Mrs Mary Matthews - Steve Spalding High

Steve Spalding
Dear Candidate
Thank you for your interest in the Hill and Mooland Leader Leader assessment.
About the Hill and Moorland Leader assessment course
This is a three day course based in Pitlochry at the John Muir Trust building where we
have access to a state of the art meeting room and facilities. The course is largely
practical and takes place on the hills however there are also a number of talks and
discussion periods back at the John Muir Trust (JMT).
Pitlochry is within easy access of a choice of venues, providing options throughout the
week depending on prevailing conditions.
As a course provider we are approved by Mountain Training Scotland to run these
courses and are regularly moderated as part of the quality management process.
These courses are offered on a self-catering / self drive basis (this means that I will
provide 3 places in my transport and course members take turns to share transport, this
keeps costs down).
Link to the John Muir Trust Pitlochry
About the Hill and Moorland Leader Award (HML)
The HML is for leaders of hill walking groups in defined terrain and conditions. The
scheme has been designed to complement the long established Mountain Leader Award
(ML), which trains leaders with the skills to lead walking groups in all mountain areas of
the UK and Ireland.
The HML Award offers the opportunity to gain experience and demonstrate technical
competence in leading groups on hill walks in areas of the UK and Ireland that fall within
the technical definition outlined below. Such areas may often be subject to hostile
weather conditions and require an element of self-sufficiency and this is reflected in
the syllabus of this scheme.
High- Expectations Balachaochan Donavourd Pitlochry Perthshire PH16 5JS 01796 473 916 / 07775 901 551
Steve Spalding
Suitable Terrain for the HML will meet the following four criteria:
open, uncultivated, non-mountainous high or remote country known variously as
upland, moor, bog, fell, hill or down
areas enclosed by well-defined geographical or man-made boundaries such as
classified roads (areas that merge with mountain regions and do not have well
defined boundaries are excluded)
areas of remoteness that are easily exited in a few hours, returning to a refuge or
an accessible road
areas where movement on steep or rocky terrain is not required (in either a planned
or unplanned situation)
Course pre requirements
Full details can be found on the Mountain Training web site.
You must have attended a Walking Group Leader (old name) or HML training
course or gained exemption from training from a Home Nation board
be an individual or club member of a Mountaineering Council
Minimum 18 years of age and a minimum of 40 quality hill walking day in three
distinct areas of the UK.
You will need your normal hill walking equipment for the course including boots and
waterproofs, rucksack with a water proof liner and warm clothing, enough to cope with
typical Scottish hill weather.
You will be expected to show that you have suitable equipment for looking after a group
on a typical Hill Walking day in Scotland.
You will require the following Ordnance Survey maps;
Pitlochry and Loch Tummel
sheet 386 1 :25 000
Pitlochry to Crieff
sheet 52 1:50 000 are a reliable quick and cheap supplier of maps.
Course preparation
High- Expectations Balachaochan Donavourd Pitlochry Perthshire PH16 5JS 01796 473 916 / 07775 901 551
Steve Spalding
A home paper will be sent to you approximately 2 weeks before the course.
You will be asked to prepare a short 10 minute general interest talk, suitable for a
group, that you can give to the other candidates out on the hill.
You should ensure that you are familiar with the syllabus and that you log book is up to
date. There is a new digilog available on the Candidate Management system which all
recent registrants will have – (those with older paper log books can set up a new digilog
if they wish). It would help me if you invite me to view you log book before the course
Accommodation in Pitlochry
For most folk the Pitlochry Youth Hostel works well and is well equipped with a modern
kitchen and drying room. There is also the Backpackers Hotel opposite the JMT. All
courses will begin at 9am on the first day so you may choose to arrive for this start time
if you live within easy driving distance rather than the previous evening.
We suggest that you book accommodation as soon as you have confirmation of a place on
the course. Booking accommodation is your responsibility.
Useful accommodation contact details
Pitlochry Backpackers Hotel 01796 470044
Pitlochry Youth Hostel 01796 472308.
Faskally Home Farm Park Caravan Park 01796 472007
Pitlochry Tourist Information 01796 472215 for a full list of available accommodation.
High- Expectations Balachaochan Donavourd Pitlochry Perthshire PH16 5JS 01796 473 916 / 07775 901 551
Steve Spalding
The course fee is £130. Payment can be made by Bank Transfer or cheque.
To book a place on the course a deposit of £ 50 is required and a completed booking
form. The balance must be paid four weeks prior to the start of the course. If you
wish the course fee to be invoiced please provide full details on your booking form.
Please ensure that you have read the full Terms and Booking conditions on the booking
form which also has payment details. Confirmation of your booking will be sent out to
you on receipt of your deposit and completed booking form.
I look forward to hearing from you and would encourage you to get in touch if you need
any further clarification or help.
Please get in touch if you have any questions – email is best or 07775 901 551 / 01796
Looking forward to meeting you.
Steve Spalding
High- Expectations Balachaochan Donavourd Pitlochry Perthshire PH16 5JS 01796 473 916 / 07775 901 551
Steve Spalding
Hill and Moorland Leader assessment course sample programme
Day 1
John Muir Trust (JMT)
Setting the scene for the
Day walk looking at leadership skills
and, route finding and navigation
review home paper
Please bring log books to this session or
print out of digilog if you have not
invited me to view it before the course.
Route planning for following day
7 -10 pm Navigation on the local moor
Day 2
Day walk looking at Leadership skills
and , route finding and navigation
Day 3
Poor visibility - night Navigation
On the hill water Hazards / emergency
procedures / group mangement.
Individual Debriefs
Each day we will discuss group management, weather, access and conservation issues as part
of an environmental audit.
High- Expectations Balachaochan Donavourd Pitlochry Perthshire PH16 5JS 01796 473 916 / 07775 901 551