Bibliographie de Susan T. Stevens

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Bibliographie de Susan T. Stevens
Trouvée sur Internet, septembre 2003
1) Eléments biographiques
2) Bibliographie
1) Eléments biographiques
Localisation actuelle
Department of Classics, Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg VA 24503,, fax: 434-947-8138, phone and voicemail: 434-947-8533
Home address: 1056 Judith Creek Rd. Lynchburg VA 24503, phone 434-386-0393
Ph.D. Classics, 1983, University of Wisconsin, Madison. Dissertation: "Image
And Insight: Ecphrastic Epigrams in the Latin Anthology" directed by Paul
M.A. Classics, 1976, University of Wisconsin, Madison. Thesis: "Pisistratus and
The Alcmeonids" directed by Charles F. Edson.
B.A. magna cum laude, History, 1975, University of South Carolina.
Latin and Greek
French, German, Spanish, Italian (spoken, reading and writing competence)
Russian, Tunisian Arabic (beginner speaking)
Stades de la carrière
1997- Associate Professor, Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg VA,
1993-96 Assistant Professor, Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg VA
1991-92 Visiting Assistant Professor, Classical Languages, Agnes Scott College,
Decatur GA
1990-91 Honorary Fellow, Institute for Research in the Humanities, University of
1989 Visiting Assistant Professor, Classics, University of Wisconsin, Madison WI
1988-1989 Visiting Assistant Professor, Classical Studies, Indiana University,
Bloomington IN
1985-1987 Assistant Professor, Classics, Luther College, IA
1983-1984 Assistant Professor, Foreign Languages, Illinois State University
Centres d’intérêts
Archaeology, Early Christianity,
Late Roman architecture and city planning, Late Latin
Travaux archéologiques de terrain
Director, Randolph-Macon Woman's College Carthage Excavation at Bir Ftouha,
Field Director, University of Michigan-Earthwatch Carthage Excavation at Bir el
Knissia, 1990-92, project shared with with Museum Director Jim Richerson
Co-field Director with Mark Garrison, University of Michigan-Earthwatch Carthage
Excavation, at the Vandal Cemetery, 1988-89, project supervised by John
Field supervisor, University of Michigan excavations at Carthage, Circus and
Ecclesiastical Complex at Dermech 1984, 1982, 1978
Registrar, University of Michigan Excavations at Carthage.Late Roman House at
Dermech, 1977
Récompenses et bourses
Andrew W. Mellon Post Doctoral Research Fellowship in the School of Classical
Studies, American Academy in Rome 1999-2000
Packard Humanities Institute Grant 1999 (Bir Ftouha)
M A Cotton Foundation Archaeology grant 1999 (Bir Ftouha)
S.H. Kress Foundation, Research Grant, Summer 1996, 1997, 1999 (Bir Ftouha)
David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Archaeology Grant 1997, 1998 (Bir Ftouha)
Dumbarton Oaks Archaeology Project Grant 1994, 1998 (Bir Ftouha)
Richardson Foundation, 1991, 1992, (Bir el Knissia) 1997 (Bir Ftouha)
Katherine Graves Davidson Award 1997, Randolph-Macon Woman's College
National Endowment for the Humanities, Collaborative Project with Robin Jensen et
al 1996-97.
American Institute of Maghrib Studies, Short-term travel grant, Summer 1991, 1994,
Autodesk, Inc (Sausalito CA), 1994: 2 Copies of autoCAD release 12
American Philosophical Society Research Grant 1994 (Bir Ftouha)
S.H. Kress Foundation, Subvention for Color illustrations in Bir el Knissia at
Carthage 1992
J. P. Getty Museum Academic specialist, Musée de Carthage, Early Christian Hall,
January 1993
Fellowship, Center for Byzantine Studies, Dumbarton Oaks 1992-93; Images of a
Christian City. Carthage in the 5th-7th c.
Earthwatch Field Research Grant 1990-93 (Bir el Knissia), 1988-89 (Vandal
Kelsey Museum Excavation Grant for Bir el Knissia 1990-92
Archaeological Institute of America, President, Lynchburg Chapter 1997-present,
Vice president 1995-97, National Lecturer 1995-1998, 2001-2; Atlanta Chapter, CoChair, 1991-92.
Byzantine Studies Conference, Chair of Liaison Committee, 1996, President (1995),
Vice president (1994), Program committee (1994), Member of Governing board
Currently serving on the dissertation committees of Joan Downs, "Status and Identity
in Funerary Art in Late Antique Africa: The Case of Tabarka (University of
Michigan), and Christine Zitrides "Carthage in Transition, Late and Post-Roman
Habitation AD400- 800" (University of Illinois)
Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Chair of Classics (1997-pres.), Faculty
Representative Committee (2001-2, 1997-99), Academic Personnel Committee
(2000-03) Chair, (2001- 2), Search Committees: Chair, Hellenist for Classics
(1997-2000); Chair, Director of Maier Museum of Art (1998-9), Quillian
International Visiting Scholar (Fall 1997),
Instructional Technologist (Spring 1997), Vice President for Enrollment (Spring
1996), Corporate/Foundation, Major Gifts Coordinator (Fall 1995), American
Art History Assistant Professor(1994-95) , Painter/Printmaker, Assistant
Other Committees: General Education (1998-9), Admissions Committee (1995-98),
Reading University Year Abroad Selection Committee (1995-6), Gottwald
Scholarship Selection Committee, Campus Events Committee (1994-5), Career
Development Center
Advisory Board (1994-5), Reconceptualizing Advising Working Group (1994-5)
Member of American Philological Association, Classical Association of the Midwest
and South, Classical Association of Virginia.
2) Bibliographie
Bir el Knissia at Carthage. A Rediscovered Cemetery Church, Report No. 1
Journal of Roman Archaeology suppl. 7 (Ann Arbor 1993), Reviewed by N. Duval,
Antiquité Tardive 3(1995) 283-302.
" Excavations of an Early Christian Pilgrimage Complex at Bir Ftouha," Dumbarton
Oaks Papers 54 (2000) 217-5
"A Pilgrimage Complex on the outskirts of Carthage. Results of Excavations at Bir
Ftouha 1994-99," forthcoming in Acts of the International Congress of Christian
forthcoming 2001
"The Bir Ftouha Basilica Complex. Summary of Excavation Results 19941999,"Centre d'etudes et de documentation archeologique de Carthage, Bulletin
22 (June 2001) forthcoming
"Carthage," in A Guide to the Late Antique World, eds. G.W. Bowersock, P. Brown
and O. Grabar, Harvard University Press 1999
"The Early Christian pilgrimage complex at Bir Ftouha, Carthage:Interim Report,"
Journal of Roman Archaeology 11(1998) 371-83 with Kalinowski and
"Preliminary Report on Excavations at Bir Ftouha in 1994 and 1996," Centre
d'etudes et de documentation archeologique de Carthage, Bulletin 19 (June
"Excavations at the Suburban Church Complex at Bir Ftouha (Carthage). Preliminary
report of the 1996 Season," Archaeological News 20 (1997)
"A Preliminary Report on the 1994 Dumbarton Oaks Excavations at Bir Ftouha. A
New Christian Building in the Outskirts of Carthage" Dumbarton Oaks Papers
50 (1996).
"Transitional Neighborhoods in Late and Post-Roman Carthage. The Urban Margin in
the 5th -7th Century," in R. Mathisen and H. Sivan (eds.), Shifting Frontiers in
Late Antiquity. Variorum (Aldershot, Hampshire GB, 1996) 187-200.
"Sépultures tardives intra muros à Carthage," Monuments Funéraires, Institutions
autochtones en Afrique du Nord antique et Médiévales, 6e Colloque
international sur l’Afrique du Nord (Pau, octobre 1993-118e Congrès), Editions
CTHS 1995, 207-218.
"A Late Roman Urban Population in a Cemetery of Vandalic date at Carthage,"
Journal of Roman Archaeology 8 (1995), 263-70.
"Excavations of the Suburban Cemetery Church Complex at Bir Ftouha (Carthage). A
Preliminary Report on the 1994 Season, Archaeological News 19(1994) 31-4,
"From Monastery to Museum at Carthage," with J. Richerson, Museum
News(Jul/Aug1994) 24-7
"Saints and Sleepers: Death and Burial in the Christian City," in M. Seefried (ed.),
From Hannibal to St Augustine, Ancient Art of North Africa from the Musée du
Louvre, Catalogue of the exhibition at the Michael C. Carlos Museum, Emory
University, (Atlanta 1994) 125-8.
"Between Caesar and Mohammed. Uncovering Christian Carthage," with J. icherson,
Minerva. The International Review of Ancient Art and Archaeology, 5.1
(Jan/Feb 1994) 31-33.
"Le cimetière du Mur de Théodose," with M. Garrison in A. Ennabli (ed.), Pour
Sauver Carthage, Exploration et conservation de la cité punique, romaine et
byzantine, UNESCO (Paris 1992) 131-134
"Charon's Obol and Other Coins in Ancient Funerary Practices," Phoenix 45.3 (1991)
"The Circus Poems in the Latin Anthology," J. H. Humphrey (ed)., The Circus and a
Byzantine Cemetery at Carthage (Ann Arbor 1988) 153-78
"A Legend of the Destruction of Carthage," Classical Philology 83 (January 1988) 3941
"An Artisanal area of Roman Carthage: the fruits and frustrations of urban
archaeology," a review of H. R. Hurst, Excavations at Carthage. The British
Mission Vol. II.1
The Circular Harbour, North side. The site and finds other than pottery (Oxford 1994)
for Journal of Roman Archaeology 12(1999) 773-6
Articles and books in progress:
Contributions to eds. R Jensen and P.Burns, Devotion and Dissent. The Practice of
North African Christianity
Chapter on burial practice at Carthage in M. B. Garrison, A Cemetery of Vandalic
Date at Carthage, for Kelsey Museum of Archaeology Series, University of
Michigan Press.
Bir el Knissia at Carthage. Report no. 2, for Journal of Roman Archaeology suppl.
Excavations at Bir Ftouha 1994-99. A Basilica Complex at Carthage with A
Kalinowski, and J van der Leest, for Journal of Roman Archaeology suppl.