Geological Society of America, Archaeological Geology Division Claude C. Albritton, Jr. Scholarship Application Form PART I: APPLICANT INFORMATION Last name: First name: Middle initial(s): Current address: City: Tel (including area code): State/province: Country: Fax (including area code): Zip/postal code: E-mail: Mailing address (if different from current address): City: Tel (including area code): State/province: Country: Fax (including area code): Institution: Zip/postal code: E-mail: Department: Academic supervisor: Supervisor’s e-mail: Supervisor’s telephone (including area code): Supervisor’s fax (including area code): Degree sought (e.g., M.A., M.Sc., Ph.D., etc.): Area of specialization: 1 PART II: BUDGET INFORMATION A. Allowable expenses: The award monies may only be used to directly support the student's thesis/dissertation research. Allowable expenditures may include but are not limited to: travel, food, and lodging during fieldwork activities, analytical services (e.g., dating, thin section preparation, geochemical or isotopic analyses, etc.), and fully expendable supplies (chemicals and reagents, photographic film processing, sample containers, etc). The award monies may not be used for: tuition, salaries, consultants’ services, communication costs, travel to conferences and meetings, word processing services, equipment or nonconsumable supplies, computer hardware or software, books, copying, printing or binding services. Travel Amount ($): Detail: Food Amount ($): Detail: Lodging Amount ($): Detail: Analytical services 1 Amount ($): Detail: Analytical services 2 Amount ($): Detail: Expendable Amount ($): supplies 1 Detail: Expendable Amount ($): supplies 2 Detail: Other Detail: Amount ($): Total amount requested ($): 2 B. Other financial support: Please outline other past, current or pending financial support for the costs of your thesis/dissertation research. Past or current GSA support Amount ($): Pending GSA support Amount ($): Source: Geological Society of America Start date: Source: Geological Society of America Projected start date: Past or current support 1 Amount ($): Amount ($): Amount ($): Amount ($): End date: Source: Start date: Pending support 2 End date: Source: Start date: Pending support 1 End date: Source: Start date: Past or current support 2 End date: End date: Source: Start date: End date: 3 PART III: RESEARCH PROPOSAL Title of thesis/dissertation: Research start date: Research end date: Research abstract (250 words or less): Research proposal: Please attach a proposal outlining your research problem or question, its significance, a brief review of previous research, and a clear description of methodology to be employed, including the area and nature of any fieldwork that your research requires. This proposal should be no longer than 2000 words, in a font size of no less than 12, and in Word (.doc) or Rich Text (.rtf) format. Be sure to indicate your name, institution, and the title of your thesis/dissertation on your proposal. You may include one (1) figure in your proposal. Please embed it in your proposal or send it as a separate attachment in JPEG (.jpg), GIF (.gif) or Adobe Reader (.pdf) format. Please ensure that your figure is less than one (1) megabyte in size and includes your name, institution, and the title of your thesis/dissertation. 4 PART IV: RECOMMENDATION LETTER INFORMATION Recommendation letter #1 Referee’s name: Referee’s institution: Referee’s department: Referee’s telephone (including area code): Referee’s fax (including area code): Referee’s e-mail: Recommendation letter #2 Referee’s name: Referee’s institution: Referee’s department: Referee’s telephone (including area code): Referee’s fax (including area code): Referee’s e-mail: By submitting this form to, the applicant agrees to abide by the Statement of Responsibility pertaining to the GSA Archaeological Geology Division’s Claude C. Albritton, Jr. Scholarship, as outlined below: If selected for this award, I pledge to: 1. Submit a summary of research activity within six months of completion of fieldwork/labwork; 2. Submit a summary of expenditures with the research summary; 3. Submit a final five-page report on the thesis/dissertation upon its completion; 4. Provide a photograph if requested; 5. Acknowledge scholarship support wherever possible, particularly in publications. Date: ________________________________ 5