How to write a Formal Lab Report I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Cover Sheet Use unlined paper with the title of the lab printed across the midline of the paper Bottom Center should include the following: Your name (underlined), your lab partners name(s), date the lab is turned in, class and period, teachers name Introduction Write any necessary background information, including definitions of any scientific terms and any relevant theories State the problem, question, or purpose of the lab IN YOUR OWN WORDS State your hypothesis Procedure List all materials required for lab List all safety precautions Describe what you did in lab so that anyone could repeat it Include a set up diagram if necessary Results Describe in detail your observations or experimental results Include all data tables, graphs, charts, diagrams, drawings Show sample calculations if necessary Conclusion Explain results (why they occurred), and relate results to your hypothesis Discuss possible sources of error and how they could have affected your results OR if no errors occurred describe how this lab could be improved Discussion Answer questions provided with the lab in paragraph form Explain how this lab applies to a real-life situation VII. Format Must be typed, double spaced, 12pt clearly readable font Pages should be numbered (not including cover page) Staple in the upper left hand corner… do not use report covers Lab should be in paragraph form (except coversheet, materials, and procedure) Lab should be presented objectively and written in third person. NEVER use “I,” “we,” “us,” “you,” etc… Graphs, tables, charts, and diagrams would be titled and labeled appropriately Be sure to use proper grammar and spelling (No slang, abbreviations, text, etc) Cite any outside sources in MLA formatted works cited page Formal Lab Report Grading Rubric Pts 4 Introduction Complete thought out, and well written -presents ALL relevant theories and clearly relates them to the lab -clearly defines all scientific terms -all objectives are clearly stated Procedure Complete and Correct -All safety precautions are clearly stated -All materials are listed -procedure lists steps to replicate procedure as completed, any departure from lab handout or manual has been noted -gives well thought out hypothesis stating expectations of the lab 3 Complete and Correct -all raw and calculated data are presented -All calculations are correct, shows sample(s) for all calculation(s) -Tables and graphs are correct, have proper labels and headings, units are indicated Complete but not well thought out Complete but some items incorrect Complete but some items are incorrect -presents ALL relevant theories but does not clearly relate them to the lab -Safety precautions are clearly stated -all raw and calculated data are presented -most materials are listed -most calculations are correct, shows sample(s) for all calculation(s) -defines all scientific terms -objectives are clearly stated 2 Results -presents hypothesis stating expectations of the lab Incomplete -presents most relevant theories but does not clearly relate them to the lab -defines most scientific terms -procedure lists steps to replicate procedure as completed Partially complete and some items incorrect -Tables and graphs are complete but partially incorrect Partially complete and some items incorrect -some safety precautions are stated -some raw and calculated data are presented -some materials are listed -some calculations are correct, shows sample(s) for some calculation(s) -partial procedure listed -objectives are not clearly stated -tables and graphs are mostly complete but incorrect -presents partial hypothesis 1 Incomplete and poorly done -Few if any theories presented -few scientific terms presented -objectives incorrect Incomplete and mostly incorrect Incomplete and mostly incorrect -few safety precautions are stated -few raw and calculated data are presented -few materials are listed -few calculations are correct, shows sample(s) for some calculation(s) - procedure is incorrect -Tables and graphs are incomplete and incorrect -little thought given to hypothesis 0 All items missing All items missing All items missing Conclusion Discussion Complete, Correct, Thought Out, and well written Complete, Correct, Thought Out, and well written -thoroughly discuss hypothesis and relevant results of the lab, including what they mean relative to the topic of study -thoroughly discuss how results differed from expectations and explain why -presents specific, reasonable sources of experimental error and how they affected the experiments results OR -thoroughly explains how this lab could be improved Complete but some items are incorrect -answers to questions are correct, well thought out, and clearly explained in complete sentences -discusses hypothesis and relevant results of the lab, but does not relate to the topic of study -discuss how results differed from expectations -presents reasonable sources of experimental error OR - explains how this lab could be improved Partially complete and some items incorrect -answers to questions are mostly correct, well thought out, and explained in complete sentences -relates lab to real life situations and explains reasoning -briefly discusses relevant results of the lab, but does not relate to the topic of study -briefly discuss how results differed from expectations -briefly presents reasonable sources of experimental error without explaining OR - briefly explains how this lab could be improved Incomplete and mostly incorrect -answers to questions are partially correct, and poorly explained -mentions some of the results of the lab, but does not relate to the topic of study -little or no discussion on how results differed from expectations - little or no reasonable sources of experimental error without explaining OR - little or no explanation how this lab could be improved All items missing -answers to questions are partially correct, and barely explained -relates lab to real life situations and thoroughly explain reasoning Complete but some items are incorrect Partially complete and some items incorrect -briefly relates lab to real life situations Incomplete and mostly incorrect -barely relates lab to real life situations if at all All items missing Cover Sheet should correctly present all necessary information out of 4 possible points ___________ Grammar & Spelling out of 4 possible points _______________ Format out of 4 possible points _________________