Document Index:
REGARDING: Carrying out an overall study of Topolnitza dam for contaminations from
previous activities and evaluation of the necessity of carrying out additional activities
1. Requirements for the contents, nature and peculiarities of the service
1.1. Current State:
Topolnitza Dam was built during the period from 1948 to 1962 on the Toplonitza River. It is
located in the southern part of a deep valley between the eastern and middle part of the Sredna
Gora Mountain. Topolnitza is a large dam with capacity of 137 million cubic meters and area of
570 hectares. In view of the mining activities in the region, an overall study of Topolnitza Dam
is needed for contaminations from previous mining activities. The environmental state of the region
provokes significant public interest by the local population, NGOs etc. and it is an especially sensitive
topic under the contemporary conditions. Carrying out such study shows the big commitment by the
mining and processing industry in the region and responsible involvement when resolving issues of
important public, social and environmental significance.
2. Scope of the service and deadlines (attachment – working program).
2.1.. Objective of the task:
Finding out the current state of the ecosystems along the Topolnitza dam, its impact
upon animals, plants and humans and suggestions for environmental and technical
initiatives to reduce the impact on nature and humans and restore good environmental
2.2.1. Evaluation of the contamination by industrial emitters Review and analysis of the significant industrial emitters in the region such as
Point contaminants, discharging waste waters in the surface water site; Studying, systematizing and processing of the entire scientific information,
information by competent authorities and data from the own monitoring of the companies. Monitoring study for loads, including analysis of bottom residues of Topolnitza
Dam and water samples from 5 points along the dam, including its tail and dam wall. Monitoring study for loads, including analysis of soils, animals and plants
watered from the Topolnitza Dam.
2.2.2. Finding out the quantities of heavy metals and other industrial contaminants in
the ecosystems – water micro and macroflora, fish and amphibians. In order to find out the quantities of heavy metals which are located in the fish
bodies, a study shall be carried out involving the following stages:
 Selection of types of fish – Selection of types of the different trophic levels is
 Fishing – Non-selective electrofishing is applied which ensures the
representativeness of the samples and reflects native indices of the population
structure – sex, age, density as well as the dynamic relations between the different
type populations in the ecosystem.
 Fish dissection to isolate the organs which are to be analyzed under laboratory
 Chemical analysis preparation under laboratory conditions.
 Measuring heavy metals contents using a selected chemical methodology in a
certified chemical laboratory (for example using the Atomic Absorption
Spectroscopy (AA) method, the Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) method, etc)
 Recalculation of heavy metal contents to mg/kg.
Application of correlation and statistical methods to find out relations and
regularities when heavy metals are accumulated. Similar methodology with its respective peculiarities is applied to the remaining
groups of organisms which are subject to the study. Information processing using the methods of environmental modeling,
correlation and statistical methods application as well as preparation of an overall model
of the ecosystems in the region and contaminations impact upon the animals and plants
and their health.
2.2.3. Final report with analysis of the obtained results and evaluation of the necessity
to carry out additional initiatives The report shall answer the following questions:
 Contamination sources and mechanisms in the region
 Full picture of contaminations, accumulation mechanisms, self-restoration
capability of the ecosystems, state of the populations of the studied groups and
environmental relations within the ecosystems.
 Subsequences for the ecosystems and impact upon human health
 Environmental parameters and technical recommendations to improve the
environmental state and to restore equilibrium applying modern environmental
practices, engineering and technical solutions including a possibility for funding by
the EU funds and external donors.
2.3. Deadline for the task performance
3 (three) months upon contract signature with the selected contractor.
3. Quality requirements to the service
The Contractor shall perform the assigned task with good quality and in a timely manner
observing the requirements and approved methodologies for sampling, analysis and information
4. Acceptance ways and criteria for completed work
4.1. Preliminary review of the Report by the Client– ten calendar days prior to the final
delivery by the Contractor.
4.2. Acceptance of the Final Report – during an Expert Technical and Economic Council
meeting organized by the client.
5. Estimate costs and budget security
The task is a newly created one and it is not included in the Environmental Program.
6. Quotation requirements:
6.1. Competition part:
- Working program for the task performance
- Proposal for final fixed agreed prices for the separate parts under item 2.2.
- Validity term of the quotation
- Warranty conditions
6.2. The non-competition part of the quotation shall contain the following:
- requirements for assistance by the Client and conditions for the task accomplishment.
- Annotations and references for similar tasks on similar sites.
The requirements for activities performed by contractor partners within the territories
controlled by Assarel-Medet JSC related to occupational safety and health, fire safety,
environment protection, access control and security of personnel provision which will be
introduced to the selected contractor when concluding the contract shall be observed.
The directions by the Occupational Safety and Health, Internal Control, Environment and
Corporate Security departments and control authorities shall be observed.
The quotations shall be sent by 4.00pm on October 31, 2011 in the following way: In a
sealed envelope addressed to the Executive Director, Dr. eng. L Tsotsorkov, Assarel-Medet JSC,
town of Panagyurishte with a note:
Quotation for Carrying out an overall study of Topolnitza dam for contaminations from
previous activities and evaluation of the necessity of carrying out additional activities with a
note “To be opened only in the presence of the appointed for the purpose committee”.
For additional information – tel. 0357/60210 – extension 254 – eng. Mariela Djidjinkova - Head
of Environment Department.