Maths Curricular Targets Key School Targets F1 F2 As Yr R and Y1 School Another Date : To develop and extend pupils’ abilities to solve word problems and puzzles Must BA Should A Could AA To develop and extend pupils’ abilities to solve word problems and puzzles Must BA Should A Could AA Supporting year group targets Display mathematical understanding through talk and play solving simple mathematical problems Supporting year group targets ~ in “child speak” I can solve simple problems and puzzles by talking and doing Display mathematical understanding through talk and play solving simple mathematical problems I can solve simple problems and puzzles by talking and doing Use developing mathematical ideas and methods to solve simple practical problems Use mental strategies to solve simple problems involving counting, addition, subtraction, doubling and halving, explaining methods and reasoning orally I can use my maths to solve real life problems Use developing mathematical ideas and methods to solve simple practical problems I can solve problems and puzzles in my head by counting, adding, subtracting and doubling and halving and I can explain how I can use my maths to solve real life problems Use mental strategies to solve simple problems involving counting, addition, subtraction, doubling and halving, explaining methods and reasoning orally I can solve problems and puzzles in my head by counting, adding, subtracting and doubling and halving and I can explain how Explain how a problem was solved orally and, where appropriate, in writing I can explain by talking and writing how I solved a problem As Yr 1 and Y2 As Yr 2 and Y3 Use mental strategies to solve simple problems involving counting, addition, subtraction, doubling and halving, explaining methods and reasoning orally I can solve problems and puzzles in my head by counting, adding, subtracting and doubling and halving and I can explain how Explain how a problem was solved orally and, where appropriate, in writing I can explain by talking and writing how I solved a problem Explain how problem was solved Choose and use appropriate operations (including multiplication and division) to solve problems I can explain how a problem was solved and choose sensible methods or operations to do it Explain how a problem was solved orally and, where appropriate, in writing I can explain by talking and writing how I solved a problem Explain how problem was solved Choose and use appropriate operations (including multiplication and division) to solve problems I can explain how a problem was solved and choose sensible methods or operations to do it Choose and use appropriate number operations and appropriate ways of calculating (eg. Mental /mental with jottings / pencil and paper) to solve problems I can choose sensible methods and ways of working to solve puzzles and problems As Yr 3 and Y4 As Yr 4 and Y5 Explain how problem was solved Choose and use appropriate operations (including multiplication and division) to solve problems I can explain how a problem was solved and choose sensible methods or operations to do it Choose and use appropriate number operations and appropriate ways of calculating (eg. Mental /mental with jottings / pencil and paper) to solve problems I can choose sensible methods and ways of working to solve puzzles and problems Choose and use all four operations to solve single and multi-step problems involving numbers, quantities and measures I can use all four operations to solve single and multi-step problems using measures, numbers and quantities Choose and use appropriate number operations and appropriate ways of calculating (eg. Mental /mental with jottings / pencil and paper) to solve problems I can choose sensible methods and ways of working to solve puzzles and problems Choose and use all four operations to solve single and multi-step problems involving numbers, quantities and measures I can use all four operations to solve single and multi-step problems using measures, numbers and quantities Identify and use the appropriate operations (including combinations of operations)to solve problems involving numbers, quantities, measures and explain methods and reasoning I can decide which operations to use and use them to solve problems and puzzles involving numbers, quantities and measures and I can explain my reasoning As Yr 5 and Y6 Key activities to support targets Choose and use all four operations to solve single and multi-step problems involving numbers, quantities and measures I can use all four operations to solve single and multi-step problems using measures, numbers and quantities Identify and use the appropriate operations (including combinations of operations)to solve problems involving numbers, quantities, measures and explain methods and reasoning I can decide which operations to use and use them to solve problems and puzzles involving numbers, quantities and measures and I can explain my reasoning Choose and justify the use of an appropriate and efficient method for solving a problem I can choose suitable and efficient methods to solve puzzles and problems and I can explain my choices Make use of “Barrier Games” to develop and extend mathematical vocabulary and reasoning Use “Group problem Solving” especially where there is redundant or irrelevant information Children design their own problems using “Problem Solving Spinners” Reduce deliberately “wordy” problems to their most simple expression ~ as though sending a text ~ then express as calculation(s) Delete non-essential information in the text Highlight the key information in the text of any given puzzle Use key words such as “How many left? How many altogether? What was each share worth? What was the cost of x at y?” to identify operations (-, +, ÷, ×) Use problem solving “mats” ~ expanded or simplified according to age / ability Use problem solving frames to scaffold the processes ~ extended or simplified as above Work in pairs or small groups and present puzzles for children to solve in any way they see as appropriate then build teaching and learning on pupil response (rather than “Here’s a puzzle. This is how you solve it”) RESOURCES Group problem Solving examples on e-riding Brain Teasers from TES Website ERYC publication “Problem Solving Yr R to Yr 6” Mathematical Challenges for More Able Pupils “Beam” materials Paper resources such as problem solving spinners and scaffolded frames ~ see Maths Subject Leader Problem Solving Mats ~ e-version available for easy modification