Park Lakes 5th Grade Science

Math Planning Template
Grade November 14 -18
Monday 11/14
Instructional strategy
Teacher Behavior
Formative Assessment
Day 59
Unit 3 Session 4.2 p. 144
Tuesday 11/15
Day 60
Unit 3 Session 4.3 p. 148
Students will compare and order the area of two or more
2-dimensional surfaces.
Classroom Routine: Start
RTI Target 2
With/Get To: Counting Backward
Students will read and write numbers to 99 to describe sets of concrete
Classroom Routine: Quick
Continue RTI Target 2 as
Assessment: Covering and
Counting, pg 144 Learning Target
Whole Class 40 min
Introduce using other
materials to measure the
size of our feet.
Some students may need
the 20 frame to organize
their counting
RTI Learning Target 2 (use
the rubric on the district
website to score students
counting activity)
Counting to Higher Numbers
Activity: Counting Strips
Whole Class 30 min
Start at 1 and get to the
highest number you can,
count together until most
students are not counting
Tape adding machine tape
to board and model writing
your name at the top and
demonstrate counting
vertically from 1 – 32, one
number under another.
Discuss 12: 21 or 13: 31,
what do the numbers look
Students complete their
own counting strips.
Discussion: Counting Larger
Whole Class 20 min
Discuss challenges to
counting larger numbers
Strategies may come up in
the discussion if the
following strategies are not
mentioned add them:
double checking, counting
as you put objects on or
take off the outline,
touching each item as you
count, use groups.
Daily Practice/Homework:
SAB pg. 40
Chart paper to record
RTI Learning Target 2 Rubric from
district website
RM 40
Whole Class 10 min
Discuss writing the sequence
of numbers as high as
students know.
Discuss patterns students
notice in the sequence of 1100
Math Workshop
Individuals/Pairs 20 min
Counting Strips
Assessment: Covering and
Counting: RTI Target 2
Daily Practice/Homework:
SAB p. 41
Adding machine tape
RTI Learning Target 2 Rubric from
district website
Wednesday 11/16
Thursday 11/17
Friday 11/18
Day 61
Unit 3 Session 4.4 pg 153
Students will read and write numbers to 99 to describe
sets of concrete objects.
Day 62
Unit 3 Session 4.5 pg 157
Students will compare and order whole numbers using place
Day 63
Unit 3 Session 4.6 pg 161
Students will compare and order whole numbers using
place value.
Classroom Routine: Morning
Meeting: Time of Day
Classroom Routine: Quick
Classroom Routine: Start
With/Get To: Counting
More Counting
Discussion: Counting Strips
Whole Class 10 min
Discuss patterns
students notice in the
sequence of 1-100
Math Workshop
20 min
Counting Strips
Assessment: Covering
and Counting: RTI
Target 2
Discussion: Penny Data about
Our Feet
Whole Class 15 min
Was it easier to measure
your feet with square
tiles, pennies or beans?
Focus discussion on the
relationship between the
size of an object and the
number of the objects it
takes to cover a shape.
Continue RTI
Target 2 as
Counting to 100
Activity: Counting to 100
Making a 100 Chart
Show students the 1-100
horizontal counting strip
you made.
The counting strip goes
across rather than down
Count together to
determine we have 100
Cut strip into smaller
strips with 10 numbers
on each strip. Count and
post the first 3 rows. Ask
what would come next?
Continue counting and
cutting until 60, ask for
observations, then
Make comparisons to the
100 chart.
Math Workshop
Pairs 30 min
Counting to 100 on the
number line.
Counting Strips
Assessment: Covering
and Counting: RTI
Target 2
Daily Practice/Homework:
SAB pg. 42
Daily Practice/Homework:
SAB pg. 45
Adding machine tape
RTI Learning Target 2 Rubric from
district website
Read Math Note: Representations of
the Number System p. 158
Adding Machine Tape
Assessment Checklist M39
Prepared 1-100 horizontal counting
Missing Numbers
Activity: Introducing Missing
Whole Class 20 min
Remove 5 numbers from
the first 2 rows of the 100
chart, point to an empty
slot and have students
offer ideas for why they
think a certain number will
fill the slot. Discuss
strategies offered by
Explain Missing
Numbers Game: Using
pennies, counters or cubes
one student covers 5
numbers while the other
players close their eyes.
The two other players then
look at the 100 chart and
record on SAB 46 the
numbers they think are
missing. Students share.
Math Workshop:
Missing Numbers
Counting to 100 on the
Number line
Activity: Revisiting Missing
Numbers Whole Class 10 min
Play Missing Numbers
as a whole class
Daily Practice/Homework:
SAB pg. 47-48
Read Math Note: Teen Numbers
p. 162
RM 42-44