IDENTIFICATION OF UNCERTAINTY OF A PHYSICALLYBASED HYDROLOGICAL MODEL GUANGHENG NI Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, P. R. China LEI WANG AND HEPING HU Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, P. R. China For the purpose of water resources planning and management, prediction of water resources for future or designed conditions is often required and physically-based distributed models are becoming a common tool. However the model predictions should be associated with estimates of predictive uncertainty. A hydrological similar unit-based distributed hydrological model is established and applied in the study basin to analyze the hydrological cycle and its main affecting factors. Model parameters are calibrated against the observed discharge data of 1988. Uncertainties that main model parameters, rainfall data input may bring to the simulated discharge are simply identified. INTRODUCTION One of the biggest challenges of hydrology research is the prediction of hydrologic responses, especially which of ungauged basin and of the changing responses resulting from changes in landscape features, climate. In theory, run based on knowledge of the basin physical properties, physically based distributed models offer the capacity of predicting the hydrologic response of basins with more accuracy and reliability. In most of the current distributed models, partial differential equations are used to describe flow processes and solved by approximate numerical methods like finite difference or finite element. For model calculation, basin is discretized into triangular, rectangular, or other types of elements, or units. Parameters are required for each element. Although attempts have been being made, there is still no way to directly measure or estimate the parameter values at each element, and therefore in practice, common approach to applying physically based models is to perform calibration against observed discharge, soil moisture, groundwater level etc. In general, hydrologic prediction is subjected to uncertainties from natural randomness, data input, model parameter and model structure. Natural uncertainties refer to the random and temporal and spatial fluctuations inherent in natural processes. Natural randomness almost always introduces a large amount of uncertainty into the hydrologic processes. Data uncertainties refer to the inaccuracy, errors and inadequacy in data measurement, transmission and handling. Model parameter uncertainty refers to the determination of the proper parameter values. Model structure uncertainty refers to the imperfect representation of the true hydrological processes by model equations. 1 2 Prediction uncertainty of physically based distributed models has drawn attention from hydrologists since the development of early distributed models. Beven [1] argued that the current generation of distributed physically based models are lumped conceptual models, and demonstrated a significant degree of model prediction uncertainty resulting from errors in model structure, estimation of parameter values etc. Binley et al. [2] investigated the determination and usefulness of predictive uncertainty in the Institute of Hydrology Distributed Mode (IHDM), using the methods of Rosenblueth and Monte Carlo simulation. Melching et al. [3] presented a framework to estimate the reliability of runoff modeling by accounting for the uncertainties from different sources. Guo et al. [4] studied the uncertainty of model parameter and runoff in two basins by using the Monte Carlo and nonparametric methods. As summarized in detail by Sivapalan et al. [5], the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) new initiative launched the IAHS Decade (2003-2012) on Predictions in Ungauged Basins, or PUB, with its scientific program focuses on the estimation of predictive uncertainty, and its subsequent reduction. The Qin River is a branch at the middle reach of the Yellow River and has a basin area of 13,500 square km. The study basin is part of it and takes an area of 9,245 square km. Observed discharges at a few stations show a serious declining in recent decades, as well as groundwater level and springs outflow, although no significant changes in land use and consumptive water uses occurred. It is in an urgent need to identify the main factors causing this change in river discharges and groundwater level, and predict the future trend of water resources. For this purpose, here as a preliminary study, the uncertainty of a physically based hydrological model is analyzed. MODEL DESCRIPTION The model used in this study provides a dynamic representation of watershed processes including interception, depression, unsaturated flow, groundwater flow, overland and channel flow routing etc. These processes are briefly summarized in the following and model integration is described. All these processes are integrated into the whole system. Interception Only rainfall interception by vegetation canopy is considered. Rainfall is assumed to be intercepted by vegetation canopy until the vegetation surface storage capacity is filled. For different vegetation, the canopy interception capacity is expressed as, RI max kv LAI (1) where RI max is the interception capacity of the vegetation (mm); kv is coefficient related to vegetation type; LAI is the leaf-area-index of the vegetation at different time. For rainfall R the interception RI is then calculated as, 3 R R Im ax R; RI R Im ax ; R R Im ax (2) Rainfall intercepted will be evaporated when rain ceases, while during rainfall evaporation is omitted. Depression During rainfall after ponding occurs, runoff will first fill depressions in the land surface and the excess water becomes overland flow. Water in depressions is retained on the surface and is ultimately infiltrated into the soil or evaporated into the atmosphere. Depression storage capacity is related with land cover, topography and is determined from field observation results. In common depression storage capacity is 1.0 mm to 2.5 mm for impervious areas, and 5.0 mm to 15.0 mm for pervious areas. Flow in unsaturated zone Flow processes considered in unsaturated zone include infiltration, evapotranspiration, percolation, interflow and return flow etc. Based on observations, usually soil moisture changes gradually below two meters from top surface. Therefore unsaturated zone is divided into two parts, the upper one and the lower one. For the upper part (root zone) simulation is carried out by using the Richards equation, and lateral flow along slope is introduced to make the simulation semi-two-dimensional. The mixed form of Richards equation used is as following. ( z , t ) h k ( h) k ( h) s ( z , t ) q L t z z (3) where ( z , t ) is volumetric soil water content; z is the vertical distance from surface with downward as positive (m); t is time in seconds; h is water head (m); k ( h) is hydraulic conductivity (m/s); s ( z , t ) is source or sink item as evapotranspiration etc.; q L is interflow along slope calculated as qL k (h) i with i as the surface slope. For the lower part (transition zone) only vertical flux is considered and a simplified storage function is adopted to describe the relative slow soil water movement in it [6]. Groundwater flow and interaction between river and groundwater Flow in saturated zone is described by mass balance and Darcy’s law. Groundwater flow between simulation elements is calculated from the hydraulic gradient and the hydraulic property along contact boundary. Other items considered in water balance equation include recharge from up unsaturated zone, water abstraction, evaporation, leakage to 4 deeper aquifer and exchange with river water. The exchange between groundwater and river flow is estimated as, kr Ar ( H g H r ); H g H r RGexc kr Ar ; H g Hr (4) where RGexc is the exchange between river and groundwater, with minus value implying water flows into aquifer; kr is the hydraulic conductivity of river bed materials; Ar is river wet area in the calculation element; H g and H r are water head for groundwater and river water respectively. Overland and channel flow routing Kinematic wave model is employed to simulate both overland sheet flow and river flow, in which the momentum equation is given by Manning’s equation. Overland flow reaches river and becomes lateral river inflow, and river water is then routed downstream to basin outlet. The Newton’s method is used in the nonlinear kinematic wave solution scheme. Artificial water uses Agricultural water use (irrigation), industrial water use and domestic water supply are considered. For each water use, the sources must be specified as well as the timing and amount. The sources could be river, aquifer or outside the basin. Irrigation water is directly added to crop land surface, while a portion of domestic water supply is added to top soil layer as leakage. Effluent from households and waste water treatment plants is added to either top soil layer or water bodies according to their discharge locations. Model integration For modeling purposes, a basin is partitioned into a number of subbasins. The use of subbasins in a simulation is particularly beneficial when different areas of the basin are dominated by land uses or soils dissimilar enough in properties to impact hydrology. Subbasins in this study are derived as those within a certain range depth to groundwater, same or similar soil type and within certain range of surface slope. Hydrological processes within each subbasin are then considered as hydrological similar. Channel network, watershed boundary, and variable source area within river floodplain or riparian zones are also taken into account in subbasin partition. Subbasin delineation is often carried out by taking the advantage of GIS software. Figure 1 shows a subbasin delineation and the DEM for the study part of the Qin River basin. For each subbasin, HRUs (Hydrological Response Units) are defined by land cover. Four types of land cover classification are adopted in this study, i.e. forest, crop land, bare soil, and urban area. Vertically each HRU has two zones as unsaturated zone and groundwater aquifer, and the unsaturated zone is further divided into a few layers for numerical solution scheme. Spatial resolution and temporal step are mainly depended on 5 the characteristics of the modeled area, the objectives of the simulation, and the available computational power. Calculation is carried out for each HRU and their results are aggregated to form the total response of the subbasin it belongs to. Each subbsin is hydrologically liked with its surrounding ones through surface and subsurface flow. Figure 1. Subbasin delineation and the DEM for the study part of the Qin River basin THE QIN RIVER BASIN AND MODEL PARAMETERIZATION The Qin River is a branch of the Yellow River and has a basin area of 13,500 square km. The study basin is part of it and takes an area of 9,245 square km. The Qin River basin is located in the middle reach of the Yellow river, and its mean annual precipitation is 611mm. At the low reach of the Qin River, urbanization is developed to certain extent, while most of the middle and up stream of the Qin River are mainly covered by natural and planted forest, grass land, crops etc. For simulation, meteorological data such as precipitation and evaporation; landscape features such as soils, topography, vegetation and land use; agricultural water use, industrial water use and domestic water use are collected. DEM of 100m resolution is used for stream generation, subbasin delineation and surface slope calculation. Digitized map of 1:100,000 is used for land use classification. Discharge records at fiver locations along the main Qin River are also collected for model calibration. 6 Among the model parameters, some of them were determined on the basis of basin physical property and field observations with the aid of high resolution GIS data, while a few of them need calibration. Parameters to be calibrated are the hydraulic properties of soils, river bed materials and aquifers. Calibration was carried out by comparing observed and simulated discharges at different sites. The goodness of fit for calibrations is expressed as the mean error ( M error ), and the ratio of absolute error to mean ( Rerror ) which is used by WMO, as defined as the following. M error 1 1 n Qo Qs i R ; error i nQo n i 1 Qo i n Q i 1 oi Qs i (5) 1000 0 Rain Simulated Discharge Observed Discharge Discharge [m3/s] 800 50 100 Rain [mm/day] where n is the number of discharge data; Qoi and Qsi are observed and simulated discharge respectively; Qo is the mean discharge over the whole calibration period. Calibration was carried out for 1988 whole year. The calibration result for basin outlet is shown in Figure 2, and the errors of M error and Rerror are0.27 and 0.25 respectively. 600 150 400 200 200 250 0 300 88-1 88-2 88-3 88-4 88-5 88-6 88-7 88-8 88-9 88-10 88-11 88-12 Figure 2. Comparison of observed and simulated discharge at the basin outlet IDENTIFICATION OF MODEL UNCERTAITY The reliability of simulation results produced by a hydrological model is a function of uncertainties in nature, data, model parameters, and model structure. To evaluate the combined effect of the uncertainties on the reliability of outputs of the hydrological model, a reliability analysis method, such as first-order second-moment techniques or Monte Carlo simulation, is usually used. As the development of computer technology and computational expertise, the Monte Carlo method is considered to be more competitive, 7 for by this method more details of the distribution of responses can be obtained. Here as a preliminary study, only the model uncertainties from sensitive model parameters and rainfall data input are simply identified. Uncertainty from model parameters Model parameters chosen for uncertainties analysis are hydraulic conductivity of top soil, aquifer and river bed material. Parameter values from calibration are considered to be standard, uncertainties brought by error in the estimation of these parameters are shown in Table 1. The parameter estimation error is assumed to be one order, i.e. standard values multiplied by 0.1 or 10.0 are adopted for analysis. Errors are the comparison between simulated and observed discharges at the basin outlet. Table 1. Uncertainties brought by model parameter estimation Error Saturated hydraulic conductivity of top soils M error Hydraulic conductivity of top soils in slope direction M error Hydraulic conductivity of river bed materials M error Hydraulic conductivity of aquifers M error Rerror Rerror Rerror Rerror Item values multiplied by 0.1 1.0 10.0 0.77 0.27 0.55 0.67 0.25 0.58 0.64 0.27 2.25 0.70 0.25 1.35 0.27 0.27 0.68 0.26 0.25 0.48 0.27 0.27 0.32 0.26 0.25 0.28 1200 0 Rain Ks×0.1 Ks Ks×10 Simulated Discharge [m3/s] 1000 800 50 100 600 150 400 200 200 250 0 Rain [mm/day] Item 300 88-7 88-8 88-9 Figure 3 Uncertainty brought by the hydraulic conductivity of top surface soils (the cases vertical saturated conductivity is one order larger or smaller than the calibrated values) 8 As can be seen from Table 1, variations in top soil hydraulic properties resulted in serious changes of model outputs; the over estimate of the hydraulic conductivities of river bed materials also led to larger error between the simulated discharges and the observed ones; while estimate error in the hydraulic conductivities of aquifers brought relatively little uncertainties to the model outputs. As shown in Figure 3, increase in saturated conductivity of top soil resulted in a peak flow reduction of around 400 m 3/s, while increase in base flow is also obvious because more rainfall infiltrated into soil. Uncertainty from rainfall data input Spatial variation of rainfall is described by average ( ), standard deviation ( ), and coefficient of variation ( Cv ). The number and distribution of the rainfall stations over the basin surely will affect the model output. As can be seen from Table 2, when the number of rainfall stations decreased from 49 to 25, i. e. from average one station in 188 square km to one station in 370 square km, no significant changes in model output is found, although there is a peak flow reduction by around 200 m3/s. While the number of the station is further reduced to 10, the difference in model output became obvious in both peak flows and low flow, and therefore the errors became larger. Table 2. Uncertainties brought by rainfall input Number of rainfall stations (mm) (mm) Cv M error 49 25 10 707 683 709 132 107 115 0.19 0.16 0.16 0.27 0.27 0.33 Rerror 0.25 0.27 0.35 CONCLUSIONS Although the model is based on sound physics and has the potential to simulate and predict hydrological information of basin, the uncertainty bounds are wide even parameters are restrained by calibrated values, especially the hydraulic conductivity of top soils. For the simulated cases, it seems that the selected 25 rainfall stations distributed over the basin have a fairly good representative. Future work will be carried out to fully analyze the uncertainties of the model by using the Monte Carlo simulation and predict the water resources variation under climate changes. REFERENCES [1] Beven K., “Changing ideas in hydrology – the case of physically-based models”, J. Hydrol., Vol. 105, (1989), pp157-172. 9 [2] Binley A. M., Beven K. 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