MC2 - Gadsden Independent School District

Mathematically Connected Communities (MC2 )
Memorandum of Understanding
As a major partner of the Mathematically Connected Communities (MC2) grant proposal submitted to
the New Mexico Public Education Department, the Gadsden Independent School District agrees to
support the participation of the schools listed below in implementing the goals of the partner project.
□ All District Middle and High Schools will be Involved
□ Selected Schools will Participate (list participating schools):
MC2 Goals and Objectives:
1. Partner districts will establish a standards based mathematics curriculum and a plan for
sustained teachers professional development that leads to increased student achievement
in mathematics.
2. University and district partners will develop a cadre of mathematics leaders/coaches both
within partner districts and as an MC2 Cohort who can provide on-going professional
development for teachers and administrators to develop an understanding of New Mexico
Content and Process Standards and enhance teacher pedagogical content knowledge.
3. District and university partners will implement polices and practices at the core partner
institutions that will sustain improvements in student achievement, teacher quality, and
collaboration between university departments and the public schools focused on mathematics
4. District and university partners will implement a research model that compares student
achievement with school/teacher level of implementation of standards based instruction
and participation in MC2 professional development.
MC2 Project Components
As an MC2 grant partner, the district will receive the following support:
1. Teacher Professional Development:
a. Summer Mathematics Academy: The MC2 project will design one-week summer
mathematics academies for partner districts to develop middle and high school mathematics
teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge and provide support in the implementation of
standards-based mathematics curriculum resources. (Textbook resources that meet MC2
criteria for standards based mathematics are listed at .) Teachers will
receive compensation for full participation in the one-week academy.
b. Two-Week Mathematics Academy: Graduate coursework in mathematics education will be
available through the MC2 two-week summer academy for secondary teachers from partner
districts. Coursework can be counted as part of the Master of Arts in Teaching
Mathematics offered by New Mexico Sate University. Teachers will receive compensation
for full participation in the two-week academy.
c. Up to four days of district-wide professional development in the effective implementation
of standards based resources will be provided to all mathematics teachers during the
academic school year.
d. MC2 will provide Implementation Tools and Facilitation Protocols of school-based
Professional Learning Team (PLTs). These PLTs will:
 Develop a year long plan to address grade level performance standards.
 Plan units and individual lessons based on standards and benchmarks and will agree
(reach consensus) on the mathematical focus of each unit and lesson.
Mathematically Connected Communities (MC2 )
Memorandum of Agreement for New Mexico MSP
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 Develop classroom assessments that all teachers use to determine how well students are
meeting learning goals for mathematics.
 Analyze student progress through analysis of student work samples and assessments
and consider modifications for units based on student progress
2. Mathematics Leadership Development: MC2 will provide ongoing training for District
Mathematics Specialists and Professional Learning Team Facilitators:
a. District Mathematics Specialists will meet monthly to:
i. Learn the process for facilitating professional learning communities for mathematics.
ii. Develop a deep understanding of standards based curriculum and teaching.
iii. Assist teachers in the development of instructional assessments that are aligned to
New Mexico Standards and SBA.
b. MC2 Regional Field Specialists will provide regular professional development for
develop district math coaches skill in facilitating professional learning communities for
mathematics. These professional development sessions may occur at a district-based
3. Administrator Training: MC2 will provide professional development for school and district
administrators to:
a. Develop their understanding of problem-solving based mathematics teaching that is
aligned to both content and process standards.
b. Learn to support quality mathematics instruction and establish effective Professional
Learning Teams for Mathematics in their schools.
c. Develop a process for gathering and using data to improve mathematics instruction in
their schools.
4. Web-based Curriculum Support: The MC2 website will be continually updated to provide
current research and resources to support partner districts. Components include:
a. Protocols for establishing Professional Learning Communities.
b. Scope and Sequences and Pacing Guides for standards-based curriculum resources.
c. Formative assessment resources aligned to standards-based textbooks and state mathematics
d. Replacement units for teaching to the New Mexico Math Standards and Benchmarks.
5. Research based findings related to the implementation of the MC2 model will be provided to
district partners
District Commitment
As a partner in the Mathematically Connected Communities grant proposal, the partner district
agrees to the following:
1. The district will purchase a problem-solving based mathematics textbook that is aligned with
New Mexico Content and Process Standards. (Refer to MC2 textbook adoption
recommendations: for a list of textbooks supported by the MC2 project.)
2. The district will employ _____ Mathematics Specialist(s) to assist in the coordination,
recruitment, and facilitation of MC2 Summer Math Academies and ongoing professional
development. The designated Mathematics Specialist will work in collaboration with MC 2 Field
Mathematically Connected Communities (MC2 )
Memorandum of Agreement for New Mexico MSP
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The district will provide matching funds for _____ MC2 Mathematics Field Specialist(s) to be
assigned to their school district.
a. The District Mathematics Specialists will participate in monthly professional development
and planning meetings with MC2 Math Field Specialists.
b. Travel for participation in MC2 meetings will be provided by the district.
3. School based Professional Learning Teams (PLT) fro mathematics will be established in all
partner schools:
a. Schools will schedule one hour/week (or 2 hours biweekly) for school teams to engage in
collaborative planning of mathematics instruction:
b. The district will assign math leaders/coaches to facilitate school based Professional
Learning Teams.
c. The district will provide release time (weekly or 4 days/month) for math leaders/coaches
to participate in mathematics leadership training offered by MC2.
5. Principals from all partner schools will participate in four to six days of Mathematics
Leadership Development designed specifically for school administrators. Principals from
partner schools will assist District and MC2 Mathematics Specialists in establishing schoolbased Professional Learning Teams for Mathematics through participation in PLT meetings
and ongoing monitoring of PLT progress.
6. The district will provide the project researchers with student achievement data disaggregated by
teacher and access to classrooms for instructional observations.
Mathematically Connected Communities (MC2 )
Memorandum of Agreement for New Mexico MSP
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