To expedite and facilitate the PDQ review process, please send the PDQ and Org Chart electronically to
marshag@unr.edu for discussion and for initial review before routing PDQ for approval signatures.
Questions - call UNR Faculty HR at 682-6114
INSTRUCTIONS: See http://www.unr.edu/vpaf/hr/compensation/placement.html for complete instructions.
Incumbent(s) Name (if applicable): Susan Dunt
Position #(s): 16010
Current Title: Manager, BCN Risk-Workers Compensation
Current Range: 4
Department: BCN Workers’ Compensation Office /
College/Division: AVP-HR /
BCN Human Resources
Vice President Administration & Finance
Account #(s): 12011040801
Action Proposed: (check all that apply)
( ) New position: Proposed Range:
Proposed Title:
( ) Title Change, Proposed Title:
( ) Proposed Reassignment from Range
to Range
( X) Revised PDQ only (no change in range or title)
JCC (Current
( ) Line of Progression (show titles below)
or new HR
I certify that the statements in this description are accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge.
Employee’s Signature
I/we have reviewed the statements in this form and they accurately reflect the job assignments.
Immediate Supervisor’s Signature
Timothy McFarling
Interim Assistant Vice President, HR
Approved for Salary Placement Committee review.
Pres / Vice Pres / Vice Prov Signature Ron Zurek
Vice President, Administration & Finance
Action Approved by the President (Completed by Faculty HR):
Position #:
EEO Code:
CUPA Code:
Job Class Code:
Exempt: Yes or No Census Code:
Effective Date:
Approved Title:
Employee Signature
(Employee signs and sends to HR for personnel file after PDQ has been “final” stamped for approval)
Rev: 12/1/2008
Position Description – Manager, BCN Risk/Workers’ Compensation
Page 2
1. Summary Statement: State the major function(s) of the position and its role in the
university. Attach an organizational chart with positions, ranges, and names for the division
which reflects the position in it as well as those supervised in the department. (This section is
used for advertisement of the position.)
The Manager, BCN Risk/Workers’ Compensation, is responsible for the overall functioning of the risk
management and workers' compensation programs for all Business Center North (BCN) campuses.
In the area of Workers’ Compensation, the Manager is responsible for evaluating workers’
compensation claims and managing the efforts of service providers; ensuring that cost controls are
monitored; developing policies and procedures; providing management of and legal representation for
claims; providing trend analysis; maintaining federaly required OSHA logs; and being the technical
liaison and benefits coordinator for BCN customers.
The Manager administers the BCN risk management program for BCN properties in conjunction with
Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) by overseeing contract review; program analysis;
data/hazard analysis; technical analysis and loss control consulting; and by involvement on boards
and committees related to risk management.
The Manager is responsible for ensuring that ergonomic issues are evaluated and addressed and
assists the Employee Relations Manager in coordinating fitness-for-duty or medical evaluations. The
Manager manages the annual budget for Risk Management and Workers’ Compensation in
conjunction with NSHE and supervises department staff.
2. List the major responsibilities, including percentage of time devoted to each. Provide
enough detail to enable a person outside the department to understand the job (percentage
first with heading and then bulleted information).
40% - Workers’ Compensation
Evaluation of workers’ compensation claims:
 Ensure that workers' compensation claims are processed appropriately by the Nevada System
of Higher Education (NSHE) third-party administrator (TPA)
 Investigate questionable claims and ensure that the TPA is aware of all factual issues that
might impact the payment of benefits
Managing efforts of workers’ compensation service providers:
 Select each service provider as well as ensure that the provider delivers contracted services
and benefits in a timely manner; NSHE is self-insured and has contracted with a managed
care organization (MCO) and a TPA to provide workers' compensation benefits
Cost control:
 Ensure that BCN institutions are charged for appropriate workers' compensation costs by the
NSHE's workers' compensation TPA and MC
 Ensure that cost control tools such as early return-to-work, subrogation (third-party cost
recovery), and subsequent injury cost recovery are utilized when appropriate
Development of policies and procedures to ensure the effectiveness of the workers' compensation
 Evaluate the operations of the workers’ compensation program as a whole and develop
policies and procedures that ensure the effective operation of the program to include the early
return-to-work, police officer wellness, volunteer, subsequent injury recovery and ergonomics
Position Description – Manager, BCN Risk/Workers’ Compensation
Page 3
Legal claim management/representation:
 Determine if decisions made by the NSHE's workers' compensation TPA are factually and
legally supported
 If decisions are not supported, appeal the determination to the workers' compensation hearing
 Represent the interest of NSHE at hearings involving disputed workers' compensation claims
which can involve an appeal submitted by this position or the employee; decisions rendered by
a hearing officer are legally binding
 Represent NSHE at some workers' compensation appeals and assist NSHE legal counsel
when they provide representation
Trend analysis:
 Identify injury trends, reporting these trends to appropriate parties, such as safety committees
and safety officers
 Develop or assist in the development of interventions to address adverse injury trends
Maintenance of federally required records:
 Maintain the OSHA 300 Log for each BCN institution and the OSHA Needlestick Log for the
University of Nevada, Reno
 Maintain the confidentiality of workers' compensation medical records per Federal guidelines
Technical liaison for BCN employees, departments, and administrators:
 Provide information to all BCN employees regarding workers' compensation
 Resolve workers' compensation problems that might impact employees, departments, or
Coordination of benefits:
 Coordinate and explain benefits other than workers’ compensation benefits for which an
employee might be eligible,i.e.,assist employees or coordinate with other administrative units
when benefit issues such as FMLA, ADA, short-term disability, long-term disability, general
leave (sick, annual), and extended salaried sick leave might be relevant to the claim
30% - Risk Management
Administer and manage the BCN risk management program:
 Assist in the development and implementation of the NSHE’s risk management program and
strategic goals of the organization while complying with state laws, federal laws and
accreditation standards related to safety and risk management
 Areas of responsibility include: property insurance and self insured claim management,
certificates of insurance, liability claims, risks and losses, auto claims, contract review and a
variety of other miscellaneous insurance programs
 BCN properties include: UNR, TMCC, WNC, GBC, DRI and NSHE System Office which are
 In conjunction with the NSHE Risk Manager, assist in the development and implementation of
risk management goals, objectives, policies and priorities
 Make administrative decisions relating to divisional operations consistent with overall goals
and objectives
 Maintain policies and procedures to resolve significant and controversial issues and identify
potential possibilities for accidental loss to NSHE assets
 Ensure best practice guidelines as they relate to insurance and indemnification issues are
communicated to appropriate parties through the development of policies, procedures,
guidelines and training materials
Position Description – Manager, BCN Risk/Workers’ Compensation
Page 4
Contract Review:
 Oversee and supervise the Risk Specialist position that is responsible for reviewing contract
language and recommending coverage limits
 Meet with system attorneys and outside attorneys to resolve contested recommendations
made by the Risk Specialist
Program analysis:
 Oversee program analysis with specific emphasis on analyzing insurance issues and
coverage for current programs within the BCN institutions to ensure that the insurance
provided meets the needs of the programs/institutions
 Resolve insurance coverage issues for special events and student activities which require
various types of insurance coverage that may fall outside of the standard insurance policies
Boards and Committee Involvement:
 Attend meetings, conferences, workshops and training sessions; serves on a variety of boards
and committees such as: the Occupational Safety Committee and attends SHEPAC Meetings
Data/hazard analysis:
 Oversee data compilation to support positive trends, negative trends or other trends
Technical Analysis and Loss Control Consulting:
 Provide assistance and recommendations to BCN campuses and staff in the identification and
mitigation of a variety of risks that have the potential to impact finances, liability or disruption to
 Develop and implement loss prevention initiatives
10% - Ergonomics
 Ensure that ergonomic issues involving BCN employees and departments are properly
evaluated and addressed through performing hands-on ergonomic evaluations and by
providing training to employees and departments with ergonomic issues and concerns
 Advise departments and administrators on purchasing furniture that will reduce ergonomic risk
5% - Fitness for Duty:
 Assist the Employee Relations Manager in coordinating fitness for duty or medical evaluations
of employees to minimize safety, liability or operational risks
 Coordinate intervention with Police Services when employee workplace violence threats are
 Assist with coordination of modified duty for employees who have non-work related injuries
5% - Administrative Functions
 Manage, forecast, and prepare annual budget for Risk Management and Workers’
Compensation in conjunction with NSHE Risk Manager and the Director of BCN HR
 Supervises department staff and manages volunteers utilized by BCN institutions
3. Describe the level of freedom to take action and make decisions with or without
supervision and how the results of the work performed impact the department, division and/or
the university as a whole.
Workers' compensation decisions influence the cost of workers' compensation claims. The cost of
workers' compensation claims has a budgetary impact on all BCN institutions and departments. Good
decision-making reduces workers’ compensation liability.
Position Description – Manager, BCN Risk/Workers’ Compensation
Page 5
The decisions made in the handling of workers' compensation issues, ergonomic issues, and claims
management can influence employee morale, department and individual productivity, cost
containment and cost avoidance. Failure to address these areas can result in employee relations
issues and increased financial claims or litigation costs.
Failure to maintain records as required by Federal guidlenes can result in an institution incurring
significant fines.
Failure to accurately evaluate the risk associated with a contract and the associated insurance and
indemnity requirements can result in increased exposure and unnecessary financial liability being
assumed by BCN institutions.
Data management and analysis is key to successful risk management. A failure to effectively manage
and analyze data can result in the NSHE incurring risk that it should have been able to eliminate,
transfer or reduce. In addition, failure to manage and analyze data effectively can result in a failure to
seize opportunities that might be available, such as the opportunity to self-insure specific lines of
4. Describe the knowledge, skills (to include cognitive requirement and verbal and written
communication), and abilities (to include task complexity, problem solving, creativity and
innovation) essential to successful performance of this job (in bullet format).
Knowledge of:
 Workers' compensation principles
 Insurance and claim management principles
 Disability management principles
 Ergonomic principles
 Workers' compensation statutes and regulations
 ADA, FMLA, and other benefit issues
 OSHA recordkeeping requirements
 Risk management principles
Effective oral and written communication skills
Analytical and problem-solving
Understand/interpret contractual language
Negotiating, mediating and counseling
Ability to:
 Apply workers’ compensation principles to complex workers’ compensation problems
 Apply insurance and claim management principles to complex insurance and claim
 Apply disability management principles to complex disability issues
 Apply applicable state and federal (ADA, FMLA, etc.) statutes and regulations to insurance
and risk management problems
 Analyze data to determine trends
 Analyze trends and develop interventions
 Apply risk management principles to complex risk management issues
Position Description – Manager, BCN Risk/Workers’ Compensation
Page 6
5. Describe the type of personal contacts encountered in performing the duties of the job.
Explain the nature and purpose of these contacts: i.e., to provide services, to resolve
problems, to negotiate.
Classified Employees
Academic/Administrative Faculty
Workers Compensation
Reason for Contact
Provide information regarding risk management, insurance
workers' compensation, disability management, ergonomics.
Resolve problems related to these issues.
Provide information regarding risk management, insurance,
workers' compensation, disability management, and ergonomics.
Resolve problems related to these issues.
Provide information regarding the overall functioning of the risk
management and workers' compensation program and the impact
on the Nevada System of Higher Education. Assist in developing
interventions to resolve problems identified. Provide information
and resolve problems related to specific issues and claims.
Reason for Contact
This would include claims adjusters, physicians, attorneys,
hearing/appeals officers, vocational rehabilitation counselors and
vendors. Provide information related to claims to appropriate
individuals depending on the claims process.
6. Indicate the minimum qualifications which are necessary in filling this position should it
become vacant. Please keep in mind the duties/responsibilities of the position rather than the
qualifications of the incumbent.
Minimum educational level, including appropriate field, if any.
Bachelor's Degree from a regionally accredited institution
Minimum type and amount of work experience, in addition to the above required
education necessary for a person entering this position.
Bachelor’s Degree and five years of experience in managing a workers' compensation
and risk management program for an organization or for an insurer
Indicate any license or certificate required for this position.