Curriculum vitae

Curriculum Vitae
Date of Birth 17th October 1947
Kajavn 29, 1430 Ås, Norway
Tel. home/work
Fax work
Marital status: married, 3 children.
research concerning field experiments and the fate of pesticides in soil and water
research on sorption of pesticide to soil
research on numeric and indicator models applied to environmental studies and
risk assessment like maps and advisory tools
inter-institutional scientific cooperation, national as well as international
general management and research management
teaching at various levels
international experience from EU-projects in 5th , 6th and 7th FP and third countries
(Egypt, Nicaragua, Nepal, Vietnam, Thailand, Sri Lanka, and Ethiopia)
research on pesticide residue in different crops (post harvest interval-PHI and
maximum residue levels-MRL)
Native language: Norwegian
Speak and write English fluently
Fair knowledge of German and French.
 Project Management – Reference frames and leadership. Norwegian School of
Management, Centre for Executive Education. (20 wgt course at university
 Dr.Scient.(pedology/crop protection/statistics) = Ph.D. - Agricultural University of
Norway (1992)
 Master of Science (ecology/botany). - University of Trondheim, Norway (1980)
 Bachelor of Science (biology and chemistry). - University of Oslo, Norway (1975)
Part time engagement for FAO in Vietnam “Integrated Pest Management in Vegetable in
Curriculum Vitae Ole Martin Eklo page 1
Member of Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety
Professor at Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB), Department of Plant and
Environmental Sciences
Research manager and senior scientist at BIOFORSK- Norwegian Institute for Agriculture
and Environmental Sciences
Scholarship from the Norwegian Research Council
Lecturer at Levanger videregående skole, Norway.
1982 -1983
Assistant professor at the Norwegian Plant Protection Institute, Department of Herbology.
Lecturer at Levanger videregående skole ( sixth form college), Norway
1993 – 1994
Post doc. stay at INRA, Centre de Grignon, Laboratoire des sols, Thiverval-Grignon, France.
2007. Member of the expert team for evaluation of Estonian University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture
(University of Tartu)
2008. Member of the committee for evaluation of projects financed by Stiftelsen for Lantbruksforskning (SLF) och
stiftelsen lantbrukets utvekling (SLUT) Sweden, for the period 2002-2007
2009. Member of the committee for evaluation of projects financed by Scandinavian Turfgrass and Environment
Research Foundation, for the period 2003-2009.
Lode, O., Eklo, O.M. Holen, B., Svensen, A. & Johnsen, Å.M. 1995: Pesticides in precipitation in Norway. Presented
on the International Symposium on the Ecological Effects of Arctic Airborne Contaminants, Reykjavik, Iceland,
October 4-8, 1993. The Science of the Total Environment, 160/161, 421-431 .
Curriculum Vitae Ole Martin Eklo page 2
Barriuso, E., O.M.Eklo, E.Eglesias et S.Haout. 1996: Modification de la mobilité de pesticides dans les sols après
addition de matiéres organiques exogènes. Actes des 5e Journées Nationales de l'Etude des Sols. ENSA-INRA Rennes,
22 au 25 avril.
Eklo, O.M. E.Barriuso & S. Houot. Mobility and degradation of atrazine in soils columns. In: Some geomedical
consequences of nitrogen circulation processes. Låg, J. (ed). The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.
International Symposium Oslo 12.-13. June 1997. 89-101. ISBN 82-90-888-24-4.
Eklo, O.M. 1997: Occurence of the degradation product ethylenthiourea from the pesticide mancozeb in drinking
water/ground water.(in Norwegian) - Serienr. 04/97. Planteforsk
Eklo, O.M. 1997: Environmental risks of using bentazon, MCPA og diklorprop. An assessment based on field
experiments at Mødrefeltet, Nes i Akershus. (in Norwegian)Norwegian Crop Research Institute. March 1997. Report.
26 pp.
Helweg, A., J. Stenström & O. M. Eklo. 1998. Nordic reference soils – sorption of atrazine, 2,4-D and glyphosate. In
Tiberg, E. (ed). Nordic Reference Soils. TemaNord 1998:537. 106 pp.
Rekolainen, S. V. Gouy, R. Francaviglia, O.M. Eklo & I. Bärlund. 2000. Simulation of soil water, bromide and
pesticide behaviour in soil with the GLEAMS model. Agricultural Water Management 44, pp 201-224.
Vanclooster, M., J.J.T.I Boesten, M.Trevisan, C.D. Brown, E. Capri, O.M.Eklo, B. Gottesbüren, V. Gouy & A.M.A.
vander Linden. 2000. A European test of pesticides-leaching models: methodology and major recommendation. .
Agricultural Water Management 44, pp 1-19.
Thorstensen, C.W., O.Lode, O.M.Eklo & A. Christiansen. 2001. Sorption of bentazone, dichlorprop, MCPA and
propiconazole in reference soils from Norway. Journal of Environmental Quality 30, pp 2046-2052.
E.Egaas, A. Christiansen, O. M. Eklo, O. Lode, T. Källqvist.2001. Effects of a fungicide on glutathione transferase in
gill of brown trout (Salmo trutta).Chemico-Biological Interactions. 133. pp.328-330
Eklo, O. M., M. Almvik, R. Bolli, C.W. Thorstensen & O. Lode. 2002. Degradation and dissipation studies of
isoproturon in a silty clay loam from Norway. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry , Vol 82,
No 8-9, pp491-501.
Eklo, O. M., O Lode, R. Bolli, R. Aspmo and J. Deelstra. 2002. Environmental risk by use of bentazone, MCPA and
dichlorprop, an assessment based on the experimental field at Mørdre, Nes in Akershus. In: Lode O. Fate and Biological
Effects of Pesticides in Soil and Water Ecosystems. Grønn forskning 39/2002. Planteforsk ISBN82-479-0336-9. ISSN
Salbu,B, M.N.Pettersen, G. Riise, T. Krogstad, O.M.Eklo and O.Lode. 2002. Mobility of bentazone and alfacypermetrin in soil water systems containing organic compost. In: Lode O. . Fate and Biological Effects of Pesticides in
Soil and Water Ecosystems. Grønn forskning 39/2002. Planteforsk ISBN82-479-0336-9. ISSN 0809-1757.
Riise, G, T. Krogstad, O.M.Eklo, O.Lode, M.N.Pettersen and B.Salbu. 2002. The influence of composted matter on the
leaching of pesticides with different water solubility. In: Lode O. . Fate and Biological Effects of Pesticides in Soil and
Water Ecosystems. Grønn forskning 39/2002. Planteforsk ISBN82-479-0336-9. ISSN 0809-1757.
Eklo, O.M., and R. Bolli. 2002.Validation of GLEAMS with data from experimental field at Mørdre. In: Lode O. . Fate
and Biological Effects of Pesticides in Soil and Water Ecosystems. Grønn forskning 39/2002. Planteforsk ISBN82479-0336-9. ISSN 0809-1757.
Almli, B., E.Egaas, O.M.Eklo, O.Lode and T. Källqvist. 2002. Effects of glyphosate on biomarkers in brown troat
(Salmo trutta). In: Lode O. . Fate and Biological Effects of Pesticides in Soil and Water Ecosystems. Grønn forskning
39/2002. Planteforsk ISBN82-479-0336-9. ISSN 0809-1757.
Curriculum Vitae Ole Martin Eklo page 3
Eklo, O.M. 2002. Risk reduction of pesticide management with use of risk indicator models as a part of Integrated Pest
Management in the Hanoi district of Vietnam. Proceedings. Biological Control of Crop Pests. Vietnamese Norwegian
Workshop 25-26 September 2001. Grønn Forskning 13/2002. ISBN 82-479-0307-5. ISSN 0809-1757
Eklo, O.M., J. Kværner, E. Solbakken, I Solberg and S.Sorknes, 2002. Potetdyrking og forurensning av grunnvann med
plantevernmidler. Grønn forskning 46/2002. Planteforsk. ISBN 82-479_0343-1 ISSN 0809-1757.
Eklo, O.M., O.Henriksen og T. Rafoss. 2003. Experiences with applying the EIQ-model to assess the environmental
impact of IPM farmer training in Vietnam. Proceedings. Vietnamese Norwegian Workshop, Hanoi 17-18 October 2002.
Grønn kunnskap Vol.7 Nr.17. ISBN 82-479-0372-5. ISSN 1503-5131.
Eggen, T., O.M. Eklo, T. Haraldsen, T. Källqvist, A. Stuanes og C. Uhlig. 2003. Utredning av tidligere arealspredd
DDT på skogplanteskoler med hensyn til konsekvenser og behov for tiltak. Jordforskrapport nr. 110/03. ISBN 82-7467489-8.
Garnier M., Laplana R., Turpin N., Bontems P., Rotillon G., Bärlund I., Kaljonen M., Tattari S., Feichtinger F., Strauss
P., Haverkamp R., Lo Porto A., Benigni G., Leone A., Ripa M.N., Eklo O.M., Romstad E., Bioteau T., Birgand F.,
Bordenave P., Lescot J.M., Piet, L., Zahm F., (2004), Mitigating non point source pollution from farming activities,
framework to select best management practices. Convegno internazionale, Perugia, ITA, 11-12 dicembre 2003. in :
Sistemi agricoli e inquinamento da nitrati, MARTINELLI A., STRANIERI P. p. 74-81
Eklo, O.M & Dung, N. T. (2004), The pesticide risk indicator model Enviromental Impact Quotient (EIQ) used in
vegetable production in Vietnam. Proceedings and oral presentation from Fourth SETAC World Congress and 25th
Annual Meeting in North America 14-18 November 2004, Portland Oregon US.
Turpin. N, P. Bontems, G. Rotillon, I. Bärlund, M. Kaljonen, S. Tattari, F. Feichtinger, P. Strauss, R. Haverkamp, M.
Garnier, A. Lo Porto, G. Benigni, A. Leone, M. N. Ripa, O. M. Eklo, E. Romstad, T. Bioteau, F. Birgand, P.Bordenave,
R. Laplana, J-M Lescot, L. Piet and F. Zahm . 2005. AgriBMPWater: systems approach to environmentally acceptable
farming. Environmental modelling and software. Vol 20, p187-196.
Laplana, R. ; Turpin, N. ; Kaljonen, M. ; Strauss, P. ; Bärlund, I. ; Benigni, G. ; Bioteau, T. ; Birgand, F. ; Bontems, P. ;
Bordenave, P. ; Eklo, O.M. ; Feichtinger, F. ; Garnier, M. ; Haverkamp, R. ; Leone, A. ; Tattari, S. ; Lescot, J.M. ; Lo
Porto, A. ; Piet, L. ; Ripa, M.N. ; Romstad, E. ; Rotillon, G. ; Zahm, F., 2005, How to compare best agricultural
management practices at the watershed scale?, EWRA. 6th international conference Sharing a common vision of our
water resources, Menton, 7-10 september 2005
Turpin, N.; Laplana, R.; Kaljonen, M. ; Strauss, P. ; Barlund, I.; Benigni, G. ; Bioteau, T. ; Birgand, F. ; Bontems, P. ;
Bordenave, P. ; Eklo, O.M. ; Feichtinger, F. ; Garnier, M. ; Haverkamp, R. ; Leone, A. ; Lescot, J.M. ; Lo Porto, A. ;
Piet, L. ; Ripa, M.N.; Romstad, E. ; Rotillon, G. ; Tattari, S. ; Zahm, F.; 2005, Une démarche pour comparer le coût,
l`efficacité et l`acceptabilité de pratiques agricoles respectueuses de l`environnement, Ingénieries - E A T, n° 43, p. 19Marianne Stenrød, Ole Martin Eklo, Marie-Paule Charnay and Pierre Benoit, 2005. Effect of freezing and thawing on
microbial activity and glyphosate degradation in two Norwegian soils. Pest Manag Sci 61:887–898 (2005). Society of
Chemical Industry.
Marianne Stenrød, Marie-Paule Charnay, Pierre Benoit & Ole Martin Eklo. 2006. Spatial variability of glyphosate
mineralization and soil micrbial characteristics in two Norwegian sandy loam soils as affected by surface topographical
features. Soil Biology & Biochemistry p 962–971.
M.Stenrød, J.Perceval, P. Benoit, M. Almvik, R. I. Bolli, O. M. Eklo, T. Sveistrup, J. Kværner. 2007. Cold climatic
conditions; effects on bioavailability and leaching of the mobile pesticide metribuzin in a silt loam soil in Norway".
Cold Regions Science and Technology 53 (2008) 4-15
P. Benoit, J. Perceval, M. Stenrød, C. Moni, O M Eklo, E. Barriuso, T. Sveistrup J. Kværner. 2007. Availability and
biodegradation of metribuzin in alluvial soils as affected by temperature and soil characteristics. Weed Research. 47:
Curriculum Vitae Ole Martin Eklo page 4
Marianne Stenrød, Heidi E Heggen, Randi I Bolli & Ole M Eklo. 2008. Testing and comparison of three pesticide risk
indicator models under Norwegian conditions - a case study in the Skuterud and Heiabekken catchments. Agriculture,
Ecosystems and Environment 123: (15-29)
Almvik, M., R.I.Bolli, J. Netland, O.Lode og O.M.Eklo.2008. Undersøkelser av utlekking av herbicidet glufosinatammonium på Gardermobanen. Bioforsk Rapport 3 (167)/2008, 42 pp
Eklo, O.M., M.Almvik, R.I.Bolli, T.Haraldsen, L.E.Haugen, R. Holten, H.Lundekvam, G. Riise, M.Stenrød,C.W.Tveit.
2008. Norske scenarier II. Sluttrapport for prosjektperioden 2005-2006. Bioforsk rapport 3 (11)/2008, 138 pp.
Aamlid, T. S., T. Espevig, B. Molteberg, A. Tronsmo, O.M. Eklo, I.S. Hofgaard, G.H. Ludvigsen, & M. Almvik. 2009.
Disease control and leaching potential of fungicides on golf greens with and without organic amendment to the sandbased root zone. International Turfgrass Society. Research Journal Volume 11, 2009
C. M. Sharma, B. O. Rosseland, M. Almvik, O. M. Eklo. 2009. Bioaccumulation of organochlorine pollutants in the
fish community in Lake Årungen, Norway. Environ. Pollut. (2009), doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2009.03.007.
Eklo, O.M. , R. Bolli, J. Kværner, T. Sveistrup, F. Hofmeister, E. Solbakken, N. Jarvis, F. Stenemo, E. Romstad, B.
Glorvigen , T.A. Guren and T.Haraldsen. 2009. Tools for environmental planning to reduce risks of leaching and runoff
of pesticides to groundwater. 18th World IMACS / MODSIM Congress, Cairns, Australia 13-17 July 2009 7 pp.
D.D. Nguyen, V.A.Le, L.T.Ho, A.T.Tran, K.A.Nguyen, M.Almvik, O.M.Eklo, N.S.Johansen, E. Nordhus &
H.Overgaard. 2009. Pesticides, Agriculture and Health in Vietnam. Identification of potential implementation sites for
integrated pest and vector management. Bioforsk Report 4 (105)/2009. 86 pp.
Thongdara, R.,T. Limsoontorn, C. Imvitthaya, L. Samarakoon, S.L. Ranamukhaarachichi, M.Almvik, O.M.Eklo,
N.S.Johansen, E.Nordhus & H.J.Overgaard. 2009. Pesticides, Agriculture and Health in Thailand. Identification of
potential implementation sites for integrated pest and vector management. Bioforsk Report 4 (103)/2009.195 pp.
Eklo, O. M. 2009. Demonstrating and scaling up sustainable alternatives to DDT and other toxic chemical and
strengthening national integrated pest and vector management capabilities in Asia. Bioforsk Report. 4 (113)/ 2009.22pp
Eklo, O.M., M. Almvik, R.I.Bolli, T. Børresen, T. Haraldsen, L.E.Haugen, R. Holten & G. Riise. 2009. Norwegian
scenarios II. Final report from the perod 2007-2008. Bioforsk Report 4 (187)/2009. 72pp.
Pot, V., P. Benoit, M. Le Menn, O. M. Eklo, T. Sveistrup, J. Kværner. 2010. Metribuzin transport in undisturbed soil
cores under controlled water potential conditions: experiments and modelling to evaluate the risk of leaching in a sandy
loam soil profile. Pest Manag Sci; 2011, 67(4):397-407
Balderacchi, M., P. Benoit, P. Cambier, O.M. Eklo, A. Gargini, A. Gemitzi, M. Gurel, B. Klove, Z. Nakic, E. Preda, S.
Ruzicic, P. Wachniew, M. Trevisan. 2010. Groundwater pollution and quality monitoring approaches at European-level
Critical reviews in environmental science and technology 93pp
Deribe, E. W, B. O. Rosseland, R. Borgstrøm, B. Salbu, Z. Gebremariam, E. Dadebo, H. R. Norli, O. M. Eklo. 2011.
Bioaccumulation of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in fish species from Lake Koka, Ethiopia: the influence of lipid
content and trophic position. Science of the Total Environment (in press).
Deribe, E. W, B. O. Rosseland, R. Borgstrøm, B. Salbu, Z. Gebremariam, E. Dadebo, O. M. Eklo. 2011. Trophic
transfer and biomagnification of DDT and its metabolites in the tropical fish species from Lake Ziway, Ethiopia.
Curriculum Vitae Ole Martin Eklo page 5