a -d hx (1- n X )a X h ö P l I + u + uç a- H ÷ l P + hx H è l P + hx H l M + a ad ø IX æ l + hx (1- a ) a a - d hx (1- n X )a X h ö H C l I + u + uç P a- H ÷ l P + hx H l M + a ad l P + hx H è ø IX æ l + hx (1- a ) a m - d hx (1- n X )a X h ö H C l I + u + uç P a- H ÷ l P + hx H l M + a md l P + hx H è ø IX æ l + hx (1- a ) m m - d hx (1- n X )a X h ö H C l I + u + uç P a- H ÷ l P + hx H l M + m md l P + hx H è ø IX lI + u + r IX lI + u + r IX hx (1- n X )a X lI + u + r - u H l P + hx H IX hx (1- n X )a X lI + u + r - u H l P + hx H IX hx (1- n X )a X lI + u + r - u H l P + hx H IX hx (1- n X )a X lI + u + r - u H l P + hx H Equivalent tables can be generated for the equilibrium stocks of decomposer X (X*D), plant X (X*P) and detritus C (C*M). Fig. S2.1 presents inorganic X equilibrium levels as a function of plant C:X ratios, under the 6 scenarios (0, I, IE, IED, IEDA and IEDAG) as calculated with the use of the parameters 11 from Table S1.2. The calculated values are similar to the values obtained through numerical simulations (results not shown). We also checked that the levels of plant X and detritus C are of the same order of magnitude as those reported for natural forests and shrublands in Cebrian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igure S2.1: Equilibrium levels as a function of plant C:X ratios for inorganic nutrients, XI (A), mineralization/immobilization rates (B), decomposer X, XD (C), plant X, XP (D), Detritus C, CM (E) and the type of nutrient limiting decomposer growth – X or C (F), calculated with the parameter set from Table S1.2. The six herbivory scenarios (I, IE, IED, IEDA and IEDAG are represented. In (B), negative values correspond to mineralization, positive values to immobilization. 13 S2.2. Signs of the effects of herbivory nutritional processes on equilibrium stocks: The differences between scenarios can be used to isolate the effect on each process on the variables of the model at equilibrium. To this purpose, the analytical expressions of two scenarios (shown in Table S2.1) that differ only by one process can be compared. For example, the effect of ingestion on X*I can be found by comparing X*I between the scenarios 0 and I: if the value in the scenario I is larger, ingestion increases X*I; on the other hand; if it is smaller, ingestion decreases the level of this stock. Table S2.2 summarizes the signs of the effects of the five nutritional processes in isolation on the equilibrium stocks. Table S2.2: Signs of the effects of the nutritional processes on equilibrium inorganic X, decomposer, and plant X stock levels and detritus C stock levels: Ingestion Variables: C-limited decomposers X-limited decomposers Nutritional processes: Excretion Defecation Differential assimilation X I* - (>) + (<) + + (>) - (<) X D* - + + XP* - + CM* - + + (>) - (<) + X I* 0 + X D* - + XP* - + * - + CM Digestion - (aX>aC) + (aX<aC) -(aX>aC) + (aX<aC) - (aX>aC) + (aX<aC) - (aX>aC) + (aX<aC) + (>µ) - (<µ) 0 0 0 + -(aX>aC) + (aX<aC) + 0 0 0 + + (aX>aC) - (aX<aC) 0 + + (>µ) - (<µ) - 14 S3. Physiological alterations to plants by herbivores This appendix discusses four mechanisms mediated by the physiological response of plants to herbivory that are known to affect the effects of herbivores on nutrient availability but are not included in our model. S3.1. Increased root exudation following defoliation The roots of some plants are known to increase their exudation of labile organic compounds in response to aboveground herbivory [7]. This additional source of carbon then fuels the growth of rhizospheric microorganisms. Eventually, mineral nitrogen availability is increased through a complex chain of interactions that involves fine root tip elongation and protozoa [8, 9]. The universality of this mechanism, however, remains unclear. Herbivory-induced root carbon exudation has been shown only in graminoid species so far [10, e.g., 11], though not in all of them [12, 13]. Moreover, it is unclear whether the increase in mineral nutrient availability is really due to the increase in carbon exudation or not. [Some, like in 14, invoke molecular signaling by protozoans as an alternative] It is also possible that a major part of the nutrients made available through this process comes from nitrogen exuded by the roots together with carbon, resulting in little net gain for plants [15]. Finally, this mechanism seems to act mainly in the short term. In the long term, herbivory generally induces a decrease in plant root biomass, leading to lower amounts of root-derived C in the soil [7]. Given these restrictions, we decided to defer the inclusion of this process in our model until robust generalizations are available regarding the effects of herbivores and plant roots on rhizospheric nutrient cycling, in agreement with Parkin et al [16]. 15 Nevertheless, since this mechanism was shown to be important in several grassland ecosystems [10, 11], we briefly introduce here a preliminary version of the model that includes additional fluxes of organic C and X from plants to detritus. To mimic the induction of root exudation by herbivory, we have set these two fluxes to 0 when h=0; and we set them equal to x CP (C flux) and x XP (X flux) when h>0 (where x is the exudation rate). Results from defoliation experiments suggest that herbivory can more than double the rate of C root exudation [10]. Hence, for numerical calculations, we set x equal to lP (the production rate of detritus by plants) and kept all the other parameters equal to the values used in our main study. The simulation outputs for all the scenarios (Figure S3.1) show that this process does not contradict the general predictions obtained from the original model (compare with figure 3), i.e.: (i) excretion of excess X affects nutrient availability as postulated by Hobbs’ hypothesis only when herbivores are C limited; (ii) the effects of herbivores mediated by the pool of detritus depend on the mismatch between the nutrient content of this pool and the demand of microbial decomposers; (iii) when both herbivores and microbial decomposers are limited by X, the effects of herbivores do not depend on plant nutrient content. 16 " #$ %#$ ! "#$%"" &#$ ' #$ ( #$ #$ !( #$ %$ ( %$ ' %$ &%$ %%$ " %$ ) %$ &'( ) *"+,$"-( . / " !' #$ !&#$ !%#$ *$ *+$ *+, $ *+, - $ *+, - , $ *$./ 0$1/ 23452$563278$ !" #$ Figure S3.1: Percent change in the equilibrium inorganic nutrient stock, XI, due to herbivory as a function of plant C:X ratio for the various herbivory scenarios, with a version of the model that includes a flux of C and X that emulates root exudation of organic compounds induced by herbivory. For comparison, scenario I of the original model (no induced exud.) is also included. This result is not surprising if one notices that the process of herbivore-induced root exudation is very similar to the process of defecation in our model (they both lead to an increase in the quantity of detritus). Their effects and response to plant nutrient content should thus be very similar. S3.2. Alteration of plant biomass allocation to root tissues Some plants also react to herbivory by allocating more assimilates to roots [7]. However, this is a short-term response. In the long term, herbivory shows both positive and negative effects on root biomass [17]. Alteration of root biomass should lead to changes in the production of detritus from dead roots, ultimately resulting in changes in nutrient availability. 17 As for the previous mechanism (herbivore-induced root exudation), the generality of this process remains unknown [7, 17]. Moreover, empirical demonstrations of its effects on nutrient availability are rare, if not nonexistent; consequently we decided not to include this process in our model at this stage. Nonetheless, it is possible to proceed by analogy and predict that effects of herbivore-induced root-biomass alteration, if present, should be similar, or opposite, to the effects of defecation, depending on whether herbivory increases or decreases allocation to root biomass respectively. S3.3. Alteration of plant nutrient content Herbivory is also known to enhance plant tissue nutrient concentrations [7, 18, but see, e.g., 19, and the case of Abies alba in 20]. Higher nutrient contents in living tissues generally result in more nutrient-rich litters and, eventually, higher mineralization rates [21]. Again, analogy is useful here. The effects of this process on nutrient availability should be similar, but opposite in sign, to the effects of differential assimilation. Indeed, both processes alter the detritus C:X ratio, but herbivore-induced plant nutrient content enhancement should lead to a lower detritus C:X ratio, while differential assimilation of C and X by herbivores results in a higher detritus C:X ratio. In any case, since the effects of herbivore-induced enhancement of plant nutrient content on nutrient availability are mediated by the pool of detritus, our predictions 2 and 3 should hold. Hence, the effects of this process should depend on the mismatch between the nutrient content of this pool and the demand of microbial decomposers and, when both herbivores and microbial decomposers are limited by X, this process should not affect nutrient availability. 18 S3.4. Alteration of plant secondary compound content Herbivory also alters the concentration of secondary chemical compounds in plants [22]. This process seems to depend on the type of herbivore, since invertebrates generally lead to increased concentrations, while vertebrate browsers typically decrease leaf secondary compound content [7]. Plant litters richer in secondary compounds are harder to decompose [23]. The effects of this process should be opposite to those of the digestion process, which improves litter quality and makes it easier to decompose. As such, it should depend in the same manner on the mismatch between the nutrient content of detritus and the demand of microbial decomposers, and on the type of element limiting decomposer growth (predictions 2 and 3). S3.5. Conclusion Although there are many examples of plant physiological responses to herbivory that alter nutrient availability, little is known about the generality of these processes. Even less is known about the factors that affect these processes and about the quantitative relationship between these factors and the resulting changes in nutrient availability. This lack of knowledge makes incorporation of these processes into mechanistic models difficult. 19 S4. First-order mineralization This appendix presents the equations of a simplified version of our model where recycling of X from detritus to inorganic X follows a first-order reaction. In such a model, the compartment of decomposers is not explicitly modelled. Table S4.1: Model equations Producers: Detritus: Ingestion Uptake Senescence ì dX ï P = uX I - hxH X P - lP X P ï dt í Ingestion Senescence Fixation ï dC P = ua X I - a hxH X P - lPa X P ï î dt Loss Mineralization ì Defecation Senescence ï dX M C C = lP X P + (1- aX )hxH X P - m M - lM M ï m m í dt Defecation Decomposition Senescence Loss ï ï dCM = lPa X P + (1- aC )a hxH X P - mCM - lM CM î dt Input Inorganic resource: Loss Uptake Excretion Mineralization dX I C = I X - lI X I - uX I + (1- nX )aX hxH X P + m M dt m These equations were used to generate Fig. 4C. 20 S5. Functional responses Persistence of plant-decomposer systems, as well as nutrient levels at equilibrium, critically depends on the shape of the nutrient uptake rates of plants and decomposers [24]. Uptake functions generally fall within two categories: recipient-controlled functions that are proportional to the density of consumers (examples are the law of mass action and the Michaelis-Menten functions); and donor-controlled functions where the uptake rate is only marginally affected by the density of consumers (e.g., first-order and ratio-dependent functions). Recipient control often results in unstable or cyclic dynamics and competitive exclusion; while donor-controlled functions generally result in more stable interactions. We chose donor-controlled functions for both plants and decomposers. Donor control can result from a number of mechanisms, including mutual interference among consumers, presence of external subsidies or spatial heterogeneity [25, 26]. More precisely, our choice of a donor-controlled uptake function for decomposer is based on empirical data showing a strong correlation between organic resource levels and microbial biomasses, as predicted by donor control (but not recipient control) [27]. There is even more justification for this choice if one considers the decomposer compartment to include both the microbes that consume detritus (bacteria and fungi) and their predators (protists, microarthropods and nematodes) [8]. In fact, theory shows that predators lumped with their preys behave similarly to a compartment controlled by the resources of the prey [28]. Therefore, our decomposer compartment should be understood to include both the saprotrophs and their predators. As for plants, spatial heterogeneity in soils leads plants that control their local resource level to be donor controlled at larger spatial scales [29]. In aquatic systems, however, particularly in pelagic systems, the habitat is more homogeneous and plants are more likely to control inorganic nutrient 21 levels [30]. Therefore, we analyse here a version of the model with a recipient-controlled Michaelis-Menten uptake function for plants (ESM, section S5). In this version of the model, all the equations (see Table S1.1) are the same, apart from the plant XI uptake rate, which is now set to be equal to: u' X I XP Ku + XI where u’ is the maximum uptake rate and Ku is the half-saturation constant. At equilibrium, the inorganic nutrient XI is equal to X I* = X I* = lP K in the scenario 0 and u' -lP u hxH + lP Ku in the other scenarios. u'- (hxH + lP ) These equilibrium expressions highlight the recipient-control of nutrient availability at equilibrium, since, among all the nutritional processes of herbivory, only ingestion affects the inorganic nutrient XI*. In particular, XI is not affected by the plant C:X ratio, contrarily to the donor-controlled case. The result is an effect of herbivory on nutrient availability at equilibrium that is invariant with respect to the plant C:X ratio (Figure S5.1). 22 #! ! " ' &! " ' %! " ! ""#$%"" ' $! " ' #! " ' !!" &! " %! " *" *+" *+, " *+, - " *+, - , " $! " #! " &'( ) *"+,$"-( . / " !" $" ' $" #$" ( $" $$" ) $" %$" Figure S5.1: Effects of herbivory on equilibrium nutrient availability as a function of plant C:X ratio (α) in a model with a Michaelis-Menten plant nutrient uptake function (u’=1.94 10-4 and Ku=0.088). Because of the recipient-control, the pattern of %ΔXI that is found in the donor-controlled function (Fig. 3 A) is transferred to the plants (Fig. S5.2). )$ ,)$ +) $ *) $ ))$ ()$ ' )$ ! "#$%"" #$ %&' ( )"*+$",' - . " !, #$ !+#$ !*#$ !) #$ !( #$ !' #$ !&#$ !%#$ -$ -. $ -. / $ -. / 0$ -. / 0/ $ !" #$ Figure S5.2: Effects of herbivory on equilibrium plant nutrient level (XP*) as a function of plant C:X ratio (α) in a model with a Michaelis-Menten plant nutrient uptake function (u’=1.94 10-4 and Ku=0.088). 23 This is an indication the mechanisms that act in an ecosystem with a donor-controlled uptake of nutrients by plants are also at work when plant uptake is recipient-controlled, but that their effects are overridden at equilibrium by the plant control of nutrient availability. However, not all ecosystems or experimental systems are at equilibrium. This is particularly true for many exclosures and mesocosm experiments (the main experimental procedure used to test for the effects of herbivory). We tested whether the donor- the recipient-controlled models would yield similar predictions in the context of short-term exclosures and mesocosms by using transient values instead of equilibrium values to calculate % ΔXI. Thus, we used the scenario 0 to conduct our simulations, but starting with initial conditions equal to the equilibrium values of each of the five other scenarios ( X I*(+herbivory)), in order to mimic the exclusion of herbivores from the experimental settings. After a simulation time shorter than equilibrium time we recorded the level of XI reached ( transient X I ("0")). The effect of herbivory was calculated as: . 24 ' %! " ! ""#$%"" ' $! " ' #! " ' !!" &! " %! " $! " *" *+" *+, " *+, - " *+, - , " #! " &'( ) *"+,$"-( . / " !" $" ' $" #$" ( $" $$" &' $ %' $ "' $ ''$ ) $" %$" ) #$ ( #$ ' #$ ! ""#$%"" " #$ %#$ &#$ #$ !&#$ ' $ (' $ )' $ &'( ) *"+,$"-( . / " !%#$ !" #$ *$ *+$ *+, $ *+, - $ *+, - , $ Figure S5.3: Effects of herbivory on the transient nutrient level after the exclusion of herbivores as a function of plant C:X ratio in (a) a model with a Michaelis-Menten plant nutrient uptake function (u’=1.94 10-4 ,Ku=0.088 and stop time=2 105) and (b) the original model with a donorcontrolled plant nutrient uptake. The profiles for % ΔXI as a function of the plant C:X ratio are qualitatively similar for the two types of plant nutrient uptake, although the equalizing effect of plant control on nutrient levels is already apparent in the Michaelis-Menten case. This suggests that the predictions derived from the analysis of the donor-controlled model at equilibrium also apply to the donor- and recipientcontrolled models in a transient regime. 25 S6. References in ESM 1. 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