Welcome to the Associate`s Program of Millennium University

AS 103 Gift Processing
Chapter 1
Gift Transactions
We will begin our gift processing training by entering a simple donation or “gift
transaction” into Millennium. As we enter the row, we will take the opportunity to
discuss the various columns in the Transaction Table form and familiarize ourselves with
how they are used.
In keeping with the format of our previous workbook (AS 102 Biographical Data Entry),
we will have available for reference the Column Definitions of all the Giving Tables in an
appendix at the end of this workbook. Please take a moment to review it now, so that
you can quickly refer back to it as you read the text of AS 103.
OK, let’s begin. If you have not already done so, please
Log on to Millennium.
Perform a search for
“your” Clark Kent.
On the Millennium
Explorer select
“Giving Detail”.
Remember, you can insert a new row by either right clicking
on the title of the Gift Detail screen and selecting “Insert” or
selecting “insert” from the Millennium menu bar.
“Insert” to add a new row.
This document contains proprietary information belonging to JSI FundRaising Systems, Inc.
Chapter 1
Entering a Gift Transaction
The available columns in the Gift Transaction Table can be a little overwhelming at first!
As we progress through this workbook, we will discuss the applicable columns a few at
a time. Let’s start simply by entering an ordinary donation.
We’ve received a $25 check, which we will designate as “cash”, from
Clark Kent today as a result of a General Appeal mailing designed to
raise funds for the 2001 Annual Fund. He has not indicated a
specific account or purpose for his donation, so the funds will be
designated as “Unrestricted”.
As we enter this gift into the system, we will discuss the purpose and use of each of the
applicable “gift” columns. During the discussion of “Lookup Table” columns, display the
drop-down list so that you may view the entries as they are defined.
AS 103 Gift Processing
AS 103 Gift Processing
The “Given By” Column
You’ll notice that Clark’s name is automatically entered into the “Given By” column.
During data entry, Millennium enters the name of the constituent whose data is
currently displayed on your system.
“Given by” is a mandatory column that indicates the name of the constituent primarily
responsible for the transaction. This constituent is usually the source of the
contribution, although not always, as we will see later on.
The name entered in this column can be changed when desired, depending on the type
of transaction you are processing into the system. When we discuss credit transactions
in a later chapter, you will see that you can change the “Given By” column to indicate
another constituent.
Transaction Types
“Type” is a mandatory column that designates the kind of transaction you are entering
for accounting and reporting purposes.
Transactions are valid entries derived from the Gift
Types look-up table (i.e. gifts, pledges, pledge payments,
The transaction types available within the list box are
those which a user will manually enter into the system.
While other transaction types exist, they are systemgenerated or entered via other avenues in the software. We will discuss all transaction
types in this workbook.
The following table provides a complete listing of the valid transaction types. Those
highlighted and italicized can be manually entered (selected from the drop-down Gift
Types table) in the Input Transaction Form. All others on the list are system generated.
This document contains proprietary information belonging to JSI FundRaising Systems, Inc.
Chapter 1
Transaction Type
Match Credit Trans.
Match Credit Journal
Match Credit Void
Bequest Transaction *
Bequest Journal
Bequest Void
Credit Transaction *
Credit Journal
Credit Void
Expectancy Transaction
Expectancy Journal
Expectancy Void
Gift Transaction *
Gift or Gift Journal
Gift or Gift Void
Honor Transaction
Honor Journal
Honor Void
Pledge Transaction *
Pledge Journal
Pledge Void
AS 103 Gift Processing
Automatically generated on the
corporate or foundation row in the
following situation. One constituent
gives a gift that is matched and
therefore a match pledge is
generated for the matching
corporation or foundation. In addition,
the original constituent's gift is also
credited to another constituent or
made in honor of another constituent.
In this case, an additional transaction is
generated for the corporation or
foundation with a Type of match credit
and linked to the second party's credit
or in-honor transaction. This type is
generated by the system and should
not be entered manually.
Records a bequest in which gift
income is received from the estate of a
deceased individual.
Used to give credit to a constituent for
a contribution even though no "real"
money is received.
Denotes that a constituent has made a
provision in their estate plans to make
a bequest. In essence, it is a pledge of
a bequest.
Denotes a basic gift transaction in
which money is transmitted in a
straightforward manner.
Indicates that a transaction has been
made in honor or memory of this
constituent. This type is generated by
the system and should not be entered
Indicates a pledge or promise to give.
The pledge is recorded as outstanding
until payments are posted.
AS 103 Gift Processing
Match Pledge Trans
Match Pledge Journal
Match Pledge Void
Match Potential Trans.
Match Potential Jour.
Match Potential Void
Pledge Credit Trans.
Pledge Credit Journal
Pledge Credit Void
Sustainer Pledge
Sustainer Pledge Journal sv
Sustainer Pledge Void
Pledge Potential
Pledge Potential Journal tv
Pledge Potential Void
Denotes a pledge by a corporation or
foundation to match a donation made
by another constituent. A matching gift
form is the documentation for this
transaction. This type is generated by
the system and should not be entered
Indicates there is a potential for a
pledge by a corporation or foundation
to match a donation made by another
constituent. The company is known to
match gifts; however, a matching gift
form has not yet been received. This
type is generated by the system and
should not be entered manually.
Automatically generated on a spouse
or other's row to denote a credit
transaction when the initial constituent
has made a pledge and you have
checked the Spouse or Other boxes
under Credit in the Input dialog box.
This type is generated by the system
and should not be entered manually.
Describes a promise by the constituent
to make recurring payments of a
specified amount, on a specified
schedule, for an unspecified time
duration. Thus, the total amount of the
pledge is unspecified.
Denotes an expectation that the
constituent will make a pledge to the
institution, but has not yet formalized
that pledge. (It is recommended that
such transactions be tracked as
conditional pledges, but the pledge
potential transaction type may also be
used for this situation.)
This document contains proprietary information belonging to JSI FundRaising Systems, Inc.
Chapter 1
Write-Off Transaction
Pledge Payment Trans.
Payment Journal
Payment Void
Cumulative Transaction
Cumulative Journal
Cumulative Void
Denotes the portion of a Pledge
Transaction that is unpaid but that the
institution no longer expects to receive.
This type is generated by the system
and should not be entered manually.
Indicates a payment against a pledge
transaction. This type is generated by
the system through a special edit
procedure and should not be entered
Indicates a cumulative entry for
transactions. Generally used only
during conversions or initial data load
to indicate a total of transactions for a
particular period.
We strongly recommend that you do not modify our standard Transaction Types
located in the Gift Types Table. Several automatic processing functions and reports rely
upon these entries.
OK, it’s time to enter Clark’s gift!
Select “Gift Transaction” in the Type
Millennium provides for the entry of several amounts based upon the nature of the
contribution and upon the various standards and regulations placed upon non-profit
agencies that accept them.
The Amount Balance column is a mandatory column used to record the face value
amount of the transaction.
AS 103 Gift Processing
AS 103 Gift Processing
When entering a number into the Amount column, do not enter the dollar sign or
commas. Millennium will automatically add these to the display once the transaction is
A period followed by cents may be entered as appropriate; however, you do not need to
enter “.00” for whole dollar amounts.
The Deductible column is used to indicate the amount of the transaction that is
considered tax-deductible by the IRS.
To satisfy IRS requirements, you will need to track that portion of a Gift Transaction
which is allowed (for tax Purposes) to be considered deductible by the constituent,
especially important when the deductible amount is not reflective of the original amount
of the gift. For instance, if a Season’s Pass to your institution’s football games (value
$100) is sent to one of your constituents as a result of their donating a gift of $1,000,
then only $900 of that gift is allowed to be considered deductible.
Note: The preferred method for tracking a “gift for a gift” and their values would be
through the use of the Quid Pro Quo Table. Quid Pro Quo transactions will be covered
in-depth later in the workbook.
If you leave the Deductible Amount column blank during data entry, Millennium will
automatically enter the full amount from the TOTAL Amount column.
The Asset Amount is used to show the asset value of a transaction in accordance with
the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) specifications.
The asset amount column is automatically calculated by Millennium based upon the
specific transaction type. This column relates specifically to pledge transactions.
Gift transactions are assigned an Asset Amount equal to the dollar amount entered in
the Amount column during data entry. However, according to FASB standards, the
dollar amount of a pledge transaction may only be counted as an asset if that pledge is
unconditional. If the pledge is conditional, as most pledges are, the asset amount of
the original pledge is 0 and any subsequent payment(s) will reflect an asset amount
equal to the payment amount. We will discuss conditional and unconditional pledges
later in this workbook
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Chapter 1
The Net Present column is used to show the current value of the transaction based
upon a specific formula, as required by the Council for the Advancement and Support of
Education (CASE) guidelines.
CASE stipulates that educational institutions should calculate this amount using a
predetermined formula, in order to ascertain the Net Present Value for pledges where
the pledge payments have been made over an extended period of time.
EXAMPLE: If a constituent pledges $10,000 with projected payments of $1,000 per
year over the next ten years, it is likely that the actual value of the final $1,000
payment will be worth less in the current market than the first $1,000 payment.
While the transaction must be considered a $10,000 donation from the fundraiser’s
point of view, (for acknowledgement purposes) the financial planners of the institution
Type “25” into the Amount Balance
Leave the Deductible, Asset Amount and
Net Present columns blank.
must use a different amount when calculating and projecting the available purchasing
power of this resource for the future.
If your Accounting office specifies that you must use the Net Present Value method of
recording pledge payments, they must also provide you with the formula to be used for
calculating that amount.
During data entry, if you leave the Net Present Value column blank, Millennium will
automatically enter the full amount from the total Amount column.
The Effective Date and the Process Date
Millennium provides columns for two dates
that must be recorded with each
transaction, the Effective Date and the
AS 103 Gift Processing
AS 103 Gift Processing
Process Date.
The Effective Date is a mandatory column which may be used to indicate the date
the donor wishes to receive credit for the transaction. Optionally, it may be used to
designate another date more meaningful to your institution (i.e. date the donation was
received by the Development Office, the date the donation was sent to the Accounting
Office,etc.). It may also be used to indicate the date on the donor’s check.
EXAMPLE: As we all know, many institutions receive a flurry of checks during
the first week of January. Each donor wishes to get credit for giving that gift in
the previous year. If it is your institution’s policy, you may enter an Effective
Date that matches the date on the donor’s check or the postmarked date
(probably December 31!).
In this situation, you could use the Effective Date in an acknowledgement letter or
receipt for the constituent, and use the Process Date when reporting to your fundraisers
or Accounting office.
The Process Date, also a mandatory column, is the date the transaction is actually
processed. Usually, this is the date when the transaction is entered into Millennium.
You may also use this date to show when the donation was received by your office. In
any case, note the following point:
Millennium uses the Process Date on all standard reports to reflect the date the
donation was received for accounting purposes. This can be changed based on the
reporting needs of your institution. (The Millennium Bachelors Class covers the
instructions for modifying standard reports.)
For all practical purposes, the Process Date is the date you should be most concerned
Keep the Effective Date and Process Date
columns equal to today’s date.
with when you are entering gifts.
Note that during data entry, Millennium automatically enters “today’s date” into both
the effective date and process date columns. If you wish either of these dates to be
different, you will have to manually change them to the desired dates.
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Chapter 1
Tender Types
Tender is a mandatory column used to indicate the
method by which the transaction was contributed.
Cash is the most common option, used to indicate
donations made in cash or by check.
Instead of using “Cash”, you may use “Check” to
indicate a distinction between actual cash gifts and checks. Remember that you also
have the Check Number column to designate the method of payment as a check. Check
with your site’s gift entry procedures to determine how to enter checks.
Tender Types as Secondary Tables
Some entries in the Tender Types lookup table will trigger secondary tables which
attach to the primary gift. Specifically, these are Credit Card, Gift In Kind, and
Securities. The secondary tables will require that additional information be recorded
for this type of tender.
Credit Card
If you select “Credit Card” as the
method of tender, Millennium will
automatically display a Credit Card
Information form where you may
enter the Credit Card Type, Number
and Expiration Date after you insert
the gift. As with all secondary tables,
this information will display with the
original gift as an attached row.
AS 103 Gift Processing
AS 103 Gift Processing
Gift in Kind
Gifts in Kind are defined as gifts that
are tendered as gifts of time,
expertise, company products, real
property, etc. When entering a tender
type of Gift in Kind, the following
form will display after the gift is
inserted. This form allows for entry of
the type of gift in kind, the value, the
appraiser as well as company, the
disposition of the gift, as well as a free
text field for it’s description. As with
all secondary tables, the information
detailing the Gift in Kind will display at
the bottom of the original transaction.
Note: What you enter into the Amount Balance column for these types of transactions
will depend on your institution’s policy. Some institutions specify entering an Amount of
“0” and show the constituent’s estimate of worth in the Comment or another unused
column. Other institutions enter the constituent’s estimate directly into the Total
Amount column but remove the transactions from all reports that total giving amounts.
Consult your Data Administrator for your institution’s policy on entering these types of
When Securities (stocks, bonds,
etc.) is the tender type, Millennium
automatically displays a screen for
inputting specifics about the type
of Security after the gift is
inserted. You may indicate the
type of security, number of shares,
the value, broker, and disposition
of the security within this
secondary table.
This document contains proprietary information belonging to JSI FundRaising Systems, Inc.
Chapter 1
Note: It will depend upon your institution’s policy as to what you enter into the
Amount column for these transactions and when. Some institutions enter a “0” amount
at the time the commodity is promised and edit the row once it is converted using the
current market value. Other institutions show this type of transaction as a pledge, and
later show a payment using the current market value. Some don’t even show the
transaction at all until the commodity is actually sold and the real amount is
determined! Consult your Data Administrator for your specific institution’s policy on
these transactions.
Solicitation is a user-defined column that identifies the solicitation method that
generated the transaction. All of the ways you might solicit funds from your
constituents should be entered into this column, allowing for ease of reporting total
income from any specific solicitation.
This is a “super lookup table” like Attribute Types. It will not appear as a drop down
menu, but if a Solicitation is entered that is not in the Solicitation Lookup Table, a Java
Applet will appear asking you to select one of the options presented or retry the search.
Allocations within the Giving Detail Tables of Millennium allows for the input of the
critical information of which account to credit with the gift and which campaign resulted
in this gift. Millennium also offers a unique technique of splitting one comprehensive gift
between several different accounts or campaigns. (This will be covered later.)
We’ll begin by covering each of the available columns in the Allocation maintenance
For now,
let’s leave
for the
column blank.
The Purpose column is a
mandatory, user-defined
column that identifies the
Account to which this transaction
should be assigned. Accounts are established in the Chart of Accounts Table. The
Chart of Accounts is a “super look-up table” which contains detailed information for
each account in the system. While establishing and managing the Chart of Accounts
AS 103 Gift Processing
AS 103 Gift Processing
Table is covered in System Administration training, you should know what information is
automatically recorded when you select an Account for the Purpose column.
The following information will be pulled from the Chart of Accounts Table and recorded
along with the transaction once it is entered.
The Name is the full description of the account.
The Code is comprised of up to six digits and is used to categorize the account for
reporting purposes.
The Account # is the number assigned for accounting purposes, usually
determined by the Accounting Office of the institution.
The CAE code is a one-digit code that reflects the use to which educational
institutions will apply the funds from this transaction. If your institution does not
report to CAE, you will not use this column.
The Department column will hold the ID number (coreid) of the Department within
your institution that is responsible for this account or a POC within that department.
The one to be notified re transaction (if notify = ‘Y’).
The Notify column acts as a flag and designates whether a department within the
institution that is associated with the account desires to be notified of any donations.
The Campaign column may be used to “flag” the account for a particular
Campaign, as established in the Campaigns Table.
The Default? column acts as a flag, and during data entry for Gift or Dues
transactions. If nothing is entered in the Campaign column, then Millennium will
This document contains proprietary information belonging to JSI FundRaising Systems, Inc.
Chapter 1
check the Solicitation table then this table to determine which will contain the
“default” campaign info (default = ‘Y’).
The Goal column is used to assign the account to a particular user-defined Goal as
established in the Campaign Goals Table.
The Division column is the school or division in your institution associated with a
particular account.
The Group column may be used to categorize your accounts. Groups are
established in the Table Groups Table.
The Active column designates whether the account is currently being used for
transactions. An “Inactive” Account will not display in the Chart of Accounts listing
during data entry.
The Start and Stop Date columns may be used to reflect the “active life” of the
The Credit and Debit columns may be used to facilitate an interface with a third
party, accounting software package, or for any other user-defined purpose.
The 80+ Rule checkbox allows you to flag an account for an automatic deductible
rate of 80%. This functionality is present because of an IRS rule that says that
when there is a non-tangible quid pro quo item but donors are given preferential
treatment, then a flat deductible rate of 80% may be applied.
The Access and Maintenance columns are used to enforce security and are based
upon the Group letters that Users are assigned to in System Maintenance.
The second Goal column may be used to record monetary goals or target amounts
for specific accounts.
If you do not type in a value within the Chart of Accounts table, you will be presented
with a java applet box to re-search for a valid account. You may search by account
number, code, or actual value.
Type “Unrestricted” as the Purpose
AS 103 Gift Processing
AS 103 Gift Processing
The user-defined Campaign column identifies the campaign that generated this
transaction. Campaigns are broad categories that group specific solicitations,
fundraising goals and even accounts under a single name.
Examples of the most common Campaign types are Annual Fund (or Annual Giving,
Annual Campaign), Capital Campaign, Comprehensive Campaign, Omnibus Campaign,
Memberships…etc. There is also a Campaign Year column that can be used to stipulate
the year associated with a particular campaign.
Select “Annual Fund” from the drop-down
table Campaign column and type “2001” (no
quotes!) in the Campaign Year column.
The Classifications columns (Class1 and Class 2) are completely site-defined ways of
further classifying a gift transaction. Both columns are driven by the Transaction Class
look up table.
For now, leave the Classification columns
We will be leaving the remaining columns in the Gift Insert screen blank; however, we’ll
define the usage of the columns for your information.
The Remaining Columns
The Correspondence column is used to identify a specific type of correspondence
being sent to the constituent as a result of the transaction. After a correspondence
name is selected from the drop-down box and the gift is inserted, you may edit the
transaction and provide more detail to the correspondence row, including information
such as date sent, detail about the person who sent it, and response method.
This document contains proprietary information belonging to JSI FundRaising Systems, Inc.
Chapter 1
The Currency column may be used to designate the form of currency in which the
donation was made – Canadian, US…etc.
The Check # column may be used to enter the constituent’s check number if the
transaction was paid for by check.
The ABA # column can accommodate the American Banking Association Number
(routing number) that appears on all checks, if you wish to maintain this information.
The Batch column is used to identify the “open” Batch number that the transaction
may be assigned to on the system. Establishing and using Batch numbers will be
covered later in the workbook.
The Deposit # column indicates the number on the bank deposit slip that includes this
The Comment column holds 4000 characters and is used to store any textual
information related to this transaction. Keep in mind that you also have the ability to
attach a document to the transaction. The Comments column should include specific
information about this particular transaction only. General comments about a
constituent’s giving characteristics should be maintained in the general Comments Table
or other areas of the program.
AS 103 Gift Processing
AS 103 Gift Processing
Linked Transaction Checkboxes
The Joint with Spouse and Joint with Other checkboxes are used to indicate that
the transaction was made jointly with the constituent’s spouse or another constituent.
If this box is checked, Millennium will divide the amount of the transaction in half, place
the equal pieces on each of the constituents’ rows and link them together with a
hypertext link. Joint transactions are covered in a later Chapter of this workbook.
The Credit for Spouse and Credit for Other checkboxes are used to indicate that
the constituent’s spouse or another constituent should receive a credit (“soft credit”) for
this transaction. If this box is checked, Millennium will duplicate the information from
the transaction into a “Credit Transaction” row in the spouse’s or other constituent’s
table, linking them with the original gift with a hypertext link. Credit transactions are
also covered in a later Chapter of this workbook.
Well that was quite a tour, wasn’t it? Are we ready to finally enter this transaction? Go
for it....
Press “Insert” to save the row.
NOTE: Depending upon how your options are set you may, or may not, be presented
with a matching gift screen. If you are, cancel out of that form – we don’t want to get
too far ahead of ourselves. We will discuss matching gifts later.
This document contains proprietary information belonging to JSI FundRaising Systems, Inc.
Chapter 1
Split Allocations
As discussed earlier, the split allocation functionality provides the ability to split one gift
among multiple account designations - to designate portions of a single gift to various
campaigns and/or accounts, while still maintaining the integrity of the single,
comprehensive gift.
A Word About Amounts
When creating split allocations, it is important to remember that any amounts entered
into the Allocation Maintenance Form must add up to the total amount of the original
gift before the user will be allowed to save and exit Allocation Maintenance. For
instance, if you attempt to create allocations such that the total would
exceed the Amount Balance for the transaction, you will presented with an
error message reminding you of the Amount Balance total.
As we have done throughout the program, let’s illustrate this feature through an
Clark Kent just sent in a check for $500 to the 2001 Capital
Campaign. Clark has indicated (in an accompanying letter) that he
would like the money to be equally split between the Journalism
Projects and Cancer Research accounts.
Access Clark’s Giving Detail Display.
Click on “Insert” to add a new gift.
Select “Gift Transaction” in the Transaction
Type column
Type 500 in the Amount Balance column.
Select Cash in the Tender column.
Type “Journalism Projects” into the Purpose
Type 250 in the Amount/Balance column
Select “Capital Campaign” from the Campaign
list box.
Type “2001” into the Campaign Year column.
AS 103 Gift Processing
AS 103 Gift Processing
Once you allocate only $250 of the total $500 and then tab or move to another column,
you will be presented with an additional Allocation screen. This is where we indicate to
Millennium how and to what accounts we will be allocating this gift.
As you can see from the screen shot below, the $500 has been automatically split into
two sets of information on the allocation form. Now, we must replace the second
“Journalism Projects” allocations with the allocation for “Cancer Research.”
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Chapter 1
Select “Cancer Research” in the Purpose
Select “Capital Campaign” from the Campaign
list box.
Type 250 in the Amount/Balance column
Type “2001” into the Campaign Year column.
Select “Insert”.
Verify that your screen looks like the following screen shot.
Notice that both allocations appear below the gift’s general information, each separated
by a short, blue horizontal line. Also, each allocation contains the divided amount of
the original gift, which was specified in the Allocation Maintenance screen. Pretty neat,
AS 103 Gift Processing
AS 103 Gift Processing
Adding, Editing, and Deleting Allocations to Existing
Adding Allocations
At times, it may be necessary to create additional allocations for an existing transaction
that has already been inserted into Millennium.
Once again, let’s use an example to illustrate this procedure.
Clark has just indicated that he would like $100 of his original $500
gift to be designated for the Library. We have already entered the
original transaction with two allocations, so we need to edit this
transaction and enter the third.
Locate the gift that we
just created on Clark’s
Giving Detail Display.
Right click on the
display of either of the
(Journalism Projects
or Cancer Research) to
get the context menu.
Select “Allocation
This document contains proprietary information belonging to JSI FundRaising Systems, Inc.
Chapter 1
You will be presented with the Allocation Maintenance screen:
Since Clark wants to add a third allocation to his gift, we will need to
create a new allocation, so...
Select “New”.
AS 103 Gift Processing
AS 103 Gift Processing
Type “Library” into the Purpose column.
Type “100” into the amount column.
Click on “Insert.”
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Chapter 1
Your screen should look similar to the following screen shot (on short display). As you
can see, the third allocation (for $100) designated to the Library has been added, and
Millennium has performed a calculation to ensure that our total amount still equals
Why did Journalism Projects decrease to $150 while Cancer Research remained at its
original $250?
This is simply because any allocations that are added to an existing transaction are
adjusted from the first allocation entered. Since Journalism Projects was the first
allocation entered, that is the amount that was adjusted.
AS 103 Gift Processing
AS 103 Gift Processing
Editing and Deleting Allocations
Once a set of allocations has been created and saved for a transaction, the
amounts may not be edited manually. If you need to alter the amount of an
allocation, you must delete and re-enter the allocation with the correct amount.
You may, however, edit certain other details of the allocation at any time after the
transaction has been created. In order to edit the allowable columns, adhere to the
following procedure:
1. Find the specific gift whose allocation is to be edited
2. Right click on any of the allocations to access the
context menu. Select “Allocation Maintenance” to
retrieve the Allocation Maintenance form.
3. Scroll down the Allocation Maintenance form to locate
the specific allocation you would like to edit.
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Chapter 1
4. Once the correct allocation is highlighted, click on the “Edit”, “Journal” or “Delete”
5. Tab or click to any of the data boxes (other than the amount) that you wish to edit
and edit data appropriately.
6. When all data appears as you wish, click on the “Update” button to return that
edited allocation to the display.
7. You may repeat the above steps for as many of the allocations as you wish. When
you are finished, click on the “Insert” button to register the edits and return to the
Giving Display.
8. Click on “Cancel” to return to the display without saving any of the edits you may
have made to the Allocations.
PLEASE NOTE: Deleting the first allocation is not permitted. You may edit
certain data within that allocation, but if you attempt to delete it you will be
given an error message.
AS 103 Gift Processing
AS 103 Gift Processing
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AS 103 Gift Processing
Chapter 1