AROMABIOTIC HEALTHY FEED FOR HEALTHY FOOD A REVOLUTION IN NUTRITIONAL SUPPORT OF YOUR PIG’S HEALTH A NATURAL ALTERNATIVE FOR BROILERS WHAT IS AROMABIOTIC ? A carefully balanced mix of medium chain fatty acids ( MCFA ) Supplemented with aroma components in order to guarantee a positive effect on the technical results of piglets, growers and fatteners AROMABIOTIC: MECHANISMS Mode of action of MCFA MCFA inhibit the bacterial cell through invasion of the bacterial cellmembrane and cell-lytis after the entrance of the MCFA in the bacterial cell and subsequent pH drop MCFA inhibit the production of lipases by the bacterium. As lipases are needed to allow bacteria to attach to the intestinal wall, this process will be prevented and the bacteria will be washed out. TRIALS PROVE THAT: 1) AROMABIOTIC improves the digestive and absorptive capacities of the small intestine. The height of the villi is related to the absorption capacity of nutrients by the enterocytes. The higher the villi, the better the absorptive capacity of the small intestine. Aromabiotic increases villi / crypt ratio. 2) AROMABIOTIC has an effect on animal health. Trials done at the independent Research Institute STERKSEL ( University of Wageningen ) with pigs prove that aromabiotic improves overall health of the animals and reduces total numbers of treatments. AVILAMYCINE Treatments Reason for treatment: Leg problems Streptococci infection Pulmonary disorders Stomach and gut disorders Divers AROMABIOTIC 23 13 12 2 7 0 2 10 1 0 1 1 3) Also field trial confirm that mortality drops in pig grower/finisher stage by using aromabiotic Start Amount of animals Initial weight ( kg ) End weight ( kg ) Growth ( g/d) Standardised growth (g/d) Feed conversion Mortality (%) Control Aromabiotic Difference 29/04/02 1798 28.55 103.54 769 768 2.78 3.34 29/04/02 1798 25.45 101.98 769 800 2.65 2.34 + 3.9 % - 5.0 % -30.0 % CONCLUSION: lower mortality, higher daily growth, lower feed conversion and lower production costs. 4) Trial have proven that by using aromabiotic the litter in the units of broilers is more dry. Reason is that aromabiotic stabilizes the flora of intestines. 5) Aromabiotic reduces the use of antibiotics. Research in the famous Institute Pasteur and at the University of Gent in Belgium, faculty veterinary medicin by Prof. R. Ducatelle, has proved that aromabiotic is active against e-coli, salmonella typhimurium, clostridium perfringens and campylobacter jejuni,….. 6) Aromabiotic is a worthy alternative for growth promoters. Research at the independent Centre for Agricultural Research, Department Animal Feed and Livestock Breeding by Dr. Ir. G. Huyghebaert and Dr. Ir. M. Lippens showed the effect of MKVZ and a antiobiotic on the technical results of male broilers at 42 days Weight (g) 1: Control group 2) Control + avilamycine 3) Control + Gali d’or in H2O 4) Control + Gali d’or 5) Control + aromabiotic Feed intake (g/d/animal) Growth (g/d/animal) Feed Conversion 2326 2408 99.1 100.0 54.3 56.2 1.828 1.78 2369 2420 2388 98.9 100.0 100.6 55.3 56.5 55.8 1.789 1.770 1.805 Gali d’or = liquid version of aromabiotic APPLICATION: PIGS: although dosing can be farm specific, we advise following inclusion rates: Weaning feed Post eaning phase 20-40 kg 40 kg – slaughter Gestating sows Lactating sows 0.30 % 0.20 % 0.10 % 0.05 % 0.10 % 0.20 % BROILERS: aromabiotic should be used from first day onwards. Although dosing can be farm specific, we advise following inclusion rates: Broiler starter feeds Broiler grower feeds Broiler finisher feeds Layer feeds Parent stock feeds Turkey feeds 0.20 % 0.15 % 0.10 % 0.10 – 0.15 % 0.10 – 0.20 % 0.10 – 0.20 % CALVES: aromabiotic can be added to cows milk or to milk replacer. It should be fed until end of weaning period ( 8-10 weeks ). For less diarrhoea and less lung problems Milk replacer 0.3 % Milk 4 gram per calf per day ( divided over the milk of that day ) PACKING: 20 kg bags for aromabiotic and 25 litres cans for Gali d’or ( liquid version ) STORAGE: keep cool and dry SPECIFICATIONS AROMABIOTIC: ME poultry ME broilers Net energy Digestible energy Moisture Crude protein Crude fat Sugars and starch 4595 Kcal/kg 4132 Kcal/kg 4105 Kcal/kg 4510 Kcal/kg 190 g/kg 7 g/kg 450 g/kg 78 g/kg Crude ash Crude fibre 354 g/kg 1 g/kg