oneM2M-REQ-2012- I N P UT C O NT RI B U T I ON U S E C A SE Use Case Title:* Group Name:* Source:* Contact: Date:* Abstract:* Use Case : Information Delivery service in the devastated area <WG1> < Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ARIB) >, < Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd. (TTC)> Masahiro Uno (ATR), <> Yoji Okada (SEI), <> <2012-12-02> The use case in the devastated area to provide the victims and the rescue teams with the information automatically. Agenda Item:* Work item(s): Document(s) Impacted* Intended purpose of document:* Decision requested or recommendation:* Decision Discussion Information Other <specify> Approval oneM2M IPR STATEMENT “Participation in, or attendance at, any activity of oneM2M, constitutes acceptance of an agreement to be bound by all provisions of IPR policy of the admitting Partner Type 1 and permission that all communications and statements, oral or written, or other information disclosed or presented, and any translation or derivative thereof, may without compensation, and to the extent such participant or attendee may legally and freely grant such copyright rights, be distributed, published, and posted on oneM2M’s web site, in whole or in part, on a non-exclusive basis by oneM2M or oneM2M Partners Type 1 or their licensees or assignees, or as oneM2M SC directs. © 2012 oneM2M Partners Page 1 (of 9) oneM2M-REQ-2012- 1.0 Title Use Case : Information Delivery service in the devastated area 1.1 Description Background When a disaster occurs in the metro area, many victims and rescue teams will need various kinds of information on traffic, safety and evacuation area etc. However, it may be difficult for the most of them to collect such information immediately and properly. Description This is the use case of a M2M Service that transmits required information to the user devices (UDs) of disaster victims immediately and automatically. Some of the information shall be maintained before a disaster happens. When sensors detect a serious disaster, the Service Provider multicasts the latest information which the victims need such as traffic congestion, locations of closest hospitals and evacuation area. The UDs receive and update the information automatically. The wireless gateways (WGs) properly provide the UDs with the information stored on its local DB even if the connection to the service provider is lost. The WG would be located in a picocell / femtocell or a wireless access point. Therefore the WG can provide more localized information to the UDs. UDs have location sensors and detect the positions of them and send the data to WGs. Based on the position data, the WG compiles the information on its local DB and provides the compiled local information to UDs connected to the WG. © 2012 oneM2M Partners Page 2 (of 9) oneM2M-REQ-2012- After the disaster happens, the service provider continues to update the information according to the situation of traffic, safety and evacuation area as well as the data from sensors and equipments for public information. When the network is alive, the information on DBs on Service Providers and local DBs on WGs is synchronized and updated. 1.2 Source (as applicable) Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ARIB), Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd. (TTC). © 2012 oneM2M Partners Page 3 (of 9) oneM2M-REQ-2012- 1.3 FFSActors (as applicable) Service provider for disaster victim assistance, Disaster victims, Rescue teams. 1.4 Pre-conditions (if any) The connectivity among DBs, WGs, Sensors and UDs. 1.5 Triggers (if any) The detection of a disaster 1.6 Normal Flow (as applicable) Normal flow for collecting information © 2012 oneM2M Partners Page 4 (of 9) oneM2M-REQ-2012- UD WG In Peace Time Access : Close Purpose : professional use Service Provider Sensor Information Request Updated information Disaster Detection いちじょうの共有 In Emergency Access : Open Purpose : general use いちじょうの共有 Stored information (Multicast) Updated information いちじょうの共有 (Multicast) Information Request いちじょうの共有 Stored information (Unicast) Updated information (Unicast) いちじょうの共有 いちじょうの共有 いちじょうの共有 © 2012 oneM2M Partners いちじょうの 共有 Disaster Trigger Updated information (Multicast) Disaster Trigger いちじょうの共有 いちじょうの共有 Information Request いちじょうの共有 Updated information (Unicast) いちじょうの共有 いちじょうの共有 Page 5 (of 9) oneM2M-REQ-2012- 1. WGs request the updated information about disaster to Service Provider in peace time repeatedly and store them to their local DBs. 2. Sensors will send messages to start the processing flow of the M2M service to WGs and service provider if they would detect the disaster. 3. The WGs make their access open and the Service Provider sends the latest information automatically. However, UDs may not be able to receive them if the network would be down. In this case, UDs receive the stored information on the local DB in the WGs automatically. 4. UDs can request their dedicated information to WGs. If network would be good condition, WGs can request to Service Provider the emergency information about the family safety, refuge area and medicine by using ID and GPS in the UDs and WGs. 5. The UDs detect their position with position sensors and send the data to the WG. The WG compiles the information on its local DB in order to make more localized information which is useful for the users of UDs, e.g. closest evacuation area, hospitals, condition of roads etc. 1.6.1 Alternative flow (if any) (TBD) 1.7 Post-conditions (if any) The condition for the authentication will be changed during the disaster to keep the security. © 2012 oneM2M Partners Page 6 (of 9) oneM2M-REQ-2012- 1.8 High Level Illustration (as applicable) Equipments for public information Sensors (ETWS etc.) Public Information Traffic congestion (train, bus and road) Location of closest hospital, evacuation area Individual Medical Records Weather forecast Family safety Application Network Data Base Service Provider in Disaster Situations Sensors App. GPS Local DB Sensors App. GPS Local DB Wireless Gateway ID GPS User Devices © 2012 oneM2M Partners User Devices Page 7 (of 9) oneM2M-REQ-2012- 1.9 Potential requirements (as applicable) 1. Applications of Service Provider shall collect public information such as electric, gas, water, traffic, railway, from the various equipments through the network in the peace time, and store them to DBs. And it shares the information with Wireless Gateways (WGs) connected with network in order to provide necessary and updated information to User Devices (UDs). Once it would receive the message about disaster from sensors, the Service Provider makes a decision about security level and what kind of information element should be delivered to UDs. 2. Sensor should detect a disaster such as tsunami and earthquake and send messages to the DBs. Information from other systems such as ETWS can be also considered as a sensor for detection of disasters. 3. Wireless Gateway (WG) shall provide the UDs in the devastated area with required information by disaster victims and rescue teams. WG also shall synchronize and update the information with DBs on Service Providers and save it on its local DB. WG shall supply the temporarily stored information on the local DB to the UDs when the network might shut down. 4. User Devices (UD) shall receive the information from Service Provider and collect the updated information in the devastated area automatically. 5. UDs should have location sensors and detect the positions of them and send the data to WGs. Based on the position data, the WG shall compiles the information on its local DB and provides the compiled local information to UDs connected to the WG. 6. M2M Service should change the condition for Security from ‘close’ to ‘open’ when the disaster is detected. 7. M2M Service shall continue to get the location of sensors, WGs, DBs and UDs. 8. M2M Service should manage the battery life of M2M devices because it would be difficult to charge the batteries of UDs under disaster situation. © 2012 oneM2M Partners Page 8 (of 9) oneM2M-REQ-2012- This work is supported by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications under a grant entitled "Research and development of Dynamic Reconfigurable M2M Wireless Network Technology." © 2012 oneM2M Partners Page 9 (of 9)