TESTING THREE MODELS OF METACOMMUNITY STRUCTURE IN ARTHROPOD COMMUNITIES IN SUBALPINE MEADOWS Christopher Scott Carr B.S., University of the Pacific, 2001 THESIS Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES at CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SACRAMENTO FALL 2010 TESTING THREE MODELS OF METACOMMUNITY STRUCTURE IN ARTHROPOD COMMUNITIES IN SUBALPINE MEADOWS A Thesis by Christopher Scott Carr Approved by: __________________________________, Committee Chair Jamie M. Kneitel, Ph.D. __________________________________, Second Reader William E. Avery, Ph.D. __________________________________, Third Reader Ronald M. Coleman, Ph.D. __________________________________, Fourth Reader Patrick Foley, Ph.D. ________________________ Date ii Student: Christopher Scott Carr I certify that this student has met the requirements for format contained in the University format manual, and that this thesis is suitable for shelving in the Library and credit is to be awarded for the thesis. _________________________, Graduate Coordinator Susanne Lindgren, Ph.D. Department of Biological Sciences iii _________________ Date Abstract of TESTING THREE MODELS OF METACOMMUNITY STRUCTURE IN ARTHROPOD COMMUNITIES IN SUBALPINE MEADOWS by Christopher Scott Carr Traditionally, patterns of species diversity were investigated exclusively at the local community scale. However, it has since been recognized that processes at regional scales also influence community dynamics. The integration of processes at local and regional scales to better understand species diversity patterns at different scales is an emerging focus in community ecology, and is examined with metacommunity theory. Several paradigms utilized to examine metacommunity theory include the species-sorting, the mass-effect, the patch dynamic, and the neutral models. Research was conducted in several subalpine meadows in the El Dorado National Forest. The compositions of several insect communities were compared, by utilizing species abundances and richness, among microhabitats (i.e. local scale) and meadows (i.e. regional scale). Two types of data were collected including insect community composition (i.e. abundance and richness), and environmental variables (i.e. vegetation abundance and richness, and soil moisture and pH). Insect community composition was categorized into dispersal groups and functional groups, and vegetation community composition was categorized according to growth forms (i.e. graminoid and forb/herb). The entire insect metacommunity was iv differentially structured according to meadows and microhabitats. Insect communities responded to the soil moisture regimes and other environmental variables exhibited by the various microhabitats. These results suggest that the entire insect metacommunity may be structured according to the species-sorting model of metacommunity theory. Analyzing distinct dispersal and functional groups within the insect metacommunity suggested support for different metacommunity models. Herbivores, and both the good disperser and poor disperser groups structured according to the species-sorting model. The other functional groups (i.e. predators, parasitoids, pollinators, and omnivores) were structured by a combination of the species-sorting, mass-effect, and neutral metacommunity models. ___________________________, Committee Chair Jamie M. Kneitel, Ph.D. ___________________________ Date v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study was conducted on land that is managed by the United States Forest Service. I would like to thank Valerie Hendon of the Pacific Ranger District for granting me access to the study area and providing a key to several locked gates. I would like to acknowledge Dr. Arthur Shapiro who assisted in the identification of several species of butterflies, and Dr. Patrick Foley who assisted in the identification of several bees. I would especially like to thank my graduate professor, Dr. Jamie Kneitel, for consistently providing valuable discussion and comments on drafts, and for providing invaluable assistance with the statistical analyses. In addition, Dr. Patrick Foley, Dr. Ron Coleman, and Dr. William Avery provided valuable discussion during the process of advancing to candidacy, and provided comments on drafts. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................ vi List of Tables ................................................................................................................... viii List of Figures .................................................................................................................... ix Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1 Background ........................................................................................................................ 1 Metacommunities............................................................................................................... 2 Supporting Research .......................................................................................................... 4 Objectives .......................................................................................................................... 7 Predictions ......................................................................................................................... 7 Methods ........................................................................................................................................ 11 Study System ................................................................................................................... 11 Sampling Overview ......................................................................................................... 13 Insect Community Sampling............................................................................................ 18 Plant Community Sampling ............................................................................................. 25 Statistical Analysis ........................................................................................................... 26 Results ......................................................................................................................................... 28 Insect Abundance and Richness....................................................................................... 28 Dispersal Groups.............................................................................................................. 41 Functional Groups............................................................................................................. 41 Discussion ..................................................................................................................................... 44 Conclusion ....................................................................................................................... 52 Literature Cited ............................................................................................................................. 54 vii LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1. Metacommunity Predictions for Significant Differences Among Meadows and/or Microhabitats...........................................................................10 Table 2. Areas, Perimeters, and Elevations of sites 1 through 6. .....................................16 Table 3. Total Counts of Data Utilized, and not Utilized, in the Analyses with a Breakdown into Insect Taxonomic Groups .............................................21 Table 4. Total Counts and Percentages of Insects Identified in each Taxonomic Level ................................................................................................22 Table 5. Examples of Taxonomic Groups that are Included in each Functional Group ................................................................................................24 Table 6. A Two-Way ANOSIM of the Effects of Meadow and Microhabitat on Insect Community Composition During Two Sampling Periods ................................................................................................29 Table 7. MANOVA of the Effects of Meadow and Microhabitat on Two Measures of Insect Community Composition.....................................................31 Table 8. MANOVA of the Effects of Meadow and Microhabitat on Environmental Variables. ...................................................................................35 Table 9. One-way ANOSIM of the Effects of Meadow and Microhabitat on Insect Community Composition, Segregated by Functional Group and Dispersal Ability Group, During Two Sampling Periods.................................................................................................................43 viii LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1. The Complete Study Area with Sites Identified by Circles ..............................15 Figure 2. Position of Transects in Study Sites ..................................................................17 Figure 3. Mean Insect Abundance Across Two Independent Variables ...........................32 Figure 4. Mean Insect Richness Across Two Independent Variables ..............................33 Figure 5. Mean Insect Abundance and Soil Moisture According to Microhabitat Type .............................................................................................39 Figure 6. Mean Insect Richness and Soil Moisture According to Microhabitat Type. ............................................................................................40 ix 1 INTRODUCTION Background Community diversity patterns may be attributed to processes at multiple spatial scales and the interaction between these scales may affect the local and regional patterns of coexistence (Wilson 1992; Debinski et al. 2000; Loreau 2000; Krawchuk and Taylor 2003). At the local scale, or within communities, species directly interact with biotic (e.g., predation and competition) and abiotic (e.g., temperature and moisture) factors in the environment (Kneitel and Chase 2004). At a regional scale, or across communities, diversity can be predominately driven by patterns of colonization and extinction (Loreau and Mouquet 1999; Mouquet and Loreau 2002; Chase 2005). These patterns may act through dispersal limitation and are important for generating differences in species diversity and composition among sites (Cornell and Lawton 1992; Shurin 2000). If the dispersal abilities of species greatly exceed local extinction probabilities, then sites will contain nearly all of the species in the region capable of invading. In this case, local processes will dominate in shaping species diversity and composition within patches. Alternatively, if dispersal abilities do not exceed local extinction probabilities, then species will often be absent from suitable local sites. In this case, regional processes (dispersal limitation) will dominate in shaping species diversity and composition within patches (Ricklefs 1987; Cornell and Lawton 1992). The integration of local and regional scales and the dynamics inherent may be studied with hypotheses put forward by metacommunity theory (Levins and Culver 1971; Mouquet and Loreau 2003; Leibold et al. 2004). This study will examine metacommunity theory by comparing insect 2 communities in various microhabitats (i.e. local scale) that were enclosed in subalpine meadows (i.e. regional scale). Metacommunities Wilson (1992) defined a metacommunity as a set of local communities linked by the dispersal of multiple interacting species. Several perspectives within this framework predict metacommunity dynamics based on the relative role of local (Welsh Jr. and Hodgson 2010) versus regional (Shurin et al. 2000) factors, and have been summarized by Leibold et al. (2004). These perspectives include: patch dynamics, species-sorting, mass-effect, and neutral theory. The terms perspective and model both refer to a specific metacommunity theory and may be used interchangeably throughout the rest of this report. The patch dynamic perspective assumes that all local communities (patches) are homogeneous and equally capable of supporting populations. An assumption inherent to the patch dynamic perspective is that patches are either vacant or occupied by populations at equilibrium. Dispersal is of great importance and limits species diversity in each patch. Spatial dynamics are dominated by local extinction and colonization rates (Leibold et al. 2004). Regional coexistence is generated by a trade-off whereby differences in competitive ability and dispersal facilitate colonization of an empty patch by the poorer competitor (Kneitel and Chase 2004; Cadotte et al. 2006). The species-sorting perspective is based on community composition change over environmental gradients (Smith 1977; Danielson 1991). Patches are heterogeneous in a region varying in some abiotic factor, with species interactions and community structure 3 dependent on this variance. The dynamics of this system are generated by the existence of trade-offs among species that allow them to specialize on different patch types. Dispersal is important and enables covariance between the community and environment (Leibold et al. 2004). The mass-effect perspective is based, largely, on source-sink dynamics (Pulliam 1988). Mass-effects are processes that occur at the regional scale and may modify both species abundances and interactions, and consequently alter community structure and dynamics (Mouquet and Loreau 2002). In this perspective, immigration and emigration determine the dynamics of local populations. Species may be rescued from extinction by emigrating from patches where they are good competitors to patches where they are poor competitors (Brown and Kodric-Brown 1977; Schoener and Spiller 1987). The neutral perspective may be considered the null hypothesis in relation to the previous views described (Bell 2001). The neutral model assumes that species are functionally equivalent and that species richness within a habitat is set by habitat characteristics that determine the probability of species loss and gain in local sites. This model assumes no difference in species’ niche requirements (i.e. species-sorting perspective), in their ability to disperse (i.e. patch-dynamic perspective), or in their ability to avoid local extinctions (i.e. mass-effect perspective) ;( Bell 2001). Critically, the neutral model predicts that dispersal limitation will have a greater impact on community assembly than species-sorting mechanisms and adaptations to local conditions (Hubbell 1979). 4 Supporting Research Metacommunity ecology is an emerging discipline (Liebold et al. 2004; Chase 2005) based on previous empirical studies (Ricklefs 1987; Robinson and Dickerson 1987; Cornell and Lawton 1992; Belyea and Lancaster 1999; Shurin 2000; Chave 2004; Fukami 2004; Ricklefs 2004) which recognize the interaction of population and community dynamics at multiple spatial scales. Empirical studies utilizing metacommunity theory to explain the structuring of organisms at local and regional scales are numerous with support for each perspective in many different ecological settings (Holyoak et al. 2005). These metacommunity perspectives are not mutually exclusive and may exist along a continuum with potentially multiple perspectives shaping the dynamics of the metacommunity, and at different intensities (Leibold et al. 2004; Cottenie 2005). Difficulty exists in separating metacommunity dynamics. Hence, relatively few experiments have utilized field data to examine several different metacommunity perspectives in the same analysis (Cottenie 2005; Etienne and Olff 2005). Several studies have found support for both neutral and niche-based processes structuring communities (Thompson and Townsend 2006; Chu et al. 2007; Ellwood et al 2009). Urban (2004) found species-sorting and mass-effect perspectives explain the structure of a freshwater pond metacommunity. Furthermore, different groups of species in a metacommunity may respond differently to metacommunity dynamics (Leibold et al. 2004). Species associated with different feeding guilds, or exhibiting different dispersal abilities may be structured according to different metacommunity perspectives (Townsend et al. 2003; Urban 2004; Thompson and Townsend 2006). 5 Cottenie (2005) performed a meta-analysis on various published data sets with information on community structure, environmental and spatial variables and found evidence of community structuring processes inherent in three of the metacommunity perspectives; the neutral, the species-sorting, and the mass-effect perspectives. The majority of the communities examined were structured by species-sorting dynamics illustrating the presence of an environmental component in the community structuring processes. A lesser number of the data sets consisted of metacommunities structured by both environmental and spatial variables, suggesting the presence of species-sorting and mass-effect dynamics. Neutral processes were found to structure the fewest number of data sets. This brief summary of supporting research should not be considered a comprehensive list of literature available on metacommunities. According to Leibold et al. (2004) the application of metacommunity models (see previous section) to actual communities is not straightforward. Two requirements for an experimental system, in which metacommunity dynamics may be accurately assessed, are local communities should have discrete boundaries, and different species should respond to processes at different spatial scales. Experimental tests can be categorized into: 1) assemblages of discrete, permanent habitat patches, 2) temporary patches distinct from a background habitat matrix, but varying in position and frequency with time, and 3) permanent habitats with indistinct boundaries. The experimental tests in the present study were performed in subalpine meadows. Subalpine meadows can be considered permanent habitat patches that exhibit discrete boundaries form the surrounding forest habitat. Thus, Leibold’s first 6 requirement for an experimental system in which metacommunity dynamics may be accurately assessed is satisfied. Additionally, each patch may be linked by the dispersal of multiple interacting species. As for Leibold’s second requirement, it is assumed that different insect species will respond to processes at different spatial scales. This system was therefore appropriate for a metacommunity study because both local (within a patch) and regional (across patches) scales were represented. Previous studies focusing on insects in subalpine meadows have only included a specific taxa or functional group. Sharp et al. (1974) found there was no significant correlation between the distribution and diversity of an assemblage of adult subalpine butterflies and their larval food plants, and Gutierrez and Menendez (1995) found the regional distribution of butterflies was correlated with the altitudinal range and abundance of larval food plants. Bowers (1985) found that bumble bee diversity was a function of the composition of flowers within subalpine meadows, and Bowers (1986) found that competition limits local bumble bee densities. The distribution of several pollinator insect taxa has been found to be correlated with elevational gradients (Warren et al. 1988). Sampling numerous taxa encompassing several functional groups, this study may provide broader insights into the patterns of insect community assembly. This study is set apart from previous studies that have utilized the responses of insects to changes in various environmental variables in order identify population and/or community structuring dynamics. 7 Objectives The overall objective of this study was to examine the patterns of insect species diversity and community structure in different microhabitats of subalpine meadows of the Sierra Nevada, CA. The terms microhabitat and patch refer to a distinct area of the meadow that displayed a particular moisture regime and plant physiognomy and will be used interchangeably throughout the rest of this document. The specific objectives consist of comparing insect community composition using species abundance and richness among microhabitats (i.e. local scale) and among meadows (i.e. regional scale); determining the effect vegetation structure and measures of the abiotic environment have on insect communities; assessing which metacommunity models are reflected in the patterns of diversity of the insect communities; and determining if metacommunity processes structure insect communities differentially according to dispersal ability and functional groups. In order to accomplish these objectives a comparative study was performed to ascertain the effects of environment (meadows and microhabitats), space (different meadows) and time (two time periods) on insect communities. Predictions The species-sorting model emphasizes niche differentiation among species, whereas the neutral model assumes ecological equivalence of species. The mechanisms for species coexistence in these models are in direct opposition (Gravel et al. 2006; Mouillot 2007). The species-sorting model predicts decreased community similarity with lower similarity in ecological conditions (Thompson and Townsend 2006). For example, insect community composition may be determined by environmental variables (i.e. soil 8 moisture and pH) and the composition of vegetation (i.e. abundance and richness of graminoids and forbs), resulting in a relationship between habitat type and species composition. In other words, the corn lily, wet, and dry microhabitats will exhibit different insect communities. The neutral model predicts dissimilarity as distance between sites increases (Thompson and Townsend 2006). Insect communities within the meadows would be expected to be similar regardless of microhabitat type. Because dispersal limitation underlies processes driving the neutral model, poor dispersers within the insect communities will be strongly negatively associated with spatial separation of sites, while good dispersers will overcome dispersal limitation and be strongly positively associated with local ecological conditions. Therefore, species with low dispersal will exhibit the neutral model of metacommunity theory, and species with high dispersal will exhibit the species-sorting and mass-effect models. The mass-effect model is difficult to identify from the neutral model because dispersal among habitats are central to this perspective. Therefore, any interpretation of both the neutral and mass-effect models in structuring the insect metacommunity should be made with caution. In the mass-effect model, very high dispersal rates cause regional diversity to decline because of increasing homogenization of the community (Mouqet and Loreau 2003). In the context of this study, the homogenization of the community at the regional level will be indicated by the good dispersers exhibiting similar community composition between meadows. 9 Insect communities segregated into functional groups (i.e. herbivores, predators, parasitoids, pollinators, and omnivores) will exhibit disparate metacommunity models. The communities consisting of herbivores, omnivores, and pollinators consume vegetation, and their associated parts, and do not need to go out in search of prey. The insect species within these communities, accordingly, may behave like poor dispersers, and structure according to the neutral model of metacommunity theory. The communities consisting of predators and parasitoids go out in search of prey, and will reflect the species-sorting and mass-effect models. Measuring competitive abilities of species are beyond the scope of this study and will not be performed which will inhibit evaluation of the patch dynamic model. Furthermore, neglecting dispersal characteristics potentially limits the statistical power of any results considering the theoretical importance of dispersal processes in distinguishing the metacommunity models. As discussed above, support for the various models of metacommunity theory will depend on how insect species interact with their environment. According to the predictions presented above, and for ease of interpretation, Table 1 summarizes the inferences that can be made from the results. 10 Model supported Significant Not significant species-sorting species-sorting neutral mass-effect microhabitat and meadow microhabitat meadow ――――― ――――― meadow microhabitat microhabitat and meadow Table 1. Metacommunity Predictions for Significant Differences Among Meadows and/or Microhabitats. 11 METHODS Study System The research was conducted in the El Dorado National Forest located in the central Sierra Nevada mountains in California. The habitat type of the study location is a subalpine forest zone ranging from 1,676 m to 3,505 m and reaching its maximum extent between 2,743 m 3,048 m. The subalpine forest zone consists of open forests with needle-leaved evergreen trees of low to medium stature, with heights typically exceeding 30 m. Shrubby vegetation and herbaceous ground cover are generally sparse or lacking. Litter accumulation is typically scanty, but fallen woody material persists for long periods in the cold climate (Rundel et al. 1977). Several conifer species dominate within the subalpine zone, either singly or in mixtures of two or more species. These include Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii), red fir (Abies magnifica), subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa), mountain hemlock (Tsuga mertensiana), western white pine (Pinus monticola), lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta), whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis), and limber pine (Pinus flexilis). A shrub understory includes species such as wax currant (Ribes cereum), purple mountainheather (Phyllodoce breweri), oceanspray (Holodiscus discolor), and big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentate). California brome (Bromus carinatus), several species of lupines, and a variety of flowering annuals are common in the sparse ground cover. The moist areas within this region are composed of meadows and quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) 12 stands, with the meadows consisting of several species of Vaccinium (e.g. Western huckleberry (Vaccinium membranaceum), and Sierra bilberry (Vaccinium cespitosum), while the woodlands consist of Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi) and western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis);(Rundel et al. 1977; Parsons 1980). The study area is 946.4 hectares, ranges in elevation from approximately 1,996 m to 2,164 m, and is owned by the United States Forest Service (USFS) Pacific Ranger District. The study area contains approximately 20 variably sized meadows within the surrounding forest matrix that have been set aside for restoration purposes. These meadows are managed by the USFS and not subjected to significant human disturbance. The termination of anthropogenic burning, and other historic land-use practices has facilitated the encroachment of conifers, particularly lodgepole pines (Pinus contorta) and red fir (Abies magnifica), and caused the subalpine meadow system to be threatened and subject to slow decline (USFS 2005). As a result, the meadows have been identified as restoration habitat and are part of the Pacific Ranger District Van Vleck subalpine meadow restoration project. The meadows range in size, shape, and elevation, and are distributed among the forest at varying distances from each other within the study area. Each meadow exhibits three distinct microhabitats (wet, dry, and corn lily dominated) which are distinguished by divergent moisture regimes, and noticeable changes in the physiognomy and structure of the vegetation. The edges among the microhabitats are fairly well defined with a relatively small transition from one microhabitat to another. A small stream meanders 13 through the wet microhabitat within each meadow which gives rise to the wetter moisture soil regime indicative of that microhabitat. The vegetation in the wet portions of meadows consists mostly of graminoids, including Poaceae and Cyperaceae (dominant species include Carex sp., Juncus sp., Deschampsia sp.), whereas the vegetation in the dry portions consists of mostly forbs, including species in the taxonomic groups Asteraceae, Apiaceae, Liliaceae, Saxifragaceae, and Valerinaceae (dominant species include Senecio triangularis, Phalacroseris bolanderi, Hilenium bigelovii, Aster alpigenus, Mimulus primuloides, Castilleja miniata). The corn lily habitats contains a mixture of graminoids and forbs, with forbs, and especially the species Corn lily (Veratrum californicum) dominating the community. Sampling Overview Sampling was conducted in the summer of 2007 from late June to early August. Two sampling events were conducted within this period: June 29 – July 1, and August 3 – 5. Several meadows were chosen for sampling based upon the characteristics of easy accessibility, the availability of three distinct microhabitats, and the availability of sufficient area for the placement of two transects and two quadrats within each microhabitat. Data were collected from six meadows (Figure 1), which included the three microhabitats within each meadow: wet, dry, and corn lily dominated microhabitats. The elevation of the six meadows consistently increased from South to North such that meadow 1 exhibited the lowest elevation and meadow 6 exhibited the highest elevation. 14 The sizes of the meadows (area and perimeter) were randomly distributed, and did not consistently increase from South to North (Table 2). Two 5 m transects (for insect community sampling) and two 1 m² quadrats (for plant community sampling) were sampled within each microhabitat of each meadow (Figure 2). Incorporating variance by measuring at more than one location within each microhabitat ensured that any significant differences found between microhabitats was a result of a treatment effect (Hurlbert 1984). In total, 36 transects and 36 quadrats were sampled from six meadows. Two types of data were collected including insect community composition and ecological factors. The variables that defined insect community composition included individual insect abundance and species richness. The variables that defined ecological factors included vegetation composition (i.e. plant species abundances measured as percent cover, and richness), as well as soil moisture and pH. 15 Site 6 Site 5 Site 4 Site 2 Site 3 Site 1 Figure 1. The Complete Study Area with Sites Identified by Circles. 16 Site 1 2 3 4 5 6 Meadow Lower Van Vleck 1 Lower Van Vleck 2 Upper Van Vleck Highland Coyote 1 Coyote 2 Area (m²) Perimeter (m) Elevation (m) 37,661 1,241 1,996 243,728 2,920 2,002 40,551 1,120 2,011 17,933 551 2,048 14,344 730 2,095 28,179 1,311 2,107 Table 2. Areas, Perimeters, and Elevations of sites 1 through 6. 17 Site 1 Site 2 Site 4 Site 5 Site 3 Site 6 Figure 2. Position of Transects in Study Sites. The Black, Dark Gray, and Light Gray Bars Represent the Transects in the Different Microhabitats; Dry, Wet, and Corn Lily, Respectively. The Placement, and Scale is not Eact but Should Give a General Idea of Transect Locations. 18 Insect Community Sampling Insect community sampling was conducted using 5 m transects with sweep nets because previous work has established sweeping covers the largest area and can accurately represent plot level characteristics of the plant and insect community within the vegetation swept (Siemann 1998; Haddad et al. 2001). However, it is recognized that sweeping does not accurately capture the entire community of insects, but only the active subcommunity of the vegetation in the height zone swept (Janzen and Schoener 1968). Exhaustive representation of the entire insect community would entail sampling of microhabitats in addition to the vegetation such as soil, forest floor, and canopy (where present). In addition, certain species of Diptera, Hymenoptera, and Lepidoptera that are strong flyers may escape the sweep net by flying before the sweeper arrives as a result of movement in the vegetation (Janzen and Schoener 1968). This bias should be consistent across sampling transects. To maintain consistency among transects, sweeps were limited to approximately 50 sweeps per 5 M transect. Sweeps were taken at heights between 0.25 m and 1.0 m above the ground within the vegetation of each sampling area. This corresponded to the height of the vegetation within each microhabitat, which ranged from several inches off the ground, to approximately 1 m. Insect community sampling occurred for six days within the two sampling periods. A total of 12 transects were sampled each day, consisting of two transects from 19 each microhabitat, three microhabitats within each meadow, with two meadows sampled. All six meadows were sampled on days of similar weather with temperatures ranging from 80-90 degrees Fahrenheit with clear skies and minimal wind speed. Sampling was conducted at mid-day (initiated at approximately 12:00 p.m.) during peak hours of insect activity (Warren et al. 1988; Forehand et al. 2006; Martinko et al. 2006; Rand and Louda 2006). Each transect was sampled in approximately 10 minutes, with all transects for a particular day being sampling in 120 minutes. Incorporating additional time to transfer samples to storage and travel to each site, the duration for completing insect sampling for a particular day was 180 minutes. Richness and abundances for each transect were collated. All individuals were separated based on taxonomic group and stored in a solution of 66% alcohol and 33% water, with the exception of butterflies, which were spread and pinned. Invertebrate identification was carried out at 10-30X magnification, with insects being identified to the taxonomic categories family, superfamily, or suborder depending on difficulty. The Peterson Field Guides (Borror and White 1970; White 1983) were consulted to assist identification. The quantity of individual insects (23,688; Tables 3 and 4) captured from both sampling periods necessitated relatively quick identification. The insects readily identified to family included members of the orders Homoptera, Hemiptera, Orthoptera, Coleoptera, Neuroptera, Lepidoptera (i.e. only butterflies were included in the analysis) and the superfamily Apoidea. The insects readily identified to superfamily and suborder included members of the orders Hymenoptera and Diptera, respectively. The 6 meadows contained a total of 77 taxonomic groups (Table 3) of which 56% were identified to 20 family (Table 4). Moths, caterpillars, and unknown individuals were not included in the analysis and represented 0.32% of the entire collection of insects sampled. 21 Data Utilized in Analyses Orthoptera Acrididae Tettigoniidae Tetrigidae Hemiptera Pentatomidae Nabidae Miridae Lygaeidae Piesmatidae Corimelaenidae Cercopidae Berytidae Aphididae Anthocoridae Alydidae Reduviidae Scutelleridae Rhopalidae Neuroptera Chrysopidae Raphidiidae Homoptera Membracidae Delphacidae Cicadellidae Psyllidae Lepidoptera Pieridae Nymphalidae Lycaenidae Hesperiidae Coleoptera Pedilidae Mordellidae Melyridae Elateridae Curculionidae Coccinellidae Chrysomelidae Cerambycidae Cantharidae Bruchidae Anthribidae Anthicidae Staphylinidae Rhipiphoridae Pyrrhocoridae Diptera 313 Nematocera 7 Tipulidae 1 Cyclorrhapha Otitidae 26 Pipunculidae 4 Tephritidae 1,861 Syrphidae 103 Sarcophagidae 2 Sepsidae 4 Brachycera 1 Stratiomyidae 2 Tabanidae 1,951 Asilidae 22 Bombyliidae 13 Hymenoptera 135 Apocrita 56 Icneumonoidea 1 Proctotrupoidea Cynipoidea 36 Scolioidea 3 Sphecoidea Sphecidae 7 Bethyloidea 273 Chrysididae 6,302 Chalcidoidea 361 Perilampidae Chalcididae 1 Apidae 6 Halictidae 4 Megachilidae 4 Colletidae Anthophoridae 103 Andrenidae 27 Vespidae 4 Formicidae 8 Symphata 27 Diprionidae 48 Tenthredinidae 140 Total 2 Data Not Utilized 4 Caterpillar 6 Moth 4 Unknown 4 Total 6 88 1 253 9 9,196 6 21 38 2 1 827 24 1 2 3 1 625 13 1 6 7 1 8 1 264 2 25 1 33 2 6 1 4 2 94 1 236 23,688 97 117 15 229 Table 3. Total Counts of Data Utilized, and not Utilized, in the Analyses with a Breakdown into Insect Taxonomic Groups. 22 Taxonomic Level Family Superfamily Suborder Total Counts 13,291 924 9,473 23,688 Percentages 56% 4% 40% 100% Table 4. Total Counts and Percentages of Insects Identified in each Taxonomic Level. 23 Two broadly defined dispersal ability guilds identified within these taxa included good dispersers (i.e. “winged”) and poor dispersers (i.e. “not winged”). “Winged” insects were defined as those species that possessed a complete pair of wings and a strong ability to fly, including, but not limited to Dipterans, Hymenopterans, and Coleopterans. Insects categorized into the dispersal ability group “not winged” did not contain wings, such as Aphidids, Formicids, and some Homopterans (most have wings); or were considered jumping insects (e.g. some Homopterans). The good dispersers consisted of 68 taxonomic groups, and the poor dispersers consisted of 9 taxonomic groups. Five broadly defined functional guilds identified within the communities included: herbivores, parasitoids, predators, omnivores, and pollinators. The functional guilds consisted of a suite of different insects (Table 5). The individual insects were not identified to species; therefore, the exact functional guild which corresponded to a given individual was unknown in some cases. If a particular taxon contained species of differing functional guilds, the functional guild representing the majority of insect species in that taxon was chosen to represent the functional group for that taxon. For example, the majority of species of shield-backed bugs (Pentatomidae) are herbivorous; however, some species are predacious. In the case of this study, shield-backed bugs were considered herbivores. A taxonomic group consisting of species that were scavengers, predators, and herbivores (e.g. Formicidae) was categorized into the functional group of omnivore. 24 Herbivore Cicadellidae Miridae Pentatomidae Scutelleridae Acanthosomatidae Curculionidae Chrysomelidae Acrididae Tetrigidae Parasitoid Icneumonoidea Chalcidoidea Proctotrupoidea Cynipoidea Scolioidea Bethyloidea Chalcididae Chrysididae Perilampidae Predator Coccinellidae Reduviidae Chrysopidae Anthocoridae Asilidae Cantharidae Nabidae Raphidiidae Staphylinidae Omnivore Formicidae Cyclorrapha Brachycera Nematocera Pollinator Lycaenidae Hesperiidae Apidae Halictidae Megachilidae Colletidae Bombyliidae Nymphalidae Syrphidae Table 5. Examples of Taxonomic Groups that are Included in each Functional Group. 25 Two functional groups that were represented within the taxonomic groups collected, but not included in the statistical analyses, were bloodsuckers and scavengers. These functional groups were not represented in a large enough quantity of insects to utilize statistical analyses. A functional group was included in the analyses if four or more taxonomic groups were represented. Herbivores consisted of 32 taxonomic groups; predators consisted of 14 taxonomic groups; pollinators consisted of 12 taxonomic groups; parasitoids consisted of 11 taxonomic groups; and omnivores consisted of 4 taxonomic groups. Plant Community Sampling Vegetation sampling was conducted using 1 m² quadrats. Each quadrat took approximately 20 minutes to collect samples from. Each quadrat was sampled on the same day the corresponding transect was sampled (see previous section on insect community sampling). The presence of an experimenter collecting plant samples caused insects to leave the area being sampled, therefore, an hour was allowed to elapse between the completion of plant community sampling and the onset of insect community sampling. Plant community richness and abundances were collated for each quadrat. Percent cover was utilized as an estimate of abundance for each species to the nearest 5%. Species with negligible cover were assigned a value of 1%. Plant species richness was categorized according to growth forms (i.e. graminoid and forb/herb). A Kelway soil tester was used to determine the moisture content and pH of the soil. 26 Statistical Analysis In order to examine the composition of the insect communities at local (microhabitat) and regional (meadow) scales several statistical procedures were implemented including one-way ANOSIM, two-way ANOSIM, and MANOVA. The one-way and two-way ANOSIM tests were run using the program PAST (Hammer et al. 2001). For these tests insect communities were analyzed by utilizing species presence/absence data. Insect presence/absence data (and abundances) were summarized into matrices of pairwise Bray-Curtis similarities between sites (Thompson and Townsend 2006). The MANOVA tests were run using the IBM program SPSS Statistics version 18. For this test, total counts of insect abundances and richness were correlated with meadows, microhabitats, and environmental variables. In total 34 statistical tests were run. In order to test the first hypothesis that insect community composition is determined by environmental variables, and structured by species-sorting processes, all statistical procedures were utilized. The entire insect presence/absence data set (consisting of all species in all microhabitats and meadows) was run with two-way ANOSIM tests to examine differences in the composition of communities. The structure of the two-way ANOSIM analysis permitted meadow and microhabitat to be run in the same test; however, sampling periods were required to be run separately. Bonferroni post hoc analyses were run with one-way ANOSIM tests to determine which specific communities differed among meadows and microhabitats. The structure of the one-way ANOSIM analysis required meadows and microhabitats in each sampling period (i.e. 1 27 and 2) to be run separately. Two different MANOVA tests were run. The independent variables for both tests were meadows and microhabitats. The dependent variables were total insect abundance and diversity, for test1; and total vegetation abundance, gramioid abundance, forb abundance, total vegetation richness, graminoid richness, forb richness, soil moisture, and soil pH for test 2. Wilk’s lamba statistic was utilized for the analysis because it is the most widely used test statistic for a MANOVA analysis. In order to test the second hypothesis, that insect communities segregated into good dispersers (i.e. winged) and poor dispersers (i.e. not winged) should exhibit disparate metacommunity models, one-way ANOSIM tests were run. Separate BrayCurtis similarity matrices for each dispersal group were extracted from the data set. In order to test the third hypothesis, that insect communities segregated into functional groups should exhibit disparate metacommunity models, one-way ANOSIM tests were run. Separate Bray-Curtis similarity matrices for each functional group (herbivores, parasitoids, predators, omnivores, and pollinators) were extracted from the data set. 28 RESULTS Insect Abundance and Richness The corn lily, wet, and dry microhabitats all supported significantly different insect communities. The two-way ANOSIM tests, utilizing the entire data set of insect species presence/absence counts, indicated that species composition differed significantly among meadows (P < 0.001) and microhabitats (P < 0.001). These results were consistent across sampling periods (Table 6). Bonferroni post-hoc tests indicated that all the communities were significantly different between the microhabitats. Insect communities between the various meadows were not all different. For example, the Bonferroni post-hoc test indicated that for sampling period 1, meadows 2 and 4 were not significantly different (Table 6). 29 Time Sampling Period 1 Sampling Period 2 Treatment Meadow Microhabitat Meadow Microhabitat Two-Way ANOSIM R 0.55 0.75 0.62 0.66 P <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Bonferroni post-hoc 1 and 3, 6; 2 and 3; 3 and 5, 6 all 1 and 2, 3, 5, 6 all Table 6. A Two-Way ANOSIM of the Effects of Meadow and Microhabitat on Insect Community Composition During Two Sampling Periods. 30 A MANOVA test, utilizing total counts of insect abundance and richness within each community, indicated that both dependent variables differed significantly among meadows, microhabitats, and sampling periods (Table 7). Average insect abundances differed significantly among meadows (P = 0.003), microhabitats (P < 0.001), and sampling periods (P < 0.001). In addition, average insect abundances varied significantly by the interaction between sampling periods and microhabitats (P = 0.012); and meadows and microhabitiats (P = 0.002). On average, insect abundances were highest in the corn lily microhabitat type (Figure 3). Average insect richness differed significantly among meadows (P = 0.041), microhabitats (P < 0.001), and sampling periods (P < 0.001). On average, insect richness across communities exhibited the same pattern as insect abundances: the corn lily microhabitat contained the highest richness of insects (Figure 4). 31 Source Sampling Period Meadow Microhabitat Sampling Period*Meadow Sampling Period*Microhabitat Meadow*Microhabitat Sampling Period*Meadow*Micr ohabitat Source Sampling Period Meadow Microhabitat Sampling Period*Meadow Sampling Period*Microhabitat Meadow*Microhabitat Sampling Period*Meadow*Micr ohabitat Source Sampling Period Meadow Microhabitat Sampling Period*Meadow Sampling Period*Microhabitat Meadow*Microhabitat Sampling Period*Meadow*Micr ohabitat MANOVA F Wilks'λ 19.114 0.478 3.374 0.455 21.223 0.204 df 2, 35 10, 70 4, 70 P <0.001 0.001 <0.001 0.856 0.568 10, 70 0.835 0.718 3.148 4, 70 0.019 0.404 2.009 20, 70 0.017 0.558 1.184 20, 70 0.294 Average Insect Abundance F ss df 24.847 944854.222 1 4.378 832399.833 5 37.816 2.88E+06 2 P <0.001 0.003 <0.001 5 49715.944 0.261 0.931 2 383826.194 5.047 0.012 10 1.38E+06 3.628 0.002 10 613584.139 1.614 0.142 Average Insect Richness ss df 268.347 1 141.292 5 374.25 2 F 24.739 2.605 17.251 P <0.001 0.041 <0.001 5 42.403 0.782 0.569 2 15.194 0.7 0.503 10 121.583 1.121 0.374 10 88.306 0.814 0.617 . Table 7. MANOVA of the Effects of Meadow and Microhabitat on Two Measures of Insect Community Composition. 32 Figure 3. Mean Insect Abundance Across Two Independent Variables. Each Bar Represents an Average of Four Data Points (Two Transects X Two Sampling Periods). Error Bars = 1 SD. 33 Figure 4. Mean Insect Richness Across Two Independent Variables. Each Bar Represents an Average of Four Data Points (Two Transects X \Two Sampling Periods). Error Bars = 1 SD. 34 A second MANOVA test, utilizing environmental variables (i.e total vegetation abundance, gramioid abundance, forb abundance, total vegetation richness, graminoid richness, forb richness, soil moisture, and soil pH) within each community, indicated that all dependent variables differed significantly across meadows, microhabitats, and sampling periods (Table 8). Average vegetation abundance differed significantly among microhabitats (P < 0.001), and sampling periods (P = 0.001). In addition, average vegetation abundance varied significantly by the interaction between sampling periods and microhabitats (P = 0.001); and meadows and microhabitats (P = 0.009). Average vegetation richness differed significantly among meadows (P < 0.001), microhabitats (P < 0.001), and sampling periods (P = 0.022). In addition, average vegetation richness varied significantly by the interaction between and meadows and microhabitats (P = 0.038). 35 Source Sampling Period Meadow Microhabitat Sampling Period*Meadow Sampling Period*Microhabitat Meadow*Microhabitat Sampling Period*Meadow*Micr ohabitat Source Sampling Period Meadow Microhabitat Sampling Period*Meadow Sampling Period*Microhabitat Meadow*Microhabitat Sampling Period*Meadow*Micr ohabitat Source Sampling Period Meadow Microhabitat Sampling Period*Meadow Sampling Period*Microhabitat Meadow*Microhabitat Sampling Period*Meadow*Micr ohabitat MANOVA Wilks'λ F 0.17 25.179 0.68 4.03 0.008 54.149 df 6, 31 30, 126 12, 62 P <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.308 1.44 30, 126 0.086 0.316 4.02 12, 62 <0.001 0.011 3.848 60, 176.474 <0.001 0.17 1.125 60, 176.474 0.277 Vegetation Abundance df ss 1 2211.125 5 618.403 2 8478.694 F 11.883 0.665 22.784 P 0.001 0.653 <0.001 5 1199.958 1.29 0.29 2 3145.75 8.453 0.001 10 5367.472 2.885 0.009 10 2132.417 1.146 0.357 F 0.003 11.56 188.707 P 0.954 <0.001 <0.001 Graminoid Abundance df ss 1 0.347 5 5844.792 2 38166.083 5 503.903 0.997 0.434 2 107.028 0.529 0.594 10 15086.75 14.919 <0.001 10 963.472 0.953 0.499 Forb Abundance df ss 1 2266.889 5 10126.61 2 41201.44 Source Sampling Period Meadow Microhabitat Sampling Period*Meadow Sampling Period*Microhabitat 1096.611 0.754 0.589 2 2772.111 4.764 0.015 10 22497.06 7.732 <0.001 10 1654.389 0.569 0.828 Vegetation Richness df ss F 1 10.125 5.74 5 64.625 7.328 2 66.083 18.732 P 0.022 <0.001 <0.001 5 13.292 1.507 0.212 2 2.583 0.732 0.488 10 39.417 2.235 0.038 10 30.25 1.715 0.115 Graminoid Richness df ss F 1 5.556 18.182 5 3.667 2.4 2 4.333 7.091 P <0.001 0.056 0.003 Meadow*Microhabitat Sampling Period*Meadow*Micr ohabitat Source Sampling Period Meadow Microhabitat Sampling Period*Meadow Sampling Period*Microhabitat P 0.008 <0.001 <0.001 5 Meadow*Microhabitat Sampling Period*Meadow*Micr ohabitat Source Sampling Period Meadow Microhabitat Sampling Period*Meadow Sampling Period*Microhabitat F 7.791 6.961 70.806 Meadow*Microhabitat Sampling Period*Meadow*Micr ohabitat 5 2.278 1.491 0.217 2 3.444 5.636 0.007 10 10.5 3.436 0.003 10 4.722 1.545 0.164 Table 8. MANOVA of the Effects of Meadow and Microhabitat on Environmental Variables. This Table Continues on the Following Page. 36 Forb Richness df ss 1 0.681 5 62.792 F 0.405 7.473 P 0.529 <0.001 Microhabitat Sampling Period*Meadow Sampling Period*Microhabitat 2 88.083 26.207 <0.001 5 8.903 1.06 0.399 2 0.861 0.256 0.775 Meadow*Microhabitat Sampling Period*Meadow*Micro habitat 10 57.75 3.436 0.003 10 20.306 1.208 0.319 F 42.96 4.098 106.156 P <0.001 0.005 <0.001 Source Sampling Period Meadow Source Sampling Period Meadow Microhabitat Sampling Period*Meadow Sampling Period*Microhabitat Meadow*Microhabitat Sampling Period*Meadow*Micro habitat Soil Moisture df ss 1 875.014 5 417.292 2 4324.396 5 259.736 2.55 0.045 2 10 355.007 667.812 8.715 3.279 0.001 0.004 10 347.368 1.705 0.117 Soil pH Source Sampling Period Meadow Microhabitat Sampling Period*Meadow Sampling Period*Microhabitat Meadow*Microhabitat Sampling Period*Meadow*Micro habitat df 1 5 2 ss 0.329 0.478 2.855 F 13.583 3.939 58.857 P 0.001 0.006 <0.001 5 0.353 2.908 0.026 2 10 0.315 0.596 6.497 2.457 0.004 0.024 10 0.324 1.335 0.25 Table 8 continued. MANOVA of the Effects of Meadow and Microhabitat on Environmental Variables. 37 The two different growth forms (i.e. graminoid and forb) exhibited by the vegetation significantly differed among meadows and microhabitats. Average graminoid abundance differed significantly among meadows (P < 0.001) and microhabitats (P < 0.001). In addition, average graminoid abundance varied significantly by the interaction between meadows and microhabitats (P < 0.001). Average graminoid richness differed significantly among microhabitats (P = 0.003) and sampling periods (P < 0.001). In addition, average graminoid richness varied significantly by the interaction between sampling periods and microhabitats (P = 0.007); and meadows and microhabitats (P = 0.003). Average forb abundance differed significantly among meadows (P < 0.001), microhabitats (P < 0.001), and sampling periods (P = 0.008). In addition, average forb abundance varied significantly by the interaction between sampling periods and microhabitats (P = 0.015); and meadows and microhabitats (P < 0.001). Average forb richness differed significantly among meadows (P < 0.001), and microhabitats (P < 0.001). In addition, average forb richness varied significantly by the interaction between meadows and microhabitats (P = 0.003). The two abiotic measurements (i.e soil moisture and pH) differed significantly across meadows and microhabitats. Average soil moisture differed significantly among meadows (P = 0.005), microhabitats (P < 0.001), and sampling periods (P < 0.001). In addition, average soil moisture varied significantly by the interaction between sampling periods and meadows (P = 0.045); sampling periods and microhabitats (P = 0.001); and meadows and microhabitats (P = 0.004). On average, insect abundances and richness were highest at intermediate levels of soil moisture exhibited by the corn lily 38 microhabitats (Figures 5, and 6). Average soil pH differed significantly among meadows (P = 0.006), microhabitats (P < 0.001), and sampling periods (P = 0.001). In addition, average soil pH varied significantly by the interaction between sampling periods and meadow (P = 0.026); sampling periods and microhabitats (P = 0.004); and meadows and microhabitats (P = 0.024). 39 Insect Abundance Estimates corn lily dry wet 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Soil Moisture (%) Figure 5. Mean Insect Abundance and Soil Moisture According to Microhabitat Type. Each Data Point Represents an Average of Four Data Points (Two Transects X Two Sampling Periods). 40 corn lily dry wet Insect Richness Estimates 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Soil Moisture (%) Figure 6. Mean Insect Richness and Soil Moisture According to Microhabitat Type. Each Data Point Represents an Average of Four Data Points (Two Transects X Two Sampling Periods). 41 Dispersal Groups The one-way ANOSIM tests, utilizing a subset of the entire data set consisting of insects differentiated into poor and good disperser groups, indicated that species compositions differed significantly among meadows and microhabitats (Table 9). Poordisperser species composition was significantly different among meadows (P = 0.028 and P = 0.046 for sampling periods 1 and 2, respectively) and microhabitats (P = 0.002 and P = 0.003 for sampling periods 1 and 2, respectively). Good-disperser species composition was significantly different among meadows (P <0.001 for sampling period 2) and microhabitats (P < 0.001 and P < 0.001 for sampling periods 1 and 2, respectively). Meadows did not have a significant effect on species composition of the communities in sampling period 1. Functional Groups The one-way ANOSIM tests, utilizing a subset of the entire data set consisting of insects differentiated into functional groups (herbivores, parasitoids, predators, omnivores, and pollinators), indicated species composition among meadows and microhabitats differed depending on these groups (Table 9). Herbivore species composition was significantly different among meadows (P = 0.039 and P = 0.018 for sampling periods 1 and 2, respectively) and microhabitats (P < 0.001 and P = 0.002 for sampling periods 1 and 2, respectively). Parasitoid, predator, and pollinator species compositions were significantly different among meadows and microhabitats only part of the time. Parasitoid species composition was significantly different among microhabitats in sampling period 1 (P = 0.001); predator species composition was significantly different 42 among microhabitats in sampling period 2 (P = 0.007); and pollinator species composition was significantly different among meadows in sampling period 2 (P = 0.012). Omnivore species composition was significantly different among microhabitats in sampling period 1 (P < 0.001), and among meadows in sampling period 2 (P < 0.001). 43 One-Way ANOSIM Treatment R Good Dispersers Meadow 0.029 Microhabitat 0.436 0.253 <0.001 Sampling Period 2 Meadow Microhabitat <0.001 <0.001 Sampling Period 1 Meadow Microhabitat Meadow Microhabitat <0.001 0.070 Time Sampling Period 1 Sampling Period 1 Meadow Microhabitat 0.273 0.188 Poor Dispersers 0.1218 0.1956 0.1079 0.1819 Parasitoid 0.02389 0.1546 0.06029 0.04339 Predator -0.03109 0.06508 -0.04998 0.1388 Herbivore 0.09868 0.2549 0.1432 0.1982 Pollinator 0.0719 0.04474 0.1185 0.01212 Omnivore 0.07798 0.3721 Sampling Period 2 Meadow Microhabitat 0.2242 0.06411 Sampling Period 2 Sampling Period 1 Sampling Period 2 Sampling Period 1 Sampling Period 2 Sampling Period 1 Sampling Period 2 Sampling Period 1 Sampling Period 2 Meadow Microhabitat Meadow Microhabitat Meadow Microhabitat Meadow Microhabitat Meadow Microhabitat Meadow Microhabitat Meadow Microhabitat Meadow Microhabitat P Bonferroni post-hoc N.A. all 1 and 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; 2 and 3; 3 and 5, 6 all 0.028 0.002 0.046 0.003 1 and 3, 6; 2 and 3 C and D, W 1 and 2, 3, 5, 6 C and W; D and W 0.268 0.001 0.125 0.129 N.A. C and W; D and W N.A. N.A. 0.720 0.070 0.830 0.007 N.A. N.A. N.A. C and D, W 0.039 <0.001 0.018 0.002 1 and 3, 6; 2 and 3 all 1 and 2, 3, 6 C and W; D and W 0.063 0.095 0.012 0.269 N.A. N.A. 5 and 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 N.A. 0.087 <0.001 N.A. all 1 and 2, 5, 6; 3 and 6; 4 and 6 N.A. Table 9. One-way ANOSIM of the Effects of Meadow and Microhabitat on Insect Community Composition, Segregated by Functional Group and Dispersal Ability Group, During Two Sampling Periods. Within the Last Column that Displays Bonferroni PostHoc Pairwise Comparisons: W = Wet Microhabitat, C = Corn Lily Microhabitat, D = Dry Microhabitat, and N.A. = Not Applicable 44 DISCUSSION The insect metacommunity was structured at both local (microhabitat) and regional (meadow) community scales. Insect community composition was predominantly associated with local environmental conditions and differed among microhabitats. These results suggest that mid-elevation Sierra Nevada insect communities structure according to the species-sorting model of metacommunity theory. Dispersal and functional groups revealed different patterns in response to meadows and microhabitats. Herbivores, and both dispersal groups appeared to structure according to the species-sorting model. The other functional groups (i.e. predators, parasitoids, pollinators, and omnivores) were likely structured by a combination of the speciessorting, mass-effect, and neutral metacommunity models. The results were consistent with the prediction that environmental variables play an important role in structuring insect communities. The entire metacommunity was associated with local environmental conditions (total vegetation abundance, graminoid abundance, forb abundance, total vegetation richness, graminoid richness, forb richness, soil moisture, and soil pH) present within each microhabitat. These results support the species-sorting model of metacommunity theory. This finding is consistent with numerous other systems whereby niche-based processes determined the structure of communities (Shurin 2000; Cottenie et al. 2003; Shurin et al. 2003; Cottenie 2005; Jenkins 2006; Thompson and Townsend 2006; Chu et al. 2007). Purves and Turnbull (2010) argue that the majority of communities in the field are niche-structured (species- 45 sorting model). Approaching this view from analyzing the feasibility of the neutral model, Purves and Turnbull (2010) conclude that neutrality is inherently highly implausible because real communities actually contain species that are observably different in almost every respect. These observable differences translate to discrepancies in baseline fitness between species, which give rise to species-sorting dynamics. The species compositions (species abundances and richness) of the insect communities differed significantly according to the environmental variables within each microhabitat. The composition of the insect community varied significantly with vegetation abundance and richness. These results are consistent with other studies that have found the composition of the insect community is affected by the composition of the plant community (Knops et al. 1999; Haddad et al. 2001; Crist et al. 2006). The composition of the insect community also varied significantly with plant growth forms. Insect communities changed along with the composition of plant growth forms because plants exhibiting the same growth form have some similarities in tissue quality, and are more similar taxonomically (Haddad et al. 2001). Ultimately, soil moisture appeared to be the driving factor responsible for conditions within each microhabitat. Allen Diaz (1991) examined the relationship between meadow plant communities and the soil water table in Sierra Nevada meadows near Truckee, and found the highly variable hydrology of the meadows served as a good predictor to plant abundance and distribution. Kneitel and Alford (unpublished data) sampled subalpine meadows in the same geographic location as the present study, and found hydrology was an important variable for explaining patterns in the meadow plant community. 46 Habitats with an intermediate moisture regime exhibited, on average, the highest abundance and richness of insects. This finding is consistent with Janzen and Schoener (1968) who found that absolute numbers of insects were highest in moist bottom-lands, which exhibited an intermediate moisture regime when compared to other sites. Whittaker (1952) examined several mesic to xeric forest habitats in the Smoky Mountains and found that greatest diversity of insects in forest types of intermediate moisture. This common response suggests soil moisture plays an important role in structuring insect communities. The results are not consistent with the prediction that poor dispersers will structure according to the neutral model of metacommunity theory, and good dispersers will structure according to the species-sorting and mass-effect models of metacommunity theory. Results indicated that community similarity was positively associated with local environmental variables. This was indicated by communities in both groups structuring differentially among microhabitats which lends support to the species-sorting model of metacommunity theory. Urban (2004) found similar results in a freshwater pond metacommunity consisting of invertebrates and amphibians. Urban (2004) segregated the metacommunity into two dispersal categories consisting of active and passive dispersers, and found that both groups structured according to local conditions in the environment. The results were inconsistent with Townsend et al. (2003) who found that the geographic location and separation of sites accounted for variation in the invertebrate assemblages. Townsend et al. (2003) examined separately a group of good dispersers 47 (i.e. strong flyers) and found that species with a strong flying ability can more readily overcome dispersal limitation. A more recent study by Thompson and Townsend (2006) showed that neutral processes influenced species with poor dispersal to a greater degree than those with moderate and high dispersal. Thompson and Townsend (2006) sampled aquatic insect communities in ten streams located in grassland catchments of New Zealand and found that species with a low dispersal ability were unable to overcome dispersal limitation which resulted in a strong negative correlation with spatial separation of sites. In other words, communities close to each other were more similar than distant communities. The insect functional groups exhibited patterns consistent with different metacommunity models. Results did not support the specific prediction that communities segregated into the functional groups of herbivores, omnivores and pollinators will structure according to the neutral model. Results indicated that herbivores consistently (sampling periods 1 and 2) structured according to the species-sorting model, omnivores structured according to the neutral and species-sorting models, and pollinators structured according to the neutral and mass-effect models. Conversely, results supported the specific prediction that communities segregated into the functional groups of parasitoids and predators will structure according to the species-sorting and mass-effect models. The composition of the community, consisting exclusively of herbivores, differed significantly among meadows and microhabitats. These results indicated that community similarity was positively associated with local environmental conditions. A synthesis of herbivores and their community dynamics also indicated that herbivores respond to 48 changes in environmental conditions (Huntly 1991). Similarly, Thompson and Townsend (2006) found that grazer (i.e. species that consume algae and are functionally equivalent to herbivores) communities responded to changes in local environmental conditions (i.e. species-sorting model). These common results suggest that herbivore communities structure according to the species-sorting model of metacommunity theory. Communities consisting exclusively of parasitoids and predators appeared to structure according to different metacommunity models. Parasitoid communities structured differentially among microhabitats in sampling period 1, and predator communities structured differentially among microhabitats in sampling period 2. These results indicate that, for parasitoids and predators, community similarity was positively associated with local environmental variables in each respective sampling period (see above). These results suggest the dynamics structuring these communities originate from the species-sorting model of metacommunity theory. Similarly, Thompson and Townsend (2006) found that within an aquatic macroinvertebrate metacommunity, the composition of predators strongly correlated with environmental conditions. This pattern may be consistent across very different habitats (aquatic vs. terrestrial) because predators actively search for prey. The feeding behavior that predators exhibit necessitates a high dispersal ability such that predators overcome dispersal limitation and structure according to niche-based processes (species-sorting). Parasitoids and predators did not appear to structure according to the speciessorting model in all sampling periods. Communities not affected by either meadows or microhabitats included parasitoids in sampling period 2, and predators in sampling period 49 1. The absence of an effect from the microhabitats rules out the presence of speciessorting dynamics structuring the above communities, and an absence of an effect from the meadows rules out the presence of neutral dynamics structuring the above communities. These results suggest the dynamics structuring these communities originate from the mass-effect model of metacommunity theory. This also illustrates how different processes may drive diversity patterns over time. The species-sorting and mass-effect models have two assumptions in common: species differences (both trophic and others) are significant drivers of community structuring processes, and species have the ability to overcome dispersal limitation. Distance between sites does not inhibit immigration of species that overcome dispersal limitation. These species are capable of dispersing to all sites within a region. Consequently, sites may contain nearly all of the species in the region capable of invading and local processes may dominate in shaping species diversity and composition within patches (Ricklefs 1987; Cornell and Lawton 1992). The mass-effect model differs from the species-sorting model by assuming that dispersal rates are very high and exceed the rate at which environmental conditions exclude taxa from certain habitats, such that immigrants influence the structure of the communities in recipient habitats (Mouquet and Loreau 2003; Leibold et al. 2004; Urban 2004). The communities consisting of parasitoids and predators that did not vary significantly with meadows or microhabitats could have been exhibiting very high dispersal, which caused regional (i.e. meadow) diversity to decline because of increasing 50 homogenization of the community (Mouquet and Loreau 2003). These regional dynamics support the mass-effect model of metacommunity theory. The communities of predators and parasitoids structuring according to different metacommunity models between sampling periods could be a consequence of the amount of time that elapsed between sampling periods. Insects emerge and are active at different times during the summer months (Janzen 1973). The species represented in each set of communities (of parasitoids or predators) could have differed across sampling periods and exhibited different dispersal abilities. For example, the communities consisting of parasitoids in sampling period 1 may have exhibited high enough dispersal for speciessorting processes to dominate community structuring mechanisms. In sampling period 2 the parasitoid communities may have consisted of species exhibiting very high dispersal; higher than the species in sampling period 1. Dispersal could have been high enough to exceed the rate at which environmental conditions exclude taxa such that immigrants influence the structuring of species in recipient habitats. These results are consistent with Urban (2004) who found evidence of a freshwater pond metacommunity structuring according to both the species-sorting and mass-effect models. The communities consisting of omnivores and pollinators appeared to structure according to different metacommunity models between sampling periods. These results indicate how different processes may drive diversity patterns over time. However, unlike the predator and parasitoid communities which overcame dispersal limitation (i.e. structured according to species-sorting and mass-effect models) consistently (for both sampling periods), the communities consisting of omnivores and pollinators overcame 51 dispersal limitation part of the time. Moreover, the prediction that omnivores and pollinators would be inhibited by dispersal limitation and structure according to the neutral model was only supported part of the time. Other studies have found support for neutral processes structuring communities. McPeek and Brown (2000) found little differences among some competing damselfly species, leaving the neutral model of metacommunity theory as a potential explanation for assemblages of coexisting Enallagma damselfly species exhibiting very similar ecological characteristics. Similarly, French (1999) found evidence of neutral processes structuring dipteran communities in an Australian eucalypt forest. The similarities of dipteran communities appeared to decrease as distance between sites increased. Omnivores overcame dispersal limitation during sampling period 1, and may have structured according to the species-sorting model; pollinators overcame dispersal limitation during sampling period 2, and may have structured according to the masseffect model. The inconsistency of the prediction (that omnivores and pollinators will structure according to the neutral model) with the study results may be an artifact resulting from the method used to categorize insects into functional groups. Several individuals that were parsed into the omnivore and pollinator communities included species that were defined as good dispersers in the previous analyses (i.e. good vs. poor disperser community comparisons), and good dispersers were predicted to overcome dispersal limitation and structure according to the species-sorting and mass-effect models. These individuals included Dipterans (for the omnivore communities), Lepidopterans, and Apoideans (for the pollinator communities). Good dispersers 52 included individuals that exhibit a strong ability to fly and contain at least one full set of wings. However, this ability to fly is at odds with the behavior indicative of the functional group, such that pollinators (as an example) do not go out in search of prey and may behave like poor dispersers. Apidae and many Anthophoridae are much better dispersers than Halictidae and Andrenidae. In addition, Megachilidae are probably also good dispersers, but strongly tied to nest sites in trees off the meadows. The taxonomic group Diptera contained many species that belong to various functional groups including predators, scavengers, pollinators, etc. For ease of identification and in the essence of time (due to the quantity of dipterans collected), a majority of the Dipterans in this study were only identified to suborder (exceptions included Tabanidae, Syrphidae, Sepsidae, Pipinculidae, Otitidae, Sarcophagidae, Bombyliidae and Asilidae). Thus, many individuals could not be associated with a specific functional group. Identifying Dipterans to a lower taxonomic level (beyond suborder) would permit the categorization of these insects into functional groups other than omnivore. This process of categorization may have significantly underestimated the dispersal ability of many dipterans. Conclusion The results of this study suggest that various models of metacommunity theory are not mutually exclusive and may exist along a continuum with local and regional dynamics shaping the structure of the metacommunity (Leibold et al. 2004). The entire insect metacommunity was strongly positively associated with local environmental conditions, lending support to the species-sorting model of metacommunity theory. 53 Looking at a finer scale view into the functional groups and dispersal abilities of species within the metacommunity revealed the neutral and mass-effect models of metacommunity theory. Future experiments that utilize species composition patterns in the field to differentiate between models of metacommunity theory should extract subsets of data and categorize them according to species traits (e.g. functional group, and dispersal ability). Grouping categories of animals appropriately may expose any underlying community structuring mechanisms that exist. When restoring meadow habitat, such as the subalpine meadows that were examined in this study, the restoration goals should strive to protect and enhance the communities which use the habitat. Meadows have been shown to be very important habitat for insects and the results of this study suggest that heterogeneity is an important factor that influences the structure of insect communities. This was evidenced by communities structuring according to different meadows and microhabitats. Consequently, any restoration goals for meadows should include activities that when implemented will maintain and even enhance local and regional heterogeneity. 54 LITERATURE CITED Allen-Diaz, B.H. (1991) Water Table and Plant Species Relationships in Sierra Nevada. American Midlands Naturalist 126: 30-46. Bell, G. (2001) Neutral Macroecology. Science 293: 2413-2418. Belyea, L.R., and Lancaster, J. (1999) Assembly Rules within a Contingent Ecology. Oikos 86: 402-416. Borror, D. and White, R.E. (1970) The Peterson Field Guide Series. A Field Guide to Insects: American North of Mexico. Houghton Mifflin Company. Boston, New York. Bowers, M.A. (1985) Bumble Bee Colonization, Extinction, and Reproduction in Subalpine Meadows in Northeastern Utah. Ecology 66: 914-927. Bowers, M.A. (1986) Density Dynamics of Bumblebees in Subalpine Meadows: Competition and Resource Limitation. Ecography 9: 175-184. Brown, J.H. and Kodric-Brown, A. 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