PRI Precision Recycling Industries LLC I9706 One Norman Blvd #116 Cornelius, NC 28031 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET MSDS#063008 I. PRODUCT INFORMATION Product Name: Chemical Family: Synonyms: Formula: CAS Number: DOT Shipping Name: DOT Shipping ID Number: DOT Hazard Class: EPA Hazard Waste Class: EPA Hazard Waste ID Number: II. Minus 80 Glass Media Silicon Soda Lime Glass, Crushed Glass SiO + Metal Oxides (NaO, CaO, A12O3) None None N/A N/A None None CHEMICAL COMPOSTION NAME % ACGIH TLV OSHA PEL CAS # Soda Lime Glass 100 10mg/M3 *15mg/M3 * 5mg/M3 None (OSHA PEL based on Nuisance Dust) * Total Dust ** Respirable Dust III. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Boiling Point: Melting Point: Vapor Pressure (mmHg): Solubility in Water: Evaporation Rate: Appearance & Odor: IV. N/A Vapor Density (Air-1): 3100F or 1704C Specific Gravity (Water=1): N/A % Volatile: Insoluble pH: N/A Solid having variable appearance without odor. REACTIVITY DATA Stability: Incompatibilities: Hazardous Decomposition Products: Conditions to Avoid: Hazardous Polymerization: Conditions to Avoid: Stable None None None Will not occur None N/A 2 None 8.2 to 9.4 PRI Precision Recycling Industries LLC I9706 One Norman Blvd #116 Cornelius, NC 28031 V. FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA Flash Point ( ): N/A F: C: LEL: N/A UEL: N/A Extinguishing Media: This material is non-combustible. Use extinguishing media appropriate for surrounding area. Special Fire Fighting Procedures: Water pressure-demand, self-contained breathing apparatus with appropriate personal protective equipment. Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: None VI. HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION Primary Routes of Exposure: Inhalation Signs and Symptoms of Overexposure: Low in toxicity. As a nuisance dust does not produce significant organic disease or toxic effect. Seriously reduces visibility, unpleasant deposits in the eyes, ears and nasal passage. Medical Conditions Aggravated by Exposure: Existing cardiovascular or lung disorder. Listing as a Carcinogen: NTP: No IARC: No OSHA: No Emergency First Aid Procedures: Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. Give oxygen and/or artificial respiration as needed. Seek medical attention for treatment, observation and support as needed. Eye Contact: Flush eyes thoroughly with running water, including under the eyelids for at least 20 minutes. Suggest flush with saline or commercially prepared product such as eye saline, manufactured by Fend-All Company, to reduce irritation caused by flushing eye with tap water. Skin Contact: VII: Wash affected area with soap and water. CONTROL MEASURES: Engineering Controls: General ventilation recommended under normal conditions or use. Generally local exhaust ventilation not required under normal conditions of use. Work/Hygienic Practices: Prevent inhalation of dust. Wear NIOSH approved respirator protection for nuisance dusts. Personal Protective Equipment: Respiratory Protection: nuisance dust. If necessary, wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection for Eye/Face Protection: Safety glasses and/or goggles recommended. PRI Precision Recycling Industries LLC I9706 One Norman Blvd #116 Cornelius, NC 28031 Skin Protection: scratches. VIII. Protective gloves recommended to reduce potential for cuts or ENVIRONMENTAL AND DISPOSAL INFORMATION Reportable Quantity: None Spill or Leak Procedures: Minor spills can be swept or vacuumed. Large spills, shovel or vacuum and submit to recycling. Disposal Methods: regulations. IX. Normally to sanitary landfill, based on Local, State or Federal ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Handling and Storage Precautions: Protect against fugitive dusts. Protective Measures During Maintenance: Wear NIOS approved dust respirator. X. Prevent generation of dust and subsequent inhalation. MANUFACTURER/SUPPLIER INFORMATION General Offices: Precision Recycling Industries LLC 19706 One Norman Blvd #116 Cornelius, NC 28031 704-294-0259 Rev:06/01/2008 This information is furnished without warranty, representation, inducement, or license of any kind, except that it is accurate with respect to knowledge obtained from soda lime glass bottle and container manufactures’ MSDS on their product. PRI does not assume any legal responsibility for use or reliance on the same. Customers are encouraged to conduct their own tests and obtain data from glass manufacturers directly.