Final Draft Approved by Legal 3/26/2007 CONSTITUTION ARTICLE I Name The name of this organization shall be the Faculty & Family Organization of The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center. This name, or any variation, shall not be used without the express permission of the Executive Committee. ARTICLE II Purpose The Faculty & Family Organization of The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center shall provide a mechanism for the interaction of its members to promote fellowship, the exchange and dissemination of information, and service beneficial to the institution and its programs. ARTICLE III Membership Section 1. Those eligible for membership are: A. All appointed faculty members and fellows and their families; and B. Executives (Job Group 10) of The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (“MDACC”) and their families. C. Section 2: Faculty retirees of MDACC and their families. Honorary membership may be conferred to recognize service and interest. Nomination to honorary membership shall be made upon the recommendation of the Executive Committee and approved by the Executive Board. ARTICLE IV Officers Section 1. A. The officers of this organization shall be the President, Program Director, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, and President-Elect. 1 Together, they shall serve as the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall be directly responsible for planning and directing events and activities to further the Organization’s mission. B. The two immediate past presidents and the Associate to the Chief Administrative Officer1 shall comprise the Advisory Board. The Advisory Board will provide guidance and advice to the Executive Board. Section 2. A. The election of officers shall be held annually at a meeting of the Executive Committee before May 15. B. A Nominating Committee of three, at least one of whom is not a member of the Executive Board, shall be proposed by the President and appointed by the Executive Board no later than April 1. It shall be the duty of the Nominating Committee to prepare a slate of candidates to present to the Executive Committee2 in writing prior to May 1. The President-Elect shall be an exofficio member of this committee. C. Additional nominations may be made by members of the Executive Committee if the consent of the candidate had been previously obtained. D. The term of office for each Executive Board position shall be one year and limited to two consecutive terms. Section 3. The new officers and the chairs of the standing committees shall take office at the final function of the year. Section 4. A. If for any reason the President is unable to serve a full term, the Executive Board shall elect a new President from the Board membership. B. If any officer other than the President is unable to serve a full term, the Executive Board shall elect a new officer from the membership. C. If any committee chair is unable to serve a full term, the Executive Board shall appoint a replacement. 1 2 UT System title for the spouse of the President of MDACC. Executive Committee membership found at Bylaws, Article II. 2 ARTICLE V Meetings Section 1. The Executive Board shall hold a minimum of four regular meetings during the fiscal year. One regular meeting before May 15 shall be designated as the meeting for the Executive Committee to elect officers. The remaining meetings shall be held at the discretion of the Executive Board. Section 2. The President shall be authorized, with the consent of the Executive Board, to call special meetings and to make emergency decisions when the need arises. ARTICLE VI Amendment of the Constitution This constitution may be amended by three-fourths of the votes cast by mail or email sent to each member, a quorum being those votes received, provided that written notice of the proposed amendment has been sent to each member at least two weeks before said vote is distributed. 3 BYLAWS ARTICLE I Finances Section 1. The fiscal year of the Faculty & Family Organization of MDACC shall be September 1 to August 31. Section 2. A. The President shall prepare an annual budget to be presented for approval to the Physicians Referral Service by June 15. B. Expenses not included in the budget and exceeding $100.00 shall be made only with the approval of the Executive Board. Such expenses must be reported to the Executive Committee. ARTICLE II Executive Committee Section 1. The officers, the, Advisory Board, and the chairs of the standing and special committees and the interest groups shall constitute the Executive Committee, which shall recommend the policies of this organization. Section 2. The duties of all officers shall follow the latest revision of the Faculty & Family Organization Handbook. ARTICLE III Committees Section 1. There shall be the following standing committees: Website, Newsletter, Welcoming, Directory, and Fellows’ Liaison. These standing committees may consist of a chair only. Section 2. Special committees and interest groups may be authorized by the Executive Board to carry on the activities of the organization. Section 3. The chair of the standing and special committees shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Executive Board. These chairs may appoint 4 members to their own committees. The President may be an ex-officio member of any committee. ARTICLE IV Committee Vacancies Vacancies of Committee Chairs shall be filled by appointment by the President with the approval of the Executive Board. ARTICLE V Quorum The quorum for a meeting of the Executive Committee shall be three officers and the members present. ARTICLE VI Amendments to the Bylaws These bylaws may be amended by three-fourths of the votes cast by mail or email sent to each member, a quorum being those votes received, provided that written notice of the proposed amendment has been sent to each member at least two weeks before said vote is distributed. STANDING RULES Rule 1. Members are welcome to bring guests to all program functions and interest group meetings, if space permits, provided they pay for whatever additional expense is involved. Rule 2. Members may forward suggestions for officer nominations to the President, in writing, before April 15. Rule 3. Any questions of procedure not provided for herein shall be decided by the latest revision of the Faculty & Family Organization Handbook. 5