NHST(13)005 Informatics Report

Executive Summary for Submission of Paper to the Trust Board
Paper No. NHST(13)005
Subject: Informatics Report
Purpose: To update the Board
Summary: The Report covers:
Items to be covered in the report:
Single Sign-On
Maternity Medway Phase 1
Ward Order Comms
E-Discharge Summary CQUIN
Outpatient Attendance Letter CQUIN
A&E Cascard CQUIN
Operational Performance
Corporate Objectives met:
Financial Implications:
Stakeholders: St Helens and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Board
Recommendation(s): The Board is asked to receive the Informatics Update
Review Date: N/A
Author: Ms J Nicholson, Assistant Director of Informatics (Business Transformation)
Presenting Director: Mr N. Darvill, Director of Informatics
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Single Sign On
Maternity Medway –
Phase One
Project Sponsor –
Tennyson Idama
Ward Order Comms
Project Sponsor –
Francis Andrews
Project Sponsor – Ragit
Outpatient attendance
letters (CQUIN)
Project Sponsors – Julie
Hendry/Mike Manning
electronic distribution
Project Sponsor – Andy
Project completed to timescales
A&E, on-call doctors, all 27 ward areas (including
AMU, GPAU and SAU) now have access to red
screen SSO technology.
Good feedback from clinicians.
Project completed to timescales.
Maternity Medway system ‘live’ for booking and
ante-natal appointments 04/12/12
No major issues reported
Phase 2 go live scheduled for 26/02/13. On track
to plan.
New upgrade (removal of enable exit function) has
been installed.
All wards still using OCS for Radiology ordering
and resulting
6 ward areas commenced use of enhanced
specification OCS for ordering and resulting
Pathology 09/01/13.
Roll out plan in place and being enacted. All inpatient areas will be live by the end of March 2013
Monitoring Process in place
Plan in place to deliver e-discharge summaries to
GP practices in line with CQUIN requirements.
Q3 CQUIN target met.
Project on track to send E-Discharge Summaries
in Q4 to GP practices.
Monitoring processes in place. Working closely
with the clinical teams on escalation processes.
Good feedback from clinicians regarding the ICE
Outpatient letters are now being sent electronically
to GP Practices as per CQUIN requirements.
Monitoring process in place
Current Performance is 78% and there is a
detailed plan in place to resolve all outstanding
A&E CASCARDS are now being sent
electronically to GP Practices as per CQUIN
Current Performance stable and maintained at
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Single Sign On
This project was completed to timescales in December 2012 and has had good
feedback from inpatient areas within the Trust.
Maternity Medway – Phase 1
Phase 1 of the Maternity Medway system was successfully deployed on track and to
plan in December 2012 for booking and ante-natal appointments.
Phase 2 is on track to go live on 26 February 2013. This phase contains birth and
postnatal records.
Ward Order Communications
The new specification upgrade to the Order Communication System (OCS) has been
introduced in the existing six ward areas that have been using the OCS system from 13
August 2012 for ordering and resulting on both Pathology and Radiology. A&E and Preop continue to use the system. A roll out plan is in place for the remaining in-patient
A monitoring mechanism is in place to check compliance with using the system. A ‘Best
Practice Guide’ written by Francis Andrews (OCS clinical sponsor) has been issued to
all ward areas.
There have been no further system reliability issues. An intensive training package on
wards is in place.
Deployment of Discharge Summaries via the ICE system across all wards in the Trust is
on track to plan. A plan is in place and on track to deliver the e-discharge summaries
electronically to GP practices by end March 2013. The ICE system provides the
opportunity to deliver internally built, specialty specific templates in line with the
requirements of the CQUIN.
The initial cohort of wards has gone live and met the CQUIN target for Q3.
Outpatient Letters
Outpatient attendance letters are now sent electronically to GP practices in line with the
CQUIN requirements.
Support training package in place for administrative support to create letters on EDMS.
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Reporting is in place to monitor numbers of letters sent within the CQUIN timescales (14
days from attendance at clinic). This includes a real time report for operational teams to
allow active chasing of letters that may breach the timescales.
Detailed action plans are in place to meet the CQUIN target.
A&E CASCARDS are now being sent electronically to GP practices in line with the
CQUIN requirements.
Reporting mechanisms are in place to monitor performance. CQUIN target has been
met and sustained.
Operational Performance
Please refer to below charts, January ‘12 to December ‘12:Chart 1
Chart 2
Chart 3
Total number of faults logged
Average fix time
Average time to answer calls
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