d) Other Publications (including being member of a large Study

Ronald L. Gibson, Jr., M.D., Ph.D.
Ronald L. Gibson, Jr., M.D., Ph.D.
March 2009
1. Education
University of Washington, Seattle, Washington - Major field
of Biology, B.S.
Washington University Schools of Medicine and Arts &
Sciences, St. Louis, Missouri - M.D. and Ph.D.
Doctoral Thesis: The role of oligosaccharide chains in the
maturation and physical properties of the G protein of
vesicular stomatitis virus
2. Postgraduate Training
Pediatrics, University of Washington School of Medicine,
Seattle, Washington
Pediatrics, University of Washington School of Medicine,
Seattle, Washington
Assistant Chief Pediatric Resident, University of
Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington
Pediatric Pulmonology, Department of Pediatrics,
University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle,
3. Faculty Positions Held
Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, University of Washington School
of Medicine, Seattle, Washington
Research Affiliate, Child Development and Mental Retardation Center, University
of Washington, Seattle, Washington
Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics, University of Washington School
of Medicine, Seattle, Washington
2003-present Professor, Department of Pediatrics, University of Washington School of
Medicine, Seattle, Washington
4. Hospital Positions Held
1988-present Attending Physician, Seattle Children's Hospital, Seattle, Washington
1988-present Consultant, University of Washington Medical Center, Seattle, Washington
Consultant, Swedish Hospital & Medical Center Special Care Nursery, Seattle,
5. Honors and Awards
B.S. summa cum laude in Biology, University of Washington
Phi Beta Kappa, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington
Medical Scientist Training Grant from the National Institutes of Health,
Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri
Ronald L. Gibson, Jr., M.D., Ph.D.
Richard S. Brookings Medical Prize, Washington University School of Medicine,
St. Louis, Missouri
Alexander Berg Prize in Microbiology, Washington University School of Medicine,
St. Louis, Missouri
Alpha Omega Alpha (AOA), Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis,
Outstanding Teacher Award, University of Washington School of Medicine,
Pediatric Residency Training Program
Stanley Stamm Role Model Award in Medicine (for conscientious teaching and
patient care), University of Washington School of Medicine, Pediatric Residency
Training Program
Society for Pediatric Research, Elected Member
Outstanding Teacher Award, University of Washington School of Medicine,
Pediatric Residency Training Program
Family Choice Award from the Parent Advisory Council at Children’s Hospital &
Regional Medical Center (CHRMC), Seattle, WA
Voted one of Seattle’s Top Doctors per Seattle Magazine poll of peers
Nominee, Family Choice Award from Parent Advisory Council at CHRMC
Nominee, Family Choice Award from Parent Advisory Council at CHRMC
Outstanding Teacher Award, University of Washington School of Medicine,
Pediatric Residency Training Program
Voted one of Seattle’s Top Doctors per Seattle Magazine poll of peers
Nominee, Family Choice Award from Family Advisory Council at CHRMC
Selected to the Best Doctors in America
Voted one of Seattle’s Top Doctors per Seattle Magazine poll of peers
Voted one of Seattle’s Top Doctors per Seattle Magazine poll of peers
Selected to Best Doctors in America
Mentoring Award from the University of Washington School of Medicine,
Department of Pediatrics (recognizes outstanding mentoring of junior faculty)
Voted one of Seattle’s Top Doctors per Seattle Magazine poll of peers
Grants/Research Awards
National Institutes of Health, Program Project (PI, W.A. Hodson):
Neonatal Pulmonary Circulation: Co-Investigator (R. Gibson)
Research Training Fellowship, American Lung Association, 1987-88
Research Grant, American Lung Association: The Specificity and
Bacterial Stimulus of Pulmonary Hypertension in Neonatal Sepsis
Research Training Fellowship, American Lung Association, 1988-89
RJR Nabisco Research Scholar Award: Bacterial-Host Cell
Interactions that Stimulate Proinflammatory Mediators in
Neonatal Group B Streptococcal Sepsis
Maternal Child Health, Pediatric Pulmonary Center Training Grant
(P.I.: G. Redding, Co-I: R. Gibson)
Research Grant, Washington Technology Center: The Role of
Pulmonary Microvascular Endothelial Cell Response in Lung Disease
Edward Livingston Trudeau Scholar Award, American Lung
Association: Group B Streptococcus Endothelial Cell Interactions
Co-PIs (B. Ramsey, R. Gibson)/Mentors of Leroy Matthews
Physician Scientist Award
Ronald L. Gibson, Jr., M.D., Ph.D.
Maternal Child Health, Pediatric Pulmonary Center Training Grant
(P.I.: G. Redding, Co-I: R. Gibson)
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Grant
Gene Therapy in the Developing Airways of Mice
Cystic Fibrosis-Research Development Program Pilot Grant
Cystic Fibrosis Clinical Care Center Grant (PI, R. Gibson)
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Therapeutics Development Center
(Co-PIs R. Gibson/Moira Aitken)
Director of the Clinical Core, CFF- Research Development Program
Maternal Child Health, Pediatric Pulmonary Center Training Grant
(P.I.: G. Redding, Co-I: R. Gibson)
Food and Drug Administration Orphan Product Development Grant
TOBI in Young Children with Cystic Fibrosis (Co-PI, R. Gibson)
National Institutes of Health: Inhaled Tobramycin in Young Cystic Fibrosis
Patients (#RO1 DK57755-01, PI-B. Ramsey, Co-PI R. Gibson)
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Therapeutics Development Center
(Co-PIs R. Gibson/Moira Aitken, $500,000)
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Therapeutics: Standard vs. Biofilm
Susceptibility Testing in CF (PI: J. Burns/Moskowitz, Co-I: R. Gibson)
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Therapeutics: Early Pseudomonas
Infection Control (EPIC)-Observational Study
(PIs: M. Rosenfeld, R. Gibson)
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Therapeutics: Early Pseudomonas
Infection Control (EPIC)-Observational Study- DNA Collection
Amendment (PI: R. Gibson)
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Therapeutics: Early Pseudomonas
Infection Control (EPIC)-Observational Study-Phase II
(PIs: M. Rosenfeld, R. Gibson)
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Translational Therapeutics Development Center
(Co-PIs: R Gibson, M. Aitken).
6. Board Certification
National Board of Medical Examiners
Board Certified in Pediatrics (#36845)
Board Certified in Pediatric Pulmonology (#303)
Re-certified in Pediatric Pulmonology (PRCP-MS)
Re-certified in Pediatric Pulmonology (PRCP-MS)
7. Current License to Practice
1983-present Washington (# MD00021155)
8. Professional Organizations
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Thoracic Society
Pediatric Pulmonary Training Directors Association
American Society for Microbiology
Society for Pediatric Research
Ronald L. Gibson, Jr., M.D., Ph.D.
Washington Thoracic Society
Western Society for Pediatric Research
Washington Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics
9. Teaching Responsibilities
Medical Students- Interact with 2-3 medical students each week of inpatient service with daily
case-based teaching in subspecialty rounds, or in weekly Chest/CF Clinic at
Residents- Interact closely with 6 residents on the Pulmonary Team and 1-2 additional residents
on the pulmonary elective for each week of subspecialty attending (10-12 weeks the past two
years). These interactions include cased-based teaching at the bedside and in outpatient
clinics, and 1-2 mini-lectures per week of attending.
Pediatric Pulmonology Fellows- co-Director of fellowship program with active role in recruitment,
curriculum development, evaluation of trainees, and career counseling; Goal of one first-year
fellow each year.
Graduates of our Pediatric Pulmonology Program (1992-2005):
Timothy D. Murphy, M.D.
Associate Professor, Univ. of Pittsburgh
Margaret Rosenfeld, M.D.,M.P.H.
Associate Professor, Univ. of Washington
John P. Osborn, M.D.
Clinical Assoc. Professor, Univ. of Virginia
Sonia K. Budhecha, M.D.
Assistant Professor, Univ. of Nevada, Reno
Toby S. Lewis, M.D., M.P.H.
Assistant Professor, University of Michigan
Samuel M. Moskowitz, M.D.
Assistant Professor, Univ. of Washington
Jason S. Debley, M.D., M. P. H.
Assistant Professor, Univ. of Washington
Martha McKinney, M.D., M.P.H.
Asst. Prof., Queens Univ., Kingston, Ontario
Lucas R. Hoffman, M.D., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Univ. of Washington
Danny Hsia, MD
Oakland Children’s Hospital
DB Sanders, MD, MPH
Asst. Prof, University of Wisconsin, Madison
10. Editorial Responsibilities: no editorial boards
11. Special National and Regional Committees/Activities
Member, Pediatric Pulmonary Training Directors Association (PEPTDA)
Member, Committee to Review the Uniformed Services Pediatric Seminar
Scientific Awards Competition for the Andrew Margileth Award
Coordinator/Moderator for Regional, Quarterly CF Clinical Conferences including
the University of Washington Adult Program, Spokane Affiliate Program, Tacoma
Affiliate Program, Anchorage Affiliate Program, and Invitees from the University of
Oregon and British Columbia
Site Visit to Affiliate CF Program in Spokane, WA
Member, Steering Committee for the Cystic Fibrosis Therapeutic Development
Center Network
Member, Pediatric Planning Committee for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF)
Therapeutic Development Center Network (TDN)
Member, PEPTDA Workforce and Recruitment Subcommittee
Ronald L. Gibson, Jr., M.D., Ph.D.
Chairperson, Committee to develop Standard Operating Procedure for Spirometry
within the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Therapeutic Development Network (TDN)
Member, Committee to develop a Standard Operating Procedure for Nasal
Potential Difference Measurements within the CFF TDN
Member, Data Safety Monitoring Committee for Intrabiotics-367 Multicenter
Phase I Study
Speaker/Panelist at Roundtable Discussion on Guidelines for Assessing Affiliate
CF Centers at the 1998 North American CF Foundation Meeting
Member, Committee to Review the Uniformed Services Pediatric Seminar
Scientific Awards Competition for the Andrew Margileth Award
Site Visit to Affiliate CF Program in Anchorage, Alaska
Visiting Professor, University of California, San Diego, including Grand Rounds at
Children’s Hospital, San Diego entitled “Cystic Fibrosis: Pathophysiology and
Update on Treatment”
Invited Speaker for Post-Graduate Symposium on Aerosolized Antibiotics at the
American Thoracic Society International Meeting
Roundtable Discussion Leader on Aerosolized Antibiotics in Cystic Fibrosis at the
1999 International North American Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Meeting
Site Visit to Affiliate CF Program in Spokane, WA
Chairperson, Committee on Early Interventions in Cystic Fibrosis, Northwest
Cystic Fibrosis Consortium, Epidemiologic Study in Cystic Fibrosis (Genentech)
Invited to Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Williamsburg Conference
Member, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF) Clinical Research Committee for
National Review of Research Grants
Invited Speaker at American Thoracic Conference, “Impact of Early Antibiotic
Treatment in Young Children with Cystic Fibrosis”
Member, CFF-TDN Committee to Establish Quality Control Standards for
Pulmonary Function Testing
Member, CFF-TDN Task Force for Re-Structuring of the Therapeutics
Development Network
Member, Nominating Committee for Pediatric Pulmonary Training Directors
Association Officers
Member, Steering Committee on Joint Project between the CFF and Proteome
Systems (Australia)
Invited Speaker at the 2002 European CF Conference in Genoa, Italy,
“Tobramycin Solution for Inhalation in Young Children with CF: Eradication of
Lower Airway Pseudomonas”
Member, Protocol Development Committee for the CF Therapeutics Development
Invited Speaker, “Pseudomonas Summit”, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Bethesda,
Member, Steering Committee for the Cystic Fibrosis Therapeutic Development
Center Network
Invited Speaker at the 2004 European CF Conference in Birmingham, England
“Early Intervention Strategies in CF Lung Disease”
Member, National Committee to Develop Educational Slide Set on Early
Intervention in Cystic Fibrosis
Member, International CF Foundation Antimicrobial Task Force for Drug
Member, Steering Committee, Early Pseudomonal Infection Control Study
Ronald L. Gibson, Jr., M.D., Ph.D.
Chair, Publications & Presentations Committee, Early Pseudomonal Infection
Control Study
Faculty for CF Foundation-sponsored national training course on GCP Clinical
Research at 2006 North American CF Conference
Selected Site in Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Foundation Leadership & Learning
Collaborative V-National Continuous Quality Improvement Project to Improve
Pulmonary Outcomes in CF
Co-Chairperson, Pseudomonas Workshop, Williamsburg Cystic Fibrosis
Workshop Leader, International Consensus Conference on Pseudomonas
Serology in CF, Bethesda, MD
12. Special Local Responsibilities/Committees
University of Washington Pediatric Housestaff Selection-interviewer
University of Washington Pediatric Intern Selection Committee
WAMI Visiting Professor, Sacred Heart Medical Center, Spokane, Washington
WAMI Visiting Professor, Yakima Pediatric Associates, Yakima, Washington
Associate Director, Pediatric Pulmonary Center Training Grant (MCH #539167)
WAMI Visiting Professor, Yakima Pediatric Associates, Yakima, Washington
Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, Children's Hospital & Medical Center,
Seattle, Washington
Pediatric Grand Rounds at Children’s Hospital & Regional Medical Center:
Update on Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
WAMI Visiting Professor, Yakima Pediatric Associates, Yakima, Washington
Co-Director, Pediatric Pulmonary Fellowship Program, University of Washington
School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington
Co-Director, Pediatric Pulmonology Weekly Journal Club, Children's Hospital &
Regional Medical Center, Seattle, Washington
WAMI Visiting Professor, Yakima Pediatric Associates, Yakima, Washington
PMD Representative to Virginia Mason, South, Children's Hospital & Medical
Center, Seattle, Washington
WAMI Visiting Professor, Yakima Pediatric Associates, Yakima, Washington
Chairman, Asthma Clinical Care Pathway, Children's Hospital & Medical Center,
Seattle, Washington
WAMI Visiting Professor, Yakima Pediatric Associates, Yakima, Washington
POD C Outpatient Clinics Workgroup, Committee Member, Children's Hospital &
Medical Center, Seattle, Washington
Pediatric Grand Rounds at Children’s Hospital & Regional Medical Center:
Review of Asthma Clinical Pathway
Speaker at Parent’s Day Educational Conference on Cystic Fibrosis
WAMI Visiting Professor, Yakima Pediatric Associates, Yakima, Washington and
Toppenish Farm Workers Clinic/Providence Hospital, Toppenish, Washington
Chairman, Asthma Clinical Care Pathway Revision I, Children’s Hospital &
Medical Center, Seattle, WA
Member, Laboratory Space Committee for the Department of Pediatrics,
University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA
WAMI Visiting Professor, Yakima Pediatric Associates, Yakima, Washington and
Toppenish Farm Workers Clinic/Providence Hospital, Toppenish, Washington
Associate Director of the Cystic Fibrosis Center, Children’s Hospital & Medical
Center, Seattle, Washington
Ronald L. Gibson, Jr., M.D., Ph.D.
Member, Grand Rounds Steering Committee, Children’s Hospital & Medical
Center, Seattle, WA
Member, Cardiovascular Surgery Quality Assurance Committee, Children’s
Hospital & Medical Center, Seattle, WA
Asthma Managed Care Focus Group, Children’s Hospital and Regional Medical
Center, Seattle, WA
Chairperson, Asthma Clinical Pathway Revision II, Children’s Hospital & Regional
Medical Center, Seattle, WA
Member of Internal Review Committee for Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Training
Program, University of Washington/CHRMC, Seattle, WA
Speaker at Parent’s Day Educational Conference on Cystic Fibrosis
Team Member for Care Coordination Pilot with Asthma Patients, CHRMC,
Seattle, WA
Team Member for the Cystic Fibrosis Managed Care Readiness Project,
CHRMC, Seattle, WA
Acting Director of the Cystic Fibrosis Center, CHRMC, Seattle, WA
Center Director, Pediatric Program Director for the Cystic Fibrosis Center,
University of Washington, Children’s Hospital & Regional Medical Center, Seattle,
Director/Moderator of CF Center Quarterly Regional Conferences on Clinical
Care- includes Pediatric CF Center at CHRMC, Adult CF Program at UWMC,
Affiliate CF Programs at Mary Bridge in Tacoma, WA, Deaconess Hospital in
Spokane, WA, and invitees from Kaiser in Portland, OR and CF Centers in
Victoria and Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Chairperson, Cystic Fibrosis Clinical Pathway Revision Committee, CHRMC,
Seattle, WA
Local Spokesperson for Great Strides Fundraiser for Cystic Fibrosis
Speaker at Parent’s Day Educational Conference on Cystic Fibrosis
Member, Asthma Clinical Pathway Revision Committee, CHRMC, Seattle, WA
CHRMC Quarterly Curbstone Consult: Chronic Cough (Editor, Dr. S. Dassel)
Chairperson, CHRMC Pharmacy & Therapeutics Subcommittee for Palivizumab
(Synagis) Guidelines
Speaker at 19th Annual F. Richard Dion Pediatric Update, Seattle, WA: Asthma
Speaker at Parent’s Day Educational Conference on Cystic Fibrosis
WWAMI Visiting Professor, Peninsula Children’s Clinic, Port Angeles, WA
CHRMC Quarterly Curbstone Consult: Asthma Pathway (Editor: Dr. S. Dassel)
Speaker at Parent Day Educational Conference on Cystic Fibrosis
Site Visit to Affiliate CF Center, Anchorage, Alaska
Invited Speaker at Puget Sound Allergy & Asthma Society Meeting: Update on
the Diagnosis and Management of CF
Speaker at CF Regional Quarterly Conference: Macrolides and CF
Site Visit to Affiliate CF Center, Spokane, Washington
Speaker, CF Quarterly Regional Conference: Early Intervention for Pseudomonas
in Children with CF
Member, Inpatient Medicine Project Subcommittee on Education
WWAMI Visiting Professor, Yakima Pediatric Associates, Yakima, WA and
Toppenish Farm Workers Clinic/Providence Hospital, Toppenish, WA
Member, Cystic Fibrosis Research Faculty Search Committee, Department of
Pediatrics/CHRMC (Chair: B. Ramsey)
Member, Neonatal Research Faculty Search Committee (Chair: D. Woodrum),
Department of Pediatrics, University of Washington School of Medicine
Ronald L. Gibson, Jr., M.D., Ph.D.
Member, Institutional Review Board Forms Committee, CHRMC, Seattle, WA
Speaker at Parent’s Day Educational Conference on Cystic Fibrosis
Speaker at CF Quarterly Regional CF Conference: Hypertonic Saline in CF
Director, Pediatric Pulmonary Fellowship Program, University of Washington
School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington
Member, Scholarship Oversight Committee for Pediatric Critical Care Fellow, Iain
Asplin, MD, PhD
Member, CUMG Physician Education, Billing, and Compliance Committee
Member, Human Subject Protection Program Advisory Committee, CHRMC
WWAMI Visiting Professor, Pocatello Children & Adolescent Clinic, Pocatello, ID,
and St. Luke’s Regional Medical Center, Boise, ID (3-day trip)
Panel Member, R2 Pediatric Retreat on Academic Career Options
Scientist/Poster Presenter at CHRMC Centennial Kick-off Research Event
Ad hoc member, Scholarship Oversight Committee, Danny Hsia, MD
Invited Speaker at 7th Annual Madigan Pediatric Update Conference: Update on
the Treatment of CF Lung Disease.
Speaker at Parent’s Day Educational Conference on Cystic Fibrosis
Member, Steering Committee, Center for Clinical and Translational Research,
Seattle Children’s Hospital Research Institute
Presentation of the CHRMC Cystic Fibrosis Center Quality Improvement Program
to the CHRMC Board
Ad hoc member, Scholarship Oversight Committee, DB Sanders, MD
WWAMI Visiting Professor, Peninsula Children’s Clinic, Port Angeles, WA
Participant in Medical Ward Team Configuration Meeting, CHRMC
Member, Review Committee for the Center for Clinical and Translational
Research Mentored Scientist Program, Seattle Children’s Hospital
Member, Recruitment Subcommittee for the Center for Clinical and Translational
Research, Seattle Children’s Hospital
Case Presenter at Sconyers/Godfrey Ethics Grand Rounds, CHRMC
Member, Appointments and Promotions Committee, Depart ment of Pediatrics,
University of Washington School of Medicine
Speaker, CF Parent Education Day
13. Research Funding
Name of Individual: Ronald L. Gibson, MD, PhD
(Renewable annually)
Project Number: C117-04
Dates of Current Project: 7/1/08-6/30/09
Principal Investigator: Ronald L. Gibson, MD, PhD
Percent Effort: 15%
Source: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Direct Costs: $230,322
Title of Project: Cystic Fibrosis Center Grant
Major goals this project: Funding for ongoing support of the Cystic Fibrosis Clinical Center.
Name of Individual: Ronald L. Gibson, MD, PhD
Project Number: GIBSON98Y0
Dates of Entire Project: 4/1/09-3/31/14
Principal Investigator: Ronald L. Gibson, MD, PhD
Percent Effort: 10%
Source: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Current Direct Costs: $200,000
Title of Project: Translational Therapeutic Development Center
Major goals of this project: To develop and conduct Phase I/II clinical trials in cystic fibrosis related
research as part of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation's Therapeutic Development Network.
Name of Individual: Ronald L. Gibson, MD, PhD
Ronald L. Gibson, Jr., M.D., Ph.D.
Role: Co-Investigator, Director of Clinical Core for Research Development Program
Project Number: R565
Dates of Project: 10/1/08-9/30/09
Principal Investigator: E. Peter Greenberg, PhD
Percent Effort: 5%
Source: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Direct Costs: $42,000
Title of Project: Molecular Biology of Cystic Fibrosis: Clinical Core
Major goals of this project: To provide a national resource for development of well-designed clinical
investigations in patients with CF and to foster collaboration with basic scientists to promote pilot studies
by providing patient specimens or clinical data.
Name of Individual: Ronald L. Gibson, MD, PhD
Role: Co-Investigator
Project Number: BURN03A0
Dates of Project: 6/1/04-12/31/07
Principal Investigator: Jane Burns, MD
Percent Effort: 3%
Source: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Direct Costs: $228,355
Title of Project: Standard versus Biofilm Susceptibility Testing in Cystic Fibrosis
Major goals of this project: To compare the microbiological efficacy, clinical efficacy, and safety of using
standard versus biofilm susceptibility testing of P.aeruginosa sputum isolates to guide antibiotic selection
of airway infection in clinically stable patients with CF.
Name of Individual: Ronald L. Gibson, MD, PhD
Role: Co-Principal Investigator
Dates of Project: 4/1/09-3/30/14
Percent Effort: 15%
Source: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Direct Costs: $1,328,747
Title of Project: EPIC Observational Study
Major goals of this project: A large, multicenter, prospective, descriptive study of the risk factors for and
outcomes associated with initial acquisition of Pseudomonas aeruginosa as well as outcomes associated
with therapy among CF patients 1 to 12 years of age.
GIBSON07K0 (Gibson – PI)
9/1/07 – 8/31/09
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Percent Effort: 5%; Direct Costs: $650,000
DNA Collections for Gene Modifier Studies
The goal of this project is to collect DNA samples from children with cystic fibrosis (CF) who are
currently participating in the Early Pseudomonas Infection Control (EPIC)
Role: PI
Percent Effort: 10%
Sponsor: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Title of Study: Quality of Life in Adults and Adolescents with Severe Cystic Fibrosis
Sponsor: NIH/John Hopkins University
Title of Study: Genetic Modifiers of Cystic Fibrosis (CF Twin/Sibling Study)
Sponsor: Corus Pharma, Inc.
Title of Study: CP-AI-006 - A Phase 3, Open-label, Follow-on Study of Multiple Courses of
Aztreonam Lysinate for Inhalation (AI) in Cystic Fibrosis Patients (AIR-CF3)
Sponsor: Inspire Pharmaceuticals
Title of Study: A Phase 3, Double-Blind, Multicenter, Multinational, Randomized, PlaceboControlled Trial Evaluating Denusoful in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis
Ronald L. Gibson, Jr., M.D., Ph.D.
14. Bibliography
a) Peer-Reviewed Publications
Gibson, R, Leavitt, R, Kornfeld, S, and Schlesinger, S: Synthesis and infectivity
of vesicular stomatitis virus containing nonglycosylated G protein. Cell 13:671679, 1978.
Gibson, R, Schlesinger, S, and Kornfeld, S: The nonglycosylated glycoprotein of
vesicular stomatitis virus is temperature sensitive and undergoes intracellular
aggregation at elevated temperatures. J. Biol. Chem. 254:3600-3607, 1979.
Li, E, Gibson, R, and Kornfeld, S: Structure of an unusual complex-type
oligosaccharide isolated from Chinese hamster cells. Arch. Biochem. Biophys.
199:393-399, 1980.
Gibson, R, Kornfeld, S, and Schlesinger, S: A role for oligosaccharides in
glycoprotein biosynthesis. TIBS 5:290-293, 1980.
Gibson, R, Kornfeld, S, and Schlesinger, S: The effect of oligosaccharide chains
of different sizes on the maturation and physical properties of the G protein of
vesicular stomatitis virus. J. Biol. Chem. 256:456-462, 1981.
Gibson, RL, Truog, WE, and Redding, GJ: Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction
during and following infusion of group B streptococcus in neonatal piglets:
vascular pressure-flow analysis. Am. Rev. Respir. Dis.137:774-778, 1988.
Gibson, RL, Truog, WE, and Redding, GJ: Thromboxane-associated pulmonary
hypertension during three types of gram-positive bacteremia in piglets. Pediatr.
Res., 23:553-556, 1988.
Truog, WE, Gibson, RL, Juul, SE, Henderson, WR, and Redding, GJ: Neonatal
group B streptococcal sepsis: Effects of late treatment with dazmegrel. Pediatr.
Res., 23:352-356, 1988.
Gibson, RL, Jackson, JC, Twiggs, GA, Redding, GJ, and Truog, WE:
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia: survival after prolonged mechanical ventilation.
Am. J. Dis. Child., 142:721-725, 1988.
Redding, GJ, Gibson, RL, Davis, CB, and Truog, WE: Effects of respiratory
alkalosis on thromboxane-induced pulmonary hypertension in piglets. Pediatr.
Res., 24(5):558-562, 1988.
Gibson, RL, Redding, GJ, Truog, WE, Henderson, WR, and Rubens, CE:
Isogenic group B streptococci devoid of capsular polysaccharide or β-hemolysin:
pulmonary hemodynamic and gas exchange effects during bacteremia in piglets.
Pediatr. Res., 26(3):241-245, 1989.
Ronald L. Gibson, Jr., M.D., Ph.D.
Redding, GJ, Gibson, RL, Standaert TA, Truog, WE: Regional pulmonary blood
flow in piglets during group B streptococcal bacteremia. Am. Rev. Respir. Dis.
141:1209-1213, 1990.
Truog, WE, Gibson, RL, Henderson, WR, Redding, GJ: Tumor necrosis factorinduced neonatal pulmonary hypertension: effects of dazmegrel pre-treatment.
Pediatr. Res. 27(5):466-471, 1990.
Ronald L. Gibson, Jr., M.D., Ph.D.
Redding, GJ, Walund, L, Walund, D, Jones, JW, Stamey, DC, and Gibson, RL:
Lung function in children following empyema: influence of pleural drainage.
Amer. J. Dis. Child. 144:1337-1342, 1990.
Gibson, RL, Redding, GJ, Henderson, WR, Truog, WE: Group B streptococcus
induces tumor necrosis factor (TNF) in neonatal piglets: effect of the TNF
inhibitor, pentoxifylline on hemodynamics and gas exchange. Am. Rev. Respir.
Dis. 143:598-604, 1991.
Ramsey, B, Wentz, K, Smith, A, Richardson, M, Williams-Warren, J, Hedges, D,
Gibson, R, Redding, GJ: Predictive value of oropharyngeal cultures for
identifying lower airway bacteria in cystic fibrosis. Am. Rev. Respir. Dis.,
144:331-337, 1991.
Standaert, TA, Willham, BE, Mayock, DE, Watchko, JF, Gibson, RL, Woodrum,
DE: Respiratory mechanics of the piglet during the first month of life. Pediatr.
Pulm. 11:294-301, 1991.
Truog, WE, Gibson, RL, Henderson, WR, Redding, GJ, Standaert, TA: Effect of
pentoxifylline on cytokine and eicosanoid induced acute pulmonary hypertension
in piglets. Pediatric Res. 31(2):163-169, 1992.
Gibson, RL, Truog, WE, Henderson, WR, Redding, GJ: Group B streptococcal
sepsis in piglets: effect of combined pentoxifylline and indomethacin
pretreatment. Pediatr. Res. 31(3):222-227, 1992.
Murphy, TD, Mayock, DE, Standaert, TA, Gibson, RL, Woodrum, DE: Group B
streptococcus has no effect on piglet diaphragmatic force generation. Am. Rev.
Resp. Dis. 145:471-475, 1992.
Gibson, RL, Lee, MK, Soderland, C, Chi, EY, Rubens, CE: Group B streptococci
invade endothelial cells: type III capsular polysaccharide attenuates invasion.
Infection & Immunity, 61(2):478-485, 1993.
Murphy, TD, Gibson, RL, Standaert, TA, Mayock, DE, Woodrum, DE: Effect of
group B streptococcal sepsis on diaphragmatic function in young piglets. Pediatr.
Res. 33(1):10-14, 1993.
Berger, JI, Gibson, RL, Redding, GJ, Standaert, TA, Clarke, WR, Truog, WE:
Effect of inhaled nitric oxide during group B streptococcal sepsis in piglets. Amer.
Rev. Respir. Dis. 147:1080-1086, 1993.
Ramsey, BW, Astley, SJ, Aitken, MR, Burke, W, Colin, AA, Dorkin, HL,
Eisenberg, JD, Gibson, RL, et al.: Efficacy and safety of short term administration
of aerosolized recombinant human deoxyribonuclease in patients with cystic
fibrosis (CF). Amer. Rev. Respir. Dis. 148:145-151, 1993.
Ramsey, BW, Dorkin, HL, Eisenberg, JD, Gibson, RL, Harwood, IR, Kravitz, RM,
Schidlow, DV, Wilmott, RW, Astley, SJ, McBurnie, MA, Wentz, K, Smith, AL: The
efficacy of high dose tobramycin aerosol administration in patients with cystic
fibrosis. N. Engl. J. Med. 328(24):1740-1746, 1993.
Ronald L. Gibson, Jr., M.D., Ph.D.
Berger, JI, Gibson, RL, Clarke, WR, Standaert, TA, Redding, GJ, Henderson,
WR, Truog, WE: Effect of amrinone during group B streptococcus induced
pulmonary hypertension in piglets. Peds Pulmonol 16(5):303-310, 1993.
Ronald L. Gibson, Jr., M.D., Ph.D.
Gibson, RL, Davis, CB, Standaert, TA, Truog, WE, Redding, GJ: Lung vascular
responses and EQ \O(V,_) A/ EQ \O(Q,_) matching after chronic hypoxia in
neonatal piglets. J. Develop. Physiol. 19(4):157-163, 1993.
Fuchs, HJ, Borowitz, DS, Christiansen, DH, et al. and the Pulmozyme Study
Group (RL Gibson, member): Effect of aerosolized recombinant human DNase
on exacerbations of respiratory symptoms and on pulmonary function in patients
with cystic fibrosis. N. Engl. J. Med. 331:637-742, 1994.
Gibson, RL, Berger, JI, Redding, GJ, Standaert, TA, Mayock, DE, Truog, WE:
Effect of nitric oxide synthase inhibition during group B streptococcal sepsis in
neonatal piglets. Pediatr Res 36: 776-783, 1994.
Murphy, TD, Gibson, RL, Standaert, TA, Woodrum, DE: Diaphragmatic failure
during group B streptococcal sepsis in piglets: the role of thromboxane A 2. J Appl
Physiol 78 (2): 491-498, 1995.
Gibson, RL, Soderland, C, Henderson, WR, Chi, EY, Rubens, CE: Group B
streptococci injure lung endothelium in vitro: increased invasion and eicosanoid
production with microvascular
compared to pulmonary artery cells. Infect
Immun 63:271-279, 1995.
Juul, SE, Kinsella MG, Truog WE, Gibson RL, Redding GJ. Lung hyaluronan
decreases during group B streptococcal pneumonia in neonatal piglets. Amer J
Respir Crit Care Med 153: 1567-70, 1996.
Zabner J, Ramsey BW, Meeker DP, Aitken ML, Balfour RP, Gibson RL,
Launspach J, Moscicki RA, Richards SM, Standaert TA, Williams-Warren J,
Wadsworth SC, Smith AE, Welsh MJ. Repeat administration of an adenovirus
vector encoding CFTR to the nasal epithelium of patients with cystic fibrosis. J
Clin Invest 97 (6): 1504-11, 1996.
Nizet V, Gibson RL, Chi EY, Framson PE, Hulse M, Rubens CE. Group B
streptococcal β-hemolysin expression is associated with injury to lung epithelial
cells. Infect Immun 64(9): 3818-3826, 1996.
Nizet V, Gibson RL, Rubens CE. The role of group B streptococci betahemolysin expression in newborn lung injury. Adv Exp Med Biol 418:627-630,
Gibson RL, Nizet VF, Rubens CE. Group B streptococcal β-hemolysin promotes
injury of lung microvascular endothelial cells. Pediatric Research 45:626-634,
Burns JL, Gibson RL, McNamara S, Yim D, Emerson J, Rosenfeld M, Hiatt P,
McCoy K, Castile R, Smith AL, Ramsey BW. Longitudinal assessment of
Pseudomonas aeruginosa in infants with cystic fibrosis. Journal of Infectious
Diseases 183: 444-52, 2001.
Noone PG, Hamblett N, Accurso F, Aitken M, Boyle M, Dovey M, Gibson R,
Johnson C, Kellerman D, Konstan M, Milgram L, Mundahl J, Rodman D,
Ronald L. Gibson, Jr., M.D., Ph.D.
Williams-Warren J, Wilmott R, Zeitlin P, Ramsey R. Safety of aerosolized INS
365 in patients with mild to moderate cystic fibrosis: results of a phase I multicenter trial. Pediatric Pulmonology 32: 122-8, 2001.
Rosenfeld M, Gibson RL, McNamara S, Emerson J, McCoy K, Schell R, Borowitz
D, Konstan M, Retsch-Bogart G, Wilmott R, Burns JL, Ramsey B. Serum and
lower respiratory tract drug concentrations produced by tobramycin for inhalation
in young children with cystic fibrosis. Journal of Pediatrics 139 (4): 572-7, 2001.
Rosenfeld M, Gibson RL, McNamara S, Emerson J, Burns JL, Castile R, Hiatt P,
McCoy K, Wilson CB, Inglis A, Martin TR, Ramsey, BW. Early pulmonary
infection, inflammation, and clinical outcomes in infants with cystic fibrosis.
Pediatric Pulmonology 32: 356-366, 2001.
Aitken ML, Moss RB, Waltz DA, Dovey ME, Tonelli MR, Gibson RL, Ramsey BW,
Carter BJ, Reynolds TC. A Phase I study of aerosolized administration of
tgAAVCF to CF subjects with mild lung disease. Human Gene Therapy 12:19071916, 2001.
Brogan TV, Finn LS, Pyskaty Jr DJ, Redding GJ, Ricker D, Ingliss A, Gibson RL.
Plastic bronchitis in children: a case series and review of the medical literature.
Pediatric Pulmonology 34: 482-487, 2002.
Conway K, Gibson RL, Perkins J, Cunningham ML. Pulmonary agenesis:
expansion of the VCFS phenotype. American Journal of Medical Genetics 113:
89-92, 2002.
Emerson J, Rosenfeld M, McNamara S, Ramsey B, Gibson RL. Pseudomonas
aeruginosa and other predictors of mortality and morbidity among young children
with cystic fibrosis. Pediatric Pulmonology 34:91-100, 2002.
Aitken ML, Tonelli MR, Pier MV, Burns JL, Emerson JC, Goss CH, McNamara
SC, Gibson RL. Analysis of sequential aliquots of hypertonic saline induced
sputum from stable patients with cystic fibrosis. Chest 123:792-799, 2003.
Gibson RL, Emerson J, McNamara S, Burns JL, Rosenfeld M, Yunker A,
Hamblett N, Accurso F, Dovey M, Hiatt P, Konstan MW, Moss R, RetschBogart G, Wagener J, Waltz D, Wilmott R, Zeitlin PL, Ramsey B, and the CFF
Therapeutics Development Network Study Group. A significant microbiologic
effect of inhaled tobramycin in young children with cystic fibrosis. Am JResp Crit
Care Med 167:841-849, 2003.
Cunningham ML, Perry RJ, Eby PR, Gibson RL, Opheim KE, Manning SC.
Primary pulmonary dysgenesis in velocardiofacial syndrome: a second patient.
American Journal of Medical Genetics 121A:177-9, 2003.
Ordoñez CL, Henig NR, Gibson RL, Hamblett N, Accurso FJ, Burns JL, Chmiel JF,
Daines C, McNamara S, Retsch-Bogart GZ, Zeitlin PL, Aitken ML. Validation of sputum
induction as an outcome measure for lower airway sampling in subjects with cystic
fibrosis. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 168:1471-5, 2003.
Ronald L. Gibson, Jr., M.D., Ph.D.
Gibson RL, Burns JL, Ramsey BW. State of the Art: Pathophysiology and
management of pulmonary infections in cystic fibrosis. American Journal of
Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 168: 918-951, 2003.
Rosenfeld M, Ramsey BW, Gibson RL. Pseudomonas aeruginosa acquisition in
young patients with cystic fibrosis: pathophysiology, diagnosis, and
management. Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine 9(6):492-7, 2003.
Moss, RB, Mayer-Hamblett N, Wagener J, Daines C, Hale K, Ahrens R, Gibson
RL. et al. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose escalating study
of aerosolized interferon (-1b in patients with mild to moderate cystic fibrosis lung
disease. Pediatr Pulmonol 39(3):209-218, 2005.
Deterding R, Retsch-Bogart G, Milgram L, Gibson RL, et al. Safety and
tolerability of Denufosol tetrasodium inhalational solution, a novel P2Y2 receptor
agonist: results of a phase 1/phase 2 multi-center study in mild to moderate
cystic fibrosis. Pediatr Pulmonol 39(4):339-348, 2005.
Moskowitz SM, Gibson RL, Effman E. Cystic fibrosis lung disease: genetic
influences, microbial interactions, and radiologic assessment. Pediatr Radiol
35(8):739-757, 2005.
Debley JS, Carter ER, Gibson RL, Rosenfeld M, Redding GJ. The prevalence of
ibuprofen-sensitive asthma in children: a randomized controlled
bronchoprovocation challenge study. J. Pediatr 147:233-8, 2005
Kulich M, Rosenfeld M, Campbell J, Kronmall R, Gibson RL, Goss CH, Ramsey
BR. Disease-specific reference equations for lung function in patients with cystic
fibrosis. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 172:885-91, 2005.
Hoffman LR, Yen E, Van Niel C, Effman, E, Gibson RL. Lipoid pneumonia due to
Mexican folk remedies: cultural barriers to diagnosis. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med
159(11):1043-8, 2005.
Moskowitz SM, Foster JM, Emerson JC, Gibson RL, Burns JL. Use of
Pseudomonas biofilm susceptibilities to assign simulated antibiotic regimens for
cystic fibrosis airway infection. J Antimicrob Chemother 56(5):879-886, 2005.
Halbert CL, Miller AD, McNamara S, Emerson J, Gibson RL, Ramsey B, Aitken
ML. Prevalence of Neutralizing Antibodies to Adeno-associated Virus Types 2, 5
and 6 in Cystic Fibrosis and Normal Populations: Implication for Gene Therapy
using AAV Vectors. Human Gene Therapy 17(4):440-7, 2006.
Gibson RL, Retsch-Bogart G, Oermann C, Milla C, Pilewski J, Daines C, Ahrens
R, Leon K, Cohen M, McNamara S, Callahan TL, Markus R, Burns JL.
Microbiology, safety, and pharmacokinetics of aztreonam lysinate for inhalation in
patients with cystic fibrosis. Pediatr Pulmonol 41:656-665, 2006.
Hoffman LR, Deziel E, D’Argenio DA, Lepine F, Emerson J, McNamara S, Gibson
RL, Ramsey BW, Miller SI. Selection for Staphylococcus aureus small-colony
variants due to growth in the presence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Proc Natl
Ronald L. Gibson, Jr., M.D., Ph.D.
Acad Sci USA 103(52): 19890-5, 2006.
Hentschel-Franks K, Bebok Z, Rowe SM, Gibson R, Aitken M, Zeitlin P, Berclaz
Y, Knowles M, Foy G, Moss R, Oster R, Ramsey B, Sorscher EJ, Bedwell DM,
Clancy JP. No detectable improvements in CFTR by nasal aminoglycosides in CF
patients with stop mutations. Am J Resp Cell Mol Biol 37(1):57-66, 2007.
Gibson RL, Emerson J, Mayer-Hamblett N, Burns JL, McNamara S, Accurso FJ,
Konstan MW, Chatfield BA, Retsch-Bogart GZ, Waltz DA, Acton J, Zeitlin P, Hiatt
P, Moss R, Williams J, and Ramsey BW for the Inhaled Tobramycin in Young
Children Study Group and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Therapeutics
Development Network. Duration of treatment effect after tobramycin solution for
inhalation in young children with cystic fibrosis. Pediatr Pulmonol 42(7):610-23,
Treggiari M, Rosenfeld M, Retsch-Bogart G, Gibson R, Ramsey B and the EPIC
Clinical Trial Group. Approach to eradication of initial Pseudomonas aeruginosa
in children with cystic fibrosis. Pediatr Pulmonol, 42(9): 751-6, 2007.
Dovey M, Aitken ML, Emerson J, McNamara S, Waltz DA, Gibson RL. Oral
corticosteroid therapy in cystic fibrosis patients hospitalized for pulmonary
exacerbations: a pilot study. Chest 132:1212-8, 2007.
Veenstra DL, Harris J, Gibson RL, Rosenfeld M, Burke W, Watts C.
Pharmacogenomic testing to prevent aminoglycoside-induced hearing loss in
cystic fibrosis patients: potential impact on clinical, patient and economic
outcomes. Genetics in Medicine 9(10):695-704, 2007.
Retsch-Bogart GZ, Burns JL, Otto KL, Liou TG, McCoy K, Oermann C, Gibson
RL. A phase 2 study of aztreonam lysine for inhalation to treat patients with cystic
fibrosis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infection. Pediatr Pulmonol 43(1): 47-58,
McCoy KS, Quittner AL, Oermann CM, Gibson RL, Retsch-Bogart GZ,
Montgomery AB. Inhaled aztreonam lysine is effective in intensely-treated
patients with cystic fibrosis. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 178(9): 921-8, 2008.
Moskowitz SM, Chmiel JF, Sternen DL, Cheng E, Gibson RL, Marshall SG,
Cutting GR. Clinical practice and genetic counseling for cystic fibrosis and CFTRrelated disorders. Genetics in Medicine 10(12): 851-68, 2008.
Sagel SD, Gibson RL, Emerson J, McNamara S, Burns JL, Wagener JS, Ramsey
BW. Impact of Pseudomonas and polymicrobial infection on inflammation and
clinical status in young children with cystic fibrosis. J Pediatr 154(2): 183-8, 2009.
Retsch-Bogart GZ, Quittner AL, Gibson RL, Oermann CM, McCoy KS,
Montgomery AB, Cooper PJ. Efficacy and safety of inhaled aztreonam lysine for
airway Pseudomonas in cystic fibrosis. Chest, in press, 2009.
Treggiari MM, Rosenfeld M, Retsch-Bogart G, Gibson RL, Mayer-Hamblet N,
Williams J, Emerson J, Kronmal R, Ramsey B for the EPIC Study Group. Early
Ronald L. Gibson, Jr., M.D., Ph.D.
Anti-Pseudomonal Intervention in Young Patients with Cystic Fibrosis (EPIC):
Rationale and Design of the Clinical Trial and Observational Study. Contemporary
Clinical Trials, in press, 2009.
b) Book Chapters
Schlesinger, S, and Gibson, R: A role for oligosaccharide in the synthesis of the
G protein of vesicular stomatitis virus. In: The replication of negative strand
viruses. DHL Bishop and RW Compans (eds.), Elsevier North Holland, Inc., pp.
665-672, 1981.
Nizet, V, Gibson RL, Rubens CE. The role of GBS β-hemolysin expression in
newborn lung injury. In: Streptococci and the Host. T Horaud, M Sicard, A Bouvet,
R Lelerq, H DeMontclos (eds) Plenum Publishing Co., New York, pp 627-629,
Tait J, Gibson RL, Marshall SG, Sternen DL, Cheng E, Cutting G. Cystic Fibrosis.
In: Gene Clinics: Medical Genetics Information Resource [database online].
Copyright , University of Washington, Seattle. Available at HYPERLINK
http://www.geneclinics.org http://www.geneclinics.org 2001.
Moskowitz S, Gibson RL, Sternen DL, Cheng E, Cutting G. CFTR-Related
Disorders. In: Gene Clinics: Medical Genetics Information Resource [database
online]. Copyright , University of Washington, Seattle. Available at HYPERLINK
http://www.geneclinics.org http://www.geneclinics.org , August 2004.
Gibson RL. Cystic Fibrosis. In: Pediatrics. L Osborn, T DeWitt, L First, J Zenel
(eds). Elsevier Mosby, Philadelphia (pub), pp1198-1207, 2005.
d) Other Publications (including being member of a large Study Group)/Book Reviews
Gibson, RL. Review of Kendig’s Disorders of the Respiratory Tract in Children,
Sixth Edition. Chernick, V, Boat, T (editors). W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia, PA.
Doody Review Service ( HYPERLINK http://www.doody.com)
http://www.doody.com) . 1997.
Gibson, RL. Review of Pediatric Respiratory Medicine. Taussig, L and Landau, L
(editors). Mosby, St. Louis, MO. Doody Review Service ( HYPERLINK
http://www.doody.com http://www.doody.com ). 1999.
Drumm ML, Konstan MW, Schluchter MD, et al, and Knowles MR for the Gene
Modifier Study Group (includes Gibson RL). Genetic modifiers of lung disease in
cystic fibrosis. N Engl J Med 2005; 353:1443-53.
Vanscoy LL, Blackman SM, Collaco JM et al. (Gibson RL was a member of the
CF Twin/Sibling Study Group). Heritability of lung disease severity in cystic
fibrosis. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 175:1036, 2007.
Goss CH, McKone EF, Mathews D, Kerr D, Wanger JS, Millard SP; Cystic
Fibrosis Therapeutics Development Network (Gibson RL was one of 14
collaborators). Experience using centralized spirometry in the phase 2
Ronald L. Gibson, Jr., M.D., Ph.D.
randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial of denufosol in patients with
mild to moderate cystic fibrosis. J Cystic Fibrosis 7(2):147-53, 2008.
Ronald L. Gibson, Jr., M.D., Ph.D.
e) Submitted Manuscripts
McCoy K, Retsch-Bogart G, Gibson RL, Oermann C, Braff M, Montgomery AB.
Relevance of established susceptibility breakpoints in predicting clinical efficacy
of inhaled antibiotics therapies in cystic fibrosis. Re-submit to Antimicrobial
Agents and Chemotherapy, February 2009.
Sanders DB, Hoffman LR, Emerson J, Gibson RL, Rosenfeld M, Redding GJ,
Goss CH. Return of FEV1 after Pulmonary Exacerbation in Children with Cystic
Fibrosis. Submitted, March 2009.
Rosenfeld M, Emerson J, McNamara S, Joubran K, Morgan W, and Gibson RL
for the EPIC Study Group. Early Pseudomonas Infection Control Observational
Study: Baseline Report. Submitted, March 2009.
f) Abstracts
Zitomer, RS, Gibson, RL, and Hall, BD: In vitro translation of cytochrome mRNA.
Presented. Cold Spring Harbor Symposium: The Molecular Biology of Yeast,
page 28, 1975.
Gibson, RL, Schlesinger, S, and Kornfeld, S: The nonglycosylated glycoprotein
of VSV is temperature-sensitive and undergoes aggregation at elevated
temperatures. Presented 8th Annual ICN-UCLA Symposia on Molecular and
Cellular Biology. Journal of Supermolecular Structure, supplement 3, page 96,
Redding, GJ, Gibson, R, Twiggs, G, Standaert, TA, and Truog, WE: Reduced
pulmonary blood flow improves gas exchange in newborn piglets. Presented.
American Thoracic Society, 1986. Am. Rev. Resp. Dis. 133(4), Part 2:A151,
Gibson, RL and Redding, GJ: Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction persists
following infusion of Group B streptococcus in neonatal piglets. J. Critical Care
1(1):32, 1987.
Gibson, RL, Truog, WE, and Redding, GJ: Nonspecific thromboxane-mediated
pulmonary hypertension in neonatal gram-positive sepsis. Am. Rev. Resp. Dis.,
135(4), Part 2:A124, 1987.
Redding, GJ, Gibson, RL, Standaert, TA, and Truog, WE: Lobar inflammation
produced by zymosan-activated serum increases shunt fraction in piglets with
lobar atelectasis. Am. Rev. Resp. Dis., 135(4), Part 2:A124, 1987.
Redding, GJ, Gibson, RL, and Truog, WE: Group B streptococcus (GBS)
induced pulmonary hypertension does not alter shunt produced by atelectasis in
piglets. Am. Rev. Resp. Dis., 135(4), Part 2:123, 1987.
Truog, WE, Gibson, RL, Juul, SE, Henderson, W, and Redding, GJ: Neonatal
group B streptococcal (GBS) sepsis: Therapeutic implications of thromboxane
synthetase (TxA2) inhibition. Pediatr. Res. 21(4), Part 2:468A, 1987.
Ronald L. Gibson, Jr., M.D., Ph.D.
Redding, GJ, Gibson, RL, Standaert, TA, and Truog, WE: Effects of
hyperventilation upon pulmonary vasoconstriction induced by a thromboxane
mimetic in piglets. Presented. American Thoracic Society, 1988. Am. Rev.
Respir. Dis. 137(4) Part 2:105, 1988.
Standaert, TA, Willham, BE, Mayock, DE, Gibson, RL, and Woodrum, DE: Lung
volume and pulmonary compliance of the piglet during the first month of life.
Presented. American Thoracic Society, 1988. Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. 137(4) Part
2:382, 1988.
Redding, GJ, Davis, CB, Juul, SE, Gibson, RL, Truog, WE: Effects of
angiotensin on pulmonary hemodynamics and gas exchange in piglets.
Presented. American Thoracic Society. 1989. Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. 139(4),
Part 2:A440, 1989.
Davis, CB, Gibson, RL, Truog, WE, Redding, GJ: Chronic hypoxia induced
changes in the pulmonary hemodynamics of neonatal swine: pressure flow
analysis. Presented. American Thoracic Society, 1989. Am. Rev. Respir. Dis.
139(4), Part 2:A437, 1989.
Ronald L. Gibson, Jr., M.D., Ph.D.
Gibson, RL, Redding, GJ, Truog, WE, Rubens, CE: A type III group B
streptococcus (GBS) mutant devoid of capsular polysaccharide causes
pulmonary hypertension and hypoxemia in piglets. Presented. American
Thoracic Society, 1989. Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. 139(4), Part 2:A439, 1989.
Gibson, RL, Redding, GJ, Truog, WE: Tumor necrosis factor (TNF): potential
mediator of neonatal group B streptococcal (GBS) sepsis. Presented. American
Thoracic Society, 1989. Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. 139(4), Part 2:A439, 1989.
Truog, WE, Gibson, RL, Henderson, WR, Redding, GJ: Tumor necrosis factorinduced neonatal pulmonary hypertension: effects of dazmegrel pretreatment.
Presented. Society for Pediatric Research, 1989. Pediatr. Res. 25(4), Part
2:329A, 1989.
Redding, GJ, Gibson, RL, Davis, CB, Standaert, TA, Truog, WE: Reduced
cardiac output does not alter distribution of pulmonary blood flow to atelectatic
lung regions in piglets. Presented. 1990 World Conference on Lung Health -American Thoracic Society. Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. 141(4), Part 2:A740, 1990.
Murphy, TD, Standaert, TA, Gibson, RL, Mayock, DE, Woodrum, DE: Group B
streptococcal (GBS) sepsis impairs diaphragmatic function in the piglet.
Presented. 1990 World Conference on Lung Health -- American Thoracic
Society. Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. 141(4), Part 2:A549, 1990.
Gibson, RL, Redding, GJ, Henderson, WR, Truog, WE: Combined pentoxifylline
and indomethacin pretreatment attenuates early and late features of group B
streptococcal sepsis in piglets. Presented. 1990 World Conference on Lung
Health -- American Thoracic Society. Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. 141(4), Part 2:A688,
Davis, CB, Gibson, RL, Redding, GJ, Standaert, TA, Truog, WE: Effects of acute
and chronic alveolar hypoxia on gas exchange in neonatal swine. Presented.
1990 World Conference on Lung Health -- American Thoracic Society. Am. Rev.
Respir. Dis. 141(4), Part 2:A852, 1990.
Gibson, RL, Redding, GJ, Truog, WE, Rubens, CE: Neonatal group B
streptococcal (GBS) sepsis: the role of GBS capsular polysaccharide in tumor
necrosis factor (TNF) production in piglets. Presented. Federation of American
Societies for Experimental Biology, 1990. FASEB Journal 4:A355, 1990.
Truog, WE, Redding, GJ, Standaert, TA, Gibson, RL: Effect of pentoxifylline on
tumor necrosis factor-induced pulmonary hypertension in piglets. Presented.
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, 1990. FASEB
Journal 4:A573, 1990.
Redding, GJ, Gibson, RL, Standaert, TA, Truog, WE: Atelectasis does not inhibit
pulmonary inflammation due to experimental streptococcal pneumonia. Am.
Rev. Respir. Dis. 143(4), Part 2:A787, 1991.
Ronald L. Gibson, Jr., M.D., Ph.D.
Gibson, RL, Truog, WE, Standaert, TA, Redding, GJ, Rubens, CE: Endothelial
cell invasion by group B streptococci. Presented. Society for Pediatric Research,
1991. Pediatr. Res. 29(4), Part 2:A281, 1991.
Ronald L. Gibson, Jr., M.D., Ph.D.
Murphy, TD, Standaert, TA, Gibson, RL, Mayock, DE, Woodrum, DE: Group B
streptococcal shock impairs diaphragmatic contractility in the piglet. Am. Rev.
Respir. Dis. 143(4), Part 2:A560, 1991.
Berger, JI, Clarke, WR, Gibson, RL, Standaert, TA, Redding, GJ, Truog, WE:
Effects of amrinone on pulmonary vascular resistance and V/Q matching during
group B streptococcal sepsis in piglets. Presented. Society for Pediatric
Research, 1991. Pediatr. Res. 29(4), Part 2:A308, 1991.
Murphy, TD, Gibson, RL, Standaert, TA, Mayock, DE, Woodrum, DE: The
thromboxane A2 mimetric, U46619, decreases piglet diaphragmatic contractility.
Presented. American Thoracic Society, 1992. Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. 145(4) Part
2:A671, 1992.
Berger, JI, Gibson, RL, Standaert, TA, Redding, GJ, Clarke, WR, Truog, WE:
Effect of inhaled nitric oxide on pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) during
group B streptococcal (GBS) sepsis in piglets. Presented. The Society for
Pediatric Research, 1992. Pediatr. Res. 31(4), Part 2:301A, 1992.
Berger, JI, Gibson, RL, Redding, GJ, Standaert, TA, Truog, WE: Effect of NωNitro-L-Arginine Methyl Ester (L-NAME) on pulmonary hemodynamics during
group B streptococcal (GBS) sepsis in piglets. Presented. Society for Pediatric
Research, 1993. Pediatr. Res. 33(4):317A, 1993.
Gibson, RL, Soderland, C, Henderson, WR, Rubens, CE: Group B streptococci
(GBS) invade lung endothelium in vitro: increased invasion and eicosanoid
release from microvascular compared to pulmonary artery cells. Presented.
American Thoracic Society, 1993. Amer. Rev. Respir. Dis. 147(4):A132, 1993.
Gibson, RL, Soderland, C, Rubens, CE: Specific transposon mutants of group B
streptococcus (GBS) cause reduced lung microvascular endothelial cell injury in
vitro. Am. J. Resp. Crit Care Med. 149:A294, 1994.
Nizet, V, Gibson, RL, Chi EY, Rubens CE. Expression of group B streptococcal
hemolysin is associated with alveolar epithelial cell injury. Presented at the
American Society of Microbiology, 1995.
Gibson, RL, Nizet, V, Rubens CE. Group B streptococcal β-hemolysin
contributes to GBS-induced lung microvascular endothelial cell injury in vitro.
Presented at the Society for Pediatric Research, 1995. Pediatr Res 37 (4):
291A, 1995.
Nizet, V, Gibson, RL , Framson, PE, Chi, EY, Rubens CE. Group B
streptococcal hemolysin expression is correlated with epithelial cell injury.
Presented at the Society for Pediatric Research 1995. Pediatr Res 37 (4): 296A,
Nizet, V, Gibson, RL, Rubens, CE. Group B β-hemolysin expression and injury of
newborn lung. Presented at the Society for Pediatric Research May 1996
(abstract 15410).
Ronald L. Gibson, Jr., M.D., Ph.D.
Nizet, V, Gibson, RL, Rubens, CE. The role of GBS β-hemolysin expression in
newborn lung injury. Presented at the XIIIth International Lancefield Society
Meeting, Paris, France, Abstact # P109, 1996.
Ramsey, B., McNamara,S, Gibson, R, Emerson, J, Rosenfeld, M, Hiatt, P,
McConnell, R, McKoy, K, Lawrence C, Olson, P. P. aeruginosa colonization in
young children with cystic fibrosis. Pediatr Pulmonol, Supplement 17: page 320
(abstract #415), 1998.
Rosenfeld, M, Borowitz, D, Emerson, J, Gibson, R. Ingham, L, McCoy, K,
McNamara, S. Montgomery, B, Ramsey, B, Vicini ,P, Wilmott, B. Safety and
serum pharmacokinetics of inhaled tobramycin in very young CF patients.
Presented at the 1999 North American Cystic Fibrosis Meeting. Pediatr
Pulmonol, supplement 19, page 262 (abstract #346), 1999.
Lewis, TC, Rosenfeld M, Gibson, RL, Ramsey, BW. Urban/Rural differences in
specialty health care utilization and health outcomes in cystic fibrosis. Presented
at the 1999 North American Cystic Fibrosis Meeting. Pediatr Pulmonol,
Supplement 19, page 337 (abstract #600), 1999.
Moss, R, Kylstra, J, Gibson, RL. Who benefits more? An analysis of FEV1 and
weight in adolescent CF patients using inhaled tobramycin. Presented at the
1999 North American Cystic Fibrosis Meeting. Pediatr Pulmonol, Supplement 19,
page 243 (abstract #279), 1999.
Noone, PG, Accurso FJ, Aitken M, Dovey M, Gibson, RL, Konstan M, Rodman,
DM, Wilmott R, Zeitlin P, Gorden J, Shaffer C. Safety of aerosolized INS365 in
patients with mild to moderate CF: results of a multi-center therapeutic
development network study.
Pediatr Pulmonol, Supplement 19, page 244 (abstract # 283), 1999.
Aitken, ML, Moss, RB, Waltz, DA, Dovey, ME, Tonelli, MR, Gibson, RL, Ramsey,
BW, Carter, BJ, Reynolds, TC. A Phase I study of aerosolized administration of
tgAAVCF to CF patients with mild lung disease. Pediatr Pulmonol, Supplement
20, page 236, abstract # 226, 2000.
Rosenfeld M, Gibson RL, McNamara S, Emerson J, Burns JL, Castille R, Hiatt P,
McCoy K, Wilson CB, Smith AL, Ramsey BW. Early course of pulmonary
infection, inflammation, and clinical outcomes in infants with cystic fibrosis.
Pediatr Pulmonol, supplement 20, S5.4 pages 112-114, 2000.
Aitken ML, Tonelli MR, Pier MV, Burns JL, Emerson JC, Goss CH, McNamara
SC, Gibson RL. Analysis of sequential aliquots of hypertonic saline induced
sputum from stable patients with cystic fibrosis. Pediatr Pulmonol., Supplement
22, abstract # 381, page 302, 2001.
Gibson, RL, Emerson J, McNamara S, Burns JL, Rosenfeld M, Yunker A,
Hamblett N, Accurso F, Dovey M, Hiatt P, Moss R, Konstan M, Retsch-Bogart G,
Waltz D, Wilmott R, Wagener J, Zeitlin P, Ramsey B. A randomized controlled
trial of inhaled tobramycin in young children with cystic fibrosis: eradication of
Pseudomonas from the lower airway.
Ronald L. Gibson, Jr., M.D., Ph.D.
Presented at the North American CF Conference in October 2002. Pediatr
Pulmonol., Supplement 24, abstract #356, page 300, 2002.
Ordonez C, Gibson RL, Emerson J, McNamara S, Accurso F, Burns JL, Zeitlin P,
Daines C, Retsch-Bogart G, Chmiel J, Henig N, Aitken M. Validation of sputum
induction as an outcome measure for lower airway sampling in patients with cystic
fibrosis. Presented at the North American CF Conference in October 2002.
Pediatr Pulmonol., Supplement 24, abstract # 354, page 299, 2002.
Cassidy J, Gibson RL, Moskowitz S. Clinical pathway for cystic fibrosis pulmonary
exacerbation. Pediatr Pulmonol., Supplement 24, abstract # 510, page 355,
Moss R, Wagener J, Daines C, Hale K, Ahrens R, Gibson R, Retsch-Bogart G,
Nasr S, Noth I, Waltz D, Zeitlin P, Ramsey B, Hamblett N, Starko K.
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-escalating study of
aerosolized interferon gamma-1b in patients with mild-moderate cystic fibrosis
lung disease. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 2003; 167:A923.
Rosenfeld M, Emerson J, McNamara S, Castile R, McCoy K, Hiatt P, Burns JL,
Gibson RL, Ramsey BW. Longitudinal follow-up of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
infection in young children with cystic fibrosis. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 2003;
Hoffman LR, Emerson JE, Gibson RL, Redding GJ. Frequency of return to best
PFT baseline after CF cleanout: a pilot quality improvement project. Am J Respir
Crit Care Med 2003;167:A923.
Moskowitz SM, Foster J, Emerson J, McNamara S, Gibson RL, Burns JL.
Discordance of conventional and biofilm antibiotic susceptibilities of
Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from cystic fibrosis airways. Am J Resp Crit
Care Med 2003; 167:A322.
Clancy JP, Eubanks VL, Bebok Z, Franks K, Zeitlin P, Brass L, Aitken M, Gibson
R, Gordon M, Davies Z, Sorscer EJ, Bedwell DM. A randomized double-blind trial
of topical gentamicin and tobramycin to improve CFTR function in CF patients
with and without premature stop mutations. Pediatr Pulmonol, Supplement 25,
abstract # 193, 2003.
Sagel S, Emerson J, Rosenfeld M, McNamara S, Caron H, Ramsey B, Wagener
J, Gibson R. Association of upper versus lower airway Pseudomonas aeruginosa
infection with endobronchial inflammation and clinical status in young children
with CF. Pediatr Pulmonol, supplement 25, abstract # 375, 2003.
Rosenfeld M, Caron H, Emerson J, Hamblett H, Burns JL, Gibson R, McNamara
S, Hiatt P, McCoy K, Castile R, Ramsey B. What effect do anti-pseudomonal
antibiotics have on serial upper airway cultures in infants with CF? Pediatr
Pulmonol, supplement 25, abstract # 374, 2003.
Ronald L. Gibson, Jr., M.D., Ph.D.
Waltz DA, Gibson R, McNamara S, Campbell J, Hamblett N, Ramsey B. Safety
and yield of clinical trial bronchoalveolar lavage procedures in young cystic
fibrosis patients. Pediatr Pulmonol, supplement 25, abstract # 393, 2003.
Gibson RL, Emerson J, McNamara S et al. Duration of the anti-pseudomonal
treatment effect of inhaled tobramycin in young children with cystic fibrosis.
Pediatr Pulmonol, supplement 25, abstract # 323, 2003.
Moskowitz SM, Foster J, Emerson J, Gibson RL, McNamara S, Burns JL.
Development of a numerical algorithm to select antibiotic regimens based on
biofilm susceptibilities of CF P. aeruginosa isolates. Pediatr Pulmonol,
supplement 25, abstract # 335, 2003.
Gibson, RL. Early CF lung disease: detection, pathogenesis, and treatment.
Presented at Symposium at 2004 NACFC, October 15, 2004. Pediatr Pulmonol,
supplement 27, S3.1, page 105, 2004.
Gibson, RL, Ahrens, R, Clancy JP et al. Safety and tolerability of aztreonam for
inhalation (AI) in cystic fibrosis patients. Presented at 2004 NACFC Conference.
Pediatr Pulmonol, supplement 27, abstract 189, 2004.
Dovey, M, Aitken ML, Emerson J, McNamara S, Dorman D, Gibson RL. A
randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of oral corticosteroid therapy in
cystic fibrosis patients hospitalized for pulmonary exacerbations. Presented at
2004 NACFC. Pediatr Pulmonol, supplement 27, abstract 327, 2004.
Retsch-Bogart G, Gibson RL for the AI Phase 2 Study Group. A phase 2 study of
aztreonam lysinate for inhalation (AI) to treat cystic fibrosis patients with
Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections. Presented at the American Thoracic
Society, May 2005. Am J Resp Crit Care Med, 2005, Volume 2, Abstract Issue,
page A576.
Stapleton KW, Gibson RL, Retsch-Bogart G et al. The effect of nominal dose
and treatment duration alters the pulmonary deposition of inhaled antibiotics.
Presented at the International Society for Aerosol Medicine, 2005.
McKone E, Rogers CE, Genatossio A, McNamara S, Gibson RL, Aitken ML.
Candidate pathway approach to identifying genetic modifiers in cystic fibrosis.
Pediatr Pulmonol, Suppl 28: Abstract 185, pg 252, 2005.
McKone EF, Rogers CE, Genatossio A, McNamara S, Gibson RL, Aitken ML.
Environmental tobacco smoke exposure and lung function decline in cystic
fibrosis. Pediatr Pulmonol, Suppl 28: Abstract 396, pg. 329, 2005.
McKone EF, O’Connor CM, Rogers CE, Genatossio A, McNamara S, Gibson RL,
Elborn J, Gallagher CG, Kalsheker N, Aitken M. The influence of common
genetic variants on the cystic fibrosis phenotype. Presented at the 2006 NACFC.
Pediatr Pulmonol, Suppl 29: Abstract 207, p 280, 2006.
Rosenfeld M, Emerson J, Uh D, Anderson G, Genatossio A, McNamara S, Dunn
C, Davies Z, Foster J, Kantor E, Moss R, Burns J, Aitken M, Gibson RL. Does
Ronald L. Gibson, Jr., M.D., Ph.D.
tobramycin accumulate in respiratory secretions with repeated aerosol
administration: a pilot study. Presented at the 2006 NACFC. Pediatr Pulmonol,
Suppl 29: Abstract 342, pg 327, 2006.
McKone EF, O’Connor CM, Rodgers CE, Genatossio A, McNamara S, Gibson
RL, Kalsheker N, Gallagher CG, Aitken M. TAGSNP evaluation of the endothelin
pathway demonstrates genetic association between EDNRA and CF lung disease
severity. Presented at the 2007 NACFC. Pediatr Pulmonol, Suppl 30, Abstract
202, pg 273, 2007.
Retsch-Bogart GZ, Montgomery B, Gibson R, McCoy K, Oermann CM, Cooper P.
Phase 3 trial (AIR-CF 1) measuring improvement in respiratory symptoms in
patients with cystic fibrosis following treatment with aztreonam lysine fro
inhalation. Presented at the 2007 NACFC. Pediatr Pulmonol, Suppl 30, Abstract
308, pg 310, 2007.
Burns JL, Worrell K, Kuypers J, McNamara S, Emerson J, Gibson R, Englund JA.
PCR diagnosis of respiratory viruses in children with cystic fibrosis. Presented at
the 2007 NACFC. Pediatr Pulmonol, Suppl 30, Abstract 315, pg 313, 2007.
Rosenfeld M, Gibson R, Emerson J, McNamara S, Escobar DM, Andrina M,
Chatfield B, Orenstein DM, Konstan MW, Rock M, Wall M, Ramsey BW. Large
US cohort of young, Pseudomonas-negative CF patients: mild lung disease,
heterogeneous management. Presented at 2007 NACFC. Pediatr Pulmonol,
Suppl 30, Abstract 368, pg 332, 2007.
McCoy K, Retsch-Bogart G, Gibson R, Oermann C, Braff M, Montgomery AB.
Microbiologic resistance and clinical efficacy of aztreonam lysine for inhalation
(AZLI) in cystic fibrosis (CF). Presented at European CF Conference 2008.
Sanders DB, Emerson J, Hoffman L, Gibson R, Redding G, Goss CH. Return of
FEV1 after pulmonary exacerbation in children with cystic fibrosis. Am J Resp Crit
Care Med 177: A774, 2008.
Oermann CM, Retsch-Bogart G, McCoy KS, Gibson RL, Montgomery AB.
Multiple courses of aztreonam lysine for inhalation to treat Pseudomonas
aeruginosa airway infection in patients with cystic fibrosis: 6 month interim
analysis of an open-label study. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 177: A460, 2008.
Kraynack NC, Chmiel JE, Xue W, Schluchter MD, Gibson RL, Kelley TJ, Hilliard
JB, Konstan MW. Effect of simvastatin on exhaled nitric oxide and inflammatory
markers in sputum in patients with cystic fibrosis. Pediatr Pulmonol, Supplement
31, Abstract # 281, page 300, 2008.
Retsch-Bogart GZ, McCoy KS, Gibson RL, Oermann CM, Braff MH, Montgomery
AB. Sustained improvement in pulmonary function following a 28-day course of
75 mg AZLI TID therapy. Pediatr Pulmonol, Supplement 31, Abstract # 335, page
320, 2008.
Retsch-Bogart GZ, McCoy KS, Gibson RL, Oermann CM, Montgomery AB.
Source of improvements in lung function in patients with CF following treatment
Ronald L. Gibson, Jr., M.D., Ph.D.
with aztreonam lysine for inhalation (AZLI). Pediatr Pulmonol, Supplement 31,
Abstract # 336, page 320, 2008.
McKoy KS, Retsch-Bogart GZ, Gibson R, Oermann C, Braff MH, Montgomery AB.
Relevance of established susceptibility breakpoints to clinical efficacy of inhaled
antibiotic therapies in CF. Pediatr Pulmonol, Supplement 31, Abstract # 418,
page 351, 2008.