Minutes of the meeting of the Corporation Board held on Tuesday 8 July 2014 at 5.00 pm in Room 417, Ellesmere Port Campus Present: Nigel Davies Steve Davies Andrew Firman Phil Grey Francis Kwateng Lynn Hardwick Myles Hogg Phil Millward Simon O’Leary David Rowlands Christine Russell Lynn Thompson Joanne Tracey Principal Staff Member Independent Member Staff Member Independent Member Independent Member Independent Member Independent Member Independent Member Independent Member Independent Member Independent Member Independent Member In Attendance: Hari Khurmi Caroline Fidmont Interim Director of Finance Vice Principal Quality & Standards Clerk to the Corporation Deputy Principal Vice Principal Business Development Richard Hinde Adrian Humphreys Helen Nellist The meeting started at 5.00pm. 1. Apologies Action Apologies were received from Chris Haslam, Phil Millward and Sue Yates. 2. Declarations of Interest None 3. Minutes of the meeting of the Board Committee held on 30 April 2014 and any Matters Arising The minutes are not currently available. 4. Minutes of the meeting of the Operations Committee held on 12 June 2014 and any Matters Arising The minutes were agreed as a true and correct record. There were no matters arising not dealt with elsewhere on the agenda. 5. Minutes of Audit Committee held on 17 June 2014 The minutes were agreed as a true and correct record. There were no matters arising not dealt with elsewhere on the agenda. 1 of 5 Action 6. Learner Support Fund Policy 2014/15 The Student Support Fund provides financial support for learners whose household income is low and/or they are in receipt of means tested benefits. The funding is vital to remove barriers to education, enabling the less well-off to succeed academically and is a significant factor in helping learners to remain in education. RESOLVED: (Board 08/07/14-01): The Board resolved to note the Learner Support Fund Policy 7. Student End of Course Survey 2013-14 The purpose of the report was: To inform Governors of the results of the 2013/14 student end of – year survey To compare results against previous student surveys To identify areas of success and opportunities for improvement It was noted that the responses to most questions are in the lower quartiles which indicate a high level of dissatisfaction from students. RESOLVED: (Board 08/07/14-02): The Board resolved to note the Student End of Course Survey 8 Appointment of Student Governor The Corporation approved the appointment of the new Student Governor – Sarah Wiggins. RESOLVED: (Board 08/07/14-03): The Board resolved to approve the appointment 9. Principal’s Update With the approach of the end of the 2013-14 academic year; the College has many strengths to highlight and celebrate, however it has also experienced some key challenges. A number of emerging themes were captured within the Principal’s Report; ranging from financial management, property developments and quality improvement. SLT has responded to immediate themes over the past few months meaning some key aspects have already been implemented, whilst others are still being working towards. There are key areas of development and challenge and the need to bring about further important improvements; by revisiting the strategic framework and financial forecasts. This has resulted in an increased need for the College to be robust, rigorous and active in its approach. There are a number of underpinning strands which include improving student performance; improving financial health and performance; reviewing human resource arrangements; the suitability of accommodation and location of curriculum and the need to attract more students. 2 of 5 Action The College was inspected by Ofsted in March and is in the final stages of an efficiency drive with the Building for our Future consultation programme. Risks were captured within the Risk and Impact Register and Dashboard and Governors receive regular updates on progress which will mitigate risk and impact. RESOLVED: (Board 08/07/14-04): The Board resolved to note the report 10. Management Accounts Year to date the College is £453k lower than the profiled budget. The College is forecasting that it will outturn a deficit position of £1.695m as compared to the original deficit budget of £922k; an adverse variance of £768k. The negative movement to the original budget is due to £300k additional costs of redundancy which amounts to £600k in total, additional delivery costs in respect of ESF Skills support for workforce project and shortfalls in apprenticeship delivery for 16-18 year olds and adults. These have been partly offset by better than expected staffing savings against budget due to the controls within the College on vacancies. The College is anticipating generating staffing savings of £451k against budget. The key financial risks are: Successful delivery of the adult skills contract including apprenticeships Successful delivery of the ESF skills support for the workforce contract Uncertainty over the BAM claim settlement The need to restructure the College’s borrowing arrangements including banking covenants The forecast cash outflow the College faces over the year indicates the Current Ratio will reduce to below 1.0. This would reduce the current financial health score of “satisfactory” to “inadequate” if no restructuring of borrowing arrangements is carried out. RESOLVED: (Board 08/07/14-05): The Board resolved to note the Management Accounts 11. College Budget 2014/15 and Three Years Financial Forecast 2014/17 The Board was requested to approve the following points: 1. The approval of the deficit budget of £501k for 2014/15. 2. The submission of option 2 of the financial forecast to allow for a timely financial recovery plan. 3. The need to generate further staffing savings of £450k. 4. Delegated authority for the Chair and Principal to refinance 3 of 5 Action borrowings with the bank, if required. 5. Explore and carry out benchmarking on key financial and accommodation ratios 6. Approve the strategic financial objectives within the paper. The Governors were reminded that this paper is strictly confidential due to commercially sensitive information contained. RESOLVED: (Board 08/07/14-06): The Board resolved to approve the College Budget 2014/15 and the Three Years Financial Forecast 2014/17 12. Committee Membership The Board agreed the membership of the Committees and Corporation. RESOLVED: (Board 08/07/14-07): The Board resolved to approve the Committee Membership 13. Calendar of Governance Meetings 2014/15 The Board agreed the Committee Meeting dates, with the exception of Operations Committee which will meet more often. The Clerk will update and circulate the Calendar of Governance Meetings 2014/15. Clerk Governor Development dates will be confirmed shortly. Clerk RESOLVED: (Board 08/07/14-07): Subject to the amendments, the Board resolved to approve the Calendar of Governance Meetings 2014/15 14. AoB Fees Policy addendum After the approval of the Fees Policy for 2014-2015 a small number of addendums have been made which include: - An identified FT FE fee for International Students of £4950 per annum, inclusive of exam fees - Clarification for fee remission for first full level 2, must be aged under 24 - Cost of second year for HE students on a two year programme, fees are not inflated higher than 3.34% compared to their first year fee. RESOLVED: (Board 08/07/14-08): The Board resolved to approve the Fees Policy addendums Date of Next Meeting Thursday 23 October 2014 at 5.00pm. The meeting closed at 7pm. 4 of 5 Action Signed (Chair): Name: Date: 5 of 5