Clinical Director of Emergency Medicine

Ballarat Health Services
 PO.BOX 577, BALLARAT 3353 Telephone (03) 5320 4238  Facsimile (03) 5320 4554 
Ballarat Health Services offers opportunities for Intern, HMO
and Registrar Training.
Ballarat Health Services comprises the Base Hospital (221 acute beds), Queen Elizabeth Centre
(Sub Acute Care 70 beds) and Psychiatric Services (67 beds]. New state-of-the-art emergency,
critical care, ambulatory, aged care and rehabilitation facilities uniquely integrate in-patient,
ambulatory, community and home based services. Ballarat Health Services is a major training
site for the University of Melbourne Rural Clinical School, and from 2010 the Deakin University
Clinical School. Senior staff are strongly committed to teaching and the professional development
of Interns, HMOs and Registrars.
Ballarat offers a superb regional lifestyle with excellent public and private schools, recreational
and sporting facilities, shopping, entertainment and cultural pursuits. Country or city living is
available within minutes of the hospital and there is easy access to Melbourne (80 minutes).
INTERNS: 18 positions appointed through the PMCV Intern Computer
Match. 1 position [Urology] is filled via rotation from Melbourne Health.
Interns complete five (5) terms of 10 or 11 weeks, with rotations in General Medicine, General
Surgery, Emergency Medicine and sub specialties; Orthopaedics, ENT, Cardiology, Geriatrics and
Gastroenterology. Two weeks annual leave is allocated during the clinical year and the remaining
three weeks are taken at the completion of Intern year. Paired applications are accepted and
every effort is made to accommodate paired annual leave. Interns choose their rotations by
mutual agreement and this is finalised prior to the commencement of the clinical year. A
comprehensive three day orientation program is held in the week prior to the commencement of
the Intern year. Shared accommodation is available for the duration of intern year and a $60.00
per week rental subsidy is offered to Interns who arrange their own accommodation.
Applications can be made on the attached application form and must include passport
photo; current CV; copies of relevant Qualifications and Registrations; and a cover
letter detailing the reason/s why you have applied for Ballarat Health Services. The
closing date for receipt of applications by the hospital and submission of Candidate
Priority lists to the Computer Matching Service is Thursday 17 June 2010. Lists can be
altered between Friday 18 June and Thursday 8 July 2010. Interviews will be conducted
between Tuesday 15 June and Friday 2 July 2010.
HMO Year 2: 6 positions are appointed through the HMO2 PMCV
Computer Match.
HMO Year 2-4: 20 positions are appointed directly by Ballarat Health
HMO2/3: Five (5) terms of 10 or 11 weeks, with rotations available in Emergency Medicine,
Intensive Care Medicine, Oncology, General Surgery, Geriatrics/Palliative Care, Rehabilitation,
Psychiatry, Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
Applications are to be made on the attached application. Ballarat Health Services participates in
the Computer Match for six HMO2 positions. The closing date for receipt of applications by the
hospital is Friday 20 August 2010 and Candidate Priority lists must be submitted to the
Computer Matching Service by Friday 20 August 2010.
All remaining HMO positions are filled through direct application to Ballarat Health Services.
Applications should be received by Friday 20 August 2010.
HMO3/4: Two 12 month Critical Care positions are available and offer 6 month rotations in
Anaesthesia and ICU. Three and six month O&G rotations are available. Six month rotations
allow interested hospital medical officers to complete the Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
Recruitment is by direct application to Ballarat Health Services.
The following positions are available for 6 and 12 month appointments: General Medicine; Advanced
Trainee in Oncology; Advanced Trainee in Gastroenterology, Advanced Trainee in Rehabilitation;
Advanced Trainee in O&G; Emergency Medicine Registrars; Advanced Trainee/Provisional Fellow in
Anaesthesia; and Non-Accredited Orthopaedic Registrar.
Three Basic Physician Trainees are
appointed locally and the remaining eight positions are filled through the consortium process, either
on rotation from Melbourne Health or Western Health. Surgical, surgical sub specialties and Obstetric
and Gynaecology positions are filled via rotation from Melbourne Health, St Vincents Hospital or
specific College training programs.
Anaesthetic Registrars rotate from Melbourne Health and rotations vary from 3 to 6 months.
The closing date for receipt of applications by the hospital is Monday 16 August 2010.
Director of Physician Training: Dr Grant Phelps (03) 5320 4322
The Internal Medicine Service is committed to the provision of high level general medical services
alongside rapidly developing subspecialty services in Oncology, Cardiology & Gastroenterology. In
addition, individual Physicians have major subspecialty interests in respiratory and sleep medicine,
renal medicine, endocrinology, infectious diseases, geriatric medicine, rehabilitation medicine,
oncology and palliative care. The Service provides inpatient and outpatient medical and consultative
services. Specialty investigations and procedures include: coronary angiography, cardiac pacing,
echocardiography, holter monitoring, advanced pulmonary function testing, bronchoscopy,
gastroscopy, colonoscopy, ERCP, renal biopsy, dialysis, pulmonary and cardiac rehabilitation and
special clinics in diabetes, dementia, continence and falls.
Opportunities for Training and Experience:
Intern - Broad based, hands on, general medical training with exposure to sub-specialty disciplines.
HMO – Oncology, Geriatric/Palliative Care and Rehabilitation Medicine
Registrar - Rotation through the medical units with exposure to sub-specialties depending on
attachment and involvement in the investigations, procedures and clinics described above. BHS has
eight basic trainees, who will be appointed via the Greater Western Consortia.
Advanced Trainees - BHS appoints a General Medicine Advanced Trainee to a Chief Resident
position. A program will be designed for Advanced Trainees around their special interests and the
stage of their advanced training. Previous General Medicine Advanced Trainees have had interests
in gastroenterology, thoracic and general medicine and are now working in the Victorian regional
and rural physician workforce. From 2010, BHS will also have Advanced Trainees in
Gastroenterology, Cardiology and Oncology, appointed through RACP managed state based
Teaching, Professional Development and Quality Activities:
Division Grand Round held monthly
unit case presentations/x-ray sessions
Division Journal Clubs
Ongoing audit of asthma management
MAP Unit and CCU/ICU Ward Rounds
in various multi-centre trials
Senior Registrar tutorials.
Clinical Director:
Mr. Philip Reasbeck
(03) 5320 6858
The Division of Surgery provides a full range of general surgical and sub-specialty surgical services.
Sub-specialties include Orthopaedic surgery, Vascular surgery, Urology, ENT surgery, Head and Neck
surgery, Ophthalmology, Thoracic surgery, Plastic surgery and Facio-maxillary surgery. The Division
provides inpatient and outpatient surgical and consultative services. Facilities include six major
operating theatres, day ward / Endoscopy Unit and Perioperative Service.
Opportunities for Training and Experience:
Intern - Broad based general surgical training; Lower GI, Upper GI and Vascular/Plastics with
exposure to sub-specialty disciplines including Orthopaedics and ENT. Training includes theatre,
outpatient and pre admission clinic responsibilities relevant to each unit. Urology intern post is filled
via rotation from Royal Melbourne Hospital.
HMO – General Surgery (HMO2) position providing excellent training and experience.
Registrar - Four surgical registrar positions provide excellent training and experience in general
surgery and selected sub-specialties (including vascular and plastic surgery). An ENT surgical
registrar post is filled via rotation from St Vincents Hospital. Six month accredited position in
Orthopaedic surgery and twelve month accredited position in Urology are appointed through the
respective training programs. Ballarat Health Services also offers a twelve month non-accredited
Orthopaedic registrar position. The Ophthalmology registrar position rotates from Royal Victorian
Eye and Ear Hospital. Appointment to Surgical Registrar and Orthopaedic (non-accredited) Registrar
posts is by direct application to Ballarat Health Services.
Teaching, Professional Development and Quality Activities:
Weekly radiology / pathology / morbidity and mortality / case presentations
Daily teaching ward rounds and student teaching (4th and final year)
Unit and service based utilisation review and audit activities
Registrar topic presentation
Critical Care
Clinical Director of Emergency Medicine:
Dr Jaycen Cruickshank
(03) 5320 6455
Clinical Director of Anaesthesia:
Dr Fred Rosewarne
(03) 5320 4590
Clinical Director of Intensive Care:
Dr Tony Sutherland
(03) 5320 4590
The Division of Critical Care includes Anaesthetics, Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine.
The Emergency Department sees 48,000 patients per annum (27% paediatric) with an 18%
admission rate. The department services in excess of 200,000 people in the Grampians Region.
Emergency Registrar posts are generally twelve month appointments however six month rotations
are considered. Fully self contained accommodation is available at a significantly reduced rate which
assists medical officers who are based in the Melbourne metropolitan area. Paediatric Logbook
training is available and limited rotations to ICU and Anaesthesia.
The Department of Anaesthesia offers registrars a great place to gain some experience prior to
commencing their specialist career. Ballarat Health Services has six main theatres and one day
theatre that undertake nearly 10,000 cases per year. Registrars are able to use non-clinical time for
research, teaching and other professional development activities. All surgery specialties are catered
for with the exception of elective cardiac surgery and neurosurgery. In particular, opportunities exist
to gain further experience in paediatric and obstetric anaesthesia prior to commencing specialist
practice. There is a long established culture of audit activities with M&M meetings being held
every second week, and reports prepared and presented in the VCCAMM format.
The Intensive Care Unit is a twelve bed unit; six beds are ICU and six beds are CCU/HDU. It is
accredited for basic registrar training. All residents are actively involved in the care of ICU patients
and fully supported by Intensive/Coronary Care Consultants.
Appointment to the Senior Anaesthetic Registrar/Provisional Fellow and Emergency Registrar posts is
by direct appointment to Ballarat Health Services.
Opportunities for Training and Experience:
Intern - Ten week term in emergency medicine providing experience in all areas of emergency
HMO 2-4 – 10-11 week rotations are available in Intensive Care / HDU and Coronary Care. Six
month rotations are available as an anaesthetic resident. Emergency medicine rotations are
available at each HMO level with accredited training and progression to registrar training in
emergency medicine or general practice.
Registrar - Anaesthetic registrars rotate from Melbourne Health. Accredited emergency registrar
positions are appointed by Ballarat Health Services.
Advanced Trainee - Provisional Fellow in anaesthesia is appointed by Ballarat Health Services.
Positions can be tailored to pre Fellowship/Senior Registrar.
Teaching, Professional Development and Quality Activities:
First part FACEM tutorials in ED tailored to suit trainees
Active intern education program in the Emergency Department
Daily ward round including clinical teaching in ICU and Coronary Care
Weekly Divisional meeting with Department of Anaesthesia
Weekly tutorials through Department of Anaesthesia
Contributing to National Intensive Care Database and Quality Assessment
Clinical trials in anaesthesia and emergency medicine / Trauma Response Audit.
Women’s and Children’s Health
(Comprising Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Paediatrics)
Clinical Director:
Dr Paul Davey
(03) 5320 4000
The Division of Women’s and Children’s Health provides obstetrics services (1200 deliveries per
annum), general gynaecology, gynaecological oncology and a comprehensive neonatal, paediatric
and adolescent health service.
The O&G unit consists of a team of five resident doctors [HMO2-4] and three registrars. Three and
six month rotations are available for HMO2-4. The unit is supervised by two fulltime staff specialists
plus four part time consultants.
The Paediatric Unit is a 19 cot bed unit staffed by two residents [HMO2-3], one registrar, a full time
staff specialist and visiting paediatric consultants. Ten 10-11 week rotations are available for HMOs.
The paediatric rotation is highly sought after especially for those interested in general practice
Opportunities for Training and Experience:
HMO - Paediatric term includes coverage of Special Care Nursery and outpatient services. Positions
in Obstetrics and Gynaecology offer general experience across all areas including theatre, birthing
suite and antenatal/outpatient clinics. The Diploma of Obstetrics is available for general practice
Registrar – Two third year O&G registrar position is filled via the respective college. It provides
experience in all areas of obstetrics and gynaecology practice.
Paediatric Registrar and Advanced Trainee in Obstetrics and Gynaecology positions are available as 6
or 12 month appointments. Both positions provide excellent training and experience with special
relevance to regional and rural practice. Appointment is by direct application to Ballarat Health
Teaching, Professional Development and Quality Activities:
Diploma of Obstetrics
Advanced Obstetric training
Specialist registrar training
Two lectures per week from consultants and registrars
Monthly obstetric, gynaecology and paediatric lunchtime meetings
Monthly screening meetings
Grand Rounds
Divisional meetings
Current research program in gynaecological oncology
Psychiatric Services
Clinical Director:
Dr Abdul Khalid
(03) 5320 4870
Ballarat Health Services Psychiatric Services provides a comprehensive; community based rural and
regional mental health service. The service includes general adult, child and adolescent and
geriatric psychiatry. Psychiatric Service has a multidisciplinary teams operating in all areas of
patient care. The service is focused in the routine delivery of evidence based and best practice
clinical treatments for a person with a mental disorder, in a family inclusive context. There is an
emphasis on early detention and intervention in the care and treatment of psychiatric illnesses.
Wherever possible, services are provided in the client’s home with family involvement as an integral
part of treatment.
Staff Members and Special Interests:
Grampians Psychiatric Services has a total of 13 Psychiatrists covering a range of particular interest
Opportunities for Training and Experience:
All levels - Regular supervision is provided at individual and team level. All staff participate in the
weekly Continuing Education Program at Ballarat Health Services – Psychiatric Services. This
consists of:
Journal Club
Case Presentations
Visiting Speakers
Video Presentations
Departmental Round
Training opportunities occur through participation in ward rounds, outpatient clinics, community
visits and multidisciplinary team meetings. Training is also provided in the use of teleconferencing
facility for patient/family interviews in outlying areas of the region.
HMO - HMO2 or HMO3 take 10-11 week rotations which provides excellent training and experience
for general practice trainees. Tutorials are provided in ECT and trainees are encouraged to
participate in research programs and quality improvement activities. Experience is provided in
specialist areas of psychiatry including general adult (inpatient), rehabilitation and old age
Teaching, Professional Development and Quality Activities:
Staff hold lecturer and senior lecturer positions at the University of Melbourne of which GPS is an
affiliated Clinical Academic Unit.
Regular publications in international peer reviewed journals
Designated Quality Improvement position with all medical officers actively involved
RANZCP Indicators used routinely and variances are developed into QI projects