etCHAPTERIV - MyResearchClass

The main objective of the comparative study of Fish Internal Organs Emulsion
Fertilizer and Complete Inorganic Fertilizer on Growth Rate of Pechay is to produce
an organic fertilizer from fish internal organs and to compare its efficiency to
inorganic fertilizer (7-7-7). Specifically, it aims to determine:
1. The plant growth rate of pechay treated with the organic fish internal organs
emulsion fertilizer.
2. The plant growth rate of pechay treated with the complete inorganic
3. If there is a significant difference between the effects of the organic fish
internal organs emulsion fertilizer and the complete inorganic fertilizer (7-7-7) on
plant growth rate in terms of (a) height, (b) number of leaves, and (c) mass of pechay.
The whole course of experimentation for this study was from (DATE) at the
back of MSU-IIT Hostel.
Table 4.1 Data of Height and # of Leaves of Pechay Plants Treated with Organic
Fish Internal Organs Emulsion Fertilizer
Table 4.1 shows the data of height and # of leaves of the pechay plants treated with organic
fish internal organs emulsion fertilizer for 8 different weeks.
Table 4.2 Data of Height and # of Leaves of Pechay Plants Treated with
Complete Inorganic Fertilzer
Table 4.2 shows the data of height and # of leaves of the pechay plants treated with
complete inorganic fertilizer for 8 different weeks.
Table 4.3 Data of Mass of Pechay Plants After 8th Weeks
Complete Inorganic Fertilizer
126.3 g
135.6 g
133.2 g
137.3 g
128.4 g
136.3 g
139.1 g
127.8 g
138.3 g
142.8 g
Organic Fish Internal Organs
Emulsion Fertilizer
118.4 g
110.7 g
115.7 g
115.4 g
121.4 g
116.9 g
119.2 g
120.7 g
116.3 g
123.5 g
Table 4.3 shows the data of mass of the pechay plants after 8th weeks. The first
column is the number of the sample. The second column shows the mass of the
pechay plants treated with complete inorganic fertilizer. The third column shows the
mass of the pechay plants treated with organic fish internal organs emulsion fertilizer.
With the data presented above, it is shown that pechay plants treated with fish
internal organs emulsion fertilizer show that it gives higher growth rate, greater
number of leaves than the plants treated with complete inorganic fertilizer but the
mass of the pechay treated with complete inorganic fertilizer is relatively greater than
the organic fish internal organs emulsion fertilizer.
To determine if there is a significant difference between the two treatments’
effects on plant growth rate, the t-test was used and yield to the following results.