Radio Spot Texts

Breast feeding (1)
F.V.O. 1
Nazma, how come your child looks so healthy. Do you have any
special concoction or a magic?
Sister, the simple magic that we women all have …. It’s our breast
milk. Breast milk even becomes more important in our situation now,
sister. It protects our babies against all sorts of diseases.
F.V.O. 1
Hum. What’s that sister? Tell me ….
It’s our breast milk. Don’t know you. Breast milk even becomes more
important in our situation now, sister. It protects our babies against all
sorts of diseases.
That’s right. The midwife said so too. She said breast milk is the best
food for small children.
Yes. If your child is under six months, breast milk alone is all food and
drink he needs.
I will tell other mothers about this.
Breast milk is the best food for small children. Breastfeeding, better chance to
Breast feeding (2)
Nurse, I am worried my baby doesn’t have enough to eat. My wife
seems not to have enough milk after the disaster.
xxx, Of course she will have enough milk if you help her.
What can I do nurse?
First, help her with her chores so she has more time to rest and sleep.
Second, get her nutritious food and supplements. Third, comfort her to
reduce stress. Can you do that?
Yes, of course. More rest, nutritious food and comfort. I can do that.
Great! You are such a good husband.
Breastfeeding mother needs more rest, nutritious food and comfort. Breastfeeding,
better chance to survive.
Clean water
(Sound of water gushing in…)
Honey, from now on, we don’t have to worry about drinking unclean
water anymore.
Oh… Really? What a relief! But how?
Look at this. This is purification tablet. Mix this with the water and the
water will be good for consumption.
Wow, so simple? Just put this tablet in the water? Getting pure
drinking water during floods is easy.
Absolutely! What’s more: it is given free. I got it from Uncle xxx. We
can also get it from a health worker. Uncle xxx said the water may
smell schlorine, but it is safe for use.
Great! I am going use this tablet to purify some water for our children
Use only purified water for drinking. Safe water – better chance to survive!
Same chorus as mentioned above
Safe Defecation
(Sound of water gushing in…maybe we change to illustrate that this is in
nature… maybe bird singing? If there is any bird left?)
Hey Mansoor, where are you going?
Ehh…I am coming back from erhh.. defecation
Why are going this far?
Well. You see. We don’t have any latrine at this moment. We’d better
go far away from habitats and water sources. Otherwise, the germs will
enter our houses and make us sick.
Brother, what you say makes absolute sense. Do it away from where
we live and from our water sources. I’ll do it and tell my family to do it
Perfect. Remember: away from habitats, away from water resources.
That’s good for now. As a soon as we have a latrine, we can use it.
Use a latrine for defecation. If not possible, defecate far from water sources and
habitats. Safe disposal of faces, better chance to survive
Wash hands with soap
(Sound of water gushing in…)
Hey… you stupid man, the entire village is engulfed in water and you
are rubbing soap on your hands?
Oh, Uncle.. the village is engulfed in water, now should I let diseases
engulf my health as well?
M.V.O. 1
What do you mean?
M.V.O. 2
Uncle, whether it is flooded or not, we eat with our hands only, isn’t it?
If your hands are not clean, we can get sick, especially in our situations
now. We’d better take extra care. That’s why I always wash my hands
with soap after toilet and before eating.
M.V.O. 1
Young man, you are right. I’ll do it and make sure my family do it too.
Wash your hands with soap after toilet and before eating. Clean hands, better
chance to survive
(Sound of water gushing in followed by sound of a wailing child….)
Hey... Asma, why is your child crying?
Sister just see,... since morning he has diarrhea and on top of that the
flood water has entered into my house. I do not know what to do?.
See Asma, this diarrhea can be fatal for your child... come now let us
give this ORS solution to him.
ORS soultion?
F.V.O. 1
Yes, ORS solution, means, life saving solution. After every diarrhea
children should be given the solution, this saves their life.
Oh yes… he stopped crying now.
You see. Make sure that you get another package from a health worker
ready for next time. It is free!
Start giving ORS solution to children as soon as diarrhoea starts. No diarrhoea,
better chance to survive!
Hello sister xxx, where are you bringing your child?
We’ve just been to the health post for vaccination. Did you take your
child for vaccination already?
My baby is very strong. I don’t think he needs vaccination.
Oh sister, don’t be silly. It’s the vaccination that keeps your child
healthy and strong. In our situation now, vaccination is even more
But last time he was vaccinated he got a fever.
The nurse told me that mild fever after vaccination is normal reaction.
In fact, it is a good sign that body is responding well to the vaccine. So,
sister, don’t worry about it, just bring your child to the health post. The
nurse will tell you more. She is very helpful.
Really. I will bring my child there right away. Thank you so much.
Bring your child to a health post for vaccination. Vaccination, good health,
better chance to survive!
Pregnancy check-up
Daughter, you look a little different recently. Are you pregnant?
Yes, mum. It’s been around 2 months now mum.
Really? It’s good news! Did you go to a health post for the check-up?
I don’t know mum. With my first child, it went so well. So am not sure
if I need to go this time.
Daughter. We never know. Each time is different. You need to go for
the check up. You and the baby are too valuable to risk.
Mum is right. You should go for a checkup. I heard now they even
give extra food and sprinkles for the pregnant women.
Another good reason to go for the check-up, daughter.
OK, OK. I am going. How can I let you down? You two care so much
about me.
Pregnant woman, go to a health facility for check-up as soon as possible. Safe
motherhood, better chance to survive.
Measles vaccination
Mother 1
The nurse told me that there will be vaccination against measles for
children tomorrow. Will you bring your child?
Mother 2
But sister, my child now is 9 years old. He was vaccinated against
measles years ago.
Mother 1
Sister, now advice from the nurse is that all children between 9 months
and 10 years old should be vaccinated against measles. Even if the
child was vaccinated against measles before.
Mother 2
Even if the child was vaccinated against measles. Really?
Mother 1
Yes, that’s right. A single injection will not be enough to protect our
children when we live in this crowded environment after the disaster.
So they need an extra measles dose. That’s what the nurse said.
Mother 2
That’s right. Thank you sister, for the information. I will bring my boy
Mother 1
I’ll bring my girl too. See you tomorrow in the health clinic then.
Bring all children between 9 months and 10 years old for measles vaccination,
even if he or she was vaccinated against measles before. Protection against
measles, better chance to survive.
Prevention of mosquito-born diseases
Man 1
Ah, brother, come in. It’s so good to have you visit us again
(Sound of slapping)
Man 2
Hey brother. Why are you hitting yourself like that? Are you OK?
Man 1
I am OK. I was just trying to beat a mosquito. There are so many of
them around after the cyclone.
Man 2
Oh yes. That’s right. They are such a nuisance. More than that they can
transmit diseases as well dengue fever and malaria.
Man 1
Oh. That’s really bad. We have to find ways to protect ourselves.
Man 2
Yes. Not very difficult. First, you can protect yourself from mosquito
bites by sleeping under an impregnated bed net all the time, even when
you are taking a short nap. This is especially important for children as
they are more vulnerable to diseases.
Man 1
Right, sleep under a bed net treated with insecticide, especially
children. I guess I can also wear long sleeved clothes to cover myself
from mosquitoes.
Man 2
Absolutely, long sleeved clothes can give some protection. Second,
cover all the water containers because mosquitoes breed in these
containers. Wash and rub the inside of water containers every week.
You can also introduce abate, a safe chemical compound into water
containers to kill lavae. By the way, abate is safe.
Man 1
OK. Cover water containers and wash them every week. I guess a
health worker will help us with abate.
Man 2
That’s right. Third, we community as whole should clear the bushes
and filled the stagnant water pools so mosquitoes don’t have a place to
Man 1
Thank you very much borther. I will follow these advices.
Sleep under an impregnated bed net to protect yourself from mosquito bites and
diseases. Cover and wash water containers regularly; clear bushes; and fill water
pools to keep mosquito from breeding. No mosquitoes, better health.