AIAA_SSTC_Summer 2014 Minutes

AIAA SSTC Summer 2014
AIAA Space Systems Technical Committee
Wednesday, August 6 from 12:30 to 15:30 PDT
Mission Beach C
Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, CA
Teleconference: 605-475-4000, 591574#
Start meeting Welcome/Call to Order/Agenda
Introduction of new members and guests
AROUND THE “TABLE”-Any news, position changes,
new members and guests welcome to contribute
Review of minutes from Spring 2014 L.A. meeting
Future Meeting Locations and Dates Discussion
Conference Updates
SPACE 2014
SMG Activities
Subcommittee Reports
a) Treasurer
b) Education
Student Design Competition
Student Essay Competition
Teacher STEM Awards
STEM program?
c) Science
d) Awards
e) Public Policy/CVD/Washington D.C.
f) Website
Roster status and needs
Action Item Review and Explosive Nut
Close Meeting
Carl Schueler
Samantha Infeld
Carl Schueler
Carl Schueler
Peter A. Montgomery
Shahzad Khaligh
Mark Andraschko/ Bill Tomek
Samantha Infeld
Michele Brekke
Jim Baker
Chuck Lillie
Shahzad Khaligh
Hugh Cook
Tim Sarver-Verhey
Tim Sarver-Verhey
Carl Scheuler
Around the Table
Carl Scheuler, Schueler Consulting-Santa Barbara, SSTC chair
Remote sensing, commercial hosting of payloads
Experimental hosted payload program
Brought launch of payloads cost down by factor of 10
Ron Kohl, Vice-chair of space colonization TC
Reaching out to other TCs
Samantha Infeld, Analytical Mechanics Associates, SSTC secretary
SE for NASA Langley projects
Integrated Design Center coordinator, building capability and a trained team
AIAA SSTC Summer 2014
Tim Sarver-Verhey, NASA Glenn, SSTC Membership and Website subcommittees chair
In-space propulsion branch
Supporting COMPASS as propulsion lead, seeing more micro-propulsion
Supporting SE for electrical propulsion
Peter Swan, President of international space elevator consortium
Hugh Cook, Policy sub-committee chair
Runs own company in Irvine. Works for air force and NASA – solar arrays
Background in propulsion, mechanisms, structures
Bill Tomek, NASA Langley
Aerodynamics database development, experimental
Uncertainty analysis
Previous work on Ares, Orion
Helping on student design competition
Tim Howard
Retired from Boeing
Management consulting, and faculty for undergraduates in New Mexico
Background in optical design for astrophysics
Michelle Brekke
Leading teacher grant awards
Just retired from NASA
Worked on shuttle and ISS, mission ops/ flight manager background
Started own company, looking for first job in upcoming contracts
Dan Kwon, Orbital Sciences, Vice-chair
Formation flying, then military comsats, now launch vehicle
Stratolaunch is the customer
Chuck Lillie, Science subcommittee chair
Retired from Northrop
Astrophysicist, worked as SE
Lead new business, including JWST
Consulting for JWST follow-on – planning a flat budget that will periodically increase
aperture and instrument capability
Rick Gamble
Just rolled-off missile systems lead, exploring other TCs
Karen Barker, SMG deputy
Long-time member
AIAA SSTC Summer 2014
Missiles, Athena launch vehicle, launch operations for large number of satellites,
congressional fellow
Current – test resources for launch vehicles and services
Peter Montgomery, SMG director
NASA KSC – transition to multi-user spaceport
Supporting SLS and Orion
Processing for missions, including MAVEN
Dan Levack, Rocketdyne
advanced concepts and technology
Nicola Sarzi-Amade, Microcosm, Scorpius
Chair of LALV
Organizing conferences and tracks
Microcosm – GPS/SBIR contract with Air Force for next gen GPS constellation
Scorpius – launch vehicles with composite tanks for small s/c
Space Tourism society
Brij Agrawal, NPS
20 years at Comsat, then moved to faculty at Naval Postgraduate School to set up
astronautics program
s/c attitude control, more recently into optics
Albert Glassman
Retired, space intelligence
GPS policy
Jim Baker, former chair
(phone/skype from Houston)
Running Arrow Science and Technology- got more work recently, so had to stay there
working with Carl to win Air Force hosted payload project
supporting Orbital sciences with payload integration
AIAA and the committee presented plaques for Jim’s service over the last 3 years
Previous Actions
All but last closed
Discussion based on membership question:
Tim - Track down more people to move to emeritus or remove
Dan can ask - Stan Kennedy
Nov. 1 is deadline to receive applications for new members (Carl or Tim should receive)
Tim - Confirm that 2015 awards summary is on website
Future Meetings
AIAA SSTC Summer 2014
Fall (Nov) and winter (Feb) 2014 not set
Santa Barbara as an option because Carl (chair) is there, Orbital does work there (Dan,
vice-chair’s company), ATK, etc., AIAA Vandenberg section
Should be able to get a tour and host from these
Carl and Dan - pursue this for both slots
Space 2014 Updates
Going well, many session chairs on this committee
Great location
SMG Activites
Scott Jensen (former SSTC chair) and Kate Stambaugh (SMG young prof awardee) are
new deputies
Streaming plenaries and panels from Space 2014
Coordinating with Small Sat TC for future conference coordination with SmallSat
conference (it is concurrent with Space this year)
Defense Forum 2015 in March 10-12 at JHU APL, call for papers soon
Combining missile science, strategic & tactical missiles, and weapon system
effectiveness meetings
These areas haven’t met in a few years
ALL: Please get involved in organization if you can and please attend
For AIAA Forum 2015 – “New Face of Space”
Bring young professionals more directly into planning, partner with veterans
Set it apart from other space conferences
Look at breadth of industry we are impacting
ALL: what are we missing? What kinds of sessions would include them? Who to
invite to speak and who to target for promotion? (contact Ben)
Ben Tutt is tech program chair, close to emerging industries and young profs.
Lessons Learned during a career in systems and missiles – documented and recorded
ALL: Contact Karen Barker to participate
SMG Innovation – use technology for better interaction and communication
ALL: Contact Kate Stambaugh with ideas
SMG Lunch and Learn program – developments and accomplishments
ALL: Contact Scott Jensen with ideas
SMG Mentoring Program – share knowledge about technical areas and career,
perspective and privacy or going outside your organization
ALL: Contact Jeff Puschell with ideas for implementation
New direction for SMG newsletter – 2-3 TCs focused in each newsletter, also key
information in each issue.
Kate will be associate editor
Balance is $730.93
Shahzad: What transactions?
AIAA SSTC Summer 2014
Student Design Competition
Asteroid retrieval is of interest, smallsats also of interest, so focused on smallsat
asteroid precursor mission. People at LaRC involved in ARM concept helped
formulate the request for proposal.
Draft will be sent to committee.
ALL: Return comments to Bill and Mark in next few weeks.
Then will send to AIAA to implement for spring semester (it is one of several
ideas from TCs from which AIAA will select the RFP to be implemented). To be
awarded in July; present poster at Space Forum 2015.
Student Essay Competition
The 2014 middle school essay competition was successful in engaging more
AIAA sections. We had interest from 7 sections, 5 of which awarded local
winners and entered them into the SSTC competition (LALV, New Orleans,
NWFL, Hampton Roads, Netherlands). We awarded $100 each to 1 7th grade
student from the NW FLorida section and an 8th grade student from the Greater
New Orleans section, and $250 each to their science teachers for STEM
materials. The sponsors were Michigan Space Grant and Analytical Mechanics
Associates, Inc. We also gave applications for Educator Associate membership
to the teachers (interest from other teachers at the schools too) and purchased a
year student membership for student winners, along with certificates and AIAA
student brochures (Samantha paid for this, took contributions from committee).
When we have feedback from teachers as to how they used the award in the fall,
Samantha will write up results for the SMG newsletter and Aerospace magazine
TC activities as we did last year.
Samantha: Send entries to CASIS and Congressional Visits Day coordinator to show
what students are interested in.
(through Karen Barker, Space Ops TC, Life Sciences TC)
Samantha: Send out updated contest info slide package, including suggestion to
sections to award with visit to local space sites.
ALL: Contact your local sections to get commitment for next year.
ALL: Send Samantha ideas for topics.
Teacher STEM Awards
$500 awards for K-12 teachers based on their proposals
SSTC usually awards 2
Space Transportation TC usually awards 2, and is interested in funding more
awards this year
Need to get more funding from industry (we only have funding secured for 1)
NASA Alumni League Houston section has committed $500 – will name for them
Challenger Learning Center of CO provides administrative support
Michelle: announce to all NASA Alumni to ask for donations to this
ALL: ask industry and organizations for donations toward this grant
RFP will be in August
ALL: Want 5 volunteers for judging – contact Michelle
AIAA SSTC Summer 2014
Would like to use SSTC website to host grant application information
Eventually be able to load and judge through website
Tim: put RFP on wiki
Rosetta just arrived at its comet after 10 years and 6 orbits of sun, Earth flybys. Flying in
triangular formation with it about 100m away, moving 1m/s relatively. Looks like a small
and big snowball stuck together. First rendezvous with comet. Planning to land in
Trying to figure out why moon is shaped like lemon. They think they’ve figured it out.
Looking at galaxies formed only 500 million years after big bang. Gone 96% of the way
back to Big Bang. Formed 50x faster. Using gravitational lensing to see stars forming –
makes them brighter.
AQUA past 10 years, Chandra 15 years old, NuSTAR in extended mission with guest
Climate models need to be updated with effect of aerosols because they do effect cloud
JWST still on schedule and cost, 2018 launch
(Shahzad’s presentation to be put on SSTC wiki – ask Tim if you don’t have access)
ALL: be thinking about nominations for Technical Excellence, Space System, and Von
Braun. Contact Shahzad
(e)Public Policy
Churn in launch world. NASA budget okay, but the NRC report is down on asteroid
mission. Big down-select coming on commercial space ISS servicing. Geopolitics
impacting space big time via Russia. It’s a brutal existence for SeaLaunch.
Key Policy Paper published.
ALL: See Hugh for link and get comments or other ideas back to him.
Congressional Visit Day (CVD) on March 11, 2015. Webinars will begin early February
(This is during the Defense Forum)
There is a stipend for travel costs (which may or may not be available this year) – apply
on AIAA website.
OCO2 launched on old Delta 2s purchased by NASA. One more left.
NASA $400M short to finish SLS by 2017 (this is not unexpected)
NASA did a panel at Comic Con with Bobak (from MSL)
NASA Cubesat Launch Initiative targeting all 50 states – have about half now. Last
Antares launched a bunch.
Langley “flying saucer” decelerator got lots of attention
China’s Yutu rover is stuck but still transmitting after 7 solar cycles
Space science conference in Moscow – 35 NASA employees attending!
3 massive volcanic eruptions on Io in a 2-week period last year
Big coronal ejection noted by media. It missed Earth.
Funding for Russian engine is not settled. ULA is moving on rocket engine replacement
for Russian engine.
AIAA SSTC Summer 2014
Air Force has called Falcon 9 successful on 3 launches, so cleared for launch service
SpaceX lawsuit progressing – (Suing your customer? Interesting marketing strategy)
Final ATV launch to ISS completed (only 5 commissioned). Will be repurposed for Orion
service module.
Angara had a successful suborbital launch, the successor to Proton (which has noxious
ISEE-3 reactivation didn’t work, abandoned
Falcon 9 first stage completed flyback test for future recovery
First crewed commercial vehicle will carry NASA astronauts (not employees of the
vehicle’s company)
Ron: If we have a CVD contribution, we should run it by other TCs to get more backing.
Karen: Any CVD contribution needs to be something that can be funded, with a clear
way to get that funding, and would not upset an industry player. (Otherwise it won’t
make it for inclusion.)
Will put Teacher STEM award information on wiki
Covered during meeting notes review
Explosive Nut
Karen – comment aboutessays read by congress
Hugh - (about moon formation and the moon’s lemony shape) “Are you sure it’s not an
I got to watch Gemini in my pajamas/underwear?
Close Of Meeting
Meeting adjourned 1520