
Plan: Abacus Year 5 Term: Spring 2 Week: 20
Date: 20/03/15 School Name: Windmill Primary School Teacher: Neil Knipe Class:
Quick Maths for the Week:
QM 5.20.1 Multiplication facts up to 12 × QM 5.20.2 Subtracting 1-digit
QM 5.20.3 Adding to make
QM 5.20.4 Using mixed
QM 5.20.5 Driving Test
Strands: Written addition and subtraction (WAS); Problem solving, reasoning and algebra (PRA)
Week summary: Solve subtraction of 4-digit numbers using written column subtraction (decomposition); add several numbers using written column addition; use column to
solve problems
Main Focus
Teaching Summary
Lesson 96
ST 5.20.1Chn
write a digit 0–9
on their white
boards. Teacher
writes a 5-digit
number on board.
Chn read, and if
their digit is in the
number, they
write the value of 
Task Descriptions
Core: GP.C 5.20.1 Chn start at
Children can:
Teaching: Model solving 4753 – 2376 using the
 solve 4-digit – 4-digit
Solve subtraction of 4addition and subtraction tool 5.20.1. Ask chn how column subtraction'.
subtractions using written
digit numbers using
many digits they think will need to be moved.
Support: (T) Gui 5.20.1 Chn start at
column method.
written column
question 1 on GP 5.20.1 'Written
Discuss what each digit represents and show
column subtraction'. Work with chn to
using Base 10 equipment.
Discuss how chn knew how many digits would be write questions as expanded column
subtraction, and solve.
Task: Chn solve 8526 – 5274 =. Use Papers tool Extend: GP.E 5.20.1 Chn do
questions 9–17 on GP 5.20.1 'Written
5.20.1 to demonstrate how to write as column
column subtraction'.
 Teaching: Share answers and model solving.
Objectives: WAS.55 Use expanded or compact decomposition to subtract numbers with up to 4-digits (easier)
Key Vocabulary: subtraction; column subtraction; expanded; compact; digit; ones; tens; hundreds; thousands; greater
Physical Resources: base-10 equipment; whiteboardsDigital Resources: GP 5.20.1; Lesson: Year 5 Lesson 96; Papers tool 5.20.1; Written calculations: addition and
subtraction tool 5.20.1
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Lesson 97
ST 5.20.2Chn
choose a 5-digit
multiple of 3, 5,
10, 3 or 9 and
write it so a
partner can't see.
The partner asks
yes/no questions
to try to identify
the number. Rpt.
Core: (T) Gui 5.20.2 Chn roll a dice Children can:
to generate two 4-digit numbers and  solve 4-digit subtractions
write as a subtraction. Predict how
using the written column
many digits they will have to move
and estimate the answer before
 solve written column
carrying out the written column
subtractions of 4-digit
numbers where you have
Core: Y5 TB2 p82
to move three digits.
Linked Resources: Y5 TB2 Answers
Support: Y5 TB2 p81
Linked Resources: Y5 TB2 Answers
Extend: Y5 TB2 p83
Linked Resources: Y5 TB2 Answers
Objectives: WAS.58 Use expanded or compact decomposition to subtract numbers with up to 4-digits (harder)
Key Vocabulary: subtraction; column subtraction; expanded; compact; digit; ones; tens; hundreds; thousands; greater; predict; estimate
Physical Resources: dice; squared paper; Y5 Textbook 2; Photocopiables: Y5 TB2 Answers p76–84; Digital Resources: Lesson: Year 5 Lesson 97; Papers tool 5.20.2;
Screen 5.20.2; Written calculations: addition and subtraction tool 5.20.2
ST 5.20.3Chn
Core: Y5 TB2 p85
3 Lesson 98
Children can:
 Teaching: Chn estimate the answer to 6346 –
Linked Resources: Y5 TB2 Answers  solve 4-digit subtractions
Solve subtraction of 4answers to the
solving using Written calculations: addition and
using column subtraction
digit numbers using
subtraction tool 5.20.3, discussing each step.
written column
Support: IP 5.20.3 Chn use place-  check 4-digit subtractions
sentences on
Discuss answer in relation to estimate.
value cards (Resource sheets 22–
using estimating and
 Check the answer using addition, writing as
24b and 137a/b) to make a 4-digit
that they can
column addition on Papers tool 5.20.3.
number to subtract from 9542.
 identify patterns and make
match the answer
 Task: Chn choose whether to use Frog (counting Estimate and choose method. Check
to the question.
up) or written column subtraction to solve 8004 – using addition.
Discuss and
Extend: (T) Gui 5.20.3 Work with chn
5975. Estimate then solve, checking answer
model estimating
against estimate.
to discuss patterns and write rules as
using rounding
they work through Y5 TB2 p85,
and adjusting.
used. Compare answers, modelling solving using making predictions.
both column addition and Frog. Encourage chn to Extend: Y5 TB2 p85
check answers using addition.
Linked Resources: Y5 TB2 Answers
Solve subtraction of 4digit numbers using
written column
As a class, write instructions for solving 4-digit
subtractions using the written column method.
Check the list on Screen 5.20.2.
Model solving 8342 – 4786 on Written
calculations: addition and subtraction tool 5.20.2
using the expanded and compact methods.
Remind chn that when they move a digit they
need to remember to change the number they
moved it from and to add it to where they are
moving it to.
Remind chn of the choices of written methods that
they have.
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Objectives: WAS.58 Use expanded or compact decomposition to subtract numbers with up to 4-digits (harder); PRA.70 Identify patterns, devise and test rules and use
them to make predictions
Key Vocabulary: subtraction; column subtraction; expanded; compact; digit; ones; tens; hundreds; thousands; predict; estimate; counting up; addition; rounding
Physical Resources: calculators; stickers; whiteboards; Y5 Textbook 2; Photocopiables: Resource sheet 22; Resource sheet 23a; Resource sheet 23b; Resource sheet
24a; Resource sheet 24b; Resource sheet 137a; Resource sheet 137b; Y5 TB2 Answers p85-95; Digital Resources: Lesson: Year 5 Lesson 98; Papers tool 5.20.3;
Screen 5.20.3; Written calculations: addition and subtraction tool 5.20.3
ST 5.20.4Chn
Core: (T) Gui 5.20.4 Chn find the
4 Lesson 99
Children can:
 Teaching: Show chn the towers on Screen
5.20.4a, explaining that building these involves a heights of the world's tallest towers  add several numbers (2-,
Adding several numbers generate 2
numbers with a
and add the top 4, then 3 or 4 of their
lot of maths.
3- and 4-digit) using
using written column
column addition.
 Explain that they will be adding towers of numbers favourites. Use Resource sheets 553
with a standard
and show Screen 5.20.4b of several 3- and 4-digit or 554 to write the calculations.
dice and add all 4
numbers to add. Work through the first tower block Discuss number facts used to help.
together, as
using column addition. Say the final answer and Core: Y5 TB2 p88
quickly as they
do a rough check by rounding.
Linked Resources: Y5 TB2 Answers
can, using known
 Task: Chn solve the other tower addition, rounding p85-95
Support: Y5 TB2 p87
to estimate first.
Linked Resources: Y5 TB2 Answers
 Teaching: Chn share their additions. Remind of
the importance of writing neatly.
Extend: Y5 TB2 p89
 Model solving the addition on the board. Chn
check their answers and spot errors.
Linked Resources: Y5 TB2 Answers
Objectives: WAS.56 Use column addition to add several numbers with up to 4-digits with answers > 10000; WAS.64 Use column addition to add several numbers with up
to 4-digits
Key Vocabulary: addition; column addition; expanded; compact; digit; ones; tens; hundreds; thousands; predict; estimate; rounding; number facts
Physical Resources: calculators; dice; whiteboards; Y5 Textbook 2; Photocopiables: Resource sheet 553; Resource sheet 554; Y5 TB2 Answers p85-95; Digital
Resources: Lesson: Year 5 Lesson 99; Screen 5.20.4a; Screen 5.20.4b
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Lesson 100
ST 5.20.5In
groups of 4, each
child writes a 2digit multiple of
10. Chn find the
total for their
group using
mental methods.
Compare answers
and methods.
Core: (T) PSR.C 5.20.5 Chn discuss Children can:
how to approach the problem to find  use column addition to
the total height of chn in the class.
add several 3-digit
Chn consider if their chosen method
numbers to solve a
is the most effective. Encourage to
check answers.
 use a tape measure to
Support: (T) PSR.S 5.20.5 Chn
measure to the nearest
discuss how to approach the problem
to find the total height of chn in the
class. Provide some of the totals or
allow a calculator for some of the
work. Encourage to check answers.
Extend: (T) PSR.E 5.20.5 Chn
discuss how to approach the problem
to find the total height of chn in the
class. Chn consider the quickest way
to solve. Encourage to check
answers. Will the height be taller than
the school?
Objectives: WAS.56 Use column addition to add several numbers with up to 4-digits with answers > 10000; WAS.64 Use column addition to add several numbers with up
to 4-digits
Key Vocabulary: height; centimetres; metres; measure; addition; multiplication; tallest
Physical Resources: calculators; chalk; tape measure; Photocopiables: Resource Sheet 136; Resource sheet 553; Digital Resources: Lesson: Year 5 Lesson 100;
Screen 5.20.5
Adding several numbers
using written column
addition and using
column addition to solve
Extra Resources:
FF 5.20a Parking costs
Teaching: Explain to chn that they will be adding
their heights to see if their combined height would
be taller than the school. Remind chn how to use
a tape measure to measure their heights in
Task: In pairs, chn measure each other's height.
Teaching: Start to record 15 chn's heights in the
chart on Screen 5.20.5, starting with the tallest.
Discuss if there are any that are the same.
Convert the heights to metres and complete that
column on the table.
Explain to chn that they need to work out the total
FF 5.20b Reduced and sorted
FF 5.20c Dates for the diary
Linked resources
Suggested homework
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Pupil Video 5.20 Subtracting 4-digit numbers using
compact column subtraction
This video explains how to subtract two 4-digit numbers 
using compact column subtraction. It is accompanied by
a Pupil Worksheet for children to practise this method. 
This is suggested for use in Year 5 Week 20, and
focuses on teaching from Lessons 96, 97 and 98.
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Pupil Worksheet 5.20a Subtracting 4-digit numbers
using compact column subtraction
Pupil Worksheet 5.20b Subtracting 4-digit numbers
using compact column subtraction (Answers)