New Library Materials April 21, 2003 Child Development Bailey, Donald B., Bruer, John T., Symons, Frank J., and Litchman, Jeff W. (2001). Critical thinking about critical periods. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes. Call Number: SS-CHDV-08762 Keywords: Child Development or Developmental Areas/Early Childhood Education/Social or Emotional/Other Developmental Area: Language Acquisition/Other Developmental Area: Vision/Collaborator or UNC Product Diversity National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE) and IDEA Local Implementation by Local Administrators (ILIAD) Partnership. (2003). Determining appropriate referrals of English language learners to special education: A self-assessment guide for principals. Arlington, VA: Council for Exceptional Children. Call Number: FF-DIVR-08771 Keywords: Diversity/Non-English Language/Special Education/Administration or Management/Child Identification/Assessment (or) Evaluation and Assessment/Personnel Issues or Disciplines Early Intervention Smith, Barbara J., Sexton, J. David, McLean, Mary E. B., and Sandall, Susan R. (2002). Synthesizing and disseminating recommended practices in early intervention/early childhood special education. Final performance report. Denver, CO: University of Colorado at Denver. Call Number: FF-EAIN-08768 Keywords: Early Intervention (General)/Early Childhood Education/Dissemination or Marketing/Literature Review/Systems Change Education Howes, Carollee. (2003). Teaching 4 to 8 year olds: Literacy, math, multiculturalism, and classroom community. Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing Co. Call Number: SS-EDUC-08758 Keywords: Education/Literacy or Reading/Mathematics/Diversity Smith, Timothy, Kleiner, Anne, Parsad, Basmat, Farris, Elizabeth, and Greene, Bernard. (2003). Prekindergarten in U.S. Public Schools: 2000-2001. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics; U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences. Call Number: SS-EDUC-08759 Keywords: Education/Preschool 3 through 5/Preschool in Public Schools/Statistics Cryer, Debby and Harms, Thelma. (2000). Infants and toddlers in out-of-home care. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes. Call Number: SS-EDUC-08763 Keywords: Education, Early Care and/Child Care Services/Early Intervention (General)/Quality or Effectiveness Indicators/Statistics/Policy Development or Analysis/Collaborator or UNC Product Cryer, Debby and Clifford, Richard M. (2003). Early Childhood Education and care in the USA. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes. Call Number: SS-EDUC-08764 Keywords: Education, Early Care and/Early Childhood Education/Policy Development or Analysis/Finance/Curriculum for Children/Family-Professional Partnerships/Evaluation of Programs/Collaborator or UNC Product Evaluation Hemmeter, Mary Louise, Joseph, Gail E., Smith, Barbara J., and Sandall, Susan. (2001). DEC recommended practices program assessment: Improving practices for young children with special needs and their families. Denver, CO: Division for Early Childhood (DEC); Sophis West. Call Number: SS-EVAL-08756 Keywords: Evaluation of Programs/Early Intervention (General)/Early Childhood Education/Special Education Federal Programs Schaefer, Stephanie. (2003). A child advocate's guide to Federal early care and education policy. Washington, DC: National Association of Child Advocates. Call Number: FF-FEDP-08770 Keywords: Federal Programs and Legislation/Education, Early Care and/Early Childhood Education/Early Intervention (General)/ECSE/Advocacy/Directory Listing Finance Tschantz, Jennifer M. (2003). Funding Formula and Fiscal Provisions for Part B: A Policy Analysis. Alexandria, VA: Project FORUM, NASDSE. Call Number: FF-FINA-08766 Keywords: Finance/IDEA/Part B State Grants/Policy Development or Analysis IFSP Sopko, Kim Moherek. (2003). The IEP: A synthesis of current literature since 1997. Alexandria, VA: Project FORUM, NASDSE. Call Number: FF-IFSP-08765 Keywords: IFSP or IEP/Literature Review Inclusion Project Support. (2002?). Supporting early childhood inclusion: Conflict resolution. Los Angeles, CA: California State University, Div. of Special Education. Call Number: SS-AVIS-08773 Keywords: LRE or Inclusion/Personnel Issues or Disciplines Project Support. (2002?). Supporting early childhood inclusion: Coteaching. Los Angeles, CA: California State University, Div. of Special Education. Call Number: SS-AVIS-08774 Keywords: LRE or Inclusion/Personnel Issues or Disciplines Project Support. (2002?). Supporting early childhood inclusion: Itinerant consultation. Los Angeles, CA: California State University, Div. of Special Education. Call Number: SS-AVIS-08775 Keywords: LRE or Inclusion/Personnel Issues or Disciplines/Rural Klein, Diane M, Richardson-Gibbs, Anne Marie, Kilpatrick, Sharon, and Harris, Kathleen C. (2002?). Project Support inservice training manual: A guide to implementing the three phases of inclusion support inservice training for early childhood special educators. Los Angeles, CA: California State University, Div. of Special Education. Call Number: SS-LREN-08772 Keywords: LRE or Inclusion/Personnel Issues or Disciplines Smith, Barbara J. and Rapport, Mary Jane K. (1999). Early childhood inclusion policy and systems: What do we know? Denver, CO: University of Colorado at Denver. Call Number: FF-LRE-08769 Keywords: LRE or Inclusion/Policy Development or Analysis/Early Intervention (General)/Early Childhood Education/Statistics Interagency Coordination Hayden, Peggy, Frederick, Linda, and Smith, Barbara. (2003). A road map for facilitating collaborative teams. Longmont, CO: Sopris West. Call Number: FF-INTC-08761 Keywords: Group Process and Meetings/Interagency Coordination/Interagency Agreements/Interagency Service Delivery/Interagency Coordinating Council/Communication/Administration or Management Literacy Neuman, Susan B. and Dickinson, David K. (2002). Handbook of early literacy research. New York, NY: Guilford Press. Call Number: SS-LTRC-08757 Keywords: Literacy or Reading/Education/Early Childhood Education Monitoring Tschantz, Jennifer M. (2003). Monitoring the Implementation of IDEA: Proceedings of the 2002 National Monitoring Conference. Alexandria, VA: Project FORUM, NASDSE. Call Number: FF-MONI-08767 Keywords: Monitoring/IDEA/Conference Proceedings Reference National Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (NECTAC) and ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education, ERIC/OSEP Special Project. (2003). Compilation of projects addressing the early childhood provisions of IDEA. Discretionary projects supported by the Office of Special Education Programs under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, fiscal year 2002. Chapel Hill, NC: Author. Call Number: SS-REFE-08673-2002 Keywords: Reference/Directory Listing/Early Childhood Education/Early Intervention (General)/Special Education/Federal Programs and Legislation/Grants