CHAPTER 4 TYPE CURVES FOR OBSERVATION POINTS IN THE VICINITY OF IDEAL HETEROGENEITIES The shapes of type curves (dimensionless drawdown as a function of dimensionless time) in the vicinity of idealized lateral heterogeneities depend on the location of the observation point relative to the pumping well and the contrasts in transmissivity and storativity across the heterogeneity. The geometry of the heterogeneity is also important; therefore, the analysis consists of a strip of variable width, where a 2-Domain heterogeneity resembles an extremely wide strip. The effects for various values of Tr and Sr for the 2-Domain heterogeneity and Tr and w for the 3-Domain heterogeneity were evaluated by determining type curves at various locations. Two different dimensionless times, tdL and td, have been used in the analyses in the previous pages. Dimensionless time, tdL is defined as t dL 4Tt SL2 (30) and was used in Chapter 3 to create drawdown fields because it is independent of location. It is customary to show type curves using a dimensionless time that is scaled to the radial distance from the well td 4Tt Sr 2 (31) This convention follows from the radial symmetry of most well functions, where drawdown at any particular time only changes with respect to radial distance. This allows a single type curve to characterize drawdown anywhere in the vicinity of a well. However, it is clear from the drawdown fields (Figs. 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3) that introducing a lateral heterogeneity will disrupt radial symmetry. Therefore the shape of a type curve will depend on the location of the observation point. This effect is minimized as the contrast of properties across the contact is reduced. The type curves for the heterogeneous aquifers are identical to those for homogeneous aquifers when the contrast in properties is negligible. As a result, type curves for observation points near idealized heterogeneities will be plotted using the dimensionless time in (31), and the curve for a homogeneous aquifer (Theis curve) will be included as a common reference. All the type curves are shown on semi-log axes. Derivative plots, which show the slope of the type curve on semi-log axes, are presented below each type curve to facilitate interpretation. 2-Domain Model Drawdown curves were generated using the analytical solution in equation (18). The effects of transmissivity ratios and storativity ratios were examined at six observation points. Two observation points were located near the well in the local region, two in the local region far from the well and close to the neighboring region, and two in the 54 neighboring region (Fig 1.2). The transmissivity and storativity of the neighboring region were set greater, or less than the transmissivity and storativity in the local region to develop drawdown curves. The dimensionless times that were used to create the drawdown fields in Chapter 3 were converted to the dimensionless time used in the analytical solution using equation (26) and are shown on the type curves to facilitate comparison with Figures 3.1 through 3.3. It should be pointed out that the dimensionless times used in Figures 3.1 through 3.3 are of the form in eq. (30) and they were scaled to the form in eq. (31) so that they could be plotted on the type curves. Observations Near the Well in the Local Region The effects of transmissivity and storativity ratios were evaluated at an observation point located a distance of 0.125L from the well, and another point 0.25L from the well. The transmissivity of the neighboring region varied between two orders of magnitude greater, and two orders of magnitude less than that of the local region. Also included in the analysis are a homogeneous case, a no-flow, and constant head boundary. The storativity of the neighboring region was also varied, independently from the transmissivity, from two orders of magnitude less than to two orders of magnitude greater than the storativity of the local region. Effects of Transmissivity Ratio The type curves at 0.125L, which is close to the pumping well, are characterized by an early straight-line segment followed by a transition period then another straight-line segment at late times for changes in transmissivity across the contact (Fig. 4.1) 55 (Streltsova, 1988). All the drawdown curves follow the homogeneous case and form a straight line. The curves separate as time increases and goes through a transition period before becoming a straight-line again at late times. The dimensionless time tdA occurs at the end of the early period when all the curves are the same, tdB occurs during the transition, and tdC occurs at late times when each curve has once again become straight on the semi-log axes. The slopes of the curves can be determined directly from the derivative plot (Fig. 4.1). These data show that the slopes of all the plots are within about 5 percent of unity when 20 < td < 60 (Fig. 4.1). This defines the early time straight-line period for the curves. The homogeneous case retains a slope of unity for td > 20. The slopes of the curves representing Tr > 1.0 increase and approach constant slopes with values between 1 and 2. The no-flow case approaches a slope of 2.0, and it appears that the 2-Domain heterogeneity resembles a no-flow boundary where Tr > 100. Similarly, the slope decreases and approaches a slope with values between 0 and 1 where Tr < 1.0. The constant-head case approaches a slope of 0, and it appears that a 2-Domain heterogeneity resembles a constant head boundary where Tr < 0.01. The type curves change slightly as the observation point moves away from the pumping well and toward the contact (Fig. 4.2). The important aspect to recognize is that the duration when the slopes are nearly unity has diminished compared to the observation point closer to the pumping well shown in Figure 4.1. The consequence of this is that the straight segments that are present at early times on the type curves from 0.125L are nearly 56 16 No Flow x = 0.125L sd 12 8 4 Constant Head 0 A B C m = dsd/dln(td) 2 No Flow 1 Constant Head 0 0.1 1 10 100 103 104 105 td Tr = 1 Tr = 100 Tr = 0.01 Figure 4.1 No-Flow Tr = 5 Tr = 0.5 Tr = 10 Tr = 0.1 Constant Head Top graph: Dimensionless drawdown verse dimensionless time scaled to r2 on semi-log plot. Bottom graph: Plot of the derivative of dimensionless drawdown with respect to the natural log of dimensionless time. Both graphs for Tr contrast in the 2-Domain model. A = tdA = 32, B = tdB = 192, and C = tdC = 1024 57 x = 0.25L sd 12 No Flow 8 4 Constant Head 0 A B C 2 m = dsd/d(t d) No Flow 1 Constant Head 0 0.1 1 Tr = 1 Tr = 100 Tr = 0.01 Figure 4.2 10 td 100 No-Flow Tr = 5 Tr = 0.5 103 104 Tr = 10 Tr = 0.1 Constant Head Top graph: Dimensionless drawdown verse dimensionless time scaled to r2 on semi-log plot. Bottom graph: Plot of the derivative of dimensionless drawdown with respect to the natural log of dimensionless time. Both graphs for Tr contrast in the 2-Domain model. A = tdA = 8, B = tdB = 48, and C = tdC = 256. 58 absent on type curves from 0.25L. The early straight-line segment disappears altogether from type curves for observation points far from the pumping well. The early-time semi-log straight-line segment occurs before the neighboring region has an influence on the drawdown (Fenske, 1984; Streltsova, 1988). As a result, the aquifer properties from the local region can be estimated from the early straight-line. The transition segment between the two semi-log straight-lines is a function of the diffusivity, T/S, contrast across the contact (Fenske, 1984). The late-time semi-log straight-line segment is a result of interaction with the neighboring region. The slope of the drawdown curve becomes constant at late dimensionless time because the aquifer begins to behave as if it was homogenous with the average properties of both regions (Fenske, 1984). The slope of the drawdown curve increases where the transmissivity of the neighboring region is less than that of the local region. Where the transmissivity is less in the neighboring region, the drawdown crossing into that region must increase in order to maintain flux across the contact. This gives rise to an increase in the slope of the drawdown curve as the gradient increases. The slope of the drawdown curve decreases where the neighboring region has a greater transmissivity than the local region. This is because the neighboring region more easily transmits the water resulting in less drawdown than would be expected to maintain the flux across the contact in a homogeneous case. 59 Effects of Storativity Ratio The type curves at x = 0.125L are characterized by two straight-line segments when there is a change in storativity, just as they are when there is a change in the transmissivity across the contact. However, the change in storativity produces two semilog straight-line segments that are parallel but offset, whereas the change in transmissivity produces straight segments with different slopes (Fig. 4.3). The type curves are the same until tdA, when they split apart based on the value of Sr. The slope increases during the transition period if Sr > 1.0 (storativity of the local region is greater than the neighboring region), whereas it decreases if Sr < 1.0. The type curves pass through an inflection point between tdB and tdC, and their slopes then approach unity (Fig. 4.3). The effect of moving the observation point away from the well when Sr 1.0 is much the same as it is when Tr 1.0: the early-time straight line becomes more poorly defined, and it occurs at earlier dimensionless time (Fig. 4.4). The slope of the drawdown curve temporarily increases after the early-time semilog straight-line before approaching the slope of the homogeneous case if the storativity of the neighboring region is less than that of the local region. The slope of the drawdown curve temporarily decreases if the storativity of the neighboring region is greater. Observations Far from the Well in the Local Region The effects of transmissivity and storativity ratios were evaluated for two observation points near the planar discontinuity and within the local region. The two observation points are at x = 0.5L and x = L from the well. The effects of different transmissivity ratios and storativity ratios were investigated for theses two observation 60 12 x = 0.125L 10 sd 8 6 4 2 m = dsd/dln(td) 0 A B C 1 0 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 td Figure 4.3 homogeneous S1/S2=10 S1/S2=0.1 S1/S2=0.01 S1/S2=100 Top graph: Dimensionless drawdown verse dimensionless time scaled to r2 on semi-log plot. Bottom graph: Plot of the derivative of dimensionless drawdown with respect to the natural log of dimensionless time. Both graphs for Sr contrast in the 2-Domain model. A = tdA = 32, B = tdB = 192, and C = tdC = 1024 61 10 x = 0.25L 8 sd 6 4 2 0 m = dsd/dln(td) A B C 1 0 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 td Figure 4.4 homogeneous S1/S2=10 S1/S2=0.1 S1/S2=0.01 S1/S2=100 Top graph: Dimensionless drawdown verse dimensionless time scaled to r2 on semi-log plot. Bottom graph: Plot of the derivative of dimensionless drawdown with respect to the natural log of dimensionless time. Both graphs for Sr contrast in the 2-Domain model. A = tdA = 8, B = tdB = 48, and C = tdC = 256. 62 points individually. The same three dimensionless times, tdL, were used, however they correspond to different values of dimensionless time td due to a change in radial distances. The same range of transmissivity ratios and storativity ratios where used. Effects of Transmissivity Ratio The overall shape of the drawdown curve is similar to those curves that are closer to the pumping well. The difference at 0.5L is that the early-time semi-log straight-line is absent (Fig. 4.5). This is because as the distance between the pumping well and observation point increases and the neighboring region is approached, the slopes never reach unity collectively before separating and approaching the slope characterized by Tr (Fig. 4.6). The slope of the drawdown curve increases if Tr > 1.0 and decreases if Tr < 1.0 during the transition period. The drawdown curve changes after the transition period and approaches a new slope at late-times as it does with drawdowns from observation points closer to the well (Fig. 4.5). At dimensionless time, tdC, the slope reaches a maximum or minimum and becomes constant. Effects of Storativity Ratio The overall shapes of type curves from observation points near the planar contact produced by Sr 1.0 are similar to type curves from points that are close to the pumping well. However, closer to the contact, the early-time semi-log straight-line disappears just as it does with the curves resulting from a transmissivity ratio. At 63 x = 0.5L sd 12 No-Flow 8 4 Constant Head 0 A B C 2 m = dsd/dln(td) No-Flow 1 Constant Head 0 td Tr = 1 Tr = 100 Tr = 0.01 Figure 4.5 No-Flow Tr = 5 Tr = 0.5 Tr = 10 Tr = 0.1 Constant Head Top graph: Dimensionless drawdown verse dimensionless time scaled to r2 on semi-log plot. Bottom graph: Plot of the derivative of dimensionless drawdown with respect to the natural log of dimensionless time. Both graphs for Tr contrast in the 2-Domain model. A = tdA = 2, B = tdB = 12, and C = tdC = 64. 64 No-Flow 12 sd x=L 8 Constant Head 4 0 A B C 2 m = dsd/dln(td) No-Flow 1 Constant Head 0 td Figure 4.6 Tr = 1 No-Flow Tr = 10 Tr = 100 Tr = 5 Tr = 0.1 Tr = 0.01 Tr = 0.5 Constant Head Top graph: Dimensionless drawdown verse dimensionless time scaled to r2 on semi-log plot. Bottom graph: Plot of the derivative of dimensionless drawdown with respect to the natural log of dimensionless time. Both graphs for Tr contrast in 2-Domain model. A = tdA = 0.5, B = tdB = 3.2, and C = tdC = 17. 65 observation points x = 0.5L and x = L, the early-time semi-log straight-line is absent (Figs. 4.7 and 4.8). After dimensionless time, tdA, the slope of the drawdown curve deviates from the homogeneous case. The duration of the early-time semi-log straight-line shortens as the distance from the pumping well increases. At a distance 0.5L and L from the pumping well, the early-time semi-log straight-line is absent (Fig. 4.8). Observations Far from the Well in the Neighboring Region The effects of transmissivity and storativity ratios were evaluated for two observation points placed far from the pumping well in the neighboring region at x = 1.1L and x = 2L. The effects of transmissivity ratio and storativity ratio were investigated for theses two observation points individually. The dimensionless times, tdLA, tdLB, and tdLC, were used and converted to, tdA, tdB, and tdC, for the specific observation points. Effects of Transmissivity Ratios Where there is a change in transmissivity across the contact, the type curves at x = 1.1L and x = 2L are characterized by one semi-log straight-line occurring at late time. Where Tr > 1.0, there is a lag in dimensionless time before drawdown begins to increase (Figs. 4.9 and Fig 4.10). Curves resulting from Tr > 1.0 are characterized by a lag before drawdown occurs compared to other curves. Furthermore, the slope of the curve increases sharply, reaching a maximum and decreases, ultimately approaching a constant value. For 66 10 x = 0.5L 8 sd 6 4 2 0 m = dsd/dln(td) A B C 1 0 0.1 1 10 100 103 104 td Figure 4.7 homogeneous S1/S2=10 S1/S2=0.1 S1/S2=0.01 S1/S2=100 Top graph: Dimensionless drawdown verse dimensionless time scaled to r2 on semi-log plot. Bottom graph: Plot of the derivative of dimensionless drawdown with respect to the natural log of dimensionless time. Both graphs for Sr contrast in the 2-Domain model. A = tdA = 2, B = tdB = 12, and C = tdC = 64. 67 10 x=L sd 8 6 4 2 0 m = dsd/dln(td) A C B 1 0 0.1 1 10 100 103 104 td Figure 4.8 homogeneous S1/S2=10 S1/S2=0.1 S1/S2=0.01 S1/S2=100 Top graph: Dimensionless drawdown verse dimensionless time scaled to r2 on semi-log plot. Bottom graph: Plot of the derivative of dimensionless drawdown with respect to the natural log of dimensionless time. Both graphs for Sr contrast in the 2-Domain model. A = tdA = 0.5, B = tdB = 3.2, and C = tdC = 17. 68 20 x = 1.1L sd 15 10 5 0 m = dsd/dln(td) 3 A B C 2 1 0 td Figure 4.9 Tr = 1 Tr = 10 Tr = 100 Tr = 0.1 Tr = 0.01 Tr = 0.5 Tr = 5 Top graph: Dimensionless drawdown verse dimensionless time scaled to r2 on semi-log plot. Bottom graph: Plot of the derivative of dimensionless drawdown with respect to the natural log of dimensionless time. Both graphs for Tr contrast in 2-Domain model. A = tdA = 0.4, B = tdB = 2.5, and C = tdC = 13 69 20 x = 2L sd 15 10 5 0 B A C m = dsd/dln(td) 3 2 1 0 td Figure 4.10 Tr = 1 Tr = 10 Tr = 100 Tr = 0.1 Tr = 0.01 Tr = 0.5 Tr = 5 Top graph: Dimensionless drawdown verse dimensionless time scaled to r2 on semi-log plot. Bottom graph: Plot of the derivative of dimensionless drawdown with respect to the natural log of dimensionless time. Both graphs for Tr contrast in 2-Domain model. A = tdA = 0.125, B = tdB = 0.75, and C = tdC = 4. 70 example, the slope of the drawdown curve for an aquifer with Tr = 100 reaches a maximum value of 2.8 before decreasing to 2.0 (Fig. 4.10). The curve for an aquifer with Tr = 10 reaches a maximum slope that is slightly more than its final value (Fig. 4.10). At x = 2L, the drawdown curve resembles those at x = 1.1L (Fig 4.10). Effects of Storativity Ratio The overall shape of the drawdown curves across the contact is similar to those curves from the local region near the contact in that there is only one semi-log straightline occurring at late-time (Figs. 4.11 and 4.12). Where Sr > 1.0, the slope of the drawdown curves increases rapidly, rising to a slope greater than unity, then decreasing to approach a slope of 1.0. There is a delay in the response of the drawdown at the observation points in the neighboring region where the Sr < 1.0; however, the shape of the curve remains the same as those with storativity ratios greater than one. The slope in this case also exceeds unity, however, there is a lag in dimensionless time compared to the homogeneous curve before there is a change in drawdown. Critical Region Two straight-line segments are present on a semi-log plot of drawdown from observation points that are relatively close to a pumping well, but only one straight-line segment is present when observation points are relatively close to the contact. This is important because aquifer properties from the local region can be estimated when two semi-log straight-line segments are present, but only average properties will be 71 12 x = 1.1L 10 sd 8 6 4 2 0 A B C m = dsd/dln(td) 1 0 0.1 1 10 100 103 104 105 td Figure 4.11 homogeneous S1/S2=10 S1/S2=0.1 S1/S2=0.01 S1/S2=100 Top graph: Dimensionless drawdown verse dimensionless time scaled to r2 on semi-log plot. Bottom graph: Plot of the derivative of dimensionless drawdown with respect to the natural log of dimensionless time. Both graphs for Sr contrast in the 2-Domain model. A = tdA = 0.4, B = tdB = 2.5, and C = tdC = 13. 72 14 x = 2L 12 sd 10 8 6 4 2 0 B m = dsd/dln(td) A C 1 0 0.1 1 10 100 103 104 105 td Figure 4.12 homogeneous S1/S2=10 S1/S2=0.1 S1/S2=0.01 S1/S2=100 Top graph: Dimensionless drawdown verse dimensionless time scaled to r2 on semi-log plot. Bottom graph: Plot of the derivative of dimensionless drawdown with respect to the natural log of dimensionless time. Both graphs for Sr contrast in the 2-Domain model. A = tdA = 0.125, B = tdB = 0.75, and C = tdC = 4. 73 determined using the Cooper – Jacob (1946) analysis from observation points that are relatively far from a pumping well. The early-time semi-log straight-line decreases as the distance from the pumping well increases. Determining the Early Time Straight-line The presence of an early semi-log straight line can be determined by taking the second derivative of the drawdown with respect to the logarithm of time d 2 sd d ln t dL 2 x2 y2 x2 y 2 1 2 2 td L 2 2 x y e x 2 y e td L t dL 2 (32) A small value of the second derivative indicates the presence of a semi-log straight-line. Comparing the second derivatives to plots with a variety of type curves indicated that an early semi-log straight-line could be identified by a second derivative of 0.2 or less from 0.3 < tdL < 2.5. The minimal second derivative occurs at tdL = 0.3 when no early-time straight line occurs. These results were contoured to provide a map indicating where it may be possible to find an observation point with two semi-log straight-line segments (Fig. 4.13). Using the Critical Distance to Determine Aquifer Properties The results indicate that the region where observation points will show an the early-time second derivative less than 0.2 is confined to a region that is within 0.35 to 0.5 of the distance between the pumping well and the linear discontinuity. For observation points within the critical region there is an early-time semi-log straight-line that indicates 74 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 -1.0 Figure 4.13 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Values of the second derivative of dimensionless drawdown with an impermeable boundary. An early-time semi-log straight line occurs on drawdown records from piezometers within the 0.2 contour when a well at x = 0, y = 0, is pumped near a no flow boundary at x = 1.0 (hatched).An early-time semi-log straight line is absent from drawdown curves taken from piezometers in the region containing the diagonal lines. 75 the properties of the region enveloping the well. For observation points outside of the critical region, there is one semi-log straight-line that reflects an average of both the local and neighboring regions. The closer the observation point is to the well, the greater the second derivative and thus, a more defined early-time semi-log straight-line. These results indicate that a region must be free of lateral heterogeneities for a distance that is 2 to 3 times greater than the distance between the pumping well and the observation point in order for the observation point to provide data that reflects the properties of the region around the well. The critical region extends farther from the well in a direction opposite the contact than it does in a direction toward the neighboring region. Furthermore, it follows that observation points located near the planar discontinuity are unable to detect the aquifer properties of either region. The critical region is the same for the 3-Domain model. 3-Domain Model Drawdown curves for the case of an aquifer with a strip of differing properties were generated using the numerical solution. The effects of transmissivity ratios were examined at seven observation points, and at four dimensionless times, tdL. Two observation points are located within the critical region, two on the pumping well side of the strip outside the critical region, one in the middle of the strip, and two on the opposite side of the strip. The transmissivity and width of the strip were altered to see the effects on the drawdown curves. The transmissivity of the strip was varied two orders of magnitude greater or less than the transmissivity of the matrix, and six different strip widths were 76 examined. The following figures and discussion is of width 0.65L, however results for other strip widths are similar. Drawdown curves of other strip widths are included in the appendices. Also included in the analysis are a homogeneous case, and examples where the strip is a no-flow and constant head boundary. Four dimensionless times, tdL, as described in Chapter 3, were converted to td and used to compare curves at different observation points. Observations Inside Critical Region The overall shape of the drawdown curves consists two semi-log straight-lines segments with a transition segment, which may be linear, when there is a change in transmissivity across the boundary (Fig. 4.14) (Butler and Liu, 1991). The type curves of the two observation points in the critical region, x = 0.125L and x = 0.25L, are characterized by an early semi-log straight-line segment followed by a transition period and another straight-line segment at late time that has the same slope as the early straightline. The dimensionless time tdA occurs at the end of the early period when all the curves are the same, tdB occurs during the beginning of the transition period, tdC occurs during the end of the transition period, and tdD occurs when the curve begins the approach the initial slope. After a dimensionless time of tdA, the slope of the drawdown curve increases where Tr > 1.0 and decreases where Tr < 1.0. Between tdB and tdC, the slope reaches a maximum where Tr > 1.0 or minimum slope where Tr < 1.0. The magnitude of the maximum or minimum slope increases as the contrast in transmissivity between the strip and matrix increases. After tdD, the slope approaches unity (Fig 4.14, Fig 4.15). 77 16 No-Flow x = 0.125L sd 12 8 4 Constant Head 0 A B C D 2 m = dsd/dln(td) No-Flow 1 Constant Head 0 td Tr = 1 Tr= 100 Tr = 0.01 Figure 4.14 No-Flow Tr = 5 Tr = 0.5 Tr = 10 Tr = 0.1 Constant Head Top graph: Dimensionless drawdown verse dimensionless time scaled to r2 on semi-log plot. Bottom graph: Plot of the derivative of dimensionless drawdown with respect to the natural log of dimensionless time. Both graphs for Tr contrast in the 3-Domain model with w = 0.65L. A = tdA = 32, B = tdB = 192, C = tdC = 1024, and D = tdD = 4614. 78 No-Flow 12 sd x = 0.25L 8 4 Constant Head 0 A B C D 2 m = dsd/dln(td) No-Flow 1 Constant Head 0 td Tr = 1 Tr = 100 Tr = 0.01 Figure 4.15 No-Flow Tr = 5 Tr = 0.5 Tr = 10 Tr = 0.1 Contrast Head Top graph: Dimensionless drawdown verse dimensionless time scaled to r2 on semi-log plot. Bottom graph: Plot of the derivative of dimensionless drawdown with respect to the natural log of dimensionless time. Both graphs for Tr contrast in the 3-Domain model with w = 0.65L. A = tdA = 8, B = tdB = 48, C = tdC = 256, and D = tdD = 1154. 79 The contribution from the strip can been seen in the offset between the early-time and late-time straight-line segments (Butler and Liu, 1991). The greater the offset, the more contrast between the properties of the strip and matrix or the greater the strip width. The early-time semi-log straight-line reflects the radial flow produced by a pumping well in a homogeneous infinite aquifer before the drawdown reaches the first planar contact. A Cooper-Jacob (1946) semi-log analysis of the segment would yield the properties of the matrix (Butler and Liu, 1991). The first portion of the transition period, at tdB, where the curve deviates from the homogeneous case reflects the passage of the drawdown across the first contact as the drawdown enters the strip. At dimensionless time tdC, the transition segment is ending as the drawdown crosses the second planar discontinuity, exiting the strip (Butler and Liu, 1991). These curves approach the slope of the homogeneous case because the properties of the aquifer beyond the strip are those of the properties in the region of the pumping well. If the properties of the region beyond the strip are different from the pumping well region, the slope of the late-time semi-log segment will differ according to those properties. Observations Outside Critical Region in Region 1 The two observation points examined outside the critical region were at x = 0.5L and x = L. The shape of the drawdown curves at these points has a shape similar to the curves from within the critical region. However, only the late-time semi-log straight- line segment occurs in the type curves at these locations (Fig. 4.16 and Fig. 4.17). Where the observation point is at the contact, x = L (Fig. 4.17), the slope of the type curve is more steep for a low transmissivity strip, than the slope for a high transmissivity strip. 80 14 No-Flow x = 0.5L 12 sd 10 8 6 4 2 Constant Head 0 A B C D 2 m = dsd/dln(td) No-Flow 1 Constant Head 0 td Figure 4.16 Tr = 1 No-Flow Tr = 10 Tr = 100 Tr = 5 Tr = 0.1 Tr = 0.01 Tr = 0.5 Constant Head Top graph: Dimensionless drawdown verse dimensionless time scaled to r2 on semi-log plot. Bottom graph: Plot of the derivative of dimensionless drawdown with respect to the natural log of dimensionless time. Both graphs for Tr contrast in the 3-Domain model with w = 0.65L. A = tdA = 2, B = tdB = 12, C = tdC = 64, and D = tdD = 288. 81 14 x=L 12 No-Flow sd 10 8 6 Constant Head 4 2 0 A C B D 2 m = dsd/dln(td) No-Flow 1 Constant Head 0 td Tr = 1 Tr = 100 Tr = 0.01 Figure 4.17 No-Flow Tr = 5 Tr = 0.5 Tr = 10 Tr = 0.1 Constant Head Top graph: Dimensionless drawdown verse dimensionless time scaled to r2 on semi-log plot. Bottom graph: Plot of the derivative of dimensionless drawdown with respect to the natural log of dimensionless time. Both graphs for Tr contrast in the 3-Domain model with w = 0.65L. A = tdA = 0.5, B = tdB = 3.2, C = tdC = 17, and D = tdD = 77. 82 The maximum or minimum slopes reached are the same for a give Tr as those from observation points closer to the well. Observations Within the Strip Only one semi-log straight-line is present from the observation point at x = L + w/2 within the strip (Fig. 4.18). The drawdown curves from this observation point which more closely resembles the drawdown curves from the 2-Domain model within the neighboring region (Figs. 4.9 and 4.10). The slope of the drawdown curve reaches a maximum when the transmissivity of the strip is less than the matrix. The greater the Tr, the longer it will take before the maximum slope is reached. Where Tr < 1.0, the slope gradually increases to a slope of unity without having a maximum or minimum. The behavior is also seen in the 2Domain model within the neighboring region (Figs. 4.9 and 4.10); however instead of reaching a constant slope at late times, the type curves all approach unity. At late-times the semi-log straight-line behavior occurs. The slope of the drawdown curve decreases to approach unity where Tr > 1.0 and increases to approach unity where Tr < 1.0. This is unlike the 2-Domain model were the slope differs from unity. After dimensionless time tdD, there is little change in the drawdown due to the strip as the area influenced by the pumping well increases. Observations in Region 3 The overall shapes of the type curves are similar to observation points outside the critical region from the 2-Domain case, containing only one semi-log straight- 83 6 x = L + w/2 5 sd 4 3 2 1 0 m = dsd/dln(td) A B C D 1 0 td Figure 4.18 Tr = 1 Tr = 10 Tr = 100 Tr = 0.1 Tr = 0.01 Tr = 0.5 Tr = 5 Top graph: Dimensionless drawdown verse dimensionless time scaled to r2 on semi-log plot. Bottom graph: Plot of the derivative of dimensionless drawdown with respect to the natural log of dimensionless time. Both graphs for Tr contrast in the 3-Domain model with w = 0.65L. A = tdA = 0.3, B = tdB = 1.7, C = tdC = 9, and D = tdD = 41. 84 line. The type curves of the two observation points on the opposite side of the strip are at x = 1.76L + w and x = 2L + w. At these locations, the amount of drawdown decreases as the transmissivity of the strip decreases. Drawdown for all cases of Tr is equal to or less than the drawdown in a homogeneous aquifer (Fig. 4.19 and Fig. 4.20). However, at very late times, the slope of the type curves, approach unity. Effects of Strip Transmissivity on Drawdown Curves The slope of the type curve decreases and reaches a minimum if the transmissivity of the strip is less than that of the matrix, whereas it increases and reaches a maximum if the transmissivity of the strip is greater than that of the matrix. Furthermore, the value of the minimum slope decreases so either the strip becomes more transmissive or wider. The value of the maximum slope increases as either the transmissivity decreases or width increases. From the observations above, it was suspected that both strip transmissivity, and width affect the shape of the drawdown curve. Thus, I will define a strip conductance, C, where Tr > 1.0 as C Ks w (33) and strip transmissiveness, Tss, where Tr < 1.0 as Tss K s w (34) 85 4 x = 1.1L + w sd 3 2 1 0 B A C D m = dsd/dln(td) 1 0 0.1 1 Tr = 1 Tr = 0.1 Figure 4.19 td Tr = 10 Tr = 0.01 10 Tr = 100 Tr = 0.5 100 Tr= 5 Top graph: Dimensionless drawdown verse dimensionless time scaled to r2 on semi-log plot. Bottom graph: Plot of the derivative of dimensionless drawdown with respect to the natural log of dimensionless time. Both graphs for Tr contrast in the 3-Domain model with w = 0.65L. A = tdA = 0.16, B = tdB = 1.0, C = tdC = 5.1, and D = tdD = 23. 86 4 x = 2L + w sd 3 2 1 0 A B D C m = dsd/dln(td) 1 0 0.1 Figure 4.20 1 td 10 Tr = 1 Tr = 10 Tr = 100 Tr = 0.1 Tr = 0.01 Tr = 0.5 100 Tr = 5 Top graph: Dimensionless drawdown verse dimensionless time scaled to r2 on semi-log plot. Bottom graph: Plot of the derivative of dimensionless drawdown with respect to the natural log of dimensionless time. Both graphs for Tr contrast in the 3-Domain model with w = 0.65L. A = tdA = 0.07, B = tdB = 0.4, C = tdC = 2.3, and D = tdD = 10.3. 87 m = dsd/dln(td) 2 1 0 a b m = ds d/dln(t d) 2 1 0 c d m = dsd/dln(td) 2 1 0 10-1 1.E-01 1.E+01 101 103 105 10-1 1.E+05 101 td td e f homogeneous T1/T2=0.1 Figure 4.21 1.E+03 no flow CH 103 105 T1/T2=10 Derivative of dimensionless time-drawdown curves at 0.125L from pumping well. The magnitude of the slope increases as strip width increases. a) w = 0.03L, b) w = 0.06L, c) w = 0.3L, d) w = 0.65L, e) w = 1.3L, f) w = 1.6L 88 Relationship Between Strip Conductivity and Maximum/Minimum Slope The effect of the transmissivity of the strip, the width of the strip, and the conductance or strip transmissiveness on the maximum or minimum slope of the type curves was evaluated. The results indicate that the maximum slope depends on the conductance of the vertical layer, and is relatively insensitive to whether the conductance results from a layer where Kr is slightly less than 1.0 and is relatively wide, or from a Kr that is much less than 1.0, but is relatively thin. The ratio Ks/w appears to be the important control of maximum slope. Similarly, for strip transmissiveness, the results indicate that the minimum slope depends on the product of transmissivity and width of the vertical layer. Several values of w and Ts were used to generate curves of dimensionless drawdown verse dimensionless time, td. The derivatives of these curves were plotted and the maximum or minimum slopes determined. Dimensionless strip conductance, Cd, Cd Ks L w Km (35) was plotted against the maximum slope of dimensionless drawdown (Fig. 4.22). The dimensionless strip transmissiveness, Tssd, Tssd Ksw KmL (36) was plotted against the minimum slope of dimensionless drawdown (Fig 4.23). 89 100 10 Cd 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 max slope of sd Figure 4.22 Dimensionless strip conductance verses the maximum slope of semi-log dimensionless time-drawdown curves for strips with transmissivities less than the matrix. Data points are the maximum slopes from drawdown curves determined from models with different Ts and w values giving various dimensionless conductances. Black line represents the function of equation 37 and the gray lines represent he 95 percent confidence interval. 90 10000 1000 Tssd 100 10 1 0.1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 min slope sd Figure 4.23 Dimensionless strip transmissiveness verses the minimum slope of semilog dimensionless time-drawdown curves for strips with transmissivities greater than the matrix. Data points are the minimum slopes from drawdown curves determined from models with different Ts and w values giving various dimensionless strip transmissiveness. Black line represents the function of equation 38 and the gray lines represent he 95 percent confidence interval. 91 The maximum slope of dimensionless drawdown ranged from1.0, for Tr = 1.0, to 2.0, for the no-flow case. The minimum slope of the dimensionless drawdown ranged from 0 for the constant head case to 1.0, for Tr = 1.0. Where the Cd of the strip is less than 0.001 the maximum slope of the drawdown curve reaches 2.0, so results for the strip appear the same as a no-flow boundary (Fig 4.22). Where Tssd > 3000, the minimum slope of the drawdown curve is zero and thus, the strip acts as a constant head boundary. The relationship between the conductance of the strip and the maximum slope of the dimensionless drawdown can be expressed by the empirical relation 2 m max C d 6.4 X 10 m max 1 1.16 5 (37) where Cd is the dimensionless strip conductance and mmax is the maximum slope of the semi-log dimensionless time-drawdown curve (Fig. 4.22). The relationship between the strip transmissiveness and minimum slope of the dimensionless drawdown can be expressed by Tssd 1 mmin 0.008 32.0 mmin 0.008 1.52 (38) where Tssd is the dimensionless strip transmissiveness and mmin is the minimum slope of the semi-log dimensionless time-drawdown curve (Fig. 4.23). The coefficients of equation 37 and 38 were determined using Table Curve 4.0 (AISN Software, Inc., 1996), a curve-fitting program. The above discussion holds for observation points between the pumping well and the strip, along a line perpendicular to the strip. 92