Lesson Plan

Class: X-th grade
Title: Interpersonal relationships
Duration: 50 min.
O.1. Obtaining knowledge about interpersonal relationships;
Establishing reports between interpersonal relationships and personality;
O.3. The improvement of the efficient communication strategies through
knowledge formation and development of interpersonal relationships.
Operational objectives
a) Cognitive:
Define and characterize personal relationships;
Identify and explain types of interpersonal relationships;
Analyse and identify the role of interpersonal relationships in the
structure of personality;
b) Affective:
To auto evaluate interpersonal relationships within the classroom,
between pupils of the same sex, different sexes, diferent religions,
different social backgrounds;
Analyze and identify the role and the effect of these relationships.
To get self respect
To respect the diversity and different cultural expressions
Methods: heuristic conversation, exercise, brainstorming, didactic explanation,
exposition and questioning.
Lesson type: mixed lesson;
a) Bibliography:
 Psichology. Manual for X-th grade, Ion Dafinoiu, Minel Marcu, Tiberiu
Rudica, European Institute, Iasi, 2000.
 Psichosociology. Teorie si aplicatii, S. Chelcea, Ed. Economica, 2006,
Other materials: work sheet, over head projector and computer.
Moments of the
Paying attention
Announcing the
subject and the
Presentation of
the material and
guiding the
learning process
Informational-forming content
Teacher’s activity
Students activity
The exercise „THE GAME OF GEOMETRIC FORMS” is looking Students take part at the
for communication between partners (desk mates).The exercise exercise
ends with a brief discussion on the efficiency of communication,
the importance of interpersonal relationships in the
communication process, knowledge and self-discovery, seeking
to highlight the anchor ideas on the notion of personality.
Announcing the title and the objectives.
The plan of today’s lesson is:
1. Defining and characterize interpersonal relationships
2. Types of interpersonal relationships;
3. The place and the role of interpersonal relationships in the
structure of personality.
4. A method of educating the capacity of objective interassessment.
It is requested the exemplification of the next affirmation
using feed back.
„As we saw in all the other lessons, the role of the
environment is crucial in the development of a human being.
Through its essence the man is a social human being, a product
of the social background, but in the same time he has the
capability to influence its existence”
There must be identified three main features of interpersonal
Interpersonal relationships contain psychological bounds, which
are consciously and direct between people.
Students are writing in their
notebooks the main ideas of the
lesson. They discuss between
them to find the answers to the
tasks. They answer freely. The
teacher intervenes only if it is
Students write down in their
notebooks the conclusion.
Sending and
receiving new
and 03
- Presents the new information:
1. Interpersonal relationship’s features:
 Psychological character
 Conscious character
 Direct character
The students undergo the
information and participate to
the sequence of teaching
answering to the teacher’s
questions; note down in their
notebook the teacher’s scheme.
They are following teacher’s
exposition and intervene on
their own initiative or on that of
the teacher.
The teacher asks students during the lesson a few questions.
They are actively involved and
(Annex 2)
answer the teacher’s questions.
The students’ answers to these questions (annex 3) will indicate the degree of understanding of the
new lesson. In the case that we will see certain difficulties, errors or gaps we will supply additional
information in order to clarify the problems.
Homework: Establish a few types of interpersonal relationships which exist in your classroom, their
purpose and consequences.
Lesson Plan (will be expose on video)
Interpersonal relationships feature:
The psychological nature shows that we are dealing with two physical sources, both
equipped with full range of functions, traits, mental states and emotions, to achieve
the act the whole personality is involved, the mental experiences of people entering
the relationship are directed toward each other.
The conscious nature of the relation shows that in order to enter in an inter-personal
relationship, people should be conscious. There we can identify three forms of
consciousness, namely: self-awareness, consciousness and awareness of the
relationship between partners.
The direct nature of the relation indicates the necessity of the “face to face” relation of
the two partners, achieving a minimum direct perceptual contact between them .
The actual functioning of interpersonal relationships is conditioned by the
concomitant presence of all these three defining characteristics, the absence of one
of them determines the existence of an interaction , of interpersonal relationships
and interpersonal BUT NOT INTERPERSONAL. They may vary depending on the
nature and the specific of the relationship, meaning that one of the features becomes
dominant, moving to the fore, while others become subordinate. Example of teacherstudent relationship (the psychological character becomes dominant)
Other features of interpersonal relations:
“Alloys”,”mixtures” of social and psychological - between objective and subjective.
Are social, meaning objective, by the very fact that they take place and depend on
social contexts in which people live; are psychological or subjective in that the
initiator and the bearer is a man with own psychic structure.
Interpersonal relationships have a highly ethical, moral character -through them the
man aims to achieve good or evil, either against himself or against others. By this
characteristic of interpersonal relations man values and is being valued socially.
Interpersonal relationships have a strong formative character - by reporting and
comparing with others, people manage not only to know through others, meaning to
understand their possibilities and limits but to continuously improve. This report to
others, leads to two types of effects: a better knowledge and self knowledge; a better
organization of life and activities.
Types of interpersonal relationships:
1. After psychological needs experienced by people when reporting to each other:
 Inter-knowledge relationships - generated by the need of knowing, to have
information about the partner
 inter-communication relationships –generated by the mutual need
information, of
exchanging information and messages, the need for
 sympathetic -affective relationships - relations of sympathy and antipathy
between the people;
2. After their procedural , dynamic side of interpersonal relationships:
 Cooperative relations - based on coordinated efforts to achieve a common
 Competitive
relations - based on rivalry partners in achieving individual
 Conflict relations – which aim the opposition, relative to one indivisible end;
 Relations of accommodation - where partners are accustomed and adjust
each other;
 Relations of
assimilation - when a merger occurs, a mutual transfer of
mentality, common tastes, etc;
 Relations
of stratification - prioritize partners based on their possession
 Relation of alienation - which involves running, sheer away from the other,
breaking relations.
The place and the role of interpersonal relationships in personality structure
- Interpersonal relationships represent the frame, the context of moulding and
training, as the gradual crystallization of personality traits, which are nothing but internalized
interpersonal relationships.
- Interpersonal relationships are both the content and the essence of personality.
Thus personality becomes the mirror and the expression of the relational plan. The value of
personality is dependent on the value of the relations;
-Interpersonal relationships are a mobilizing and dynamic source of the entire
mental state of the individual.
-Interpersonal relations are central in the personality structure; they are where the
whole mental life is flowing and is manifested, and thus, through them is continuing the
development of the individual’s personality.
Once the personality crystallized, it leads to a real influence on interpersonal
relations. So the man gets to select certain relationships, or to avoid, to reject them - such
persons appearing flexible, easily susceptible to changes, that easily determine the
interpersonal relationships, which adapt quickly to new situations and to rigid, dogmatic,
introvert people unable to establish interpersonal relationships, unable to understand the
feelings of others, falling into a permanent state of self-discontent.
Annex 2
o What about a relationship between individual-TV?
o A human-animal relationship can be considered an interpersonal relationship
taking into account this characteristic? What about the one between mother
and baby?
o The mobile phone, the letter could indicate an interpersonal relationship?
What about the relationship mediated by a third party
Give examples of interpersonal relationships in which one of the three
characteristics is missing.
Annex 3.
Identify the aspects that lead to communication blockage leading to poor intercommunication. Working in teams of 4-6 students using Brainstorm
o information filter
o blockage
o interference
o information distortion