GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH FOREST DEPARTMENT From To Sri.S.Ramesh.,I.F.S., Divisional Forest Officer, Warangal South Division. The District Collector WARANGAL. Rc.No. 4424/2005/DM, Dated:- Sir., -10-2010 Sub:- RTI Act 2005 – Visit of Chief Information Commissioner and Information Commissioners to District Review of implementation of the RTI Act – tour programmed circulated - Information submitted Reg. Ref:- 1) Dist.Collector Rc.No. C2/5092/2010, Dt. 05-10-2010. @@@ In compliance to the reference 1st cited, I am submitting herewith the required information on the above subject in the prescribed proformas (Chapter 1 to 17) with one hard copy (Booklet) and one Soft copy of this office for favour of information. Encl:- 1) Hard copy (Booklet) 2) Soft copy (CD) Yours Sd/- faithfully, S.Ramesh Divisional Forest Officer, Warangal South Division. Copy submitted to the Conservator of Forests, Warangal for favour kind information. Sd/S.Ramesh, Divisional Forest Officer, Warangal South Division. // t.c.b.o. // Superintendent. 1 Chapter-2 Organization, Functions and Duties [Section 4(1)(b)(i)] 2.1 Particulars of the organization, functions and duties:- Sl. No. Name of the organization. Address 1 1) 2 Forest Department 3 O/o. The Divisional Forest Officer, Warangal South Division, Warangal. Functions 4 Protection of forests of Warangal South Division. Duties 1) 5 To control the illicit fellings and transportation timber, 2) 3) encroachments, podu cultivation. Supervision of works. 4) Conducting the Timber sales and B.L. collection. 5) To conduct the protection meeting. 6) Inspection of forests and To attend meetings. 2 of the official Sd/- S.Ramesh, Divisional Forest Officer, Warangal South Division. // t.c.b.o. // Superintendent. Chapter-3 Powers and Duties of Officers and Employees [Section 4(1) (b) (ii)] 3.1 Sl. No. 1 1 Details of powers and duties of officers and employees of the authority by designation as follows:Name of the Officer/ Employee SARWASRI:2 Divisional Forest Officer, Warangal South Division. Designation 3 Statutory 3 Duties allotted Powers 4 Protection of forests and wildlife situated in division, under his charge, the execution of all forest works and exercise direct control over the forest establishment employees therein. Inspection of works. 5 Administrative Financial Others 2 Sub-Divisional Forest Officer Statutory Administrative Financial Direct control over the Forest staff and maintain discipline and to attend their duties properly, deal with all forest offence cases and arrange for regeneration, improvement, exploitation according to the working plans, management plans or other orders. Take disciplinary actions, sanction of increments and payments of salaries to staff. Realisation of revenue allotted to the division i.e., compounding fee and control the expenditure in the division and revenue by conducting salvaged timber sales during auction at Government Timber Depots. Conducting of inspection of all forest work and check measurement. Payments of compensation to the wildlife attack victims and informers who have helped in protection of forests and wildlife cases. Collection of Beedi leaf by making lively hood to the people who depended on collection of Beedi leaf. Supervision and inspection of work including check measurements of works. Inspection of Range Officers, Depots and see that Accounts, Registers are maintained in order and posted upto date carry out of inspection of beats and control on illicit transportation of timber. Realization of compounding fee. Dealing with Forest offence cases as per delegation of powers in A.P. Forest Act 1967 and finalization of cases. Others 3 Forest Range Officer Statutory Administrative Financial Inspection of beats, conducting of enquiries etc., Supervision and inspection of work including check measurements of works. Inspection of Range Officers, Depots and see that Accounts, Registers are maintained in order and posted upto date carry out of inspection of beats and control on illicit transportation of timber. Realization of compounding fee. Dealing with Forest offence cases as per delegation of powers in A.P. Forest Act 1967 and finalization of cases. Others 4 Deputy Range Officer Statutory Administrative Financial 4 Inspection of beats, conducting of enquiries etc., Frequent patrolling and perambulation of the Beats under his jurisdiction, Execution of Works. Proper protection of Forests and other Govt. property included his Section, Supervision of the duties of the Staff, Control on illicit transportation of Timber. Realization of Compounding Fee Others 5 Forest Section Officer 6 Forest Beat Officer Detection and Investigation of Forest offences, Checking of Forest produce in transit and assist the Forest Range Officer in other works. Frequent patrolling and perambulation of the Beats under his jurisdiction, Execution of Works. Statutory Administrative Proper protection of Forests and other Govt. property included his Section, Supervision of the duties of the Staff, Control on illicit transportation of Timber. Financial Realization of Compounding Fee Others Detection and Investigation of Forest offences, Checking of Forest produce in transit and assist the Forest Range Officer in other works. Statutory Prevent encroachment of Forest land and Protect his beat against injury from Fire or other causes. Patrolling of Forests and Prevent offences. Check Forest Produce in transit and see that the Forest produce is not removed except in accordance with the transit Rules. Control and Supervise over such of the Works as ordered by Forest Section Officer and Forest Range Officer and carryout Silvicultural Works such as Sowing, Planting, Nursery works, Collection of seeds, Pruning, Thinning etc., Realization of Compounding Fee Maintaining the Boundary lines and boundary marks in Forest Blocks in proper order and repair, cut creepers and climbers during the his perambulation in the Forests. Administrative Financial Others 7 Superintendent 8 Technical Officer 9 Senior Assistant/ Junior Assistant 10 Typist Statutory Administrative Financial Others Statutory Administrative Financial Others Statutory Administrative Financial Others Statutory Administrative 5 -General supervision over the whole office. Inspection of personal registers and see that they are punctually neatly and properly maintained. In touch with the work in all section clerks working under them. Over all supervision of all correspondents with the sections. -----Dealing with office Correspondence and etc ---Dealing with Type and Computer Section. -- 11 Driver 12 Office Subordinate 13 Rest House Watcher Financial Others Statutory Administrative Financial Others Statutory Administrative Financial Others ----Driver to Divisional Forest Officer’s Jeep ---Office works. Maintenance of Rest House Sd/S.Ramesh Divisional Forest Officer, Warangal South Division. // t.c.b.o. // Superintendent. 6 Chapter-4 Procedure followed in Decision-making process [Section 4(1)(b)(iii)] 4.1 Describe the procedure followed in decision-making by the public authority. Activity Description Designation of final decisionmaking authority. 2 3 4 Development of Forest – Prl.CCF., C.F., & Government Upliftment of people. D.F.O. 1 Goal-setting & Planning Budgeting Decision-making process Annual planed in Non- Prl.CCF., C.F., & Government plan budget D.F.O. Formulation of Preparation of Action Prl.CCF., C.F., & Government programmes, plan under all grants. D.F.O. schemes and projects. Recruitment/ hiring personnel. -- of Release of funds -- Funds under all grants Implementation/ Works Bills delivery of service/ utilization of funds Monitoring evaluation Gathering feedback public & from Undertaking improvements Prl.CCF., C.F. -- Government. Scrutiny of work Pay and Accounts bills and Officer, transmission to Chinthagattu P.A.O. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Sd/- S.Ramesh Divisional Forest Officer Warangal South Division. 7 // t.c.b.o. // Superintendent. Chapter-5 Norms set for the Discharge of Functions [Section 4(1)(b)(iv)] 5.1 Please provide the details of the norms/ standards set by the public authority for the discharge of its functions/ delivery of services. Sl. No. Function/ service Norms/standards of performance set Time frame 1 I. 1) 2) II 1) a) 2 3 4 b) 2) a) b) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) General Public representation Complaints or officials Technical sanctions Normal programme Special projects Conduct of Tenders, Agreements and work entrustments Normal programme Special projects Bill recording Check measurements Concerned Officer Concerned Officer 7 days 2 days Reference document prescribing the norms (Citizen’s Charter Service Charter etc.,) 5 Citizen Charter Citizen Charter Prl.CCF/C.F.,/D.F.O. 15 days Citizen Charter Prl.CCF/C.F., 45 days Citizen Charter 15 days 45 days 2 days 2 days Citizen Citizen Citizen Citizen 2 days Citizen Charter 3 days Citizen Charter 2 days Citizen Charter 1 day Citizen Charter F.R.O./Sub-D.F.O. D.F.O./ C.F. F.S.O./F.R.O. F.S.O./F.R.O./SubD.F.O. check D.F.O./C.F., if Super measurement needed Quality control check SubD.F.O./D.F.O./C.F., Preparation of Bills F.S.O./F.R.O. and submission to Division office Scrutinizing of bills. D.F.O. Charter Charter Charter Charter Sd/- S.Ramesh Divisional Forest Officer Warangal South Division. 8 // t.c.b.o. // Superintendent. Chapter-6 Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manual and Records, for Discharging Functions [Section 4(1) (b) (v) (vi)] 6.1 Please provide list and gist of rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by public authority or under its control or used by its employees for discharging functions in the following format. Sl. No. Description Gist of contents 1 Rules & Regulations 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 2 3 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) APCCA Rules & Conduct Rules AP Revised Pension rules 1980 AP Leave Rules AP State & Subordinate service rules AP Civil service code AP fundamental rules & Subsidiary rules AP Financial Code Vol. I & II AP Treasury Code AP Pension Code Andhra Pradesh Accounts Code Forest Laws Instructions 1) 2) Manuals 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) AP Manual of Spl.Pay and allowances AP Provident fund manual District Office Manual Departmental Manual PAO accounts Manual Records 1) 2) 9 Price of the publication if priced. 4 Publications 1) 2) Sd/- S.Ramesh Divisional Forest Officer, Warangal South Division. // t.c.b.o. // Superintendent. Chapter-7 Categories of Documents held by the Public Authority under its control [Section 4(1) (b) v (i)] 7.1 Provide information about the official documents held by the public authority or under its control. Sl. No. Category of document Title of the document 1 1) 2 3 Agreement Works Agreements 2) Estimate Works estimates, Revised Technical officers concerned estimates, Working estimates 3) Service books Establishment records, Establishment Clerk, D.F.O., personal records, Pay bills. Pay bill Clerk of D.F.O. 4) Cash Records Cash Books, Cheque Books Accountant, D.F.O. etc., 5) Measurement Books Fresh Measurement Books, Concerned staff 4 contracts, Forest Range Officers Closed Measurement Books, Running Measurement Books 10 Designation and address of the custodian (held by/ under the control of whom). Sd/- S.Ramesh Divisional Forest Officer Warangal South Division. // t.c.b.o. // Superintendent. Chapter-8 Arrangement for Consultation with, or Representation by, the Members of the Public relation to the Formulation of Policy or implementation thereof [Section 4(1) (b) (viii)] 8.1 Describe arrangements by the public authority to seek consultation/participation of public or its representatives for formulation and implementation of policies? Sl. No. Function/Service 1 1) 2 Protection and Development of forests Arrangements for consultation with or representation of public in relations with policy formulation 3 -- Arrangements for consultation with or representation of public in relations with policy implementation. 4 Tribal Development and Village Development works, Protection and Development of Forests with Forest Department. Sd/-S.Ramesh Divisional Forest Officer, Warangal South Division. // t.c.b.o. // Superintendent. 11 Chapter-9 Boards, Councils, Committees and other Bodies constituted as part of Public Authority [Section 4(1) (b) v (iii)] 9.1 Please provide information on boards, councils, committees and other bodies related to the public authority in the following format. Name of Board, Council, Committee etc., Composition 1 Vana Samrakshana Samithies 2 -- Powers & Functions Whether its Meetings open to Public/ Minutes of its Meetings accessible for public. 3 4 Protection and Vana Samrakshana Development of Samithi Members only Forests. Sd/-S.Ramesh Divisional Forest Officer Warangal South Division. // t.c.b.o. // Superintendent. . CHAPTER 10 Directory of Officers and Employees [Section 4 (1) (b) (ix)] 10.1 Please provide information on officers and employees working in different units or offices at different levels and their contract addresses in the following format (including officers in charge if grievances redressal, vigilance, audit, etc.,) Sl. No. Name of office /administrative unit Name, Designation & Address of Officer / Employee SARWASRI:- 1 1 2 Divisional Forest Office, Warangal South 3 Sri.S.Ramesh, I.F.S. Divisional Forest Officer 12 4 Divisional Forest Office, Warangal South Division Telephone & Fax Office Tel: Residence Tel: Fax: 5 2431539 Residence & Mobile 6 2 Division. ---do--- 3 ---do--- 4 ---do--- 5 ---do--- 6 ---do--- 7 ---do--- 8 ---do--- 9 ---do--- 10 ---do--- 11 ---do--- 12 ---do--- 13 ---do--- 14 ---do--- 15 ---do--- 16 ---do--- 17 ---do--- 18 ---do--- 19 ---do--- 20 ---do--- S.Rajashekar Sub-Divisional Forest Officer, Narsampet M.Ravi Prasad Sub-Divisional Forest Officer, Mahabubabad N. Jogender Forest Range Officer Narsampet Y.Rama Swamy, I/c. Forest Range Officer, Kothaguda Kum.K.Anitha I/c. Forest Range Officer, Gudur. R. Ganesh Forest Range officer, Mahabubabad Smt. K. Hemalatha, Superintendent (Admn.) D.Raja Ram Superintendent (Accts.) S. Venkateshwarlu Technical Asst. Sri.Mohd. Ghouse, Sr.Asst. Sri.Nuroodin Sr.Asst. M. Prakash Rao, Jr.Asst. Md. Yousuf Pasha, Jr.Asst. Smt. G.Udayachandra Kumari, Jr.Asst. Smt. P. Manjula, Jr.Asst. M.H. Baig Jr.Asst Md. Shoukat Ali Typist Typist (Vacant) ---do--- ---do--- ---do--- ---do--- ---do--- ---do--- ---do--- ---do--- ---do--- ---do--- ---do--- ---do--- ---do--- ---do--- ---do--- ---do--- ---do--- ---do--- ---do--- ---do--- ---do--- ---do--- ---do--- ---do--- ---do--- ---do--- ---do--- ---do--- ---do--- ---do--- ---do--- ---do--- ---do--- ---do--- Smt. G. Rama Devi, Jr.Asst. ---do--- ---do--- 13 21 22 ---do-----do--- 23 ---do--- 24 ---do--- 25 ---do--- 26 ---do--- 27 ---do--28 --- S --- --do-m. do-do-- A. -- -Ra ni bh ai, Jr. As st. 29 ---do--- 30 ---do--- Typist (Vacant) ---do--R. Rajamallu, Office ---do--Subordinate Smt. G. Uma Devi, ---do--Office Subordinate Office Subordinate ---do--(Vacant) G. Mahesh, Office ---do--Subordinate Smt. M. Hyma, ---do--Office Subordinate DEPUTATION STAFF M. Ramesh, Sr.Asst. ---do--- Sri.Afzal Pasha Sr.Asst. Sri. Babu Sr. Asst ---do-----do-----do-----do-----do-----do-----do--- ---do--- --do-- ---do--- --do-- Sd/- S.Ramesh Forest Officer, Divisional Warangal South Division. // t.c.b.o. // Superintendent. CHAPTER-11 Monthly Remuneration received by Officers and Employees, including the system of compensation as provided in Regulations. [Section 4(1)(b)(x)] 14 11.1 Sl. No. 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 Provide information on remuneration and compensation structure for officers and employees in the following format: Designation 2 Divisional Forest Officer, Warangal South Division Sub-Divisional Forest Officer Sub-Divisional Forest Officer (1) Forest Range Officer (1) Forest Range Officer (1) Forest Range Officer (1) Forest Range Officer (1) Forest Range Officer (1) Forest Range Officer (1) Superintendent (1) Superintendent. (1) Senior Assistant (1) Senior Assistant Technical Assistant-II (1) Junior Assistants (1) Junior Assistant (1) Junior Assistants (1) Junior Assistants (1) Junior Assistants (1) Junior Assistants (1) Typist (1) Typist Driver Office Subordinate Office Subordinate Office Subordinate Office Subordinate Office Subordinate 3 System of compensation to determine Remuneration as given in regulation. 4 20680 – 49690 8385 – 17095 15280 – 40510 15280 – 40510 15280 – 40510 7770 – 18575 7200 – 16925 7770 – 18575 14860 – 39540 26021 17398 21869 17374 21012 15276 18507 15276 21884 10900 – 31550 10900 – 31550 9460 – 27700 9200 – 27000 9200 – 27000 8440 – 24950 8440 - 24950 8440 - 24950 4825 – 10825 4825 – 10825 Vacant 9460 – 24300 7520 – 12910 6900 – 20680 6700 – 20100 6700 – 20100 Vacant 19100 18621 11846 25238 17645 12993 11074 12198 7654 7814 --26312 10467 11159 10012 ---*-- Monthly Remuneration including its composition. Sd/- S.Ramesh Divisional Forest Officer Warangal South Division // t.c.b.o. // Superintendent. Chapter-12 15 Budget Allocated to Each Agency including Plants etc., [Section 4(1) (b) (xi)] 12.1 Provide information about the details of the plan programme and schemes undertaken by the public authority for each agency. Agency Plan/Programme/ Scheme/Project/ Activity/ Purpose for which budget is allocated. Proposed expenditure Expected Outcomes 1 -- 2 -- 3 -- 4 -- 12.2 Provide information on the budget allocated for different activities under different programmes/ Schemes/ Projects etc., in the given format. Agency 1 Report on disbursements made or where such details are available (web site, reports, notice board etc.,) 5 -- Programme/ Scheme/ Project/ Activity Purpose for which budget is allocated 2 A.P.C.F.M. Amount released last year (Rs. in lakhs). 3 29.731 Amount spent last year (Rs. in lakhs). 4 28.579 Budget allocated current year (Rs. in lakhs). 5 --- Budget released current year (Rs. in lakhs). 6 --- RIDF-XII 8.266 8.266 --- --- TFC (FDA) 2.050 1.600 --- --- TFC (FP) 9.000 9.000 --- --- I.F.M 1.488 0.126 --- --- I.F.P.(Central share) 03 – Dist officers (Normal State Plan) 03Dist.Officers/DET 2.922 1.02 --- --- 1.290 1.290 0.800 --- 10.000 10.000 --- --- Sd/- S.Ramesh Divisional Forest Officer Warangal South Division. // t.c.b.o. // Superintendent. 16 CHAPTER 13 Manner of Execution of Subsidy Programmes [Section 4 (1) (b) (xii)] 13.1 Describe the activities/programmes/schemes being implemented by the public authority for which subsidy is provided. Name of Programme/activity Nature/Scale of subsidy 1 - 2 - Eligibility criteria for grant of subsidy 3 - Designation of officer of grant subsidy 4 - 13.3 Describe the manner of execution of the subsidy programmes Name of Programme/activity 1 - Application procedure 2 - Sanction procedure 3 - Disbursement procedure 4 - Sd/- S.Ramesh Divisional Forest Officer Warangal South Division. // t.c.b.o. // Superintendent. Chapter-14 Particulars of Recipients of Concessions, Permits or Authorisation Granted by the Public Authority [Section 4(1) (b) (xiii)] 14.1 Provide the names and addresses of recipients of benefits under each programme/ scheme separately in the following format. 17 Institutional Beneficiaries Sl. No. 1 Sl. No. 1 Name of programme/ scheme. Name & address of Nature/ Date of grant recipient institutions quantum of benefit granted 2 3 4 --------------------- Nil.--------------------- Name and Designation of granting authority. 5 Name of programme/ scheme. Name & address of Nature/ Date of grant recipient institutions quantum of benefit granted 2 3 4 --------------------- Nil.--------------------- Name and Designation of granting authority. 5 Individual Beneficiaries Sl. No. 1 Sl. No. 1 Name of programme/ scheme. Name & address of Nature/ Date of grant recipient institutions quantum of benefit granted 2 3 4 --------------------- Nil.--------------------- Name and Designation of granting authority. 5 Name of programme/ scheme. Name & address of Nature/ Date of grant recipient institutions quantum of benefit granted 2 3 4 --------------------- Nil.--------------------- Name and Designation of granting authority. 5 Sd/- S.Ramesh Divisional Forest Officer Warangal South Division. // t.c.b.o. // Superintendent. CHAPTER 15 18 Information Available in Electronic Form [Section 4 (1) (b) x (iv)] 15.1 Please provide the details of information related to the various schemes of the department, which are available in electronic formats (Floppy, CD, VCD, Web Site, Internet, etc.,) Electronic format Description (site address/location where available etc) Contents or title - - - Designation and address of the custodian of information (held by whom?) - 15.2 Describe particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information including the working hours of a library or information centre or reading room maintained for public use where information relating to the department or records / documents are made available to the public. Sd/- S.Ramesh Divisional Forest Officer Warangal South Division. // t.c.b.o. // Superintendent. Chapter-16 Particulars of Facilities available to Citizens for obtaining information [Section 4(1) (b) (xv)] 16.1 Describe the particulars of information dissemination mechanisms in place/ facilities available to the public for accessing of information. Facility Description (Location of Facility/ Name etc.,) 19 Details of information made available 1 Notice Board 2 Kept in open Warandah News paper Reports Eenadu, Andhra Jyothi, Miscellaneous Section Deccan Chronicle Public Announcements 3 Tender Notices etc., -- -- Information Counter Tender Notices Divisional Forest Officer Publications Office Library -Departmental Codes -Divisional Forest Officer Websites -- -- Other Facilities (name) -- -- Sd/- S.Ramesh Divisional Forest Officer Warangal South Division. // t.c.b.o. // Superintendent. Chapter-17 Names, Designations and other Particulars of Public information Officers [Section 4(1) (b) (xvi)] 17.1 Please provide contact information about the Public Information Officers and Assistant Public Information Officers designated for various officers/ administrative units and Appellate Authority/ Officer(s) for the public authority in the following format. Public Information Officer(s) Sl. No. 1 1) Name of office/ administrative unit 2 Division office Warangal South Division. Name & designation of PIO 3 Smt. K. Hemalatha Superintendent (Administration) 20 Office Tel: Residence Tel: Fax: 4 0870-2431539 E-mail. 5 -- 2) Range office, Narsampet N. Jogender, Forest Range Officer 9440810372 -- 3) Range Office, Kothaguda 9440810369 -- 4) Range Office, Gudur 9951331122 -- 5) Range Office, Mahabubabad Y.Rama Swamy I/c. Forest Range Officer Kum.K.Anitha I/c.Forest Range Officer R. Ganesh, Forest Range officer 9440810370 -- Office Tel: Residence Tel: Fax: 4 0870-2431539 E-mail. Assistant Public Information Officer(s) Sl. No. 1 1) Name of office/ administrative unit 2 Division office Warangal South Division. Name & designation of APIO 3 S. Venkateshwarlu, 5 -- Technical Officer 2) Range office, Narsampet Smt. R. Saroja, Jr.Asst. -- -- 3) Range Office, Kothaguda Range Office, Gudur Range Office, Mahabubabad M.A. Bari, Jr.Asst. -- -- Saleem Pasha, Sr.Asst. -- -- G. Charan Kumar, Jr.Asst. -- -- 4) 5) 21 Appellate Authority Sl. No. 1 1) Name of office/ administrative unit 2 Division office Warangal South Division. 2) Range office, Narsampet 3) Range Office, Kothaguda 4) Range Office, Gudur 5) Range Office, Mahabubabad Name & designation of AA 3 Sri.S.Ramesh I.F.S., Divisional Forest Officer S.Rajashekar Sub-Divisional Forest Officer Office Tel: Residence Tel: Fax: 4 0870-2431539 E-mail. 9440810360 -- 9440810360 -- 9440810359 -- 9440810359 -- S.Rajashekar, Sub-Divisional Forest Officer M.Ravi Prasad, Sub-Divisional Forest Officer M.Ravi Prasad, Sub-Divisional Forest Officer 5 -- Sd/- S.Ramesh Divisional Forest Officer, Warangal South Division. // t.c.b.o. // Superintendent. Chapter-18 Other Useful Information [Section 4(1) (b) xvii] 18.1 Please give below any other information or details of publications which are of relevance or of use to the Citizens. ----------------------- Nil. -------------------- 22 Sd/- S.Ramesh Divisional Forest Officer Warangal South Division. // t.c.b.o. // Superintendent. 23