I have observed, with great interest, the developments of modern chemistry that your journal has shed light upon. However, as a philosopher I feel that these opposing theories have sometimes spent too much time trying to displace each other, rather than concentration on the greater goal shared between all realms of science, and even humanity – uncovering its very nature and truth. I enclose some thoughts on the work published in the past two volumes of your journal, that I wish for you to consider for your next publication. Regards Gregory Fitzgerald Chemistry is a science that is, most definitely, still in its infancy. The later half of the eighteen-century has seen the science climb off its knees and onto its feet with the ideas surrounding the phlogiston theory, championed by Mr Cavendish and Mr Priestley. However, the foundations behind the said theory have been shaken severely by the groundbreaking French scientist, Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier, and his theory that water is composed of two simple substances, Hydrogen and Oxygen, rather than being a simple substance itself. However, as shall be discussed throughout this article, I fear that both doctrines, in fighting for recognition within the scientific community, have failed to accept their fallibilities. But in order to explain this, I feel it necessary to summarise some aspects of the doctrines of phlogiston and that of oxygen. The recent argument to spill from the opposing camps of the two doctrines has been over the composition of metals. To summarise his argument in a particularly brief manner, Mr. Priestly has suggested that a metal consists of phlogiston, combined to a peculiar calx, or “metal base”. Hence, on liberating phlogiston from the base, we are left with the calx in its pure form. M. Lavoisier believes that metals are simple substances, and that in the calcinations of a metal, the metal absorbs oxygen in order to form an oxide, removing the metallic properties of the metal itself, to be brief. In his treatise on the Elements of Chemistry, Lavoisier discusses how the union between the metal and oxygen is achieved – when the attraction the metal has towards the oxygen overpowers oxygen’s attraction towards caloric, the metal joins with oxygen to form the oxide. As the Rev. Cedric Grimes has pointed out in a recent edition of the Nicholson Journal, Mr. Lavoisier’s ideas were founded on the behaviour of mercury, which when gently heated in oxygen forms precipitate per se, or red mercury. Lavoisier noticed that as red mercury is heated further, the mercury is returned to its original state and oxygen is evolved. Mr. Priestly has pointed out that Lavoisier’s extension of this theory to all metals and calxs is incorrect, as many calxs will not be restored to their original metal as heat is applied. Rev. Grimes comments on how precipitate per se and minium (red lead) must contain dephlogisticated air (oxygen), suggesting that the calx can only be revived when heated in a phlogiston-bearing substance, for example, inflammable air (hydrogen). He continues to suggest, “When the calx is heated in inflammable air, the oxygen combines with it to form water”. If Water does consist of hydrogen and oxygen, surely this is proof that inflammable air is indeed hydrogen gas? With our present scientific knowledge, it seems that we are unable to conclusively decide why phlogiston, or hydrogen, must be present. Phlogiston theory is suggestive that a compound rich in phlogiston must be present in order to restore the original state of the metal. My suggestion, of a solution to the problem of reducing a calx to its metal (without the presence of a so-called phlogiston-baring substance), is to be found within the method undertaken to achieve the process. I believe that, quite simply, the amount of heat required to separate the metal base from the oxygen is far greater than we are able to produce with our current methods. If we could produce a greater amount of heat, we would be able to remove the oxygen from the calx, leaving the pure metal. Current scientific method does not have the ability to break down the force that combines the oxygen and metal simply by heating. It seems that debating, within the chemical world, over the nature of Phlogiston and Caloric, is a sign that modern chemistry is in a currently irresolvable situation. As a philosopher, I fear that the search for the proof of the existence of either of the two substances is perhaps a waste of time. The doctrines of phlogiston and caloric have both suffered from vast criticism – but it seems that neither can offset its rival. It seems that the time has come for chemistry to attempt to solve its problems, without looking for solutions in a weightless, imponderable substance, or a substance that compounds require a deficiency of in order to exist. Whilst I agree that water consists of oxygen and hydrogen, I feel that the nature of Lavoisier’s imponderable substance, caloric, is dubious and that its existence should be confirmed before the scientific community considers its theoretical applications. The nature of an imponderable substance allows us, potentially, to explain the chemical, or even physical, nature of any situation and this is type of thinking could draw chemistry back into the ideas of its predecessors in “science”. The nature of what separates a gaseous compound from its solid or liquid counterparts is an area of chemistry and physics that requires a much greater understanding before suggesting reasons for how and why, for example, a liquid can be decomposed into gases. In The Elements of Chemistry, Mr. Lavoisier also describes four experiments in the paper, the third of which involved passing steam (100 grs. of water, heated to boiling) over red-hot iron with a tube. The results, characterised with Lavoisier’s impressive weights of the experiments reactants and products, show that 15 grs. of hydrogen gas are evolved and that the iron has gained 85 grs. of additional weight. The properties of the iron metal were found to have changed and Mr. Lavoisier concluded that the iron had been converted “into a black oxyd, precisely similar to that which has been burnt in oxygen gas”. There has been some mention that Lavoisier has not clearly shown that the weight gained by the iron is due to the imbibing of oxygen gas. I feel that Mr. Lavoisier’s results explicitly show this. The precise weight gain of 85 grs and the production of 15 grs of hydrogen are too coincidental to not be due to the decomposition of water. Mr. Priestley’s response to the experiment has been that the oxide of iron, or finery cinder, is in fact not the same as the rust of iron, a compound produced when iron is exposed to air. Rust of iron is typically red in colour and Mr. Priestley suggests that Lavoisier’s iron oxide is in partially oxygenated, and should undergo further oxygenation to produced rust of iron. It is in this writer’s view that Mr. Priestley has forgotten, in this instance, the true nature of chemistry. That is chemistry, as we know it, is still questionable, and I suggest that not all chemical compounds will react as we predict them to. It is this lack of understanding that I fear the world’s top chemists struggle to admit is present within chemistry. I would like to cast my own options on the theory behind the results of Mr. Lavoisier’s experiment. Firstly, it seems that the oxide of iron, or finery cinder, is a different compound to that of the rust of iron. The oxide of iron contains iron and oxygen, but the rust of iron, formed by exposure to our common air, could consist of iron, oxygen and hydrogen. Therefore, further oxygenation to iron oxide shall not produce the rust of iron. Another logical explanation to the problem can be suggested by considering the very nature of the red-hot iron. Perhaps, on heating, the iron undertakes different reaction properties that are unobtainable when at room temperature. Lavoisier also discusses the intermediate nature of the metals combined with oxygen, including four degrees of oxygenation with nomenclature to describe each. Compounds within the first, and lowest, degree are known as oxyds. If an oxyd is to undergo further oxygenation, if may reach the second degree of oxygenation, where the name of the compound is specific in relating the name of the base to this degree of oxygenation. For instance, if the base of sulphur is oxygenated to this degree, it shall be know as sulphurous acid. The third degree of oxygenation of the same base would give it the name of Sulphuric acid, and if oxygenated to the fourth degree, it shall be known as oxygenated sulphuric acid. The various colours of the oxygenated compounds can distinguish the different states of oxygenation of the metals. As a philosopher with limited scientific knowledge, I feel Lavoisier’s development of new language in order to best describe that of chemistry shall, as we may observe in years to come, perhaps preserve the longevity of oxygen theory. The lack of developments with the same effective within Phlogiston theory has, at times, made the theory incredibly confusing within describing itself. Often, Mr. Priestley, in his writings, will talk about the actions of his inflammable air, or dephlogisticated airs, but often fails to specify which inflammable or dephlogisticated airs he is concerned with in the particular instance. Critics have often claimed that Mr. Priestley has failed to be definitive on which airs fall into which group, and this lack in attention to the small details in the theory can confuse readers. The development and use of the electric pile to produce a spark, and the splitting of water using an electric current, has drawn an entire new spectrum of possibilities to the field of chemistry. Whilst I personally believe we do not understand enough about the nature of the spark, I would briefly like to comment on an experiment performed by Mr Priestley. On addition of dephlogisticated air to a volume of inflammable air twice greater than that of the former, Priestely found that the use of a spark produced what he called phlogisticated nitrous acid. Mr Priestley also found that the strength of the acid could be improved with use of purer air. This suggests that the nature of the spark must have some relation to that of the acid, and that the use of purer air cause the product compound to more acid present. Priestly also comments that phlogisticated air can be used in place of inflammable to produce the same acid, and therefore the same thing must be present in both – phlogiston. It could easily be argued that hydrogen is in fact present in both of these airs. Finally, I would like to mention that despite which of the two scientific theories over the composition of water and the nature of air are found to be true, we must not forget the great research and discoveries of Mr Priestley, and before him, Henry Cavendish and Joseph Black. The work on air of these three scientists deserve to be remembered as some of the most important work of the 18th century, as the progression of chemistry is largely due to such work. I feel that I must mention that modern scientific method and understanding is extremely limited, and jumping to rapid conclusions over scientific truths will harm the development of chemistry. Recent work in the infantile, new field of electrochemistry will without a doubt unravel more discoveries about our science, but theories must be well thought out and their creators must stand back and accept when flaws are pointed out in these said theories – rather than attempting to cover the holes with weak hypotheses. If we were at the truth, all non-truths and fallibilities would be exposed. I feel that the great chemists of this, 19th century, shall be those that bear these ideas in mind.