
Institute of Geodynamics
National Observatory of Athens, 11810Athens, Greece
The efforts made since 1923 to quantify tsunami size in terms of either intensity or
magnitude are critically reviewed. The existing 6-point intensity scales need a drastic
revision and replacement by modern, detailed, 12-point scales in analogy to earthquake
intensity scales. A new tsunami intensity scale proposed by Papadopoulos and Imamura [1]
seems to meet these requirements. Among the existing tsunami magnitude scales even the
most sophisticated ones need either better calibration of formulas based on more wave
height data or significant improvement in the tsunami source energy calculation.
1. Introduction
Efforts towards a quantification of tsunamis started about seventy-five years ago by the
pioneering work of Sieberg [2, 3] who defined the first tsunami intensity scale. However,
the tsunami quantification is still a puzzling aspect in the tsunami research since the several
scales proposed to measure tsunami size often either are confusing as for the quantity they
represent, that is intensity or magnitude, or lie under serious difficulty in their applicability.
After several attempts made by many researchers to quantify tsunamis in terms of either
intensity or magnitude it is extremely useful to reexamine critically not only the various
definitions given but also their practical implementation. Particularly it is shown the
general need for (1) to develop detailed, pure tsunami intensity scales, established on
standard principles and on modern, well - elaborated criteria, and (2) to improve drastically
calibration of magnitude scales.
2. Intensity and Magnitude Scales of Tsunami
The earthquake magnitude is an objective physical parameter that measures either energy
radiated by, or moment released in, the earthquake source and does not reflect
macroseismic effects. On the contrary, the earthquake intensity is a rather subjective
estimate of the macroseismic effects. In every earthquake event only one magnitude or
moment on a particular scale corresponds. However, every earthquake is characterized by
different intensities in different locations of the affected area.
Okal [4] showed that source depth and focal geometry plays only a limited role in
controlling the amplitude of the tsunami, and that more important are the effects of
directivity due to rupture propagation along the fault and the possibility of enhanced
A. C. Yalçıner, E. Pelinovsky, C. E. Synolakis, E. Okal (eds.),
Submarine Landslides and Tsunamis 285-291.
@2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in Netherlands
tsunami excitation in material with weaker elastic properties, such as sedimentary layers.
Therefore, a tsunami can be considered as a particular case of seismic wave and problems
related to tsunami quantification could be approached in analogy to seismology.
Sieberg [2, 3] is very likely the first to present a 6-point tsunami intensity scale which,
in analogy to earthquake intensity scales, was based not on the measurement or estimation
of a physical parameter, e.g. the wave height, but it was established on the description of
tsunami macroscopic effects, like damage etc. Ambraseys [5] published a modified version
of Sieberg’s scale known as Sieberg-Ambraseys tsunami intensity scale. In the Japanese
tsunami literature one may find a long tradition in the effort for tsunami quantification.
Imamura [6, 7] introduced and Iida [8, 9] and Iida [10] developed further the concept of
tsunami magnitude, m, defined as
m = log 2 H max
Where H is the maximum tsunami wave height (in m) observed in the coast or
measured in the tide gages. Practically, the so-called Imamura – Iida scale is a 6-point scale
ranging from –1 to 4 giving the impression of a rather intensity than a magnitude scale.
However, m does not estimate effects but it measures by definition H max that is a physical
quantity. In this sense it may represent magnitude in a primitive way since it does not
calibrate the wave height with the distance. In his attempt to improve the Imamura – Iida’s
definition, Soloviev [11] proposed to define tsunami intensity, iS, by
iS = log 2 √2 ( H )
where H (in m) is the mean tsunami height in the coast. However, this is still a primitive
magnitude scale since it is also based on the physical quantity H. Tsunami magnitude M t
[12, 13, 14, 15] or m [16] was defined by the general form
M t = a log10 H + b log Δ + D
where H = maximum single (crest or trough) amplitude of tsunami waves (in m)
measured by tide gages, Δ is the distance (in km) from the earthquake epicenter to the tide
station along the shortest oceanic path (in km), and a, b, D are constants. Expression (3) is
similar to the Prague formula [17] used since 1960’s for the measurement of the surfacewave earthquake magnitude. A different approach for the calculation of the tsunami
magnitude was introduced by Murty and Loomis [18]. Their tsunami magnitude, ML, is
defined by
ML = 2 ( log10 E – 19)
where E is the tsunami potential energy (in ergs). Definition of ML is in close analogy
to the Kanamori’s [19] definition of moment magnitude
Mw = 2/3 (log10 M0 – 16.1)
as well as to the mantle magnitude [20]
Mm = log M0 – 20
Where M0 is the seismic moment.
A particular scale measuring tsunami size is that proposed by Shuto [21] who
considered it as an intensity scale:
i = log 2 H
Where H is the local tsunami height (in m). Obviously by definition it is still a
magnitude scale. However, in order to use it as an intensity scale for the tsunami damage
description, Shuto [21] proposed to define H according to its possible impact. A 6-point
classification of tsunami effects ranging from 0 to 5 is tabulated for the description of the
expected damage or destruction as a function of H.
3 . Po s si bi li t ie s a n d Li mi t a tio n s o f th e Ts u na mi Siz e Sca l e s
All the tsunami magnitude scales that are based on measurements of tsunami wave
heights at coastlines, from the primitive ones, like those of Imamura - Iida and Soloviev, to
the more recent and more sophisticated scales of Abe and Hatori are very sensitive to local
effects like coastal topography, near-shore bathymetry, refraction, diffraction and
resonance. However, better calibration of formulas, based on more tide-gage and measured
in the field wave heights, may drastically improve the applicability of such scales for the
tsunami magnitude determination in the future.
TABLE 1. Time evolution of tsunami size scales proposed.
Tsunami Scale
Type of Tsunami
Analogy to Earthquake Scales
Intensity Scales
Sieberg [2, 3]
primitive 6-point intensity scale
early intensity scales
Ambraseys [5]
Shuto [21]
improved 6-point intensity scale
developed 6-point intensity scale
improved intensity scales
developed intensity scales
Papadopoulos and Imamura [1]
new 12-point intensity scale
new EMS ’92 and ’98
12-point intensity scale
primitive magnitude scale
local Richter magnitude
local Richter magnitude
surface-wave magnitude
moment – magnitude scale
Magnitude Scales
Imamura –Iida (40’s, 50’s and
Soloviev [11]
Abe [12, 13, 14, 15]
Murty –Loomis [18]
primitive magnitude scale
magnitude scale
magnitude scale
On the other hand, the Murty-Loomis tsunami magnitude, which is directly based on the
total tsunami energy, E, at the source, provides a wider magnitude range but is not easily
applicable at the moment because of serious difficulties involved in the calculation of
energy E . Better esimates of tsunami energy in the future certainly will result in the
magnitude determination of a more and more increasing number of tsunamis. Table 1
summarizes a classification of the several tsunami size scales proposed and their analogy to
earthquake size scales.
The tsunami intensity scale proposed by Sieberg [2, 3] and modified by Ambraseys [5]
is a 6-point scale constructed in such a way that its divisions are not detailed enough and
certainly do not incorporate the experience gained from the impact of large destructive
tsunamis occurring in the last decades. Shuto’s [21] tsunami scale is by definition a
magnitude scale because H is simply a physical parameter. On the other hand, its
description of tsunami impact is a 6-point tsunami intensity scale, ranging from 0 to 5, the
division of which, however, is a function of H. Therefore, the scale under discussion is a
mixture of magnitude and intensity. Apparently, Shuto [21] tried rather to produce a
predictive tool that describes expected tsunami impact as a function of H, than to create a
new tsunami intensity scale describing tsunami effects independently from physical
parameters that control the type and extent of the effects. The overall approach is a useful
tool for the tsunami size quantification.
The lack of a pure tsunami intensity scale with a detailed description of its divisions that
incorporate recent experience from large, catastrophic tsunamis of the Pacific Ocean,
creates serious problems in the standardization of the estimation of the tsunami effects, as
well as in the comparisons of the effects from site to site for a given tsunami and from case
to case for different tsunami events. Following the long seismological experience,
Papadopoulos and Imamura [1] proposed the establishment of a new tsunami intensity scale
based on the next principles: ( a ) independency from any physical parameter ; ( b )
sensitivity, that is incorporation of an adequate number of divisions (or points) in order to
describe even small differences in tsunami effects; (c) detailed description of each intensity
division by taking into account all possible tsunami impact on the human and natural
environment, the vulnerability of buildings and other engineered structures on the basis of
recent experiences gained from large, catastrophic tsunamis of the Pacific Ocean. The new
tsunami intensity scale incorporates twelve divisions and is consistent with the several 12point seismic intensity scales established and extensively used in Europe and North
America in about the last 100 years. The new scale is arranged according to (a) the effects
on humans, (b) the effects on objects, including vessels of variable size, and on nature, and
(c) damage to buildings and other engineered structures.
4. Conclusions
The present review implies that the time evolution of the tsunami quantification follows the
steps made for the earthquake quantification with a time shift of about 30 years. For a
drastic improvement of the tsunami quantification some further, drastic developments are
needed. In the field of tsunami intensity scaling, new, detailed and sensitive scales are
needed with the intensity to be estimated independently from the wave heights or any other
physical parameter observed. The intensity scale proposed recently by Papadopoulos and
Imamura [1] seems to meet these requirements. As for the tsunami magnitude scales that
are based on measurements of wave heights in tide-gages, there is a general need for better
calibration of the formulas in use which strongly depends on the improvement of both the
quality and quantity of instrumental data collected. Tsunami magnitude scales based on the
energy at the source need improvement of the methods in use for the energy calculation
that is improvement of our understanding of the tsunami generation mechanisms.
1. Papadopoulos, G.A. and F. Imamura (2001). A proposal for a new tsunami intensity scale Internat. Tsunami
sympocium 2001 Proc., Seattle, Washington, Aug. 7 –10, 2001, 569- 577.
2. Sieberg, A. (1923). Geologische, physicalische und angewandte Erdbebenkunde . Jena, Verlag von G. Fischer.
3. Sieberg, A. (1927). Geologische einführung in die Geophysik . Jena,Verlag von G. Fischer, 374pp.
4. Okal, E.A. (1988). Seismic parameters controlling far-filed tsunami amplitudes: a review Natural Hazards 1, 67
– 96.
5. Ambraseys, N.N. (1962). Data for the investigation of seismic sea waves in the Eastern Mediterranean Bull.
Seism. Soc. Am. 52, 895 – 913.
6. Imamura, A. (1942). History of Japanese tsunamis Kayo-No-Kagaku (Oceanography) 2, 74 –80 (in Japanese).
7. Imamura, A. (1949). List of tsunamis in Japan J. Seismol. Soc. Japan 2, 23 – 28 .
8. Iida, K. (1956). Earthquakes accompanied by tsunamis occurring under the sea off the islands of Japan J. Earth
Sciences Nagoya Univ. 4, 1 – 43.
9. Iida, K. (1970). The generation of tsunamis and the focal mechanism of earthquakes. In : Adams, W.M., ed.
Tsunamis in the Pacific Ocean, Honolulu: East-West Center Press, 3-18.
10. Iida, K., D.C. Cox and G.Pararas-Carayannis (1967). Preliminary Catalog of Tsunamis Occurring in the Pacific
Ocean, Data Rep. 5, HIG-67-10, Hawaii Inst. of Geophys., Univ. of Hawaii .
11. Soloviev, S.L. (1970). Recurrence of tsunamis in the Pacific. . In : Adams, W.M., ed. Tsunamis in the Pacific
Ocean, Honolulu: East-West Center Press, 149-163.
12. Abe, K.(1979). Size of great earthquakes of 1837-1974 inferred from tsunami data. J. Geophys. Res. 84, 15611568.
13. Abe, K. (1981). Physical size of tsunamigenic earthquakes of the northwestern Pacific Phys. Earth Planet. Inter.
27, 194 – 205.
14. Abe, K. (1985). Quantification of major earthquake tsunamis of the Japan Sea Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 38, 214
– 223.
15. Abe, K. (1989). Quantification of tsunamigenic earthquakes by the M t scale Tectonophysics 166, 27 – 34.
16. Hatori, T. (1986). Classification of tsunami magnitude scale Bull. Earthq. Res. Inst. 61, 503-515.
17. Vanĕk, J., Kárník, V., Zátopek, A., Kondorskaya, N.V et al. (1962) . Standardization of magnitude scales Izvest.
Acad. Sci. U.S.S.R., Geophys. Ser. . 2, 153 – 158.
18. Murty, T.S. and H.G. Loomis (1980). A new objective tsunami magnitude scale Marine Geodesy 4, 267 – 282.
19. Kanamori, H. (1977). The energy release in great earthquakes J. Geophys. Res. 82, 2981- 2987.
20. Okal, E.A. and J. Talandier (1988). Mm : A variable –period mantle magnitude J. Geophys. Res. 94, 4169 –
21. Shuto, N. (1993). Tsunami intensity and disasters In : Tinti S., ed. Tsunamis in the World, Kluwer, 197 – 216.
Ap pe n di x: A New T s u n a mi I nte n sity Sca le
The new tsunami intensity scale proposed by Papadopoulos and Imamura [1] incorporates
twelve divisions and is consistent with the several 12-grade seismic intensity scales
established and extensively used in Europe and North America in about the last 100 years.
The new scale is arranged according to the effects on humans, the effects on objects,
including vessels of variable size, and on nature,and damage to buildings:
I. Not felt
Not felt even under the most favourable circumstances.
No effect. No damage.
II. Scarcely felt
Felt by few people on board in small vessels. Not observed in the coast. No effect. No
III. Weak
Felt by most people on board in small vessels. Observed by few people in the coast. No
effect. No damage.
IV. Largely observed
Felt by all on board in small vessels and by few people on board in large vessels. Observed
by most people in the coast. Few small vessels move slightly onshore. No damage.
V. Strong
Felt by all on board in large vessels and observed by all in the coast. Few people are
frightened and run to higher ground.
Many small vessels move stronlgy onshore, few of them crash each other or overturn.
Traces of sand layer are left behind in grounds of favourable conditions. Limited flooding
of cultivated land.
Limited flooding of outdoors facilities (e.g. gardens) of near-shore structures.
VI. Slightly damaging
Many people are frightened and run to higher ground.
Most small vessels move violently onshore, or crash stronly each other, or overturn.
Damage and flooding in a few wooden structures. Most masonry buildings withstand.
VII. Damaging
Most people are frightened and try to run in higher ground.
Many small vessels damaged. Few large vessels oscillate violently. Objects of variable size
and stability overturn and drift. Sand layer and accumulations of pebbles are left behind.
Few aquaculture rafts washed away.
Many wooden structures damaged, few are demolished or washed away. Damage of grade
1 and flooding in a few masonry buildings.
VIII. Heavily damaging
All people escape to higher ground, a few are washed away.
Most of the small vessels are damaged, many are washed away. Few large vessels are
moved ashore or crashed each other. Big objects are drifted away. Errosion and littering in
the beach. Extensive flooding . Slight damage in tsunami control forest, stop drifts. Many
aquaculture rafts washed away, few partially damaged.
Most wooden structures are washed away or demolished. Damage of grade 2 in a few
masonry buildings. Most RC buildings sustain damage, in a few damage of grade 1 and
flooding is observed.
IX. Destructive
Many people are washed away.
Most small vessels are destructed or washed away. Many large vessels are moved violently
ashore, few are destructed. Extensive errosion and littering of the beach. Local ground
subsidence. Partial destruction in tsunami control forest, stop drifts. Most aquaculture rafts
washed away, many partially damaged.
Damage of grade 3 in many masonry buildings, few RC buildings suffer from damage
grade 2.
X. Very destructive
General panic. Most people are washed away.
Most large vessels are moved violently ashore, many are destructed or collided with
buildings. Small bolders from the sea bottom are moved inland. Cars overturned and
drifted. Oil spill, fires start. Extensive ground subsidence.
Damage of grade 4 in many masonry buildings, few RC buildings suffer from damage
grade 3. Artificial embankments collapse, port water breaks damaged.
XI . Devastating
Lifelines interrupted. Extensive fires. Water backwash drifts cars and other objects in the
sea. Big bolders from the sea bottom are moved inland.
Damage of grade 5 in many masonry buildings. Few RC buildings suffer from damage
grade 4, many suffer from damage grade 3.
XII. Completely devastating
Practically all masonry buildings demolished. Most RC buildings
suffer from at least damage grade 3.
Table 2. Possible correlation between the intensity domains, I, proposed here and the
quantities H and i introduced in formula (5) by Shuto [21].
H (m)